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Molecular chaperones are required for successful folding and assembly of sarcomeric myosin in skeletal and cardiac muscle. Here, we show that the chaperone UNC-45B inhibits the actin translocation function of myosin. Further, we show that Hsp90, another chaperone involved in sarcomere development, allows the myosin to resume actin translocation. These previously unknown activities may play a key role in sarcomere development, preventing untimely myosin powerstrokes from disrupting the precise alignment of the sarcomere until it has formed completely.  相似文献   

Striated muscle cells are characterised by a para-crystalline arrangement of their contractile proteins actin and myosin in sarcomeres, the basic unit of the myofibrils. A multitude of proteins is required to build and maintain the structure of this regular arrangement as well as to ensure regulation of contraction and to respond to alterations in demand. This review focuses on the actin filaments (also called thin filaments) of the sarcomere and will discuss how they are assembled during myofibrillogenesis and in hypertrophy and how their integrity is maintained in the working myocardium.  相似文献   

Molecular chaperones and their associated cofactors form a group of highly specialized proteins that orchestrate the folding and unfolding of other proteins and the assembly and disassembly of protein complexes. Chaperones are found in all cell types and organisms, and their activity must be tightly regulated to maintain normal cell function. Indeed, deregulation of protein folding and protein complex assembly is the cause of various human diseases. Here, we present the results of an extensive review of the literature revealing that the post-translational modification (PTM) of chaperones has been selected during evolution as an efficient mean to regulate the activity and specificity of these key proteins. Because the addition and reciprocal removal of chemical groups can be triggered very rapidly, this mechanism provides an efficient switch to precisely regulate the activity of chaperones on specific substrates. The large number of PTMs detected in chaperones suggests that a combinatory code is at play to regulate function, activity, localization, and substrate specificity for this group of biologically important proteins. This review surveys the core information currently available as a starting point toward the more ambitious endeavor of deciphering the “chaperone code”.  相似文献   

Murine stress-inducible protein 1 (mSTI1) is a cochaperone that is homologous with the human heat shock cognate protein 70 (Hsc70)/heat shock protein 90 (Hsp90)-organizing protein (Hop). To analyze the biochemical properties of mSTI1 and the stoichiometry of the Hsc70.mSTI1.Hsp90 association, recombinant mSTI1 was produced in untagged, histidine (His)-tagged, and glutathione S-transferase (GST)-tagged forms. His-mSTI1 was detected either as a dimer during size-exclusion-high-performance liquid chromatography (SE-HPLC) or as a monomer during Superdex 200 gel filtration chromatography. SE-HPLC on GST-mSTI1 and untagged mSTI1 suggested that mSTI1 existed as a monomer. Cross-linking of His-mSTI1 detected a compact monomeric species and a dimeric species. Gel filtration on the association of bovine STI1 or His-mSTI1 with Hsc70 detected species of molecular mass consistent with a dimeric STI1 species or a 1:1 complex of STI1 and Hsc70. Our data and that of others suggest that mSTI1 and its homologues exist as either a monomer or a dimer and that this facilitates its proposed function as an Hsc70/Hsp90 organizing protein.  相似文献   

Spinocerebellar ataxia type 1 (SCA1) is an inherited neurodegenerative disorder. The mutation causing SCA1 is an expansion in the polyglutamine tract of the ATXN1 protein. Previous work demonstrated that phosphorylation of mutant ATXN1 at serine 776 (S776), a putative Akt phosphorylation site, is critical for pathogenesis. To examine this pathway further, we utilized a cell-transfection system that allowed the targeting of Akt to either the cytoplasm or the nucleus. In contrast to HeLa cells, we found that Akt targeted to the cytoplasm increased the degradation of ATXN1 in Chinese hamster ovary cells. However, Akt targeted to the cytoplasm failed to destabilize ATXN1 if Hsp70/Hsc70 was present. Thus, Hsp70/Hsc70 can regulate ATXN1 levels in concert with phosphorylation of ATXN1 at S776.  相似文献   

