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The regional distribution of [3H]zolpidem, a novel imidazopyridine hypnotic possessing preferential affinity for the BZD1 (benzodiazepine subtype 1) receptor, has been studied autoradiographically in the rat CNS and compared with that of [3H]flunitrazepam. The binding of [3H]zolpidem to rat brain sections was saturable, specific, reversible, and of high affinity (KD = 6.4 nM). It occurred at a single population of sites whose pharmacological characteristics were similar to those of the benzodiazepine receptors labeled with [3H]flunitrazepam. However, ethyl-beta-carboline-3-carboxylate and CL 218,872 were more potent displacers of [3H]zolpidem than of [3H]flunitrazepam. The autoradiographic brain distribution of [3H]zolpidem binding sites was qualitatively similar to that previously reported for benzodiazepine receptors. The highest levels of [3H]-zolpidem binding sites occurred in the olfactory bulb (glomerular layer), inferior colliculus, ventral pallidum, nucleus of the diagonal band of Broca, cerebral cortex (layer IV), medial septum, islands of Calleja, subthalamic nucleus, and substantia nigra pars reticulata, whereas the lowest densities were found in parts of the thalamus, pons, and medulla. Comparative quantitative autoradiographic analysis of the binding of [3H]zolpidem and [3H]flunitrazepam [a mixed BZD1/BZD2 (benzodiazepine subtype 2) receptor agonist] in the CNS revealed that the relative density of both 3H-labeled ligands differed in several brain areas. Similar levels of binding for both ligands were found in brain regions enriched in BZD1 receptors, e.g., substantia nigra pars reticulata, inferior colliculus, cerebellum, and cerebral cortex lamina IV. The levels of [3H]zolpidem binding were five times lower than those of [3H]flunitrazepam binding in those brain regions enriched in BZD2 receptors, e.g., nucleus accumbens, dentate gyrus, and striatum. Moreover, [3H]zolpidem binding was undetectable in the spinal cord (which contains predominantly BZD2 receptors). Finally, like CL 218,872 and ethyl-beta-carboline-3-carboxylate, zolpidem was a more potent displacer of [3H]flunitrazepam binding in brain regions enriched in BZD1 receptors than in brain areas enriched in BZD2 receptors. The present data add further support to the view that zolpidem, although structurally unrelated to the benzodiazepines, binds to the benzodiazepine receptor and possesses selectivity for the BZD1 receptor subtype.  相似文献   

Citalopram, a selective serotonin (5-HT) uptake inhibitor with antidepressant properties, was found to bind with high affinity to the 5-HT transporter from human neuronal and platelet membranes. At 20 degrees C, KD was about 1.5 nM in both tissues. [3H]Citalopram bound to rat neuronal membranes with higher affinity than to human neuronal and platelet membranes; at 20 degrees C KD was about 0.7 nM. The Bmax value for the binding of [3H]citalopram to platelet membranes was close to that found using the 5-HT uptake inhibitors [3H]imipramine and [3H]paroxetine, suggesting that all three 5-HT uptake inhibitors bind to the 5-HT transporter. The dissociation rate of [3H]citalopram increased twofold with each 4-5 degree C increase in temperature in both human and rat membranes, although at any given temperature, the dissociation rate was about four times faster in the human neuronal and platelet membranes than in rat neuronal membranes.  相似文献   

