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Atmospheric CO2 enrichment usually changes the relative contributions of plant species to biomass production of grasslands, but the types of species favored and mechanisms by which change is mediated differ among ecosystems. We measured changes in the contributions of C3 perennial forbs and C4 grasses to aboveground biomass production of tallgrass prairie assemblages grown along a field CO2 gradient (250–500 μmol mol?1) in central Texas USA. Vegetation was grown on three soil types and irrigated each season with water equivalent to the growing season mean of precipitation for the area. We predicted that CO2 enrichment would increase the forb contribution to community production, and favor tall‐grasses over mid‐grasses by increasing soil water content and reducing the frequency with which soil water fell below a limitation threshold. CO2 enrichment favored forbs over grasses on only one of three soil types, a Mollisol. The grass fraction of production increased dramatically across the CO2 gradient on all soils. Contribution of the tall‐grass Sorghastrum nutans to production increased at elevated CO2 on the two most coarse‐textured of the soils studied, a clay Mollisol and sandy Alfisol. The CO2‐caused increase in Sorghastrum was accompanied by an offsetting decline in production of the mid‐grass Bouteloua curtipendula. Increased CO2 favored the tall‐grass over mid‐grass by increasing soil water content and apparently intensifying competition for light or other resources (Mollisol) or reducing the frequency with which soil water dipped below threshold levels (Alfisol). An increase in CO2 of 250 μmol mol?1 above the pre‐industrial level thus led to a shift in the relative production of established species that is similar in magnitude to differences observed between mid‐grass and tallgrass prairies along a precipitation gradient in the central USA. By reducing water limitation to plants, atmospheric CO2 enrichment may alter the composition and even structure of grassland vegetation.  相似文献   

Continuing enrichment of atmospheric CO2 may change plant community composition, in part by altering the availability of other limiting resources including soil water, nutrients, or light. The combined effects of CO2 enrichment and altered resource availability on species flowering remain poorly understood. We quantified flowering culm and ramet production and biomass allocation to flowering culms/ramets for 10 years in C4‐dominated grassland communities on contrasting soils along a CO2 concentration gradient spanning pre‐industrial to expected mid‐21st century levels (250–500 μl/L). CO2 enrichment explained up to 77% of the variation in flowering culm count across soils for three of the five species, and was correlated with flowering culm count on at least one soil for four of five species. In contrast, allocation to flowering culms was only weakly correlated with CO2 enrichment for two species. Flowering culm counts were strongly correlated with species aboveground biomass (AGB; R2 = .34–.74), a measure of species abundance. CO2 enrichment also increased soil moisture and decreased light levels within the canopy but did not affect soil inorganic nitrogen availability. Structural equation models fit across the soils suggested species‐specific controls on flowering in two general forms: (1) CO2 effects on flowering culm count mediated by canopy light level and relative species AGB (species AGB/total AGB) or by soil moisture effects on flowering culm count; (2) effects of canopy light level or soil inorganic nitrogen on flowering and/or relative species AGB, but with no significant CO2 effect. Understanding the heterogeneity in species responses to CO2 enrichment in plant communities across soils in edaphically variable landscapes is critical to predict CO2 effects on flowering and other plant fitness components, and species potential to adapt to future environmental changes.  相似文献   

Global warming and changes in precipitation patterns can critically influence the structure and productivity of terrestrial ecosystems. However, the underlying mechanisms are not fully understood. We conducted two independent but complementary experiments (one with warming and precipitation manipulation (+ or – 30%) and another with selective plant removal) in a semiarid grassland on the Loess Plateau, northwestern China, to assess how warming and altered precipitation affect plant community. Our results showed that warming and altered precipitation affected community aboveground net primary productivity (ANPP) through impacting soil moisture. Results of the removal experiment showed competitive relationships among dominant grasses, the dominant subshrub and nondominant species, which played a more important role than soil moisture in the response of plant community to warming and altered precipitation. Precipitation addition intensified the competition but primarily benefited the dominant subshrub. Warming and precipitation reduction enhanced water stresses but increased ANPP of the dominant subshrub and grasses, indicating that plant tolerance to drought critically meditated the community responses. These findings suggest that specie competitivity for water resources as well as tolerance to environmental stresses may dominate the responses of plant communities on the Loess Plateaus to future climate change factors.  相似文献   

