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Summary Fifty-two introgression lines (BC2F8) from crosses between two Oryza sativa parents and five accessions of O. officinalis were analyzed for the introgression of O. officinalis chromosome segments. DNA from the parents and introgression lines was analyzed with 177 RFLP markers located at approximately 10-cM intervals over the rice chromosomes. Most probe/enzyme combinations detected RFLPs between the parents. Of the 174 informative markers, 28 identified putative O. officinalis introgressed chromosome segments in 1 or more of the introgression lines. Introgressed segments were found on 11 of the 12 rice chromosomes. In most cases of introgression, O. sativa RFLP alleles were replaced by O. officinalis alleles. Introgressed segments were very small in size and similar in plants derived from early and later generations. Some nonconventional recombination mechanism may be involved in the transfer of such small chromosomal segments from O. officinalis chromosomes to those of O. sativa. Some of the introgressed segments show association with genes for brown planthopper (BPH) resistance in some introgressed lines, but not in others. Thus, none of the RFLP markers could be unambiguously associated with BPH resistance.  相似文献   

Crosses were made between four varieties (Mahsuri, Setanjung, MR84 and MR103) of Oryza sativa L. (2n=24, AA) and one accession of O. minuta (2n= 8, BBCC). The seed set obtained ranged between 9.5% and 25.1% depending on the rice variety used. By rescuing 14-day-old embryos and culturing them on 25%-strength MS medium we obtained a total of 414 F1 hybrids. The F1s were vigorous, tillered profusely, were perennial and male-sterile. The hybrids were triploid (ABC) with 36 chromosomes and showed irregular meiosis. The average frequency and range of chromosome associations at metaphase I or early anaphase I pollen mother cells of F1 plants were 29.31(16–36) Is +3.32(0–10) IIs+0.016(0–1) IIIs+0.002(0–1) IVs. Upon backcrossing the original triploid hybrids and colchicine-treated hybrids to their respective recurrent parents, and further embryo rescue, 17 backcross-1 (BC1) plants were obtained. Of all the crosses using MR84, no BC1 plant was obtained even after pollinating 13 894 spikelets of the triploid hybrid. The BC1s were similar in appearence to the F1s and were male-sterile, their chromosome number ranged from 44 to 48. By backcrossing these BC1s and nurturing them through embryo rescue, we obtained 32 BC2 plants. Of these, however, only 18 plants grew vigorously. One of these plants has 24 chromosomes and the other 17 have chromosome numbers ranging between 30 and 37. The 24-chromosome plant was morphologically similar to the O. sativa parent and was partially fertile with a pollen and spikelet fertility of 58.8% and 12.5% respectively. All of the F1 and BC1 plants were found to be resistant to five Malaysian isolates (XO66, XO99, XO100, XO257 and XO319) of Xanthomonas campestris pv oryzae. Amongst the BC2s, the reaction varied from resistant to moderately susceptible. The 24-chromosome BC2 plant was resistant to the four isolates and moderately resistant to isolate XO100 to which the O. sativa parent was susceptible.Part of PhD thesis submitted by first author to Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Bangi  相似文献   

