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Thyroid hormones show fluctuating levels during the post-hatching development of birds. In this paper we report the results of the first mechanical tests to quantify the effect of hypothyroidism, during post-natal development, on the skeletal properties of a precocial bird, the barnacle goose, as determined by microhardness testing. The effect of hypothyroidism is tissue-specific; bone from the femora of birds is not significantly affected by induced hypothyroidism, however, there is a strong positive relationship between the levels of circulating thyroid hormones and the mechanical properties of bone from humeri. In the barnacle goose the development of the wing skeleton and musculature depends on an increase in circulating thyroid hormones and our analysis shows that, in its absence, the mechanical competence of the bone mineral itself is reduced in addition to the decreased bone length and muscle development previously reported in the literature.  相似文献   

Bone densitometric data are often difficult to interpret in children and adolescents because of large inter- and intraindividual variations in bone size. Here, we propose a functional approach to bone densitometry that addresses two questions: is bone strength normally adapted to the largest physiological loads, that is, muscle force? Is muscle force adequate for body size? The theoretical background for this approach is provided by the mechanostat theory, which proposes that bones adapt their strength to keep the strain caused by physiological loads close to a set point. Because the largest physiological loads are caused by muscle contractions, there should be a close relationship between bone strength and muscle force or size. The proposed two-step diagnostic algorithm requires a measure of muscle force or size and a measure of bone mineral content (BMC) at a corresponding location. The results can be combined into four diagnostic groups. In the first situation, muscle force or size is adequate for height. If the skeleton is adapted normally to the muscle system, the result is interpreted as "normal". If it is lower than expected for muscle force or size, a "primary bone defect" is diagnosed. In the second situation, muscle force or size is too low for height. Even if the skeleton is adapted adequately to the decreased mechanical challenge, this means that bone mass and presumably strength are still too low for body height. Therefore, a "secondary bone defect" is diagnosed. It is hoped that the more detailed insights thus gained could help to devise targeted strategies for the prevention and treatment of pediatric bone diseases.  相似文献   

Remarkable changes occur in the mammalian skeleton prior to, during and after the reproductive cycle. Skeletal changes occur with ovarian maturation and initiation of menses and estrus in adolescence, which may result in a greater accumulation of skeletal mineral in the female vs the male skeleton. There is also some evidence to suggest an excess skeletal mass in young female experimental animals. In early pregnancy, growth, modeling and perhaps suppressed remodeling promote the accumulation of calcium. Some changes may also occur with the transition from pituitary to placental control of the pregnancy. In later pregnancy, an increase in bone turnover appears to coincide with fetal skeletal mineralization. Rapid and important changes occur in the skeleton and mineral metabolism in the transition from pregnancy to lactation as the mammary gland rather than the uterus draws on the maternal calcium stores. Lactational demands are met at least partially by a temporary demineralization of the skeleton, which is associated with increased bone modeling and remodeling. Endochondral growth almost ceases during lactation, but envelope-specific bone modeling and remodeling are greatly increased. This is generally associated with a loss of skeletal mass and density, more apparent at sites with less of a mechanical role (e.g. central metaphysis regions and the endocortical envelope). The post-lactational period is profoundly anabolic with substantial increases in bone formation, but blunted resorption at almost all skeletal envelopes. Skeletal mass is increased during this period and it is associated with improved skeletal mechanical properties. There are several important observations. 1) The nulliparous animal appears to have an excess skeletal mass to perhaps compensate for maternal metabolic inefficiency of the first reproductive cycle. 2) Changes in growth, modeling and remodeling occur at different times and at different skeletal envelopes during the reproductive cycle. These site-specific, temporal changes appear to be adaptations that facilitate the use of skeletal mineral while preserving mechanical competence. 3) After the first reproductive cycle, modeling and remodeling optimize the existing skeletal mass into a structure that better accommodates the prevailing mechanical environment. 4) The post-lactational period is profoundly anabolic and may provide new strategies for preservation of skeletal mass when reproductive capacity ceases.  相似文献   

The skeleton affords a framework and structural support for vertebrates, while also facilitating movement, protecting vital organs, and providing a reservoir of minerals and cells for immune system and vascular homeostasis. The mechanical and biological functions of the skeleton are inextricably linked to the size and shape of individual bones, the diversity of which is dependent in part upon differential growth and proliferation. Perturbation of bone development, growth and proliferation, can result in congenital skeletal anomalies, which affect approximately 1 in 3000 live births [1]. Ribosome biogenesis is integral to all cell growth and proliferation through its roles in translating mRNAs and building proteins. Disruption of any steps in the process of ribosome biogenesis can lead to congenital disorders termed ribosomopathies. In this review, we discuss the role of ribosome biogenesis in skeletal development and in the pathogenesis of congenital skeletal anomalies. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Role of the Nucleolus in Human Disease.  相似文献   

