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The enteric flora of captive whooping cranes (Grus americana) and sandhill cranes (Grus canadensis) has not been well described, despite its potential importance in the understanding of both the normal condition of the intestinal physiology of these animals and the altered colonization within disease states in these birds. Nineteen whooping cranes and 23 sandhill cranes housed currently at the Calgary Zoo or its affiliated Devonian Wildlife Conservation Centre (DWCC) in Calgary, Alberta were sampled from October 2004–February 2005 by collecting aerobic and anaerobic cloacal swabs from each bird. There were seven major groupings of bacteria isolated from both species of crane. Gram‐positive cocci, coliforms, and gram‐negative bacilli were the most prevalent types of bacteria isolated for both crane species, with Escherichia coli, Enterococcus faecalis, and Streptococcus Group D, not Enterococcus the bacterial species isolated most commonly. There was a significant difference in the average number of isolates per individual between the two crane species but no differences between age or gender categories within crane species. Campylobacter sp. were isolated from five whooping cranes. The potential zoonotic pathogen Campylobacter jejuni was isolated from one whooping crane and C. upsaliensis was isolated from a second. Three other isolates were unspeciated members of the Campylobacter genus and likely belong to a species undescribed previously. The evaluation of the enteric cloacal flora of whooping cranes and sandhill cranes illustrates that differences exist between these two closely related crane species, and highlights the potential implications these differences may have for current practices involving captive wildlife. Zoo Biol 0:1–13, 2007. © 2007 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

For captive-reared cranes, pelvic limb abnormalities in chicks have been identified as significant morbidity/mortality factors. An important component of the diagnosis of limb abnormalities is the understanding of the normal limb. This study was undertaken to describe the normal, radiographic development of the femur, tibiotarsus, tarsometatarsus, and fibula of the whooping crane (Grus americana), Florida sandhill crane (Grus canadensis pratensis), and Siberian crane (Grus leucogeranus). Crane chicks were anesthetized and their pelvic limb bone development evaluated radiographically on a weekly to bimonthly basis from one to fourteen weeks of age. Body weight, bone length, diaphyseal width, and physeal development and closure were evaluated. Based on the radiographic analysis, the gross development of the long bones of the pelvic limb of whooping, Florida sandhill, and Siberian cranes was found to be similar among the three species, and not dissimilar from other avian species which have been studied. Repeated handling, anesthesia, and radiographic exposure did not produce any behavioral, developmental, or physical abnormalities in the studied cranes when compared to cranes of the same species raised using the same methods. This is the first work to describe pelvic limb bone development in these species. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

In contrast with isosporoid species of coccidia that have established extraintestinal phases of development, the eimeriids, except for a few species, generally have been considered inhabitants of the intestinal tract. Eimeria infection in sandhill cranes (Grus canadensis) and whooping cranes (G. americana) may result in disseminated visceral coccidiosis. Nodules were observed in the oral cavity of 33% (n = 95) of the G. canadensis at the Patuxent Wildlife Research Center (PWRC) in Laurel, MD. Necropsy of six of the afflicted cranes revealed granulomatous nodules in many tissues and organs. Histologic studies disclosed protozoan organisms morphologically resembling schizonts in the granulomas, and endogenous stages of coccidia were present in the intestines of four birds. Fecalysis of three of four sandhill cranes yielded oocysts of E. reichenowi and E. gruis. Only E. reichenowi-type oocysts were recovered from a dead whooping crane sample. Domestic broiler chicks each intubated with about 1 times 106 pooled sporulated oocysts of E. reichenowi and E. gruis were not infected. Exposure of six incubator-hatched and hand-reared sandhill crane chicks to oocysts artificially (two chicks) and naturally (four chicks) resulted in typical infection of intestinal epithelium with invasion of subepithelial tissues extending to the muscular layer and widespread extraintestinal development. Asexual and sexual stages occurred primarily in macrophages in the liver, spleen, heart, and lung. In the lung, oocysts were found in bronchial exudate and epithelial lining cells. Six of ten G. canadensis chicks, one adult G. americana, and three of five G. americana chicks that died naturally at PWRC had disseminated visceral coccidiosis.  相似文献   

