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One proposed mechanism of speciation is divergent sexual selection, whereby divergence in female preferences and male signals results in behavioural isolation. Despite the appeal of this hypothesis, evidence for it remains inconclusive. Here, we present several lines of evidence that sexual selection is driving behavioural isolation and speciation among populations of an Amazonian frog (Physalaemus petersi). First, sexual selection has promoted divergence in male mating calls and female preferences for calls between neighbouring populations, resulting in strong behavioural isolation. Second, phylogenetic analysis indicates that populations have become fixed for alternative call types several times throughout the species' range, and coalescent analysis rejects genetic drift as a cause for this pattern, suggesting that this divergence is due to selection. Finally, gene flow estimated with microsatellite loci is an average of 30 times lower between populations with different call types than between populations separated by a similar geographical distance with the same call type, demonstrating genetic divergence and incipient speciation. Taken together, these data provide strong evidence that sexual selection is driving behavioural isolation and speciation, supporting sexual selection as a cause for speciation in the wild.  相似文献   

Geographic variation in courtship behavior can affect reproductive success of divergent phenotypes via mate choice. Over time, this can lead to reproductive isolation and ultimately to speciation. The Neotropical red‐eyed treefrog (Agalychnis callidryas) exhibits high levels of phenotypic variation among populations in Costa Rica and Panama, including differences in color pattern, body size, and skin peptides. To test the extent of behavioral premating isolation among differentiated populations, we quantified male advertisement calls from six sites and female responses to male stimuli (acoustic and visual signals) from four sites. Our results show that both male advertisement calls and female behavior vary among populations: Discriminant function analyses can predict the population of origin for 99.3% ± 0.7 of males based on male call (dominant frequency and bandwidth) and 76.1% ± 6.6 of females based on female response behavior (frequency and duration of visual displays). Further, female mate choice trials (= 69) showed that population divergence in male signals is coupled with female preference for local male stimuli. Combined, these results suggest that evolved differences among populations in male call properties and female response signals could have consequences for reproductive isolation. Finally, population variation in male and female behavior was not well explained by geographic or genetic distance, indicating a role for localized selection and/or drift. The interplay between male courtship and female responses may facilitate the evolution of local variants in courtship style, thus accelerating premating isolation via assortative mating.  相似文献   

Female preferences for male call traits may affect male mating success and the evolution of exaggerated secondary sexual traits. We used phonotaxis experiments to examine female preferences in the frog Physalaemus enesefae in relation to variation in male call duration, dominant frequency, intercall interval and amplitude (dB SPL). Females preferred long calls, low and average dominant frequency calls, short intercall intervals and more intense calls. We compared the patterns of female preferences with those of acoustic variation among males to test the prediction that properties with low within‐male variation are associated with stabilizing or weakly directional female preferences, whereas properties with high within‐male variation are associated with directional preferences. Females had weakly directional preferences for the dominant frequency of the call and strongly directional preferences for call duration and call rate. We also determined whether the temporal relationship between calls influenced preferences based on the dominant frequency of the call. Preferences for low‐frequency over high‐frequency calls disappeared when calls partially overlapped. Females preferred the leading call regardless of its dominant frequency. We also investigated mating patterns in the field. There was size‐assortative mating, as male and female body sizes snout‐vent length (SVL) were positively correlated. In addition, differences in the frequency distributions of body length (SVL) between mated and unmated males approached significance; lower SVL classes were underrepresented among mated males. These patterns may reflect female preferences for lower dominant frequency calls, as there is a negative correlation between male mass and the dominant frequency of the call.  相似文献   

The processes affecting species diversification may also exert an influence on patterns of genetic variability within species. We evaluated the contributions of five variables potentially influencing clade diversification (body size, reproductive mode, range size, microhabitat and skin texture) on mtDNA divergence and polymorphism among populations of 40 species of frogs (Mantellidae) from two rainforest communities in Madagascar. We report an inverse association between body size and nucleotide divergence between populations but find no influence of other variables on genetic variation. Body size explained ca. 11% of the variation in nucleotide divergence between populations and was coupled with high FST levels and an absence of haplotype sharing in small‐bodied and medium‐sized frogs. Low dispersal ability is likely the proximate mechanism producing higher population differentiation in small mantellids. The lack of genetic cohesion among populations establishes regional genetic fragmentation which in turn has the potential to accelerate rates of allopatric speciation in small frogs relative to large species. However, there is little evidence of increased speciation rates in these or other small‐bodied organisms. We reconcile these contradictory observations by suggesting that lower dispersal ability also curbs colonization of new areas, decelerating diversification in weak dispersers. Our results imply that the intermediate dispersal model also applies to amphibians and may explain inconsistent previous results on the correlation of body size and speciation rate.  相似文献   

