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湿地生态水文模型研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
建立湿地生态因素和水文因素之间的响应模型是当前湿地研究的一个新领域,可为湿地的保护、评价和管理提供科学依据。本文依据湿地生态水文过程特征,将湿地生态水文模型分为湿地生态水分循环估算模型、湿地生态水文化学过程模拟模型和湿地生物对水文过程的响应模型,综述了当前湿地生态水文模型的研究进展,并在此基础上探讨了湿地生态水文模型的研究重点和发展趋势。  相似文献   

河口三角洲湿地生态环境保护和区域开发的矛盾突出,对湿地生态圈健康和栖息地生态功能产生直接而强烈的影响.健康的河口三角洲湿地生态圈是由自然过程的连续性、生态系统的连通性、生境的异质性以及食物网的多样性等多种因素共同决定的.本文讨论了健康湿地生态圈构建的基础理论,综述了景观生态网络构建、水文连通性网络构建、食物网构建以及生境异质性栖息地营建的理论与方法.在区域和景观尺度上,以土地利用-生态系统完整性为主线,阐明了湿地破碎化对湿地生态功能的影响,特别强调景观完整性、水文连通性对湿地栖息地的影响;在生态系统和群落尺度上,以食物网-生态系统稳定性为主线,强调食物网多样性、生境异质性对湿地生物圈构建的支撑作用.基于景观完整性、水文连通性、生境异质性和食物网多样性构建健康湿地生态圈,可为湿地生态环境保护和建设提供科学依据和技术支撑.  相似文献   

湿地生态水文模型研究综述   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
吴燕锋  章光新 《生态学报》2018,38(7):2588-2598
变化环境下湿地生态水文格局及过程发生了深刻变化,已对流域、区域乃至我国水安全和生态安全构成威胁。湿地生态水文模型是揭示湿地生态格局与生态过程的水文学机制的有效工具和重要手段。介绍了湿地生态水文模型的概念、内涵、构建方法及分类,回顾了湿地生态水文模型的国内外发展历程,论述了目前湿地生态水文模型研究应用的重点领域:湿地生态水文调控与生态补水、流域湿地生态恢复重建与水资源综合管控和气候变化下湿地生态水文变化评估与应对策略。针对目前研究中存在的问题及薄弱环节,提出未来研究的发展趋势和亟需加强研究的重点方向。  相似文献   

RS和GIS支持的洪河地区湿地生态健康评价   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
王一涵  周德民  孙永华 《生态学报》2011,31(13):3590-3602
洪泛平原淡水自然湿地对于生态多样性保护具有重要意义。当前自然湿地普遍面临气候变化与人类活动干扰和影响,其生态健康的状况令人担忧,结合新的地学信息技术探索自然湿地生态健康评价分析方法具有重要意义。本研究选择位于三江平原东北部的洪河国家级自然保护区湿地及其周边农场湿地为研究区,依据遥感和地理信息系统技术支持,结合野外生态调查与水文气象监测数据,从水文地貌特征、景观特征和人类扰动3方面选取一系列评价指标因子,利用层次分析法和综合指数方法,对研究区湿地进行了定量生态健康分析评价。研究结果表明:(1)洪河自然保护区的湿地生态健康状况是最好的,其周边农场从鸭绿河农场、前锋农场到洪河农场的湿地生态健康状况依次递减。(2)洪河自然保护区功能分区生态健康状况由好到差的顺序为:核心区>缓冲区>实验区,与实际野外调查情况一致。(3)本研究建立的评价指标体系和相应分析方法能够科学的评价湿地生态健康。评价分析结果显示水文地貌要素是影响湿地生态健康的关键性因素。本研究利用RS和GIS技术与传统生态学评价分析方法结合,以栅格为单位基于区域生境特征进行湿地生态健康综合评价具有一定的方法先进性。  相似文献   

湿地景观生态分类研究进展   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
曹宇  莫利江  李艳  章文妹 《应用生态学报》2009,20(12):3084-3092
湿地景观生态分类是湿地景观生态学研究的前提与基础,直接影响湿地研究结果的精度和有效性.基于国内外湿地景观生态分类在分类理论、分类指标、分类方法等方面的研究历史、现状与最新进展,本文系统介绍并评价了NWI、Ramsar、HGM等湿地分类体系,指出基于HGM分类思想以及综合考量湿地空间结构、生态功能、生态过程、地形、土壤、植被、水文、人类活动干扰强度等多种因素的混合分类方法是该研究领域未来发展的主要方向.集成运用3S技术、数学定量、景观模型、知识工程、人工智能、神经网络等多种方法以提高分类的自动化水平与精度,将是今后湿地景观生态分类研究的重点与难点.  相似文献   

