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Dieffenbach  A.  Göttlein  A.  Matzner  E. 《Plant and Soil》1997,192(1):57-61
A new approach for non-destructive monitoring of soil solution chemistry in high spatial and temporal resolution for rhizosphere studies is presented. In a 5×10 mm grid, 30 micro suction cups (1mm) were installed in a rhizotron with Norway spruce (Picea abies [L.] Karst.) growing in low pH B-horizon soil. Roots grew through the grid, closely passing the suction cups. Soil solution composition before, during and after root passage was determined. For K+ and Mg2+ a significant decrease of soil solution concentration near root tips and elongation zones was observed, indicating a marked uptake of these elements. Mg2+ concentration was also significantly lowered when the root system aged, suggesting that this ion might also be taken up in older parts of the root system. No influence of growing roots was found on Na+-concentrations.  相似文献   

Tree‐ring analysis is often used to assess long‐term trends in tree growth. A variety of growth‐trend detection methods (GDMs) exist to disentangle age/size trends in growth from long‐term growth changes. However, these detrending methods strongly differ in approach, with possible implications for their output. Here, we critically evaluate the consistency, sensitivity, reliability and accuracy of four most widely used GDMs: conservative detrending (CD) applies mathematical functions to correct for decreasing ring widths with age; basal area correction (BAC) transforms diameter into basal area growth; regional curve standardization (RCS) detrends individual tree‐ring series using average age/size trends; and size class isolation (SCI) calculates growth trends within separate size classes. First, we evaluated whether these GDMs produce consistent results applied to an empirical tree‐ring data set of Melia azedarach, a tropical tree species from Thailand. Three GDMs yielded similar results – a growth decline over time – but the widely used CD method did not detect any change. Second, we assessed the sensitivity (probability of correct growth‐trend detection), reliability (100% minus probability of detecting false trends) and accuracy (whether the strength of imposed trends is correctly detected) of these GDMs, by applying them to simulated growth trajectories with different imposed trends: no trend, strong trends (?6% and +6% change per decade) and weak trends (?2%, +2%). All methods except CD, showed high sensitivity, reliability and accuracy to detect strong imposed trends. However, these were considerably lower in the weak or no‐trend scenarios. BAC showed good sensitivity and accuracy, but low reliability, indicating uncertainty of trend detection using this method. Our study reveals that the choice of GDM influences results of growth‐trend studies. We recommend applying multiple methods when analysing trends and encourage performing sensitivity and reliability analysis. Finally, we recommend SCI and RCS, as these methods showed highest reliability to detect long‐term growth trends.  相似文献   

