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Enhancement of chlamydial infection of cell monolayers by centrifugation was shown to depend on induced cell surface changes. Evidence for this came from analysis of two forms of organism attachment which take place during centrifugation. In 'productive binding', organisms attached to cells and then entered and infected them. In 'unproductive binding', organisms became attached to cells but were not ingested. These organisms could be stripped from the cells by treatment with trypsin and could then infect fresh monolayers. Measurement of attachment kinetics during centrifugation showed that cells passed through three different susceptibility states. Only productive binding occurred in the first 20 min; cells then entered a refractory state during which no attachment took place At about 45 min, attachment recommenced but this allowed only unproductive binding. Induced movement of cell surface structures may enhance infection by promoting specific or non-specific interactions. Failure of ingestion may result from insufficient cell 'receptors' for circumferential binding of the whole chlamydial surface so that engulfment cannot take place.  相似文献   

In a recently established serum-free in vitro system it has been demonstrated that the susceptibility of various human tumor cells to the induction of cell death by elutriated human monocytes is critically dependent on tumor cell density and growth state. In the present work it is shown by flow cytofluorometric analysis of bromodeoxyuridine incorporation rates and of expression of the proliferation-associated nuclear antigen Ki-67, that tumor cells forced out of the cell cycle into the quiescent state (G0), which can be accomplished by treatment with supernatant from monocyte/tumor cell interaction cultures, are no longer susceptible to the induction of cell death by monocytes. This suggests that processes essential for the lytic pathway cannot take place in quiescent cells. It is furthermore demonstrated that tumor cells are driven into G0 during interaction with monocytes and that the rate of transit from G1 to G0 increases with increasing monocyte dosage. This explains our earlier finding that maximum rates of tumor cell death are induced at rather low monocyte:tumor cell ratios of around 1:2 and that lysis is suppressed at higher monocyte dosages (van der Bosch et al.:Exp Cell Res 187:185-192, 1990). The potential significance of these findings for the supposed function of mononuclear phagocytes in tumor defense lies in the notion that tumor cells driven into G0 might escape this control and that signals involved in monocyte/tumor cell-interaction contribute to the accumulation of tumor cells in G0.  相似文献   

The vascular cell responses to the type 1, 2, and 3 isoforms of transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta 1, TGF-beta 2, TGF-beta 3) were studied using bovine aortic endothelial (BAECs) and smooth muscle cells (BASMC3) as well as rat epididymal fat pad microvascular endothelia (RFCs). Three distinct bioassays indicated that TGF-beta elicits results that do not differ significantly from those of the TGF-beta 1 isoform in all three cell populations. These assays are: inhibition of proliferation, cell migration, and neovascularization. By contrast the cellular responses to TGF-beta 1 and TGF-beta 3 differed from those to TGF-beta 2. Three distinct receptor assays revealed the presence of type I and type II TGF-beta 1 cell surface binding proteins on BAECs, BASMCs, and RFCs. Experimentation to decipher cell surface binding by the different isoforms revealed that iodinated TGF-beta 1 bound to the surface of all three vascular cell types can be competed off in similar fashion by either TGF-beta 1 or TGF-beta 3; however, competition with TGF-beta 2 produced unique binding profiles dependent on the cell type examined. The ratios of type I to type II TGF-beta receptors in these three vascular cell types vary from 1:1 in BAECs to 1.5:1 in RFCs to 3:1 in BASMCs and can be correlated with the differences noted in cellular responses to TGF-beta 1 and TGF-beta 2 in proliferation, migration, and in vitro angiogenic assays.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The mitogenic activity of several growth factors on androgen responsive LNCaP human prostate tumor cells was studied. A two-fold stimulation of cell proliferation was observed after a culture period of 6 days in 1 ng EGF/ml, 10 ng TGF-alpha/ml or 20 ng basic FGF/ml. TGF-beta (0.02 ng/ml), which did not affect cell proliferation when added alone to the culture medium, inhibited the EGF- and TGF-alpha-induced growth. The synthetic androgen R1881 (0.1 nM) stimulated cell proliferation three-fold and increased the number of EGF receptors from 11500 to 28500 sites/cell. One of the mechanisms involved in androgen action on these cells is therefore an increased EGF receptor expression and increased sensitivity to EGF. TGF-beta did not directly affect androgen-responsive growth but inhibited the synergistic effect of EGF. A considerable expression of TGF alpha (precursors) could be demonstrated on the cells by immunohistochemical staining. However the staining intensity was not affected by androgens. These results make it less likely that androgen-responsive growth is mediated by regulation of secretion of an EGF- or TGF alpha-like activity, which in turn acts in an autocrine manner to stimulate growth. Estrogens, progestagens and antiandrogens do not inhibit androgen responsive growth of LNCaP cells but have striking growth stimulatory effects, increase EGF receptor level and increase acid phosphatase secretion. LNCaP cells contain a modified androgen receptor system with respect to both steroid specificity and antiandrogen sensitivity. It has recently been shown that the stimulatory effects are due to a mutated amino acid in the steroid binding domain of the androgen receptor.  相似文献   