生长分化因子11(growth differentiation factor-11, GDF11)是转化生长因子β(transforming growth factor-β, TGF-β) 超家族中骨形态发生蛋白(bone morphogenetic proteins,BMPs)亚家族中的一个重要成员,在哺乳动物的骨骼、肾等多种器官组织上均有表达,且在胚胎发育、骨骼和肌肉形成等方面起着重要作用。近年研究发现,GDF11与哺乳动物的抗衰老作用联系越来越紧密。本文整理国内外关于GDF11与衰老关系的研究,对 GDF11生物学基础以及对动物心脏的衰老、认知能力以及骨骼肌肉等方面的影响进行了综述。我们认为,GDF11作为一种新的细胞因子,可以调控多种下游信号通路,其作用的方式及影响还有待研究。GDF11研究可为在抗衰老以及与衰老相关疾病的治疗提供一定的理论基础。  相似文献   

Hypogonadism is considered to be one of the major risk factors for osteoporosis in men. Therefore, it is an important goal for skeletal research to improve our understanding of the skeletal effects of androgens. Androgen deficiency during growth is associated with a failure to acquire normal peak bone mass, and there is good evidence that the effects of androgens on skeletal growth and the development of a male skeletal phenotype are mediated through the androgen receptor. In adult men, acute withdrawal of androgens by surgical or chemical castration induces high turnover bone loss. Similarly, orchidectomy of aged, non-growing male rats is associated with a pronounced and sustained increase in bone turnover and with true loss of cancellous and cortical bone. Interestingly, the changes in bone turnover induced by orchidectomy are paralleled by a concomitant increase in B lymphopoiesis in bone marrow of rats and mice. Although there is firm evidence that male bone metabolism can be influenced by androgens and estrogen, a variety of clinical and animal experimental data have strongly suggested that, under physiological circumstances, the maintenance of cancellous bone mass in males involves the skeletal action of estrogen derived from aromatization of androgens. Aged male rats appear to closely mimic the conditions induced by androgen withdrawal in adult humans, and this animal model may be used 1) to elucidate further the role of muscle as a mediator of the actions of androgens on bone, 2) to explore the regulatory functions of androgens and estrogens in the male skeleton and the immune system, and 3) to find new treatment strategies for the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis in men.  相似文献   

Vertebrate skeletal differentiation retains elements from simpler phyla, and reflects the differentiation of supporting tissues programmed by primary embryonic development. This developmental scheme is driven by homeotic genes expressed in sequence, with subdivision of skeletal primordia driven by a combination of seven transmembrane‐pass receptors responding to Wnt‐family signals, and by bone morphogenetic family signals that define borders of individual bones. In sea‐dwelling vertebrates, an essentially complete form of the skeleton adapted by the land‐living vertebrates develops in cartilage, based on type II collagen and hydrophilic proteoglycans. In bony fishes, this skeleton is mineralized to form a solid bony skeleton. In the land‐living vertebrates, most of the skeleton is replaced by an advanced vascular mineralized skeleton based on type I collagen, which reduces skeletal mass while facilitating use of skeletal mineral for metabolic homeostasis. Regulation of the mammalian skeleton, in this context, reflects practical adaptations to the needs for life on land that are related to ancestral developmental signals. This regulation includes central nervous system regulation that integrates bone turnover with overall metabolism. Recent work on skeletal development, in addition, demonstrates molecular mechanisms that cause developmental bone diseases.  相似文献   

The shape of the craniofacial skeleton is constantly changing through ontogeny and reflects a balance between developmental patterning and mechanical‐load‐induced remodeling. Muscles are a major contributor to producing the mechanical environment that is crucial for “normal” skull development. Here, we use an F5 hybrid population of Lake Malawi cichlids to characterize the strength and types of associations between craniofacial bones and muscles. We focus on four bones/bone complexes, with different developmental origins, alongside four muscles with distinct functions. We used micro‐computed tomography to extract 3D information on bones and muscles. 3D geometric morphometrics and volumetric measurements were used to characterize bone and muscle shape, respectively. Linear regressions were performed to test for associations between bone shape and muscle volume. We identified three types of associations between muscles and bones: weak, strong direct (i.e., muscles insert directly onto bone), and strong indirect (i.e., bone is influenced by muscles without a direct connection). In addition, we show that although the shape of some bones is relatively robust to muscle‐induced mechanical stimulus, others appear to be highly sensitive to muscular input. Our results imply that the roles for muscular input on skeletal shape extend beyond specific points of origin or insertion and hold significant potential to influence broader patterns of craniofacial geometry. Thus, changes in the loading environment, either as a normal course of ontogeny or if an organism is exposed to a novel environment, may have pronounced effects on skeletal shape via near and far‐ranging effects of muscular loading.  相似文献   

