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The perioperative period is characterized by an intense inflammatory response. Perioperative inflammation promotes postoperative morbidity and increases mortality. Blunting the inflammatory response to surgical trauma might thus improve perioperative outcomes. We are studying three interventions that potentially modulate perioperative inflammation: corticosteroids, tight glucose control, and light anesthesia.


The DeLiT Trial is a factorial randomized single-center trial of dexamethasone vs placebo, intraoperative tight vs. conventional glucose control, and light vs deep anesthesia in patients undergoing major non-cardiac surgery. Anesthetic depth will be estimated with Bispectral Index (BIS) monitoring (Aspect medical, Newton, MA). The primary outcome is a composite of major postoperative morbidity including myocardial infarction, stroke, sepsis, and 30-day mortality. C-reactive protein, a measure of the inflammatory response, will be evaluated as a secondary outcome. One-year all-cause mortality as well as post-operative delirium will be additional secondary outcomes. We will enroll up to 970 patients which will provide 90% power to detect a 40% reduction in the primary outcome, including interim analyses for efficacy and futility at 25%, 50% and 75% enrollment.


The DeLiT trial started in February 2007. We expect to reach our second interim analysis point in 2010. This large randomized controlled trial will provide a reliable assessment of the effects of corticosteroids, glucose control, and depth-of-anesthesia on perioperative inflammation and morbidity from major non-cardiac surgery. The factorial design will enable us to simultaneously study the effects of the three interventions in the same population, both individually and in different combinations. Such a design is an economically efficient way to study the three interventions in one clinical trial vs three.

Trial registration

This trial is registered at Clinicaltrials.gov #: NTC00433251  相似文献   

Summary Testicular interstitial cells, from rats aged 35 days, were dispersed with collagenase and separated through Percoll into 5 fractions (I–V); fraction I being the least dense. Measurement of basal testosterone production, histo-enzymological staining for 3-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase activity and electron microscopy indicated that the majority of Ley dig cells were found in fraction IV (corresponding to a density of 1.076–1.097 g/ml). In addition, cells from this fraction responded to hCG treatment in a dose-dependent manner on day 0 and remained responsive after being cultured for 1 day. Immunostaining for oxytocin indicated that this fraction also contained the majority of the oxytocin-immunoreactive cells. On day 1 of culture, 56% of the cell population from fraction IV were positively stained for the steroidogenic enzyme and 75% immunoreactive for oxytocin. This overlap indicates that the Leydig cells were also the oxytocin immunoreactive cells.  相似文献   

In skeletal muscle, a local increase of acetylcholine (ACh) in a few end plates has been hypothesized to cause the formation of contraction knots that can be found in myofascial trigger points. To test this hypothesis in rats, small amounts of an acetylcholinesterase inhibitor [diisopropylfluorophosphate (DFP)] were injected into the proximal half of the gastrocnemius muscle, and the muscle nerve was electrically stimulated for 30-60 min for induction of muscle twitches. The distal half of the muscle, which performed the same contractions, served as a control to assess the effects of the twitches without DFP. Sections of the muscle were evaluated for morphological changes in relation to the location of blocked end plates. Compared with the distal half of the muscle, the DFP-injected proximal half exhibited significantly higher numbers of abnormally contracted fibers (local contractures), torn fibers, and longitudinal stripes. DFP-injected animals in which the muscle nerve was not stimulated and that were allowed to survive for 24 h exhibited the same lesions but in smaller numbers. The data indicate that an increased concentration of ACh in a few end plates causes damage to muscle fibers. The results support the assumption that a dysfunctional end plate exhibiting increased release of ACh may be the starting point for regional abnormal contractions, which are thought to be essential for the formation of myofascial trigger points.  相似文献   

Recovery of rat mast cells after secretion: a morphometric study   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Granule reconstitution in rat peritoneal mast cells following massive secretion was studied by morphometric techniques. Immediately following secretion, the earliest identifiable mast cells showed a substantial decrease in cell volume associated with granule loss. Cell volume then increased almost to the original level over a period of a month. The size of the Golgi apparatus increased markedly in the week following secretion and then returned to its original size. The total volume of granules increased slowly after the secretory depletion and by 34 days had not returned to the original value although the number of granules had recovered fully. The reconstitution of mast cells after secretion is a prolonged process with several phases resulting in mast cells of varying appearance and content. This heterogeneity generated by reconstitution post secretion must be considered in studies of populations of mast cells in vivo.  相似文献   

