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The taxonomic status of Rhinolophus macrotis sensu lato (s.l.) in Vietnam and adjacent territories remains problematic. To address this issue, we performed an integrated study of morphological, acoustic, and genetic characters of R. macrotis s.l. specimens and compared these with sympatric species within the philippinensis group (R. marshalli, R. paradoxolophus, and R. rex). Our results reveal that in addition to a cryptic species of R. macrotis previously found in Jiangxi and Jingmen, China, R. macrotis s.l. in continental Asia includes three further species, namely R. cf. siamensis, R. cf. macrotis, and R. cf. macrotis “Phia Oac.” These four taxa are distinguished from genuine R. macrotis in Nepal and R. siamensis in Thailand by their morphological and/or genetic features. Further taxonomic evaluation of the subspecies of R. macrotis s.l. is needed to determine their affinities with recently recognized cryptic species and to possibly describe new taxa. Our results also show that interspecific divergences in mitochondrial DNA sequences (Cytb and COI genes) among taxa within the philippinensis group (particularly between R. cf. siamensis/R. cf. macrotis and R. rex/R. paradoxolophus) are significantly lower than those of other morphological groups in the genus. These phylogenetic patterns might be explained by recent allopatric speciation or ancient introgression events among ancestors of the taxa during the Pleistocene. However, further investigations including genetic analyses of nuclear genes are needed to test the latter hypothesis.  相似文献   

Ulva Linnaeus (Ulvophyceae, Ulvales) is a genus of green algae widespread in different aquatic environments. Members of this genus show a very simple morphology and a certain degree of phenotypic plasticity, heavily influenced by environmental conditions, making difficult the delineation of species by morphological features alone. Most studies dealing with Ulva biodiversity in Mediterranean waters have been based only on morphological characters and a modern taxonomic revision of this genus in the Mediterranean is not available. We report here the results of an investigation on the diversity of Ulva in the North Adriatic Sea based on molecular analyses. Collections from three areas, two of which subject to intense shipping traffic, were examined, as well as historical collections of Ulva stored in the Herbarium Patavinum of the University of Padova, Italy. Molecular analyses based on partial sequences of the rbcL and tufA genes revealed the presence of six different species, often with overlapping morphologies: U. californica Wille, U. flexuosa Wulfen, U. rigida C. Agardh, U. compressa Linnaeus, U. pertusa Kjellman, and one probable new taxon. U. californica is a new record for the Mediterranean and U. pertusa is a new record for the Adriatic. Partial sequences obtained from historical collections show that most of the old specimens are referable to U. rigida. No specimens referable to the two alien species were found among the old herbarium specimens. The results indicate that the number of introduced seaweed species and their impact on Mediterranean communities have been underestimated, due to the difficulties in species identification of morphologically simple taxa as Ulva.  相似文献   

In species differentiation, characters may not diverge synchronously, and there are also processes that shuffle character states in lineages descendant from a common ancestor. Species are thus expected to show some degree of incongruence among characters; therefore, taxonomic delimitation can benefit from integrative approaches and objective strategies that account for character conflict. We illustrate the potential of exploiting conflict for species delimitation in a study case of ground beetles of the subgenus Carabus (Mesocarabus), where traditional taxonomy does not accurately delimit species. The molecular phylogenies of four mitochondrial and three nuclear genes, cladistic analysis of the aedeagus, ecological niche divergence and morphometry of pronotal shape in more than 500 specimens of Mesocarabus show that these characters are not fully congruent. For these data, a three‐step operational strategy is proposed for species delimitation by (i) delineating candidate species based on the integration of incongruence among conclusive lines of evidence, (ii) corroborating candidate species with inconclusive lines of evidence and (iii) refining a final species proposal based on an integrated characterization of candidate species based on the evolutionary analysis of incongruence. This procedure provided a general understanding of the reticulate process of hybridization and introgression acting on Mesocarabus and generated the hypothesis of seven Mesocarabus species, including two putative hybrid lineages. Our work emphasizes the importance of incorporating critical analyses of character and phylogenetic conflict to infer both the evolutionary history and species boundaries through an integrative taxonomic approach.  相似文献   

