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以纽荷尔脐橙/3种中间砧/枳为试材,研究不同中间砧对树体生长和若干生理生化指标的影响。结果表明,锦橙和国庆1号中间砧的纽荷尔脐橙树高、冠幅、树冠体积差异不显著,而两者极显著地高于罗伯逊脐橙36号;春梢生长量和加粗生长以锦橙最强旺。锦橙使接穗叶片和基砧根系的SOD活性、基砧根系活力均较高,而可溶性蛋白含量相应较低,反映出锦橙对树体有良好的双重效应。不同中间砧的接穗叶片和基砧根系POD和CAT活性出现极显著差异,且接穗叶片POD活性与树体生长势呈极显著正相关,根系POD活性与树体和根系生长势呈极显著负相关;锦橙的接穗叶片和基砧根系CAT活性最低。  相似文献   

针对青岛市近郊普遍栽培 ,品质上乘的优良晚熟品种寒露蜜桃 (Prunuspersica)采前容易裂果 ,以致果实外观和食用品质受损 ,影响生产者的经济效益问题 ,我们进行了吸水树脂减轻寒露蜜桃采前裂果的试验。试验于 1 998年在青岛市郊 3个果园进行。雨季来临前 ( 6月份 )土施吸水树脂 (KD 1型 ,青岛开达集团提供 ) ,分 5 0 0、2 5 0、1 2 5 g 3种处理 ,每处理重复 3次。在树体投影外缘处挖环状沟 (深 30cm左右 )施入土内覆土。以不施为对照。采收时调查裂果率和裂果指数。裂果率 =裂果果数 /调查总果数× 1 0 0 % ;裂果指数 =[∑…  相似文献   

红桔基砧/锦橙中间砧/纽荷尔脐橙晚实原因探讨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
通过连续两年田间试验,比较纽荷尔脐橙高接在两个不同基砧/中间砧组合上的产量表现,并探讨其原因。结果表明,红桔/锦橙组合投产显著地晚于枳/国庆一号温州蜜柑组合(对照);其晚实原因在于:红桔/锦橙组合比对照枝条加长生长旺、加粗生长弱、枝条较直立,树冠郁闭;红桔/锦橙组合树体光合能力受抑制;红桔/锦橙组合叶片可溶性糖含量低于对照,而淀粉含量高于对照;红桔/锦橙组合叶片N、P含量比对照低,Ca含量、C/N水平比对照高。  相似文献   

以华红脐橙/3 种中间砧/枳为试材进行田间试验,研究不同中间砧对接穗叶片和基砧根系中碳水化合物含量的双重影响。结果表明,接穗叶片可溶性糖含量、基砧根系淀粉和总糖含量的年动态变化趋势基本相似,而在接穗叶片淀粉含量年动态变化的早期趋势和总糖含量年动态变化的后期趋势、基砧根系可溶性糖含量的年动态变化趋势上则有明显的差异。在一年中的绝大多数时期里,接穗叶片和基砧根系的 3 种碳水化合物含量在不同中间砧之间有明显的差异。  相似文献   

枣果吸水动力学特征和果皮显微结构对裂果的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
裂果是对枣产量和品质影响最大、最难防治的生理性病害,本研究旨在揭示抗裂果枣品种的抗性机制,为有效防治枣裂果和选育抗裂果枣品种提供依据。选择不同抗裂等级的枣品种为试材,通过室内浸水试验研究枣果水势、持水率、吸水率、吸水速率等吸水动力学指标与裂果率和裂果指数等抗裂等级指标之间的相关性,同时利用组织切片技术观测果皮显微结构与抗裂等级的关系。结果表明,枣果水势高低不能反映枣果固有的抗裂等级;枣果的持水率与裂果率、裂果指数之间均没有显著相关性;脆熟期枣果的吸水率与裂果率和裂果指数呈极显著正相关;吸水率阈值时的吸水速率随枣果抗裂等级的升高逐渐降低,极抗裂品种长红枣和极易裂品种骏枣吸水率阈值时的吸水速率分别为0.20%/h和0.52%/h;极抗裂品种长红枣的果皮蜡被厚度极显著高于其他品种,而且果皮细胞排列规则紧密;枣果抗裂性与果皮厚度相关性不显著;果实中上部(近果柄端)为开裂的敏感部位。  相似文献   