湿地生态系统服务取决于一定空间尺度中的生态系统结构和生态过程,而人类从湿地生态系统获得利益的大小也与其空间尺度有着密切联系。同时,湿地生态系统服务价值评估的空间尺度转换问题也一直是整个湿地生态学研究中的热点和难点之一。在分析湿地生态系统服务空间尺度特征的基础上,提出了湿地生态系统服务价值评估研究中空间尺度转换的概念,即是指通过一个已经有的、与被估算湿地生态系统相似的更大空间范围的或更小空间范围的另一湿地生态系统的价值来估算该湿地生态系统的价值量的过程。介绍了常用的空间尺度转换的方法,主要包括成果参照法和空间模型分析两种方法,成果参照法又包括数值直接外推法和调整函数参照法(Meta分析法)。对目前空间尺度转换研究中存在问题进行总结,并对未来的研究进行了展望。  相似文献   

湿地生态水文结构理论与分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
陈敏建  王立群    丰华丽  戴向前  黄昌硕  王高旭 《生态学报》2008,28(6):2887-2887~2893
针对水土资源开发利用引发的湿地消退问题,通过研究湿地水分运动与补给规律,分析湿地和径流进退的关系、湿地生境和生物的扩展关系,分析湿地水文连接度下降引起的湿地消退效应.根据湿地水循环原理和湿地生境空间分布规律,建立湿地径流场与生物多样性场的概念,从而提出湿地生态水文结构理论.以维持湿地存在、保障湿地生物多样性为目标,通过湿地径流场与生物多样性场的耦合关系,将湿地划分为中心区和适宜活动区,以维持湿地生态水文结构所需要的水分条件定义为湿地生态需水.湿地生态需水问题的核心为确定湿地生态水文结构,并以湿地中心区和适宜活动区为边界条件,通过地表水地下水转化的水量平衡模型对湿地生态需水量进行分析计算.以维持中心区的水分条件作为最小生态需水;维持适宜活动区的水分条件作为适宜生态需水.湿地生态水文结构更对湿地管理提供生态安全阈值.根据湿地生态水文结构的稳定程度,建立湿地生态安全危机管理机制,进行不同级别的预警管理.  相似文献   

松辽流域湿地生态水文结构与需水分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
王立群    陈敏建  戴向前  丰华丽  王高旭  黄昌硕 《生态学报》2008,28(6):2894-2894~2899
以我国重要湿地生态区--松辽流域为对象,对其主要湿地的生态水文结构及生态需水进行分析计算.通过分析湿地水面面积变化与水文连接度的关系确定湿地中心区;通过分析保持生物完整性的生物场最小范围确定适宜活动区.通过典型研究与对水文地区规律分析,建立无资料地区生态水文结构分析计算经验公式.以湿地生态水文结构(中心区、适宜活动区)为边界条件,进行地表地下水转化的水量平衡模型分析,获得湿地生态需水.经过大量分析研究论证,总体而言,松辽流域湿地中心区水深占湿地多年平均水深接近2/3,中心区面积占湿地多年平均水面面积40%左右,这对控制湿地萎缩及湿地安全管理是一个重要指标.通过松辽流域湿地近几年的补水实践分析,发现计算结果基本合理,研究成果可为湿地的规划管理和安全保障提供科学依据.  相似文献   

湿地功能评价的尺度效应——以盐城滨海湿地为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
欧维新  叶丽芳  孙小祥  龚佳莹 《生态学报》2011,31(12):3270-3276
湿地功能与空间尺度大小有着密切的联系,研究湿地功能的空间尺度效应对从功能上指导湿地系统的空间保护与管理工作有着重要意义。文章借助生态位理论构建了湿地功能的生态经济位评价模型,并以四个不同空间尺度为评价单元,探讨盐城滨海湿地功能评价的空间尺度响应特征。结果表明:随着评价尺度变大,高生态功能和高经济功能湿地面积表现为减少且减幅不断加大,较低和较高功能级别的湿地面积则随着尺度的变大而成倍增加;各功能级别湿地的空间形态也随之变化,且较低和较高功能级别的湿地空间扩展形态变化尤为突出;其原因是评价单元的变化,改变了单元内的地类结构,从而使其对应的某个湿地功能的主导优势地位发生了变化。研究结论表明大尺度评价结果更符合盐城滨海湿地“滚动开发”模式的特点,在湿地功能区划和湿地资源利用规划与管理方面更具有指导意义。  相似文献   