The aim of the present investigation was to study and compare the in vitro binding properties of the two radioligands N-[3H]methylspiperone ([3H]NMSP) and [3H]raclopride. These compounds, labeled with 11C, have been extensively used in positron emission tomography studies on central dopamine D2 receptors in schizophrenic patients, although with diverging results. One study (using [11C]NMSP) showed an increased dopamine receptor density in drug-naive schizophrenic patients, whereas in another study (using [11C]raclopride) the density in schizophrenic patients was no different from that in healthy controls. In the present study, using in vitro binding techniques, the density of the binding sites was found to be similar irrespective of which of the two radioligands was used (20 fmol/mg wet weight in rat striatum and 10 fmol/mg in human putamen; the 5-hydroxytryptamine 2 receptors were blocked with 40 nM ketanserin). [3H]NMSP had a 10-fold higher affinity (KD, 0.3 nM in rat striatum and 0.2 nM in human putamen) than [3H]raclopride (KD, 2.1 nM in rat striatum and 3.9 nM in human putamen), which was consistent with the longer dissociation half-life of [3H]NMSP compared with [3H]raclopride (14.8 and 1.19 min, respectively). There was an approximate overall similarity between the inhibition constants for five dopamine antagonists, chlorpromazine, haloperidol, raclopride, remoxipride, and NMSP, when using either radioligand. The Ki values were, however, two- to four-fold higher when using [3H]NMSP as the radioligand, irrespective of inhibiting compound, except for chlorpromazine (and haloperidol in human putamen). NMSP was found to inhibit the binding of [3H]raclopride competitively, whereas raclopride inhibited the binding of [3H]NMSP both competitively and noncompetitively. This difference suggests that part of the binding site is exclusively used by NMSP and can only be allosterically interfered with by raclopride. It is proposed that [3H]NMSP binds to an additional set of accessory binding sites, presumably located more distantly from the agonist binding active site than the sites to which [3H]raclopride binds.  相似文献   

[3H]Dopamine uptake and [3H]cocaine binding sites were studied in primary cultures of ventral mesencephalon from 14-day-old rat embryos. Specific binding sites for [3H]cocaine and [3H]mazindol were detected only in intact cell cultures of ventral mesencephalon, and were absent in sonicated, washed membranes prepared from these cell cultures. [3H]Cocaine was not taken up by the cells through an active transport process because [3H]cocaine binding occurred also at 4 degrees C. Moreover, the possibility of [3H]cocaine entering the cells by passive diffusion and ion trapping was also excluded because extensive washing failed to remove [3H]cocaine from the cells. [3H]Cocaine binding was reduced to 6% of control when cells were permeabilized with streptolysin O (0.2 U/ml, 5 min). Taken together, these results suggest that in cultured mesencephalic neurons, [3H]cocaine may enter the cell by passive diffusion and then be sequestered by a cytosolic compartment that is lost in the process of permeabilization or sonication and washing of membrane preparations. Permeabilization of cultured neurons failed to alter the storage of [3H]dopamine. When cells were permeabilized with streptolysin O (0.2 U/ml; 5 min) after [3H]dopamine was taken up, [3H]dopamine was retained by the cells and did not leak into the incubation medium, indicating that [3H]dopamine was stored in sites that could not pass through the perforated membranes. In contrast, [3H]dopamine uptake into already permeabilized cells was reduced by 33%, suggesting that a cytosolic protein that had leaked out may play a functional role in the uptake process. In contrast to striatal membrane preparations of adult rats, [3H]cocaine binding in intact mesencephalic cell cultures was Na+ independent.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Certain drugs exhibit a remarkable correlation between their ability to inhibit synaptosomal uptake of dopamine and the binding of [3H]mazindol to striatal membranes. To investigate the role of mazindol binding sites in the dopamine uptake process and the fate of these sites (labeling dopaminergic neurons) during aging, we have examined the properties of mazindol binding and dopamine uptake in individual young and old rats. There was a 48% decrease (p = 0.0001) in the Bmax of mazindol binding and a 23% decrease (p = 0.0166) in the Vmax of dopamine uptake with no apparent change in their affinities with age. Regression analysis of the relationship between Bmax and Vmax exhibited a significant correlation in old (p = 0.0156) but not young rats (p = 0.1398). These data suggest that the number of mazindol binding sites decreases with age and that the number of sites on the dopamine transporter complex far exceeds the number required to elicit maximal dopamine uptake.  相似文献   

A number of 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) uptake inhibitors have been shown to displace the binding of [3H]imipramine to rat cortical membranes in a complex manner with Hill slopes less than unity. Norzimeldine displaced the binding of [3H]imipramine in a biphasic manner with IC50 values for the two components of about 30 nM and 30 microM. This latter site alone was found in tissues that had been treated with a protease. Binding to both of these sites was displaced by 10 microM desipramine. The protease-sensitive [3H]imipramine binding sites were found to be saturable, high-affinity binding sites with a KD of 8 nM. The number of these sites varied between brain regions and was positively correlated with the regional distribution of [14C]5-HT but not [3H]noradrenaline uptake. This was not the case however for the protease-resistant but desipramine-displaceable binding sites. Since most previous [3H]imipramine binding studies have been performed with high concentrations of desipramine (10 microM) to define "specific binding," these data would suggest that either protease-sensitivity or displacability by 1 microM norzimeldine would give more reliable estimates of the specific binding.  相似文献   

