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The conformational transition of the polypeptide chain elongation factor G (EF-G) induced by interaction with guanine nucleotide has been investigated by means of the spin-labeling technique. Various spin-label probes were attached specifically to the sulfhydryl group of the protein that is essential for binding to ribosomes, and the effects of these ligands on the electron spin resonance (ESR) spectra were examined. It was found that the ESR spectra of EF-G labeled with nitroxide maleimide reagents were modified by the addition of various guanine nucleotides such as GDP, GTP and, to a lesser extent, by Gpp(NH)p and Gpp(CH2)p, indicating that conformational changes accompany the binding of nucleotide ligand. However, the ESR spectra of labeled EF-G-GDP and EF-G-GTP were almost identical. On the other hand, when EF-G was labeled with nitroxide iodoacetamide reagents, a clear difference in the ESR spectra of EF-G-GDP and EF-G-GTP derivatives was observed. In this case, the spectral shape of the spin-labeled EF-G in the presence of GTP or its analogs, Gpp(NH)p or Gpp(CH2)p, was quite similar to that of free, unliganded EF-G derivative. These results, together with those previously obtained using hydrophobic probes (Arai, Arai, & Kaziro (1975) J. Biochem. 78, 243-246) demonstrate the existence of an EF-G-guanine nucleotide binary complex. They also indicate that there is a substantial difference in conformation between free EF-G, EF-G-GDP, and EF-G-GTP near the active site essential for interaction with ribosomes.  相似文献   

Graphite electrodes as electron donors for anaerobic respiration   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
It has been demonstrated previously that Geobacter species can transfer electrons directly to electrodes. In order to determine whether electrodes could serve as electron donors for microbial respiration, enrichment cultures were established from a sediment inoculum with a potentiostat-poised graphite electrode as the sole electron donor and nitrate as the electron acceptor. Nitrate was reduced to nitrite with the consumption of electrical current. The stoichiometry of electron and nitrate consumption and nitrite accumulation were consistent with the electrode serving as the sole electron donor for nitrate reduction. Analysis of 16 rRNA gene sequences demonstrated that the electrodes supplied with current were specifically enriched in microorganisms with sequences most closely related to the sequences of known Geobacter species. A pure culture of Geobacter metallireducens was shown to reduce nitrate to nitrite with the electrode as the sole electron donor with the expected stoichiometry of electron consumption. Cells attached to the electrode appeared to be responsible for the nitrate reduction. Attached cells of Geobacter sulfurreducens reduced fumarate to succinate with the electrode as an electron donor. These results demonstrate for the first time that electrodes may serve as a direct electron donor for anaerobic respiration. This finding has implications for the harvesting of electricity from anaerobic sediments and the bioremediation of oxidized contaminants.  相似文献   

The contribution of volatile fatty acids (VFA) as e(-)-donors for anaerobic terminal oxidation of organic carbon through iron and sulfate reduction was studied in Arctic fjord sediment. Dissolved inorganic carbon, Fe(2+), VFA concentrations, and sulfate reduction were monitored in slurries from the oxidized (0-2 cm) and the reduced (5-9 cm) zone. In the 0-2 cm layer, 2/3 of the mineralization could be attributed to sulfate reduction and 1/3 to iron reduction. In the 5-9 cm layer, sulfate reduction was the sole mineralization process. Acetate and lactate turnover rates were measured by radiotracer. Inhibition of sulfate reduction with selenate resulted in the accumulation of acetate, propionate, and isobutyrate. The acetate turnover rates determined by radiotracer and accumulation after inhibition were similar. VFA turnover accounted for 21% and 52% of the mineralization through sulfate reduction in the 0-2 and 5-9 cm layer, respectively. Acetate and lactate turnover in the inhibited 0-2 cm slurry was attributed to iron reduction and accounted for 10% and 2% of the iron reduction. Therefore, 88% and 79% of the iron and sulfate reduction in the 0-2 cm layer, respectively, must be fueled by alternative e(-)-donors. The accumulation of VFA in the selenate-inhibited 0-2 cm slurry did not enhance iron reduction, indicating that iron reducers were not limited by VFA availability.  相似文献   