Leucobryum boninense is endemic to the Bonin Islands, Japan, and its related species are widely distributed in Asia and the Pacific. We aimed to clarify the phylogenetic relationships among Leucobryum species and infer the origin of L. boninense. We also describe the utility of the chloroplast trnK intron including matK for resolving the phylogenetic relationships among Leucobryum species, as phylogenetic analyses using trnK intron and/or matK have not been performed well in bryophytes to date. Fifty samples containing 15 species of Leucobryum from Asia and the Pacific were examined for six chloroplast DNA regions including rbcL, rps4, partial 5′ trnK intron, matK, partial 3′ trnK intron, and trnLF intergenic spacer plus one nuclear DNA region including ITS. A molecular phylogenetic tree showed that L. boninense made a clade with L. scabrum from Japan, Taiwan and, Hong Kong; L. javense which is widely distributed in East and Southeast Asia, and L. pachyphyllum and L. seemannii restricted to the Hawaii Islands, as well as with L. scaberulum from the Ryukyus, Japan, Taiwan, and southeastern China. Leucobryum boninense from various islands of the Bonin Islands made a monophylic group that was closely related to L. scabrum and L. javense from Japan. Therefore, Lboninense may have evolved from L. scabrum from Japan, Taiwan, or Hong Kong, or L. javense from Japan. We also described the utility of trnK intron including matK. A percentage of the parsimony‐informative characters in trnK intron sequence data (5.8%) was significantly higher than that from other chloroplast regions, rbcL (2.4%) and rps4 (3.2%) sequence data. Nucleotide sequence data of the trnK intron including matK are more informative than other chloroplast DNA regions for identifying the phylogenetic relationships among Leucobryum species.  相似文献   

Phylogeny of birch mice is estimated using sequences of ten nuclear genes and one mitochondrial gene. Based on the results of tree reconstructions and molecular dating, five major lineages are recognized: “tianschanica,” “concolor,” “caudata,” “betulina,” and “caucasica.” It is established that the three latter lineages constitute a clade and that the long‐tailed birch mouse Sicista caudata is the sister group of the “caucasica” lineage. The “tianschanica” lineage is placed as the sister branch to all other species, however, with insufficient support. The cytochrome b tree is generally concordant with the nuclear topology. The molecular clock results suggest that the radiation among the main lineages occurred in the Late Miocene–Early Pliocene (6.0–4.7 Mya). The correspondence between molecular dating and the fossil record is discussed. Based on nuclear data, a high level of divergence between cryptic species in the “tianschanica” lineage is confirmed. Mitochondrial and nuclear data suggest the existence of a potential cryptic species within Sicista strandi.  相似文献   

We investigated the usefulness of mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase (COI) DNA barcoding of the genus Bradysia for the detection of immature stages and cryptic species complex. Although the larvae of some species in this genus are agricultural pests, immature stages are rarely identified due to the lack of key morphological characteristics. We constructed partial sequences of the COI gene for 25 species of Bradysia as a first step towards a DNA barcode. Using these data, Bradysia impatiens, B. procera and Bperaffinis were identified from larval specimens collected, respectively, from paprika, ginseng and oak sawdust beds used for cultivating shiitake. Our findings reveal a complex of three species within the Btilicola group. These species were all identified as important pest Bocellaris based on the morphology of male genital structures; however, the interspecific genetic divergence of the COI region was significantly greater (16.1–19.4%) than the intraspecific variation in each species. Therefore, Bocellaris may consist of at least three species. The results demonstrate that COI DNA barcodes are useful for Bradysia species identification.  相似文献   

Only a few species belonging to the Proseriata (Platyhelminthes) show a parenchymatic pigmentation, which may aid identification. Among these, Pseudomonocelis agilis has a yellowish body and is provided with a reddish–brown girdle in front of the statocyst. The species is known for limited areas of northern Europe and the Mediterranean. The present study was conducted to assess both the taxonomic status of populations attributed to the species across the unusually wide range for an interstitial flatworm, which lacks an obvious means of dispersal, and the levels of genetic variability within and among populations, by employing an integrative approach that included the analyses, on six populations, of three molecular markers (small subunit ribosomal 18S‐like gene, inter‐simple sequence repeat, allozymes), karyotypes, and 11 morphological characters. Furthermore, crossbreeding experiments were carried out on the Mediterranean populations. The results obtained revealed the existence of four highly divergent genotypic clusters, accompanied by karyological differences, with complete intersterility among the clusters tested. The combination of approaches adopted strongly supports the conclusion that the wide‐ranging European pigmented species P. agilis is actually composed of four species: P. agilis in the Baltic area; Pseudomonocelis cetinae in the Adriatic; and Pseudomonocelis sp. nov. A and Pseudomonocelis sp. nov. B in the western and eastern Mediterranean, respectively. The latter two species are morphologically indistinguishable for the parameters essayed. Reconstruction of the phylogenetic relationships of these taxa, including congeneric and consubfamilial outgroups, showed that pigmentation is a plesiomorphic condition for the genus Pseudomonocelis and that Pseudomonocelis sp. nov. A shares a previously undetected, sister‐group relationship with species of the unpigmented P. ophiocephala complex. The present study thus depicts complex speciation processes in a mesopsammic species, which involves allopatric divergence operating on different scales and ecological shifts, and highlights that the contribution of microturbellarians to marine biodiversity may be seriously underestimated. © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 98 , 907–922.  相似文献   

