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The catalytic core of Escherichia coli DNA polymerase III contains three tightly associated subunits (alpha, epsilon, and theta). The theta subunit is the smallest, but the least understood of the three. As a first step in a program aimed at understanding its function, the structure of the theta subunit has been determined by triple-resonance multidimensional NMR spectroscopy. Although only a small protein, theta was difficult to assign fully because approximately one-third of the protein is unstructured, and some sections of the remaining structured parts undergo intermediate intramolecular exchange. The secondary structure was deduced from the characteristic nuclear Overhauser effect patterns, the 3J(HN alpha) coupling constants and the consensus chemical shift index. The C-terminal third of the protein, which has many charged and hydrophilic amino acid residues, has no well-defined secondary structure and exists in a highly dynamic state. The N-terminal two-thirds has three helical segments (Gln10-Asp19, Glu38-Glu43, and His47-Glu54), one short extended segment (Pro34-Ala37), and a long loop (Ala20-Glu29), of which part may undergo intermediate conformational exchange. Solution of the three-dimensional structure by NMR techniques revealed that the helices fold in such a way that the surface of theta is bipolar, with one face of the protein containing most of the acidic residues and the other face containing most of the long chain basic residues. Preliminary chemical shift mapping experiments with a domain of the epsilon subunit have identified a loop region (Ala20-Glu29) in theta as the site of association with epsilon.  相似文献   

YggX is a highly conserved protein found only in eubacteria and is proposed to be involved in the bacterial response to oxidative stress. Here we report the solution structure of YggX from Escherichia coli determined by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. The structure of YggX displays a fold consisting of two N-terminal antiparallel beta-sheets and three alpha-helices, which shares significant structural similarity to the crystal structure of a hypothetical protein PA5148 from Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Previous studies propose YggX as an iron binding protein that is involved in cellular iron trafficking. Our data indicate that the protein alone does not bind iron in vitro, suggesting other cofactors or different conditions may be necessary for metal binding.  相似文献   

The assignment of the side-chain NMR resonances and the determination of the three-dimensional solution structure of the C10S mutant of enzyme IIBcellobiose (IIBcel) of the phosphoenolpyruvate-dependent phosphotransferase system of Escherichia coli are presented. The side-chain resonances were assigned nearly completely using a variety of mostly heteronuclear NMR experiments, including HCCH-TOCSY, HCCH-COSY, and COCCH-TOCSY experiments as well as CBCACOHA, CBCA(CO)NH, and HBHA(CBCA)(CO)NH experiments. In order to obtain the three-dimensional structure, NOE data were collected from 15N-NOESY-HSQC, 13C-HSQC-NOESY, and 2D NOE experiments. The distance restraints derived from these NOE data were used in distance geometry calculations followed by molecular dynamics and simulated annealing protocols. In an iterative procedure, additional NOE assignments were derived from the calculated structures and new structures were calculated. The final set of structures, calculated with approximately 2000 unambiguous and ambiguous distance restraints, has an rms deviation of 1.1 A on C alpha atoms. IIBcel consists of a four stranded parallel beta-sheet, in the order 2134. The sheet is flanked with two and three alpha-helices on either side. Residue 10, a cysteine in the wild-type enzyme, which is phosphorylated during the catalytic cycle, is located at the end of the first beta-strand. A loop that is proposed to be involved in the binding of the phosphoryl-group follows the cysteine. The loop appears to be disordered in the unphosphorylated state.  相似文献   

We have isolated, characterized and determined the three-dimensional NMR solution structure of the presequence of ATPsynthase F1beta subunit from Nicotiana plumbaginifolia. A general method for purification of presequences is presented. The method is based on overexpression of a mutant precursor containing a methionine residue introduced at the processing site, followed by CNBr-cleavage and purification of the presequence on a cation-exchange column. The F1beta presequence, 53 amino acid residues long, retained its native properties as evidenced by inhibition of in vitro mitochondrial import and processing at micromolar concentrations. CD spectroscopy revealed that the F1beta presequence formed an alpha-helical structure in membrane mimetic environments such as SDS and DPC micelles (approximately 50% alpha-helix), and in acidic phospholipid bicelles (approximately 60% alpha-helix). The NMR solution structure of the F1beta presequence in SDS micelles was determined on the basis of 518 distance and 21 torsion angle constraints. The structure was found to contain two helices, an N-terminal amphipathic alpha-helix (residues 4-15) and a C-terminal alpha-helix (residues 43-53), separated by a largely unstructured 27 residue long internal domain. The N-terminal amphipathic alpha-helix forms the putative Tom20 receptor binding site, whereas the C-terminal alpha-helix is located upstream of the mitochondrial processing peptidase cleavage site.  相似文献   