不同砧木椪柑氮素营养的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究结果表明,不同砧穗组合椪柑的氮素营养存在差异。半矮化枳砧椪柑,无论是枳砧根系或是枳砧椪柑叶片,在年周期中(或一定阶段),其全氮、硝态氮含量和硝酸还原酶活性多处于较高水平,且呈现出高于两种乔砧(椪柑、福桔)椪柑组合。试验表明,枳砧根系的较高氮素水平,促进了接穗椪柑叶片氮素水平的提高,作者认为,半矮化枳砧椪柑植株氮素营养的较高水平与碳索同化水平相一致,是其早结高产的一个重要因素。  相似文献   

裂果是对枣产量和品质影响最大、最难防治的生理性病害,本研究旨在揭示抗裂果枣品种的抗性机制,为有效防治枣裂果和选育抗裂果枣品种提供依据。选择不同抗裂等级的枣品种为试材,通过室内浸水试验研究枣果水势、持水率、吸水率、吸水速率等吸水动力学指标与裂果率和裂果指数等抗裂等级指标之间的相关性,同时利用组织切片技术观测果皮显微结构与抗裂等级的关系。结果表明,枣果水势高低不能反映枣果固有的抗裂等级;枣果的持水率与裂果率、裂果指数之间均没有显著相关性;脆熟期枣果的吸水率与裂果率和裂果指数呈极显著正相关;吸水率阈值时的吸水速率随枣果抗裂等级的升高逐渐降低,极抗裂品种长红枣和极易裂品种骏枣吸水率阈值时的吸水速率分别为0.20%/h和0.52%/h;极抗裂品种长红枣的果皮蜡被厚度极显著高于其他品种,而且果皮细胞排列规则紧密;枣果抗裂性与果皮厚度相关性不显著;果实中上部(近果柄端)为开裂的敏感部位。  相似文献   

研究结果表明,不同砧穗组合椪柑的氮素营养存在差异。半矮化枳砧椪柑,无论是枳砧根系或是枳砧椪柑叶片,在年周期中(或一定阶段),其全氮、硝态氮含量和硝酸还原酶活性多处于较高水平,且呈现出高于两种乔砧(椪柑、福桔)椪柑组合。试验表明,枳砧根系的较高氮素水平,促进了接穗椪柑叶片氮素水平的提高,作者认为,半矮化枳砧椪柑植株氮素营养的较高水平与碳索同化水平相一致,是其早结高产的一个重要因素。  相似文献   

以新疆产不同抗裂性枣品种‘骏枣’、‘哈密大枣’、‘灰枣’、‘金铃圆枣’果实为试验材料,用不同浓度CaCl2(0、2.5、25g/L)分别浸泡12、36、60h,研究CaCl2对枣裂果率及果肉、果皮中Ca、K、Mg含量的影响。结果显示:(1)2.5、25g/L CaCl2均能有效降低枣裂果率,且25g/L CaCl2对各品种枣的防裂效果均优于2.5g/L CaCl2。(2)极抗裂品种枣的果皮、果肉中Ca显著高于极易裂品种,且各品种Ca含量均随CaCl2浓度增加而增加。(3)极抗裂品种枣的果皮、果肉中K含量高于极易裂品种,其Mg含量则表现出相反趋势,但不同浓度CaCl2处理的枣果肉、果皮中Mg、K升降幅度变化不同。(4)枣果肉、果皮中Ca、K含量与裂果率呈负相关关系,Mg含量与裂果率呈正相关关系。研究认为,CaCl2浸果能有效增加枣果肉、果皮中钙含量,影响各品种枣果实的钾镁含量,显著降低枣裂果率,并以25g/L CaCl2效果最好。  相似文献   

