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OLIVIER CHASTEL 《Ibis》1995,137(3):360-363
Patterns of breeding frequency of White-headed Pterodroma lessoni, Great-winged Pterodroma macroptera, White-chinned Procellaria aequinoctialis and Grey Petrels Proceharia cinerea have been studied at Kerguelen and Crozet Islands. The White-headed Petrel (summer breeder) followed an essentially biennial cycle with only 13% of successful individuals breeding again the next year. On the other hand, the Great-winged Petrel (winter breeder) was mainly an annual breeder with 78% of successful birds breeding again the next year. Both White-chinned (summer breeder) and Grey Petrels (winter breeder) showed a higher breeding frequency than Pterodroma species, with 91% and 93%, respectively, of successful birds returning to breed the following season. These contrasting patterns may be related to the timing of energetic constraints encountered during the interbreeding period, principally the moult and the restoration of breeding condition. It is suggested that these post-breeding constraints are more marked in winter and in oceanic waters, leading to breeding frequencies being lower than in summer and in neritic waters. The intermediate patterns of breeding frequency found in the Great-winged Petrel (mainly annual) and the White-headed Petrel (mainly biennial) show that among Procellariiformes there is a continuum between annual and strictly biennial species.  相似文献   

In animal communication, signal loudness is often ignored and seldom measured. We used a playback experiment to examine the role of vocal loudness (i.e., sound pressure level) in sibling to sibling communication of nestling barn owls Tyto alba. In this species, siblings vocally negotiate among each other for priority access to parental food resources. Call rate and call duration play key roles in this vocal communication system, with the most vocal nestlings deterring their siblings from competing for access to the food item next delivered by parents. Here, we broadcast calls at different loudness levels and call rate to live nestlings. The loudness of playback calls did not affect owlets' investment in call rate, call duration or call loudness. The rate at which playback calls were broadcast affected owlets' call rate but did not influence their response in terms of loudness. This suggests that selection for producing loud signals may be weak in this species, as loud calls may attract predators. Moreover, given that owlets do not overlap their calls and that they communicate to nearby siblings in the silence of the night, loud signals may not be necessary to convey reliable information about food need.  相似文献   

Accurate population estimates are important for monitoring the conservation status of species, but nocturnal burrow‐nesting seabirds are notoriously difficult to count. Storm petrel species (Hydrobatidae) are particularly challenging, as burrow entrances are indistinct and response rates to playback low and variable, leading to imprecise population estimates and poor ability to detect trends. Playback is also labour‐intensive, requiring several days of calibration trials to determine site‐ and year‐specific response rates. To test the viability of using infra‐red digital video technology to census storm petrels, we conducted a trial on European Storm Petrels Hydrobates pelagicus at their largest UK colony, Mousa (Shetland). Hourly activity rates recorded from infra‐red filming accurately predicted the number of Apparently Occupied Sites (AOS), but this relationship was stronger in natural habitats (boulder‐beach, rocks and scree) than in walls, where between‐night variation was high due to poor and variable image quality, as well as the flight behaviour of Storm Petrels around vertical structures. Few filming attempts failed completely, but image quality was poor on dark nights with rain or fog, and deteriorated during the season as night‐length increased. Playback accurately predicted AOS density in natural habitats, but overestimated total AOS in walls by 38%. Simulations suggest that for the same fieldwork sampling effort, infra‐red filming will generate slightly more precise AOS estimates compared with playback. Better illumination using infra‐red floodlights would increase detection rates on dark nights, probably resulting in greater precision, but the large amount of expensive equipment and reviewing time required currently make infra‐red filming costly and inefficient relative to playback. However, we recommend its use at sites that cannot otherwise be surveyed safely, or where disturbance is a concern.  相似文献   

Seabirds attending bottom long-line fishing off southeastern Brazil   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
FÁBIO OLMOS 《Ibis》1997,139(4):685-691
Flocks of seabirds attending commercial bottom long-line fishing operations on the coastal shelf off southeastern Brazil show a greater species diversity during the summer than the winter (16 v 9 species), although the number of birds per flock tended to be greater during the cold season. During the summer, the Spectacled Petrel Procellaria aequinoctialis conspi-cillata was the commonest species, followed by the Great Shearwater Puffinus gravis, Cory's Shearwater Calonectris diomedea, skuas Stercorarius spp. and the Yellow-nosed Albatross Diomedea chlororhynchus. During the winter, the White-chinned Petrel Procellaria aequin-octialis, Yellow-nosed Albatross and Black-browed Albatross Diomedea melanophrys were jointly the commonest species. Marked differences in the relative abundance of species were observed between the different sampling periods, probably because of migratory movements but also because of seasonal shifts of the sea currents and the influence of cold fronts. Waters off southeastern Brazil are important feeding areas for some seabird populations nesting in the Tristan da Cunha and Gough group, especially for nonbreeding Spectacled Petrels and post-breeding Yellow-nosed Albatrosses.  相似文献   