The whooping crane (Grus americana) has been managed in captivity since the 1960s following a substantial genetic bottleneck in the wild population. Through major ex situ conservation efforts, there are 158 whooping cranes managed in North American institutions and chicks are released annually into the wild. Current reintroduction goals for the whooping crane however, are impeded by poor reproduction within the ex situ population, in part because of low egg fertility. Development of improved management techniques to overcome low egg fertility requires a better understanding of factors that influence egg fertility. We collected data for eggs laid at Patuxent Wildlife Research Center from 2005–2014 (n = 438 eggs; n = 23 pairs). We constructed 5 sets of generalized linear mixed-models, with a Bernoulli-distributed response variable (fertile or infertile), to address the effects of egg-specific variables (month laid, sequence, and clutch order of the egg), life-history events of the male and female (age, rearing method, wing condition, age at first pairing, age at current pairing, and female age at first laying), pair-specific characteristics (kinship, years paired, chick-rearing experience, and previous pairings), and captive management decisions (inclusion in the artificial insemination program and pair experience chick-rearing) on the probability of egg fertility. Our results indicate that female-specific factors (especially age, age at current pairing, and wing status) and pair-specific factors of kinship, chick-rearing experience, copulation, and inclusion in the artificial insemination program influenced fertile egg production. Specifically, the younger a female is when paired with her current social mate, the higher probability that her eggs will be fertile. Furthermore, high kinship reduced fertility, whereas chick-rearing experience and artificial insemination of females with a donor male other than her social mate increased fertility. Further research on mate selection and reproductive mechanisms is needed to better understand egg laying and egg fertility in the whooping crane. © 2019 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

The Aransas-Wood Buffalo population (the only non-reintroduced, migratory population) of endangered whooping cranes (Grus americana) overwinters along the Texas Gulf Coast, USA. Understanding whooping crane space use on the wintering grounds reveals essential aspects of this species' ecology, which subsequently assists with conservation. Using global positioning system telemetry data from marked whooping cranes during 2009–2017, we fit continuous-time stochastic process models to describe movement and home range using autocorrelated kernel density estimation (AKDE) and explored variation in home range size in relation to age, sex, reproductive status, and drought conditions. We used the Bhattacharyya coefficient of overlap and distance between home range centroids to quantify site fidelity. We examined the effects of time between winter home ranges and the sex of the crane on site fidelity using Bayesian mixed-effects beta regression. Winter whooping crane 95% AKDE home range size averaged 30.1 ± 45.2 (SD) km2 (median = 14.3, range = 1.1–308.6). Home ranges of sub-adult females were approximately 2 times larger than those of sub-adult males or families. As drought worsened, home ranges typically expanded. Between consecutive years, the home ranges of an adult crane exhibited 68 ± 31% overlap (site fidelity), but fidelity to winter sites declined in subsequent winters. The overlap of adult home ranges with the nearest unrelated family averaged 33 ± 28%. As a whooping crane aged, overlap with its winter home range as a juvenile declined, regardless of sex. By 4 years of age, a whooping crane had approximately 14 ± 28% overlap with its juvenile winter home range. Limited evidence suggested male whooping cranes return to within 2 km of their juvenile home range by their fifth winter. Previous data obtained from aerial surveys led ecologists to assume that whooping crane families normally used small areas (~2 km2) and expressed persistent site fidelity. Our analyses showed <8% of families had home ranges ≤2 km2, with the average area 15 times greater, and waning site fidelity over time. Our work represents an analysis of whooping crane home ranges for this population, identifying past misconceptions of winter space use and resulting in better estimates of space requirements for future conservation efforts.  相似文献   

Fifty cranes, consisting of 46 sandhill (Grus canadensis) and four whooping cranes (Grus americana), were studied. Eighteen sandhill cranes and the four whooping cranes were naturally infected with disseminated visceral coccidiosis (DVC). The remaining sandhill cranes were chicks experimentally infected with oocysts of Eimeria reichenowi and/or E. gruis; five chicks served as controls. There were no clinical signs attributed to respiratory infection. Necropsy of naturally infected adult birds revealed nodules in many organs, including the lung, air sacs, trachea and nares. Artificially infected sandhill cranes and the whooping crane chicks that died from DVC had congestion and consolidated areas in the lung with frothy fluid in the airways. Grossly visible nodules were observed from 10 days postinoculation. Granulomatous pneumonia and tracheitis were observed with light microscopy. Lesions were associated with merogonic and gametogonic stages of eimerian coccidia. Granulomas and granulomatous foci contained parasitized large mononuclear cells. Merogonic stages were seen in lymphoid cells by ultrastructural examination. Oocysts were observed in the trachea and bronchial mucosa and admixed with exudate in the airways, indicating that crane eimerians can complete their life cycle at these sites. Of the few eimeriid coccidia that have extraintestinal stages of development in birds and mammals, only the species in cranes complete their life cycle in both the digestive and respiratory tracts.  相似文献   

