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Summary Two different3H-saxitoxin-binding proteins, with distinct biochemical and functional properties, were isolated from rat brain using a combination of anion exchange and lectin affinity chromatography as well as high resolution size exclusion and anion exchange HPLC. The alpha subunits of the binding proteins had different apparent molecular weights on SDS-PAGE (Type A: 235,000; Type B: 260,000). When reconstituted into planar lipid bilayers, the two saxitoxin-binding proteins formed sodium channels with different apparent single-channel conductances in the presence of batrachotoxin (Type A: 22 pS; Type B: 12 pS) and veratridine (Type A: 9 pS; Type B: 5 pS). The subtypes were further distinguished by scorpion (Leiurus quinquestriatus) venom which had different effects on single-channel conductance and gating of veratridine-activated Type A and Type B channels. Scorpion venom caused a 19% increase in single-channel conductance of Type A channels and a 35-mV hyperpolarizing shift in activation. Scropion venom double the single-channel conductance of Type B channels and shifted activation by at least 85 mV.  相似文献   

Most voltage-gated K(+) currents are relatively insensitive to extracellular Na(+) (Na(+)(o)), but Na(+)(o) potently inhibits outward human ether-a-go-go-related gene (HERG)-encoded K(+) channel current (Numaguchi, H., J.P. Johnson, Jr., C.I. Petersen, and J.R. Balser. 2000. Nat. Neurosci. 3:429-30). We studied wild-type (WT) and mutant HERG currents and used two strategic probes, intracellular Na(+) (Na(+)(i)) and extracellular Ba(2+) (Ba(2+)(o)), to define a site where Na(+)(o) interacts with HERG. Currents were recorded from transfected Chinese hamster ovary (CHO-K1) cells using the whole-cell voltage clamp technique. Inhibition of WT HERG by Na(+)(o) was not strongly dependent on the voltage during activating pulses. Three point mutants in the P-loop region (S624A, S624T, S631A) with intact K(+) selectivity and impaired inactivation each had reduced sensitivity to inhibition by Na(+)(o). Quantitatively similar effects of Na(+)(i) to inhibit HERG current were seen in the WT and S624A channels. As S624A has impaired Na(+)(o) sensitivity, this result suggested that Na(+)(o) and Na(+)(i) act at different sites. Extracellular Ba(2+) (Ba(2+)(o)) blocks K(+) channel pores, and thereby serves as a useful probe of K(+) channel structure. HERG channel inactivation promotes relief of Ba(2+) block (Weerapura, M., S. Nattel, M. Courtemanche, D. Doern, N. Ethier, and T. Hebert. 2000. J. Physiol. 526:265-278). We used this feature of HERG inactivation to distinguish between simple allosteric and pore-occluding models of Na(+)(o) action. A remote allosteric model predicts that Na(+)(o) will speed relief of Ba(2+)(o) block by promoting inactivation. Instead, Na(+)(o) slowed Ba(2+) egress and Ba(2+) relieved Na(+)(o) inhibition, consistent with Na(+)(o) binding to an outer pore site. The apparent affinities of the outer pore for Na(+)(o) and K(+)(o) as measured by slowing of Ba(2+) egress were compatible with competition between the two ions for the channel pore in their physiological concentration ranges. We also examined the role of the HERG closed state in Na(+)(o) inhibition. Na(+)(o) inhibition was inversely related to pulsing frequency in the WT channel, but not in the pore mutant S624A.  相似文献   

Voltage-dependent K+ channels are responsible for repolarization of the cell membrane during the late phase of the action potential. Here we report the purification of proteins from squid axon membranes which bind the K+-channel blocker noxiustoxin (NTX), and their subsequent functional reconstitution in planar bilayers. The NXT-affinity purified proteins had Mr values of 60000 ± 6000, 160000 ± 15000 and 220000 ± 20000. Their incorporation into bilayers resulted in single-channel currents with three conductances, the most frequent one of 11 pS in 300/100 mM KCl (cis/trans). The voltage dependence, reversal potential and bursting behavior suggest that these are the K+ channels involved in the squid axon action potential.  相似文献   