Cui J  Tang Y  Narins PM 《Biology letters》2012,8(3):337-340
During female mate choice, both the male's phenotype and resources (e.g. his nest) contribute to the chooser's fitness. Animals other than humans are not known to advertise resource characteristics to potential mates through vocal communication; although in some species of anurans and birds, females do evaluate male qualities through vocal communication. Here, we demonstrate that calls of the male Emei music frog (Babina dauchina), vocalizing from male-built nests, reflect nest structure information that can be recognized by females. Inside-nest calls consisted of notes with energy concentrated at lower frequency ranges and longer note durations when compared with outside-nest calls. Centre frequencies and note durations of the inside calls positively correlate with the area of the burrow entrance and the depth of the burrow, respectively. When given a choice between outside and inside calls played back alternately, more than 70 per cent of the females (33/47) chose inside calls. These results demonstrate that males of this species faithfully advertise whether or not they possess a nest to potential mates by vocal communication, which probably facilitates optimal mate selection by females. These results revealed a novel function of advertisement calls, which is consistent with the wide variation in both call complexity and social behaviour within amphibians.  相似文献   

As in many anurans, males of the totally aquatic species, Xenopus laevis, advertise their sexual receptivity using vocalizations. Unusually for anurans, X. laevis females also advertise producing a fertility call that results in courtship duets between partners. Although all X. laevis calls consist of repetitive click trains, male and female calls exhibit sex-specific acoustic features that might convey sexual identity. We tested the significance of the carrier frequency and the temporal pattern of calls using underwater playback experiments in which modified calls were used to evoke vocal responses in males. Since males respond differently to male and female calls, the modification of a key component of sexual identity in calls should change the male's response. We found that a female-like slow call rhythm triggers more vocal activity than a male-like fast rhythm. A call containing both a female-like temporal pattern and a female-like carrier frequency elicits higher levels of courtship display than either feature alone. In contrast, a male-like temporal pattern is sufficient to trigger typical male-male encounter vocalizations regardless of spectral cues. Thus, our evidence supports a role for temporal acoustic cues in sexual identity recognition and for spectral acoustic cues in conveying female attractiveness in X. laevis.  相似文献   

We investigated the potential use of call playback for surveying the elusive golden-backed uakari (Cacajao melanocephalus), a diurnal social primate that typically inhabits the relatively inaccessible black-water swamp forests of the upper Amazon (Igapó forest) during the wet season. Furthermore, our objective was to understand better the functions of vocalisations of these rare and threatened monkeys. We focussed on the “tchó” call, a loud vocalisation that varies in temporal and frequency characteristics according to behavioural context and individual signaller (Bezerra et al. in Int J Primatol, 2010b). We investigated the vocal and behavioural responses of golden-backed uakaris from three Igapó areas to three different playback stimuli: own group calls (OGC); neighbouring group calls (NGC); and control (background noise). The call stimuli were used to simulate the unexpected presence of monkeys from the monkeys’ own and neighbouring Igapó areas. Playback of OGC and NGC increased calling and altered behaviour in golden-backed uakaris, whereas no noticeable response occurred to the control stimuli. Furthermore, there was no evidence of habituation to the call stimuli and the natural behavioural pattern of the groups was not obviously affected. Hence, call playback seems to be a valuable tool for locating these elusive monkeys in river surveys. Most of the agonistic-related behaviour observed after NGC playback was also observed after OGC playback. As golden-backed uakaris are not territorial, the presence of strange conspecifics to the area may not necessarily represent a more threatening situation. Our methods and results may also be useful for surveys of other primate species living in the Igapó forest and in other habitat types.  相似文献   

