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Selective exploitation can cause adverse ecological and evolutionary changes in wild populations and also affect sex ratios but few studies have empirically documented skewed sex ratios in exploited fishes (other than species with extreme sexual size dimorphism, SSD). To investigate the possibility of sex‐selective fishing on Alaskan sockeye salmon Oncorhynchus nerka, we assessed sex ratios in fish at two spatial scales: within each of five fishing districts and among 13 breeding populations in one of these districts. We predicted that populations’ sex ratios would vary based on the average size of fish and SSD because size affects vulnerability to fishing. At the larger scale, we found a small but significant bias in fish returning to four of the five fishing districts (average = 52% females), and in four of the five districts males were caught at significantly higher rates than females. At the finer scale there was marked variation in sex ratio on the breeding grounds, ranging from 36% to 47% males. Populations with fish of intermediate sizes experienced the greatest sex ratio biases; the greater vulnerability of males than females to fishing resulted from a combination of larger SSD and different harvest rates between the sexes associated with the fishery size‐selectivity curve shape. Skewed sex ratios may change competition and behavior on the breeding grounds, relaxing selection on male traits associated with mate choice by females or intra‐sexual competition and altering demographic and evolutionary pressures on the fish. Assessment of the size selectivity of fishing gear and the population's SSD can help to illuminate if and how exploitation can affect sex ratios. Future studies examining size‐selective fishing should also evaluate the consequences for sex ratios, as this might help explain changes in harvested population structure and sustainability.  相似文献   

Around the globe, coral reefs and other marine ecosystems are increasingly overfished. Conventionally, studies of fishing impacts have focused on the population size and dynamics of targeted stocks rather than the broader ecosystem-wide effects of harvesting. Using parrotfishes as an example, we show how coral reef fish populations respond to escalating fishing pressure across the Indian and Pacific Oceans. Based on these fish abundance data, we infer the potential impact on four key functional roles performed by parrotfishes. Rates of bioerosion and coral predation are highly sensitive to human activity, whereas grazing and sediment removal are resilient to fishing. Our results offer new insights into the vulnerability and resilience of coral reefs to the ever-growing human footprint. The depletion of fishes causes differential decline of key ecosystem functions, radically changing the dynamics of coral reefs and setting the stage for future ecological surprises.  相似文献   

The influence of social demography on sex change schedules in protogynous reef fishes is well established, yet effects across spatial scales (in particular, the magnitude of natural variation relative to size-selective fishing effects) are poorly understood. Here, I examine variation in timing of sex change for exploited parrotfishes across a range of environmental, anthropogenic and geographical factors. Results were highly dependent on spatial scale. Fishing pressure was the most influential factor determining length at sex change at the within-island scale where a wide range of anthropogenic pressure existed. Sex transition occurred at smaller sizes where fishing pressure was high. Among islands, however, differences were overwhelmingly predicted by reefal-scale structural features, a pattern evident for all species examined. For the most abundant species, Chlorurus spilurus, length at sex change increased at higher overall densities and greater female-to-male sex ratios at all islands except where targeted by fishermen; here the trend was reversed. This implies differing selective pressures on adult individuals can significantly alter sex change dynamics, highlighting the importance of social structure, demography and the selective forces structuring populations. Considerable life-history responses to exploitation were observed, but results suggest potential fishing effects on demography may be obscured by natural variation at biogeographic scales.  相似文献   

Serum testosterone levels and mtDNA haplotypes were obtained from 65 juvenile loggerhead turtles (Caretta caretta, L.) incidentally caught in the central Mediterranean. The group of specimens carrying a haplotype specific for the northwest Atlantic had higher testosterone levels, and so included more males, than the other one. Since primary sex ratios of northwest Atlantic colonies are strongly skewed towards females, results indicate a male bias among Atlantic turtles entering the Mediterranean. This demonstrates for the first time a sex-biased dispersal of specimens in the pelagic phase, an important factor to be considered in conservation programs.  相似文献   

