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In animal communication, complex displays usually have multiple functions and, male and female receivers often differ in their utilization and response to different aspects of these displays. The perceptual variability hypothesis suggests that different aspects of complex signals differ in their ability to be detected and processed by different receivers. Here, we tested whether receiver male and female Sceloporus graciosus lizards differ in visual motion detection by measuring the latency to the visual grasp response to a motion stimulus. We demonstrate that in lizards that largely exhibit complex motions as courtship signals, female lizards are faster than males at visually detecting motion. These results highlight that differential signal utilization by the sexes may be driven by variability in the capacity to detect different display properties.  相似文献   

Group size effects on antipredatory behaviour are well documented in numerous animals, but little is known about how the level of predation risk influences this process. We tested the hypothesis that group size and level of risk interact to affect the levels of antipredatory behaviour in the group-living sun skink, Lampropholis delicata. We controlled the size of lizard groups (N=1, 2, 4, 8 or 12 females) and altered predation risk by providing either a basking tile covered with chemical cues from a predator (high risk) or one without scent (low risk). The time allocated to individual antipredatory behaviour decreased significantly with increasing group size. The relation between group size and time allocated to individual antipredatory behaviour was nonlinear and asymptotic, and did not change under low and high risks of predation. However, group size and predation risk interacted to affect significantly the time that lizards allocated to antipredatory behaviour. When the overall risk from predators was high, individual responsiveness decreased strongly as group size became larger. In contrast, when the overall risk from predators was low, individual responsiveness decreased weakly as group size became larger. Consequently, the time that lizards allocated to antipredatory behaviour under different risks of predation converged as group size increased.  相似文献   

Males that produce conspicuous mate attraction signals are often at high risk of predation from eavesdropping predators. Females of such species typically search for signalling males and their higher motility may also place them at risk. The relative predation risk faced by males and females in the context of mate-finding using long-distance signals has rarely been investigated. In this study, we show, using a combination of diet analysis and behavioural experiments, that katydid females, who do not produce acoustic signals, are at higher risk of predation from a major bat predator, Megaderma spasma, than calling males. Female katydids were represented in much higher numbers than males in the culled remains beneath roosts of M. spasma. Playback experiments using katydid calls revealed that male calls were approached in only about one-third of the trials overall, whereas tethered, flying katydids were always approached and attacked. Our results question the idea that necessary costs of mate-finding, including risk of predation, are higher in signalling males than in searching females.  相似文献   

Extreme environments are often considered a predation refuge for organisms living in them. In southern Mexico several species of poeciliid fishes are undergoing incipient speciation in a variety of extreme (i.e. permanently dark and/or sulphidic) freshwater systems, and previous research has demonstrated reproductive isolation between populations from sulphidic and adjacent benign habitats. In the present study, we investigated bird predation rates (measured as successful captures per minute) in two sulphidic surface and several benign surface habitats, to test the hypothesis that extreme habitats are predation refuges. We found capture rates to be approximately 20 times higher in sulphidic environments: probably facilitated by extremophile poeciliids spending most of their time at the water surface, where they engage in aquatic surface respiration as a direct response to hypoxia. Even birds that are usually not considered major fish predators regularly engage in fish predation in the toxic habitats of southern Mexico. Our results demonstrate that extreme environments do not necessarily represent a refuge from predation, and we discuss the general importance of predation in driving incipient speciation in these systems. Finally, we hypothesize that natural selection via avian predation may play an important role in maintaining reproductive isolation between divergent poeciliid populations. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 101 , 417–426.  相似文献   