许多动物的叫声频率呈现性二态现象。蝙蝠夜间活动,主要利用声音信号导航空间、追踪猎物、传递交流信息。本研究选择成体菲菊头蝠作为研究对象,检验回声定位声波频率性二态是否有利于性别识别。研究发现,菲菊头蝠回声定位声波频率参数具有显著性别差异。播放白噪音、雄性回声定位声波及雌性回声定位声波期间,实验个体的反应叫声数量依次递减。播放白噪音、雌性回声定位声波及雄性回声定位声波后,实验个体的反应叫声数量依次递增。白噪音诱导反应叫声强度高于回声定位声波诱导反应叫声强度。研究结果表明,菲菊头蝠回声定位声波的频率参数编码发声者性别信息,有利于种群内部的性别识别。本研究暗示,回声定位声波可能在蝙蝠配偶选择中扮演一定作用。  相似文献   

Vocal learning is well known among passerine and psittacine birds, but most data on mammals are equivocal. Specific benefits of vocal learning are poorly understood for most species. One case where vocal learning should be favoured by selection is where calls indicate group membership and group mates are unrelated. Female greater spear-nosed bats, Phyllostomus hastatus, live in stable groups of unrelated bats and use loud, broadband calls to coordinate foraging movements of social group mates. Bats benefit from group foraging. Calls differ between female social groups and cave colonies, and playback experiments demonstrate that bats perceive these acoustic differences. Here I show that the group distinctive structure of calls arises through vocal learning. Females change call structure when group composition changes, resulting in increased similarity among new social group mates. Comparisons of transfers with age-matched half-sibs indicate that call changes are not simply due to maturation, the physical environment or heredity. These results suggest that studies testing vocal learning in mammals could profit by focusing on vocalizations that signify group membership.  相似文献   

Shearwaters are nocturnal burrowing seabirds. They return to their colony at dusk and exhibit high vocal activity, underlining the usefulness of acoustic cues to nocturnal communication. The present study aimed to test whether acoustic communication systems of two sympatric shearwater species, the Yelkouan shearwater Puffinus yelkouan and the Mediterranean Cory's shearwater Calonectris diomedea diomedea , converge to similar strategies. Inter-annual mate fidelity and incubation relays led us to focus on sex and individual acoustic signatures. We first characterized those two signatures by analysing the major call emitted by incubating birds. Second, we performed playback experiments to assess ability of birds to vocally discriminate between sexes and mate versus non-mate. The results obtained show that both species use a reliable sex vocal signature supported by frequency and energy features, enabling sex identification of the emitter. By responding only to conspecific same-sex calls, birds may ensure burrow and mate guarding. Conversely, individual vocal signature was mainly supported by temporal parameters, and was more reliable in the Cory's shearwater. Moreover, this species uses vocal exchanges to identify the mate during incubation relays, whereas Yelkouan shearwaters probably need additional cues. In conclusion, we observe an evolutionary convergence in intra-sex communication process but a divergence in mate greeting strategy.  © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2009, 96 , 115–134.  相似文献   

为了解非线性鸣声对凹耳蛙(Odorrana tormota)应答音的影响以及非线性鸣声是否能够增强鸣声的不可预测性,本研究通过回放非线性鸣声和线性鸣声来刺激陌生雄性凹耳蛙,并记录应答次数及统计分析应答音相关参数。结果表明,回放非线性鸣声时会引起陌生蛙(n=22)更多次数的应答,但两种刺激引起的首次应答时间没有显著差异。对应答音相关参数分析表明,线性鸣声引起的应答音在总时长上比非线性鸣声引起的应答音更长且具有显著差异,而其他声音参数(包括平均基频、最大基频、最小基频、主频)均没有显著差异。推测当陌生雄蛙听到同类鸣叫时,出于保护领地和资源的本能反应,陌生蛙都会第一时间作出反应,因此在两类声音的应答反应时间上并没有区别。而在应答次数上,非线性鸣声引起了凹耳蛙更多次数的应答,可能是由于鸣声中的非线性现象使得声音更加复杂,包含更多信息,容易提高声音接收者对这类声音的关注度。本研究结果表明,凹耳蛙鸣声中包含的非线性现象能够增强其声音的不可预测性,引起陌生蛙产生更多的应答次数。  相似文献   

We used playback experiments to test whether alarm calls affected the foraging behavior of eastern chipmunks (Tamias striatus). We subjected chipmunks, foraging at artificial feeding stations, to three playback treatments (silent, control noise, and alarm call) and examined changes in vigilant and foraging behavior. Chipmunks responded to alarm calls with a greater degree and duration of vigilant behavior, such as look‐ups and alert postures. Chipmunks also ran a shorter distance to cover and took longer to re‐emerge from the burrow after hearing an alarm call. Alarm calls caused individuals to spend more time exposed at the feeding stations; however, individuals also took significantly fewer seeds after hearing an alarm call. This was not due to a difference in the time spent handling food, but rather to a slower rate of loading. Chipmunks appear to sacrifice energy gain by increasing vigilance after hearing an alarm call. This study suggests that to avoid the costs of unnecessary escape behavior, individuals directly assess their own risk rather than relying only on indirect cues such as alarm calls.  相似文献   