Female preferences play a major role in the elaboration and diversification of male traits: as a selective pressure on males, variation in female preferences can generate population divergence and ultimately, speciation. We studied how interpopulation differences in the shape of female mate preference functions may have shaped male advertisement signals in the bushcricket Ephippiger diurnus. This species is distributed as geographically isolated populations with striking interpopulation variation in male acoustic signals, most notably in the number of syllables per call. Here, we asked whether differences in the shape of preference functions exist among populations and whether those differences may have driven male signal evolution resulting in the observed differences in syllable numbers. Our results reveal fundamental differences in female preferences among populations, with differences in the overall preference function shape corresponding to differences in male signals. These differences in female preferences best explain the major differences in male signals among populations. The interpopulation variation in signals and preferences potentially reflects the evolutionary history of the species and may contribute to further divergence among populations and subsequent speciation.  相似文献   

Evolutionary processes can be influenced by several factors, such as geographic isolation, environmental selection, and sensory variation. For most nocturnal bats, echolocation is the primary sensory system used to prey and communicate, and plays important roles in chiropteran diversification and evolution. Understanding the relative contribution of geography, the environment, and this sensory system to population genetic divergence can elucidate the processes involved in bat incipient speciation and evolution. In this study, we collected spatial and environmental information, echolocation calls, as well as the previously published genetic data (six microsatellite loci and the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene) of widely distributed Rhinolophus episcopus populations to test three hypotheses for nuclear and mitochondrial divergence (isolation by distance, isolation by environment, and isolation by sensory variation) and unveil the factors that drive intraspecific genetic differentiation. The moderate level of nuclear differentiation was correlated with geographic/spatial distance and acoustic variation, whereas the relatively high level of mitochondrial differentiation was mainly associated with acoustic divergence. No significant correlation was observed between genetic divergence and environmental variables. Among the three factors, acoustic divergence explained the highest percentage of both nuclear and mitochondrial divergence. Thus, our results indicate that sensory variation may have played important roles in driving population isolation early in bat speciation, which is consistent with the hypothesis of isolation by sensory variation. Our study emphasizes the need to consider more factors, especially sensory traits, and combine multiple statistical methods in landscape genetic studies to test their potential contributions to driving population divergence.  相似文献   

The relative importance of male and female mating preferences in causing sexual isolation between species remains a major unresolved question in speciation. Despite previous work showing that male courtship bias and/or female copulation bias for conspecifics occur in many taxa, the present study is one of the first large‐scale works to study their relative divergence. To achieve this, we used data from the literature and present experiments across 66 Drosophila species pairs. Our results revealed that male and female mate preferences are both ubiquitous in Drosophila but evolved largely independently, suggesting different underlying evolutionary and genetic mechanisms. Moreover, their relative divergence strongly depends on the geographical relationship of species. Between allopatric species, male courtship and female copulation preferences diverged at very similar rates, evolving approximately linearly with time of divergence. In sharp contrast, between sympatric species pairs, female preferences diverged much more rapidly than male preferences and were the only drivers of enhanced sexual isolation in sympatry and Reproductive Character Displacement (RCD). Not only does this result suggest that females are primarily responsible for such processes as reinforcement, but it also implies that evolved female preferences may reduce selection for further divergence of male courtship preferences in sympatry.  相似文献   

Female preferences for male mating signals are often evaluated on single parameters in isolation or small suites of characters. Most signals, however, are composites of many individual parameters. In this study we quantified multivariate traits in the advertisement call of the túngara frog, Physalaemus pustulosus. We represented the calls in multidimensional scaling space and chose nine test calls to represent the range of population variation. We then tested females for phonotactic preference between calls in each pair of the nine test calls. We used statistics developed for paired comparisons in such "round robin" competitions to evaluate the null hypothesis of equal attractiveness, and to examine the degree to which females responded to calls as being different from or similar to one another in attractiveness. We then examined the attractiveness of each test call relative to all other test calls as a function of their location in multivariate acoustic space (the acoustic landscape) to visualize sexual selection on calls. Finally, we used methods from cognitive psychology to illustrate the females' perception of call attractiveness in multivariate space, and compared this perceptual landscape to the acoustic landscape of quantitative call variation. We show that correlations between individual call characters are not strong and thus there are few biomechanical constraints on their independent evolution. Most call variables differed among males, and there was high repeatability of call characters within males. Females often discriminated between pairs of calls from the population, and there were significant differences among calls in their attractiveness. Female preferences for calls were not stabilizing. The region of the acoustic landscape that was most attractive to females included the mean call but was not centered around it. The females' perceptual or preference landscape did not correlate with the call's acoustic landscape, and female perception of calls decreased rather than enhanced call differences.  相似文献   

