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红条毛肤石鳖齿舌形态及矿物成分含量   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
刘传琳  赵见高  崔龙波  刘兴杰 《动物学报》2001,47(5):553-557,T001
在光镜和扫描电镜下对红毛肤石鳖齿舌的组成及各种齿片形态进行了较详细的观察,齿舌的每一排由17个齿片组成,形态各异。采用原子吸收法对齿舌中的钾、钙、钠、镁、铬、铁、钴和锰8种元素含量进行了测定,其中铁元素含量最高,达齿舌干重的14.6%,其次为镁,其它元素含量依次为钠、钙、钾、锰、铬和钴;并且齿舌在生长过程中通过不断的积累矿物元素而使齿舌的不同部位矿化程度有所差异,矿化程度由重至轻依次为齿舌前段、中段、后段和末段;在研究中发现齿舌中含有磁性物质Fe3O4,并且磁性物质主要存在于第1侧齿的齿尖上。  相似文献   

采用扫描电镜观察了3目10科12属17种陆生贝类的齿舌形态.结果 显示,17种陆生贝类齿舌的中央齿均为1列,侧齿12~218列不等,缘齿0~204列不等.中央齿依齿片上小齿数目分为单齿型、三齿型和多齿型;侧齿与缘齿的形态多样,侧齿齿片上小齿数1~6枚不等,缘齿齿片上小齿数1~10枚不等.结合以往报道的38种陆生贝类齿舌...  相似文献   

生物矿化在自然界广泛存在。矿化过程通过精确控制形成精致、有序的分级结构,如骨骼、牙齿、贝壳、齿舌等,迄今已发现约60多种生物矿化物,其中钙化物的种类最多,铁化物有5—6种1,2。磁铁矿(Fe3O4)在众多的生物体内均有发现3。纳米磁铁矿在生物医学领域有广泛的应用前景,如制备磁性微球、磁性微囊、磁性脂质体、磁性微乳等4,5。生物矿化吸引着众多科学家的关注,人们期望通过矿化结构的研究,了解矿化机理,并利用仿生学原理合成功能性材料。    相似文献   

在光镜和电镜下对嫁(虫戚)(Cellana toreuma)和斗嫁(虫戚)(C.grata)的齿舌形态进行观察比较。2种嫁(虫戚)的齿式都为1.,即具有1枚侧齿和1枚缘齿,缺乏中央齿。齿舌前端都有1小段弯曲,齿片排列松散且存在明显的磨损现象。嫁(虫戚)和斗嫁(虫戚)的侧齿形状很相似,侧齿呈镰刀型且具1个齿尖,基部近似三角形且具突起,尖齿部分细长。两种嫁(虫戚)的缘齿存在一定的差异,嫁(虫戚)缘齿具3个齿尖,第2尖齿靠近第3尖齿。斗嫁(虫戚)缘齿具2个齿尖且比较细长,第2尖齿靠近缘齿基部。本文用17个参数对这两种嫁(虫戚)的齿舌带及其前中后3段上的齿片进行了测量比较,发现斗嫁(虫戚)齿舌带的长宽比明显大于嫁(虫戚)齿舌带的长宽比,即斗嫁(虫戚)的齿舌带显得更加细长。齿舌带前、中、后3段各比例参数的值存在一定的关系,即中段大于前段、中段大于后段。据此认为用齿舌作为2种嫁(虫戚)的分类依据是可行的。  相似文献   

在光镜和电镜下对嫁[虫戚](Cellana toreuma)的齿舌形态进行观察研究。嫁[虫戚]的齿舌带每1横列具有2枚侧齿和2枚缘齿,缺乏中央齿,齿式为1.。齿舌带前端弯曲,齿片排列松散且存在明显的磨损现象;中段齿片排列紧密、整齐;后端齿片无色且宽度有略微的缩小。侧齿呈镰刀型,具1个齿尖,基部呈三角形且具突起,尖齿部分细长;缘齿具3个齿尖,第2尖齿靠近第3尖齿。采用多个比例参数来比较嫁齿舌带及其前、中、后3段上的齿片形态,发现嫁齿舌带前、中、后3段各比例参数的值存在一定的关系,即中段大于前段、中段大于后段。  相似文献   