Abstract: [3H]Glutamate uptake and binding studies were performed in the visual cortices, lateral geniculate nuclei (LGN), and superior colliculi of 3-month-old rats with one eyelid surgically closed from postnatal day 10 (monocular deprivation). Uptake and binding were highest in the lateral geniculate nucleus followed by the visual cortex (69% and 15%, respectively compared to LGN values) and the superior colliculus (32% and 59% of LGN values). Monocular deprivation did not affect [3H]glutamate uptake in any of the visual regions examined. However, a 46% decrease in [3H]glutamate binding in the lateral geniculate nucleus ipsilateral to the sutured eye was detected. Binding levels in other regions were not affected.  相似文献   

The binding of [3H]neurotensin(8-13) to membranes from human frontal cortex at 0 degree C was time dependent, specific, saturable, and reversible. Saturation isotherms provided an equilibrium dissociation constant (KD) of 0.52 nM, and the maximal number of binding sites (Bmax) was 3.5 pmol/g original wet weight of tissue. Scatchard analysis yielded a straight line, and the Hill coefficient was equal to 1, a result indicating that [3H]neurotensin(8-13) bound to single, noncoopertive sites. The KD values of several analogs of neurotensin determined in competition with [3H]neurotensin(8-13) were similar to those previously determined in competition with [3H]neurotensin. The regional distribution of binding sites for [3H]neurotensin(8-13) was also similar to that for [3H]neurotensin. These results suggest that [3H]neurotensin(8-13) binds to the same sites as [3H]neurotensin and that [3H]neurotensin(8-13) has a higher affinity than [3H]neurotensin for these sites in human brain.  相似文献   

Abstract: The binding of [3H]dopamine to brain regions of calf, rat, and human was investigated. The calf caudate contained the highest density of [3H]dopamine binding sites, with a Bmax value of 185 fmol/mg protein, whereas rat and human striatum contained one-third this number of sites. The KD values for [3H]dopamine in all tissues were 2–3 nM. Dopaminergic catecholamines (dopamine, apomorphine, 6,7-dihydroxy-2-aminotetralin, and N-propylnorapomorphine) inhibited the binding of [3H]dopamine in all three species, at low concentrations, with IC50 values of 1.5 to 6 nM. Neuroleptics, in contrast, inhibited the binding at high concentrations (with IC50 values of 200 to 40,000 nM). The [3H]dopamine binding sites were saturable, heat-labile, and detectable only in dopamine-rich brain regions; these sites differed from D2 dopamine sites (labeled by [3H]butyrophenone neuroleptics), and from Dl dopamine sites (labeled by [3H]thioxanthene neuroleptics) associated with the dopamine-stimulated adenylate cyclase. We have, therefore, called these high-affinity [3H]dopamine binding sites D3 sites. [3H]Apomorphine and [3H]ADTN also appeared to label D3 sites. These ligands however, were less selective than [3H]dopamine, and labeled sites other than D3 as well. Assay conditions were important in determining the parameters of [3H]dopamine binding. The optimum conditions for selective labeling of the D3 dopaminergic sites, using [3H]dopamine, required the presence of EDTA and ascorbate.  相似文献   

Binding activity of [3H]thienylcyclohexylpiperidine was examined using rat brain synaptic membranes treated with Triton X-100. This compound is proposed to be a noncompetitive antagonist for the N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA)-sensitive subclass of brain excitatory amino acid receptors. The activity decreased in proportion to increasing concentrations of the detergent up to 0.08%. In vitro addition of L-glutamate (Glu) partially restored the decreased activity caused by this Triton treatment, whereas further addition of glycine (Gly) entirely reversed the loss of activity to the level found in membranes extensively washed but not treated with a detergent. These stimulatory effects were found to be due to the acceleration of the association of ligand. The rank order of potentiation of the activity coincided well with that of the affinity for the NMDA-sensitive subclass among numerous Glu analogs. The potentiation by Gly as well as Glu was invariably prevented by competitive NMDA antagonists, such as DL-2-amino-5-phosphonovalerate and (+/-)-3-(2-carboxypiperazin-4-yl)propyl-1-phosphonate, but not by strychnine. No significant difference was observed between pharmacological profiles of the activities in synaptic membranes treated and not treated with Triton X-100, except haloperidol. The potency of this sigma-ligand to inhibit the activity was greatly reduced by the Triton treatment in the presence of both Glu and Gly. These results suggest that the regulatory properties of Triton-treated synaptic membranes remain unchanged in terms of the interaction within the NMDA receptor complex.  相似文献   