Reduction of inorganic sulfate to sulfite in prototrophic bacteria occurs with 3'-phosphoadenylylsulfate (PAPS) as substrate for PAPS reductase and is the first step leading to reduced sulfur for cellular biosynthetic reactions. The relative efficiency as reductants of homogeneous highly active PAPS reductase of the newly identified second thioredoxin (Trx2) and glutaredoxins (Grx1, Grx2, Grx3, and a mutant Grx1C14S) was compared with the well known thioredoxin (Trx1) from Escherichia coli. Trx1, Trx2, and Grx1 supported virtually identical rates of sulfite formation with a Vmax ranging from 6.6 units mg-1 (Trx1) to 5.1 units mg-1 (Grx1), whereas Grx1C14S was only marginally active, and Grx2 and Grx3 had no activity. The structural difference between active reductants had no effect upon Km PAPS (22.5 microM). Grx1 effectively replaced Trx1 with essentially identical Km-values: Km trx1 (13.7 microM), Km grx1 (14.9 microM), whereas the Km trx2 was considerably higher (34.2 microM). The results agree with previous in vivo data suggesting that Trx1 or Grx1 is essential for sulfate reduction but not for ribonucleotide reduction in E. coli.  相似文献   

Desulfovibrio vulgaris can use lactate as an electron donor and accumulate hydrogen. Hydrogen can also be consumed as an electron donor when lactate is depleted or absent. The aim of this study was to determine whether D. vulgaris has an electron donor preference system between lactate and hydrogen and how this system is regulated. In order to be sure that D. vulgaris was grown under the same conditions except for electron donors, continuous growth mode was conducted and the optical density (600 nm) was kept constant. When 20 mmol/l lactate was the sole electron donor, it was depleted after 9 h of incubation while hydrogen was accumulated to 1,500 ppm. After that, the hydrogen level was decreased to and maintained at 400 ppm. When 1,200 ppm hydrogen was provided as the electron donor, the culture reached an OD of 0.2 after 24 h incubation and hydrogen was consumed to 600 ppm. When 1,200 ppm hydrogen and 20 mmol/l lactate were both present, the lactate was consumed during the first 9 h incubation and hydrogen was accumulated to 1,800 ppm. D. vulgaris used hydrogen as an electron donor after the lactate was depleted and the hydrogen level was decreased to 600 ppm. D. vulgaris has both pathways to utilize lactate and hydrogen as electron donors. It prefers lactate over hydrogen and the system is regulated by lactate starvation.  相似文献   

Cells of the obligately lithotrophic species Nitrosomonas europaea and Nitrosomonas eutropha were able to nitrify and denitrify at the same time when grown under oxygen limitation. In addition to oxygen, nitrite was used as an electron acceptor. The simultaneous nitrification and denitrification resulted in significant formation of the gaseous N-compounds nitrous oxide and dinitrogen, causing significant nitrogen loss. In mixed cultures of N. europaea and various chemoorganotrophic bacteria, the nitrogen loss was strongly influenced by the partners growing under oxygen limitation. Under anoxic conditions, pure cultures of N. eutropha were able to denitrify with molecular hydrogen as electron donor and nitrite as the only electron acceptor in a sulfide-reduced complex medium. The increase of cell numbers was directly coupled to nitrite reduction. Nitrous oxide and dinitrogen were the only detectable end products. In pure cultures of N. eutropha and mixed cultures of N. eutropha and Enterobacter aerogenes, ammonium and nitrite disappeared slowly at a molar ratio of about one when oxygen was absent. However, under these conditions cell growth was not measurable.  相似文献   

Membrane-impermeant redox compounds ferricyanide and horse heart ferrocytochrome c acted as electron acceptor and donor, respectively, for intact cells or spheroplasts of Anacystis nidulans (Synechococcus ATCC 27144) in the dark. The anaerobic reduction of ferricyanide was faster than aerobic reduction. KCN significantly enhanced the reaction under aerobic conditions. Light did not influence ferricyanide reduction. The oxidation of exogenous ferrocytochrome c was oxygen-dependent and inhibited by KCN. Either type of redox reaction was accompanied by vectorial proton translocation out of the cells. Arrhenius plots for the temperature dependence of both ferricyanide reduction and cytochrome c oxidation gave one distinct break point reflecting the lipid phase transition temperature of the plasma membrane. The results are presented as evidence for a respiratory chain in the plasma membrane of A. nidulans.  相似文献   