Predation by bobcats (Lynx rufus) is the major cause of mortality in captive‐reared whooping cranes (Grus americana) released into the wild to establish a nonmigratory flock in Florida. This study investigated whether rearing methods (parent‐rearing, hand‐rearing, or hand‐rearing with exercise) of cranes, and behaviors observed in birds either before or shortly after release in the wild, are associated with survival after release. Rearing methods did not affect survival first year post‐release, which was 55 ±8% in 2 yr (1999 and 2000). Logistic regression revealed, however, that foraging bouts (+), walking bouts (?), and body weight (?) before release, and nonvigilant bouts (?) after release were significantly associated with survival. These results suggest that post‐release survival of whooping cranes might be increased by rearing techniques that promote foraging. Zoo Biol 0:1–14, 2005. © 2005 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Identifying climatic drivers of an animal population's vital rates and locating where they operate steers conservation efforts to optimize species recovery. The population growth of endangered whooping cranes (Grus americana) hinges on juvenile recruitment. Therefore, we identify climatic drivers (solar activity [sunspots] and weather) of whooping crane recruitment throughout the species’ life cycle (breeding, migration, wintering). Our method uses a repeated cross‐validated absolute shrinkage and selection operator approach to identify drivers of recruitment. We model effects of climate change on those drivers to predict whooping crane population growth given alternative scenarios of climate change and solar activity. Years with fewer sunspots indicated greater recruitment. Increased precipitation during autumn migration signified less recruitment. On the breeding grounds, fewer days below freezing during winter and more precipitation during breeding suggested less recruitment. We predicted whooping crane recruitment and population growth may fall below long‐term averages during all solar cycles when atmospheric CO2 concentration increases, as expected, to 500 ppm by 2050. Species recovery during a typical solar cycle with 500 ppm may require eight times longer than conditions without climate change and the chance of population decline increases to 31%. Although this whooping crane population is growing and may appear secure, long‐term threats imposed by climate change and increased solar activity may jeopardize its persistence. Weather on the breeding grounds likely affects recruitment through hydrological processes and predation risk, whereas precipitation during autumn migration may influence juvenile mortality. Mitigating threats or abating climate change should occur within ≈30 years or this wild population of whooping cranes may begin declining.  相似文献   

Hematophagous insects can negatively affect the reproductive success of their vertebrate hosts. To determine the influence of hematophagous insects on endangered vertebrates requires specially designed programs that minimize disturbance to the hosts and address problems associated with their small populations. We developed and evaluated a surveillance program for black flies potentially affecting a population of whooping cranes (Grus americana) introduced to central Wisconsin, U.S.A. In one of the few studies to survey host‐seeking female black flies and their immature stages concurrently, we processed nearly 346,000 specimens and documented 26 species, of which only two, Simulium annulus and Simulium johannseni, were attracted to nesting whooping cranes. Attempts to assess black fly populations with artificial nests and real crane eggs were unsuccessful. Carbon‐dioxide traps performed well in describing black fly taxa on the landscape. However, the number of black flies at whooping crane nests was consistently higher than the number captured in carbon‐dioxide traps. The carbon‐dioxide traps poorly described the presence/absence, population fluctuations, and periodicity of black flies at whooping crane nests. The weak performance of the carbon‐dioxide traps might have resulted from microhabitat differences between trap locations and nests or from Simulium annulus and Simulium johannseni using sensory cues in addition to carbon dioxide to find hosts. Choice of trapping techniques, therefore, depends on the information required for the particular study objectives.  相似文献   

