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Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides grown under nonrigorous anaerobic conditions in the light developed components of a branched respiratory electron transfer chain, and a photosynthetic electron transfer chain. Both respiratory pathways were sensitive to rotenone and high concentrations of cyanide, but oxygen uptake was only partially inhibited by the addition of low concentrations of cyanide or antimycin A. When incubated anaerobically in the dark, R. sphaeroides responded positively to an oxygen gradient in the absence of rotenone. In the presence of rotenone, aerotaxis only occurred when the antimycin A-sensitive branch of the pathway was functioning, although both branches still reduced oxygen. Although there was electron movement along the respiratory chain, aerotaxis only occurred in response to a change in proton motive force. When incubated anaerobically in the light, the movement of R. sphaeroides up a light gradient depended on photosynthetic electron transport. When incubated aerobically, high-intensity actinic illumination inhibited oxygen uptake and aerotaxis. In a low-intensity light gradient the phototactic response was inhibited by oxygen. These results are discussed in relation to the interaction of the electron transfer chains and their roles in controlling tactic responses in R. sphaeroides.  相似文献   

The influence of K+ ions on the components of the transmembrane proton motive force (delta mu H+) in intact bacteria was investigated. In K+-depleted cells of the glycolytic bacterium STreptococcus faecalis the addition of K+ ions caused a depolarization of the membrane by about 60 mV. However, since the depolarization was compensated for by an increase in the transmembrane pH gradient (delta pH), the total proton motive force remained almost constant at about 120 mV. Half-maximal changes in the potential were observed at K+ concentrations at which the cells accumulated K+ ions extensively. In EDTA-treated, K+-depleted cells of Escherichia coli K-12, the addition of K+ ions to the medium caused similar, although smaller changes in the components of delta mu H+. Experiments with various E. coli K-12 K+ transport mutants showed that for the observed potential changes the cells required either a functional TrkA or Kdp K+ transport system. These data are interpreted to mean that the inward movement of K+ ions via each of these bacterial transport systems is electrogenic. Consequently, it leads to a depolarization of the membrane, which in its turn allows the cell to pump more protons into the medium.  相似文献   

Membrane vesicles prepared from Halobacterium halobium extrude protons during illumination, and a pH difference (inside alkaline) and an electrical potential (inside negative) develop. The sizes of these gradients and their relative magnitudes are dependent on a complex interaction among the proton-pumping activity of bacteriorhodopsin, Na+ extrusion through an antiport system, and the ability of K+ and Cl? to act as counterions to the electrogenic movement of H+. The net result of these variable effects is that the electrical potential is relatively independent of external pH, whereas the pH difference tends toward zero when the pH is increased to 7.5–8. Although the light-induced pH difference is greater in KCl than in NaCl, and the electrical potential smaller, this is not caused by a high permeability of the vesicle membranes to K+. The vesicle membrane is poorly permeable to K+, as shown by: lack of a K+ diffusion potential in the absence of valinomycin, light-induced electrical potentials which are in excess of the chemical potential difference for K+, and direct measurements of the slow rate of K+ influx during illumination. The finding that the rate of K+ uptake is a linear function of external K+ concentration between 0 and 1 m is inconsistent with the existence of a specific K+ permeation mechanism in these vesicles. Since at external K+ concentrations < 1.4 m the extrusion of Na+ during illumination proceeds much more rapidly than K+ influx, it must be concluded that the vesicles also lose Cl? and water. Measurements of light-scattering changes confirm that under these conditions the vesicles collapse. The light-induced collapse is diminished only when the inward movement of K+ is increased, either by increasing the external K+ concentration or by adding valinomycin.  相似文献   

Oxygen taxis and proton motive force in Azospirillum brasilense.   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
The microaerophilic nitrogen-fixing bacterium Azospirillum brasilense formed a sharply defined band in a spatial gradient of oxygen. As a result of aerotaxis, the bacteria were attracted to a specific low concentration of oxygen (3 to 5 microM). Bacteria swimming away from the aerotactic band were repelled by the higher or lower concentration of oxygen that they encountered and returned to the band. This behavior was confirmed by using temporal gradients of oxygen. The cellular energy level in A. brasilense, monitored by measuring the proton motive force, was maximal at 3 to 5 microM oxygen. The proton motive force was lower at oxygen concentrations that were higher or lower than the preferred oxygen concentration. Bacteria swimming toward the aerotactic band would experience an increase in the proton motive force, and bacteria swimming away from the band would experience a decrease in the proton motive force. It is proposed that the change in the proton motive force is the signal that regulates positive and negative aerotaxis. The preferred oxygen concentration for aerotaxis was similar to the preferred oxygen concentration for nitrogen fixation. Aerotaxis is an important adaptive behavioral response that can guide these free-living diazotrophs to the optimal niche for nitrogen fixation in the rhizosphere.  相似文献   

