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The proapoptotic protein BAX contains a single predicted transmembrane domain at its COOH terminus. In unstimulated cells, BAX is located in the cytosol and in peripheral association with intracellular membranes including mitochondria, but inserts into mitochondrial membranes after a death signal. This failure to insert into mitochondrial membrane in the absence of a death signal correlates with repression of the transmembrane signal-anchor function of BAX by the NH2-terminal domain. Targeting can be instated by deleting the domain or by replacing the BAX transmembrane segment with that of BCL-2. In stimulated cells, the contribution of the NH2 terminus of BAX correlates with further exposure of this domain after membrane insertion of the protein. The peptidyl caspase inhibitor zVAD-fmk partly blocks the stimulated mitochondrial membrane insertion of BAX in vivo, which is consistent with the ability of apoptotic cell extracts to support mitochondrial targeting of BAX in vitro, dependent on activation of caspase(s). Taken together, our results suggest that regulated targeting of BAX to mitochondria in response to a death signal is mediated by discrete domains within the BAX polypeptide. The contribution of one or more caspases may reflect an initiation and/or amplification of this regulated targeting.  相似文献   

The identification and functional characterization of Dictyostelium discoideum dynamin A, a protein composed of 853 amino acids that shares up to 44% sequence identity with other dynamin-related proteins, is described. Dynamin A is present during all stages of D. discoideum development and is found predominantly in the cytosolic fraction and in association with endosomal and postlysosomal vacuoles. Overexpression of the protein has no adverse effect on the cells, whereas depletion of dynamin A by gene-targeting techniques leads to multiple and complex phenotypic changes. Cells lacking a functional copy of dymA show alterations of mitochondrial, nuclear, and endosomal morphology and a defect in fluid-phase uptake. They also become multinucleated due to a failure to complete normal cytokinesis. These pleiotropic effects of dynamin A depletion can be rescued by complementation with the cloned gene. Morphological studies using cells producing green fluorescent protein-dynamin A revealed that dynamin A associates with punctate cytoplasmic vesicles. Double labeling with vacuolin, a marker of a postlysosomal compartment in D. discoideum, showed an almost complete colocalization of vacuolin and dynamin A. Our results suggest that that dynamin A is likely to function in membrane trafficking processes along the endo-lysosomal pathway of D. discoideum but not at the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

Most of the mitochondrial and chloroplastic proteins are synthesized in the cytosol as precursor proteins carrying an N-terminal targeting peptide (TP) directing them specifically to a correct organelle. However, there is a group of proteins that are dually targeted to mitochondria and chloroplasts using an ambiguous N-terminal dual targeting peptide (dTP). Here, we have investigated pattern properties of import determinants of organelle-specific TPs and dTPs combining mathematical multivariate data analysis (MVDA) with in vitro organellar import studies. We have used large datasets of mitochondrial and chloroplastic proteins found in organellar proteomes as well as manually selected data sets of experimentally confirmed organelle-specific TPs and dTPs from Arabidopsis thaliana. Two classes of organelle-specific TPs could be distinguished by MVDA and potential patterns or periodicity in the amino acid sequence contributing to the separation were revealed, dTPs were found to have intermediate sequence features between the organelle-specific TPs. Interestingly, introducing positively charged residues to the dTPs showed clustering towards the mitochondrial TPs in silico and resulted in inhibition of chloroplast, but not mitochondrial import in in vitro organellar import studies. These findings suggest that positive charges in the N-terminal region of TPs may function as an 'avoidance signal' for the chloroplast import.  相似文献   

用分离纯化的完整线粒体和部分细胞器组分,初步研究了脱辅基细胞色素c在细胞内转运的特异性。完整线粒体用差速离心和密度梯度离心的方法,从幼龄鸡心肌组织中获得,对胞内几种细胞器标志酶比活力的测量表明,纯化的线粒体单胺氧化酶活力提高25.6倍,腺苷酸激酶活力提高3.59倍,细胞色素c氧化酶活力提高5.48倍,外膜完整性达90%以上,呼吸控制率大于20。以上数据表明该纯化的线粒体受胞内其它囊泡成分污染少,外膜完整并具有较高的氧化磷酸化偶联效率;在纯化线粒体的同时,得到另两种细胞器组分-内质网和溶酶体囊泡。体外转录翻译的apo.c与上述几个组分的结合实验表明,完整线粒体与apo.c的结合能力明显高于其它组分。  相似文献   