封育是退化草地的重要恢复措施, 理解长期封育过程中草地群落生产力和植物多样性变化特征及两者间关系, 有助于草地植被的恢复管理与利用。该研究依托宁夏云雾山国家级自然保护区典型草原长期封育演替梯度, 选择持续放牧、封育9年、26年和34年的草地群落作为研究对象, 分析其地上生产力、物种多样性和功能多样性的变化特征及内在联系。结果表明, 封育显著提高典型草原植物群落的地上生产力、凋落物生物量、功能丰富度和功能离散度, 未改变草地群落的物种丰富度、Shannon-Wiener指数和功能均匀度, 但Simpson优势度指数和Pielou均匀度指数在长期封育(34年)后显著下降。此外, 封育对不同植物群落加权平均功能性状的影响存在差异。随机森林模型和方差分解结果显示, 群落加权平均功能性状对封育草地群落地上生产力变异的解释度高达70.70%, 其中植株高度是最主要的解释因子; 功能多样性的解释度为36.86%, 主要由功能丰富度贡献; 而物种多样性的解释度仅为14.72%。由此可见, 植物功能性状和功能多样性对草地群落地上生产力的贡献远高于物种多样性, 建议将其纳入植物群落恢复演替动态研究, 以便全面了解植物多样性与生态系统功能的关系, 为更好地实现生态恢复目标奠定基础。  相似文献   

Respiration (carbon efflux) by terrestrial ecosystems is a major component of the global carbon (C) cycle, but the response of C efflux to atmospheric CO2 enrichment remains uncertain. Respiration may respond directly to an increase in the availability of C substrates at high CO2, but also may be affected indirectly by a CO2‐mediated alteration in the amount by which respiration changes per unit of change in temperature or C uptake (sensitivity of respiration to temperature or C uptake). We measured CO2 fluxes continuously during the final 2 years of a 4‐year experiment on C3/C4 grassland that was exposed to a 200–560 μmol mol?1 CO2 gradient. Flux measurements were used to determine whether CO2 treatment affected nighttime respiration rates and the response of ecosystem respiration to seasonal changes in net C uptake and air temperature. Increasing CO2 from subambient to elevated concentrations stimulated grassland respiration at night by increasing the net amount of C fixed during daylight and by increasing either the sensitivity of C efflux to daily changes in C fixation or the respiration rate in the absence of C uptake (basal ecosystem respiration rate). These latter two changes contributed to a 30–47% increase in the ratio of nighttime respiration to daytime net C influx as CO2 increased from subamient to elevated concentrations. Daily changes in net C uptake were highly correlated with variation in temperature, meaning that the shared contribution of C uptake and temperature in explaining variance in respiration rates was large. Statistically controlling for collinearity between temperature and C uptake reduced the effect of a given change in C influx on respiration. Conversely, CO2 treatment did not affect the response of grassland respiration to seasonal variation in temperature. Elevating CO2 concentration increased grassland respiration rates by increasing both net C input and respiration per unit of C input. A better understanding of how C efflux varies with substrate supply thus may be required to accurately assess the C balance of terrestrial ecosystems.  相似文献   

氮(N)沉降对陆地生态系统的结构和功能已产生了重要的影响, N也是中国北方草原植物生长和初级生产力的主要限制性元素。物种多样性和功能多样性是揭示生物多样性对生态系统功能维持机制的关键指标, 然而, 关于长期N添加下草原物种多样性与功能多样性的关系, 及其对初级生产力的影响途径及机制, 尚不十分清楚。为此, 该研究依托在内蒙古典型草原建立的长期N添加实验平台, 实验处理包括1个完全对照(不添加任何肥料)和6个N添加水平(0、1.75、5.25、10.50、17.50和28.00 g·m-2·a-1), 研究了长期N添加对典型草原物种多样性、功能多样性和初级生产力的影响大小及途径。结果表明: 1) N添加显著降低了典型草原的物种丰富度和Shannon-Wiener指数, 但对功能多样性(包括功能性状多样性指数和群落加权性状值)无显著的影响。2)结构方程模型分析表明, 功能多样性主要受物种丰富度的影响, 但是物种多样性减少并没有导致功能多样性降低, 其原因主要是功能群组成发生了改变, 即群落内多年生根茎禾草所占比例显著增加, 以致群落加权性状值变化不大。3) N通过影响物种丰富度和功能群组成, 间接影响群落加权性状值, 进而影响群落净初级生产力。其中, 群落加权性状值是最重要的影响因子, 可解释48%的初级生产力变化, 表明初级生产力主要是由群落内优势物种的生物量及功能性状所决定, 因此该研究的结果很好地支持了质量比假说。  相似文献   