不同砧木黄瓜嫁接苗对温度胁迫的生理响应及其抗性评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以4种砧木和‘春秋王2号’( Cucumis sativus ‘Chunqiuwang No.2’)黄瓜为嫁接试材,在人工气候箱内对嫁接苗和自根苗进行了连续3 d的低温(昼12 ℃/夜5 ℃)、高温(昼42 ℃/夜35 ℃)和常温(昼25 ℃/夜18 ℃)3组处理,分析温度胁迫对嫁接苗和自根苗的伤害指数、光合特性和抗氧化系统的影响,明确不同砧木嫁接苗对低温和高温抗性机制的异同,为黄瓜设施栽培生产中不同季节选择嫁接砧木提供依据。结果表明:(1)低温胁迫下,黑籽南瓜( Cucurbita ficifolia Bouché)砧嫁接苗冷害指数最低,其次为日本南瓜( Cucurbita moschata )砧嫁接苗,两者的相对叶绿素含量、净光合速率( P n)、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化物酶(POD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)和可溶性蛋白含量比常温对照增加较多,且两者丙二醛(MDA)含量较低。(2)高温胁迫下,‘五叶香’丝瓜( Luffa cylindrica ‘Wuyexiang’)砧嫁接苗热害指数最低,同时叶绿素含量、抗坏血酸过氧化物酶(APX)活性和可溶性蛋白含量均相对较高,MDA含量最低;‘甬砧8号’( Cucurbita maxima×Cucurbita moschata ‘Yongzhen No.8’)白籽南瓜砧和日本南瓜砧嫁接苗热害指数也较低,且SOD、CAT和APX活性较高。(3)不同嫁接组合的抗性综合评价结果显示,黑籽南瓜砧嫁接苗的耐寒性最强,丝瓜砧嫁接苗的耐热性最强,日本南瓜砧嫁接苗和‘甬砧8号’砧嫁接苗对高温和低温均具有一定的耐受性。研究发现,黑籽南瓜砧等嫁接组合可以通过维持光合性能,提高抗氧化酶活性,增加渗透调节物质含量来缓解高低温度胁迫造成的过氧化伤害,从而表现出对高低温胁迫的较强抵抗力。  相似文献   

Ethylene: role in fruit abscission and dehiscence processes   总被引:11,自引:9,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Two peaks of ethylene production occur during the development of cotton fruitz (Gossypium hirsutum L.). These periods precede the occurrence of young fruit shedding and mature fruit dehiscence, both of which are abscission phenomena and the latter is generally assumed to be part of the total ripening process. Detailed study of the dehiscence process revealed that ethylene production of individual, attached cotton fruits goes through a rising, cyclic pattern which reaches a maximum prior to dehiscence. With detached pecan fruits (Carya illinoensis [Wang.] K. Koch), ethylene production measured on alternate days rose above 1 microliter per kilogram fresh weight per hour before dehiscence began and reached a peak several days prior to complete dehiscence. Ethylene production by cotton and pecan fruits was measured just prior to dehiscence and then the internal concentration of the gas near the center of the fruit was determined. From these data a ratio of production rate to internal concentration was determined which allowed calculation of the approximate ethylene concentration in the intact fruit prior to dehiscence and selection of appropriate levels to apply to fruits. Ethylene at 10 microliters per liter of air appears to saturate dehiscence of cotton, pecan, and okra (Hibiscus esculentus L.) fruits and the process is completed in 3 to 4 days. In all cases some hastening of dehiscence was observed with as little as 0.1 microliter of exogenous ethylene per liter of air. The time required for response to different levels of ethylene was determined and compared to the time course of ethylene production and dehiscence. We concluded that internal levels of ethylene rose to dehiscence-stimulating levels a sufficience time before dehiscence for the gas to have initiated the process. Since our data and calculations indicate that enough ethylene is made a sufficient time before dehiscence, to account for the process, we propose that ethylene is one of the regulators of natural fruit dehiscence, an important component of ripening in some fruits. Our data also suggest a possible involvement of ethylene in young fruit abscission.  相似文献   