Numerous studies have been published on the skewed birth sex ratios among non-human primate populations. Sometimes the observed tendencies in sex ratio variations have been contradictory, and their adaptive significance has been controversial. Recent studies seem to reveal that the local resource competition among philopatric sex is the most important selective force affecting primate birth sex ratios. However, our understanding on this issue is still greatly hampered by the lack of exact knowledge on male reproductive success and the proximate mechanisms to vary sex ratios.  相似文献   

James WH 《Teratology》2000,62(5):342-345
BACKGROUND: The causes of oral clefts (cleft lip with or without cleft palate, CL/P, and cleft palate alone, CP) have not been established. However, maternal intrauterine hormone profiles have been suspected of being involved. There is now substantial evidence that maternal hormone concentrations around the time of conception partially control the sexes of offspring. It is possible that the hormone profiles that control sex of offspring share features of the profiles suspected of causing clefts. This can be tested by examining the sex ratios (proportions male) of the unaffected sibs of probands. If these sex ratios are skewed in the same direction as that of probands, that suggests, ex hypothesi, maternal hormonal involvement in the causation of clefts. METHODS: Accordingly, a search was made for data on the sex ratios of the unaffected sibs of probands with clefts. For reasons given in the text, this search was informal rather than based on electronic data retrieval systems. Nine papers were located giving sex ratios of sibs of probands with CL/P and CP. RESULTS: Published data suggest that the sibs of probands with CL/P have a significantly higher sex ratio than the sibs of probands with CP. Thus the sib sex ratios are skewed in the same direction as those of the probands themselves. In other words, parents (mothers) of CL/P patients apparently have a tendency to produce boys, and parents of CP patients to produce girls. CONCLUSION: Accordingly, it is suggested that maternal hormone profiles may partially explain the unusual sex ratios (of probands and their sibs), as well as the malformations.  相似文献   

Skewed adult sex ratios sometimes occur in populations of free‐living animals yet the proximate mechanisms, timing of sex‐biases, and the selective agents contributing to skew remain a source of debate with contradictory evidence from different systems. We investigated potential mechanisms contributing to sex biases in a population of herring gulls with an apparent female skew in the adult population. Theory predicts that skewed adult sex ratios will adaptively lead to skewed offspring sex ratios to restore balance in the effective breeding population. Parents may also adaptively bias offspring sex ratios to increase their own fitness in response to environmental factors. Therefore, we expected to detect skewed sex ratios either at hatching or at fledging as parents invest differentially in offspring of different sexes. We sampled complete clutches (n = 336 chicks) at hatching to quantify potential skews in sex ratios by position in the hatch order, time of season, year, and nesting context (nest density), finding no departure from equal sex ratios at hatching related to any of these factors. Further, we sampled 258 chicks at near‐fledging to investigate potential sex biases in survival at the chick stage. Again, no biases in sex ratios were recorded. Male offspring were favored in this population via greater maternal investment in eggs carrying male embryos and greater parental provisioning of male offspring which reached greater sizes by fledging. Despite the advantages realized by male offspring, females were equally as likely to fledge as males. Thus, biased adult sex ratios apparently arise in the post‐fledging and pre‐recruitment stage in our population.  相似文献   

Sexual specialization and skewed sex ratios of the altruistic castes, especially soldiers, are common in many termite taxa. However, no theoretical or empirical studies have explained the origin of the sexual division of labor in termites. In most termite species, female alates are larger than male alates, and mature queens are much larger than kings, with females under consistent selection for high fertility. Therefore, females usually have the potential to be larger than males. Here, I present a novel preadaptation hypothesis that potential sexual differences in the suitability for the caste give rise to the sexual division of labor, and I provide the first evidence in support of this hypothesis in termites. Defense in Reticulitermes is typically performed by soldiers via mandibular and phragmotic defense in which soldiers with pluglike heads block openings, thus preventing enemies from invading the nest. Phragmotic defense requires that soldiers have heads wide enough to plug nest openings. Therefore, a size threshold for workers that develop into soldiers is a likely adaptation for effective defense. I show that sexual size dimorphism (SSD) and a size threshold for soldiers promote skewed sex ratios. A female-biased soldier sex ratio was observed in species with SSD, whereas there was no bias in soldier sex ratio in species without SSD. Thus, SSD and soldier sex ratio data from several Reticulitermes species support the preadaptation hypothesis.  相似文献   