The capacity to cryopreserve semen from captive cranes facilitates production of offspring from behaviorally incompatible or geographically separated pairs, and allows for long-term preservation of valuable genetic materials. The present study sought to develop effective cryopreservation protocols for whooping (Grus americana) and white-naped (Grus vipio) cranes, through examining the influences of two permeating (DMA and Me2SO) and one non-permeating (sucrose) cryoprotectants, as well as vitamin E on post-thaw sperm survival. In Study 1, ejaculates (whooping: n = 10, white-naped: n = 8) were collected and cryopreserved in one of six cryo-diluents (crane extender with: DMA; DMA+0.1M sucrose; Me2SO; Me2SO+0.1M sucrose; 0.1M sucrose; 0.2M sucrose) using a two-step cooling method. Frozen samples were thawed and assessed for overall motility, motion characteristics, membrane integrity, morphology, and ability to bind to the inner perivitelline membrane (IPVM). In Study 2, whooping crane ejaculates (n = 17) were frozen in crane extender containing Me2SO alone or with vitamin E (5 μg/mL or 10 μg/mL). Frozen samples were thawed and assessed as in Study 1, except the binding assay. White-naped crane sperm were more tolerant to cryopreservation than whooping crane (15% vs 6% post-thawed motility). In both species, sperm cryopreserved in medium containing Me2SO alone displayed higher post thaw survival and ability to bind to IPVM than the other cryodiluent treatments. Vitamin E supplementation exerted no benefits to post thaw motility or membrane integrity. The findings demonstrated that there was species specificity in the susceptibility to cryopreservation. Nevertheless, Me2SO was a preferred cryoprotectant for sperm from both whooping and white-naped cranes.  相似文献   

Chicks can convey information about their needs with calls. But it is still unknown if there are any universal need indicators in chick vocalizations. Previous studies have shown that in some species vocal activity and/or temporal-frequency variables of calls are related to the chick state, whereas other studies did not confirm it. Here, we tested experimentally whether vocal activity and temporal-frequency variables of calls change with cooling. We studied 10 human-raised Siberian crane (Grus leucogeranus) chicks at 3–15 days of age. We found that the cooled chicks produced calls higher in fundamental frequency and power variables, longer in duration and at a higher calling rate than in the control chicks. However, we did not find significant changes in level of entropy and occurrence of non-linear phenomena in chick calls recorded during the experimental cooling. We suggest that the level of vocal activity is a universal indicator of need for warmth in precocial and semi-precocial birds (e.g. cranes), but not in altricial ones. We also assume that coding of needs via temporal-frequency variables of calls is typical in species whose adults could not confuse their chicks with other chicks. Siberian cranes stay on separate territories during their breeding season, so parents do not need to check individuality of their offspring in the home area. In this case, all call characteristics are available for other purposes and serve to communicate chicks’ vital needs.  相似文献   

Food consumption, digesta retention time, and food preference were measured for captive whooping cranes fed pelleted diets. The basal commercial diet was compared to four mixtures containing 70% basal and 30% of one of four important winter foods for the whooping crane: blue crab (Callinectes sapidus), wolfberry fruit (Lycium carolinianum), live oak acorn (Quercus virginiana), or common Rangia clam (Rangia cuneata). Because captive birds would not eat whole foods, we were prevented from direct food preference tests. Food passed through the gut rapidly, with almost complete elimination within 7 hr. There was some indication that retention time was shorter for the low fiber and high ash and calcium clam diet. Cranes ate less wolfberry feed (g/day) than the other feeds, and all birds ate less wolfberry feed on the day it was first fed, compared to basal diet the previous day. Birds ate more low energy feed than high energy feed. Due to combined effects of low energy content, lower metabolizable energy coefficients, and reduced feed consumption, less energy was assimilated for study diets than basal diet. Apparent shorter retention times for some diets containing whooping crane foods may partly explain lower digestibilities and metabolizable energy of winter whooping crane foods compared to commercial crane diet. Zoo Biol 16:519–531, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Feeding rates and mass loss during chick rearing were comparedfor individually marked parents of male and female Common Murre(Uria aalge) chicks at Great Island, Newfoundland, Canada, from1997–2001. Both parents in this socially monogamous seabirdspecies share parental care duties until colony departure, afterwhich the single chick is fed only by its father. Because murresprovision their single chicks with one clearly visible fishper trip, it is possible to accurately determine whether parentsdifferentially feed male and female chicks. Based on slightlygreater mass of males in adulthood, possibly favored by sexdifferences in breeding roles, we predicted that male nestlingswould be fed more than females. Fathers' feeding rate to sons,but not daughters, increased with chick age, whereas maternalfeeding rate increased with chick age for both sexes. When year-correctedfeeding rates of pairs rearing both sexes were compared, bothmothers and fathers fed their sons significantly more than theirdaughters in the later part of the chick-rearing period. Moreover,parents rearing male chicks lost mass at a significantly higherrate than those rearing females. There was no difference infledging age for sons and daughters. These results indicatethat differential parental allocation occurs and has measurablecosts even in a species with only slight adult sexual dimorphism.  相似文献   