At two forest sites in Germany (Pfaffenwinkel, Pustert) stocked with mature Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.), we investigated changes of topsoil chemistry during the recent 40 years by soil inventories conducted on replicated control plots of fertilization experiments, allowing a statistical analysis. Additionally, we monitored the nutritional status of both stands from 1964 until 2019 and quantified stand growth during the monitoring period by repeated stand inventories. Moreover, we monitored climate variables (air temperature and precipitation) and calculated annual climatic water balances from 1991 to 2019. Atmospheric nitrogen (N) and sulfur (S) deposition between 1964 and 2019 was estimated for the period 1969–2019 by combining annual deposition measurements conducted in 1985–1987 and 2004 with long‐term deposition records from long‐term forest monitoring stations. We investigated interrelations between topsoil chemistry, stand nutrition, stand growth, deposition, and climate trends. At both sites, the onset of the new millennium was a turning point of important biogeochemical processes. Topsoil acidification turned into re‐alkalinization, soil organic matter (SOM) accumulation stopped, and likely turned into SOM depletion. In the new millennium, topsoil stocks of S and plant‐available phosphorus (P) as well as S and P concentrations in Scots pine foliage decreased substantially; yet, age‐referenced stand growth remained at levels far above those expected from yield table data. Tree P and S nutrition as well as climate change (increased temperature and drought stress) have replaced soil acidification as major future challenges for both forests. Understanding of P and S cycling and water fluxes in forest ecosystems, and consideration of these issues in forest management is important for successfully tackling the new challenges. Our study illustrates the importance of long‐term forest monitoring to identify slow, but substantial changes of forest biogeochemistry driven by natural and anthropogenic global change.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigated the role of climatic variability and atmospheric nitrogen deposition in driving long‐term tree growth in canopy beech trees along a geographic gradient in the montane belt of the Italian peninsula, from the Alps to the southern Apennines. We sampled dominant trees at different developmental stages (from young to mature tree cohorts, with tree ages spanning from 35 to 160 years) and used stem analysis to infer historic reconstruction of tree volume and dominant height. Annual growth volume (GV) and height (GH) variability were related to annual variability in model simulated atmospheric nitrogen deposition and site‐specific climatic variables, (i.e. mean annual temperature, total annual precipitation, mean growing period temperature, total growing period precipitation, and standard precipitation evapotranspiration index) and atmospheric CO2 concentration, including tree cambial age among growth predictors. Generalized additive models (GAM), linear mixed‐effects models (LMM), and Bayesian regression models (BRM) were independently employed to assess explanatory variables. The main results from our study were as follows: (i) tree age was the main explanatory variable for long‐term growth variability; (ii) GAM, LMM, and BRM results consistently indicated climatic variables and CO2 effects on GV and GH were weak, therefore evidence of recent climatic variability influence on beech annual growth rates was limited in the montane belt of the Italian peninsula; (iii) instead, significant positive nitrogen deposition (Ndep) effects were repeatedly observed in GV and GH; the positive effects of Ndep on canopy height growth rates, which tended to level off at Ndep values greater than approximately 1.0 g m?2 y?1, were interpreted as positive impacts on forest stand above‐ground net productivity at the selected study sites.  相似文献   

In a Scots pine forest stand, demineralized water and a complete set of nutrients with water were applied to the soil by means of frequent irrigation for four years in order to eliminate water and nutrient shortage of the trees. Apart from this optimization, dissolved (NH4)2SO4 was irrigated at a rate of 120 kg N ha-1 y-1 to create a situation of N excess. Effect of treatments on tree growth and chemical composition of soil water and vegetation were monitored. From the first treatment year onwards basal area growth increased by ca. 35% as a result of the increased water supply. Nutrient applications increased K and P concentrations in pine needles immediately, but growth was enhanced only in the fourth treatment year and coincided with an improved K supply. Most of the applied P and K was retained in the soil, and only 6% was recovered in the vegetation. Tree nutrient status did not respond on Ca and Mg applications, whereas Ca and Mg seepage losses were increased with ca. 5 kg ha-1 y-1. The applied NH4 was mostly retained in the 0–20 cm surface soil and caused a drastic increase of Al in soil solution. Tree growth was stimulated initially by extra NH4, but was hampered after three years obviously because of a decreased P nutrition. The applied base cations were absorped to the soil and the accompanying anions were leached, thus temporarily increasing the acidification of the soil solution.  相似文献   

In this study we used recent (2010) and herbarium material (1980) of six bryophyte species to assess long‐term atmospheric deposition in natural forested areas in northern Spain. For this purpose, tissue nitrogen and carbon content, as well as δ13C and δ15N signatures of samples of Hypnum cupressiforme, Polytrichastrum formosum, Leucobryum juniperoideum, Rhytidiadelphus loreus, Homalothecium lutescens and Diplophyllum albicans were analysed and comparisons made between years and species. In addition, the usefulness of each of the six species was evaluated. The range of values observed was similar to that in other studies carried out in rural areas. Significantly lower values were found in 2010 for N (H. cupressiforme), δ15N (R. loreus and D. albicans), C (R. loreus) and δ13C (all except L. juniperoideum). Our natural areas are thus now less influenced by atmospheric pollutants than they were, most probably due to changes in some traditional local activities. Differences were observed between species for all the four parameters studied, so different species must not be analysed together. Finally, R. loreus and H. lutescens seem to be good bioindicators, sensitive even with a few samples, although further studies are needed to corroborate their usefulness.  相似文献   

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