We report here that large conductance K+ selective channel in adrenal chromaffin granules is controlled by pH. We measured electrogenic influx of 86Rb+ into chromaffin granules prepared from bovine adrenal gland medulla. The 86Rb+ influx was inhibited by acidic pH. Purified chromaffin granule membranes were also fused with planar lipid bilayer. A potassium channel with conductance of 432±9 pS in symmetric 450 mM KCl was observed after reconstitution into lipid bilayer. The channel activity was unaffected by charybdotoxin, a blocker of the Ca2+-activated K+ channel of large conductance. It was observed that acidification to pH 6.4 cis side of the membrane lowered the channel open probability and single channel conductance. Whereas only weak influence on the single channel current amplitude and open probability were observed upon lowering of the pH at the trans side. We conclude that a pH-sensitive large conductance potassium channel operates in the chromaffin granule membrane.  相似文献   

Summary The membrane of mechanically prepared vesicles ofChara corallina has been investigated by patch-clamp techniques. This membrane consists of tonoplast as demonstrated by the measurement of ATP-driven currents directed into the vesicles as well as by the ATP-dependent accumulation of neutral red. Addition of 1mm ATP to the bath medium induced a membrane current of about 3.2 mA·m–2 creating a voltage across the tonoplast of about –7 mV (cytoplasmic side negative). On excised tonoplast patches, currents through single K+-selective channels have been investigated under various ionic conditions. The open-channel currents saturate at large voltage displacements from the equilibrium voltage for K+ with limiting currents of about +15 and –30 pA, respectively, as measured in symmetric 250mm KCl solutions. The channel is virtually impermeable to Na+ and Cl. However, addition of Na+ decreases the K+ currents. TheI–V relationships of the open channel as measured at various K+ concentrations with or without Na+ added are described by a 6-state model, the 12 parameters of which are determined to fit the experimental data.  相似文献   

Summary A Ca-activated, K-selective channel from plasma membrane of rat skeletal muscle was studied in artificial lipid bilayers formed from either phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) or phosphatidylserine (PS). In PE, the single-channel conductance exhibited a complex dependence on symmetrical K+ concentration that could not be described by simple Michaelis-Menten saturation. At low K+ concentrations the channel conductance was higher in PS membranes, but approached the same conductance observed in PE above 0.4m KCl. At the same Ca2+ concentration and voltage, the probability of channel opening was significantly greater in PS than PE. The differences in the conduction and gating, observed in the two lipids, can be explained by the negative surface charge of PS compared to the neutral PE membrane. Model calculations of the expected concentrations of K+ and Ca2+ at various distances from a PS membrane surface, using Gouy-Chapman-Stern theory, suggest that the K+-conduction and Ca2+-activation sites sense a similar fraction of the surface potential, equivalent to the local electrostatic potential at a distance of 9 Å from the surface.  相似文献   

目的:明确线粒体ATP敏感钾通道与钙激活钾通道对正常和缺血脑线粒体渗透性转变的作用。方法:实验采用分光光度法,在分离的线粒体上分别观察两种线粒体钾通道激动剂对正常与缺血脑线粒体肿胀的影响。结果:在正常脑线粒体,diazoxide与NSl619能有效抑制由钙诱导的线粒体氏20下降,但其效应可被atractyloside所阻断。与正常相比,缺血损伤后的脑线粒体在钙离子诱导下线粒体A520下降较快,diazoxide与NS1619仍可抑制由钙诱导的线粒体A520下降,其作用同样为atractykxside所阻断。结论:线粒体ATP敏感钾通道与钙激活钾通道激活在离体条件均具有保护脑线粒体的作用,其作用可能是通过影响线粒体通透性转变而实现。  相似文献   

If the ion concentration is low enough that most channels are unoccupied, then the ‘independence relations’ should be satisfied and the permeability ratio should equal the conductance ratio. It has been previously reported that for the gramicidin A channel these ratios for Na+ and K+ were not equal at concentrations as low as 10 mM. However, these ratios were not measured at the same applied potential, as is required by the theory. Instead, the conductance ratio was measured at 100 mV and corrected using calculated current-voltage relations. In this report the comparison between permeability and conductance ratios is reexamined using data obtained at the correct potential. There is no significant difference in the ratios at 10 mM when they are measured at the same voltage. This implies that most channels are not occupied by sodium or potassium ions at 10 mM.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli hemolysin forms cation selective, ion-permeable channels of large conductance in planar phospholipid bilayer membranes. The pore formation mechanism is voltage dependent resembling that of some colicins and of diphtheria toxin: pores open when negative voltages are applied and close with positive potentials. The pH dependence of this gating process suggests that it is mediated by a negative fixed charge present in the lumen of the pore. A simple physical model of how the channel opens and closes in response to the applied voltage is given.  相似文献   

