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Fan SG  Wu J  Lv A 《生理科学进展》2007,38(1):49-57
原发性高血压病的发生原因和发病机理十分复杂,很多问题目前并不十分清楚。通过近几十年的研究,大家比较一致的看法是,原发性高血压病的内因是肾脏功能的损伤,其发生条件(外因)是摄取的食盐(钠)过多。人类饮食中添加食盐已有几千年的历史,它是人类文明发展的一种表现。然而各种研究的结果表明,食盐的过量摄取的确是高血压的元凶。此外,原发性高血压多见于老年人。由于有这些特点,因此原发性高血压病常常被看成是一种“文明”病,一种肾脏的疾病,一种老年人常见的病。本文将对这些特点作进一步的分析和讨论。  相似文献   

动脉血压及其调节   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
一、动脉血压的范围及影响因素 (一)动脉血压的范围 (二)影响因素二、动脉血压的调节(一)神经调节(二)反射性调节(三)体液调节学科分类号 R331.3  一、动脉血压的范围及影响因素[1](一)动脉血压的范围 动脉血压一般指主动脉压。最近,我国对正常血压和高血压的标准?..  相似文献   

目的建立一种经兔耳正中动脉穿刺置管进行动脉血压监测新方法。方法健康家兔16只,雌雄不分,体重2.0±0.3k。动物随机分成两组,颈内动脉穿刺置管组(A组)8只,耳正中动脉穿刺置管组(B组)8只。两组均用22G动静脉留置针行穿刺置管后接有创动脉换能器套件联接监护仪监测有创动脉血压的变化,实验后家兔正常饲养7d,观察其死亡率。结果有创动脉压:A组和B组两组差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05);死亡率:A组明显高于B组(P〈0.05)。结论经兔耳正中动脉穿刺置管进行有创动脉血压监测比颈内动脉置管法要好,是一种简单、有效的方法,死亡率低,可以在兔的动物实验中推广。  相似文献   

目的:探索一种新的、可靠的模型,用于惊恐条件反射的相关研究。方法:通过使用条件刺激(声音)和非条件刺激(足部电击)相结合的方法,可使动物对条件刺激产生惊恐反应。同时对动脉血压进行长期监测并测定利多卡因阻断杏仁基底外侧核群前后的血压变化。结果:该惊恐条件反射建立后(需经4d训练),单独给予动物条件刺激即可引起血压明显升高。我们将它作为条件反射已形成的标志。此时,用利多卡因阻断杏仁基底外侧核群的作用,单独给予动物条件刺激不再引起血压明显升高。结论:慢性动脉血压监测模型在惊恐条件反射的研究中是一种可靠的动物模型。  相似文献   

李朝义 《生理学报》1992,44(6):597-602
End-tidal CO2 (ET-CO2) provides a continuous and sensitive monitoring of proper pulmonary ventilation in artificially ventilated animals during single unit recordings of the central nervous system. To determine a reliable standard of ET-CO2 in anesthetized and paralyzed animal, the relationship between ET-CO2 and arterial blood pressure (ABP) was observed in cat under different ventilation level. The results showed that ABP changed tremendously with variation in ventilation, but remained constant at a normal level as long as ET-CO2 was maintained within the range between 4.0-5.0%, i.e. optimally at 4.5 +/- 0.5%.  相似文献   

目的:观察电磁脉冲(electromagnetic pulses,EMP)对清醒大鼠动脉血压和心率的影响。方法:适应性血压测量1周后的14只健康成年雄性SD大鼠按体重随机分为假辐照组和辐照组,每组7只,在锥形平板GTEM小室内接受EMP辐照,EMP辐照参数为:场强200 kV/m,脉冲前沿3.5 ns,脉宽14 ns,重复频率1 Hz,辐照后用无创性尾套式血压测量仪测量2 hr至1 wk内大鼠动脉血压和心率变化规律。结果:照后3 d大鼠动脉血压(收缩压、舒张压和平均动脉压)与假辐照组相比下降显著(P0.05),12 h有下降趋势,其他时间未见显著性差异(P0.05);辐照对大鼠心率也无明显影响(P0.05)。结论:EMP辐照可以引起大鼠血压一过性降低;对大鼠心率无明显影响。  相似文献   

目的:观察右侧海马(HPC)微量注射印防己毒素(PTX)诱导HPC癫痫电网络重建过程中HPG体循环动脉血压调节网络的形成.方法:将PTX(7.2μg)微量注射到大鼠右侧HPC诱发HPC癫痫,四通道同步记录左侧深部电图、单个HPC细胞外单位放电、左侧股动脉血压和标准Ⅱ导联心电图.结果:将PTX微量注射到右侧HPC后可以引起以下效应:①对侧HPC神经元长时程爆发式单位放电与单位后放电,并具有相似的脉冲间隔(interspike intervals,ISI)点分布;②延迟对侧HPC神经元爆发式单位放电与相对应的股动脉血压下降发生的时间关系;③出现复合式的对侧HPC神经元爆发式单位放电或单位后放电和股动脉血压下降耦合;④具有相似点分布特征的对侧HPC网络波峰间隔(interpeak intervals,IPI)和单个神经元ISI共同参与了HPC-体循环动脉血压调节网络的构成.结论:将PTX微量注射到右侧HPC可以在诱导对侧HPC癫痫网络形成的同时通过特征性的瞬时编码形式调制HPC-体循环动脉血压调节网络的功能活动.  相似文献   