海洋软体动物齿舌中磁铁物的研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
在扫描电镜下对红条毛肤石鳖( Acanthochiton rubrolineatus Lischke) 齿舌进行了观察,用原子力和磁力显微镜及超导量子干涉器(SQUID) 式磁强计对齿舌中的磁铁物Fe3 O4 进行了分析和测量,实验证明齿舌中含有磁铁物Fe3 O4 ,每个齿舌约含Fe3 O4 0.2 mg ,占齿舌重量的15 % ,矿物重量的40% ,磁化强度约为0.02×10 - 3 Am2/ 个,相当于14Am2/kg ,并且磁铁物主要存在于第一侧齿的齿尖上,同时Fe3 O4 晶体在齿片表面上的排列及磁畴结构具有方向性。  相似文献   

齿舌作为软体动物独特的摄食器官,是软体动物门重要的分类特征。利用扫描电镜对入侵物种福寿螺Pomacea canaliculata、P.maculata和本地物种中国圆田螺(Cipangopaludina chinensis)的齿舌形态进行了比较观察。两种福寿螺和中国圆田螺齿式均为2·1·1·1·2。两种福寿螺齿舌的差异主要体现在中央齿的第一突起,P.canaliculata中央齿第一突起宽而短,不如P.maculata锋利。P.canaliculata与P.maculata第一突起长与中央齿宽以及第一突起宽与中央齿宽的比值均具有显著差异。两种福寿螺与中国圆田螺齿舌的中央齿、侧齿、缘齿,不论是从形态还是数量上都明显不同。两种福寿螺中央齿第一突起大而尖,呈倒三角形,两侧对称排列3个小齿;中国圆田螺的中央齿第一突起短而宽,呈方形,两侧对称排列4个小齿。两种福寿螺的侧齿大突起内侧有1个小而尖的小齿,大突起外侧另有2个小齿;中国圆田螺侧齿上缘中间大突起外侧有3个小齿,呈锯齿状。两种福寿螺的内缘齿和外缘齿相似,缘齿上缘的中间尖齿尖锐,旁边再形成一小齿;中国圆田螺内缘齿上缘的中间尖齿突出,外缘齿基部细长,上缘有小的尖齿8~10个,呈梳状。两种福寿螺与中国圆田螺的第一突起宽与中央齿宽之比、第一突起长与中央齿宽之比、第二突起宽与中央齿宽之比、第二突起长与中央齿宽之比均差异显著。食性不同可能是造成种间齿舌结构差异的原因之一。  相似文献   

杂色鲍齿舌的显微与亚显微结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为研究鲍的消化生理学、鲍的齿舌形态构造与鲍健康状况之间的关系,我们采用石蜡切片、Harris苏木素-伊红染色,光学显微技术及扫描和透射电镜技术,较全面地观察研究了杂色鲍的物理消化器官-齿舌的显微与亚显微结构。结果表明:“大龄幼鲍”和“成鲍”的齿舌齿式为:∞+5+1+5+∞,即齿舌由1列中央齿,每边5列侧齿和不定数的缘齿构成。随着鲍龄的增加,齿舌的长带状的基本形态保持不变,但长度和宽度都有所增加,长度的增加是由其齿舌横排数目的增加,舌齿大小的扩大及邻近横排舌齿的间距的增加造成;齿舌宽度的增加是由其舌齿宽度的扩宽,第3到第5侧齿的定期增加,缘齿数目的稳定线性增加造成。  相似文献   