Oryza australiensis, a diploid wild relative of cultivated rice, is an important source of resistance to brown planthopper (BPH) and bacterial blight (BB). Interspecific hybrids between three breeding lines of O. sativa (2n=24, AA) and four accessions of O. australiensis (2n=24, EE) were obtained through embryo rescue. The crossability ranged from 0.25% to 0.90%. The mean frequency of bivalents at diakinesis/metaphase I in F1 hybrids (AE) was 2.29 to 4.85 with a range of 0–8 bivalents. F1 hybrids were completely male sterile. We did not obtain any BC1 progenies even after pollinating 20,234 spikelets of AE hybrids with O. sativa pollen. We crossed the artificially induced autotetraploid of an elite breeding line (IR31917-45-3-2) with O. australiensis (Acc. 100882) and, following embryo rescue, produced six F1 hybrid plants (AAE). These triploid hybrids were backcrossed to O. sativa. The chromosome number of 16 BC1 plants varied from 28 to 31, and all were male sterile. BC2 plants had 24–28 chromosomes. Eight monosomic alien addition lines (MAALs) having a 2n chromosome complement of O. sativa and one chromosome of O. australiensis were selected from the BC2 F2 progenies. The MAALs resembled the primary trisomies of O. sativa in morphology, and on the basis of this morphological similarity the MAALs were designated as MAAL-1, -4, -5, -7, -9, -10, -11, and -12. The identity of the alien chromosome was verified at the pachytene stage of meiosis. The alien chromosomes paired with the homoeologous pairs to form trivalents at a frequency of 13.2% to 24.0% at diakinesis and 7.5% to 18.5% at metaphase I. The female transmission rates of alien chromosomes varied from 4.2% to 37.2%, whereas three of the eight MAALs transmitted the alien chromosome through the male gametes. BC2 progenies consisting of disomic and aneuploid plants were examined for the presence of O. australiensis traits. Alien introgression was detected for morphological traits, such as long awns, earliness, and Amp-3 and Est-2 allozymes. Of the 600 BC2 F4 progenies 4 were resistant to BPH and 1 to race 6 of BB. F3 segregation data suggest that earliness is a recessive trait and that BPH resistance is monogenic recessive in two of the four lines but controlled by a dominant gene in the other two lines.  相似文献   

Oryza latifolia, a tetraploid wild relative of cultivated rice is an important source of resistance to bacterial blight (BB), the brown planthopper (BPH) and the whitebacked planthopper (WBPH). Interspecific hybrids were obtained between an elite breeding line (IR31917-45-3-2) of Oryza sativa (2n=24 AA) and O. latifolia Acc. No. 100914 (2n=48 CCDD). The crossability in F1 was 7.58% and it ranged from 0.11 to 0.62 in backcross generations. The F1 hybrid showed 2-6 II, 0-2 III, 0-1 IV and 22-32 I; the mean being 3.92 II + 0.11 III + 0.02 IV + 27.30 I per cell at diakinesis. Monosomic alien addition lines (MAALs) having a 2n chromosome complement of O. sativa and one chromosome of O. latifolia were characterized based on morphology and isozyme banding pattern. The MAALs were designated as MAAL-1, MAAL-2, MAAL-4, MAAL-5, MAAL-6, MAAL-7, MAAL-8, MAAL-9, MAAL-10, MAAL-11 and MAAL-12. The female transmission rates of the alien chromosome varied from 4.4 to 35.5%, whereas 8 of the 11 MAALs transmitted the alien chromosome through the male gamete, the range being 1.7% (MAAL 10) to 11.9% (MAAL 12). Disomic progenies in BC3 and BC4 generations had complete resemblance to the O. sativa parent. Of the 2,295 disomic BC3F3 progenies, 309 showed introgression for resistance to BPH and 188 each for WBPH and BB resistance. Four plant progenies which were resistant to both BPH and WBPH were also resistant to BB race 2 of the Philippines. Nine of the 34 BC3F1 plants showed introgression for ten allozymes of O. latifolia, such as Est5, Amp1, Pgi1, Mdh3, Pgi2, Amp3, Pgd2, Est9, Amp2 and Sdh1, located on 8 of the 12 chromosomes. Alien introgression was also detected for morphological traits such as long awns, earliness, black hull, purple stigma and apiculus. Abnormal plants with many wild-species traits suddenly appeared in normal disomic progenies. These plants showing instability and abnormal segregation behaviour are being investigated for the activation of transposons.  相似文献   