Parrotfishes and surgeonfishes perform important functional roles in the dynamics of coral reef systems. This is a consequence of their varied feeding behaviors ranging from targeted consumption of living plant material (primarily surgeonfishes) to feeding on detrital aggregates that are either scraped from the reef surface or excavated from the deeper reef substratum (primarily parrotfishes). Increased fishing pressure and widespread habitat destruction have led to population declines for several species of these two groups. Species-specific data on global distribution, population status, life history characteristics, and major threats were compiled for each of the 179 known species of parrotfishes and surgeonfishes to determine the likelihood of extinction of each species under the Categories and Criteria of the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Due in part to the extensive distributions of most species and the life history traits exhibited in these two families, only three (1.7%) of the species are listed at an elevated risk of global extinction. The majority of the parrotfishes and surgeonfishes (86%) are listed as Least Concern, 10% are listed as Data Deficient and 1% are listed as Near Threatened. The risk of localized extinction, however, is higher in some areas, particularly in the Coral Triangle region. The relatively low proportion of species globally listed in threatened Categories is highly encouraging, and some conservation successes are attributed to concentrated conservation efforts. However, with the growing realization of man's profound impact on the planet, conservation actions such as improved marine reserve networks, more stringent fishing regulations, and continued monitoring of the population status at the species and community levels are imperative for the prevention of species loss in these groups of important and iconic coral reef fishes.  相似文献   

Global climate change is of particular concern for small and isolated populations of reptiles with temperature-dependent sex determination because low genetic variation can limit adaptive response in pivotal temperatures, leading to skewed sex ratios. We explore the demographic consequences of skewed sex ratios on the viability of a tuatara population characterized by low genetic diversity. We studied the rare species of tuatara ( Sphenodon guntheri ) on the 4 ha North Brother Island in New Zealand over two nesting seasons and captured 477 individuals, with a 60% male bias in the adult population. Females first breed at 15 years and have extremely low rates of gravidity, producing clutches of three to eight eggs every 9 years. Simulations of the population using population viability analysis showed that the current population is expected to persist for at least 2000 years at hatchling sex ratios of up to 75% male, but populations with 85% male hatchlings are expected to become extinct within approximately 300 years (some eight generations). Incorporation of inbreeding depression increased the probability of extinction under male biased sex ratios, with no simulated populations surviving at hatchling sex ratios >75% male. Because recent models have predicted that climate change could lead to the production of all male S. guntheri hatchlings by 2085, we examined whether periodic intervention to produce mixed or female biased sex ratios would allow the population to survive if only males were produced in natural nests. We show that intervention every 2–3 years could buffer the effects of climate change on population sex ratios, but translocation to cooler environs might be more cost-effective. Climate change threatens tuatara populations because neither modified nesting behaviour nor adaptive response of the pivotal temperature can modify hatchling sex ratios fast enough in species with long generation intervals.  相似文献   

For organisms with temperature-dependent sex determination (TSD), skewed offspring sex ratios are common. However, climate warming poses the unique threat of producing extreme sex ratio biases that could ultimately lead to population extinctions. In marine turtles, highly female-skewed hatchling sex ratios already occur and predicted increases in global temperatures are expected to exacerbate this trend, unless species can adapt. However, it is not known whether offspring sex ratios persist into adulthood, or whether variation in male mating success intensifies the impact of a shortage of males on effective population size. Here, we use parentage analysis to show that in a rookery of the endangered green turtle (Chelonia mydas), despite an offspring sex ratio of 95 per cent females, there were at least 1.4 reproductive males to every breeding female. Our results suggest that male reproductive intervals may be shorter than the 2-4 years typical for females, and/or that males move between aggregations of receptive females, an inference supported by our satellite tracking, which shows that male turtles may visit multiple rookeries. We suggest that male mating patterns have the potential to buffer the disruptive effects of climate change on marine turtle populations, many of which are already seriously threatened.  相似文献   

