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Chlorpromazine, phenothiazine and trifluoperazine, known as calmodulin antagonists, inhibit electron transport in Photosystem II of spinach chloroplasts in concentrations from 20–500 μM. The inhibition site is located on the diphenyl carbazide to indophenol pathway in Tris-treated chloroplasts, indicating that water oxidation is not affected by these drugs. Ca2+ ions, bound to chloroplast membranes before the addition of calmodulin antagonists, can protect against inhibition up to 25% of the electron transport rate. In presence of A23187, the Ca2+-specific ionophore, Ca2+ ions provide less protection against inhibition by the 3 calmodulin antagonists used. A possible role of a calmodulin-like protein in spinach chloroplasts is postulated.  相似文献   

S.G. Reeves  D.O. Hall 《BBA》1973,314(1):66-78
1. The stoichiometry of non-cyclic photophosphorylation and electron transport in isolated chloroplasts has been re-investigated. Variations in the isolation and assay techniques were studied in detail in order to obtain optimum conditions necessary for reproducibly higher ADP/O (equivalent to ATP/2e?) and photosynthetic control ratios.2. Studies which we carried out on the possible contribution of cyclic phosphorylation to non-cyclic phosphorylation suggested that not more than 10% of the total phosphorylation found could be due to cyclic phosphorylation.3. Photosynthetic control, and the uncoupling of electron transport in the presence of NH4Cl, were demonstrated using oxidised diaminodurene as the electron acceptor. A halving of the ADP/O ratio was found, suggesting that electrons were being accepted between two sites of energy conservation, one of which is associated with Photosystem I and the other associated with Photosystem II.4. ATP was shown to inhibit State 2 and State 3 of electron transport, but not State 4 electron transport or the overall ADP/O ratio, thus confirming its activity as an energy transfer inhibitor. It is suggested that part of the non-phosphorylating electron transport rate (State 2) which is not inhibited by ATP is incapable of being coupled to subsequent phosphorylation triggered by the addition of ADP (State 3). If the ATP-insensitive State 2 electron transport is deducted from the State 3 electron transport when calculating the ADP/O ratio, a value of 2.0 is obtained.5. The experiments reported demonstrate that there are two sites of energy conservation in the non-cyclic electron transfer pathway: one associated with Photosystem II and the other with Photosystem I. Thus, non-cyclic photophosphorylation can probably produce sufficient ATP and NADPH “in vivo” to allow CO2 fixation to proceed.  相似文献   

A fifteen minute incubation of spinach chloroplasts with the divalent Ca2+ chelator, EGTA, in concentrations 50–250 μM, inhibits electron transport through both photosystems. All photosystem II partial reactions, including indophenol, ferricyanide and the DCMU-insensitive silicomolybdate reduction are inhibited from 70–100%. The photosystem II donor reaction, diphenyl carbazide → indophenol, is also inhibited, indicating that the inhibition site comes after the Mn2+ site, and that the first Ca2+ effect noted (site II) is not on the water oxidation enzyme, as is commonly assumed, but between the Mn2+ site and plastoquinone A pool. The other photosystem II effect of EGTA (Ca2+ site I), occurs in the region between plastoquinone A and P700 in the electron transport chain of chloroplasts. About 50% inhibition of the reaction ascorbate + TMPD → methyl viologen is given by incubation with 200 μM EGTA for 15 min. Ca2+ site II activity can be restored with 20 mM CaCl2. Ca2+ site I responds to Ca2+ and plastocyanin added jointly. More than 90% activity in the ascorbate + TMPD → methylviologen reaction can be restored. Various ways in which Ca2+ ions could affect chloroplast structure and function are discussed. Since EGTA is more likely to penetrate chloroplast membranes than EDTA, which is known to remove CF1, the coupling factor, from chloroplast membranes, and since Mg2+ ions are ineffective in restoring activity, it is concluded that Ca2+ may function in the electron transport chain of chloroplasts in a hitherto unsuspected manner.  相似文献   

