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The oxidation handicap hypothesis proposes that testosterone mediates the trade-off between the expression of secondary sexual traits and the fight against free radicals. Coloured traits controlled by testosterone can be produced by carotenoid pigments (yellow-orange-red traits), but carotenoids also help to quench free radicals. Recently, it has been shown that testosterone increases the amount of circulating carotenoids in birds. Here, a testosterone-mediated trade-off in the carotenoid allocation between colour expression and the fight against oxidative stress is proposed. Male red-legged partridges were treated with testosterone, anti-androgens or manipulated as controls. Testosterone-treated males maintained the highest circulating carotenoid levels, but showed the palest red traits and no evidence of oxidative damage. Increased levels of a key intracellular antioxidant (i.e. glutathione) indicated that an oxidative challenge was in fact induced but controlled. The trade-off was apparently solved by reducing redness, allowing increased carotenoid availability, which could have contributed to buffer oxidative stress.  相似文献   

Maternal allocation of antioxidants to egg yolk has been shown to affect early embryonic development and nestling survival. In environments with high levels of anthropogenic pollution, antioxidants (such as carotenoids) are important to protect the body from elevated oxidative stress. Thus, female allocation of antioxidants to yolk may be traded off against self-maintenance. Here we investigate maternal reproductive investment with respect to yolk carotenoid content and composition in relation to subsequent female condition and carotenoid status in urban and rural great tits Parus major. We found no differences between the urban and rural populations in total yolk carotenoids, egg mass, clutch size, hatching success, or female carotenoid status. Interestingly, however, rural eggs contained more zeaxanthin, a more potent antioxidant than lutein, which suggests that rural embryos have better antioxidant protection than urban embryos. Whether rural females actively transfer more zeaxanthin to the yolk or whether it passively reflects differences in dietary access or uptake needs to be further investigated. This highlights the importance of carotenoid identity and composition in future studies of carotenoid physiology, ecology, and signaling.  相似文献   

The allocation of resources to reproduction and survival is a central question of studies of life history evolution. Usually, increased allocation to current reproduction is paid in terms of reduced future reproduction and/or decreased survival. However, the proximal mechanisms underlying the cost of reproduction are poorly understood. Recently, it has been shown that increased susceptibility to oxidative stress might be one of such proximate links between reproduction and self-maintenance. Organisms possess a range of antioxidant defenses, including endogenously produced molecules (e.g., enzymes) and compounds ingested with food (e.g., carotenoids). If reproductive effort increases the production of reactive oxygen species, the availability of antioxidant defenses may partly or fully counteract the free-radical damages. One could, therefore, expect that the trade-off between reproduction and oxidative stress is modulated by the availability of antioxidant defenses. We tested this hypothesis in zebra finches. We manipulated reproductive effort by either allowing or preventing pairs to breed. Within each breeding or non-breeding group, the availability of antioxidant compounds was manipulated by supplementing or not supplementing the drinking water with carotenoids. We found that although birds in the breeding and non-breeding groups did not differ in their resistance to oxidative stress (the breakdown of red blood cells submitted to a controlled free-radical attack), one aspect of breeding effort (i.e., the number of eggs laid by birds in both breeding and non-breeding groups) was negatively correlated with resistance to oxidative stress only in birds that did not benefit from a carotenoid-supplemented diet. This result therefore suggests that carotenoid availability can modulate the trade-off between reproduction and resistance to oxidative stress.  相似文献   