R. GRIFFITHS 《Ibis》1992,134(3):237-244
Theory predicts that skewed progeny sex ratios should be relatively common in vertebrate populations. In most birds this has proved hard to substantiate due to the difficulties associated with identifying the sex of large samples of chicks. This study reports the success of a new molecular DNA technique in determining the sex of 601 newly-hatched Lesser Black-backed Gulls Larus fuscus
There was no evidence of any adaptive sex ratio within broods. Male chicks were found to be disproportionately large and to grow at a faster rate than females. The overall sex ratio changed significantly from 0.484 (male/male + female) at hatching to 0.399 by fledging, probably due to male susceptibility to starvation. Mortality also increased significantly with hatching order, an effect often observed in species like the Lesser Black-backed Gull where hatching is asynchronous. I discuss the possibility that hatching asynchrony may in fact be a strategy employed to prevent excessive skews developing in progeny sex ratio whenever variable differential mortality is likely.
The results appear to vindicate Fisher's (1930) hypothesis which predicts the overproduction of the 'cheaper' sex. However, as the skewed sex ratio may be determined more by unpredictable environmental factors, such as food supply and weather conditions rather than parental strategy, this interpretation should be treated with caution.  相似文献   

Climate change and land-use change are leading drivers of biodiversity decline, affecting demographic parameters that are important for population persistence. For example, scientists have speculated for decades that climate change may skew adult sex ratios in taxa that express temperature-dependent sex determination (TSD), but limited evidence exists that this phenomenon is occurring in natural settings. For species that are vulnerable to anthropogenic land-use practices, differential mortality among sexes may also skew sex ratios. We sampled the spotted turtle (Clemmys guttata), a freshwater species with TSD, across a large portion of its geographic range (Florida to Maine), to assess the environmental factors influencing adult sex ratios. We present evidence that suggests recent climate change has potentially skewed the adult sex ratio of spotted turtles, with samples following a pattern of increased proportions of females concomitant with warming trends, but only within the warmer areas sampled. At intermediate temperatures, there was no relationship with climate, while in the cooler areas we found the opposite pattern, with samples becoming more male biased with increasing temperatures. These patterns might be explained in part by variation in relative adaptive capacity via phenotypic plasticity in nest site selection. Our findings also suggest that spotted turtles have a context-dependent and multi-scale relationship with land use. We observed a negative relationship between male proportion and the amount of crop cover (within 300 m) when wetlands were less spatially aggregated. However, when wetlands were aggregated, sex ratios remained consistent. This pattern may reflect sex-specific patterns in movement that render males more vulnerable to mortality from agricultural machinery and other threats. Our findings highlight the complexity of species' responses to both climate change and land use, and emphasize the role that landscape structure can play in shaping wildlife population demographics.  相似文献   



Radiation has negative effects on survival of animals including humans, although the generality of this claim is poorly documented under low-dose field conditions. Because females may suffer disproportionately from the effects of radiation on survival due to differences in sex roles during reproduction, radiation-induced mortality may result in male-skewed adult sex ratios.

Methodology/Principal Finding

We estimated the effects of low-dose radiation on adult survival rates in birds by determining age ratios of adults captured in mist nets during the breeding season in relation to background radiation levels around Chernobyl and in nearby uncontaminated control areas. Age ratios were skewed towards yearlings, especially in the most contaminated areas, implying that adult survival rates were reduced in contaminated areas, and that populations in such areas could only be maintained through immigration from nearby uncontaminated areas. Differential mortality in females resulted in a strongly male-skewed sex ratio in the most contaminated areas. In addition, males sang disproportionately commonly in the most contaminated areas where the sex ratio was male skewed presumably because males had difficulty finding and acquiring mates when females were rare. The results were not caused by permanent emigration by females from the most contaminated areas because none of the recaptured birds had changed breeding site, and the proportion of individuals with morphological abnormalities did not differ significantly between the sexes for areas with normal and higher levels of contamination.