The dynamics of belowground net primary productivity (BNPP) is of fundamental importance in understanding carbon (C) allocation and storage in grasslands. However, our knowledge of the interannual variability in response of BNPP to ongoing global warming is limited. In this study, we explored temporal responses of BNPP and net primary productivity (NPP) partitioning to warming and clipping in a tallgrass prairie in Oklahoma, USA. Infrared heaters were used to elevate soil temperature by approximately 2 °C since November 1999. Annual clipping was to mimic hay harvest. On average from 2005 to 2009, warming increased BNPP by 41.89% in the unclipped subplots and 66.93% in the clipped subplots, with significant increase observed in wet years. Clipping also had significant positive impact on BNPP, which was mostly found under warming. Overall, fBNPP, the fraction of BNPP to NPP, increased under both warming and clipping treatments, more in dry years. Water availability (either precipitation or soil moisture) was the most limiting factor for both BNPP and fBNPP. It strongly dominated the interannual variability in NPP, fBNPP, and their responses to warming and clipping. Our results suggest that water availability regulates tallgrass prairie's responses to warming and land use change, which may eventually influence the global C cycle. With increasing variability in future precipitation patterns, warming effects on the vegetation in this region may become less predictable.  相似文献   

Elevated atmospheric CO2 (eCO2) is expected to reduce the impacts of drought and increase photosynthetic rates via two key mechanisms: first, through decreased stomatal conductance (gs) and increased soil water content (VSWC) and second, through increased leaf internal CO2 (Ci) and decreased stomatal limitations (Slim). It is unclear if such findings from temperate grassland studies similarly pertain to warmer ecosystems with periodic water deficits. We tested these mechanisms in three important C3 herbaceous species in a periodically dry Eucalyptus woodland and investigated how eCO2‐induced photosynthetic enhancement varied with seasonal water availability, over a 3 year period. Leaf photosynthesis increased by 10%–50% with a 150 μmol mol?1 increase in atmospheric CO2 across seasons. This eCO2‐induced increase in photosynthesis was a function of seasonal water availability, given by recent precipitation and mean daily VSWC. The highest photosynthetic enhancement by eCO2 (>30%) was observed during the most water‐limited period, for example, with VSWC <0.07 in this sandy surface soil. Under eCO2 there was neither a significant decrease in gs in the three herbaceous species, nor increases in VSWC, indicating no “water‐savings effect” of eCO2. Periods of low VSWC showed lower gs (less than ≈ 0.12 mol m?2 s?1), higher relative Slim (>30%) and decreased Ci under the ambient CO2 concentration (aCO2), with leaf photosynthesis strongly carboxylation‐limited. The alleviation of Slim by eCO2 was facilitated by increasing Ci, thus yielding a larger photosynthetic enhancement during dry periods. We demonstrated that water availability, but not eCO2, controls gs and hence the magnitude of photosynthetic enhancement in the understory herbaceous plants. Thus, eCO2 has the potential to alter vegetation functioning in a periodically dry woodland understory through changes in stomatal limitation to photosynthesis, not by the “water‐savings effect” usually invoked in grasslands.  相似文献   

吴江航  李洋  王迎新  刘向  孙建 《生态学报》2024,44(2):793-804
植物生产力分配和权衡是植物生态学研究中的热点,反映植物对环境的适应性,是了解植物响应全球气候变化的关键。青藏高原作为气候变化敏感区,研究其植物地上与地下部分权衡对了解高寒草地植被生存策略和生态系统可持续发展具有重要意义。目前,生物量分配调控机制已被广泛研究,但主要使用植物根冠比和地上-地下生物量比等方法来表征植物分配模式,缺乏考虑因植物生长周期导致的差异。使用青藏高原高寒草地103个样点的地上和地下净初级生产力数据,分析高寒草甸和高寒草原两种主要草地类型的地上-地下净初级生产力权衡关系。利用气候因素和土壤因素等相关数据,结合方差分析、相关分析、相对重要性分析和结构方程模型的方法,探究环境因素对两种草地类型地上-地下净初级生产力权衡的影响机制。研究发现:(1)高寒草甸的地上净初级生产力、地下净初级生产力和土壤养分含量显著高于高寒草原(P<0.05);(2)高寒草地植被生产力均向地下权衡(0.0199),且高寒草原(0.0354)的权衡值高于高寒草甸(0.0173);(3)结构方程模型发现,年平均降水量、土壤容重和土壤速效氮含量是影响高寒草甸生产力权衡的主导因子,而年平均温度和年平均降水量是影响高寒草原生产力权衡的主导因子。研究表明高寒草甸的生产力权衡主要受气候和土壤因素共同影响,而高寒草原主要受气候因素调节。研究为理解植物地上-地下生物量分配调控机制提供了新的视角和方法,对系统了解高寒草地生物量分配模式和准确预测高寒草地植被动态过程具有指导意义。  相似文献   