The role of genetic benefits in female mate choice remains a controversial aspect of sexual selection theory. In contrast to "good allele" models of sexual selection, "compatible allele" models of mate choice predict that females prefer mates with alleles complementary to their own rather than conferring additive effects. While correlative results suggest complementary genetic effects to be plausible, direct experimental evidence is scarce. A previous study on the Chinese rose bitterling (Rhodeus ocellatus) demonstrated a positive correlation between female mate choice, offspring growth and survival, and the functional dissimilarity between the Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) alleles of males and females. Here we directly tested whether females used cues associated with MHC genes to select genetically compatible males in an experimental framework. By sequentially pairing females with MHC similar and dissimilar males, based on a priori known MHC profiles, we showed that females discriminated between similar and dissimilar males and deposited significantly more eggs with MHC dissimilar males. Notably, the degree of dissimilarity was an important factor for female decision to mate, possibly indicating a potential threshold value of dissimilarity for decision making, or of an indirect effect of the MHC.  相似文献   

Priming, an inducible stress defence strategy that prepares an organism for an impending stress event, is common in microbes and has been studied mostly in isolated organisms or populations. How the benefits of priming change in the microbial community context and, vice versa, whether priming influences competition between organisms, remain largely unknown. In this study, we grew different isolates of soil fungi that experienced heat stress in isolation and pairwise competition experiments and assessed colony extension rate as a measure of fitness under priming and non-priming conditions. Based on this data, we developed a cellular automaton model simulating the growth of the ascomycete Chaetomium angustispirale competing against other fungi and systematically varied fungal response traits to explain similarities and differences observed in the experimental data. We showed that competition changes the priming benefit compared with isolated growth and that it can even be reversed depending on the competitor's traits such as growth rate, primeability and stress susceptibility. With this study, we transfer insights on priming from studies in isolation to competition between species. This is an important step towards understanding the role of inducible defences in microbial community assembly and composition.  相似文献   

The ability of nest predation to influence habitat settlement decisions in birds is widely debated, despite its importance in limiting fitness. Here, we experimentally manipulated nest predation risk across a landscape and asked the question, do migratory birds assess and respond to variation in nest predation risk when choosing breeding habitats? We examined habitat preference by quantifying the density and settlement date of eight species of migratory passerines breeding in areas with and without intact nest predator communities. We found consistently more individuals nesting in areas with reduced nest predation than in areas with intact predator assemblages, although predation risk had no influence on settlement or breeding phenology. Additionally, those individuals occupying safer nesting habitats exhibited increased singing activity. These findings support a causal relationship between habitat choice and nest predation risk and suggest the importance of nest predation risk in shaping avian community structure and breeding activity.  相似文献   

The effect of macroalgal blooms and predation by wading on benthic macroinvertebrates was examined in the Mondego estuary, Portugal, during spring 1997. Introduced macroalgal cover and exclusion of predators were used to examine changes in density of macroinvertebrates using univariate and multivariate analyses. There was no evidence of changes in numbers of macroinvertebrates due to predation. Macroalgae were, however, responsible for a decrease in abundance of the worms Amage adspersa (Grube) and Streblospio shrubsolii (Buchanan), and a substantial increase in numbers of Capitella capitata (Fabricius). The density of the worm Hediste diversicolor (O.F. Müller) increased during the first month and decreased after 2 months, associated with macroalgal cover. There were no differences in abundances of macroinvertebrates between different depths. Overall, only polychaete species were affected by macroalgae. Multivariate analysis also showed clear differences in assemblages of macroinvertebrates due to the presence of macroalgae.  相似文献   

Predation is an important ecological constraint that influences communication in animals. Fish respond to predators by adjusting their visual signaling behavior, but the responses in calling behavior in the presence of a visually detected predator are largely unknown. We hypothesize that fish will reduce visual and acoustic signaling including sound levels and avoid escalating fights in the presence of a predator. To test this we investigated dyadic contests in female croaking gouramis (Trichopsis vittata, Osphronemidae) in the presence and absence of a predator (Astronotus ocellatus, Cichlidae) in an adjoining tank. Agonistic behavior in T. vittata consists of lateral (visual) displays, antiparallel circling, and production of croaking sounds and may escalate to frontal displays. We analyzed the number and duration of lateral display bouts, the number, duration, sound pressure level, and dominant frequency of croaking sounds as well as contest outcomes. The number and duration of lateral displays decreased significantly in predator when compared with no-predator trials. Total number of sounds per contest dropped in parallel but no significant changes were observed in sound characteristics. In the presence of a predator, dyadic contests were decided or terminated during lateral displays and never escalated to frontal displays. The gouramis showed approaching behavior toward the predator between lateral displays. This is the first study supporting the hypothesis that predators reduce visual and acoustic signaling in a vocal fish. Sound properties, in contrast, did not change. Decreased signaling and the lack of escalating contests reduce the fish’s conspicuousness and thus predation threat.  相似文献   