The bacterial chemotaxis adaptor protein CheW physically links the chemoreceptors (MCPs) and the histidine kinase CheA. Extensive investigations using bacterium Escherichia coli have established the central role of CheW in the MCP-modulated activation of CheA. Here we report the solution structure of CheW from E. coli determined by NMR spectroscopy. The results show that E. coli CheW shares an overall fold with previously reported structure of CheW from Thermotoga maritima, whereas local conformational deviations are observed. In particular, the C-terminal alpha-helix is considerably longer in E. coli CheW and appears to shrink the active binding pocket with CheA. Our study provides the structural basis for further investigations in E. coli chemotaxis.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli HypC plays an important role in the maturation process of the pre-maturated HycE, the large subunit of hydrogenase 3. It serves as an iron transfer as well as a chaperone protein during the maturation process of pre-HycE, and interacts with both HypD and HycE. The N-terminal cysteine residue of HypC plays a key role in the protein-protein interactions. Here, we present the three-dimensional structure of E. coli HypC, the first solution structure of HupF/HypC family. Our result demonstrates that E. coli HypC consists of a typical OB-fold beta-barrel with two C-terminal helixes. Sequence alignment and structural comparison reveal that the hydrophobic region on the surface of E. coli HypC, as well as the highly flexible C-terminal helixes, may involve in the interactions of E. coli HypC with other proteins.  相似文献   

Summary The NMR solution structure of the activation domain isolated from porcine procarboxypeptidase B is compared with the X-ray crystal structure of the corresponding segment in the intact proenzyme. For the region of the polypeptide chain that has a well-defined three-dimensional structure in solution, i.e., the backbone atoms of residues 11–76 and 25 amino acid side chains in this segment that form a hydrophobic core in the activation domain, the root-mean-square distance between the two structures is 1.1 Å. There are no significant differences in average atom positions between the two structures, but only the NMR structure shows increased structural disorder in three outlying loops located along the same edge of the activation domain. These regions of increased structural disorder in the free domain coincide only partially with the interface to the enzyme domain in the proenzyme.  相似文献   

The bacterial phosphoenolpyruvate-dependent sugar phosphotransferase system (PEP-PTS) is essential in the coupled transportation and phosphorylation of various types of carbohydrates. The CmtAB proteins of Escherichia coli are sequentially similar to the mannitol-specific phosphotransferase MtlA. The CmtB protein corresponds to the phosphotransferase enzyme IIA component. Here we report the solution structure of CmtB from E. coli at high resolution by NMR spectroscopy. The results show that CmtB adopts a globular fold consisting of a central mixed five-strand β-sheet flanked by seven helices at both sides. Structural comparison with the IIA domain of MtlA (IIAMtl) reveals high overall similarity, while notable conformational differences at the active site are observed. The active site pocket of CmtB appears to be wider, and the hydrophobic regions around it is larger compared to IIAMtl. Further, the essential arginine residue at the active site of IIAMtl is substituted by a serine in CmtB. Instead, the active pocket of CmtB contains another arginine at a distinct position, suggesting different molecular mechanisms for phosphoryl transfer.  相似文献   

The determination of the NMR structure of oxidized Escherichia coli glutaredoxin in aqueous solution is described, and comparisons of this structure with that of reduced E. coli glutaredoxin and the related proteins E. coli thioredoxin and T4 glutaredoxin are presented. Based on nearly complete sequence-specific 1H-NMR assignments, 804 nuclear Overhauser enhancement distance constraints and 74 dihedral angle constraints were obtained as the input for the structure calculations, for which the distance geometry program DIANA was used followed by simulated annealing with the program X-PLOR. The molecular architecture of oxidized glutaredoxin is made up of three helices and a four-stranded beta-sheet. The three-dimensional structures of oxidized and the recently described reduced glutaredoxin are very similar. Quantitative analysis of the exchange rates of 34 slowly exchanging amide protons from corresponding series of two-dimensional [15N,1H]-correlated spectra of oxidized and reduced glutaredoxin showed close agreement, indicating almost identical hydrogen-bonding patterns. Nonetheless, differences in local dynamics involving residues near the active site and the C-terminal alpha-helix were clearly manifested. Comparison of the structure of E. coli glutaredoxin with those of T4 glutaredoxin and E. coli thioredoxin showed that all three proteins have a similar overall polypeptide fold. An area of the protein surface at the active site containing Arg 8, Cys 11, Pro 12, Tyr 13, Ile 38, Thr 58, Val 59, Pro 60, Gly 71, Tyr 72, and Thr 73 is proposed as a possible site for interaction with other proteins, in particular ribonucleotide reductase. It was found that this area corresponds to previously proposed interaction sites in T4 glutaredoxin and E. coli thioredoxin. The solvent-accessible surface area at the active site of E. coli glutaredoxin showed a general trend to increase upon reduction. Only the sulfhydryl group of Cys 11 is exposed to the solvent, whereas that of Cys 14 is buried and solvent inaccessible.  相似文献   