Rita Barr  Frederick L. Crane 《BBA》1982,681(1):139-142
A 120 min incubation period with sulfhydryl reagents, such as p-chloromercuribenzoic acid, shows greater than 50% loss of electron-transport activity in Photosystem (PS) II of spinach chloroplasts. Since p-chloromercuriphenylsulfonic acid, a nonpenetrating sulfhydryl reagent, and 4,4′-dithiopyridine, a bifunctional sulfhydryl reagent, show greater inhibition of 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea-insensitive silicomolybdate reduction than of dibromothymoquinone-insensitive indophenol reduction, it is postulated that two different sulfhydryl reagent-sensitive sites are involved in the PS II electron-transport chain of spinach chloroplasts.  相似文献   

1. Incubation of chloroplasts with HgCl2 at a molar ratio of HgCl2 to chlorophyll of about unity, induced a complete inhibition of the methyl viologen Hill reaction, as well as methyl viologen photoreduction with reduced 2,6-dichlorophenolindophenol (DCIP) as electron donor. Photooxidation of cytochrome ? was similarly sensitive towards HgCl2, whereas photooxidation of P700 was resistant to the poison. Photoreduction of cytochrome ? and light-induced increase in fluorescence yield were enhanced by the HgCl2 treatment of chloroplasts.  相似文献   

Energy transfer inhibition by HgCl2 has been demonstrated to be selective for certain System I partial reactions. On the basis of different HgCl2 effects on the System I reactions, reduced 2,6-dichlorophenolindophenol → methylviologen, diaminodurene → methylviologen and N-phenazine methosulfate cyclic, two sites of energy conservation associated with System I are proposed. Furthermore, these sites are in parallel with each other, in series with the site closely associated with Photosystem II and are shared between non-cyclic and cyclic electron transport.  相似文献   

The quenching of Photosystem II (PS II) chlorophyll fluorescence by oxidised plastoquinone has been used in an attempt to determine their relative distribution in the partition zone and stroma-exposed thylakoid membranes. Thus, the PS II-plastoquinone interaction was determined in stacked (2.5 mM MgCl2) and largely unstacked (0.25 mM MgCl2) membranes. A method to correct for spillover or other quenching changes at the different MgCl2 concentrations, which would compete with the plastoquinone-induced quenching, was devised utilising the quinone dibromothymoquinone. This compound is demonstrated to behave as an ideal (theoretically) PS II quencher at both high and low MgCl2 concentrations, which indicates that it distributes itself homogeneously between partition zone and stroma-exposed membrane regions. In passing from the stacked to the unstacked configuration, the PS II-plastoquinone interaction decreases less than the PS II-dibromothymoquinone interaction. This is interpreted to mean that plastoquinone is present in both the partition zone and stroma-exposed membranes, with somewhat higher concentrations in the stroma-exposed membranes. Thus, plastoquinone is well placed to transport reducing equivalents from the partition zones to the stroma-exposed membranes.  相似文献   

Ferricyanide-supported oxygen evolution in sonic vesicles from the cyanobacterium Spirulinaplatensis is only partially sensitive to inhibition by 2,5-dibromo-3-methyl-6-isopropyl-p-benzoquinone (DBMIB), and addition of cations to inhibited membranes stimulates the rate of oxygen evolution. The order of cation effectiveness (M3+ > M2+ > M+) suggests that this stimulation is due at least in part to surface charge screening effects which permit freer access of anionic ferricyanide to the vesicle membrane surface; La3+, Ca2+, and K+ are most effective in this regard. Ferricyanide photoreduction is completely sensitive to 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea (DCMU), and neither mono- nor divalent cations affect this inhibition. Addition of La3+, on the other hand, causes a nearly complete restoration of ferricyanide-supported oxygen evolution. We conclude that the membrane surfaces of these vesicles are uniquely different from those o higher plants; sites of ferricyanide reduction associated with the interphotosystem chain are surface localized, and the primary acceptor region of photosystem II is susceptible to a trivalent cation-specific reaction in which ferricyanide may directly oxidize the primary acceptor.  相似文献   