Age-related sarcopenia leads to muscle weakness and a concomitant increase in gait problems and the risk of hip fracture due to falling in the elderly. Muscle weakness reduces general activity levels in elderly individuals which in turn elevates the risk of osteoporosis due to a decrease in overall mechanical loading of the skeleton. At the same time, age-related sarcopenia is also linked to an increase in the risk of metabolic disorders such as adult onset (Type II) diabetes. However, it is widely accepted that increased mechanical loading of the musculoskeletal system (e.g., resistive exercise) can have a beneficial effect on both skeletal muscle and the supporting skeleton resulting in a significant reduction in the risk of developing all of the above age-related problems. As such, unloading models that exhibit many if not all of the same responses observed in aged muscle, including the capacity of exercise to reverse these responses, may provide valuable insight into the skeletal muscle aging process.  相似文献   

To ensure optimal skeletal development, mechanical loading is imperative. The consequences of the removal of, or complete absence of, mechanical loading are illustrated by the clinical condition of cerebral palsy (CP). Clinical and radiological evaluation of children with CP provides an insight into how the growing skeleton develops when mechanical loading is reduced due to non-physiological muscle function. The poor bone status or "physiologic osteopenia" that these children suffer is multifactorial compromised of both mechanical and non-mechanical effects; primarily it is the lack of normal loading from the musculature which causes the development of a bone incapable of withstanding daily activities. Fractures occur during daily activities such as dressing and handling. Increased bone resorption during periods of immobilisation after fracture or surgery, also increases bone fragility. Trials of physical, nutritional and pharmacological treatments in CP children result in increased bone mineral density. Trials that include fracture prevention as the primary end point are required in this vulnerable group of children.  相似文献   

The mechanosensory mechanisms in bone include (i) the cell system that is stimulated by external mechanical loading applied to the bone; (ii) the system that transduces that mechanical loading to a communicable signal; and (iii) the systems that transmit that signal to the effector cells for the maintenance of bone homeostasis and for strain adaptation of the bone structure. The effector cells are the osteoblasts and the osteoclasts. These systems and the mechanisms that they employ have not yet been unambiguously identified. The candidate systems will be reviewed. It will be argued that the current theoretical and experimental evidence suggests that osteocytes are the principal mechanosensory cells of bone, that they are activated by shear stress from fluid flowing through the osteocyte canaliculi, and that the electrically coupled three-dimensional network of osteocytes and lining cells is a communications system for the control of bone homeostasis and structural strain adaptation. The movement of bone fluid from the region of the bone vasculature through the canaliculi and the lacunae of the surrounding mineralized tissue accomplishes three important tasks. First, it transports nutrients to the osteocytes in the lacunae buried in the mineralized matrix. Second, it carries away the cell waste. Third, the bone fluid exerts a force on the cell process, a force that is large enough for the cell to sense. This is probably the basic mechanotransduction mechanism in bone, the way in which bone senses the mechanical load to which it is subjected. The mechanisms of bone fluid flow are described with particular emphasis on mechanotransduction. Also described is the cell to cell communication by which higher frequency signals might be transferred, a potential mechanism in bone by which the small whole tissue strain is amplified so the bone cells can respond to it. One of the conclusions is that higher frequency low amplitude strains can maintain bone as effectively as low frequency high amplitude strains. This conclusion leads to a paradigm shift in how to treat osteoporosis and how to cope with microgravity.  相似文献   

It is now thought that the critical property of bone is strength rather than weight, and that control of bone strength is mainly exercised through the effect of the mechanical loads brought to bear on bone. Muscle contraction places the greatest physiological load on bone, and so the strength of bone must be adapted to muscle strength (the functional muscle-bone unit). The Utah paradigm of skeletal physiology [J Hum Biol 1998;10:599-605] provides a model of bone development that describes how bone structure is regulated by local mechanical effects that can be adjusted by the effects of hormones. The DONALD (Dortmund Nutritional and Anthropometric Longitudinally Designed) study analysed the interaction between the muscle and bone systems in males and females before and during puberty. This study found that differences between the genders in bone adaptation during puberty are at least partly driven by the influence of oestrogen in females. Testosterone seems to have no direct relevant effect on bone during puberty, but may be implicated in the greater amount of muscle mass achieved in boys compared with girls.  相似文献   