云南禄丰古猿化石地点的豪猪化石   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
描述了产自云南禄丰古猿化石地点的豪猪化石禄丰豪猪 (新种 ) (Hystrixlufengensissp .nov.)。这是一种较原始的豪猪。它的个体中等 ;两上颊齿列往前靠近 ;下颌骨骨体较低 ,齿隙稍凹 ,其前端高于下颊齿冠面 ;颊齿齿冠较低 ;上颊齿舌侧沟横向较短 ;P4大 ,前尖通常孤立 ,中附尖很发达 ,不与中脊连 ;M3较少退化 ;上颊齿具 3齿根 ,大的内侧齿根具明显纵沟 ;下颊齿通常具 4齿根等。形态结构分析表明 ,H .lufengensis仅比H .parvae进步 ,比H .primigenia和H .sivalensis及其他种都原始。它可能代表亚洲目前已知最早、最原始的豪猪。其产出时代为晚中新世保德期 (狭义 )的较早期 (距今约 8Ma)。  相似文献   

1.绣花嗜粘液蛞蜍Philomycus pictus Stoliczka,1873.(嗜粘液蛞蝓科Philomycidae) 身体裸露,无外壳,体色为铅灰色或蓝黑色,背部具有三叉形网纹状的绣花图案。贮精囊呈球形。颚片呈半月形。齿舌为角齿,约有170列,每列有87枚齿,中央齿一枚,缘齿齿尖融合在一块。动物伸展时体长可达35—46毫米。 标本采于广西隆林县德峨公社。常生活在山区潮湿多腐质的环境,如树林、灌木丛、草丛中,落叶或  相似文献   

Abstract The structure, morphology and organisation of the cusps of the major lateral radula teeth of the chiton Plaxiphora albida have been examined using light, transmission and scanning electron microscopy, together with energy dispersive X-ray analysis and Mössbauer spectroscopy. In this chiton species, both the anterior and posterior surfaces of the major lateral teeth are composed of magnetite, which is indicated to be non-stoichiometric and associated with some maghemite, together with small amounts of phosphorus and silicon. This outer layer surrounds an inner core region of the tooth, which only reaches the surface through a small window zone on the anterior surface and which contains large amounts of iron and phosphorus presumably in the form of iron(III) phosphate. The organic matrix, on which the teeth are constructed, consists of a zone of densely packed fine fibres at the surface of the tooth, underlain by larger fibres which become sparser deeper into the cusp. The core region is characterized by the presence of densely packed short fibres. In contrast to the situation found in most other species of chiton, large fibres of the organic matrix extend throughout the region of magnetite mineralization, leading to the suggestion that the matrix exerts more control over the mineralization of magnetite than has previously been thought.  相似文献   

The radula is the basic feeding structure in gastropod molluscs and exhibits great morphological diversity that reflects the exceptional anatomical and ecological diversity occurring in these animals. This uniquely molluscan structure is formed in the blind end of the radular sac by specialized cells (membranoblasts and odontoblasts). Secretion type, and the number and shape of the odontoblasts that form each tooth characterize the mode of radula formation. These characteristics vary in different groups of gastropods. Elucidation of this diversity is key to identifying the main patterns of radula formation in Gastropoda. Of particular interest would be a phylogenetically closely related group that is characterized by high variability of the radula. One such group is the large monophyletic superfamily Conoidea, the radula of which is highly variable and may consist of the radular membrane with five teeth per row, or the radular membrane with only two or three teeth per row, or even just two harpoon-like teeth per row without a radular membrane. We studied the radulae of two species of Conoidea (Clavus maestratii Kilburn, Fedosov & Kantor, 2014 [Drilliidae] and, Lophiotoma acuta (Perry, 1811) [Turridae]) using light and electron microscopy. Based on these data and previous studies, we identify the general patterns of the radula formation for all Conoidea: the dorsolateral position of two groups of odontoblasts, uniform size, and shape of odontoblasts, folding of the radula in the radular sac regardless of the radula configuration. The morphology of the subradular epithelium is most likely adaptive to the radula type.  相似文献   