Understanding the influence of environmental stressors on daily nest survival of introduced birds is important because it can affect introduction success as well as the ability to evaluate introduction programs. For long-lived birds with low annual production, adjustment to local breeding conditions can take many years. We examined nest success rates of 2 introduced bird species, whooping crane (Grus americana) and trumpeter swan (Cygnus buccinator), in Wisconsin. Both species are long-lived with low annual reproductive rates. Trumpeter swans were established in our study area approximately 10 years before whooping cranes. We predicted that trumpeter swans would show less sensitivity to environmental stressors. We used daily nest survival rates (DNSRs) as our response variable to model several environmental parameters including weather, phenology, and ornithophilic black flies (Diptera: Simuliidae). Additionally, we examined the influence of captive history, age, release method, energetics, and nesting experience on whooping crane DNSRs. Daily nest survival of whooping cranes was the most sensitive to stressors. Trumpeter swan daily nest survival showed less sensitivity to the same stressors. Daily nest survival for both species peaked later in the nesting season, after 30 April and before 30 May. We also found that the daily nest survival rate (DNSR) for whooping cranes was potentially affected by captive exposure (measured by generations removed from the wild). Our results highlight the difficulties associated with conservation of long-lived birds with low annual productivity as they adjust to local breeding conditions and that nest phenology at the source location can determine how these conditions are interfaced. We recommend that the juxtaposition of source and introduction location nest phenology be considered prior to introduction site selection. Additionally, strategically selecting offspring from captive pairs with nest phenology similar to that of sympatric species at the introduction location should be considered. Published 2013. This article is a U.S. Government work and is in the public domain in the USA.  相似文献   

Increasing goose population sizes gives rise to conflicts with human socioeconomic interests and in some circumstances conservation interests. Grazing by high abundances of geese in grasslands is postulated to lead to a very short and homogeneous sward height negatively affecting cover for breeding meadow birds and impacting survival of nests and chicks. We studied the effects of spring grazing barnacle geese Branta leucopsis and brent geese Branta bernicla on occupancy of extensively farmed freshwater grasslands by nesting and brood‐rearing waders on the island Mandø in the Danish Wadden Sea. We hypothesized that goose grazing would lead to a shorter grass sward, negatively affecting the field occupancy by territorial/nesting and chick‐rearing waders, particularly species preferring taller vegetation. Goose grazing led to a short grass sward (<5 cm height) over most of the island. To achieve a variation in sward height, we kept geese off certain fields using laser light. We analyzed effects of field size, sward height, mosaic structure of the vegetation, proximity to shrub as cover for potential predators, and elevation above ground water level as a measure of wetness on field occupancy by nesting and chick‐rearing waders. The analysis indicated that the most important factor explaining field occupancy by nesting redshank Tringa totanus, black‐tailed godwit Limosa limosa, oystercatcher Haematopus ostralegus and lapwing Vanellus vanellus as well as by chick‐rearing black‐tailed godwit and lapwing was short vegetation height. Distance to shrub cover and elevation were less important. Hence, despite very intensive goose grazing, we could not detect any negative effect on the field occupancy by nesting nor chick‐rearing waders, including redshank and black‐tailed godwit, which are known to favor longer vegetation to conceal their nests and hide their chicks. Possible negative effects may be buffered by mosaic structures in fields and proximity to taller vegetation along fences and ditches.  相似文献   

Coccidia of whooping cranes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Coccidial oocysts were observed in 6 of 19 fecal samples from free-ranging whooping cranes (Grus americana) and 4 of 16 samples from captive whooping cranes. Eimeria gruis occurred in four free-ranging whooping cranes and E. reichenowi in two free-ranging and two captive whooping cranes. Fecal samples from two captive cranes contained oocysts of Isospora lacazei which was considered a spurious parasite. Oocysts of both species of Eimeria were prevalent in fecal samples collected from three free-ranging Canadian sandhill cranes (G. canadensis rowani) from whooping crane wintering grounds in Texas. These coccidia were prevalent also in fecal samples from 14 sandhill cranes (of 4 subspecies) maintained in captivity at the Patuxent Wildlife Research Center in Maryland.  相似文献   