S. Ressel  J. J. Schall 《Oecologia》1989,78(2):158-164
Summary Hamilton and Zuk (1982) proposed that the quality of male showy traits reflects genetically-based resistance to parasites and can be used by females to select mates that are less prone to parasitic attack. The hypothesis requires that a particular state of a variable showy trait should be associated with parasite infection. We tested this idea with a population of western fence lizards, Sceloporus occidentalis, infected with the malarial parasite, Plasmodium mexicanum. Ventral color pattern is strongly dimorphic in fence lizards and varies greatly among males in this population. Malaria-infected males exhibited significantly more black and less pale on their ventral surface than did noninfected males of similar body size. This difference was not a function of differing ages of infected and noninfected animals of the same body size. However, logistic regression demonstrated that females using male ventral color as a gauge of infection status would only marginally improve their chance of choosing a noninfected lizard over random selection of mates.  相似文献   

Darwin first recognized the importance of episodic intercontinental dispersal in the establishment of worldwide biotic diversity. Faunal exchange across the Bering Land Bridge is a major example of such dispersal. Here, we demonstrate with mitochondrial DNA evidence that three independent dispersal events from Asia to North America are the source for almost all lizard taxa found in continental eastern North America. Two other dispersal events across Beringia account for observed diversity among North American ranid frogs, one of the most species-rich groups of frogs in eastern North America. The contribution of faunal elements from Asia via dispersal across Beringia is a dominant theme in the historical assembly of the eastern North American herpetofauna.  相似文献   



Birth order has been associated with early growth variability and subsequent increased adiposity, but the consequent effects of increased fat mass on metabolic risk during adulthood have not been assessed. We aimed to quantify the metabolic risk in young adulthood of being first-born relative to those born second or subsequently.

Methodology and Principal Findings

Body composition and metabolic risk were assessed in 2,249 men, aged 17–19 years, from a birth cohort in southern Brazil. Metabolic risk was assessed using a composite z-score integrating standardized measurements of blood pressure, total cholesterol, high density lipoprotein, triglycerides and fat mass. First-borns had lower birth weight z-score (Δ = −0.25, 95%CI −0.35, −0.15,p<0.001) but showed greater weight gain during infancy (change in weight z-score from birth to 20 months: Δ = 0.39, 95%CI 0.28–0.50, p<0.0001) and had greater mean height (Δ = 1.2 cm, 95%CI: 0.7–1.6, p<0.0001) and weight (Δ = 0.34 kg, 95%CI: 0.13–0.55, p<0.002) at 43 months. This greater weight and height tracked into early adulthood, with first-borns being significantly taller, heavier and with significantly higher fat mass than later-borns. The metabolic risk z-score was significantly higher in first-borns.