Ninety‐two strains of Microcoleus vaginatus (=nomenclatural‐type species of the genus Microcoleus Desmazières ex Gomont) and Phormidium autumnale Trevisan ex Gomont from a wide diversity of regions and biotopes were examined using a combination of morphological and molecular methods. Phylogenies based on the 16S rDNA and 16S‐23S ITS (partial) demonstrated that the 92 strains, together with a number of strains in GenBank, were members of a highly supported monophyletic clade of strains (Bayesian posterior probability = 1.0) distant from the species‐cluster containing the generitype of Phormidium. Similarity of the 16S rRNA gene exceeded 95.5% among all members of the Microcoleus clade, but was less than 95% between any Microcoleus strains and species outside of the clade (e.g., Phormidium sensu stricto). These findings, which are in agreement with earlier studies on these taxa, necessitate the revision of Microcoleus to include P. autumnale. Furthermore, the cluster of Phormidium species in the P. autumnale group (known as Group VII) must be moved into Microcoleus as well, and these nomenclatural transfers are included in this study. The main diacritical characters defining Microcoleus are related to the cytomorphology of trichomes, including: narrowed trichome ends, calyptra, cells shorter than wide up to more or less isodiametric, and facultative presence of sheaths. The majority of species are 4–10 μm in diameter. The possession of multiple trichomes in a common sheath is present facultatively in many but not all species.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships, taxonomy and nomenclature issues within East Asian voles Alexandromys were addressed using comprehensive species samples, including all 12 valid species of the genus, and multilocus analysis. We examined the mitochondrial cytochrome b (cytb) gene and three nuclear genes in 36 specimens. Additionally, we examined a data set of 106 specimens using only the cytb gene. Our results did not confirm the aggregation of A. kikuchii, A. montebelli and A. oeconomus into a separate clade, namely the subgenus Pallasiinus. Analysis of incomplete lineage sorting using JML software highlighted both the cases of mitochondrial introgression and incomplete lineage sorting within the genus. Thus, the sister position of A. sachalinensis and A. maximowiczii in mitochondrial trees could be explained by mitochondrial introgression, while the sister position of A. limnophilus and A. fortis in mitochondrial trees could be successfully explained by incomplete lineage sorting. Very short genetic distances, together with an absence of monophyly, of the three species, A. evoronensis, A. mujanensis and A. maximowiczii, is supported by multiple morphological data, which indicates that these three taxa should be one species—A. maximowiczii. Analysis of genetic distances and tree topology revealed that three species of short‐tailed voles—A. middendorffii, A. mongolicus and A. gromovi—are more closely related to each other than to other established species of Alexandromys. The lacustrine vole, A. limnophilus, is closely related to the group of short‐tailed voles. Analysis of the type specimens of limnophilus and flaviventris confirmed that these taxa form one species together with A. l. malygini. Our results suggest that the mountains of western Mongolia are inhabited by a new taxon of short‐tailed voles of the same rank as middendorffii, mongolicus and gromoviA. malpinus ssp. n.  相似文献   

 According to chloroplast rps4 sequence data the genus Syntrichia forms a monophyletic clade clearly separated from Tortula, while Pottia is shown to be polyphyletic and the Rhynchostegiae species (with rostrate lid) are very similar to Tortula. Crossidium is probably polyphyletic. The close affinity of Desmatodon, Stegonia, Pterygoneurum and some of the species of Phascum with Tortula is confirmed by the molecular data. Received May 23, 2002; accepted August 23, 2002 Published online: November 22, 2002 Address of the authors: O. Werner, R. M. Ros, M. J. Cano, J. Guerra (E-mail: werner@um.es) Departamento de Biología Vegetal (Botánica), Facultad de Biología, Universidad de Murcia, Campus de Espinardo, E-30100-Murcia, Spain.  相似文献   