Summary Sterile AC hybrids between cultivated Oryza sativa (AA) and a distant wild species, O. officinalis (CC), were backcross to O. sativa. Most of the BC1 progenies were allotriploid (AAC), a few were hypotriploid. AAC progenies were again backcrossed to O. sativa. BC2 progenies consisting of disomic or aneuploid individuals were examined for the presence of O. officinalis traits. Eleven different traits from O. officinalis were identified in these progenies. Segregation data in the subsequent generations suggest that these traits are monogenic in nature. Two of these genes — for resistance to BPH and WBPH — are of value in rice improvement. The extremely low recovery of recombinant progenies is in agreement with the very low amount of pairing between A and C genomes. Because of this restricted recombination, the genotype of the recurrent parent was reconstituted after two backcrosses only. Thus, the BC2 progenies look remarkably similar to O. sativa. Most of them are stable and fertile and also interfertile with other O. sativa breeding lines. Some of the BPH-and WBPH-resistant progenies are comparable in yield to the best O. sativa parents and are being evaluated as varietal possibilities.  相似文献   

Summary Five mutant lines of rice with increased amylose content in starch granules were identified among floury endosperm mutants. The amylose contents of the mutants ranged from 29.4% to 35.4% and were about twice as high as that of the normal counterpart. Starch properties of the high amylose mutants were analyzed by column chromatography, X-ray diffractometry, photopastegraphy and scanning electron microscopy. The high amylose mutants produced longer unit chains of amylopectin than those of the normal counterpart as well as an increased amount of amylose. A X-ray diffractogram of starch in the mutant was characterized by a type B pattern, while that in the normal counterpart showed a type A pattern which is typical for starches of common cereals. The temperatures at the initiation of gelatinization of the mutants were much higher than that for the normal counterpart. The endosperm cells of the mutant were loosely packed with irregular round-shaped starch granules, whereas those of the normal counterpart were densely packed with polyhedral starch granules. Judging from the results obtained, it was concluded that starch properties of the high amylose mutants of rice were similar to those of the amylose-extender (ae) mutant of maize.  相似文献   

Two new loci for hybrid sterility in cultivated rice (Oryza sativa L.)   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
Female gamete abortion in Indica-Japonica crosses of rice was earlier identified to be due to an allelic interaction at the S-5 locus on chromosome 6. Recently, in other crosses of rice, similar allelic interactions were found at loci designated as S-7 and S-8, located on chromosomes 7 and 6 respectively. All of them are independent of each other. At the S-5 locus, Indica and Japonica rice have S-5 i and S-5 j alleles respectively and Javanicas, such as Ketan Nangka, have a neutral allele S-5 n .The S-5 i /S-5 j genotype is semi-sterile due to partial abortion of female gametes carrying S-5 j , but both the S-5 n /S-5 i and S-5 n /S-5 j genotypes are fertile. The S-5 n allele is thus a wide-compatibility gene (WCG), and parents homozygous for this allele are called wide-compatible varieties (WCV). Such parents when crossed with Indica or Japonica varieties do not show F1 hybrid sterility. Wide-compatible parents have been used to overcome sterility barriers in crosses between Indica and Japonica rice. However, a Javanica variety, Ketan Nangka (WCV), showed typical hybrid sterility when crossed to the Indian varieties N22 and Jaya. Further, Dular, another WCV from India, showed typical hybrid sterility when crossed to an IRRI line, IR2061-628-1-6-4-3(IR2061-628). By genetic analyses using isozyme markers, a new locus causing hybrid sterility in crosses between Ketan Nangka and the Indicas was located near isozyme loci Est-1 and Mal-1 on chromosome 4, and was designated as S-9. Another new locus for hybrid sterility in the crosses between Dular and the IR2061-628 was identified and was found linked to four isozyme loci, Sdh-1, Pox-2, Acp-1 and Acp-2, on chromosome 12. It was designated as S-15. On the basis of allelic interactions causing female-gamete abortion, two alleles were found at S-9, S-9 kn in Ketan Nangka and S-9 i in N22 and Jaya. In the heterozygote, S-9 kn /S-9 i , which was semisterile, female gametes carrying S-9 kn were aborted. The hybrid of Dular and IR2061-628, with a genetic constitution of S-15 Du /S-15 i , was semi-sterile and the female gametes carrying S-15 Du were aborted. A Japonica tester variety, Akihikari, and an Indica variety, IR36, were found to have neutral alleles, S-9 nand S-15 n, at these loci, in addition to S-7 nand at S-7. The accumulation of three neutral alleles into a breeding line should help solve the hybrid sterility problem in wide crosses of rice.  相似文献   