Matei E  Louis JM  Jee J  Gronenborn AM 《Proteins》2011,79(5):1538-1549
Members of the cyanovirin-N homolog (CVNH) lectin family are found in bacteria, fungi and plants. As part of our ongoing work on CVNH structure-function studies, we determined the high-resolution NMR solution structure of the homolog from the wheat head blight disease causing ascomycetous fungus Gibberella zeae (or Fusarium graminearum), hereafter called GzCVNH. Like cyanovirin-N (CV-N), GzCVNH comprises two tandem sequence repeats and the protein sequence exhibits 30% identity with CV-N. The overall structure is similar to those of other members of the CVNH family, with the conserved pseudo-symmetric halves of the structure, domains A and B, closely resembling recently determined structures of Tuber borchii, Neurospora crassa, and Ceratopteris richardii CVNH proteins. Although GzCVNH exhibits a similar glycan recognition profile to CV-N and specifically binds to Manα(1-2)Manα, its weak carbohydrate binding affinity to only one binding site is insufficient for conferring anti-HIV activity.  相似文献   

DnaA protein binds specifically to a group of binding sites collectively called as DnaA boxes within the bacterial replication origin to induce local unwinding of duplex DNA. The DNA-binding domain of DnaA, domain IV, comprises the C-terminal 94 amino acid residues of the protein. We overproduced and purified a protein containing only this domain plus a methionine residue. This protein was stable as a monomer and maintained DnaA box-specific binding activity. We then analyzed its solution structure by CD spectrum and heteronuclear multi-dimensional NMR experiments. We established extensive assignments of the 1H, 13C, and 15N nuclei, and revealed by obtaining combined analyses of chemical shift index and NOE connectivities that DnaA domain IV contains six alpha-helices and no beta-sheets, consistent with results of CD analysis. Mutations known to reduce DnaA box-binding activity were specifically located in or near two of the alpha-helices. These findings indicate that the DNA-binding fold of DnaA domain IV is unique among origin-binding proteins.  相似文献   

The 3-dimensional structure of the pheromone Er-1 isolated from the ciliated protozoan Euplotes raikovi has been determined in aqueous solution by 1H NMR spectroscopy. The structure of this 40-residue protein was calculated with the distance geometry program DIANA on the basis of 503 upper distance constraints derived from nuclear Overhauser effects and 77 dihedral angle constraints derived from spin-spin coupling constants, and refined by restrained energy minimization with the program OPAL. The Er-1 solution structure is represented by a group of 20 conformers with an average RMS deviation relative to the mean structure of 0.55 A for the backbone atoms N, C alpha, and C', and 0.93 A for all heavy atoms of the complete polypeptide chain, residues 1-40. The molecular architecture is dominated by an up-down-up bundle of 3 alpha-helices formed by residues 2-9, 12-19, and 24-33. Although this core part coincides closely with the previously determined structure of the homologous pheromone Er-10, the C-terminal peptide segment adopts a novel conformation. This is of interest in view of previous suggestions, based on sequence comparisons, that this molecular region may be important for the different specificity of receptor recognition by different pheromones.  相似文献   

A high precision NMR structure of oxidized glutaredoxin 3 [C65Y] from Escherichia coli has been determined. The conformation of the active site including the disulphide bridge is highly similar to those in glutaredoxins from pig liver and T4 phage. A comparison with the previously determined structure of glutaredoxin 3 [C14S, C65Y] in a complex with glutathione reveals conformational changes between the free and substrate-bound form which includes the sidechain of the conserved, active site tyrosine residue. In the oxidized form this tyrosine is solvent exposed, while it adopts a less exposed conformation, stabilized by hydrogen bonds, in the mixed disulfide with glutathione. The structures further suggest that the formation of a covalent linkage between glutathione and glutaredoxin 3 is necessary in order to induce these structural changes upon binding of the glutathione peptide. This could explain the observed low affinity of glutaredoxins for S-blocked glutathione analogues, in spite of the fact that glutaredoxins are highly specific reductants of glutathione mixed disulfides.  相似文献   

This report presents the backbone assignments and the secondary structure determination of the A domain of the Escherichia coli mannitol transport protein, enzyme-IImtl. The backbone resonances were partially assigned using three-dimensional heteronuclear 1H NOE 1H-15N single-quantum coherence (15N NOESY-HSQC) spectroscopy and three-dimensional heteronuclear 1H total correlation 1H-15N single-quantum coherence (15N TOCSY-HSQC) spectroscopy on uniformly 15N enriched protein. Triple-resonance experiments on uniformly 15N/13C enriched protein were necessary to complete the backbone assignments, due to overlapping 1H and 15N frequencies. Data obtained from three-dimensional 1H-15N-13C alpha correlation experiments (HNCA and HN(CO)CA), a three-dimensional 1H-15N-13CO correlation experiment (HNCO), and a three-dimensional 1H alpha-13C alpha-13CO correlation experiment (COCAH) were combined using SNARF software, and yielded the assignments of virtually all observed backbone resonances. Determination of the secondary structure of IIAmtl is based upon NOE information from the 15N NOESY-HSQC and the 1H alpha and 13C alpha secondary chemical shifts. The resulting secondary structure is considerably different from that reported for IIAglc of E. coli and Bacillus subtilis determined by NMR and X-ray.  相似文献   