With olive-mill wastewater (`alpechín') as the nutrient medium, theinfluence of specific rate of aeration and initial alpechín concentrationhave been analysed in cultures of Chlorella pyrenoidosa, exposed bothto continuous and intermittent illumination (12/12 h light/dark cycles). The stirring rate in the bioreactor, as well as pH and temperature werefixed previously at 180 rpm, 6.5 and 30 °C, respectively. Themaximum specific growth rate (m) and biomass productivity(b) were determined as kinetic parameters. The chlorophyll, protein andcarbohydrate contents were evaluated, as well as the fatty-acid compositionof the lipid fraction. The experimental conditions most conducive to abalanced biomass composition with regard to proteins and lipids were: initial alpechín concentration of 10% (v/v), continuous illumination,and aeration rate of 1 L (litre cell suspension)-1 min-1. Under these conditions, the highest values of m and b wereclose to 0.04 h-1 and 1.4 10-3 g L-1 h-1, respectively.  相似文献   

Gerhard Sandmann  Richard Malkin 《BBA》1983,725(1):221-224
In the blue-green alga, Aphanocapsa, light inhibits respiration. This can be observed with spheroplasts when O2 uptake is measured with NADH or NADPH as electron donor. However, NAD(P)H oxidation is unaffected by illumination. Furthermore, it was possible to demonstrate electron transfer from NAD(P)H to Photosystem I. Thus, the inhibition of respiratory oxygen uptake by light is explained by a competition of cytochrome oxidase and Photosystem I for reduction equivalents. Based on studies with inhibitors, electron transfer from NAD(P)H to Photosystem I involves the chloroplast cytochrome b6-f complex.  相似文献   

An RNA polymerase mutant with reduced accuracy of chain elongation   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  

A denitrifying upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactor was operated at different nitrate loading rates at a C/N ratio of 1.2, with acetate as an electron donor. This resulted in an increase in the accumulation of nitrite. After this, the UASB reactor was supplemented with 100 mg NH4+-Nl(-1) d(-1), while acetate was gradually limited in the medium. This prevented nitrite accumulation at a C/N ratio of 0.6 due to an enhanced nitrite reduction rate achieved in the reactor. An increasing amount of ammonium was consumed when the C/N ratio was lowered in the medium. This suggested that ammonium was used as an alternative electron donor during denitrification, which is supported by nitrogen balances. Nitrite was shown to be toxic for the nitrogen removal process at 200-400 mg NO2--N(l(-1) when the C/N ratio was decreased to 0.4 leading to formation of ammonium. The present study showed that addition of ammonium as an alternative electron donor for denitrification achieved a nitrogen removal process with negligible accumulation of undesirable intermediates.  相似文献   

Systematic control over molecular driving forces is essential for understanding the natural electron transfer processes as well as for improving the efficiency of the artificial mimics of energy converting enzymes. Oxygen producing photosynthesis uniquely employs manganese ions as rapid electron donors. Introducing this attribute to anoxygenic photosynthesis may identify evolutionary intermediates and provide insights to the energetics of biological water oxidation. This work presents effective environmental methods that substantially and simultaneously tune the redox potentials of manganese ions and the cofactors of a photosynthetic enzyme from native anoxygenic bacteria without the necessity of genetic modification or synthesis. A spontaneous coordination with bis-tris propane lowered the redox potential of the manganese (II) to manganese (III) transition to an unusually low value (~400?mV) at pH?9.4 and allowed its binding to the bacterial reaction center. Binding to a novel buried binding site elevated the redox potential of the primary electron donor, a dimer of bacteriochlorophylls, by up to 92?mV also at pH?9.4 and facilitated the electron transfer that is able to compete with the wasteful charge recombination. These events impaired the function of the natural electron donor and made BTP-coordinated manganese a viable model for an evolutionary alternative.  相似文献   