The genomic DNA clone RG28, linked to the major fragrance gene of rice (fgr), was assessed for polymorphism in order to produce a PCR-based marker for fragrance. A small mono-nucleotide repeat, that was polymorphic between a pair of fragrant and non-fragrant cultivars, was identified and developed into a co-dominant PCR-based marker. The polymorphism-information-content determinations for three microsatellite markers, that have been genetically mapped near RG28, are also presented. These PCR-based markers will be highly useful in distinguishing fragrance-producing alleles from non-fragrance-producing alleles at the fgr locus. Received: 19 October 1999 / Accepted: 16 December 1999  相似文献   

Summary The genetics of submergence tolerance in rice was studied in a 10 × 10 half-diallel cross set involving 10 lowland rice varieties, four of which were tolerant (FR13A, FR43B, Kurkaruppan, and Goda Heenati) and the remaining six were nontolerant (RD19, IR42, IR17494-32-1, IR19672-24-3, Jagannath, and CR1009). Estimates of genetic parameters following Hayman's method showed significant additive and nonadditive gene action and the latter appeared to be solely due to dominance. Narrow sense heritability (0.70) indicated that additive gene effects were more important in the inheritance of the trait. Tolerance was dominant over nontolerance and the average dominance was within the range of incomplete dominance. Dominant alleles were more concentrated in the three tolerant parents, FR13A, Kurkaruppan, and FR43B in that order. Wr/Vr graphic analysis suggested the involvement of both major and minor genes. Combining ability analysis by Griffing's method also indicated significance of both additive and nonadditive effects, and the former appeared to be more important than the latter. The hybrids involving FR13A with RD19, IR42, and IR17494-32-1, and those of Kurkaruppan with RD19 and CR1009 appeared to be promising for incorporating an adequate level of tolerance to submergence into lowland rice cultivars.  相似文献   

During routine seed increase procedures in rice, semi-sterile plants are common; however, such semi-sterility mutants in rice varieties have been only rarely analyzed genetically. W207-2 is a semi-sterile selection from the japonica rice variety Nipponbare. In this report, we found the female gamete of W207-2 was normal, and its semi-sterility was unaffected by growth duration but was conditioned by a recessive nuclear gene whose action leads to pollen semi-sterility and anther indehiscence, and the gene was named as pss1 (pollen semi-sterile). Using an F2 population derived from the two parents W207-2 and Dular and a pooled DNA strategy, pss1 was mapped to an interval on chromosome 8 defined by the two SSR loci RM6356 and RS41. The position of pss1 was confirmed in another F2 population derived from the cross W207-2 × Nipponbare. Over 2,000 homozygous pss1 segregants from the large W207-2 × Dular F2 population were used to fine map pss1 to a 0.04 cM segment flanked by a CAPs marker L2 and a dCAPs L3 marker. Sequences for both markers are present on a single PAC clone, and the physical distance between them is about 28 kb. Analysis of the PAC sequence predicts the presence of five open reading frames, they are as follows: putative ribonuclease PH, putative avr9 elicitor response protein, kinesin1-like protein, putative protein RNP-D precursor and putative 40S ribosomal protein S13. This result would be helpful in cloning the pss1 gene.  相似文献   