In study 1, bank swallow (Riparia riparia) chicks were exchanged with like-aged chicks from other broods. Parents accepted chicks that were transferred into their nests at age 15 days or younger; rejection began to occur at 16 to 17 days. In study 2, chicks' vocalizations were recorded in the burrow. We found that an immature begging call given by young chicks is replaced by a ‘signature’ call at 15 to 17 days of age. An acoustic analysis suggested that these calls are individually distinctive. Study 3 was a playback experiment designed to test whether the chicks' signature calls are a sufficient cue for parental recognition. We found that parents would approach a speaker broadcasting the calls of their chicks in preference to one simultaneously broadcasting the calls of alien chicks. The pattern of results suggests that parental recognition is based on the chicks' signature calls and that development of recognition is dependent on the development of the call.  相似文献   

Although non‐linear phenomena are common in human and non‐human animal vocalisations, their functional relevance remains poorly understood. One theory posits that non‐linear phenomena generate unpredictability in vocalisations, which increases the auditory impact of vocal signals, and makes animals less likely to habituate to call repetition. Female koalas (Phascolarctos cinereus) produce vocal signals when they reject male copulation attempts that contain relatively high levels of non‐linear phenomena, and thus may function as attention grabbing vocal signals during the breeding season. To test this hypothesis, we used playback experiments: firstly, to determine whether female rejection calls induce heightened behavioural responses in free‐ranging male koalas during the breeding season, and secondly, to examine how the relative amount of non‐linear phenomena in rejection calls influences male behavioural response. The results show that male koalas look for longer towards speakers broadcasting playback sequences of male bellows followed by a series of female rejection calls than those broadcasting only male bellows. In addition, female rejection call sequences with more subharmonics, higher harmonics‐to‐noise ratios, and less biphonation produced the greatest male looking responses. Our findings support the hypothesis that female koala rejection calls function to grab male attention during the breeding season, and indicate that subharmonics are the main acoustic feature that increases the auditory impact of these vocal signals.  相似文献   

As ravens have pronounced learning capabilities, especially in the vocal domain, cultural transmission might be a relevant factor affecting the composition of their vocal repertoires. We investigated how important cultural transmission is in establishing a raven's vocal repertoire and whether there are different pathways of transmission. We studied individually known free-ranging breeding pairs whose vocalizations were recorded during interactions with a caged pair. The mean repertoire size of these vocalizations was 12 call types per individual (from 79 types recorded from 74 individuals), with no difference between the sexes. In 81% of individuals the repertoire was composed entirely of calls also used by other individuals. Analysis of the distribution of call types among individuals regarding sex, partnership and neighbourhood and aspects of the geographical distribution of calls showed that the main pathway of cultural transmission was within the sexes. In addition, transmission occurred between pair partners, as well as between neighbouring and more distant pairs. About 40% of the calls in a raven's repertoire were transmitted within a sex and 10% between pair partners. Any two given birds in the population shared on average 20% (0-77%) of their calls. Cultural transmission within the sexes led to a pronounced sexual dimorphism in vocal behaviour. Copyright 2002 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.   相似文献   

The effect of stimulus call complexity and calling rate on the vocal responses of males and female mate choice was studied in Hyla microcephala in Panama. Males increased the number of notes in their calls in response to increases in stimulus call complexity during both playback of 1 to 8-note advertisement calls and during natural interactions. However, precise matching of the number of notes in stimuli and responses did not occur consistently. Males also increased calling rates if stimuli were presented above prestimulus rates. Two-stimulus choice experiments demonstrated that females prefer both higher calling rates and greater call complexity, indicating that the ways males change their vocal behavior during interactions increases their attractiveness to potential mates. Tests in which the relative intensity of a high and low rate stimulus was varied indicated that females prefer stimuli with higher total sound energy. In a natural chorus, it is likely that females simply approach males giving the most conspicuous calls.  相似文献   