These findings are consistent with the hypothesis that the adult survival rate of female birds is particularly susceptible to the effects of low-dose radiation, resulting in male skewed sex ratios at high levels of radiation. Such skewed age ratios towards yearlings in contaminated areas are consistent with the hypothesis that an area exceeding 30,000 km2 in Chernobyl’s surroundings constitutes an ecological trap that causes dramatic excess mortality.  相似文献   

Papio hamadryas was surveyed throughout its range in Saudi Arabia and was observed at altitudes ranging from 0 to 2300 m. Wild populations occur along the whole range of altitude, while commensal populations are only found above 850 m altitude. No variation in group size was found with altitude. Comparison of wild and commensal populations showed the following. (1) Their composition in terms of age and sex classes, overall adult sex ratios, and group size does not significantly differ. (2) Groups of both populations include, in similar proportions, three types of parties: one-male units (>70%), two-male units (>13%), and a few other units of variable composition. (3) The mean size of commensal parties is significantly larger than in the wild population; specifically one-male units are larger in the commensal population due to a larger number of females per male. Thus, female distribution in commensal groups is more inequitable than that in wild groups. (4) Finally, the number of females included in two-male units increases with altitude. These differences are discussed in terms of food availability and predator pressure and are compared with results obtained on other Arabian and Ethiopian populations.  相似文献   

There is little direct evidence of the fitness effects of changes in malaria gametocyte sex ratio. Gametocyte sex ratios in haemospororin parasites (phylum Apicomplexa) are usually female skewed. However, in some cases and especially in Haemoproteus parasites, less female-biased and even male-biased sex ratios are encountered. The 'fertility insurance hypothesis' tries to explain these biases as an evolutionary strategy to facilitate gamete encounter. Thus, the hypothesis predicts that, if there is a reduction in gametocyte density (intensity of infection) or other factors preventing gametes from meeting, a change to a higher proportion of male gametocytes may be favoured. By contrast, a change in sex ratio may be caused by other non-adaptive mechanisms, for example differential survival of the gametocytes of each sex. We study within-host changes in Haemoproteus majoris sex ratios following an experimental reduction in the density of the parasites in the blood in a breeding population of blue tits (Parus caeruleus). Medication with the antimalarial drug primaquine induced a significant reduction in Haemoproteus gametocyte infection intensity in two different breeding seasons and under two different doses of medication. Sex ratios became male skewed following the experimental treatment in agreement with the predictions of the 'fertility insurance' hypothesis. Also in support of the hypothesis, a significant change towards male-biased sex ratios emerged for non-medicated birds in one year, probably owing to the natural immune reduction of the density of the parasites in the blood. The alternative possibility that changes are caused by different lifespans of gametocytes is not supported by changes in sex ratios in control hosts, where new production and release of gametocytes occur.  相似文献   

Most sex ratios reported for Silene latifolia are female biased. As a result of experiments performed by Correns in the early 1900s, pollen tube competition has generally been accepted as the primary cause of these skewed ratios. We did four sets of hand pollinations in which we varied the size of pollen loads and placement of pollen along the filamentous stigma. The effect of pollen load size on progeny sex ratios was not statistically significant. Of 32 maternal families, 17 contained more females than males (one ratio deviated statistically from 1:1), and 13 contained more males than females. Paternal families exhibited a greater range of sex ratios, including three with a significant female bias and one with a significant male bias. Within experiments, neither the maternal parent nor where pollen was placed had a statistically significant effect on progeny sex ratios; the paternal effect was significant in one experiment. We suggest that sex ratios in Silene latifolia are not necessarily affected by the level of pollen competition. Other factors, including variation among males and sex-linked mortality, may help explain the skewed sex ratios that characterize populations of this species. Further, Correns' observations of excess females may have resulted from his use of interspecific hybrids.  相似文献   