First-born status is associated with significantly elevated adiposity and metabolic risk in young adult men in Brazil. Our results, linking cardiovascular risk with life history variables, suggest that metabolic risk may be associated with the worldwide trend to smaller family size and it may interact with changes in behavioural or environmental risk factors.  相似文献   

Because nest predation is the major source of nesting mortality in birds, site-specific predation risk may play an important role in determining birds' ability to select nest sites that reduce predation risk. This possibility has not been adequately tested. Here we report on 5-year experiments by which we studied, independently from birds' earlier experience with specific nest boxes, both the selection and predation risk of nest sites in the common goldeneye (Bucephala clangula). New, previously unoccupied nest boxes were erected in two habitat types on three study areas. Experimentally measured predation risk in the nest boxes varied between 0 and 1.0, i.e. goldeneye females could select a nest site along a wide gradient of possible predation-risk values. We did not find a difference in predation risk between occupied and unoccupied nest boxes, nor was the order of nest box occupation associated with predation risk. A power analysis revealed that our test had reasonably high power to reject a false null hypothesis. Our results suggest that common goldeneye females likely have not evolved an ability to assess predation risk of new, previously unoccupied nest sites.  相似文献   

《Acta Oecologica》2002,23(5):313-320
We studied the effect of the general structure of the nest plant, especially the presence of thorns, and the structural homogeneity of the nest patch, on the vulnerability of nests to predation, using natural and artificial nests. Artificial nests placed in non-thorny plants had a significantly lower predation rate and higher daily survival rate than those in thorny plants. The addition of a ‘thorny microhabitat’ around the immediate proximity of nests placed in non-thorny plants did not have any effect on vulnerability of nests to predation. Conversely, natural nests were located in patches of habitat with a higher density of the species of plant that supported the nest compared to patches selected at random. However, daily survival rate was similar for natural nests placed in patches with a higher or lower density of the species of nest plant in the four bird species analysed. Similarly, survival of artificial nests did not increase with the presence of a higher number of plants similar to the nest plant in the nest patch. Thus, the observed patterns of survival for natural and artificial nests did not seem to support the potential prey-site hypotheses. Birds appeared to be the main nest predators in this ecosystem. Behavioural aspects of the identified predators and habitat structure could explain the lack of effect of thorns and nest patch characteristics on nest survival.  相似文献   

Conspecific brood parasitism (CBP) is a taxonomically widespread reproductive tactic. One of the earliest hypotheses put forward to explain the evolution of CBP was "risk spreading"; that is, by laying eggs in more than one nest, parasites may increase the likelihood that at least one offspring will survive to independence. However, the risk spreading hypothesis, based on the assumptions of random nest predation and random selection of target nests by parasites, was theoretically refuted soon after its appearance. New results from the common goldeneye (Bucephala clangula) have revealed that nests are not predated at random and that parasites preferentially lay in safe nests. By taking into account these findings and by modifying accordingly the basic assumptions of the earlier model that refuted the risk spreading hypothesis, we built a model to address the role of nest predation in the evolution of CBP. Model simulations revealed that the selective advantage of parasitic laying, related to nest predation, is much higher than previously thought. Furthermore, the invasion probability of parasitic tactic when initially rare was reasonably high within our model framework. We show that the use of risk assessing, instead of random risk spreading, makes parasitic laying evolutionarily advantageous.  相似文献   

Several studies indicate that nest predation is higher along edges than in habitat interiors mainly due generalist predators arising from or proliferating in the surrounding matrix. Recent reviews demonstrate however that this is far from universal, in part because studies are strongly biased in temperate regions. Far fewer are known from the Neotropics and just a handful of studies have been carried out in the biologically-rich but severely fragmented Atlantic Forest of Brazil. Here we tested the influence of edge proximity on ground nest predation in a large (21,787 ha) Atlantic forest reserve. The experiment was carried out using chicken and quail eggs in 12 transects with 500 m in length, half of which parallel to internal edges (dirt roads) and half parallel to external edges (forest/pasture). Nest predation was significantly higher in wet season (42.7%), when no difference was found between edge and forest interior, than in dry season (16.5%), when nest predation was higher in forest interior (400 m). Within seasons, the difference between internal and external edges and the association between edge distance and edge type were not significant. Results suggest that ground nest predation in large protected areas of the Atlantic forest is mainly caused by forest dwellers rather than by species inhabiting the surrounding grassland-dominated landscape, mirroring recent findings in other tropical areas.  相似文献   

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