Although the ubiquitin-proteasome system and the molecular chaperones are implicated to play an important role in pathogenesis of familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (FALS) caused by mutations in Cu/Zn-superoxide dismutase (SOD1), the mechanism underlying the causes of this fatal disease is still poorly understood. Here we found that co-chaperone CHIP (carboxyl terminus of Hsc70-interacting protein), together with molecular chaperones Hsc70/Hsp70 and Hsp90, associates with FALS-linked mutant SOD1 proteins in cultured human cells. S5a subunit of 26S proteasomes, which recognizes polyubiquitylated proteins, also interacts with mutant SOD1 proteins. Over-expression of CHIP leads to the reduction in cellular levels of mutant SOD1 as well as the suppression of cytotoxicity induced by mutant SOD1. Unusually, rather than increasing the level of poly-ubiquitylated SOD1, over-expressed CHIP alters the ubiquitylation pattern of mutant SOD1 proteins. Both down-regulation and ubiquitylation of mutant SOD1 are greatly reduced by a mutant CHIP protein lacking U-box domain. Taken together, these results suggest that co-chaperone CHIP, possibly with another E3 ligase(s), modulates the ubiquitylation of mutant SOD1 and renders them more susceptible for proteasomal degradation.  相似文献   

Raviol H  Bukau B  Mayer MP 《FEBS letters》2006,580(1):168-174
Hsp110 proteins constitute a heterogeneous family of abundant molecular chaperones, related to the Hsp70 proteins and exclusively found in the cytosol of eukaryotic organisms. Hsp110 family members are described as efficient holdases, preventing the aggregation and assisting the refolding of heat-denatured model substrates in the presence of Hsp70 chaperones and their co-chaperones. To gain more insights into the mode of action of this protein family we compared two homologues representing two subtypes of Hsp110 proteins, S. cerevisiae Sse1 and H. sapiens Apg-2, in their structural and functional properties in vitro. In contrast to previous publications both proteins exhibited intrinsic ATPase activities, which only in the case of Sse1 could be stimulated by the Hsp40 co-chaperone Sis1. Similar to Hsp70 proteins ATP binding and hydrolysis induced conformational rearrangements in both Hsp110 proteins as detected by tryptophane fluorescence. However, nucleotide induced changes in the proteolytic digestion pattern were detected only for Sse1. Sse1 and Apg-2 thus show significant differences in their biochemical properties, which may relate to differences in their functional roles in vivo.  相似文献   

The yeast FES1 and SLS1 genes encode conserved nucleotide exchange factors that act on the cytoplasmic and endoplasmic reticulum luminal Hsp70s, Ssa1p and BiP, respectively. We report here that mammalian HspBP1 is homologous to Fes1p and that HspBP1 promotes nucleotide dissociation from both Ssa1p and mammalian Hsc70. In contrast, Fes1p inefficiently strips nucleotide from mammalian Hsc70, and unlike HspBP1 does not inhibit chaperone-mediated protein refolding in vitro. Together, our data indicate that HspBP1 is a member of this new class of nucleotide exchange factors that exhibit varying degrees of compartment and species specificity.  相似文献   

Introduction: Hydrogen–deuterium exchange (HDX) mass spectrometry (MS) is ideal for monitoring the protein folding and unfolding. The exchange of a deuterium in solution for an amide hydrogen in a protein can be very different depending on the degree of folding and protection of backbone amide positions. Molecular chaperones that assist with protein folding in vivo are necessary for folding of many substrate (client) proteins. HDX MS provides valuable insight into what chaperones are doing in protein folding and how they are doing it.

Areas covered: Application of HDX MS to the protein folding problem was desirable from the outset of the technique, but technical issues prohibited many studies. In the last 20 years, conformational changes of chaperones themselves (e.g., GroEL/GroES, Hsp70, and Hsp90) have been studied. Studies of interactions between chaperones, co-chaperones, and substrate proteins have revealed binding interfaces, allosteric conformational changes, and remodeling of components during various chaperone cycles. Experiments elucidating how chaperones contribute to and enhance the folding pathway of substrate proteins have been demonstrated.