Introgression lines (ILs) are useful tools for precise mapping of quantitative trait loci (QTLs) and the evaluation of gene action or interaction in theoretical studies. A set of 159 ILs carrying variant introgressed segments from Chinese common wild rice (Oryza rufipogon Griff.), collected from Dongxiang county, Jiangxi Province, in the background of Indica cultivar (Oryza sativa L.), Guichao 2, was developed using 126 polymorphic simple sequence repeats (SSR) loci. The 159 ILs represented 67.5% of the genome of O. rufipogon. All the ILs have the proportions of the recurrent parent ranging from 92.4 to 99.9%, with an average of 97.4%. The average proportion of the donor genome for the BC4F4 population was about 2.2%. The mean numbers of homozygous and heterozygous donor segments were 2 (ranging 0–8) and 1 (ranging 0–7), respectively, and the majority of these segments had sizes less than 10 cM. QTL analysis was conducted based on evaluation of yield-related traits of the 159 ILs at two sites, in Beijing and Hainan. For 6 out of 17 QTLs identified at two sites corresponding to three traits (panicles per plant, grains per panicle and filled grains per plant, respectively), the QTLs derived from O. rufipogon were usually associated with an improvement of the target trait, although the overall phenotypic characters of O. rufipogon were inferior to that of the recurrent parent. Of the 17 QTLs, 5 specific QTLs strongly associated with more than one trait were observed. Further analysis of the high-yielding and low-yielding ILs revealed that the high-yielding ILs contained relatively less introgressed segments than the low-yielding ILs, and that the yield increase or decrease was mainly due to the number of grain. On the other hand, low-yielding ILs contained more negative QTLs or disharmonious interactions between QTLs which masked trait-enchancing QTLs. These ILs will be useful in identifying the traits of yield, tolerance to low temperature and drought stress, and detecting favorable genes of common wild rice.  相似文献   

Lee SC  Lee MY  Kim SJ  Jun SH  An G  Kim SR 《Molecules and cells》2005,19(2):212-218
A full-length 1.1 kb cDNA, designated Oryza sativa Dehydrin 1 (OsDhn1), was isolated from the seed coat of rice. The deduced protein is hydrophilic and has three K-type and one S-type motifs (SK3-type), indicating that OsDhn1 belongs to the acidic dehydrin family, which includes wheat WCOR410 and Arabidopsis COR47. Expression of OsDhn1 was strongly induced by low temperature as well as by drought. Induction of OsDhn1 by cold stress was clearcut in the roots of seedlings and the epidermis of palea and lemma. OsDhn1 was also up-regulated in UBI::CBF1/DREB1b transgenic plants indicating that it is regulated by the CBF/DREB stress signaling pathway.  相似文献   

A rice nuclear gene, Rf-1, restores the pollen fertility disturbed by the BT-type male sterile cytoplasm, and is widely used for commercial seed production of japonica hybrid varieties. Genomic fragments carrying Rf-1 were identified by conducting chromosome walking and a series of complementation tests. Isolation and analysis of cDNA clones corresponding to the fragments demonstrated that Rf-1 encodes a mitochondrially targeted protein containing 16 repeats of the 35-aa pentatricopeptide repeat (PPR) motif. Sequence analysis revealed that the recessive allele, rf-1, lacks one nucleotide in the putative coding region, presumably resulting in encoding a truncated protein because of a frame shift. Rice Rf-1 is the first restorer gene isolated from cereal crops that has the property of reducing the expression of the cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS)-associated mitochondrial gene like many other restorer genes. The present findings may facilitate not only elucidating the mechanisms of male sterility by the BT cytoplasm and its restoration by Rf-1 but also isolating other restorer genes from cereal crops, especially rice.  相似文献   

水稻线粒体丝氨酸羟甲基转移酶基因的电子克隆   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
采用基于EST的电子克隆方法得到了一段长1611bp的cDNA序列,以此为信息探针搜索HTGs数据库,找到一个与之高度匹配的基因组DNA序列——OSJNBa0057G07克隆。用FGENESH分析该克隆中的联配区域得到一个包含14个外显子和13个内含子的基因。该基因位于水稻第3染色体物理图谱的136.0~137.6cM区域。推导的ORF编码498个氨基酸,经BLASTP搜索SWISS-PROT数据库和蛋白序列的亚细胞定位显示,该基因编码水稻的线粒体丝氨酸羟甲基转移酶(mSHMT)。该基因受到EST序列的完全支持,其中不乏来自盐胁迫、稻瘟病菌侵染等逆境处理的EST序列,推测该基因与水稻对逆境的应答反应有关。  相似文献   