血红蛋白扮演的新角色──血压调节者关键词血红蛋白,血压调节众所周知,血液中红细胞所含有的血红蛋白在呼吸循环中将氧(O2)释放于组织,并从组织收回二氧化碳(CO2),它可能是现有蛋白质中研究得最透彻的蛋白质。长期以来人们只知道它仅执行呼吸循环的任务,然...  相似文献   

本实验对12周龄的自发性高血压大鼠(spontaneously hypertensive rat,SHR)及其对照组Wistar Kyoto (WKY)大鼠进行了肾脏移植的研究, 并观察受肾移植大鼠动脉血压的变化以及免疫抑制剂对动脉血压的影响。 用尾套法对接受同窝另一同胞WKY大鼠肾脏移植且存活5周的6只WKY大鼠(A组)及接受SHR肾脏移植且存活5周的6只WKY大鼠(B组)的尾动脉收缩压进行检测, 移植前A、 B两组受肾移植大鼠的尾动脉收缩压分别为18.0±0.93 和18.3±0.68 kPa,无统计学显著差异(P>0.05); 移植后3、 4、 5周时, B组大鼠的尾动脉收缩压显著高于A组大鼠, 移植后5周时, A, B两组大鼠的收缩压分别为19.0±0.71 和23.0±0.69 kPa (P<0.001); 所用剂量的免疫抑制剂CsA对双侧肾脏完整以及右侧肾脏切除的SHR、 WKY大鼠的动脉血压无显著影响。 以上结果表明, SHR的肾脏在高血压的形成中可能起重要作用。  相似文献   

中枢神经系统单细胞记录时需使用人工呼吸的动物,通常用连续监视终末呼出气中的CO_2浓度(ET-CO_2)作为一个敏感的指标,来控制适当的肺通气量。为了确定一个可靠的ET-CO_2标准,我们观察了麻醉和麻痹的猫在不同的肺通气量下ET-CO_2和动脉血压(ABP)的关系。结果表明,ABP随着肺通气量的不同而出现明显的改变;然而,当ET-CO_2维持在4.0-5.0%范围内时,血压可一直保持在正常水平。根据以上结果,ET-CO_2的最佳值应设定为4.5%±0.5%。  相似文献   

Increased gastrointestinal absorption and urinary excretion of zinc has been confirmed in experimental and clinical studies on primary arterial hypertension as a result from changes of intracellular and extracellular zinc content. In arterial hypertension, the levels of zinc in serum, lymphocyte, and bone decrease while increasing in heart, erythrocytes, kidney, liver, suprarenal glands and spleen. These changes result in the loss of zinc homeostasis that leads to various degrees of deficiency, not entirely compensated by nutritional factors or increased absorption in the gastrointestinal tract. Loss of zinc homeostasis can be both cause and effect of high blood pressure. In the present review, the role of zinc metabolism changes and its mechanisms in arterial hypertension are discussed.  相似文献   

肾髓质诱导型一氧化氮合酶在动脉血压调控中的作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Tan DY  Caramelo C 《生理学报》2000,52(2):103-108
本文通过慢性血液动力学实验,观察了肾髓质局部输入诱导型一氧化酶(iNOS)抑制剂AG(aminoguanidine)对Dahl盐敏感大鼠(DS)、Dahl盐抵抗大鼠(DR)及SD(Sprague Dawley)大鼠动脉血压的影响,并测定了一氧化氮(NO)代谢终产物NO2及NO3含量(UNOX)、iNOS活性、肾功能以及血浆肾素活性(PRA)。结果表明:AG能明显放大高盐(8%)引起的DS及SD大鼠  相似文献   

NO对家兔Oddi括约肌肌电活动和血压的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
Zhang M  Ding CH  Zhang LW  Yang SY 《生理学报》1998,50(6):618-622
应用32只家兔观察一氧氮对Oddi括约肌肌电和血压的影响。静脉注射NO合酶抑制剂N^G-硝基-L-精氨酸,可见SO肌电振幅增大和血压升高,L-NNA所致的肌电活动增强可L-精氨酸反转。  相似文献   