Osmoregulation in Rhodobacter sphaeroides.   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Betaine (N,N,N-trimethylglycine) functioned most effectively as an osmoprotectant in osmotically stressed Rhodobacter sphaeroides cells during aerobic growth in the dark and during anaerobic growth in the light. The presence of the amino acids L-glutamate, L-alanine, or L-proline in the growth medium did not result in a significant increase in the growth rate at increased osmotic strengths. The addition of choline to the medium stimulated growth at increased osmolarities but only under aerobic conditions. Under these conditions choline was converted via an oxygen-dependent pathway to betaine, which was not further metabolized. The initial rates of choline uptake by cells grown in media with low and high osmolarities were measured over a wide range of concentrations (1.9 microM to 2.0 mM). Only one kinetically distinguishable choline transport system could be detected. Kt values of 2.4 and 3.0 microM and maximal rates of choline uptake (Vmax) of 5.4 and 4.2 nmol of choline/min.mg of protein were found in cells grown in the minimal medium without or with 0.3 M NaCl, respectively. Choline transport was not inhibited by a 25-fold excess of L-proline or betaine. Only one kinetically distinguishable betaine transport system was found in cells grown in the low-osmolarity minimal medium as well as in a high-osmolarity medium containing 0.3 M NaCl. In cells grown and assayed in the absence of NaCl, betaine transport occurred with a Kt of 15.1 microM and a Vmax of 3.2 nmol/min . mg of protein, whereas in cells that were grown and assayed in the presence of 0.3 M NaCl, the corresponding values were 18.2 microM and 9.2 nmol of betaine/min . mg of protein. This system was also able to transport L-proline, but with a lower affinity than that for betaine. The addition of choline of betaine to the growth medium did not result in the induction of additional transport systems.  相似文献   

Y Y Sham  I Muegge  A Warshel 《Proteins》1999,36(4):484-500
A general method for simulating proton translocations in proteins and for exploring the role of different proton transfer pathways is developed and examined. The method evaluates the rate constants for proton transfer processes using the energetics of the relevant proton configurations. The energies (DeltaG((m))) of the different protonation states are evaluated in two steps. First, the semimicroscopic version of the protein dipole Langevin dipole (PDLD/S) method is used to evaluate the intrinsic energy of bringing the protons to their protein sites, when the charges of all protein ionized residues are set to zero. Second, the interactions between the charged groups are evaluated by using a Coulomb's Law with an effective dielectric constant. This approach, which was introduced in an earlier study by one of the authors of the current report, allows for a very fast determination of any DeltaG((m)) and for practical evaluation of the time-dependent proton population: That is, the rate constants for proton transfer processes are evaluated by using the corresponding DeltaG((m)) values and a Marcus type relationship. These rate constants are then used to construct a master equation, the integration of which by a fourth-order Runge-Kutta method yields the proton population as a function of time. The integration evaluates, 'on the fly,' the changes of the rate constants as a result of the time-dependent changes in charge-charge interaction, and this feature benefits from the fast determination of DeltaG((m)). The method is demonstrated in a preliminary study of proton translocation processes in the reaction center of Rhodobacter sphaeroides. It is found that proton transfer across water chains involves significant activation barriers and that ionized protein residues probably are involved in the proton transfer pathways. The potential of the present method in analyzing mutation experiments is discussed briefly and illustrated. The present study also examines different views of the nature of proton translocations in proteins. It is shown that such processes are controlled mainly by the electrostatic interaction between the proton site and its surroundings rather than by the local bond rearrangements of water molecules that are involved in the proton pathways. Thus, the overall rate of proton transport frequently is controlled by the highest barrier along the conduction pathway. Proteins 1999;36:484-500.  相似文献   