Sher EA  Shaklai M  Shaklai N 《PloS one》2012,7(3):e33039
The physiological role of the respiratory hemoproteins (RH), hemoglobin and myoglobin, is to deliver O(2) via its binding to their ferrous (Fe(II)) heme-iron. Under variety of pathological conditions RH proteins leak to blood plasma and oxidized to ferric (Fe(III), met) forms becoming the source of oxidative vascular damage. However, recent studies have indicated that both metRH and peroxides induce Heme Oxygenase (HO) enzyme producing carbon monoxide (CO). The gas has an extremely high affinity for the ferrous heme-iron and is known to reduce ferric hemoproteins in the presence of suitable electron donors. We hypothesized that under in vivo plasma conditions, peroxides at low concentration can assist the reduction of metRH in presence of CO. The effect of CO on interaction of metRH with hydrophilic or hydrophobic peroxides was analyzed by following Soret and visible light absorption changes in reaction mixtures. It was found that under anaerobic conditions and low concentrations of RH and peroxides mimicking plasma conditions, peroxides served as electron donors and RH were reduced to their ferrous carboxy forms. The reaction rates were dependent on CO as well as peroxide concentrations. These results demonstrate that oxidative activity of acellular ferric RH and peroxides may be amended by CO turning on the reducing potential of peroxides and facilitating the formation of redox-inactive carboxyRH. Our data suggest the possible role of HO/CO in protection of vascular system from oxidative damage.  相似文献   

Abstract A purple non-sulfur anoxygenic phototrophic bacterium, Rhodopseudomonas palustris (ATCC 51186; DSM 7375), grew fixing N2 using aromatic compounds as the sole carbon source/electron donor. Benzoate, cinnamate and benzyl alcohol were used as electron donors for N2 fixation, while aniline and nitrobenzene supported poor growth under N2 atmosphere (in the absence of any other combined nitrogen in the medium) but did serve as sole carbon source/e donor in the presence of ammonium chloride as nitrogen source.  相似文献   

Methane formation from 2-(methylthio)-ethanesulfonate (methyl-CoM) and H2 by the soluble fraction from the methanogenic bacterium strain G?1 was stimulated up to tenfold by the addition of the membrane fraction. This stimulation was observed with membranes from various methanogenic species belonging to different phylogenetic families, but not with membranes from Escherichia coli or Acetobacterium woodii. Treatment of the membranes with strong oxidants, i.e. O2 and K3[Fe(CN)6], or with SH reagents, i.e. Ag+, p-chloromercuribenzoate or iodoacetamide, caused an irreversible decrease or loss in stimulatory activity, as did heat treatment at temperatures above 78 degrees C. Methanogenesis from methyl-CoM with formaldehyde instead of H2 as electron donor depended similarly on the membrane fraction. With membranes, 1 mol HCHO was oxidized to 1 mol CO2 and allowed the formation of 2 mol CH4 from 2 mol CH3-CoM. Without membranes, per mol of HCHO oxidized 1 mol H2 was formed and 1 mol CH4 was produced from CH3-CoM; the rate was 10-20% of that in the presence of membranes. When methyl-CoM was replaced by an artificial electron acceptor system consisting of methylviologen and metronidazole, the formaldehyde-oxidizing activity was no longer stimulated by the membrane fraction. These results demonstrate for the first time an essential function of membrane components in methanogenic electron transfer.  相似文献   

Cyanobacteria are the paradigmatic organisms of oxygenic (plant-type) photosynthesis and aerobic respiration. Since there is still an amazing lack of knowledge on the role and mechanism of their respiratory electron transport, we have critically analyzed all fully or partially sequenced genomes for heme-copper oxidases and their (putative) electron donors cytochrome c(6), plastocyanin, and cytochrome c(M). Well-known structure-function relationships of the two branches of heme-copper oxidases, namely cytochrome c (aa(3)-type) oxidase (COX) and quinol (bo-type) oxidase (QOX), formed the base for a critical inspection of genes and ORFs found in cyanobacterial genomes. It is demonstrated that at least one operon encoding subunits I-III of COX is found in all cyanobacteria, whereas many non-N(2)-fixing species lack QOX. Sequence analysis suggests that both cyanobacterial terminal oxidases should be capable of both the four-electron reduction of dioxygen and proton pumping. All diazotrophic organisms have at least one operon that encodes QOX. In addition, the highly refined specialization in heterocyst forming Nostocales is reflected by the presence of two paralogs encoding COX. The majority of cyanobacterial genomes contain one gene or ORF for plastocyanin and cytochrome c(M), whereas 1-4 paralogs for cytochrome c(6) were found. These findings are discussed with respect to published data about the role of respiration in wild-type and mutated cyanobacterial strains in normal metabolism, stress adaptation, and nitrogen fixation. A model of the branched electron-transport pathways downstream of plastoquinol in cyanobacteria is presented.  相似文献   

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