Abstract Carotenoids perform important biological actions in animal tissues, including contributing antioxidant protection. However, the function of transmission of maternal carotenoids to bird eggs is still largely unknown. We made a yolk biopsy of yellow-legged gull (Larus michahellis) eggs and found that the concentration of lutein declined with laying date and across the laying order and increased with egg mass. The concentration of all the main carotenoids (lutein, zeaxanthin, and dehydrolutein) pooled also declined with date and increased with egg mass. We also performed a partial reciprocal cross-fostering of eggs between clutches and investigated the covariation between morphology, T cell-mediated immunity, and plasma carotenoid concentrations of the chicks and carotenoid concentrations in their original eggs. Absolute plasma carotenoid concentrations did not covary with those in the yolk, whereas a positive covariation was found for relative concentrations. Yolk and absolute plasma carotenoid concentrations positively predicted chick body mass and size but not the intensity of the cell-mediated immune response. Thus, yolk carotenoid concentrations may affect chick carotenoid profile and growth, possibly mediating early maternal effects. However, rearing conditions also contributed to determining relative concentrations of circulating carotenoids. Since yolk or plasma antioxidant capacity did not correlate with carotenoid concentrations, future studies of maternal effects mediated by antioxidants should integrate information on carotenoids with information on other components of the antioxidant systems.  相似文献   

Variation in immunity is influenced by allocation trade-offs that are expected to change between age-classes as a result of the different environmental and physiological conditions that individuals encounter over their lifetime. One such trade-off occurs with carotenoids, which must be acquired with food and are involved in a variety of physiological functions. Nonetheless, relationships between immunity and carotenoids in species where these micronutrients are scarce due to diet are poorly studied. Among birds, vultures show the lowest concentrations of plasma carotenoids due to a diet based on carrion. Here, we investigated variations in the relationships between innate immunity (hemagglutination by natural antibodies and hemolysis by complement proteins), pathogen infection and plasma carotenoids in nestling and adult griffon vultures (Gyps fulvus) in the wild. Nestlings showed lower hemolysis, higher total carotenoid concentration and higher pathogen infection than adults. Hemolysis was negatively related to carotenoid concentration only in nestlings. A differential carotenoid allocation to immunity due to the incomplete development of the immune system of nestlings compared with adults is suggested linked to, or regardless of, potential differences in parasite infection, which requires experimental testing. We also found that individuals with more severe pathogen infections showed lower hemagglutination than those with a lower intensity infection irrespective of their age and carotenoid level. These results are consistent with the idea that intraspecific relationships between innate immunity and carotenoids may change across ontogeny, even in species lacking carotenoid-based coloration. Thus, even low concentrations of plasma carotenoids due to a scavenger diet can be essential to the development and activation of the immune system in growing birds.  相似文献   

The action of free radicals on Deinococcus radiodurans carotenoids   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The possible role of carotenoids as free radical scavengers has not been completely elucidated. To gain further insight into the quenching of OH radicals by carotenoids, we used a feasible bacterial model, Deinococcus radiodurans, a red pigmented bacterium. We compared the action of H2O2 which produces in vivo OH radicals by a Fenton-type reaction on the parental and two mutant strains, i.e., a red pigmented and a colorless one. While the red pigmented bacteria were resistant to H2O2 action, the colorless strain was significantly more sensitive and its sensitivity was dose-dependent. In the red pigmented strains, H2O2 induced a significant decrease in one carotenoid (X5), which could be responsible for the antioxidant activity.  相似文献   

Carotenoids are biologically active pigments, which are important for animals due to their dual role in health maintenance and ornamental signalling. In adult birds, immunostimulatory properties of carotenoids have been repeatedly demonstrated while much less is known about the importance of carotenoids as antioxidants. We studied the relationships between plasma carotenoid levels, as well as total antioxidant protection, and various hemato-serological health state indices in female great tits (Parus major L.), incubating their second clutches in two contrasting (coniferous and deciduous) habitats in southwest Estonia. To manipulate reproductive effort, four eggs were removed from half of the clutches during laying to stimulate females to lay additional eggs. However, egg removal had no effect on the final number of eggs laid. Plasma carotenoid levels increased seasonally in parallel with caterpillar food availability. However, no between-habitat differences in carotenoid levels, total antioxidant capacity, or indices of health state could be found despite the apparently better feeding conditions in the coniferous habitat. No correlation was detected between plasma carotenoid levels and measures of total antioxidant capacity, which suggests that at least for the adult birds feeding on naturally carotenoid-rich diet, antioxidant function of carotenoids is not of primary importance. A strong non-linear association between the measures of antioxidant protection and leukocytic markers of inflammation was found, which suggests that measures of total antioxidant capacity deserve further attention in ecophysiological studies as potential indicators of immunopathology.  相似文献   