The effects of various metabolic inhibitors on the motility of Spirochaeta aurantia were investigated. After 15 min in sodium arsenate buffer, 90% of cells remained motile even though adenosine triphosphate levels dropped from 5.6 to 0.1 nmol/mg (dry weight) of cells. After 70 min in sodium arsenate, 5% of cells were motile. Addition of phenazine methosulfate plus ascorbate at this time resulted in motility of 95% of cells, but adenosine triphosphate levels remained at 0.1 nmol/mg of cell dry weight. Carbonyl cyanide-m-chlorophenyl hydrazone rapidly (within 1 min) and completely inhibited motility of metabolizing cells in potassium phosphate buffer. However, after 15 min in the presence of carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenyl hydrazone the cellular adenosine triphosphate level was 3.4 nmol/mg (dry weight) of cells, and the rate of oxygen uptake was 44% of the rate measured in the absence of carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenyl hydrazone. Cells remained motile under conditions where either the electrical potential or the pH gradient across the membrane of S. aurantia was dissipated. However, if both gradients were simultaneously dissipated, motility was rapidly inhibited. This study indicates that a proton motive force, in the form of either a transmembrane electrical potential or a transmembrane pH gradient, is required for motility in S. aurantia. Adenosine triphosphate does not appear to directly activate the motility system in this spirochete.  相似文献   

In previous studies, respiring Bradyrhizobium sp. strain 32H1 cells grown under 0.2% O2, conditions that derepress N2 fixation, were found to have a low proton motive force of less than -121 mV, because of a low membrane potential (delta psi). In contrast, cells grown under 21% O2, which do not fix N2, had high proton motive force values of -175 mV or more, which are typical of respiring bacteria, because of high delta psi values. In the present study, we found that a delta psi of 0 mV in respiring cells requires growth in relatively high-[K+] media (8 mM), low O2 tension, and high internal [K+]. When low-[O2], high-[K+]-grown cells were partially depleted of K+, the delta psi was high. When cells were grown under 21% O2 or in media low in K+ (50 microM K+), the delta psi was again high. The transmembrane pH gradient was affected only slightly by varying the growth or assay conditions. In addition, low-[O2], high-[K+]-grown cells had a greater proton permeability than did high-[O2]-grown cells. To explain these findings, we postulate that cells grown under conditions that derepress N2 fixation contain an electrogenic K+/H+ antiporter that is responsible for the dissipation of the delta psi. The consequence of this alteration in K+ cycling is rerouting of proton circuits so that the putative antiporter becomes the major pathway for H+ influx, rather than the H+-ATP synthase.  相似文献   

The protein motive force of metabolizing Bacillus subtilis cells was only slightly affected by changes in the external pH between 5 and 8, although the electrical component and the chemical component of the proton motive force contributed differently at different external pH. The electrical component of the proton motive force was very small at pH 5, and the chemical component was almost negligible at pH 7.5. At external pH values between 6 and 7.7, swimming speed of the cells stayed constant. Thus, either the electrical component or the chemical component of the proton motive force could drive the flagellar motor. When the proton motive force of valinomycin-treated cells was quantitatively decreased by increasing the external K+ concentration, the swimming speed of the cells changed in a unique way: the swimming speed was not affected until about--100 mV, then decreased linearly with further decrease in the proton motive force, and was almost zero at about--30 mV. The rotation rate of a flagellum, measured by a tethered cell, showed essentially the same characteristics. Thus, there are a threshold proton motive force and a saturating proton motive force for the rotation of the B. subtilis flagellar motor.  相似文献   

The basal proton motive force (PMF) levels and the influence of the bacteriocin nisin on the PMF were determined in Listeria monocytogenes Scott A. In the absence of nisin, the interconversion of the pH gradient (Z delta pH) and the membrane potential (delta psi) led to the maintenance of a fairly constant PMF at -160 mV over the external pH range 5.5 to 7.0. The addition of nisin at concentrations of greater than or equal to 5 micrograms/ml completely dissipated PMF in cells at external pH values of 5.5 and 7.0. With 1 microgram of nisin per ml, delta pH was completely dissipated but delta psi decreased only slightly. The action of nisin on PMF in L. monocytogenes Scott A was both time and concentration dependent. Valinomycin depleted only delta pH, whereas nigericin and carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone depleted only delta psi, under conditions in which nisin depleted both. Four other L. monocytogenes strains had basal PMF parameters similar to those of strain Scott A. Nisin (2.5 micrograms/ml) also completely dissipated PMF in these strains.  相似文献   