Neuromuscular function in adult male rats was studied following 30 days of exposure to a 60-Hz electric field at 100 kV/m (unperturbed field strength). Isometric force transducers were attached to the tendons of the plantaris (predominantly fast twitch), and soleus (predominantly slow twitch) muscles in the urethan-anesthetized rat. Square-wave stimuli were delivered to the distal stump of the transected sciatic nerve. Several measurements were used to characterize neuromuscular function, including twitch characteristics, chronaxie, tetanic and posttetanic potentiation, and fatigue and recovery. The results from three independent series of experiments are reported. Only recovery from fatigue in slow-twitch muscles was consistently and significantly affected (enhanced) by electrifield exposure. This effect does not appear to be mediated by field-induced changes in either neuromuscular transmission, or in the contractile mechanism itself. It is suggested that the effect may be mediated secondary to an effect on mechanisms regulating muscle blood flow or metabolism.  相似文献   

Serotonin immunoreactive material was localized to rat enterochromaffin cells (EC cells) at the subcellular level using antibodies to serotonin (5-HT) raised in rabbits. Ultrathin sections from paraformaldehyde fixed plastic embedded tissues were directly labelled with the 5-HT antiserum, using the protein A-gold technique to visualize the immunoreaction. The 5-HT immunoreactivity (5-HT-IR) in the rat gastrointestinal mucosa was exclusively localized to epithelial EC cells with a low background over other epithelial non-enterochromaffin cells. Quantitative evaluation of the immunoreaction revealed that most of the 5-HT-IR in the cytoplasm of EC cells (60%) was located over the dense cores of the secretory granules. However, a significant part of the cytoplasmic 5-HT-IR (40%) was located outside the dense cores of the secretory granules which suggests that different forms of 5-HT storage may exist.  相似文献   

Summary Serotonin immunoreactive material was localized to rat enterochromaffin cells (EC cells) at the subcellular level using antibodies to serotonin (5-HT) raised in rabbits. Ultrathin sections from paraformaldehyde fixed plastic embedded tissues were directly labelled with the 5-HT antiserum, using the protein A-gold technique to visualize the immunoreaction. The 5-HT immunoreactivity (5-HT-IR) in the rat gastrointestinal mucosa was exclusively localized to epithelial EC cells with a low background over other epithelial non-enterochromaffin cells. Quantitative evaluation of the immunoreaction revealed that most of the 5-HT-IR in the cytoplasm of EC cells (60%) was located over the dense cores of the secretory granules. However, a significant part of the cytoplasmic 5-HT-IR (40%) was located outside the dense cores of the secretory granules which suggests that different forms of 5-HT storage may exist.Supported by grants from the Swedish Medical Research Council (537, 2207, 5220). Göteborgs Läkaresällskap, and The Medical Faculty of Göteborg  相似文献   

IntroductionThe aim of this study was to assess the effects of neuromuscular fatigue on stretch reflex-related torque and electromyographic activity of spastic knee extensor muscles in hemiplegic patients. The second aim was to characterize the time course of quadriceps muscle fatigue during repetitive concentric contractions.MethodsEighteen patients performed passive, isometric and concentric isokinetic evaluations before and after a fatigue protocol using an isokinetic dynamometer. Voluntary strength and spasticity were evaluated following the simultaneous recording of torque and electromyographic activity of rectus femoris (RF), vastus lateralis (VL) and biceps femoris (BF).ResultsIsometric knee extension torque and the root mean square (RMS) value of VL decreased in the fatigued state. During the fatigue protocol, the normalized peak torque decreased whereas the RMS of RF and BF increased between the first five and last five contractions. There was a linear decrease in the neuromuscular efficiency-repetitions relationships for RF and VL. The peak resistive torque and the normalized RMS of RF and VL during passive stretching movements were not modified by the fatigue protocol for any stretch velocity.DiscussionThis study showed that localized quadriceps muscle fatigue caused a decrease in voluntary strength which did not modify spasticity intensity. Changes in the distribution of muscle fiber type, with a greater number of slow fibers on the paretic side, may explain why the stretch reflex was not affected by fatigue.  相似文献   

Trekking and military missions generally consist of carrying heavy loads for extreme durations. These factors have been separately shown to be sources of neuromuscular (NM) fatigue and locomotor alterations. However, the question of their combined effects remains unresolved, and addressing this issue required a representative context.


The aim was to investigate the effects of extreme-duration heavy load carriage on NM function and walking characteristics.