不同的草原利用方式(围封、放牧和割草等)随着大气氮沉降的不断加剧, 改变了凋落物输入量。凋落物作为连接地上-地下碳循环过程的关键环节, 对草原生态系统生产力和碳循环过程影响显著。氮是草原生产力的主要限制因子, 凋落物输入量的变化对草原生态系统结构和功能的影响仍缺乏长期实验证据支持。该研究在内蒙古半干旱典型草原建立一个凋落物输入变化和氮添加控制实验平台, 通过连续6年对群落生产力和功能群组成的监测, 研究了凋落物添加与去除和氮添加对半干旱草原群落生产力和功能群组成的影响。研究发现: 1)凋落物输入量增加和氮添加均显著提高了群落生产力, 在对照和氮添加处理下, 凋落物去除处理导致生产力分别降低了8.4%和7.6%, 而凋落物添加处理使生产力分别提高了10.7%和6.3%; 2)不同植物功能群对凋落物输入变化和氮添加的响应存在差异, 导致群落功能群结构发生变化。随着凋落物输入量增加和氮添加, 群落优势功能群多年生禾草(包括多年生丛生禾草和多年生根茎禾草)的生物量显著提高, 对群落生产力的贡献增加, 在群落中的优势地位增强; 而另一优势功能群多年生杂类草生物量对凋落物和氮添加处理均无显著响应, 进而导致在氮添加处理下其对群落生物量的贡献比例显著降低; 3)凋落物输入主要改善土壤水分状况, 而氮添加则主要通过提高土壤养分含量, 促进群落生产力, 并通过影响主要功能群生物量, 导致群落结构发生变化。以上结果表明, 适当的草原管理方式如围封禁牧和降低放牧强度等都能通过增加凋落物的输入来提高草原生产力, 维持生态系统稳定性。而适量的氮等养分添加管理也有助于提高草原生产力, 促进其恢复。  相似文献   

Plants may be more sensitive to carbon dioxide (CO2) enrichment at subambient concentrations than at superambient concentrations, but field tests are lacking. We measured soil‐water content and determined xylem pressure potentials and δ13C values of leaves of abundant species in a C3/C4 grassland exposed during 1997–1999 to a continuous gradient in atmospheric CO2 spanning subambient through superambient concentrations (200–560 µmol mol2?1). We predicted that CO2 enrichment would lessen soil‐water depletion and increase xylem potentials more over subambient concentrations than over superambient concentrations. Because water‐use efficiency of C3 species (net assimilation/leaf conductance; A/g) typically increases as soils dry, we hypothesized that improvements in plant‐water relations at higher CO2 would lessen positive effects of CO2 enrichment on A/g. Depletion of soil water to 1.35 m depth was greater at low CO2 concentrations than at higher CO2 concentrations during a mid‐season drought in 1998 and during late‐season droughts in 1997 and 1999. During droughts each year, mid‐day xylem potentials of the dominant C4 perennial grass (Bothriochloa ischaemum (L.) Keng) and the dominant C3 perennial forb (Solanum dimidiatum Raf.) became less negative as CO2 increased from subambient to superambient concentrations. Leaf A/g—derived from leaf δ13C values—was insensitive to feedbacks from CO2 effects on soil water and plant water. Among most C3 species sampled—including annual grasses, perennial grasses and perennial forbs—A/g increased linearly with CO2 across subambient concentrations. Leaf and air δ13C values were too unstable at superambient CO2 concentrations to reliably determine A/g. Significant changes in soil‐ and plant‐water relations over subambient to superambient concentrations and in leaf A/g over subambient concentrations generally were not greater over low CO2 than over higher CO2. The continuous response of these variables to CO2 suggests that atmospheric change has already improved water relations of grassland species and that periodically water‐limited grasslands will remain sensitive to CO2 enrichment.  相似文献   