Fluorescence yield relaxation following a light pulse was studied in various cyanobacteria under aerobic and microaerobic conditions. In Synechocystis PCC 6803 fluorescence yield decays in a monotonous fashion under aerobic conditions. However, under microaerobic conditions the decay exhibits a wave feature showing a dip at 30–50 ms after the flash followed by a transient rise, reaching maximum at ~ 1 s, before decaying back to the initial level. The wave phenomenon can also be observed under aerobic conditions in cells preilluminated with continuous light. Illumination preconditions cells for the wave phenomenon transiently: for few seconds in Synechocystis PCC 6803, but up to one hour in Thermosynechocystis elongatus BP-1. The wave is eliminated by inhibition of plastoquinone binding either to the QB site of Photosystem-II or the Qo site of cytochrome b6f complex by 3-(3′,4′-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea or 2,5-dibromo-3-methyl-6-isopropyl-p-benzoquinone, respectively. The wave is also absent in mutants, which lack either Photosystem-I or the NAD(P)H-quinone oxidoreductase (NDH-1) complex. Monitoring the redox state of the plastoquinone pool revealed that the dip of the fluorescence wave corresponds to transient oxidation, whereas the following rise to re-reduction of the plastoquinone pool. It is concluded that the unusual wave feature of fluorescence yield relaxation reflects transient oxidation of highly reduced plastoquinone pool by Photosystem-I followed by its re-reduction from stromal components via the NDH-1 complex, which is transmitted back to the fluorescence yield modulator primary quinone electron acceptor via charge equilibria. Potential applications of the wave phenomenon in studying photosynthetic and respiratory electron transport are discussed. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Photosynthesis Research for Sustainability: Keys to Produce Clean Energy.  相似文献   

Proton release inside thylakoids, which is linked to the action of the water-oxidizing enzyme system, was investigated spectrophotometrically with the dye neutral red under conditions when the external phase was buffered. Under excitation of dark-adapted chloroplasts with four short laser flashes in series, the pattern of proton release as a function of the flash number was recorded and interpreted in the light of the generally accepted scheme for consecutive transitions of the water-oxidizing enzyme system: S0 → S1, S1 → S2, S2 → S3, S3 → S4, S0. It was found that the proton yield after the first flash varied in a reproducible manner, being dependent upon the dark pretreatment given. In terms of the proton-electron reaction during these transitions, the pattern was as follows. In strictly dark-adapted chloroplasts (frozen chloroplasts thawed in darkness and kept for at least 7 min in the dark after dilution), it was fitted well by a stoichiometry of 1:0:1:2. In a less stringently dark-adapted preparation (as above but thawed under light), it was fitted by 0:1:1:2. Mechanistically this is not yet understood. However, it is a first step towards resolving controversy over this pattern among different laboratories. Under conditions where the 1:0:1:2 stoichiometry was observed, proton release was time resolved. Components with half-rise times of 500 and 1000 μs could be correlated with the S2 → S3 and S3 → S4 transitions, respectively. Proton release during the S0 → S1 transition is more rapid, but is less well attributable to the transitions due to error proliferation. A distinct component with a half-rise time of only 100 μs was observed after the second flash. Since it did not fit into the expected kinetics (based on literature data) for the Si → Si+1 transitions, we propose that it reflects proton release from a site which is closer to the reaction center of Photosystem (PS) II than the water-splitting enzyme system. This is supported by the observation of rapid proton release under conditions where water oxidation is blocked. Related experiments on the pattern of proton uptake at the reducing side of PS II indicated that protons act as specific counterions for semiquinone anions without binding to them.  相似文献   