Osmotic jump experiments were used to measure the ionic permeability induced in lipid vesicles by Megathura crenulata hemocyanin. It was found that this protein strongly increases the conductance of K+ and Cl- through these membranes but not that of SO 4 = . These effects were attributed to the formation of ionic channels in the vesicles. We have found that a simple first-order binding model can explain the dependence of the number of pore-containing vesicles both on the time after exposure to hemocyanin and on the protein concentration. Milder effects were attributed to a non-specific adhesion of the protein to the membrane surface. Consistent with the hypothesis of reversible association, vesicles which retained hemocyanin after step sucrose density gradient centrifugation at low ionic strength, lost most of the protein upon recentrifugation at high ionic strength. Consistent with the hypothesis of channel formation bot the above vesicle preparations transferred voltage-dependent hemocyanin channels into planar bilayers when they were made to fuse with them. It is concluded that hemocyanin can interact both specifically, by forming pores within the hydrophobic core of lipid membranes, and non-specifically, probably by means of electrostatic interaction with the surface of the same membrane.Abbreviations Hepes N-2-hydroxyethylpiperazine-N-2-ethanesulfonic acid - PC phosphatidylcholine - PE phosphatidylethanolamine - PS phosphatidylserine - DOC sodium deoxycholate  相似文献   

Large-conductance Ca(2+)-activated K(+) channels can be activated by membrane voltage in the absence of Ca(2+) binding, indicating that these channels contain an intrinsic voltage sensor. The properties of this voltage sensor and its relationship to channel activation were examined by studying gating charge movement from mSlo Ca(2+)-activated K(+) channels in the virtual absence of Ca(2+) (<1 nM). Charge movement was measured in response to voltage steps or sinusoidal voltage commands. The charge-voltage relationship (Q-V) is shallower and shifted to more negative voltages than the voltage-dependent open probability (G-V). Both ON and OFF gating currents evoked by brief (0.5-ms) voltage pulses appear to decay rapidly (tau(ON) = 60 microseconds at +200 mV, tau(OFF) = 16 microseconds at -80 mV). However, Q(OFF) increases slowly with pulse duration, indicating that a large fraction of ON charge develops with a time course comparable to that of I(K) activation. The slow onset of this gating charge prevents its detection as a component of I(gON), although it represents approximately 40% of the total charge moved at +140 mV. The decay of I(gOFF) is slowed after depolarizations that open mSlo channels. Yet, the majority of open channel charge relaxation is too rapid to be limited by channel closing. These results can be understood in terms of the allosteric voltage-gating scheme developed in the preceding paper (Horrigan, F.T., J. Cui, and R.W. Aldrich. 1999. J. Gen. Physiol. 114:277-304). The model contains five open (O) and five closed (C) states arranged in parallel, and the kinetic and steady-state properties of mSlo gating currents exhibit multiple components associated with C-C, O-O, and C-O transitions.  相似文献   

The dynamics of potassium ions in a KcsA channel, located within a stochastically fluctuating medium, is modelled via the application of the molecular dynamics simulation method. We investigate the effect of presence and absence of an applied electric field, either constant or periodic, on the dynamics of the channel. It is found that the ions undergo a hopping motion when the channel is exposed to a constant electric field of strength 0.03 V/nm. Furthermore, an alternating electric field in the GHz range, normally present in the daily environment and encountered by most biological systems, is applied to the channel, showing that in this frequency range, the rigidity of the atomic bonds of the filter is increased, which in turn disturbs the ionic passage rate through the filter. Consequently, in this frequency range, the application of electric fields may affect the function of such channels.  相似文献   

A long isoform of the human Epithelial Sodium Channel (ENaC) α subunit has been identified, but little data exist regarding the properties or regulation of channels formed by α728. The baseline whole cell conductance of oocytes expressing trimeric α728βγ channels was 898.1 ± 277.2 and 49.59 ± 13.2 µS in low and high sodium solutions, respectively, and was 11 and 2 fold higher than the conductances of α669βγ in same solutions. α728βγ channels were also 2 to 5 fold less sensitive to activation by the serine proteases subtilisin and trypsin than α669βγ in low and high Na+ conditions. The long isoform exhibited lower levels of full length and cleaved protein at the plasma membrane and a rightward shifted sensitivity to inhibition by increases of [Na+]i. Both channels displayed similar single channel conductances of 4 pS, and both were activated to a similar extent by reducing temperature, altogether indicating that activation of baseline conductance of α728βγ was likely mediated by enhanced channel activity or open probability. Expression of α728 in native kidneys was validated in human urinary exosomes. These data demonstrate that the long isoform of αENaC forms the structural basis of a channel with different activity and regulation, which may not be easily distinguishable in native tissue, but may underlie sodium hyperabsorption and salt sensitive differences in humans.  相似文献   