季节性调控资源添加对半干旱草原物种多样性与生态系统功能的影响在资源富集的条件下,物种丰富度、群落地上生产力以及群落稳定性的季节变化通常被忽视。本研究致力于探究在干旱区草原,资源添加如何在生长季的不同月份影响物种丰富度、群落地上生产力及其稳定性。我们在内蒙古草原设置了为期3年的资源添加(氮添加-N、水添加-W以及水、氮共同添加-NW)实验,利用季节性取样的方法,去检验资源添加(水、 氮)对物种丰富度、群落地上生产力及其稳定性的影响,并通过构建结构方程模型分析资源添加调控不同月份与整个生长季群落稳定性的内在机制及其相对重要性。研究结果表明,资源添加在整体上未改变5与6月的群落地上生产力,而氮与水氮共同添加显著提高了7与8月的群落地上生产力。资源添加在整体上未改变物种丰富度、物种异步性与群落稳定性。氮添加与水氮共同添加提高了7与8月的群落地上生产力,主要源于其增加了多年生丛生禾草的地上生产力。结构方程模型分析表明:在生长季前期与整个生长季,物种异步性是决定群落稳定性的主要机制;在生长季后期,多年生丛生禾草的稳定性是驱动群落稳定性的主要因子。我们的研究证明:在半干旱草原,季节与资源的有效性可以交互影响群落地上生产力及其稳定性。这些发现对于半干旱草原的季节性可持续管理具有重要意义,以期减轻土地利用与全球变化带来的影响。  相似文献   

We investigated the plant species diversity, community assemblage, net primary production and soil carbon sequestration in an old field (OF), which went through passive restoration with spontaneous secondary succession, and a restored prairie (RP), which went through active restoration with reintroduction of native plants. The passive restoration in OF did not attain as high diversity and richness of plant species as did in RP. Our NMS (nonmetric multidimensional scaling) ordination revealed a clear divergence of RP and OF vegetation with dissimilar species compositions to separate paths of succession trajectory. The spontaneous succession in OF has made very little progress due to a potentially strong inhibitory priority effect of invasive plants. The belowground biomass in the high-diversity RP was 1.3× higher than the low-diversity OF. We found no measurable difference in soil C sequestration between RP and OF at this time, possibly due to edaphic factors, lack of legumes, or both. Human intervention is needed for restoring abandoned croplands—highly disturbed, fragmented and isolated habitats—to tallgrass prairies in the U.S. Midwest. Our recommended intervention includes but is not limited to removal of exotic plants, further augmentation of native plants (particularly legumes), and periodic burns.  相似文献   

Carbon dioxide (CO2) enhancement (eCO2) and N addition (aN) have been shown to increase net primary production (NPP) and to affect water‐use efficiency (WUE) for many temperate ecosystems, but few studies have been made on subtropical tree species. This study compared the responses of NPP and WUE from a mesocosm composing five subtropical tree species to eCO2 (700 ppm), aN (10 g N m?2 yr?1) and eCO2 × aN using open‐top chambers. Our results showed that mean annual ecosystem NPP did not changed significantly under eCO2, increased by 56% under aN and 64% under eCO2 × aN. Ecosystem WUE increased by 14%, 55%, and 61% under eCO2, aN and eCO2 × aN, respectively. We found that the observed responses of ecosystem WUE were largely driven by the responses of ecosystem NPP. Statistical analysis showed that there was no significant interactions between eCO2 and aN on ecosystem NPP (= 0.731) or WUE (= 0.442). Our results showed that increasing N deposition was likely to have much stronger effects on ecosystem NPP and WUE than increasing CO2 concentration for the subtropical forests. However, different tree species responded quite differently. aN significantly increased annual NPP of the fast‐growing species (Schima superba). Nitrogen‐fixing species (Ormosia pinnata) grew significantly faster only under eCO2 × aN. eCO2 had no effects on annual NPP of those two species but significantly increased annual NPP of other two species (Castanopsis hystrix and Acmena acuminatissima). Differential responses of the NPP among different tree species to eCO2 and aN will likely have significant implications on the species composition of subtropical forests under future global change.  相似文献   