Bone renews itself and changes shape throughout life to account for the changing needs of the body; this requires co-ordinated activities of bone resorbing cells (osteoclasts), bone forming cells (osteoblasts) and bone’s internal cellular network (osteocytes). This review focuses on paracrine signaling by the IL-6 family of cytokines between bone cells, bone marrow, and skeletal muscle in normal physiology and in pathological states where their levels may be locally or systemically elevated. These functions include the support of osteoclast formation by osteoblast lineage cells in response to interleukin 6 (IL-6), interleukin 11 (IL-11), oncostatin M (OSM) and cardiotrophin 1 (CT-1). In addition it will discuss how bone-resorbing osteoclasts promote osteoblast activity by secreting CT-1, which acts as a “coupling factor” on osteocytes, osteoblasts, and their precursors to promote bone formation. OSM, produced by osteoblast lineage cells and macrophages, stimulates bone formation via osteocytes. IL-6 family cytokines also mediate actions of other bone formation stimuli like parathyroid hormone (PTH) and mechanical loading. CT-1, OSM and LIF suppress marrow adipogenesis by shifting commitment of pluripotent precursors towards osteoblast differentiation. Ciliary neurotrophic factor (CNTF) is released as a myokine from skeletal muscle and suppresses osteoblast differentiation and bone formation on the periosteum (outer bone surface in apposition to muscle). Finally, IL-6 acts directly on marrow-derived osteoclasts to stimulate release of “osteotransmitters” that act through the cortical osteocyte network to stimulate bone formation on the periosteum. Each will be discussed as illustrations of how the extended family of IL-6 cytokines acts within the skeleton in physiology and may be altered in pathological conditions or by targeted therapies.  相似文献   

Osteoporotic fractures are the result of low density and especially inferior bone quality (microarchitecture) caused by both internal (genes, hormones) and external (life style) influences. Bone mechanosensors are extremely important for the overall integrity of the skeleton, because in response to mechanical load they activate its modeling, resulting in an increase in bone density and strength. The largest physiological loads are caused by muscle contractions. Bone mass in adult men has a closer relationship to muscle mass than is case in women. The sexual differences in the relationship between bone and muscle mass are also apparent in children. Based on the mechanostatic theory, the muscle-bone unit has been defined as a functional system whose components are under the common control of the hormones of the somatotropin-IGF-I axis, sexual steroids, certain adipose tissue hormones and vitamin D. The osteogenic effects of somatotropin-IGF-I system are based on the stimulation of bone formation, as well as increase in muscle mass. Moreover, somatotropin decreases the bone mechanostat threshold and reinforces the effect of physical stress on bone formation. The system, via the muscle-bone unit, plays a significant role in the development of the childhood skeleton as well as in its stability during adulthood. The muscle and bone are also the targets of androgens, which increase bone formation and the growth of muscle mass in men and women, independently of IGF-I. The role of further above-mentioned hormones in regulation of this unified functional complex is also discussed.  相似文献   

Why is the incidence of osteoporotic fracture so much higher in women than in men? The dominant medical view holds that the exaggerated skeletal fragility and fracture risk of postmenopausal women solely reflects the loss of bone following withdrawal of endogenous estrogen. Indeed, an enormous amount of research in this area has attempted to understand the rise in fractures after menopause in terms of the impact of estrogen lack on bone remodeling. Recent insights suggest that this simple view does not offer an adequate explanation for the greater susceptibility of older women to fracture compared to that of men. It seems more reasonable to view bone health as a lifelong process, reflecting the contributions and influences of myriad events occurring throughout life to skeletal acquisition and maintenance. Only recently has the medical community recognized that the amount of bone present at skeletal maturity makes a powerful contribution to lifelong skeletal status. A second area that must be incorporated into discussions of this topic relates to bone size and geometry. Women's bones are inherently smaller than those of men. A bone's strength is determined by its size as well as by its material properties. In boys, pubertal increases in the cortical thickness of long bones are achieved by (testosterone-dependent) periosteal apposition. By contrast, increased cortical thickness in girls reflects bone expansion into the medullary space, with little or no periosteal apposition, suggesting an inhibitory effect of estrogen on the latter process. Consequently, at skeletal maturity, men have wider bones of greater mechanical competence. Although estrogen is generally held to be skeletally protective, this aspect of its actions may actually render women more susceptible to some fractures. In later life, men may lose even more bone from appendicular sites than do women, but men show much greater concomitant increases in periosteal apposition than women, permitting them to maintain a relatively favorable mechanical profile. These several findings are based on cross-sectional observations of relatively few individuals and therefore require confirmation in prospective longitudinal studies. The degree to which gender-related differences in later life skeletal adaptation reflects a bone's mechanical or metabolic environment has been frequently discussed but still awaits experimental confirmation.  相似文献   