Abstract: Choline uptake by cholinergic nerve terminals is increased by depolarization; the literature suggests that this results from either the appearance of occult transporters or the increased activity of existing ones. The present experiments attempt to clarify the mechanism by which choline transport is regulated by testing if the preexposure of synaptosomes to choline mustard aziridinium ion prevents the stimulation-induced appearance of hemicholinium-3 binding sites and/or choline transport activity. Choline mustard inhibited irreversibly most of the “ground-state” (basal) high-affinity choline transport but only 50% of “ground-state” hemicholinium-3 binding sites. Exposure of both striatal and hippocampal synaptosomes to the mustard, before stimulation, inhibited K+-stimulated increases in choline transport and of [3H]hemicholinium-3 binding. We conclude that the mechanism by which choline transport is regulated involves the increased activity of a pool of transport sites that are occluded to hemicholinium-3 but are available to choline mustard aziridinium ion, and presumably to choline, before stimulation. However, the concentration of mustard needed to inhibit the stimulation-induced increase of [3H]hemicholinium-3 binding and choline transport was lower for striatal synaptosomes than for hippocampal synaptosomes. In the absence of extracellular Ca2+ or presence of high Mg2+ levels, the choline mustard did not prevent the appearance of extra striatal hemicholinium-3 binding sites. Also, high Mg2+ levels removed the ability of the mustard to inhibit K+-stimulated increases of either [3H]hemicholinium-3 binding or choline transport by hippocampal synaptosomes. In contrast, the preexposure of hippocampal synaptosomes to the mustard in the presence of a calcium ionophore (A23187) reduced the concentration of inhibitor needed to prevent the activation of [3H]hemicholinium-3 binding and choline uptake. Thus, we conclude that the ability of the choline mustard to alkylate the pool of choline transporters that are activated by stimulation appears dependent on the entry of extracellular Ca2+.  相似文献   

The development of the specific binding sites for L-[3H]glutamic acid (KD = 370 nM) and for [3H]kainic acid (KD = 39 nM) was studied in the rat cerebellum. Specific binding at both sites remains low during the first week after birth but increases markedly during the second and third weeks after birth, when glutamatergic parallel fiber synaptogenesis occurs. The development of the kainate site lags behind that of the glutamate site, indicating their autonomy.  相似文献   

The in vivo regulation of [3H]acetylcholine [( 3H]ACh) recognition sites on nicotinic receptors in rat brain was examined by administering drugs that increase stimulation of nicotinic cholinergic receptors, either directly or indirectly. After 10 days of treatment with the cholinesterase inhibitor diisopropyl fluorophosphate, [3H]ACh binding in the cortex, thalamus, striatum, and hypothalamus was decreased. Scatchard analyses indicated that the decrease in binding in the cortex was due to a reduction in the apparent density of [3H]ACh recognition sites. In contrast, after repeated administration of nicotine (5-21 days), the number of [3H]ACh recognition sites was increased in the cortex, thalamus, striatum, and hypothalamus. Similar effects were observed in the cortex and thalamus following repeated administration of the nicotinic agonist cytisin. The nicotinic antagonists mecamylamine and dihydro-beta-erythroidine did not alter [3H]ACh binding following 10-14 days of administration. Further, concurrent treatment with these antagonists and nicotine did not prevent the nicotine-induced increase in these binding sites. The data indicate that [3H]ACh recognition sites on nicotinic receptors are subject to up- and down-regulation, and that repeated administration of nicotine results in a signal for up-regulation, probably through protracted desensitization at the recognition site.  相似文献   