The cornerstone of fisheries management relies on a solid taxonomic base and an understanding of how animals can be grouped into coherent management units. Surprisingly, little is known about the basic biology and ecology of opah (Lampris guttatus), a globally distributed species that is commercially exploited and regionally common in the North Pacific. Recent efforts to collect life history data on this species uncovered evidence of two North Pacific morphotypes. Sequencing of the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase I gene (655 bp) for these morphotypes and other specimens collected worldwide (n = 480) produced five strongly diverged and well‐supported clades. Additional sequence data from the cytochrome b gene (1141 bp) as well as the nuclear recombination activating gene 1 (1323 bp) corroborated these results, suggesting these five clades probably represent separate species. Our conclusion that opah is a complex of five separate species has implications for management and indicates a need to gather additional data on these poorly understood fishes.  相似文献   

Anopheles fluviatilis, a major vector of malaria in India has been described as a complex of three sibling species members, named as S, T and U, based on variations in chromosomal inversions. Also, ribosomal DNA markers (repetitive Internal Transcribed Spacer 2 (ITS2) and 28S D3 region) were described to differentiate these three sibling species members. However, controversies prevail on the genetic isolation status of these cryptic species. Hence, we evaluated this taxonomic incongruence employing DNA barcoding, the well established methodology for species identification, using 60 An. fluviatilis sensu lato specimens, collected from two malaria endemic eastern states of India. These specimens were also subjected to sibling species characterization by ITS2 and D3 DNA markers. The former marker identified 31 specimens among these as An. fluviatilis S and 21 as An. fluviatilis T. Eight specimens amplified DNA fragments specific for both S and T. The D3 marker characterized 39 specimens belonging to species S and 21 to species T. Neither marker identified species U. Neighbor Joining analysis of mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase gene 1 sequences (the DNA barcode) categorized all the 60 specimens into a single operational taxonomic unit, their Kimura 2 parameter (K2P) genetic variability being only 0.8%. The genetic differentiation (FST) and gene flow (Nm) estimates were 0.00799 and 62.07, respectively, indicating these two ‘species’ (S & T) as genetically con‐specific intermixing populations with negligible genetic differentiation. Earlier investigations have refuted the existence of species U. Also, this study demonstrated that An. fluviatilis and the closely related An. minimus could be taxonomically differentiated by the DNA Barcode approach (K2P = 5.0%).  相似文献   

Rhynchospio glutaea (Ehlers, 1897 Ehlers, E. 1897. Polychaeten. Ergebnisse der Hamburger Magalhaensischen Sammelreise 1892/93. L. Friederichsen & Co., Hamburg, Germany. [Google Scholar]), Rhynchospio arenincola Hartman, 1936 Hartman, O. 1936. New species of Spionidae (Annelida Polychaeta) from the coast of California. University of California Publications in Zoology 41, 4552. [Google Scholar] and Rhynchospio arenincola asiatica Chlebovitsch, 1959 Chlebovitsch, V.V. 1959. Species of Polychaeta worms from the Kurile Islands, which are new or recorded for the first time in the USSR fauna. Zoologichesky Zhurnal 38, 167181. [Google Scholar], originally described from Strait of Magellan, California, and South Kurile Islands respectively, appear similar to each other in adult morphology. These species and subspecies have been considered by some authors as subjective synonyms and are here referred to as members of the R. glutaea complex. Sequence data of four gene fragments (2465 bp in total) of the mitochondrial 16S rDNA, nuclear 18S and 28S rDNA, and Histone 3 have shown that R. glutaea complex individuals from the South West Atlantic (Argentina), North East Pacific (British Columbia and Oregon) and North West Pacific (South Korea) were genetically distant and not conspecific. These data also indicate that R. arenincola from North America and R. aff. asiatica from South Korea are more closely related to each other, and both are closer to R. glutaea from South America than to R. nhatrangi from Vietnam: nhatrangi (glutaea (arenincola-aff. asiatica)). Adults of the R. glutaea complex are hermaphrodites and the arrangement of gametes is suggested to be a crucial reproductive character for distinguishing these species. Based on this character, two species of the complex are apparent in the North West Pacific: R. asiatica Chlebovitsch, 1959 Chlebovitsch, V.V. 1959. Species of Polychaeta worms from the Kurile Islands, which are new or recorded for the first time in the USSR fauna. Zoologichesky Zhurnal 38, 167181. [Google Scholar] stat. nov. from the Kurile Islands (not analysed here) and an unnamed species from the mainland coast of Asia (here referred to as R. aff. asiatica). Adult morphology of R. asiatica stat. nov. is briefly described and illustrated. The lectotype and the type locality of the species on Iturup Is. are established for the first time. An identification key is provided to the 10 currently recognized Rhynchospio species.  相似文献   