Semi-free-ranging Barbary macaques (Macaca sylvanus) were observed to utter distinctive calls after disturbances in the surroundings (e.g. presence of a predator, occurrence of some unusual phenomenon). These calls differed from calls given in other contexts. Most of these calls were uttered in a serial manner, some of which lasted as long as the corresponding context. The aim of this study was to determine the object-related specificity of calls and variation of acoustic parameters within a call series. The analysis revealed that acoustic features of calls varied among contexts. Within one apparently homogeneous context, both temporal and frequency characteristics shifted gradually. Furthermore, the disturbance calls clearly differed between individuals. To examine the disturbance calls' meaning, playback experiments were conducted in which alarm calls and disturbance calls were presented. After playback of an alarm call, subjects typically showed an escape response, whereas, in response to disturbance calls, they most often scanned the surroundings. Juvenile animals generally showed stronger responses than adults.  相似文献   

Compared to humans, non-human primates have very little control over their vocal production. Nonetheless, some primates produce various call combinations, which may partially offset their lack of acoustic flexibility. A relevant example is male Campbell''s monkeys (Cercopithecus campbelli), which give one call type (‘Krak’) to leopards, while the suffixed version of the same call stem (‘Krak-oo’) is given to unspecific danger. To test whether recipients attend to this suffixation pattern, we carried out a playback experiment in which we broadcast naturally and artificially modified suffixed and unsuffixed ‘Krak’ calls of male Campbell''s monkeys to 42 wild groups of Diana monkeys (Cercopithecus diana diana). The two species form mixed-species groups and respond to each other''s vocalizations. We analysed the vocal response of male and female Diana monkeys and overall found significantly stronger vocal responses to unsuffixed (leopard) than suffixed (unspecific danger) calls. Although the acoustic structure of the ‘Krak’ stem of the calls has some additional effects, subject responses were mainly determined by the presence or the absence of the suffix. This study indicates that suffixation is an evolved function in primate communication in contexts where adaptive responses are particularly important.  相似文献   

In various contexts, animals rely on acoustic signals to differentiate between conspecifics. Currently, studies examining vocal signatures use two main approaches. In the first approach, researchers search for acoustic characteristics that have the potential to be individual specific. This approach yields information on variation in signal parameters both within and between individuals and generates practical tools that can be used in population monitoring. In the second approach, playback experiments with natural calls are conducted to discern whether animals are capable of discriminating among the vocal signatures of different individuals. However, both approaches do not reveal the exact signal characteristics that are being used in the discrimination process. In this study, we tested whether an individual-specific call characteristic – namely the length of the intervals between successive maximal amplitude peaks within syllables (PPD) – is crucial in neighbour-stranger discrimination by males of the nocturnal and highly secretive bird species, the corncrake (Crex crex). We conducted paired playback experiments in which corncrakes (n = 47) were exposed to artificial calls with PPD characteristics of neighbour and stranger birds. These artificial calls differed only in PPD structure. The calls were broadcast from a speaker, and we recorded the birds'' behavioural responses. Although corncrakes have previously been experimentally shown to discriminate between neighbours and strangers, we found no difference in the responses to the artificial calls representing neighbours versus strangers. This finding demonstrates that even if vocal signatures are individual specific within a species, it does not automatically mean that said signatures are being crucial in discrimination among individuals. At the same time, the birds'' aggressive responses to the artificial calls indicated that the information transmitted by PPDs is important in species-specific call recognition and may be used by males and/or females to evaluate sender quality, similarly like sound frequency in some insect species.  相似文献   

Learned vocal signals could be important in the formation of prezygotic isolation between two hybridising taxa. This study examined whether vocal variation in the parrot Platycercus elegans facilitates the separation of individuals from two subspecies, P. e. elegans (CR) and P. e. flaveolus (YR). CR and YR have very different plumage coloration, respectively deep crimson and pale yellow, but hybridise where they meet creating an intermediate population (WS). In a factorial design playback experiment, we conducted 108 playback trials on three focal populations (YR, WS, CR), in and around this area of hybridisation, to test if they respond differently to contact calls from their own or another population. We also analysed whether differences in acoustic variables of the stimulus calls predicted the response to the call. We did not find any indication that individuals from the three focal populations responded differently to calls sampled from their own or another subspecies. We did find an effect of two of the five acoustic variables that we used to describe and classify contact calls from the three source populations. Specifically, duration of the stimulus call positively affected the response from individuals from WS and negatively the response from CR, and CR responded more to stimulus calls with a lower peak frequency. Overall, we found no indication that acoustic variation in contact calls on a subspecies level is involved in maintaining plumage colour differences between P. e. elegans and P. e. flaveolus subspecies.  相似文献   

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