Abstract: The effect of thiol reagents on the specific binding of the atypical neuroleptic, sulpiride, to rat striatal membranes was examined. Pretreatment of membranes with N -ethylmaleimide (NEM), but not with iodoacetamide or dithiothreitol (DTT), diminishes [3H]sulpiride binding. The effect is dependent on time, temperature, and the concentration of NEM. The reaction proceeds with pseudo-first-order rate kinetics, indicating the involvement of a single essential SH group in the binding of [3H]sulpiride to striatal membranes sites. Both sodium and sulpiride, but not nucleotides, protect the [3H]sulpiride sites from NEM inactivation in a dose-dependent fashion. As sodium is essential for [3H]sulpiride binding it is possible that in the presence of sodium and sulpiride a conformational change takes place that makes the essential SH group less accessible t o alkylation.  相似文献   

Abstract: [3H]Dihydroergocryptine ([3H]DHE) binds to a particulate preparation from Drosophila melanogaster heads at a level of 2.4 ± 0.4 pmol/mg protein, with an apparent dissociation constant of 2.0 ± 0.5 n M . The binding sites are inactivated by heat, pronase treatment, detergents, and sulfhydryl and disulfide reagents. [3H]DHE binding is inhibited by low concentrations of serotonergic and α-adrenergic ligands. The specificity of the binding sites, as revealed by displacement studies, differs from that of [3H]DHE binding sites in various vertebrate tissues. The [3H]DHE binding sites may correspond to serotonergic receptors, and possibly, to additional classes of receptors for putative neurotransmitters in Drosophila .  相似文献   

[3H]Neurokinin B ([3H]NKB) of high specific activity (75 Ci/mmol) was synthesized for study of its binding to crude synaptosomes from the rat cerebral cortex. The specific binding of [3H]NKB (75% of total binding) was temperature dependent, saturable, and reversible. Scatchard analyses and Hill plots showed the existence of a single population of noninteracting binding sites (KD = 4.3 nM; Bmax = 123 fmol/mg of protein). Competition studies indicated the following rank order of potencies among tachykinins: NKB greater than eledoisin (E) greater than kassinin greater than physalaemin greater than neurokinin A (NKA) greater than substance P (SP), a result suggesting that NKB might be the endogenous ligand for [3H]NKB binding sites. It is of interest that 127I-Bolton Hunter (BH) NKA (127I-BHNKA) was much more potent than NKA in inhibiting the specific binding of [3H]NKB, which raises certain questions concerning the use of 125I-BHNKA as a ligand for NKA binding sites in the brain. These results, as well as those obtained with different SP analogues, show a close similarity to those obtained previously with 125I-BHE binding to cortical synaptosomes. This suggested that the two ligands labeled identical binding sites. In addition, using either [3H]NKB or 125I-BHE as ligands, similar displacement curves were obtained with increasing concentrations of NKB and 127I-BHE. The similarity of the [3H]NKB and 125I-BHE binding sites was further confirmed by comparison of their localization on rat brain sections by autoradiography. The distribution of binding sites for [3H]NKB and 125I-BHE was identical throughout the brain, and the highest density of binding sites for the two ligands was found in layers IV and V of the cerebral cortex, the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus (magnocellular part), and the ventral tegmental area.  相似文献   

Rat hippocampal formation slices were prelabelled with [3H]inositol and stimulated with carbachol for times between 7 s and 3 min. The [3H]inositol metabolites in an acid extract of the slices were resolved with anion-exchange HPLC. Carbachol dramatically increased the concentration of [3H]inositol monophosphate, [3H]inositol bisphosphate (two isomers), [3H]inositol 1,3,4-trisphosphate, [3H]inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate, and [3H]inositol 1,3,4,5-tetrakisphosphate. The levels of [3H]inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate rose most rapidly; they were maximally elevated after only 7 s and declined toward control levels in 1 min followed by a more sustained elevation in levels for up to 3 min. When [3H]inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate was incubated with hippocampal formation homogenates in an ATP-containing buffer it was very rapidly metabolised. After 5 min [3H]inositol 1,4-bisphosphate, [3H]inositol 1,3,4-trisphosphate, and [3H]inositol 1,3,4,5-tetrakisphosphate could be detected in the homogenates. Under similar experimental conditions [3H]inositol 1,3,4,5-tetrakisphosphate is metabolised to [3H]inositol 1,3,4-trisphosphate and an inositol bisphosphate isomer that is not [3H]inositol 1,4-bisphosphate. We conclude that like other tissues the primary event in the hippocampus following carbachol stimulation is the activation of phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate selective phospholipase C.  相似文献   