Testosterone (T) is hypothesized to be an important honesty reinforcer of animal sexual signals. Owing to its immunosuppressive effects, only those individuals that can immunologically withstand high T levels can develop the most exaggerated traits. To date, few studies have isolated phenotypic or genotypic buffers that provide 'high-quality' animals with such an advantage. Dietary carotenoid pigments may in fact confer such a benefit because when in high supply carotenoids boost immunocompetence and coloration in animals like birds and fishes. We examined the experimental effect of T elevation on carotenoid and immune status in male and female zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata) and found that T was immunostimulatory in a generalized cell-mediated challenge. We also detected a significant interaction between T treatment and the change in plasma carotenoids that occurred during the immune challenge; the relationship between blood carotenoid change and immunity was positive in controls and negative in T-implanted birds. This suggests that, while correlationally birds with high carotenoid stores were inherently better at mounting strong immune responses, experimentally administered T induced birds to deplete carotenoids for maximizing their health. Our findings highlight a nutrient-specific mechanism by which animals escape high immune costs of T elevation and thus can still elevate ornamentation.  相似文献   

Stress can have widespread effects on animal behaviors and phenotypes, including sexually selected traits. Ornamental colors have long been studied as honest signals of condition, but few studies have been conducted on how the physiological stress response (i.e., corticosterone (CORT) elevation) impacts color expression. We used a traditional capture-and-restraint technique to examine the effect of repeated handling stress on carotenoid-dependent beak coloration in male and female zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata). Birds subjected to daily, 10-min handling treatments, which elevated circulating CORT levels, for a four-week period displayed deeper orange/red beak coloration than did control animals. Stressed males lost body mass during the experiment and marginally decreased in circulating carotenoid concentrations. Hence, handling stress may have reduced food intake or induced mobilization of body stores (i.e., fat) of carotenoids. In contrast to males, stressed females maintained orange beak color, while control females faded in color. This study highlights sex- and pigment-specific mechanisms by which stress may temporarily enhance the expression of sexual traits, but at the expense of other key fitness traits (e.g., body mass maintenance, reproduction).  相似文献   

Carotenoid‐based colours in animals are valuable models for testing theories of sexual selection and life‐history trade‐offs because the pigments used in coloration are chemically tractable in the diet and in the body, where they serve multiple purposes (e.g. health enhancement, photoprotection). An important assumption underlying the hypothesized signalling value of carotenoid coloration is that there is a trade‐off in carotenoid pigment allocation, such that not all individuals can meet the physiological/morphological demands for carotenoids (i.e. carotenoids are limited) and that only those who have abundant supplies or fewer demands become the most colourful. Studies of carotenoid trade‐offs in colourful animals have been limited largely to domesticated species, which may have undergone artificial selection that changed the historical/natural immunomodulatory roles of carotenoids, to young animals lacking carotenoid‐based signals or to species displaying carotenoid‐based skin and bare parts. We studied the health benefits of carotenoids during moult in house finches (Carpodacus mexicanus), which display sexually selected, carotenoid‐based plumage coloration. We manipulated dietary carotenoid availability during both winter (nonmoult) and autumn (moult) in captive males and females and found that carotenoid‐supplemented birds mounted stronger immune responses (to phytohemagglutinin injection and to a bacterial inoculation in blood) than control birds only during moult. This study provides experimental, seasonal support for a fundamental tenet of Lozano's ‘carotenoid trade‐off’ hypothesis and adds to a growing list of animal species that benefit immunologically from ingesting higher dietary carotenoid levels. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 102 , 560–572.  相似文献   



Maternal effects mediated by egg size and quality may profoundly affect offspring development and performance, and mothers may adjust egg traits according to environmental or social influences. In avian species, context-dependency of maternal effects may result in variation in egg composition, as well as in differential patterns of covariation among selected egg components, according to, for example, position in the laying sequence or offspring sex. We investigated variation in major classes of egg yolk components (carotenoids, vitamins and steroid hormones) in relation to egg size, position in the laying sequence and embryo sex in clutches of the Yellow-legged Gull (Larus michahellis). We also investigated their covariation, to highlight mutual adjustments, maternal constraints or trade-offs in egg allocation.