Divergence in male mating signals and associated female preferences is often an important step in the process of speciation. Reproductive character displacement, the pattern of greater divergence of male signals and/or female preference in sympatry than in allopatry, has been observed in a variety of taxa with different degrees of postzygotic isolation. A number of selective processes, including reinforcement, have been proposed to cause such a pattern. Cases in which reproductive character displacement occurs among intraspecific variants are especially informative for understanding how selection acting within a species can lead to the evolution of reproductive barriers and speciation. This study tested the hypothesis that female strawberry poison dart frogs (Dendrobates pumilio) in polymorphic populations of the Bocas del Toro archipelago of Panama show stronger mating discrimination than do females from monomorphic populations, exhibiting an intraspecific pattern of reproductive character displacement. Our results contribute important insights into understanding selection's role in generating the striking diversity of Bocas del Toro's D. pumilio and provide a snapshot of what could be the early stages of reproductive isolation and speciation.  相似文献   

We surveyed the geographical variation in male advertisement calls of the wide‐ranging canyon treefrog, Hyla arenicolor, and found large call differences among geographically distant lineages that had been characterized by a recent phylogeographical study. To test whether these call differences were biologically relevant and could allow reproductive isolation of different lineages should they come into secondary contact, we assessed female preference in a lineage occurring in southern Utah and north‐western Arizona, USA. These females exhibited a strong preference for their own lineage's call type over the calls of two Mexican lineages, but not over the calls from the geographically nearest lineage. We also identified traits that female frogs probably use to discriminate between lineage‐specific advertisement calls. Our behavioural results, together with recent molecular estimates of phylogenetic relationships among lineages, will guide future work addressing the evolutionary forces that have led to this biologically significant variation in male sexual signals. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, ??, ??–??.  相似文献   

A key question in speciation research is how ecological and sexual divergence arise and interact. We tested the hypothesis that mate choice causes local adaptation and ecological divergence using the rationale that the performance~signal trait relationship should parallel the attractiveness~signal trait relationship. We used female fecundity as a measure of ecological performance. We used a species in the Enchenopa binotata treehopper complex, wherein speciation involves adaptation to novel environments and divergence in sexual communication. We used a full‐sibling, split‐family rearing design to estimate genetic correlations (rG) between fecundity and signal traits, and compared those relationships against population‐level mate preferences for the signal traits. Animal model estimates for rG between female fecundity and male signal traits overlapped zero—rejecting the hypothesis—but could reflect sample size limitations. The magnitude of rG correlated with the strength of the mate preferences for the corresponding signal traits, especially for signal frequency, which has the strongest mate preference and the most divergence in the complex. However, signal frequencies favored by the population‐level mate preference are not associated with high fecundity. Therefore, mate preferences do not appear to have been selected to favor high‐performance genotypes. Our findings suggest that ecological and sexual divergence may arise separately, but reinforce each other, during speciation.  相似文献   

Theory suggests that, under some circumstances, sexual conflict over mating can lead to divergent sexually antagonistic coevolution among populations for traits associated with mating, and that this can promote reproductive isolation and hence speciation. However, sexual conflict over mating may also select for traits (e.g. male willingness to mate) that enhance gene flow between populations, limiting population divergence. In the present study, we compare pre‐ and post‐mating isolation within and between two species characterized by male–female conflict over mating rate. We quantify sexual isolation among five populations of the seed bug Lygaeus equestris collected from Italy and Sweden, and two replicates of a population of the sister‐species Lygaeus simulans, also collected from Italy. We find no evidence of reproductive isolation amongst populations of L. equestris, suggesting that sexual conflict over mating has not led to population divergence in relevant mating traits in L. equestris. However, there was strong asymmetric pre‐mating isolation between L. equestris and L. simulans: male L. simulans were able to mate successfully with female L. equestris, whereas male L. equestris were largely unable to mate with female L. simulans. We found little evidence for strong post‐mating isolation between the two species, however, with hybrid F2 offspring being produced. Our results suggest that sexual conflict over mating has not led to population divergence, and indeed perhaps supports the contrary theoretical prediction that male willingness to mate may retard speciation by promoting gene flow.  相似文献   