These studies were conducted to determine whether ethylene serves as a natural regulator of fruit wall dehiscence, a major visible feature of ripening in some fruits. We employed treatments to inhibit ethylene action or remove ethylene and observed their effect on fruit dehiscence. CO2 (13%), a competitive inhibitor of ethylene action in many systems, readily delayed dehiscence of detached fruits of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.), pecan (Carya illinoensis [Wang.] K. Koch), and okra (Hibiscus esculentus L.). The CO2 effect was duplicated by placing fruits under reduced pressure (200 millimeters mercury), to promote the escape of ethylene from the tissue. Dehiscence of detached fruits of these species as well as attached cotton fruits was delayed. The delay of dehiscence of cotton and okra by both treatments was achieved with fruit harvested at intervals from shortly after anthesis until shortly before natural dehiscence. Pecan fruits would not dehisce until approximately 1 month before natural dehiscence, and during that time, CO2 and reduced pressure delayed dehiscence. CO2 and ethylene were competitive in their effects on cotton fruit dehiscence. All of the results are compatible with a hypothetical role of ethylene as a natural regulator of dehiscence, a dominant aspect of ripening of cotton, pecan, and some other fruits.  相似文献   

复合叶面肥对油桃和葡萄生长生理及果树品质的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国北方一些地区因土壤pH高,导致其中有效性微量元素含量很低而不能满足果树植物的正常生长发育,进而导致严重的缺素症。通过土壤直接施肥或通过灌溉水将化肥施入土壤,肥料中的微量元素很快会被土壤固定,因而这些方法不能有效地解决缺素症问题。作者用5年时间研制成功了应用果树植物的系列复合叶面肥,这些叶面肥不仅含有植物所需的大量元素,而且含有微量元素、有机营养及植物生长调节剂;叶面肥的配方也因果树植物种类生长习性的不同而异。以油桃和葡萄为试材,喷施复合叶面肥72h后,叶片中叶绿体含量、硝酸还原酶活性、铁和锌含量显著提高;叶面肥还能增进油桃和葡萄果实品质,促进葡萄枝芽增重,但不会引起葡萄树体徙长。整个生长季节喷施复合叶面肥对树体均有益,但喷施间隔时间不应少7-10d。  相似文献   

Observations on phenology of some representative trees, shrubs, under-shrubs and herbs in a subalpine forest of Uttarakhand, western Himalaya were recorded. With the commencement of favorable growth season in April, occurrence of leaf fall was indicatory growth phenomenon in Quercus semecarpifolia, Q. floribunda and Abies spectabilis. However, active vegetative growth in herbaceous species starts onward April and fruit maturation and seed dehiscence are completed from mid of September to October. In general, vegetative growth and reproductive stages in majority of the studied species seems to be dependent on adequate moisture content and also flowering and fruiting in subalpine plants correlate ambient temperature.  相似文献   

We determined the fruit predators and seed dispersers of two species of durian ( Durio , Bombacaceae), D. graveolens and D. zibethinus , which have contrasting aril color and timing of dehiscence by observing fruiting trees in Deramakot forest reserve. In our observations in the wild, both species were extensively predated by orangutans before fruits matured. Durio graveolens was dispersed by black hornbills and D. zibethinus was dispersed by long-tailed macaques.  相似文献   

Twenty strains of the European stone fruit yellows (ESFY) phytoplasma showed great differences in virulence when examined by graft inoculation of trees on peach, peach hybrid GF 677 and P. 'Marianna' GF 8/1 rootstocks. The most virulent strains killed all trees on peach rootstocks whereas the mild strains did not cause mortality but induced only mild foliar symptoms and slightly reduced vigour. Virulence often depended on the pathogen–scion combination and was in several cases most severe when the scion consisted of the original host of the pathogen. To examine resistance in stone fruits, trees on a total of 23 rootstocks were inoculated with the ESFY strains. Trees on the Prunus domestica stocks Ackermann's, Brompton and P 1275 and on Prunus cerasifera stock Myrabi were little affected. Slightly more damage occurred in trees on rootstocks GF 677, GF 8–1, and the P. insititia stocks St Julien A and St Julien GF 655/2. Ishtara, P. cerasifera stock Myrobalan, and peach rootstocks Higama and GF 305 were shown to be moderately susceptible and a high susceptibility was found in trees on peach rootstocks Montclar, peach seedling, Rutgers Red Leaf, and Rubira, on apricot seedlings and St Julien 2. Of flowering cherry trees on various rootstocks, the least susceptible were those on Gisela 3 and F 12/1 whereas Gisela 1, Weihroot 158 and Gisela 5 were more affected. Phytoplasmas were detected by either DAPI (4'-6-diamidino-2-phenylindole) staining or polymerase chain reaction in all rootstocks and scions tested. However, detection frequency and phytoplasma concentrations were usually lower in the more tolerant hosts than in susceptible genotypes.  相似文献   