Laying sequence-specific patterns of allocation emerged: concentration of carotenoids and vitamin E decreased, while concentrations of androgens increased. Vitamin A, estradiol and corticosterone did not show any change. There was no evidence of sex-specific allocation or covariation of yolk components. Concentrations of carotenoids and vitamins were positively correlated. Egg mass decreased along the laying sequence, and this decrease was negatively correlated with the mean concentrations of carotenoids in clutches, suggesting that nutritionally constrained females lay low quality clutches in terms of carotenoid content. Finally, clutches with smaller decline in antioxidants between first- and last-laid eggs had a larger increase in yolk corticosterone, suggesting that a smaller antioxidant depletion along the laying sequence may entail a cost for laying females in terms of increased stress levels.


Since some of the analyzed yolk components (e.g. testosterone and lutein) are known to exert sex-specific phenotypic effects on the progeny in this species, the lack of sex-specific egg allocation by mothers may either result from trade-offs between contrasting effects of different egg components on male and female offspring, or indicate that sex-specific traits are controlled primarily by mechanisms of sexual differentiation, including endogenous hormone production or metabolism of exogenous antioxidants, during embryonic development.  相似文献   

Carotenoids have been recognized as chemopreventive agents against human diseases, such as cancer and cardiovascular disease. Mammalians utilize carotenoids supplied from their food since they are unable to perform the de novo synthesis of carotenoids. We previously created mammalian cultured cells producing phytoene, a type of carotenoid, and showed that these cells acquired resistance against oxidative stress and oncogenic transformation. In the present study, we established a transgenic mouse line, carrying the crtB gene encoding phytoene synthase, which could produce phytoene endogenously. It was found that connexin 26 was induced in these phytoene-producing mice. Since it is known that carotenoids enhance gap junctional communication by inducing the expression of connexin genes, the present data suggest that the induction of connexin 26 in phytoene-producing mice may play a role in controlling cell-to-cell communication. Phytoene-producing mice provide a useful system in which to investigate the in vivo function of the carotenoid phytoene.  相似文献   

Vitamin E and carotenoids are known to act as antioxidants both in vitro and in vivo. In this review we present a series of studies in healthy subjects and in patients who exhibit either acute or chronic oxidative stress. In the EU-Commission funded VITAGE project we investigated the status and effects of vitamin E and carotenoids on oxidative stress in 300 healthy volunteers. Depletion studies limiting dietary vitamin E or carotenoid intake to 25% of the dietary reference intakes and subsequent repletion by supplementation with either large doses of vitamin E or intermediate doses of carotenoids showed significant changes in ex vivo LDL oxidizability, total plasma peroxide concentrations and urinary 8-oxo-7,8-dihydro-2-deoxyguanosine excretion. Patients on chronic hemodialysis present with oxidative stress in the presence of normal vitamin E but impaired vitamin C status and, due to anemia, need to be treated with parenteral iron. We studied the effects of a single oral dose of vitamin E taken 6 h prior to intravenous infusion of 100 mg iron, which exceeded the iron-binding capacity of transferrin. Vitamin E significantly reduced and in combination with a single dose of vitamin C completely abrogated acute oxidative stress induced by the iron load. Patients with cystic fibrosis are exposed to chronic oxidative stress due to an overproduction of reactive oxygen species as a result of neutrophil-dominated lung inflammation and impaired antioxidant status. Biochemical vitamin E and carotenoid deficiencies could be fully corrected even in the presence of fat malabsorption using intermediate doses of either RRR -tocopherol or all-rac -tocopheryl acetate and water-miscible all-trans β-carotene. Long-term supplementation reduced ex vivo LDL oxidizability, in vivo lipid peroxidation and lung inflammation.  相似文献   