Ten experienced infantrymen performed a 21-h simulated military mission (SMM) in a middle-mountain environment with equipment weighing ∼27 kg during battles and ∼43 kg during marches. NM function was evaluated for knee extensors (KE) and plantar flexors (PF) pre- and immediately post-SMM using isometric maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) measurement, neural electrical stimulation and surface EMG. The twitch-interpolation method was used to assess central fatigue. Peripheral changes were examined by stimulating the muscle in the relaxed state. The energy cost, mechanical work and spatio-temporal pattern of walking were also evaluated pre−/post-SMM on an instrumented treadmill in three equipment conditions: Sportswear, Battle and March.


After the SMM, MVC declined by −10.2±3.6% for KE (P<0.01) and −10.7±16.1% for PF (P = 0.06). The origin of fatigue was essentially peripheral for both muscle groups. A trend toward low-frequency fatigue was detected for KE (5.5%, P = 0.08). These moderate NM alterations were concomitant with a large increase in perceived fatigue from pre- (rating of 8.3±2.2) to post-SMM (15.9±2.1, P<0.01). The SMM-related fatigue did not alter walking energetics or mechanics, and the different equipment carried on the treadmill did not interact with this fatigue either.


this study reports the first data on physiological and biomechanical consequences of extreme-duration heavy load carriage. Unexpectedly, NM function alterations due to the 21-h SMM were moderate and did not alter walking characteristics.

Clinical Trial Registration

Name: Effect of prolonged military exercises with high load carriage on neuromuscular fatigue and physiological/biomechanical responses. Number: NCT01127191.  相似文献   

Androgen is essential for maintenance of spermatogenesis in the testis and for maturation of spermatozoa in the epididymis. The effects of androgen are mediated through its receptor (AR), the levels of which are, in turn, regulated by androgen. Previous studies have shown that AR concentrations in Leydig and Sertoli cells are differentially regulated during development. The aim of the present study was to determine if cell-type-specific regulation of AR by androgen occurs in testicular and epididymal cells during adulthood. Adult male rats were treated with the LHRH-antagonist Azaline B (100 g/day) by osmotic pump for 1, 2, 3, 4, or 8 wk to suppress endogenous androgen, with identical numbers of intact control animals at each time period. An androgen replacement group was simultaneously treated with the antagonist and a synthetic androgen, 7 alpha-methyl-19-nortestosterone (MENT), during the final 4 wk of the experiment. Levels of nuclear AR protein in specific cell types were quantified by immunohistochemistry in conjunction with computer-assisted image analysis. Levels of AR in testicular cells declined sharply after treatment with the LHRH antagonist. In Sertoli cells, nuclear AR levels decreased to 8% of control (P < 0. 01) after 4 wk treatment; and to 12% and 17% of control (P < 0.01) in Leydig and myoid cells, respectively. Androgen replacement resulted in complete recovery of nuclear AR levels in Sertoli cells (93%, P > 0.05) but in only partial recovery in myoid (69%, P < 0. 01) and Leydig cells (56%, P < 0.01). In the epididymis, tubular epithelial cells and stromal cells differed in their responses to the LHRH antagonist. After 1 wk, nuclear AR levels in caput stromal cells decreased dramatically to 34% of control (P < 0.01) and in cauda stromal cells to 43% (P < 0.01). In contrast, the decline of AR levels in epididymal epithelial cells was not as dramatic as that in stromal cells. After 1 wk, the decline in the caput and cauda was to 87% and 76% of control, respectively. After 8 wk, nuclear AR levels in stromal cells further declined to 1.1% in caput and 1.4% in cauda, whereas in the epithelial cells, a smaller decline in nuclear AR was noted (to 30% in the caput and 45% in the cauda). After androgen replacement with MENT, nuclear AR levels recovered to more than 90% of control in both epididymal cell types. These results indicate that AR levels in the nuclei of adult Sertoli cells depend mainly on the level of androgen, whereas in the adult Leydig and myoid cells, the androgen dependency is more limited. The results also indicate that in the epididymis, stromal cells are more sensitive than epithelial cells to the regulation of AR levels by androgen.  相似文献   

It is well known that gravitational unloading induces muscle atrophy associated with a shift of fiber type in slow-twitch muscle. Ishihara et al. (1996 & 1997) reported that 2 weeks of spaceflight caused a decrease in succinate dehydrogenase activities of ventral horn and dorsal root ganglion neurons in rats. Significant effects on motor performance are also induced in both human (Kozlovskaya et al., 1981) and rats (Canu and Falempin, 1997), but these changes are reversible. However, it is not known how neuromuscular function respond to long-term gravitational unloading. Therefore, the current study was carried out to investigate the effects of 9 weeks of hindlimb suspension on the neuromuscular function and mass in hindlimb muscles in rats.  相似文献   

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