Because of the high risk of going unnoticed, cryptic species represent a major challenge to biodiversity assessments, and this is particularly true for taxa that include many such species, for example, bats. Long‐eared bats from the genus Plecotus comprise numerous cryptic species occurring in the Mediterranean Region and present complex phylogenetic relationships and often unclear distributions, particularly at the edge of their known ranges and on islands. Here, we combine Species Distribution Models (SDMs), field surveys and molecular analyses to shed light on the presence of a cryptic long‐eared bat species from North Africa, Plecotus gaisleri, on the islands of the Sicily Channel, providing strong evidence that this species also occurs in Europe, at least on the islands of the Western Mediterranean Sea that act as a crossroad between the Old Continent and Africa. Species Distribution Models built using African records of P. gaisleri and projected to the Sicily Channel Islands showed that all these islands are potentially suitable for the species. Molecular identification of Plecotus captured on Pantelleria, and recent data from Malta and Gozo, confirmed the species' presence on two of the islands in question. Besides confirming that P. gaisleri occurs on Pantelleria, haplotype network reconstructions highlighted moderate structuring between insular and continental populations of this species. Our results remark the role of Italy as a bat diversity hotspot in the Mediterranean and also highlight the need to include P. gaisleri in European faunal checklists and conservation directives, confirming the usefulness of combining different approaches to explore the presence of cryptic species outside their known ranges—a fundamental step to informing conservation.  相似文献   

Maskrays of the genus Neotrygon (Dasyatidae) have dispersed widely in the Indo‐West Pacific being represented largely by an assemblage of narrow‐ranging coastal endemics. Phylogenetic reconstruction methods reproduced nearly identical and statistically robust topologies supporting the monophyly of the genus Neotrygon within the family Dasyatidae, the genus Taeniura being consistently basal to Neotrygon, and Dasyatis being polyphyletic to the genera Taeniurops and Pteroplatytrygon. The Neotrygon kuhlii complex, once considered to be an assemblage of color variants of the same biological species, is the most derived and widely dispersed subgroup of the genus. Mitochondrial (COI, 16S) and nuclear (RAG1) phylogenies used in synergy with molecular dating identified paleoclimatic fluctuations responsible for periods of vicariance and dispersal promoting population fragmentation and speciation in Neotrygon. Signatures of population differentiation exist in N. ningalooensis and N. annotata, yet a large‐scale geological event, such as the collision between the Australian and Eurasian Plates, coupled with subsequent sea‐level falls, appears to have separated a once homogeneous population of the ancestral form of N. kuhlii into southern Indian Ocean and northern Pacific taxa some 4–16 million years ago. Repeated climatic oscillations, and the subsequent establishment of land and shallow sea connections within and between Australia and parts of the Indo‐Malay Archipelago, have both promoted speciation and established zones of secondary contact within the Indian and Pacific Ocean basins.  相似文献   

Caprella penantis is considered a cosmopolitan species and one of the most challenging caprellids in taxonomic terms because of its remarkable intraspecific morphological variation. This study examined DNA sequences from mitochondrial (COI) and nuclear (18S) markers together with morphological data from 25 localities of C. penantis, and closely related species Caprella dilatata and Caprella andreae, all traditionally considered part of the old ‘acutifrons’ complex. The large genetic divergence and reciprocally allopatric distributions point to the existence of a species complex of at least four species, of which one is reported as a cryptic species. This study provides the first evidence of cryptic speciation in the family Caprellidae, and questions the validity of some traditional morphological characters used to delimit species in the genus Caprella. Our results are consistent with the idea that main factors were probably isolation by distance and ecological traits, promoting diversification in C. penantis. The strong genetic structure reported for this species in the Iberian Peninsula and Moroccan coasts also suggests restriction to dispersal as well as the presence of refugial areas. These results highlight the utility of the COI and 18S genes in combination with morphological characters for shedding light on systematic questions in caprellids, and patterns of genetic connectivity.  相似文献   

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