Speciation and sexual isolation often occur when divergent female mating preferences target male secondary sexual traits. Despite the importance of such male signals, little is known about their evolvability and genetic linkage to other traits during speciation. To answer these questions, we imposed divergent artificial selection for 10 non-overlapping generations on the Inter-Pulse-Interval (IPI) of male courtship songs; which has been previously shown to be a major species recognition trait for females in the Drosophila athabasca species complex. Focusing on one of the species, Drosophila mahican (previously known as EA race), we examined IPI's: (1) rate of divergence, (2) response to selection in different directions, (3) genetic architecture of divergence and (4) by-product effects on other traits that have diverged in the species complex. We found rapid and consistent response for higher IPI but less response to lower IPI; implying asymmetrical constraints. Genetic divergence in IPI differed from natural species in X versus autosome contribution and in dominance, suggesting that evolution may take different paths. Finally, selection on IPI did not alter other components of male songs, or other ecological traits, and did not cause divergence in female preferences, as evidenced by lack of sexual isolation. This suggests that divergence of male courtship song IPI is unconstrained by genetic linkage with other traits in this system. This lack of linkage between male signals and other traits implies that female preferences or ecological selection can co-opt and mould specific male signals for species recognition free of genetic constraints from other traits.  相似文献   

Evolutionary theory predicts that divergent selection pressures across elevational gradients could cause adaptive divergence and reproductive isolation in the process of ecological speciation. Although there is substantial evidence for adaptive divergence across elevation, there is less evidence that this restricts gene flow. Previous work in the boreal chorus frog (Pseudacris maculata) has demonstrated adaptive divergence in morphological, life history and physiological traits across an elevational gradient from approximately 1500–3000 m in the Colorado Front Range, USA. We tested whether this adaptive divergence is associated with restricted gene flow across elevation – as would be expected if incipient speciation were occurring – and, if so, whether behavioural isolation contributes to reproductive isolation. Our analysis of 12 microsatellite loci in 797 frogs from 53 populations revealed restricted gene flow across elevation, even after controlling for geographic distance and topography. Calls also varied significantly across elevation in dominant frequency, pulse number and pulse duration, which was partly, but not entirely, due to variation in body size and temperature across elevation. However, call variation did not result in strong behavioural isolation: in phonotaxis experiments, low‐elevation females tended to prefer an average low‐elevation call over a high‐elevation call, and vice versa for high‐elevation females, but this trend was not statistically significant. In summary, our results show that adaptive divergence across elevation restricts gene flow in P. maculata, but the mechanisms for this potential incipient speciation remain open.  相似文献   

Characterizing the genetic and behavioural consequences of contact between previously geographically isolated lineages provides insights into the mechanisms underlying diversification and ultimately speciation. The spring peeper (Pseudacris crucifer) is a widespread Nearctic chorus frog with six divergent mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) lineages, many of which came into secondary contact during the Holocene. We examined genetics, morphology, advertisement calls and female preference for two lineages that began diverging in allopatry in the Pliocene and now overlap in southwestern Ontario, Canada. We found non-coincident clines in mtDNA and nuclear DNA, mirroring directionality of premating isolation barriers. We also found divergence in a range of traits between these two lineages, displacement in male call attributes and female preference for calls of their natal lineage in sympatry. Hybrids were morphologically distinct from both parental lineages, but hybrid male calls were acoustically intermediate. Female hybrids showed asymmetrical preference for Eastern male calls. These results considered together provide evidence of either unidirectional hybridization or selection against hybrids, potentially implying reproductive character displacement. Our work demonstrates the utility of integrated, multi-character approaches to understanding the processes of divergence and the nature of speciation.  相似文献   