Despite an initial response from androgen deprivation therapy, most prostate cancer patients relapse to a hormone-refractory state where tumors still remain dependent on androgen receptor (AR) function. We have previously shown that AR breakdown correlates with the induction of cancer cell apoptosis by proteasome inhibition. However, the involvement of AR in modulating the cell death pathway has remained elusive. To investigate this, we used an experimental model consisting of parental PC-3 prostate cancer cells that lack AR expression and PC-3 cells stably overexpressing wild type AR gene. Here, we report that both chemotherapeutic drugs (cisplatin) and proteasome inhibitors induced caspase-3-associated cell death in parental PC-3 cells whereas non-caspase-3 associated cell death in PC3-AR cells. The involvement of AR in modulating tumor cell death was further confirmed in PC-3 cells transiently expressing AR. Consistently, treatment with the clinically used proteasome inhibitor Bortezomib (Velcade/PS-341) of (AR+) LNCaP prostate cancer cells caused AR cleavage and cell death with low levels of caspase activation. However, co-treatment with Bortezomib and the AR antagonist Bicalutamide (Casodex) caused significant decrease in AR expression associated with an increase in caspase-3 activity in both LNCaP and PC3-AR cells. Thus our results provide compelling evidence for involvement of AR in deciding types of tumor cell death upon cytotoxic stimuli, and specifically, blockade of AR activities could change necrosis to apoptosis in tumor cells. Our findings may help guide clinicians based on AR status in the design of favorable treatment strategies for prostate cancer patients.  相似文献   

Modulation of programmed cell death by medicinal plants.   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
Programmed cell death (apoptosis), a form of cell death, described by Kerr and Wyllie some 20 years ago, has generated considerable interest in recent years. The mechanisms by which this mode of cell death (seen both in animal and plant cells), takes place have been examined in detail. Extracellular signals and intracellular events have been elaborated. Of interest to the clinician, is the concentrated effort to study pharmacological modulation of programmed cell death. The attempt to influence the natural phenomenon of programmed cell death stems from the fact that it is reduced (like in cancer) or increased (like in neurodegenerative diseases) in several clinical situations. Thus, chemicals that can modify programmed cell death are likely to be potentially useful drugs. From foxglove, which gave digitalis to the Pacific Yew from which came taxol, plants have been a source of research material for useful drugs. Recently, a variety of plant extracts have been investigated for their ability to influence the apoptotic process. This article discusses some of the interesting data. The ability of plants to influence programmed cell death in cancerous cells in an attempt to arrest their proliferation has been the topic of much research. Various cell-lines like HL60, human hepatocellular carcinoma cell line (KIM-1), a cholangiocarcinoma cell-line (KMC-1), B-cell hybridomas, U937 a monocytic cell-line, HeLa cells, human lymphoid leukemia (MOLT-4B) cells and K562 cells have been studied. The agents found to induce programmed cell death (measured either morphologically or flow cytometrically) included extracts of plants like mistletoe and Semicarpus anacardium. Isolated compounds like bryonolic acid (from Trichosanthes kirilowii var. Japonica, crocin (from saffron) and allicin (from Allium sativum) have also been found to induce programmed cell death and therefore arrest proliferation. Even Chinese herbal medicine "Sho-saiko-to" induces programmed cell death in selected cancerous cell lines. Of considerable interest is the finding that Panax ginseng prevents irradiation-induced programmed cell death in hair follicles, suggesting important therapeutic implications. Nutraceuticals (dietary plants) like soya bean, garlic, ginger, green tea, etc. which have been suggested, in epidemiological studies, to reduce the incidence of cancer may do so by inducing programmed cell death. Soy bean extracts have been shown to prevent development of diseases like polycystic kidneys, while Artemisia asiatica attenuates cerulein-induced pancreatitis in rats. Interestingly enough, a number of food items as well as herbal medicines have been reported to produce toxic effects by inducing programmed cell death. For example, programmed cell death in isolated rat hepatocytes has been implicated in the hepatitis induced by a herbal medicine containing diterpinoids from germander. Other studies suggest that rapid progression of the betel- and tobacco-related oral squamous cell carcinomas may be associated with a simultaneous involvement of p53 and c-myc leading to inhibition of programmed cell death. Several mechanisms have been identified to underlie the modulation of programmed cell death by plants including endonuclease activation, induction of p53, activation of caspase 3 protease via a Bcl-2-insensitive pathway, potentiate free-radical formation and accumulation of sphinganine. Programmed cell death is a highly conserved mechanism of self-defense, also found to occur in plants. Hence, it is natural to assume that chemicals must exist in them to regulate programmed cell death in them. Thus, plants are likely to prove to be important sources of agents that will modulate programmed cell death.  相似文献   