Gastropoda is morphologically highly variable and broadly distributed group of mollusks. Due to the high morphological and functional diversity of the feeding apparatus gastropods follow a broad range of feeding strategies: from detritivory to highly specialized predation. The feeding apparatus includes the buccal armaments: jaw(s) and radula. The radula comprises a chitinous ribbon with teeth arranged in transverse and longitudinal rows. A unique characteristic of the radula is its continuous renewal during the entire life of a mollusk. The teeth and the membrane are continuously synthesized in the blind end of the radular sac and are shifted forward to the working zone, while the teeth harden and are mineralized on the way. Despite the similarity of the general mechanism of the radula formation in gastropods, some phylogenetically determined features can be identified in different phylogenetic lineages. These mainly concern shape, size, and number of the odontoblasts forming a single tooth. The radular morphology depends on the shape of the formation zone and the morphology of the subradular epithelium. The radula first appears at the pre- and posttorsional veliger stages as an invagination of the buccal epithelium of the larval anterior gut. The larval radular sac is lined with uniform undifferentiated cells. Each major phylogenetic lineage is characterized by a specific larval radula type. Thus, the docoglossan radula of Patellogastropoda is characterized by initially three and then five teeth in a transverse row. The larval rhipidoglossan radula has seven teeth in a row with differentiation into central, lateral, and marginal teeth and later is transformed into the adult radula morphology by the addition of lateral and especially marginal teeth. The taenioglossan radula of Caenogastropoda is nearly immediately formed in adult configuration with seven teeth in a row.  相似文献   

显微观察了瘤背石磺(Onchidiumstruma)和石磺(O. verruculatum)齿舌的形态结构。运用差异系数法对两种石磺齿舌参数进行比较分析。利用SPSS10.0对瘤背石磺、石磺齿舌参数(齿舌长、齿舌头宽、齿舌中宽、齿舌尾宽、横列数、每排最少齿片数和每排最多齿片数)与个体参数(体长、体宽、体高、足长、足宽和体重)作回归分析。结果表明,两种石磺齿舌都很发达,外观呈长统靴状;齿片排成许多横列,每一横列均有中央齿一枚,侧齿若干无缘齿;两种石磺的齿舌头宽、齿舌中宽和齿舌尾宽差异极显著,但差异系数小于1.28,认为两种石磺的齿片形态存在明显的种间差异,但齿舌参数不适合作为石磺属贝类的分类依据;瘤背石磺的体宽和石磺的体重在评估各自齿舌生物学性状方面起到比较重要的作用。  相似文献   

In examination of radulae from all but one of the 36 speciesof the littorinid genus Littoraria we found extraordinary intraspecificvariation in those occurring on a range of substrates. Radulaefrom rock showed a less well developed `hood' on the rachidiantooth, a strikingly enlarged major cusp on each of the fivecentral teeth, fewer cusps on the outer marginal teeth and theradular ribbon was longer, when compared with radulae of conspecificsfrom plant substrates. The radulae of species found exclusivelyon rock differed in similar ways from those restricted to plantsubstrates (mangroves, driftwood and saltmarsh). We suggestthat this may be an example of phenotypic plasticity of radularform, induced by substrate and/or diet, as recently shown experimentallyin another littorinid genus. The mechanism of inducible plasticitydeserves further study. Ecotypic variation in the radula maybe widespread in littorinids, and radular characters shouldtherefore be used with caution in studies of taxonomy, phylogenyand adaptation. (Received 20 July 1998; accepted 10 November 1998)  相似文献   

Elemental composition and distribution in individual teeth of the whole radula of the chiton Cryptoplax striata were analyzed using energy-dispersive spectroscopy. Both the element deposited and its position within the tooth vary according to the stage of mineralization. The initial site of mineralization is the junction zone, the region between the tooth cusp and base. In this region, the first element to be deposited is iron, followed by phosphorus and then calcium. Iron deposition next commences in the tooth cusp cap, where it proceeds rapidly, being virtually complete within 12 tooth rows. By contrast, mineralization in the core of the tooth cusp does not commence until well down the radula and consists initially of iron and phosphorus with the addition of a small amount of calcium 6 rows later. While mineralization in the tooth base commences early in radula development, it continues right through to the fully mature end of the radula. A number of minor elements are also found at various stages of mineralization. The data obtained have been used to construct a schematic of the progression of mineralization along the length of the radula. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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