A long isoform of the human Epithelial Sodium Channel (ENaC) α subunit has been identified, but little data exist regarding the properties or regulation of channels formed by α728. The baseline whole cell conductance of oocytes expressing trimeric α728βγ channels was 898.1 ± 277.2 and 49.59 ± 13.2 µS in low and high sodium solutions, respectively, and was 11 and 2 fold higher than the conductances of α669βγ in same solutions. α728βγ channels were also 2 to 5 fold less sensitive to activation by the serine proteases subtilisin and trypsin than α669βγ in low and high Na+ conditions. The long isoform exhibited lower levels of full length and cleaved protein at the plasma membrane and a rightward shifted sensitivity to inhibition by increases of [Na+]i. Both channels displayed similar single channel conductances of 4 pS, and both were activated to a similar extent by reducing temperature, altogether indicating that activation of baseline conductance of α728βγ was likely mediated by enhanced channel activity or open probability. Expression of α728 in native kidneys was validated in human urinary exosomes. These data demonstrate that the long isoform of αENaC forms the structural basis of a channel with different activity and regulation, which may not be easily distinguishable in native tissue, but may underlie sodium hyperabsorption and salt sensitive differences in humans.  相似文献   

Summary Cell-attached and inside-out patch-clamp experiments (O.P. Hamill et al.,Pfluegers Arch. 391: 85–100, 1981) were undertaken in order to characterize the molecular mechanisms responsible for the calcium-dependent potassium permeability observed in HeLa cancer cells. Our result essentially indicate that the HeLa cell external membrane contains potassium channels whose activity can be triggered within an internal calcium concentration range of 0.1 to 1 m. This particular channel was found to behave as an inward rectifier in symmetrical 200mm KCl with a conductance of 50 and 10 pS at large negative and large positive membrane potentials, respectively.I/V curves were also measured in 10, 20, 75, 200 and 300mm KCl and the data interpreted in terms of a one-site-two-barrier model. The channel activity appeared to be nearly voltage independent within the voltage range –100 to +100mV, an increase ofP o, the open channel probability, being observed at large negative potentials only. In addition, the results obtained from inside-out experiments on the relationship betweenP o and the cytoplasmic freecalcium concentration have led to conclude that four calcium ions are probably required in order to open the channel. In this regard it was found that an increase of the internal free-calcium level affects more the number of channel openings per second than the actual channel mean lifetime. Finally, it is concluded following a time interval distribution analysis, that this particular channel has at least three closed states and two open states.  相似文献   

We have investigated the basic properties of a predominantly anion-selective channel derived from highly purified human platelet surface membrane. Single channels have been reconstituted into planar phospholipid bilayers by fusion of membrane vesicles and recorded under voltage-clamp conditions. The channel is found to have the following properties: (i) Channel activity occurs in bursts of openings separated by long closed periods. (ii) The current-voltage relationship is nonlinear. Channel current is seen to rectify, with less current flowing at positive than at negative voltages. Rectification may be due to asymmetric block by HEPES/Tris buffers. In 450 mM KCl, 5 mM HEPES/Tris, pH 7.2, the single channel conductance at -40 mV is approximately 160 pS and at +40 mV is approximately 90 pS. (iii) The conductance-concentration relationship follows a simple saturation curve. Half maximal conductance is achieved at a concentration of approximately 1000 mM KCl, and the curve saturates at a conductance of approximately 500 pS. (iv) Reversal potentials interpreted in terms of the Goldman-Hodgkin-Katz equation indicate a Cl: K permeability ratio of 4:1. (v) The channel accepts all of the halides as well as a number of other anions. The following sequence of relative anion permeabilities (in the presence of K+) is obtained: F- less than acetate- less than gluconate- less than Cl- less than Br- less than I- less than NO3- less tha SCN-.(vi) Cations as large as TEA+ are permeant. (vii) Current through the channel is blocked in the presence of DIDS, SITS and ATP, but not by Zn2+.  相似文献   