An investigation of the reproductive biology of the green humphead parrotfish (Bolbometopon muricatum) from three areas in the Western Province of the Solomon Islands revealed that B. muricatum exhibits several features that differ from the pattern of reproductive development observed in most parrotfishes. Unlike most parrotfishes, histological evidence suggests that the sexual pattern of B. muricatum is essentially gonochoristic with high incidences of anatomical but non-functional hermaphroditism. B. muricatum also differs from other parrotfishes in that all males pass through an immature female (or bisexual) phase as demonstrated by all adult testis retaining the ex-ovarian lumen and peripheral sperm sinuses in the gonad wall. However, a protogynous diandric reproductive strategy cannot be excluded given that sampling may have missed transitional individuals. Marked variation in the demography of male B. muricatum between the three locations examined is considered to reflect variation in historical fishing effort.  相似文献   

1. Understanding individual and population responses to climate change is emerging as an important challenge. Because many phenotypic traits are sensitive to environmental conditions, directional climate change could significantly alter trait distribution within populations and may generate an evolutionary response. 2. In species with environment-dependent sex determination, climate change may lead to skewed sex ratios at hatching or birth. However, there are virtually no empirical data on the putative link between climatic parameters and sex ratios from natural populations. 3. We monitored a natural population of viviparous lizards with temperature-dependent sex determination (Niveoscincus ocellatus) over seven field seasons. Sex ratios at birth fluctuated significantly among years and closely tracked thermal conditions in the field, with the proportion of male offspring increasing in colder years. 4. This is the first study to demonstrate the effect of local climatic conditions (e.g. temperature) on offspring sex ratio fluctuations in a free-living population of a viviparous ectotherm. A succession of warmer-than-usual years (as predicted under many climate-change scenarios) likely would generate female-biased sex ratios at birth, while an increase in interannual variation (as also predicted under climate change scenarios) could lead to significant fluctuations in cohort sex ratios. If cohort sex ratio bias at birth leads to adult sex ratio bias, long-term directional changes in thermal conditions may have important effects on population dynamics in this species.  相似文献   

Migrating species are common within seascapes, but the potential for these movements to alter the populations and functional roles of non‐migrating species (e.g. by increasing predation) is rarely investigated. This study considers whether the presence of nursery habitats (mangroves and seagrass) simply enhances the abundance of nursery‐using parrotfishes and piscivores on nearby coral reefs, or also affects other parrotfishes. Data from 131 reef sites and multiple seascape configurations across 13 degrees of latitude were used to model correlations between biophysical variables, including nursery habitat connectivity, and the abundance and grazing pressure of both nursery‐using species and other parrotfishes and piscivore biomass. Connectivity to mangroves and dense seagrass was positively correlated with the biomass of nursery‐using species, but was also negatively correlated with non‐nursery parrotfish populations. This reduction may be caused indirectly by nursery habitats increasing confamilial competition and predation by nursery‐using piscivores, particularly affecting small parrotfishes settling directly onto reefs. As key reef grazers, parrotfishes affect coral demographics. Consequently, a spatial simulation model predicted the impacts after five years of changes in grazing pressure because of nursery habitat connectivity. The model demonstrated that high nursery connectivity was correlated to changes in grazing pressure on nearby reefs that could potentially lead to differences in coral cover of ~3–4% when compared to low connectivity reefs. However, the direction of this change depended on the seascapes’ characteristics. Historically, large‐bodied, nursery‐using parrotfish would have increased grazing in all nursery‐rich seascapes. Overfishing means that nursery availability may have spatially variable impacts on coral cover, influencing reserve design. This study suggests that nursery availability may directly and indirectly modify an ecological process, and alter an ecological cascade (migrating species increase predator and competitor abundances, affecting other grazers and consequently corals). Therefore, elucidating the multi‐species impacts of animal movements is required to better understand ecosystem functioning.  相似文献   

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