Beta-carotene (BC) and other carotenoids are mainly considered as belonging to the group of micronutrients. As they are contained in fruit and vegetables and thus part of human diet, a regular low-dose intake from natural sources is normally assured. In the last decade high-dose supplementation with synthetic carotenoids has been used successfully in the treatment of diseases believed to be associated with oxidative stress. However, in a few clinical studies harmful effects have been observed as well, e.g., a higher incidence of lung cancer after BC was given in high doses to smokers. Our studies aim at shedding light on the causal mechanisms of the known side effects that we have investigated. Possibilities of preventing them are discussed. Obviously, on certain conditions of high-dose carotenoid supplementation, both the antioxidant and prooxidant reactions may arise. Carotenoid breakdown products (CBP) including very reactive aldehydes and epoxides are formed during oxidative attack in the course of antioxidative action. Carotenoid breakdown products inhibit state 3 respiration of isolated rat liver mitochondria at concentrations between 0.5 and 20 microM. In vivo stimulated neutrophils might represent an important source for the generation of CBP, and the lung might be a critical organ in CBP formation. The inhibition of mitochondrial state 3 respiration by CBP is accompanied by a reduced content of protein sulfhydryl groups, decreasing glutathione levels and redox state, and also elevated accumulation of malondialdehyde. Changes in mitochondrial membrane potential favour functional deterioration of the adenine nucleotide translocator (ANT). The findings reflect a basic mechanism of the side effects of BC supplementation in circumstances of severe oxidative stress induced by CBP representing a class of lipid oxidation products. We are striving for safe conditions of carotenoid supplementation in order to protect patients in need of this kind of medical treatment from possible side effects, such as unwanted prooxidative reactions.  相似文献   

In birds, experimentally increased egg production can reduce maternal condition, parenting ability and survival, and the quality of the eggs themselves. Such costs probably reflect resource limitation, but the identity of the resource(s) in question remains unclear. Carotenoids are antioxidants and immunomodulants that birds can only obtain in their diet. Trade-offs in the allocation of limiting carotenoids between somatic maintenance and egg production could therefore be an important factor underlying reproductive costs. We show that in wild lesser black-backed gulls, Larus fuscus, dietary carotenoid availability (i) constrained the capacity to re-lay following clutch removal; and (ii) affected the relationship between yolk mass and egg mass. However, whether carotenoids are limiting for egg production directly, by stimulating the synthesis or antioxidant protection of yolk precursors, or indirectly via effects on maternal health, requires further study.  相似文献   

Although carotenoids serve important biological functions, animals are generally unable to synthesize these pigments and instead obtain them from food. However, many animals, such as sap-feeding insects, may have limited access to carotenoids in their diet, and it was recently shown that aphids have acquired the ability to produce carotenoids by lateral transfer of fungal genes. Whiteflies also contain carotenoids but show no evidence of the fungus-derived genes found in aphids. Because many sap-feeding insects harbour intracellular bacteria, it has long been hypothesized that these endosymbionts could serve as an alternative source of carotenoid biosynthesis. We sequenced the genome of the obligate bacterial endosymbiont Portiera from the whitefly Bemisia tabaci. The genome exhibits typical signatures of obligate endosymbionts in sap-feeding insects, including extensive size reduction (358.2 kb) and enrichment for genes involved in essential amino acid biosynthesis. Unlike other sequenced insect endosymbionts, however, Portiera has bacterial homologues of the fungal carotenoid biosynthesis genes in aphids. Therefore, related lineages of sap-feeding insects appear to have convergently acquired the same functional trait by distinct evolutionary mechanisms—bacterial endosymbiosis versus fungal lateral gene transfer.  相似文献   