Genetic variation in sexual displays is crucial for an evolutionary response to sexual selection, but can be eroded by strong selection. Identifying the magnitude and sources of additive genetic variance underlying sexually selected traits is thus an important issue in evolutionary biology. We conducted a quantitative genetics experiment with gray treefrogs (Hyla versicolor) to investigate genetic variances and covariances among features of the male advertisement call. Two energetically expensive traits showed significant genetic variation: call duration, expressed as number of pulses per call, and call rate, represented by its inverse, call period. These two properties also showed significant genetic covariance, consistent with an energetic constraint to call production. Combining the genetic variance–covariance matrix with previous estimates of directional sexual selection imposed by female preferences predicts a limited increase in call duration but no change in call rate despite significant selection on both traits. In addition to constraints imposed by the genetic covariance structure, an evolutionary response to sexual selection may also be limited by high energetic costs of long‐duration calls and by preferences that act most strongly against very short‐duration calls. Meanwhile, the persistence of these preferences could be explained by costs of mating with males with especially unattractive calls.  相似文献   

The intensity of female preference for call characteristics is measured in two‐speaker playback tests with female Iberian midwife toads ‘Alytes cisternasii’ using an experimental design that allows quantitative comparisons across characters. Female preferences do not appear to be symmetrical above and below the population mean, female preference being more efficient at discriminating against low quality competing males that at selecting optimum males among good ones. Female preference is significantly more effective selecting males calling at higher call rates (a highly variable call characteristic probably related to the physical state of the male) rather than selecting calls of low dominant frequency (a characteristic of low intra‐individual variation, related to male size and age).  相似文献   

We studied the pattern of variation in the spectral properties of male advertisement calls and female preference functions for these same properties in the Italian treefrog (Hyla intermedia). The call spectral properties (fundamental and dominant frequencies) were highly negatively correlated with body size, they showed low within‐individual variation, and, at the population level, they were found to be under weak stabilizing selection. In two‐choice discrimination tests, females did not show preferences between calls with fundamental and dominant frequencies within two standard deviations from the population mean, whereas females significantly discriminated against calls when their frequencies were three (or more) standard deviations above or below the population mean. Consistent with the observed permissiveness in female preference over the call spectral structure, in the natural population, we found no evidence either of directional selection on male body size or of a size‐assortative mating pattern. The pattern of preferences observed at the population level did not mirror the preferences of individual females. In fact, in a multi‐trial discrimination experiment, females showed significant differences in their choice between the average frequency call and a two standard deviation lower than average frequency alternative, for which no significant preferences were observed at the population level. Variations in preference were not found to correlate with female body size.  相似文献   

Theory predicts that sexual selection can promote the evolution of reproductive isolation and speciation. Those cases in which sexual selection has led to speciation should be characterized by significant differentiation in male display traits and correlated female preferences in the absence of post-zygotic isolation, accompanied by little genetic or other morphological differentiation. Previous evidence indicates that a cluster of populations of the guppy (Poecilia reticulata Peters) from Cumana, Venezuela, the 'Cumana guppy', differs significantly in female preferences from a nearby guppy population (A. Lindholm & F. Breden, Am. Nat., 160: 2002, S214). Here, we further document sexual isolation between these populations. In addition, these populations exhibit significant divergence in male display traits correlated to differences in between-population mating success, little mitochondrial genetic differentiation, and we find no evidence for genetic incompatibility between a Cumana population and several geographically isolated populations. These results suggest that divergent sexual selection has contributed to differentiation of the Cumana guppy, and this may be the first example of incipient speciation in the guppy.  相似文献   

In this paper, we compare the advertisement calls of 207 neotropical strawberry poison frogs (Dendrobates pumilio) collected in 21 localities along a transect from northern Costa Rica to western Panama. Populations varied most in call duration and call rate, while pulse rate and duty cycle were less variable. Multivariate analyses showed that call variation followed a cline with higher call rates, shorter calls, lower duty cycles and higher pulse rates in the southeast. Body size decreased towards the southeast and explained most variation in dominant frequency, as well as some residual variation in call rate. We conclude that a combination of geography and morphology is largely responsible for call variation within this species. Two inferred bio‐acoustic groups were roughly in accordance with two genetic groups, geographically separated in central Costa Rica. However, genetic distances among populations did not co‐vary with call dissimilarity after correction for geographic distances. Thus, differences in calls between genetic groups are probably mainly a result of clinal variation. These findings agree with the general observation that bio‐acoustic variation is often not (highly) associated with genetic divergence. Moreover, colour polymorphism observed among Panamanian populations was not reflected in a higher variability in call parameters relative to the monomorphic Costa Rican populations.  相似文献   

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