黄土高原生态水文过程研究进展   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
杨阳  朱元骏  安韶山 《生态学报》2018,38(11):4052-4063
以黄土高原水文过程为主线,围绕水资源短缺、水量分布不均衡、水文过程的复杂性和非稳态等特性,梳理了黄土高原水文过程的主要现状及研究进展,包括水资源分布、水量平衡和水文循环等过程;融合生态水文尺度效应,从土壤、微生物、植物冠层、坡面、流域和景观等方面归纳和总结了黄土高原生态水文过程;针对该区生态水文过程的时空异质性,提出未来更需要通过多学科交叉与融合手段,加强宏观与微观过程的集成与联网研究;采用多尺度、多要素、多时空的综合观测与模拟手段,定量重要生态功能区水分承载力及生态阈值;从生态学和水文学方面揭示不同时空尺度下水分转移与分配特征;为解决黄土高原水资源的宏观调控与最优分配模式提供理论基础。  相似文献   

人工湿地研究进展及应用   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
王平  周少奇 《生态科学》2005,24(3):278-281
基于生态学原理的人工湿地污水处理技术已成为人们竞相研究开发的热点。介绍了人工湿地的分类,论述了污染物包括有机物、氮磷污染物、重金属的去除机理的研究进展,分析了湿地植物种类与根系量对污染物去除效果的影响,讨论了湿地结构以及工艺设计的研究情况。最后以人工湿地处理生活用水和工业用水为例综述了人工湿地目前在国内应用的状况。通过以上分析评述发现,人工湿地运行费用低,操作简单,是一种具有前景的污水处理技术,但在污染物去除机理和实践应用方面还需做更深入的研究。  相似文献   

Rupert Seidl 《Ecosystems》2017,20(2):222-228
Here, I argue that we should abandon the division between “field ecologists” and “modelers,” and embrace modeling and empirical research as two powerful and often complementary approaches in the toolbox of 21st century ecologists, to be deployed alone or in combination depending on the task at hand. As empirical research has the longer tradition in ecology, and modeling is the more recent addition to the methodological arsenal, I provide both practical and theoretical reasons for integrating modeling more deeply into ecosystem research. Empirical research has epistemological priority over modeling; however, that is, for models to realize their full potential, and for modelers to wield this power wisely, empirical research is of fundamental importance. Combining both methodological approaches or forming “super ties” with colleagues using different methods are promising pathways to creatively exploit the methodological possibilities resulting from increasing computing power. To improve the proficiency of the growing group of model users and ensure future innovation in model development, we need to increase the modeling literacy among ecology students. However, an improved training in modeling must not curtail education in basic ecological principles and field methods, as these skills form the foundation for building and applying models in ecology.  相似文献   

Sea level rise (SLR) threatens coastal wetlands worldwide, yet the fate of individual wetlands will vary based on local topography, wetland morphology, sediment dynamics, hydrologic processes, and plant‐mediated feedbacks. Local variability in these factors makes it difficult to predict SLR effects across wetlands or to develop a holistic regional perspective on SLR response for a diversity of wetland types. To improve regional predictions of SLR impacts to coastal wetlands, we developed a model that addresses the scale‐dependent factors controlling SLR response and accommodates different levels of data availability. The model quantifies SLR‐driven habitat conversion within wetlands across a region by predicting changes in individual wetland hypsometry. This standardized approach can be applied to all wetlands in a region regardless of data availability, making it ideal for modeling SLR response across a range of scales. Our model was applied to 105 wetlands in southern California that spanned a broad range of typology and data availability. Our findings suggest that if wetlands are confined to their current extents, the region will lose 12% of marsh habitats (vegetated marsh and unvegetated flats) with 0.6 m of SLR (projected for 2050) and 48% with 1.7 m of SLR (projected for 2100). Habitat conversion was more drastic in wetlands with larger proportions of marsh habitats relative to subtidal habitats and occurred more rapidly in small lagoons relative to larger sites. Our assessment can inform management of coastal wetland vulnerability, improve understanding of the SLR drivers relevant to individual wetlands, and highlight significant data gaps that impede SLR response modeling across spatial scales. This approach augments regional SLR assessments by considering spatial variability in SLR response drivers, addressing data gaps, and accommodating wetland diversity, which will provide greater insights into regional SLR response that are relevant to coastal management and restoration efforts.  相似文献   

Emphasizing that model development should be in accordance with the context under consideration, a model for plant nitrogen uptake is developed for use in connection with soil nitrogen models. The aim of the modeling is to improve the accuracy in model simulations of plant nitrogen uptake by application of optimization theory and apriori information of plant nitrogen content. A simple soil nitrogen model is coupled to the plant nitrogen uptake model, and solutions, obtained by two different methods, are presented. Suggestion for how to use the modeling principles in connection with a more complex plant nitrogen uptake model, and apriori information of plant dry weight, is given. It is believed that the modeling principles can also be used on other types of dynamic models with given apriori information.  相似文献   