本文报道1988年和1989年春夏之际异常和正常的桔园小气候环境对柑桔树开花结果物候期、抽梢生长、幼果发育、生理落果、当年果实产量和品质等性能的影响。结果表明,柑桔树的座果率受许多生态生理因素制约,但第一次生理落果主要与开花期桔园的小气候环境有关,第二次生理落果则与树体营养生理代谢密切相关。据此提出了预测预报柑桔树第二次生理落果的指标及其防御措施。  相似文献   

南方红豆杉响应不同传粉式样的结实表现   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
采用开花前雌株短枝套袋隔离传粉、花期人工授粉、风媒传粉 对照 及其传粉障碍等几种传粉式样 ,比较不同传粉 授粉 方式对南方红豆杉 Taxus chinensis var.mairei 结实的影响 ;在风媒传粉条件下 ,研究了南方红豆杉不同种植行向、树冠不同方位、上下内外不同层面的结实表现 .结果表明 :南方红豆杉存在孤雌生殖现象 ,平均单枝结实率为 2 8.7% ,与风媒传粉相比较 ,存在极显著差异 P<0 .0 1 ;人工授粉能显著提高结实率 P<0 .0 5 2 0 .7% ;2~ 3月份开花期 ,江汉平原盛行东北风 ,在风媒传粉条件下 ,东西向种植的南方红豆杉有更多的授粉机会 ,其结实情况极显著优于南北向种植的 P<0 .0 1 ;东西向种植的南方红豆杉树冠果实的空间分布 ,受传粉条件包括风向、冠层方位及距传粉源的距离、冠层内外上下层次等因素的影响 ,方位间的结实量按东南西北方位依次为 :2 30 .375粒、185 .6 2 5粒、12 8.813粒、10 5 .4 38粒 ,呈递减趋势 ,冠外层结实量普通高于冠内层 ,树冠东向下外层结实量最高 4 16 .75粒 ,北向下内层最低 2 2 .0 0粒 .  相似文献   


Background and Aims

There is good evidence for deciduous trees that competition for carbohydrates from shoot growth accentuates early fruit abscission and reduces yield but the effect for evergreen trees is not well defined. Here, whole-tree tip-pruning at anthesis is used to examine the effect of post-pruning shoot development on fruit abscission in the evergreen subtropical tree macadamia (Macadamia integrifolia, M. integrifolia × tetraphylla). Partial-tree tip-pruning is also used to test the localization of the effect.


In the first experiment (2005/2006), all branches on trees were tip-pruned at anthesis, some trees were allowed to re-shoot (R treatment) and shoots were removed from others (NR treatment). Fruit set and stem total non-structural carbohydrates (TNSC) over time, and yield were measured. In the second experiment (2006/2007), upper branches of trees were tip-pruned at anthesis, some trees were allowed to re-shoot (R) and shoots were removed from others (NR). Fruit set and yield were measured separately for upper (pruned) and lower (unpruned) branches.

Key Results

In the first experiment, R trees set far fewer fruit and had lower yield than NR trees. TNSC fell and rose in all treatments but the decline in R trees occurred earlier than in NR trees and coincided with early shoot growth and the increase in fruit abscission relative to the other treatments. In the second experiment, fruit abscission on upper branches of R trees increased relative to the other treatments but there was little difference in fruit abscission between treatments on lower branches.


This study is the first to demonstrate an increase in fruit abscission in an evergreen tree in response to pruning. The effect appeared to be related to competition for carbohydrates between post-pruning shoot growth and fruit development and was local, with shoot growth on pruned branches having no effect on fruit abscission on unpruned branches.  相似文献   

民勤沙区几种果树水分生理和土壤水分的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对民勤沙区几种果树进行节水灌溉,研究了苹果梨、锦丰梨、金冠苹果、新红星苹果和毛里斯苹果,在控水和正常灌溉条件下的水分生理变化特征。结果表明:在民勤沙区对这5种果树实行节水灌溉是可行的,且在控水和对照条件下5种果树各项水分生理指标之间的关系略不相同。  相似文献   

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