Xian-De Liu 《BBA》2005,1706(3):215-219
This study investigated the regulation of the major light harvesting chlorophyll a/b protein (LHCII) phosphorylation in Dunaliella salina thylakoid membranes. We found that both light and NaCl could induce LHCII phosphorylation in D. salina thylakoid membranes. Treatments with oxidants (ferredoxin and NADP) or photosynthetic electron flow inhibitors (DCMU, DBMIB, and stigmatellin) inhibited LHCII phosphorylation induced by light but not that induced by NaCl. Furthermore, neither addition of CuCl2, an inhibitor of cytochrome b6f complex reduction, nor oxidizing treatment with ferricyanide inhibited light- or NaCl-induced LHCII phosphorylation, and both salts even induced LHCII phosphorylation in dark-adapted D. salina thylakoid membranes as other salts did. Together, these results indicate that the redox state of the cytochrome b6f complex is likely involved in light- but not salt-induced LHCII phosphorylation in D. salina thylakoid membranes.  相似文献   

U. Schreiber 《BBA》1984,767(1):70-79
The biphasic rise of chlorophyll fluorescence induced in the dark (following activation of the latent ATP-ase) upon ATP-hydrolysis was investigated in detail, yielding the following main results: (1) The rapid phase is independent of artificial reductants or redox mediators. On the contrary, the slow phase requires such additions. (2) The slow phase is selectively eliminated by substances which collapse the transmembrane proton gradient, while the rapid phase may even be stimulated. (3) The ratio of rapid-to-slow phase is favored by a high degree of chloroplast integrity. The same factors which favor the rapid phase appear to be essential for a pronounced ‘slow electrogenic reaction’ in the flash-induced P 515 absorbance change. (4) For the rapid phase of the ATP-induced fluorescence increase, neither a ΔpH nor a Δψ are obligatory intermediates. (5) Hydroxylamine at about 5 · 10?3 M causes a preferential stimulation of the rapid phase by about a factor 2. (6) There is selective inhibition of the slow phase by DBMIB, dinitrophenylether of iodonitrothymol, Bathocuproine and HQNO (2-heptyl-4-hydroxy quinoline-N-oxide) which are known to block at the level of the Cyt bf FeS-complex. (7) The rapid phase is not affected by presence of 5 mM ferricyanide; however, there is substantial suppression if in addition a lipophilic redox mediator, like diamino-durene, is present. It is concluded that the two components of the reverse coupling reactions, reflected by the biphasic ATP-induced fluorescence rise, involve different coupling intermediates and different types of reverse electron flow. The rapid component appears to reflect close interaction between the coupling factor and a redox component in the vicinity of Photosystem II.  相似文献   

Jerzy Kruk  Stanislaw Karpinski 《BBA》2006,1757(12):1669-1675
We have described a direct, high-performance liquid chromatography-based method of estimation of the total level of plastoquinone (PQ) in leaves, the redox state of total (photoactive and non-photoactive) PQ, as well as the redox state of the PQ-pool that is applicable to any illumination conditions. This method was applied to Arabidopsis thaliana leaves but it can be applied to any other plant species. The obtained results show that the level of total PQ was 25 ± 3 molecules/1000 chlorophyll (Chl) molecules in relation to foliar total Chl content. The level of the photoactive PQ, i.e., the PQ-pool, was about 31% of the total PQ present in Arabidopsis leaves that corresponds to about 8 PQ molecules/1000 Chl molecules. The reduction level of the non-photoactive PQ fraction, present outside thylakoids in chloroplasts, was estimated to account for about 49%. The measurements of the redox state of the PQ-pool showed that the pool was reduced during the dark period in about 24%, and during the light period (150 μmol/m2·s) the reduction of the PQ-pool increased to nearly 100%. The obtained results were discussed in terms of the activity of chlororespiration pathways in Arabidopsis and the regulatory role of the redox state of PQ-pool in various physiological and molecular processes in plants.  相似文献   