There is a group of proteins that are encoded by a single gene, expressed as a single precursor protein and dually targeted to both mitochondria and chloroplasts using an ambiguous targeting peptide. Sequence analysis of 43 dual targeted proteins in comparison with 385 mitochondrial proteins and 567 chloroplast proteins ofArabidopsis thaliana revealed an overall significant increase in phenylalanines, leucines, and serines and a decrease in acidic amino acids and glycine in dual targeting peptides (dTPs). The N-terminal portion of dTPs has significantly more serines than mTPs. The number of arginines is similar to those in mTPs, but almost twice as high as those in cTPs. We have investigated targeting determinants of the dual targeting peptide of Thr-tRNA synthetase (ThrRS-dTP) studying organellar import of N- and C-terminal deletion constructs of ThrRS-dTP coupled to GFR These results show that the 23 amino acid long N-terminal portion of ThrRS-dTP is crucial but not sufficient for the organellar import. The C-terminal deletions revealed that the shortest peptide that was capable of conferring dual targeting was 60 amino acids long. We have purified the ThrRS- dTP(2-60) to homogeneity after its expression as a fusion construct with GST followed by CNBr cleavage and ion exchange chromatography. The purified ThrRS-dTP(2-60) inhibited import of pF1β into mitochondria and of pSSU into chloroplasts at μM concentrations showing that dual and organelle-specific proteins use the same organellar import pathways. Furthermore, the CD spectra of ThrRS-dTP(2-60) indicated that the peptide has the propensity for forming α-helical structure in membrane mimetic environments; however, the membrane charge was not important for the amount of induced helical structure. This is the first study in which a dual targeting peptide has been purified and investigated by biochemical and biophysical means.  相似文献   

The process of dark-induced senescence in plants is relatively poorly understood, but a functional electron-transfer flavoprotein/electron-transfer flavoprotein:ubiquinone oxidoreductase (ETF/ETFQO) complex, which supports respiration during carbon starvation, has recently been identified. Here, we studied the responses of Arabidopsis thaliana mutants deficient in the expression of isovaleryl-CoA dehydrogenase and 2-hydroxyglutarate dehydrogenase to extended darkness and other environmental stresses. Evaluations of the mutant phenotypes following carbon starvation induced by extended darkness identify similarities to those exhibited by mutants of the ETF/ETFQO complex. Metabolic profiling and isotope tracer experimentation revealed that isovaleryl-CoA dehydrogenase is involved in degradation of the branched-chain amino acids, phytol, and Lys, while 2-hydroxyglutarate dehydrogenase is involved exclusively in Lys degradation. These results suggest that isovaleryl-CoA dehydrogenase is the more critical for alternative respiration and that a series of enzymes, including 2-hydroxyglutarate dehydrogenase, plays a role in Lys degradation. Both physiological and metabolic phenotypes of the isovaleryl-CoA dehydrogenase and 2-hydroxyglutarate dehydrogenase mutants were not as severe as those observed for mutants of the ETF/ETFQO complex, indicating some functional redundancy of the enzymes within the process. Our results aid in the elucidation of the pathway of plant Lys catabolism and demonstrate that both isovaleryl-CoA dehydrogenase and 2-hydroxyglutarate dehydrogenase act as electron donors to the ubiquinol pool via an ETF/ETFQO-mediated route.  相似文献   

The protonmotive force (Δp) across the mitochondrial inner membrane drives ATP synthesis. In addition, the energy stored in Δp can be dissipated by proton leak through the inner membrane, contributing to basal metabolic rate and thermogenesis. Increasing mitochondrial proton leak pharmacologically should decrease the efficiency of oxidative phosphorylation and counteract obesity by enabling fatty acids to be oxidised with decreased ATP production. While protonophores such as 2,4-dinitrophenol (DNP) increase mitochondrial proton leak and have been used to treat obesity, a slight increase in DNP concentration above the therapeutically effective dose disrupts mitochondrial function and leads to toxicity. Therefore we set out to develop a less toxic protonophore that would increase proton leak significantly at high Δp but not at low Δp. Our design concept for a potential self-limiting protonophore was to couple the DNP moiety to the lipophilic triphenylphosphonium (TPP) cation and this was achieved by the preparation of 3-(3,5-dinitro-4-hydroxyphenyl)propyltriphenylphosphonium methanesulfonate (MitoDNP). TPP cations accumulate within mitochondria driven by the membrane potential (Δψ), the predominant component of Δp. Our hypothesis was that MitoDNP would accumulate in mitochondria at high Δψ where it would act as a protonophore, but that at lower Δψ the accumulation and uncoupling would be far less. We found that MitoDNP was extensively taken into mitochondria driven by Δψ. However MitoDNP did not uncouple mitochondria as judged by its inability to either increase respiration rate or decrease Δψ. Therefore MitoDNP did not act as a protonophore, probably because the efflux of deprotonated MitoDNP was inhibited.  相似文献   