The structural development of glasshouse-grown rice Oryza sativa L. var. Nerica 1 was studied in relation to its stability against lodging. The morphology and mechanical properties of both the stem and roots were examined from tillering, 4 weeks after transplantation up to maturity, together with plant weight distribution and anchorage strength. The "factors of safety" against root and stem failure were subsequently calculated throughout development. Rice plants showed similar morphology to wheat, although they possessed around twice as many tillers per plant and 10 times as many coronal roots. The mechanics of anchorage were also similar. The strength and rigidity of individual tillers increased throughout development as the plants grew taller and heavier and were around 15 times greater than in wheat. By contrast, individual root bending strength, the number of roots, and the anchorage strength levelled off earlier, and anchorage strength was only around twice that in wheat. Consequently, while the self-weight safety factor against stem failure was much higher than in wheat, increasing until late on in development from around 30 to 150, the self-weight safety factor against root anchorage failure was similar to wheat, decreasing from around 15 to 5. Consequently, plants subjected to anchorage tests always failed in their root system rather than their shoot system. The results suggest that, in the field, rice plants would be more likely to undergo root lodging than stem lodging, and that breeding efforts to reduce the incidence of lodging should act to strengthen the rather weak coronal roots.  相似文献   

Four multiplex panels of fluorescent-labeled rice microsatellite markers were designed to survey allelic diversity at a total of 27 simple sequence repeat loci. Automated fragment detection, size calling and binning were used to identify the microsatellite alleles. The panels were tested on 72 accessions representing the diversity of ecotypes and isozyme groups in cultivated rice ( Oryza sativa L.). Genetic diversity was evaluated by estimating the distribution and range of allele sizes, as well as the polymorphism information content (PIC), for each microsatellite locus. The multiplex panels were shown to be useful for fingerprinting and for clustering rice varieties, and genetic associations determined in this analysis agreed well with previous isozyme- and RFLP-based studies of these genotypes. Because of the wide cross-section of germplasm represented, we expect that the allele size-ranges reported here are close to the maximum for cultivated rice. In the future, panels of microsatellites from each rice chromosome will be made to facilitate the mapping of segregating populations and the identification of genes and QTLs underlying traits of interest.  相似文献   

Summary Oryza minuta J. S. Presl ex C. B. Presl is a tetraploid wild rice with resistance to several insects and diseases, including blast (caused by Pyricularia grisea) and bacterial blight (caused by Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae). To transfer resistance from the wild species into the genome of cultivated rice (Oryza sativa L.), backcross progeny (BC1, BC2, and BC3) were produced from interspecific hybrids of O. sativa cv IR31917-45-3-2 (2n=24, AA genome) and O. minuta Acc. 101141 (2n=48, BBCC genomes) by backcrossing to the O. sativa parent followed by embryo rescue. The chromosome numbers ranged from 44 to 47 in the BC1 progeny and from 24 to 37 in the BC2 progeny. All F1 hybrids were resistant to both blast and bacterial blight. One BC1 plant was moderately susceptible to blast while the rest were resistant. Thirteen of the 16 BC2 progeny tested were resistant to blast; 1 blast-resistant BC2, plant 75-1, had 24 chromosomes. A 3 resistant: 1 susceptible segregation ratio, consistent with the action of a major, dominant gene, was observed in the BC2F2 and BC2F3 generations. Five of the BC1 plants tested were resistant to bacterial blight. Ten of the 21 BC2 progeny tested were resistant to Philippine races 2, 3, and 6 of the bacterial blight pathogen. One resistant BC2, plant 78-1, had 24 chromosomes. The segregation of reactions of the BC2F2, BC2F3, and BC2F4 progenies of plant 78-1 suggested that the same or closely linked gene(s) conferred resistance to races 2, 3, 5, and 6 of the bacterial blight pathogen from the Philippines.  相似文献   

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