As social change and economic development have proceeded, the prevalence of chronic diseases, especially cardiovascular diseases, has increased in the developing world. In part this is due to the adoption of diets and other health behaviors characteristic of industrialized nations; in part it is a function of changing social and economic circumstances. In this paper, we describe the development and testing of a model designed to account for social and economic effects on cardiovascular disease risk. The model incorporates the fact that global economic processes have made a lifestyle characterized by the consumption of Euroamerican material goods and information a basis for the assignment of social status in local communities. But economic change at the local level is rarely sufficient to provide a foundation for individuals' status aspirations. Hence, many individuals attempt to maintain a lifestyle inconsistent with their economic standing, a variable we term lifestyle incongruity. Here we describe how this factor is associated with higher blood pressure in a variety of settings and also how the effects of lifestyle incongruity can be modified in local contexts by social class and social role processes. This latter process, contextual modification, is illustrated by data from American Samoa. In this example, the association of lifestyle incongruity with blood pressure is examined in 30 male household heads and 26 spouses. After an examination of Samoan ethnography focused attention on the importance of age and gender differences as defining social contexts of intracultural variation, the model was modified to assess interactions between age and gender as they affect the association of lifestyle incongruity and blood pressure. Lifestyle incongruity is strongly associated with higher systolic and diastolic blood pressure for the younger household heads, minimally associated with blood pressure for older household heads, and only slightly associated with the blood pressure of their spouses. The regression coefficients for the lifestyle incongruity by age by sex interaction term was significant at P ≤ 0.01 for both systolic and diastolic blood pressure. The consistency of these results with expectations based on the ethnographic record is emphasized in the interpretation. We feel that the lifestyle incongruity model represents an empirically successful attempt to link global political-economic processes, local social structure, and biological outcomes. Am J Phys Anthropol 102:55–66, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

[Purpose] The purpose of this study was to assess changes in blood glucose level, blood pressure, and arterial stiffness after a 75 g oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) in elderly women aged over 65 years with hypertension and either normal glycemic control, impaired fasting glucose tolerance, or diabetes mellitus. We also wished to investigate the relationship between stages of diabetes and physical fitness.[Methods] A total of 24 elderly women with hypertension were assigned to a control group (CON; n=7), impaired fasting glucose group (IFG; n=9), and diabetes mellitus group (DM; n=8). In each group, blood glucose level, brachial ankle pulse wave velocity (PWV), and blood pressure were measured at baseline as well as 60 and 120 minutes after a 75 g OGTT. Physical fitness factors such as hand grip strength, balance test, 4 m gait speed test, chair stand test, short physical performance battery, and 6-minute walking test were subsequently assessed.[Results] In all three groups, blood glucose levels were significantly increased at 60 and 120 minutes after a 75 g OGTT. In the DM group, blood glucose levels were significantly higher before and after a 75 g OGTT than in the CON group. In the CON group, PWV was significantly increased at 60 minutes after a 75 g OGTT; however, there were no changes in other groups after glucose ingestion. In the CON group, systolic and diastolic blood pressures were significantly decreased at 60 and 120 minutes after a 75 g OGTT compared to baseline. However, there was no change in blood pressure after ingestion in the DM group. The IFG group had greater grip strength than the CON group; however, there were no differences in other variables between the groups.[Conclusion] After a 75 g OGTT, elderly women with hypertension and diabetes maintain higher blood glucose levels compared to those with hypertension alone. Unlike elderly women with hypertension alone, those with hypertension and diabetes did not show changes in arterial stiffness and blood pressure after a 75 g OGTT. Therefore, elderly women with hypertension and diabetes may not be able to control their blood vessels following a 75 g OGTT due to impaired vascular endothelial function. Moreover, there was no association between diabetes stage and physical fitness in elderly women with hypertension.  相似文献   

The dependence of the wave conductance in self-similar dichotomous models of intraorgan arterial vasculatures on the model parameters was studied. It was found that, with different sets of parameters, it is possible to simulate the suction effect induced by negative reflections of waves from arterial branchings and to model the resonance properties of arterial beds. It was shown that the choice of an adequate model for a given intraorgan arterial vasculature should be based on agreement between the biophysical characteristics of the model and the bed that characterize the propagation and reflection of pulse waves.  相似文献   

Li XB  Wang Z  Liu BC  Zhu YC  Yao T 《生理学报》1999,(6):630-636
本实验对12周龄的自发性高血压大鼠(spontaneouslyhypertensiverat,SHR)及其对照组WistarKyoto(WKY)大鼠进行了肾脏移植的研究,并观察受肾移植大鼠动脉血压的变化以及免疫抑制剂对动脉血压的影响。用尾套法对接受同窝另一同胞WKY大鼠肾脏移植且存活5周的6只WKY大鼠(A组)及接受SHR肾脏移植且存活5周的6只WKY大鼠(B组)的尾动脉收缩压进行检测,移植前A、B两组受肾移植大鼠的尾动脉收缩压分别为180±093和183±068kPa,无统计学显著差异(P>005);移植后3、4、5周时,B组大鼠的尾动脉收缩压显著高于A组大鼠,移植后5周时,A,B两组大鼠的收缩压分别为190±071和230±069kPa(P<0001);所用剂量的免疫抑制剂CsA对双侧肾脏完整以及右侧肾脏切除的SHR、WKY大鼠的动脉血压无显著影响。以上结果表明,SHR的肾脏在高血压的形成中可能起重要作用  相似文献   

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