Capacity of alternative pathway mediated, CN-resistant respirationwas measured in mitochondria isolated from three plant species:Iris bulbs, potato tuber callus and Petunia cells, grown insuspension culture. Succinate, NADH or a combination of succinateand NADH were used as respiratory substrates. In all three plantspecies electrons from exogenous NADH appeared to have no accessto the alternative pathway connected with succinate mediatedrespiration and vice versa. Therefore, besides a (functional)compartmentation of Q-pools a compartmentation of alternativepathways in plant mitochondria is proposed as well. (Received October 19, 1985; Accepted January 29, 1986)  相似文献   

Most of the organellar amino acyl-tRNA synthetases (aaRSs) are dually targeted to both mitochondria and chloroplasts using dual targeting peptides (dTPs). We have investigated the targeting properties and domain structure of dTPs of seven aaRSs by studying the in vitro and in vivo import of N-terminal deleted constructs of dTPs fused to green fluorescent protein. The deletion constructs were designed based on prediction programs, TargetP and Predotar, as well as LogoPlots derived from organellar proteomes in Arabidopsis thaliana. In vitro import was performed either into a single isolated organelle or as dual import (i.e., into a mixture of isolated mitochondria and chloroplasts followed by reisolation of the organelles). In vivo import was investigated as transient expression of the green fluorescent protein constructs in Nicotiana benthamiana protoplasts. Characterization of recognition determinants showed that the N-terminal portions of TyrRS-, ValRS- and ThrRS-dTPs (27, 22 and 23 amino acids, respectively) are required for targeting into both mitochondria and chloroplasts. Surprisingly, these N-terminal portions contain no or very few arginines (or lysines) but very high number of hydroxylated residues (26-51%). For two aaRSs, a domain structure of the dTP became evident. Removal of 20 residues from the dTP of ProRS abolished chloroplastic import, indicating that the N-terminal region was required for chloroplast targeting, whereas deletion of 16 N-terminal amino acids from AspRS-dTP inhibited the mitochondrial import, showing that in this case, the N-terminal portion was required for the mitochondrial import. Finally, deletion of N-terminal regions of dTPs for IleRS and LysRS did not affect dual targeting. In summary, it can be concluded that there is no general rule for how the determinants for dual targeting are distributed within dTPs; in most cases, the N-terminal portion is essential for import into both organelles, but in a few cases, a domain structure was observed.  相似文献   

The behaviour of cell nuclei and organelle nucleoids (organellenuclei) was studied in the root apical meristem of 3-d-old seedlingsof Arabidopsis thaliana (Col.). Samples were embedded in Technovit7100 resin, cut into thin sections and stained with 4'-6-diamidino-2-phenylindole(DAPI) for observation of DNA. DNA synthesis in cell nucleiand organelle nucleoids was investigated using the incorporationof [3H] thymidine or 5-bromo-2'-deoxyuridine (BrdU). Incorporated[3H] thymidine and BrdU were detected by microautoradiographyor immunofiuorescence microscopy, respectively. Central cellsand cells just above the central cells of the quiescent centre(QC) showed an extremely low activity of DNA synthesis. However,DNA synthesis occurred in at least one organelle nucleoid ofall cells in the QC within 24 h. This suggests the cells inthe QC are quiescent with regard to nuclear DNA synthesis, butnot with regard to the organelle nucleoids. Key words: Arabidopsis thaliana, quiescent centre, root apical meristem, mitochondrial nucleoid (nuclei), plastid nucleoid (nuclei)  相似文献   