The present study aimed to investigate whether nocturnal melatonin (MEL) ingestion has beneficial effects against exercise-induced oxidative stress and muscle damage in young athletes. Fourteen healthy-trained teenagers performed two-test sessions separated by at least, 1 week. During each session, participants completed the Running-Based Anaerobic Sprint Test (RAST) at 20:00 h. Then, they ingested a single 10-mg tablet of MEL or Placebo (PLA) in a double-blind randomized order at 22:00 h. The following morning (i.e., 07:30 h), participants performed the same test as the previous night. Blood samples were taken before and after exercise. MEL intake increased the peak power (Ppeak) (p < .01), mean power (Pmean) (p < .001) and decreased the total time (TT) (p < .001) and the fatigue index (FI) (p < .05). Furthermore, MEL ingestion attenuated the hematologic parameters before and after exercise (White Blood Cells (WBC: p < .001 and p < .001, respectively); Neutrophiles (NE: p < .001 and p < .001, respectively); Lymphocytes (LY: p < .001 and p < .001, respectively)) and the ultra-sensitive C-reactive protein (us-CRP: p < .001 and p < .001; respectively) compared to PLA. Also, MEL reduced muscle and hepatic damage enzymes before and after exercise (creatine kinase (CK: p < .001 and p < .001; respectively), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH: p < .05 and p < .01; respectively), aspartate aminotransferase (ASAT: p < .01 and p < .001; respectively)), Malondialdehyde (MDA: p < .001 and p < .001; respectively) and Homocysteine (Hcy: p < .001 and p < .001; respectively)) from placebo. Plasma lactate [La] and glucose (GL) remained unchangeable during the two conditions. In summary, acute MEL ingestion after strenuous late-evening exercise attenuated transient leucocytosis and protected against lipid peroxidation and muscle damage induced by strenuous exercise the following morning in healthy male teenage athletes.  相似文献   

Electrophoretic analysis of proteins yielded evidence on the relationships of species of cranes and on genetic diversity within populations of some species. Diversity within the Greater Sandhill crane and a Florida population of the Florida Sandhill crane was similar to that of most other vertebrates, but diversity was low in the Mississippi Sandhill crane, in the Okefenokee population of the Florida Sandhill crane, and within the Siberian and Sarus cranes. Diversity was surprisingly high among whooping cranes, whose number dropped to less than 25 early in this century. Phylogenetic analysis, using both character state and distance algorithms, yielded highly concordant trees for the 15 species. The African crowned cranes (Balearica) were widely divergent from all other cranes. Species of Anthropoides, Bugeranus, and Grus clustered closely but sorted into two lineages: a Whooper Group consisted of the whooping, common, hooded, black-necked, white-naped, and red-crowned cranes of genus Grus; and a Sandhill Group included the Sandhill, Siberian, Sarus, and Brolga cranes of genus Grus, the wattled crane of genus Bugeranus, and the Demoiselle and blue cranes of genus Anthropoides.  相似文献   

We obtained blood smears from 114 Florida sandhill crane (Grus canadensis pratensis) chicks in Osceola and Lake Counties, Florida, USA, during 1998-2000. Leucocytozoon grusi was observed in 11 (10%) chicks; Haemoproteus antigonis was observed in eight (7%) chicks; and three (3%) chicks were infected with Haemoproteus balearicae. One chick infected with H. balearicae suffered from severe anemia (packed cell volume = 13%) and was later found moribund. At necropsy this bird also had severe anemia and damage to the heart possibly due to hypoxia. This is the first report of H. balearicae in free-ranging North American cranes.  相似文献   


This study was conducted to investigate the effect of dietary conjugated linoleic acids (CLA) on growth performance and immune responses in broiler chicks. A total of 240 day-old Arbor Acre male broiler chicks were randomly allotted into four dietary treatments with different inclusion levels of CLA (0, 2.5, 5.0 or 10.0 g/kg) for six weeks. Growth performance, peripheral blood lymphocyte (PBL) proliferation, lysozyme activity, phagocytic activity (carbon clearance) and serum antibody titers against Newcastle disease virus (NDV) vaccine were examined. There were no significant differences in growth performance among treatments (p > 0.05). Chicks fed CLA diets produced more lysozyme activity in serum than the control group at 2 and 6 weeks of age (p < 0.05). Dietary CLA enhanced the PBL proliferation in response to concanavalin A (ConA) at the age of 42 d (p < 0.05). Phagocytic ability was also affected by dietary CLA and chicks fed CLA diets had faster carbon clearance rate (p < 0.05), but antibody titers to NDV was not influenced by dietary CLA. The results of the study suggested that dietary CLA could enhance innate and cellular immune response in broiler chicks, and not affect the growth performance.  相似文献   

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