Expert opinion: Technical issues that once prevented the analysis of chaperones have largely been resolved, permitting exciting comprehensive HDX MS studies of folding pathways during chaperone-assisted protein folding.  相似文献   

The stress response in injured brain is well characterized after experimental ischemic and traumatic brain injury (TBI); however, the induction and regulation of the stress response in humans after TBI remains largely undefined. Accordingly, we examined injured brain tissue from adult patients (n = 8) that underwent emergent surgical decompression after TBI, for alterations in the inducible 72-kDa heat shock protein (Hsp70), the constitutive 73-kDa heat shock protein (Hsc70), and isoforms of the chaperone cofactor BAG-1. Control samples (n = 6) were obtained postmortem from patients dying of causes unrelated to CNS trauma. Western blot analysis showed that Hsp70, but not Hsc70, was increased in patients after TBI versus controls. Both Hsp70 and Hsc70 coimmunoprecipitated with the cofactor BAG-1. The 33 and 46, but not the 50-kDa BAG-1 isoforms were increased in patients after TBI versus controls. The ratio of the 46/33-kDa isoforms was increased in TBI versus controls, suggesting negative modulation of Hsp70/Hsc70 protein refolding activity in injured brain. These data implicate induction of the stress response and its modulation by the chaperone cofactor and Bcl-2 family member BAG-1, after TBI in humans.  相似文献   

Keep the traffic moving: mechanism of the Hsp70 motor   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
Hsp70s are ubiquitous chaperones that use ATP hydrolysis to drive a variety of protein processing reactions, including a number of steps in protein trafficking. Recent studies have shed light on how ATP might generate conformational changes in an Hsp70 molecule and how such changes might be harnessed to drive processes as diverse as protein import into subcellular organelles and uncoating of clathrin-coated vesicles.  相似文献   

The 70 kDa heat shock protein, hsp72, is known to be induced following transient global ischemia in brain, as detected by immunocytochemistry and in situ hybridization techniques. However, while hsp72 mRNA is expressed rapidly following postischemic recirculation, immunocytochemistry fails to detect hsp72 protein for many hours after such insults, even in cell populations that readily express Fos and other proteins encoded by ischemia-induced mRNAs. In the present study, hsp72 expression in gerbil hippocampus was compared by immunocytochemistry and immunoblot methods at several intervals following 10 min ischemia. As established in previous studies, hsp72 immunoreactivity remained undetectable in postischemic neurons at 6 h following such insults. In contrast, immunoblots of dissected gerbil hippocampus demonstrated nearly maximal accumulation of hsp72 at this time point. These results indicate that the protein is present, but cryptic to detection in perfusion-fixed sections, during early recirculation. The constitutively expressed heat shock cognate protein, hsc70, did not show significant changes in level or distribution by either method, except for a decrease in CA1 staining at 48 h. These results confirm that hsp72 rapidly accumulates to high levels in postischemic hippocampus, and suggest that further studies of its subcellular localization during this interval may offer insight into its functional role as a component of the stress response in neurons after such insults.  相似文献   

Hsp105alpha and Hsp105beta are mammalian members of the Hsp105/110 family, a diverged subgroup of the Hsp70 family. Here, we show that Hsp105alpha and Hsp105beta bind non-native protein through the beta-sheet domain and suppress the aggregation of heat-denatured protein in the presence of ADP rather than ATP. In contrast, Hsc70/Hsp40 suppressed the aggregation of heat-denatured protein in the presence of ATP rather than ADP. Furthermore, the overexpression of Hsp105alpha but not Hsp70 in COS-7 cells rescued the inactivation of luciferase caused by ATP depletion. Thus, Hsp105/110 family proteins are suggested to function as a substitute for Hsp70 family proteins to suppress the aggregation of denatured proteins in cells under severe stress, in which the cellular ATP level decreases markedly.  相似文献   

Rapamycin inhibits the activity of the target of rapamycin (TOR)-dependent signaling pathway, which has been characterized as one dedicated to translational regulation through modulating cap-dependent translation, involving eIF4E binding protein (eIF4E-BP) or 4E-BP. Results show that rapamycin strongly inhibits global translation in Drosophila cells. However, Hsp70 mRNA translation is virtually unaffected by rapamycin treatment, whereas Hsp90 mRNA translation is strongly inhibited, at normal growth temperature. Intriguingly, during heat shock Hsp90 mRNA becomes significantly less sensitive to rapamycin-mediated inhibition, suggesting the pathway for Hsp90 mRNA translation is altered during heat shock. Reporter mRNAs containing the Hsp90 or Hsp70 mRNAs’ 5′ untranslated region recapitulate these rapamycin-dependent translational characteristics, indicating this region regulates rapamycin-dependent translational sensitivity as well as heat shock preferential translation. Surprisingly, rapamycin-mediated inhibition of Hsp90 mRNA translation at normal growth temperature is not caused by 4E-BP-mediated inhibition of cap-dependent translation. Indeed, no evidence for rapamycin-mediated impaired eIF4E function is observed. These results support the proposal that preferential translation of different Hsp mRNA utilizes distinct translation mechanisms, even within a single species.  相似文献   