Macrophage polykaryons associated with the foreign body granuloma display several electrophysiological properties when studied with intracellular microelectrodes. One of the most evident properties is the slow hyperpolarization (2–5 s long, 10–60 mV amplitude), due to transient openings of Ca2+-dependent K+ channels, that is similar to those observed in macrophages. How this oscillation of membrane potential is triggered is not well known and the only way to repeatedly activate it under experimental control is through the intracellular injection of Ca2+. Although this technique is important for understanding the properties of the K+ channels, no information has been obtained about the way Ca2+ levels are raised and controlled in the cytosol. Slow hyperpolarizations can also be triggered by electrical stimulation, but reproducibility is low with cells bathed in physiological solutions. We then decided to investigate the effect of depolarization on the electrophysiological properties of macrophage polykaryons exposed to bathing solutions of several ionic compositions. We show in this paper that cell membrane depolarization induced by a long current pulse can trigger several patterns of membrane potential changes and that, in the absence of extracellular Na+, repetitive oscillations of decaying amplitudes are observed in almost all the cells. They are very similar to the slow hyperpolarizations, are dependent on the presence of extracellular Ca2+, and are blocked by quinine and D-600. Whole-cell patch clamp recording under voltage clamp conditions showed an outward current that oscillates and that also exhibits decaying amplitudes. The data presented here indicate that these oscillations are a consequence of the cyclic opening of the Ca2+-activated K+ channels and support the hypothesis that favors the participation of Ca2+ channels and of the Ca2+/Na+ exchange system in their triggering. These two mechanisms are not enough to explain either why the K+ channels close or why the membrane potential returns to the original level at the end of each cycle. The possibility of using these oscillations as a model to study the slow hyperpolarization is discussed.  相似文献   

Ion current fluctuation of voltage‐dependent potassium channel in LβT2 cells has been investigated by autocorrelation function and DFA (detrended fluctuation analysis) methods. The calculation of the autocorrelation function exponent and DFA exponent of the sample was based on the digital signals or the 0–1 series corresponding to closing and opening of channels after routine evolution, rather than the sequence of sojourn times. The persistent character of the correlation of the time series was evident from the slow decay of the autocorrelation function. DFA exponent α was significantly greater than 0.5. The main outcome has been the demonstration of the existence of memory in this ion channel. Thus, the ion channel current fluctuation provided information about the kinetics of the channel protein. The result suggests the correlation character of the ion channel protein non‐linear kinetics indicates whether the channel is open or not.  相似文献   

Zhang N  Li M  Chen X  Wang Y  Wu G  Hu G  Wu H 《Proteins》2004,55(4):835-845
A natural K+ channel blocker, BmKK2 (a member of scorpion toxin subfamily alpha-KTx 14), which is composed of 31 amino acid residues and purified from the venom of the Chinese scorpion Buthus martensi Karsch, was characterized using whole-cell patch-clamp recording in rat hippocampal neurons. The three dimensional structure of BmKK2 was determined with two-dimensional NMR spectroscopy and molecular modelling techniques. In solution this toxin adopted a common alpha/beta-motif, but showed distinct local conformation in the loop between alpha-helix and beta-sheet in comparison with typical short-chain scorpion toxins (e.g., CTX and NTX). Also, the alpha helix is shorter and the beta-sheet element is smaller (each strand consisted only two residues). The unusual structural feature of BmKK2 was attributed to the shorter loop between the alpha-helix and beta-sheet and the presence of two consecutive Pro residues at position 21 and 22 in the loop. Moreover, two models of BmKK2/hKv1.3 channel and BmKK2/rSK2 channel complexes were simulated with docking calculations. The results demonstrated the existence of a alpha-mode binding between the toxin and the channels. The model of BmKK2/rSK2 channel complex exhibited favorable contacts both in electrostatic and hydrophobic, including a network of five hydrogen bonds and bigger interface containing seven pairs of inter-residue interactions. In contrast, the model of BmKK2/hKv1.3 channel complex, containing only three pairs of inter-residue interactions, exhibited poor contacts and smaller interface. The results well explained its lower activity towards Kv channel, and predicted that it may prefer a type of SK channel with a narrower entryway as its specific receptor.  相似文献   

Rap2b is a ras-related GTP-binding protein isolated from a human platelet cDNA library. It shares 90% similarity to the previously described rap2a and is closely related to rap1a (Krev-1, smgp21), which has been shown to possess reversion of transformation activity in Kirsten ras transformed 3T3 cells. In this study we have partially purified a protein from bovine brain membranes which stimulates the GTPase activity of rap2b. This rap2b GTPase-activating protein (GAP) activity is not immunoreactive with antibodies specific for rap1 GAP or ras GAP, yet displays limited GTPase stimulatory activity toward rap1. This result differs from the previously described rap1 GAP which is highly specific for rap1. When the rap2 GAP activity is analyzed by coomassie staining, an enrichment of a approximately 55 kDa protein is observed providing further evidence of a distinct rap2 GAP.  相似文献   

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