The TNF receptor-associated factor (TRAF) family is a group of adapter proteins that link a wide variety of cell surface receptors. Including the TNF and IL-1 receptor superfamily to diverse signaling cascades, which lead to the activation of NF-kappaB and mitogen-activated protein kinases. In addition, TRAFs interact with a variety of proteins that regulate receptor-induced cell death or survival. Thus, TRAF-mediated signals may directly induce cell survival or interfere with the death receptor-induced apoptosis.  相似文献   

Previous work carried out in the authors' laboratory has shown that LHRH agonists directly inhibit the proliferation of hormone-responsive and hormone-independent human prostatic cancer cell lines (respectively LNCaP and DU145). In addition, the hormone-dependent LNCaP cells respond to a challenge with testosterone with an increase in growth rate. The following experiments have been performed to investigate whether the LHRH agonists might act by interfering with the stimulatory actions of either the EGF/TGF system or androgens. The results obtained in LNCaP and DU145 cells show that LHRH agonists counteract the mitogenic action of the EGF/TGF system. This effect is mediated by a decrease in the concentration of EGF receptors. In addition, in the hormone-dependent LNCaP cells, the treatment with LHRH agonists antagonizes the proliferation promoting effect of testosterone, which in turn appears to be mediated by the activation of the locally expressed EGF/TGF system. Finally, the results suggest the presence in LNCaP cells of a soluble peptidase able to degrade LHRH. In conclusion, the present data suggest an intimate interplay among the actions of LHRH agonists, of androgens and of growth factors, thus, supporting the hypothesis that LHRH agonists may interfere with the EGF/TGF stimulatory loop and with androgens in the control of the proliferation of human prostatic tumors.  相似文献   

Pro-inflammatory cytokines have been implicated in the death of pancreatic beta cells leading to type 1 diabetes. NIT-1 cells are an insulinoma cell line derived from mice expressing the SV40 large T antigen. These cells are a useful tool in analysis of beta cell death. NIT-1 cells are highly susceptible to caspase-dependent apoptosis induced by TNF-alpha alone. Primary islets are not susceptible to cell death induced by TNF-alpha alone; however, they are killed by TNF-alpha and IFN-gamma in a nitric oxide-dependent manner. We examined signal transduction in NIT-1 cells in response to cytokines to determine the mechanism for TNF-alpha-induced apoptosis. We found that NIT-1 cells are defective in the activation of nuclear factor-kappaB (NFkappaB) as a result of functionally deficient RelA activity, because overexpression of RelA protected NIT-1 cells from apoptosis. TNF-alpha also did not induce phosphorylation of c-Jun N-terminal kinase in NIT-1 cells. Together, these defects prevent expression of anti-apoptotic genes in NIT-1 cells and make them susceptible to TNF-alpha. To determine whether similar defects in primary beta cells would induce the same effect, we examined TNF-alpha-induced apoptosis in islets isolated from mice deficient in NFkappaB p50. These islets were as susceptible as wild-type islets to TNF-alpha and IFN-gamma-induced cell death. In contrast to wild-type islets, cell death was not prevented by inhibition of nitric oxide in p50-deficient islets. Blocking NFkappaB has been proposed as a mechanism for protection of beta cells from cytokine-induced cell death in vivo. Our results suggest that this would make beta cells equally or more sensitive to cytokines.  相似文献   