The main bacterial pathway for inserting proteins into the plasma membrane relies on the signal recognition particle (SRP), composed of the Ffh protein and an associated RNA component, and the SRP-docking protein FtsY. Eukaryotes use an equivalent system of archaeal origin to deliver proteins into the endoplasmic reticulum, whereas a bacteria-derived SRP and FtsY function in the plastid. Here we report on the presence of homologs of the bacterial Ffh and FtsY proteins in various unrelated plastid-lacking unicellular eukaryotes, namely Heterolobosea, Alveida, Goniomonas, and Hemimastigophora. The monophyly of novel eukaryotic Ffh and FtsY groups, predicted mitochondrial localization experimentally confirmed for Naegleria gruberi, and a strong alphaproteobacterial affinity of the Ffh group, collectively suggest that they constitute parts of an ancestral mitochondrial signal peptide-based protein-targeting system inherited from the last eukaryotic common ancestor, but lost from the majority of extant eukaryotes. The ability of putative signal peptides, predicted in a subset of mitochondrial-encoded N. gruberi proteins, to target a reporter fluorescent protein into the endoplasmic reticulum of Trypanosoma brucei, likely through their interaction with the cytosolic SRP, provided further support for this notion. We also illustrate that known mitochondrial ribosome-interacting proteins implicated in membrane protein targeting in opisthokonts (Mba1, Mdm38, and Mrx15) are broadly conserved in eukaryotes and nonredundant with the mitochondrial SRP system. Finally, we identified a novel mitochondrial protein (MAP67) present in diverse eukaryotes and related to the signal peptide-binding domain of Ffh, which may well be a hitherto unrecognized component of the mitochondrial membrane protein-targeting machinery.  相似文献   

Mitochondria from four plant species showing normal (Arum maculatum L., Arum italicum Mill., Sauromatum guttatum Schott) or induced (Solanum tuberosum L.) resistance to cyanide were submitted to temperature treatments up to 90 min at 45°C. The activity of the alternative, cyanide-resistant electron transport pathway was specifically and deeply altered by temperature treatments. Hydrogen sulfide was released in direct proportion to the reduction of activity of the alternative pathway. Only a small fraction (? 20%) of the total labile sulfide content of the mitochondria was associated with the operation of this pathway. In cyanide-resistant mitochondria, the cytochrome pathway was much more resistant to thermal inactivation than the alternative pathway. On the contrary, in cyanide-sensitive mitochondria (with no alternative pathway) the cytochrome pathway was highly sensitive to temperature treatments. These results indicate that the presence of a cyanide-resistant alternative pathway is correlated with a higher degree of resistance to thermal denaturation of the cytochrome pathway. They also strongly suggest that iron-sulfur proteins are regular components of the alternative pathway.  相似文献   

Acetyl-coenzyme A carboxylase (ACCase) occurs in at least two forms in rapeseed (Brassica napus): a homomeric (HO) and presumably cytosolic isozyme and a heteromeric, plastidial isozyme. We investigated whether the HO-ACCase of Arabidopsis can be targeted to plastids of B. napus seeds. A chloroplast transit peptide and the napin promoter were fused to the Arabidopsis ACC1 gene and transformed into B. napus, with the following results. (a) The small subunit transit peptide was sufficient to provide import of this very large protein into developing seed plastids. (b) HO-ACCase in isolated plastids was found to be biotinylated at a level comparable to extraplastidial HO-ACCase. (c) In vitro assays of HO-ACCase in isolated plastids from developing seeds indicate that it occurs as an enzymatically active form in the plastidial compartment. (d) ACCase activity in mature B. napus seeds is normally very low; however, plants expressing the SSU/ACC1 gene had 10- to 20-fold higher ACCase activity in mature seeds, suggesting that plastid localization prevents the turnover of HO-ACCase. (e) ACCase over-expression altered seed fatty acid composition, with the largest effect being an increase approximately 5% by the expression of HO-ACCase in plastids.  相似文献   

The contribution of the cyanide-resistant, alternative pathway to plant mitochondrial electron transport has been studied using a modified aqueous phase on-line mass spectrometry-gas chromatography system. This technique permits direct measurement of the partitioning of electrons between the cytochrome and alternative pathways in the absence of added inhibitors. We demonstrate that in mitochondria isolated from soybean (Glycine max L. cv Ransom) cotyledons, the alternative pathway contributes significantly to oxygen uptake under state 4 conditions, when succinate is used as a substrate. However, when NADH is the substrate, addition of pyruvate, an allosteric activator of the alternative pathway, is required to achieve the same level of alternative pathway activity. Under state 3 conditions, when the reduction state of the ubiquinone pool is low, the addition of pyruvate allows the alternative pathway to compete with the cytochrome pathway for electrons from the ubiquinone pool when the cytochrome pathway is not saturated. These results provide direct experimental verification of the kinetics consequences of pyruvate addition on the partitioning of electron flow between the two respiratory pathways. This distribution of electrons between the two unsaturated pathways could not be measured using conventional oxygen electrode methods and illustrates a clear advantage of the mass spectrometry technique. These results have significant ramifications for studies of plant respiration using the oxygen electrode, particularly those studies involving intact tissues.  相似文献   