Legumes are an important component of plant diversity that modulate nitrogen (N) cycling in many terrestrial ecosystems. Limited knowledge of legume effects on soil N cycling and its response to global change factors and plant diversity hinders a general understanding of whether and how legumes broadly regulate the response of soil N availability to those factors. In a 17‐year study of perennial grassland species grown under ambient and elevated (+180 ppm) CO2 and ambient and enriched (+4 g N m?2 year?1) N environments, we compared pure legume plots with plots dominated by or including other herbaceous functional groups (and containing one or four species) to assess the effect of legumes on N cycling (net N mineralization rate and inorganic N pools). We also examined the effects of numbers of legume species (from zero to four) in four‐species mixed plots on soil N cycling. We hypothesized that legumes would increase N mineralization rates most in those treatments with the greatest diversity and the greatest relative limitation by and competition for N. Results partially supported these hypotheses. Plots with greater dominance by legumes had greater soil nitrate concentrations and mineralization rates. Higher species richness significantly increased the impact of legumes on soil N metrics, with 349% and 505% higher mineralization rates and nitrate concentrations in four‐species plots containing legumes compared to legume‐free four‐species plots, in contrast to 185% and 129% greater values, respectively, in pure legume than nonlegume monoculture plots. N‐fertilized plots had greater legume effects on soil nitrate, but lower legume effects on net N mineralization. In contrast, neither elevated CO2 nor its interaction with legumes affected net N mineralization. These results indicate that legumes markedly influence the response of soil N cycling to some, but not all, global change drivers.  相似文献   

In this paper we present a conceptual model of integrated plant-soil interactions which illustrates the importance of identifying the primary belowground feedbacks, both positive and negative, which can simultaneously affect plant growth responses to elevated CO2. The primary negative feedbacks share the common feature of reducing the amount of nutrients available to plants. These negative feedbacks include increased litter C/N ratios, and therefore reduced mineralization rates, increased immobilization of available nutrients by a larger soil microbial pool, and increased storage of nutrients in plant biomass and detritus due to increases in net primary productivity (NPP). Most of the primary positive feedbacks share the common feature of being plant mediated feedbacks, the only exception being Zak et al.'s hypothesis that increased microbial biomass will be accompanied by increased mineralization rates. Plant nutrient uptake may be increased through alterations in root architecture, physiology, or mycorrhizal symbioses. Further, the increased C/N ratios of plant tissue mean that a given level of NPP can be achieved with a smaller supply of nitrogen.Identification of the net plant-soil feedbacks to enhanced productivity with elevated CO2 are a critical first step for any ecosystem. It is necessary, however, that we first identify how universally applicable the results are from one study of one ecosystem before ecosystem models incorporate this information. The effect of elevated CO2 on plant growth (including NPP, tissue quality, root architecture, mycorrhizal symbioses) can vary greatly for different species and environmental conditions. Therefore it is reasonable to expect that different ecosystems will show different patterns of interacting positive and negative feedbacks within the plant-soil system. This inter-ecosystem variability in the potential for long-term growth responses to rising CO2 levels implies that we need to parameterize mechanistic models of the impact of elevated CO2 on ecosystem productivity using a detailed understanding of each ecosystem of interest.  相似文献   

张杰琦  李奇  任正炜  杨雪  王刚 《植物生态学报》2010,34(10):1125-1131
植物种群对有限资源的竞争是决定植物群落物种组成、多样性和生产力等群落结构和功能的主要因素。该文以青藏高原高寒草甸为研究对象, 研究了短期内不同水平的氮素添加对高寒草甸植物群落的影响。结果表明: 1)氮素添加提高了土壤中NO3--N等可利用资源的含量, 增加了植物群落植被的盖度, 减小了植被的透光率, 随着施氮量的增加, 群落中物种丰富度显著降低(p < 0.001); 2)氮素添加显著改变了植物群落的地上生产力(p < 0.05), 随着施氮量的增加, 地上生产力呈先增加后降低的变化趋势, 各功能群中禾草生物量显著增加, 而杂类草和豆科植物生物量随施氮量的增加逐渐减少; 3)物种多样性与植被透光率呈线性正相关(p < 0.05); 地上生产力与土壤NO3--N含量呈线性正相关(p < 0.05); 物种丰富度与地上生产力之间呈负相关关系。这说明短期内氮素添加通过改变土壤中NO3--N等可利用资源的含量而对植物群落物种组成和地上生产力产生影响。  相似文献   

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