Modulation of trophoblast cell death by oxygen and EGF   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
BACKGROUND: Preeclampsia, a maternal hypertensive disease, is characterized by shallow invasion of the maternal spiral arterioles resulting in hypoxia/reperfusion type insult; however, the molecular mechanism is unknown. The aim of this study was to determine the mechanism of altered oxygen tension or inhibition of phosphatidyl-inositol-3-kinase (PI3K) on trophoblast survival and to investigate the effect of epidermal growth factor (EGF) on maintaining cellular integrity. MATERIALS AND METHOD: We have used flow cytometry, immunoblotting, and fluoroimmunocytochemistry to study apoptosis in a characterized, spontaneously transformed first trimester extravillous-like trophoblast cell line that exhibits many characteristics of in vivo trophoblast. RESULTS: Time-dependent exposure of first trimester extravillous-like trophoblast to all oxygen tensions tested promoted dissipation of the mitochondrial membrane potential (psi(m)) and resulted in a significant increase in celldeath by 48 hr as determined by dual staining flow cytometry. Western blot analysis revealed expression ofcleaved caspase-3 and caspase-9 increased with time with hypoxia and hyperoxia promoting the greatest elevation indicating that longer duration of exposure to a change inoxygen tension causes increased apoptosis via a mitochondrial-mediated pathway. Disruption of the anti-apoptotic PI3K pathway by LY294002 (40 microM), its specific inhibitor, caused further significant dissipation of the psi(m) (p< 0.01) and cleavage of caspase-3. EGF was able to maintain the psi(m) and to prevent cleavage of caspase-3 even in the presence of LY294002, indicating that its survival effects were independent of the PI3K pathway. CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that inhibition of the PI3K/Akt pathway can sensitize first-trimester trophoblast-like cells into oxygen-induced cell death and that EGF exerts its anti-apoptotic effect independently of PI3K/Akt.  相似文献   

It is well known that macrophages play an important role in the control of tumor growth. This control may be the result of a direct action of macrophages or mediated by several biologically active products or factors elaborated by these and other cell populations. Our studies on the proliferation of a murine T-cell lymphoma (EL-4) showed that the treatment of the ascitic fluid (from the peritoneum of EL-4 bearing mice) with carbonyl iron resulted in a depletion of phagocytes concomitant with a significant increase of [3H] thymidine uptake by EL-4 cells. Further, the growth of EL-4 cells cultured in semisolid agar was significantly inhibited by an underlayer of large quantities of macrophages both from normal and EL-4 bearing mice as well as when cultured in the presence of PGE2. The underlayer of tumor macrophages P388 D1 resulted in an increase of the EL-4 cell growth. Also, conditioned media obtained from in vitro liquid cultures of EL-4 cells and L 1210 cells (B-lymphoma) produced a remarkable inhibition of the in vitro cloning capacity and [3H] thymidine uptake by EL-4 cells. These data support the hypothesis that different factors from normal and hemopoietic tumor cells may control the tumor growth and point out that self-produced factors may modulate the proliferation of tumor cells.  相似文献   

Autophagy is an intracellular lysosomal degradation process involved in multiple facets of cancer biology. Various dimensions of autophagy are associated with tumor growth and cancer progression, and here we focus on the dimensions involved in regulation of cell survival/cell death, cell proliferation and tumor dormancy. The first dimension of autophagy supports cell survival under stress within tumors and under certain contexts drives cell death, impacting tumor growth. The second dimension of autophagy promotes proliferation through directly regulating cell cycle or indirectly maintaining metabolism, increasing tumor growth. The third dimension of autophagy facilitates tumor cell dormancy, contributing to cancer treatment resistance and cancer recurrence. The intricate relationship between these three dimensions of autophagy influences the extent of tumor growth and cancer progression. In this review, we summarize the roles of the three dimensions of autophagy in tumor growth and cancer progression, and discuss unanswered questions in these fields.  相似文献   