While rodents and other mammals have traditionally served as models for studying carotenoid physiology, many wild animals from a variety of other taxa utilize carotenoids for self-maintenance and reproduction and accumulate far greater concentrations than those found in mammals. Though we have basic understandings of the control and value of carotenoids in some wild animal systems, many gaps remain. For example, parasites and pathogens impose severe survival constraints on free-ranging organisms, but little is known of how carotenoids work in concert with the immune system to combat natural infectious challenges. Furthermore, due to the high mortality rate from which many young animals suffer, health and carotenoid status during the early stages of development may be critical to survival. The relative importance of dietary versus physiological mechanisms for carotenoid uptake has also been understudied in the wild. To begin to shed light on these issues, we studied relationships between dietary and tissue carotenoids, hematological immune parameters, and endoparasitism of wild mallard (Anas platyrhynchos) ducklings at a variety of ages. Lutein, zeaxanthin, β-cryptoxanthin, β-carotene, and canthaxanthin were the most common carotenoids in liver, plasma, and gut contents. We found that, early in development (when food intake is limited), carotenoids were comparatively concentrated in internal tissue (e.g., liver), presumably a carry-over from maternal contributions in yolk, but as ducklings approached independence (and increasingly fed on their own) concentrations were greatest in gut contents. Canthaxanthin concentrations were lower in the plasma and liver of older individuals compared to younger ducklings, even though gut canthaxanthin concentration did not change with age. Additionally, β-carotene was nearly absent from circulation, despite moderate levels within the gut, suggesting a high rate of conversion to retinol. Using principal components analysis, we revealed a correlation between an increased ability to assimilate dietary carotenoids and lower levels of chronic stress (as assessed by lower heterophil-to-lymphocyte ratios) and a correlation between a reduced carotenoid status and increased investment in the immune system (as assessed by higher total leukocyte count). We also found that individuals without parasites had an overall reduced carotenoid status. Thus, we demonstrate age-specific differences in carotenoid allocation in growing animals from a precocial bird species and provide correlational evidence that parasitism and health in wild animals are related to carotenoid status and assimilation ability.  相似文献   

Oxidative stress could be a key selective force shaping the expression of colored traits produced by the primary animal pigments in integuments: carotenoids and melanins. However, the impact of oxidative stress on melanic ornaments has only recently been explored, whereas its role in the expression of carotenoid-based traits is not fully understood. An interesting study case is that of those animal species simultaneously expressing both kinds of ornaments, such as the red-legged partridge (Alectoris rufa). In this bird, individuals exposed to an exogenous source of free radicals (diquat) during their development produced larger eumelanin-based (black) plumage traits than controls. Here, we show that the same red-legged partridges exposed to diquat simultaneously developed paler carotenoid-based ornaments (red beak and eye rings), and carried lower circulating carotenoid levels as well as lower levels of some lipids involved in carotenoid transport in the bloodstream (i.e., cholesterol). Moreover, partridges treated with a hormone that stimulates eumelanin production (i.e., alpha-melanocyte-stimulating hormone) also increased blood carotenoid levels, but this effect was not mirrored in the expression of carotenoid-based traits. The redness of carotenoid-based ornaments and the size of a conspicuous eumelanic trait (the black bib) were negatively correlated in control birds, suggesting a physiological trade-off during development. These findings contradict recent studies questioning the sensitivity of carotenoids to oxidative stress. Nonetheless, the impact of free radicals on plasma carotenoids seems to be partially mediated by changes in cholesterol metabolism, and not by direct carotenoid destruction/consumption. The results highlight the capacity of oxidative stress to create multiple phenotypes during development through differential effects on carotenoids and melanins, raising questions about evolutionary constraints involved in the production of multiple ornaments by the same organism.  相似文献   

Animals must allocate finite resources amongst competing demands. A suite of such trade-offs is thought to occur in the deployment of carotenoids, being widely responsible for sexual coloration and also important in antioxidant and immune defences. Experimental manipulation of dietary carotenoid availability is a useful approach for elucidating the mechanistic bases of carotenoid allocation trade-offs. Recent work using birds has shown that both sexual display and immune defences can be limited by carotenoid availability, providing support for the hypothesis that males allocating greater amounts of carotenoids to sexual coloration are advertising their superior health. Carotenoid availability has also been shown to limit egg-laying capacity in birds, although it remains to be seen whether carotenoid display in females advertises reproductive potential. More experiments are required to ascertain the importance of direct (material) and indirect (genetic) benefits accruing through choosing to mate with individuals that have greater carotenoid display.  相似文献   

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