Klebsiella pneumoniae (KP), a Gram-negative bacterium, is a common cause of hospital-acquired bacterial infections worldwide. Tellurium (Te) compounds, although relatively rare in the environment, have a long history as antimicrobial and therapeutic agents. In bacteria, tellurite (TeO(3) (-2)) resistance is conferred by the ter (Te(r)) operon (terZABCDEF). Here, on the basis of 2593 restraints derived from NMR analysis, we report the NMR structure of TerB protein (151 amino acids) of KP (KP-TerB), which is mainly composed of seven alpha-helices and a 3(10) helix, with helices II to V apparently forming a four-helix bundle. The ensemble of 20 NMR structures was well-defined, with a RMSD of 0.32 +/- 0.06 A for backbone atoms and 1.11 +/- 0.07 A for heavy atoms, respectively. A unique property of the KP-TerB structure is that the positively and negatively charged clusters are formed by the N-terminal positively and C-terminal negatively charged residues, respectively. To the best of our knowledge, the protein sequence and structures of KP-TerB are unique.  相似文献   

A deletion mutant of the transcarboxylase biotin carrier protein was completely labeled with 13C and 15N. A multitude of 2D and 3D NMR spectra were recorded and assigned. An NMR solution structure was derived from the data and compared in detail with the recently published structure of the wild-type. It is shown that deletion of 30% of the amino acids does not alter the structure of the rigid protein core.  相似文献   

DNA transposons can be employed for stable gene transfer in vertebrates. The Sleeping Beauty (SB) DNA transposon has been recently adapted for human application and is being evaluated in clinical trials, however its molecular mechanism is not clear. SB transposition is catalyzed by the transposase enzyme, which is a multi‐domain protein containing the catalytic and the DNA‐binding domains. The DNA‐binding domain of the SB transposase contains two structurally independent subdomains, PAI and RED. Recently, the structures of the catalytic domain and the PAI subdomain have been determined, however no structural information on the RED subdomain and its interactions with DNA has been available. Here, we used NMR spectroscopy to determine the solution structure of the RED subdomain and characterize its interactions with the transposon DNA.  相似文献   

The solution structure of the ribosome-associated cold shock response protein Yfia of Escherichia coli was determined by nuclear magnetic resonance with a RMSD of 0.6A. Yfia shows a global beta-alpha-beta-beta-beta-alpha folding topology similar to its homologue HI0257 of Haemophilus influenzae and the double-strand-binding domain of Drosophila Staufen protein. Yfia and HI0257 differ in their surface charges and in the composition of their flexible C-termini, indicating their specificity to different target molecules. Both proteins exhibit a hydrophobic and polar region, which probably functions as interaction site for protein complex formation. Despite their similarity to the dsRBD fold, Yfia does not bind to model fragments of 16S ribosomal RNA as determined by NMR titration and gel shift experiments.  相似文献   

Determination of the accurate three-dimensional structure of large proteins by NMR remains challenging due to a loss in the density of experimental restraints resulting from the often prerequisite perdeuteration. Solution small-angle scattering, which carries long-range translational information, presents an opportunity to enhance the structural accuracy of derived models when used in combination with global orientational NMR restraints such as residual dipolar couplings (RDCs) and residual chemical shift anisotropies (RCSAs). We have quantified the improvements in accuracy that can be obtained using this strategy for the 82 kDa enzyme Malate Synthase G (MSG), currently the largest single chain protein solved by solution NMR. Joint refinement against NMR and scattering data leads to an improvement in structural accuracy as evidenced by a decrease from approximately 4.5 to approximately 3.3 A of the backbone rmsd between the derived model and the high-resolution X-ray structure, PDB code 1D8C. This improvement results primarily from medium-angle scattering data, which encode the overall molecular shape, rather than the lowest angle data that principally determine the radius of gyration and the maximum particle dimension. The effect of the higher angle data, which are dominated by internal density fluctuations, while beneficial, is also found to be relatively small. Our results demonstrate that joint NMR/SAXS refinement can yield significantly improved accuracy in solution structure determination and will be especially well suited for the study of systems with limited NMR restraints such as large proteins, oligonucleotides, or their complexes.  相似文献   

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