Modulation of c-kit mRNA and protein by hemopoietic growth factors.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
We examined the effects of various hemopoietins on c-kit mRNA and protein expression. Interleukin-3 (IL-3), granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor, and erythropoietin, but not IL-4, down-regulated levels of c-kit mRNA expressed by mast cells and stem cell progenitors. The effect of IL-3 was dominant and independent of cell growth or viability and was paralleled by reduced expression in c-kit protein. These observations indicate that regulation of c-kit expression is closely interlinked with the molecular mechanisms triggered by erythropoietin, IL-3, and granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor.  相似文献   

Mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV) expression is associated with hyperplastic alveolar growth and subsequent development of mammary cancers in the mouse. The expression of this virus is also controlled by factors involved in the normal proliferation and differentiation of the mammary epithelium. During pregnancy when the mammary gland undergoes massive proliferation, MMTV expression is increased. Steroid hormones and growth factors that play an important role in the proliferation of mammary gland cells are responsible for the increased MMTV expression. In sarcomatous transformation of mouse mammary epithelial cells, MMTV expression is repressed. This repression is due to negative control of MMTV expression by transforming growth factor-beta (TGF beta). This growth factor is produced in high amounts when mammary epithelial cells progress into the transformed state. The expression of MMTV is therefore under multiple control by steroid hormones and growth factors.  相似文献   

Currently there is much interest in the role that growth factors may play in the development of human breast tumours. We have shown previously that growth factors secreted by breast tumours may influence the activity of oestradiol hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase, the enzyme which catalyses the interconversion of oestrone (E1) and oestradiol. As the formation of E1 from its sulphate (E1S) by oestrone sulphatase may be quantitatively more important than production from androstenedione via aromatase, we have studied the effect of insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-I) and basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) on oestrone sulphatase activity in the hormone-dependent MCF-7 and the hormone-independent MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cell lines. In both these cell types, bFGF (1–200 ng/ml) and IGF-I (25–200 ng/ml) significantly stimulated oestrone sulphatase activity in a dose-dependent manner (by 8–60%) after 48 h. Additionally, cycloheximide significantly inhibited (by 90–120%) this stimulation of oestrone sulphatase activity by the two growth factors in both MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231 cells. Basal oestrone sulphatase activity was higher in the oestrogen receptor, ER - ve MDA-MB-231 cells than in the ER + ve MCF-7 breast cancer cells. We conclude that these growth factors, believed to be secreted by breast tumours, may induce enzymes of oestrogen synthesis and hence increase local production of oestrogens.  相似文献   

Muscle and liver cell growth: role of hormones and nutritional factors   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

A new form of cell death has been observed. The death occurs at liquid-air interfaces when Tetrahymena cells are grown in a chemically defined medium (CDM) at low inocula. The cells die by lysis at the liquid-air interface (medium surface), which they reach due to negative gravitaxis as well as positive aerotaxis. When the cells are grown in a closed compartment, with no liquid-air interface, the death is not observed, and the cells proliferate. Cloning of cells in CDM is thus possible. The addition of effectors such as NGF (10−11 M), EGF (10−10 M), PDGF (10−10 M), and insulin (10−10 M) to cells in CDM prevents the surface mediated death. Since detergents/surfactants like SDS (7 × 10−5 M), NP-40 (2 × 10−5 M), Tween 80 (10−4% w/v), Pluronic F-68 (10−7 M), and the biosurfactant surfactin (10−6 M) have the same effect, we suggest that the effectors act by stimulating the cells to exudate surfactant(s) of their own. Furthermore, lyzed cells and exudates from living cells (pre-conditioned medium) prevent the death. In conditions with liquid-air interfaces, certain physical parameters are of great importance for the survival of cells at low inocula. The parameters are the distance to the surface, the temperature, and the inoculum. By increasing the height of the medium, lowering the temperature, and increasing the inoculum of the culture, the survival can be greatly enhanced. There is no evidence for programmed cell death (PCD) or apoptosis. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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