The maintenance of the mechanical integrity of the skeleton depends on bone remodeling, the well-coordinated balance between bone formation by osteoblasts and bone resorption by osteoclasts. The coupled action of osteoblasts and osteoclasts is regulated by the action of many local and circulating hormones and factors as well as central regulation by a neurological mechanism. We have previously shown that lactoferrin can promote bone growth. At physiological concentrations, lactoferrin potently stimulates the proliferation and differentiation of primary osteoblasts and acts as a survival factor. Lactoferrin also affects osteoclasts, potently inhibiting their formation. In vivo, local injection of lactoferrin results in substantial increases in bone formation and bone area. In a critical bone-defect model in vivo, lactoferrin was also seen to promote bone growth. The mitogenic effect of lactoferrin in osteoblast-like cells is mediated mainly through low-density lipoprotein-receptor protein-1 (LRP1), a member of the low-density lipoprotein-receptor-related proteins that are primarily known as endocytic receptors; however, LRP1 is not necessary for the anti-apoptotic actions of lactoferrin. Lactoferrin also induces the activation of p42/44 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signalling and the PI3-kinase-dependent phosphorylation of Akt in osteoblasts. In this study, we examined other properties of lactoferrin and the way they affect osteogenic activity. The degree of glycosylation, iron-binding, and the structure-activity relationships indicate that lactoferrin maintains osteogenic activity in deglycosylated, holo, and apo forms, and in with various small fragments of the molecule. These data suggest that lactoferrin signals through more than 1 membrane-bound receptor to produce its anabolic skeletal effects, and that it signals through diverse pathways. We conclude that lactoferrin might have a physiological role in bone growth and healing and a potential therapeutic role as an anabolic factor in osteoporosis.  相似文献   

Candidates for the mechanosensory system in bone   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
Some potential mechanisms by which bone cells sense mechanical loads are described and hypotheses concerning the functioning of these mechanisms are explored. It is well known that bone tissue adapts its structure to its mechanical load environment. Recent research has illuminated the biological response of bone to mechanical loading at the cellular level, but the precise mechanosensory system that signals bone cells to deposit or resorb tissue has not been identified. The purpose of this paper is to describe the current status of this research and to suggest some possible mechanosensory systems by which bone cells might sense environmental loads.  相似文献   

Communication between the cells in bone underlies the way that the tissue functions physiologically, and in nearly all pathologies, the pathogenesis of skeletal diseases. The number of molecules involved in intercellular signalling in bone grows constantly and it is perhaps unsurprising that the list includes many with functions in other tissues. In recent years, evidence has accumulated to show that molecules involved in neurotransmission have paracrine roles in the skeleton. The focus of this review is the excitatory amino acid glutamate and its role in regulating bone formation and resorption. Specifically, this article will concentrate on the functional role of the system, and the reasons why mechanisms like synaptic transmission are relevant to what might appear to be a slow responding tissue, as the sites of expression of glutamate signalling components in bone have been reviewed already. While there is strong evidence for a regulatory role for glutamate in osteoblast and osteoclast differentiation and function in vitro, in vivo data is less advanced. Preliminary data from in vivo systems does however suggest that glutamate has a physiological function in the skeleton.  相似文献   

戴魁戎 《生命科学》2009,(2):208-211
生物力学主要探讨力学刺激与细胞的形态、结构和功能之间的关系。骨组织改变其形态和结构以适应力学刺激,表现为骨的适应性重建。骨的生长是骨塑形和骨重建两个过程协同作用的结果,以调整骨的形状、大小和组成,适应其所处的力学环境。骨组织工程的目的就是修复骨组织的正常生物力学功能。近年来,骨组织工程的研究主要集中于模拟骨生长的在体生理条件,从而刺激细胞形成有功能的骨组织。生物反应器能够模拟体内生理状态,为种子细胞在生物支架材料上生长提供一个适宜的力学环境。  相似文献   

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