在分析沼泽的蒸发,蒸腾,降雨,产流等水循环节和沼泽水量的季节动态基础上,利用系统动力学原理和方法对沼泽湿地蓄水量进行动态仿真,以预测沼泽蓄水量的动态变化;通过对比研究,分析沼泽的冷湿效应及其与治泽面积消长的相互关系,建立相关的统计模型;再通过植物生长的现场实验,研究沼泽代表植物对水分条件的依赖性,找出沼泽最小生态需水量临界;最后以沼泽最小生态需水量临界值为依据,结合统计模型和沼泽蓄水量动态仿真手段,计算沼泽的安全阈值,对三江平原沼泽湿地的案例分析验证了该方法的可行性。  相似文献   

This study establishes whether analysing the distribution patterns of wetlands could identify key systems that would focus conservation and management decisions, without site-specific data which requires significant logistical and financial resources. In the proposed approach, key wetlands at-risk were identified based on their position in the landscape, through the use of probability modelling and least-cost analyses. The research was based in a semi-arid part of the Eastern Cape, South Africa. The study area has aseasonal rainfall, different land-use zones and an existing spatial dataset, providing an ideal setting to test this method. Wetlands were highly clustered, with higher densities recorded in the south and along larger rivers. Areas that have more-suitable environmental conditions for wetlands were mapped—showing similar patterns to known dense wetland areas. In total, 89 systems were identified as very high-risk, and 414 wetlands were high-risk, to environmental and anthropogenic changes. Seven focal zones were selected by incorporating wetland clusters/hotspots. These zones should be the focus for further research and management that would assess the surrounding environment and the potential effects of land-use or climate changes, and policy adaptation. In summary, this study successfully illustrated the importance of adapting different spatial analytical methods in wetland research, and that desktop studies can be used to focus conservation and management efforts over larger areas.  相似文献   

Simulation modeling with uncertainty analysis was applied to the question of nonpoint source pollution control through extensive wetland restoration. The model was applied to the Quanicassee River basin, a tributary stream to Saginaw Bay on Lake Huron in northeastern Michigan, USA. An estimate of the role of the existing 695 ha of riverside and lake-side wetlands in the lower Quanicassee River basin suggests that they retain 1.2 metric tons of phosphorus per year (mt P/yr), or 2.5% of the total phosphorus load from the basin. A simple Vollenweider-type model of phosphorus retention by created wetlands, calibrated with 3-years of data from two wetland sites in Midwestern USA, was used to estimate the effect of major wetland restoration in the basin. For a wetland restoration project involving 15% of the Quanicassee River basin or 3,120 ha of wetlands, an estimated 33 mt P/yr could be retained, assuming a proper hydrologic connection between the wetlands and the river. This would represent a reduction of two-thirds of the existing phosphorus load to the Bay from the Quanicassee River basin. Large-scale wetland restoration appears to be a viable management practice for controlling phosphorus and other nonpoint source pollution from entering Saginaw Bay. It is an alternative that meets two major resource goals – developing wetland habitat and controlling pollution to the Great Lakes.  相似文献   

Petri net-based modeling methods have been used in many research projects to represent biological systems. Among these, the hybrid functional Petri net (HFPN) was developed especially for biological modeling in order to provide biologists with a more intuitive Petri net-based method. In the literature, HFPNs are used to represent kinetic models at the molecular level. We present two models of long-term potentiation previously represented by differential equations which we have transformed into HFPN models: a phenomenological synapse model and a molecular-level model of the CaMKII regulation pathway. Through simulation, we obtained results similar to those of previous studies using these models. Our results open the way to a new type of modeling for systems biology where HFPNs are used to combine different levels of abstraction within one model. This approach can be useful in fully modeling a system at the molecular level when kinetic data is missing or when a full study of a system at the molecular level it is not within the scope of the research.  相似文献   

湿地退化研究进展   总被引:28,自引:3,他引:25  
韩大勇  杨永兴  杨杨  李珂 《生态学报》2012,32(4):1293-1307
受经济发展、城市扩张、气候变化的影响,湿地退化已经成为全球性现象,是当前国际湿地科学前沿领域的热点。从湿地退化标准、退化特征、退化分级、退化过程、退化机理、退化监测体系、退化评价指标与指标体系、退化监测新技术及其生态恢复理论与技术9个方面系统地介绍了当前湿地退化研究进展。结果表明湿地退化过程、退化机理、退化评价指标体系和退化湿地监测、恢复与重建研究是当前研究的重点,在未来相当长的时间内,全球气候变化、湿地退化的微观过程与机理、湿地生态系统的可持续利用将会是重要的研究方向。最后就我国当前湿地退化研究存在的问题进行了分析,并提出近期湿地退化研究亟待开展的11项研究工作,供我国湿地退化研究工作者参考。  相似文献   

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