Hsp70 chaperones mediate folding of proteins and prevent their misfolding and aggregation. We report here on a new kind of Hsp70 interacting protein in mitochondria, Hep1. Hep1 is a highly conserved protein present in virtually all eukaryotes. Deletion of HEP1 results in a severe growth defect. Cells lacking Hep1 are deficient in processes that need the function of mitochondrial Hsp70s, such as preprotein import and biogenesis of proteins containing FeS clusters. In the mitochondria of these cells, Hsp70s, Ssc1 and Ssq1 accumulate as insoluble aggregates. We show that it is the nucleotide-free form of mtHsp70 that has a high tendency to self-aggregate. This process is efficiently counteracted by Hep1. We conclude that Hep1 acts as a chaperone that is necessary and sufficient to prevent self-aggregation and to thereby maintain the function of the mitochondrial Hsp70 chaperones.  相似文献   

Proteins belonging to the Hsp70 class of molecular chaperones are highly conserved and ubiquitous, performing an essential role in the maintenance of cellular homeostasis in almost all known organisms. Trypanosoma brucei, Trypanosoma cruzi and Leishmania major are human parasites collectively known as the Tritryps. The Tritryps undergo extensive morphological changes during their life cycles, largely triggered by the marked differences between conditions in their insect vector and human host. Hsp70s are synthesised in response to these marked changes in environment and are proposed to be required for these parasites to successfully transition between differentiation stages while remaining viable and infective. While the Tritryps Hsp70 complement consists of homologues of all the major eukaryotic Hsp70s, there are a number of novel members, and some unique structural features. This review critically evaluates the current knowledge on the Tritryps Hsp70 proteins with an emphasis on T. brucei, and highlights some novel and previously unstudied aspects of these multifaceted molecular chaperones.  相似文献   

Kim SA  Yoon JH  Kim DK  Kim SG  Ahn SG 《FEBS letters》2005,579(29):6559-6563
Heat shock factor 1 (HSF1) is a major transactivator of heat shock genes in response to stress and mediates cell protection against various harmful conditions. In this study, we identified the interaction of CHIP (carboxyl terminus of the heat shock cognate protein 70-interacting protein) with the N-terminus of HSF1. Using GST full-down assay, we found that CHIP directly interacts with C-terminal deleted HSF1 (a.a. 1-290) but not with full-length HSF1 under non-stressed conditions. Interestingly, interaction of CHIP with full-length HSF1 was induced by heat shock treatment. The structural change of HSF1 was observed under heat stressed conditions by CD spectra. These observations demonstrate the direct interaction between HSF1 and CHIP and this interaction requires conformational change of HSF1 by heat stress.  相似文献   

Abstract Developing larvae of the apple maggot Rhagoletis pomonella are frequently exposed to summertime apple temperatures that exceed 40 °C and, during their overwintering diapause, pupae are exposed to sub‐zero soil temperatures for prolonged periods. To investigate the potential involvement of heat shock proteins (Hsps) in response to these environmental extremes, the genes encoding Hsp70 and Hsp90 in R. pomonella are cloned and expression monitored during larval feeding within the apple and during overwintering pupal diapause. Larvae reared in the laboratory at constant temperatures of 25, 28 or 35 °C express Hsp90 but very little Hsp70. Larvae do not survive rearing at 40 °C. The temperature cycles to which larvae were exposed inside apples in the field, ranging 16–46.9 °C over a 24‐h period, elicit strong Hsp70 and Hsp90 expression, which begins at mid‐day and reaches a peak in late afternoon, coinciding with peak air and apple temperatures. Heat shock proteins are also expressed strongly by pupae during their overwintering diapause. Hsp70 is not expressed in nondiapausing pupae but is highly expressed throughout diapause. Hsp90 is constitutively expressed in both diapausing and nondiapausing pupae. Rhagoletis pomonella thus strongly expresses its Hsps during pupal diapause, presumably as a protection against low temperature injury, and during larval development to cope with natural temperature cycles prevailing in late summer.  相似文献   

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