Abstract: Activation of the α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazole propionic acid (AMPA) subtype of ionotropic glutamate receptors has been shown to result in a rapid desensitization of the receptor in the presence of certain agonists. One effect of AMPA receptor desensitization in the hippocampus may be to decrease the efficacy of AMPA receptor agonists at stimulating the release of norepinephrine from noradrenergic terminals. Recently, cyclothiazide was reported to inhibit AMPA receptor desensitization by acting at a distinct site on AMPA receptors. We have examined the effect of cyclothiazide on AMPA- and kainate (KA)-induced norepinephrine release from rat hippocampal slices to determine whether cyclothiazide would increase the efficacy of AMPA-induced [3H]norepinephrine release by inhibiting AMPA receptor desensitization. Cyclothiazide was observed to potentiate markedly both AMPA- and KA-induced [3H]norepinephrine release. This potentiation is selective for AMPA/KA receptors as cyclothiazide did not potentiate N -methyl- d -aspartate-induced [3H]norepinephrine release or release induced by the nonspecific depolarizing agents veratridine and 4-aminopyridine. These results demonstrate that AMPA receptor-mediated modulation of [3H]norepinephrine release from rat brain slices is a useful approach to studying the cyclothiazide modulatory site on the AMPA receptor complex.  相似文献   

Binding of 1-[2-(diphenylmethoxy)ethyl]-4-(3-phenylpropyl)piperazine ([3H]GBR 12935) was studied in membrane preparations of several human brain regions. In putamen, the substituted piperazine derivates cis- and trans-flupenthixol displaced 90% of the total [3H]GBR 12935 binding. Computer-assisted analysis of the competition curves revealed a high-affinity site (30%; KiH = 54 nM) and a low-affinity site (60%; KiL = 4.5 microM). The dopamine uptake blockers mazindol and nomifensine only displaced 30% of the total [3H]GBR 12935 binding in a monophasic way. Binding of [3H]GBR 12935 to the dopamine uptake sites, i.e., that displaced by dopamine uptake blockers, corresponded to part of the binding having low affinity for flupenthixol and was only detected in putamen, nucleus caudatus, nucleus accumbens, and substantia nigra. Even after masking the high-affinity binding site for flupenthixol by including 1 microM cis-flupenthixol in the binding assays, no dopamine uptake sites could be detected in globus pallidus, amygdala, thalamus, hippocampus, and cerebral cortex. Binding of [3H]GBR 12935 to dopamine uptake sites was lost in the nucleus caudatus ipsilateral to ventral midbrain infarctions, confirming their location on nigrostriatal nerve endings. Gross unilateral lesions of the striato- and pallidonigral pathways did not affect the number of dopamine uptake sites in the ipsilateral substantia nigra, suggesting that they may reside on the soma or dendrites of nigral neurons.  相似文献   

When rat brain membranes were incubated with the benzodiazepine agonist [3H]flunitrazepam or the partial inverse benzodiazepine agonist [3H]Ro 15-4513 in the presence of ultraviolet light one protein (P51) was specifically and irreversibly labeled in cerebellum and at least two proteins (P51 and P55) were labeled in hippocampus. After digestion of the membranes with trypsin, protein P51 was degraded into several peptides. When P51 was photolabeled with [3H]Ro 15-4513, four peptides with apparent molecular weights of 39,000, 29,000, 21,000, and 17,000 were observed. When P51 was labeled with [3H]flunitrazepam, only two peptides with apparent molecular weights of 39,000 and 25,000 were obtained. Protein P55 was only partially degraded by trypsin, and whether it was labeled with [3H]flunitrazepam or [3H]Ro 15-4513 it yielded the same two proteolytic peptides with apparent molecular weights of 42,000 and 45,000. These results support the existence of at least two different benzodiazepine receptor subtypes associated with proteins P51 and P55. The different receptors seem to be differentially protected against treatment with trypsin. In addition, these results indicate that in the benzodiazepine receptor subtype associated with P51 benzodiazepine agonists and partial inverse benzodiazepine agonists irreversibly bind to different parts of the molecule.  相似文献   

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