The claim that succinate and malate can directly stimulate the activity of the alternative oxidase in plant mitochondria (A.M. Wagner, C.W.M. van den Bergen, H. Wincencjusz [1995] Plant Physiol 108: 1035-1042) was reinvestigated using sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L.) mitochondria. In whole mitochondria, succinate (in the presence of malonate) and both L- and D-malate stimulated respiration via alternative oxidase in a pH- (and NAD+)-dependent manner. Solubilized malic enzyme catalyzed the oxidation of both L- and D-malate, although the latter at only a low rate and only at acid pH. In submitochondrial particle preparations with negligible malic enzyme activity, neither L- nor D-malate stimulated alternative oxidase activity. However, even in the presence of high malonate concentrations, some succinate oxidation was observed via the alternative oxidase, giving the impression of stimulation of the oxidase. Neither L-malate nor succinate (in the presence of malonate) changed the dependence of alternative oxidase activity on ubiquinone reduction state in submitochondrial particles. In contrast, a large change in this dependence was observed upon addition of pyruvate. Half-maximal stimulation of alternative oxidase by pyruvate occurred at less than 5 [mu]M in submitochondrial particles, one-twentieth of that reported for whole mitochondria, suggesting that pyruvate acts on the inside of the mitochondrion. We suggest that malate and succinate do not directly stimulate alternative oxidase, and that reports to the contrary reflect intra-mitochondrial generation of pyruvate via malic enzyme.  相似文献   

More than 11 different P-type H(+)-ATPases have been identified in Arabidopsis by DNA cloning. The subcellular localization for individual members of this proton pump family has not been previously determined. We show by membrane fractionation and immunocytology that a subfamily of immunologically related P-type H(+)-ATPases, including isoforms AHA2 and AHA3, are primarily localized to the plasma membrane. To verify that AHA2 and AHA3 are both targeted to the plasma membrane, we added epitope tags to their C-terminal ends and expressed them in transgenic plants. Both tagged isoforms localized to the plasma membrane, as indicated by aqueous two-phase partitioning and sucrose density gradients. In contrast, a truncated AHA2 (residues 1-193) did not, indicating that the first two transmembrane domains alone are not sufficient for plasma membrane localization. Two epitope tags were evaluated: c-myc, a short, 11-amino acid sequence, and beta-glucuronidase (GUS), a 68-kD protein. The c-myc tag is recommended for its sensitivity and specific immunodetection. GUS worked well as an epitope tag when transgenes were expressed at relatively high levels (e.g. with AHA2-GUS944); however, evidence suggests that GUS activity may be inhibited when a GUS domain is tethered to an H(+)-ATPase complex. Nevertheless, the apparent ability to localize a GUS protein to the plasma membrane indicates that a P-type H(+)-ATPase can be used as a delivery vehicle to target large, soluble proteins to the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

The regulation of alternative oxidase activity by the effector pyruvate was investigated in soybean (Glycine max L.) mitochondria using developmental changes in roots and cotyledons to vary the respiratory capacity of the mitochondria. Rates of cyanide-insensitive oxygen uptake by soybean root mitochondria declined with seedling age. Immunologically detectable protein levels increased slightly with age, and mitochondria from younger, more active roots had less of the protein in the reduced form. Addition of pyruvate stimulated cyanide-insensitive respiration in root mitochondria, up to the same rate, regardless of seedling age. This stimulation was reversed rapidly upon removal of pyruvate, either by pelleting mitochondria (with succinate as substrate) or by adding lactate dehydrogenase with NADH as substrate. In mitochondria from cotyledons of the same seedlings, cyanide-insensitive NADH oxidation was less dependent on added pyruvate, partly due to intramitochondrial generation of pyruvate from endogenous substrates. Cyanide-insensitive oxygen uptake with succinate as substrate was greater than that with NADH, in both root and cotyledon mitochondria, but this difference became much less when an increase in external pH was used to inhibit intramitochondrial pyruvate production via malic enzyme. Malic enzyme activity in root mitochondria declined with seedling age. The results indicate that the activity of the alternative oxidase in soybean mitochondria is very dependent on the presence of pyruvate: differences in the generation of intramitochondrial pyruvate can explain differences in alternative oxidase activity between tissues and substrates, and some of the changes that occur during seedling development.  相似文献   

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