Jean Alric  Jérôme Lavergne 《BBA》2010,1797(1):44-51
Assimilation of atmospheric CO2 by photosynthetic organisms such as plants, cyanobacteria and green algae, requires the production of ATP and NADPH in a ratio of 3:2. The oxygenic photosynthetic chain can function following two different modes: the linear electron flow which produces reducing power and ATP, and the cyclic electron flow which only produces ATP. Some regulation between the linear and cyclic flows is required for adjusting the stoichiometric production of high-energy bonds and reducing power. Here we explore, in the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, the onset of the cyclic electron flow during a continuous illumination under aerobic conditions. In mutants devoid of Rubisco or ATPase, where the reducing power cannot be used for carbon fixation, we observed a stimulation of the cyclic electron flow. The present data show that the cyclic electron flow can operate under aerobic conditions and support a simple competition model where the excess reducing power is recycled to match the demand for ATP.  相似文献   

Under biotic/abiotic stresses, the red alga Kappaphycus alvarezii reportedly releases massive amounts of H2O2 into the surrounding seawater. As an essential redox signal, the role of chloroplast-originated H2O2 in the orchestration of overall antioxidant responses in algal species has thus been questioned. This work purported to study the kinetic decay profiles of the redox-sensitive plastoquinone pool correlated to H2O2 release in seawater, parameters of oxidative lesions and antioxidant enzyme activities in the red alga Kappaphycus alvarezii under the single or combined effects of high light, low temperature, and sub-lethal doses of 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea (DCMU) and 2,5-dibromo-3-methyl-6-isopropyl-p-benzoquinone (DBMIB), which are inhibitors of the thylakoid electron transport system. Within 24 h, high light and chilling stresses distinctly affected the availability of the PQ pool for photosynthesis, following Gaussian and exponential kinetic profiles, respectively, whereas combined stimuli were mostly reflected in exponential decays. No significant correlation was found in a comparison of the PQ pool levels after 24 h with either catalase (CAT) or ascorbate peroxidase (APX) activities, although the H2O2 concentration in seawater (R = 0.673), total superoxide dismutase activity (R = 0.689), and particularly indexes of protein (R = 0.869) and lipid oxidation (R = 0.864), were moderately correlated. These data suggest that the release of H2O2 from plastids into seawater possibly impaired efficient and immediate responses of pivotal H2O2-scavenging activities of CAT and APX in the red alga K. alvarezii, culminating in short-term exacerbated levels of protein and lipid oxidation. These facts provided a molecular basis for the recognized limited resistance of the red alga K. alvarezii under unfavorable conditions, especially under chilling stress.  相似文献   

In this work, we investigated electron transport processes in the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803, with a special emphasis focused on oxygen-dependent interrelations between photosynthetic and respiratory electron transport chains. Redox transients of the photosystem I primary donor P700 and oxygen exchange processes were measured by the EPR method under the same experimental conditions. To discriminate between the factors controlling electron flow through photosynthetic and respiratory electron transport chains, we compared the P700 redox transients and oxygen exchange processes in wild type cells and mutants with impaired photosystem II and terminal oxidases (CtaI, CydAB, CtaDEII). It was shown that the rates of electron flow through both photosynthetic and respiratory electron transport chains strongly depended on the transmembrane proton gradient and oxygen concentration in cell suspension. Electron transport through photosystem I was controlled by two main mechanisms: (i) oxygen-dependent acceleration of electron transfer from photosystem I to NADP+, and (ii) slowing down of electron flow between photosystem II and photosystem I governed by the intrathylakoid pH. Inhibitor analysis of P700 redox transients led us to the conclusion that electron fluxes from dehydrogenases and from cyclic electron transport pathway comprise 20-30% of the total electron flux from the intersystem electron transport chain to P700+.  相似文献   

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