The secretion of protein directly into the extracellular medium by Bacillus amyloliquefaciens, a gram-positive bacterium, was shown to be dependent on proton motive force. When the electrochemical membrane potential gradient of protons was dissipated either by uncouplers or by valinomycin in combination with K+, a precursor form of alpha-amylase accumulated on the cellular membrane. The proton motive force could be dissipated without altering the intracellular level of ATP, indicating that the observed inhibition of export was not the result of decreased ATP concentration.  相似文献   

Nisin depletes ATP and proton motive force in mycobacteria   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
This study examined the inhibitory effect of nisin and its mode of action against Mycobacterium smegmatis, a non-pathogenic species of mycobacteria, and M. bovis-Bacill Carmette Guerin (BCG), a vaccine strain of pathogenic M. bovis. In agar diffusion assays, 2.5 mg ml(-1) nisin was required to inhibit M. bovis-BCG. Nisin caused a slow, gradual, time- and concentration-dependent decrease in internal ATP levels in M. bovis-BCG, but no ATP efflux was detected. In mycobacteria, nisin decreased both components of proton motive force (membrane potential, Delta Psi and Delta pH) in a time- and concentration-dependent manner. However, mycobacteria maintained their intracellular ATP levels during the initial time period of Delta Psi and Delta pH dissipation. These data suggest that the mechanism of nisin in mycobacteria is similar to that in food-borne pathogens.  相似文献   

Oxygen taxis and proton motive force in Salmonella typhimurium   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
The aerotactic response of Salmonella typhimurium SL3730 has been quantitatively correlated with a change in the proton motive force (delta p) as measured by a flow-dialysis technique. At pH 7.5, the membrane potential (delta psi) in S. typhimurium changed from -162 +/- 13 to -111 +/- 15 mV when cells grown aerobically were made anaerobic, and it returned to the original value when the cells were returned to aerobiosis. The delta pH across the membrane was zero. At pH 5.5, delta psi was -70 mV in aerobiosis and -20 mV in anaerobiosis, and delta pH was -118 and -56 mV for aerobic and anaerobic cells, respectively. A decrease in delta p resulted in increased tumbling, and an increase in delta p resulted in a smooth swimming response at either pH. Inhibition of aerotaxis at pH 7.5 by various concentrations of KCN correlated with a decreased delta p, due to a decreased delta psi in aerobiosis and little change in delta psi in anaerobiosis. At concentrations up to 100 mM, 2,4-dinitrophenol decreased delta psi, but did not inhibit aerotaxis because the difference between delta psi in aerobic and anaerobic cells remained constant. Considered as a whole, the results indicate that aerotaxis in S. typhimurium is mediated by delta p.  相似文献   

In cells of Leuconostoc oenos, the fermentation of L-malic acid generates both a transmembrane pH gradient, inside alkaline, and an electrical potential gradient, inside negative. In resting cells, the proton motive force ranged from -170 mV to -88 mV between pH 3.1 and 5.6 in the presence Of L-malate. Membrane potentials were calculated by using a model for probe binding that accounted for the different binding constants at the different pH values at the two faces of the membrane. The delta psi generated by the transport of monovalent malate, H-malate-, controlled the rate of fermentation. The fermentation rate significantly increased under conditions of decreased delta psi, i.e., upon addition of the ionophore valinomycin in the presence of KCl, whereas in a buffer depleted of potassium, the addition of valinomycin resulted in a hyperpolarization of the cell membrane and a reduction of the rate of fermentation. At the steady state, the chemical gradient for H-malate- was of the same magnitude as delta psi. Synthesis of ATP was observed in cells performing malolactic fermentation.  相似文献   

Aerotaxis (migration towards oxygen) of Bacillus cereus M63, a motile strain, was inhibited by potassium cyanide and 2-heptyl-4-hydroxyquinoline N-oxide, indicating a requirement for both the terminal oxidase (cytochrome aa3) and the cytochrome b segment of the electron transport system. The concentration of oxygen that gave a half-maximal aerotactic response (K0.5) was 0.31 microM, which was similar to the Km for respiration (0.80 microM). The proton motive force increased from -135 to -177 mV when anaerobic cells were aerated, and it is proposed that the signal for aerotaxis is the increase in proton motive force that results from increased respiration. A strain of B. cereus T initially used in this study was immotile, grew as long chains of cells, and was deficient in autolytic enzyme. B. cereus M63 is a spontaneous derivative of B. cereus T that has normal motility.  相似文献   

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