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The reactive sulfhydryl on Cys beta93 in human adult hemoglobin (HbA) has been the focus of much attention. It has purported functional roles such as a transporter of nitric oxide and a detoxifier of super oxide. In addition, it has a proposed role in the allosteric mechanism. The present study addresses the functional and conformational consequences of modifying the beta93 sulfhydryl using either maleimide or disulfide-based reactions. The geminate and bimolecular recombination of CO derivatives of several different beta93-modified Hbs in both solution and sol-gel matrixes provide a window into functional modifications associated with both the R and T states of these proteins. Nanosecond time-resolved visible resonance Raman spectroscopy is used to probe conformational consequences associated with the proximal heme environment. The results show functional and conformational consequences that depend on the specific chemistry used to modify beta93. Maleimide-based modification show the most significant alterations of R-state properties including a consistent pattern of a reduced geminate yield and a loss of the favorable heme-proximal histidine interaction normally seen for liganded R-state HbA. A mechanism based on a displacement of the side chain of Tyr beta145 is explored as a basis for this effect as well as other situations where there is loss of the quaternary enhancement effect. The quaternary enhancement effect refers to the enhancement of ligand binding properties of the alphabeta dimers when they are associated into the R-state tetramer.  相似文献   

The single disulfide bond in Escherichia coli thioredoxin was reduced by reaction with a 20-fold excess of reduced dithiothreitol at neutral pH and 25 degrees C. For some measurements, reduced thioredoxin was further reacted with iodoacetamide to alkylate the cysteinyl residues. The denaturation transitions of oxidized, reduced, and reduced alkylated thioredoxin were observed by using far-ultraviolet circular dichroic and exclusion chromatographic measurements. Cleavage of the disulfide bond lowers the stability of the native thioredoxin to denaturation by about 2.4 kcal/mol, and subsequent alkylation lowers the stability by a further 1.6 kcal/mol. The kinetics of the conformational change of reduced thioredoxin in guanidine hydrochloride were observed by using exclusion chromatography at moderate pressure and 2 degrees C. Analyses of single and multimixing protocols are consistent with a predominant nonnative configuration in the denatured state and the transient accumulation of a compact nativelike intermediate during refolding. The intermediate can incorporate the nonnative configuration and can accommodate its isomerization. No compelling chromatographic evidence was found for a conformation having an elution time different from that characteristic for either the native or the denatured protein.  相似文献   

Equilibrium and kinetics of Na+-and K+-induced conformational changes of apo-alpha-lactalbumin were studied by means of circular dichroism. While apo-alpha-lactalbumin was considerably unfolded in the absence of Na+ or K+ in 20 mM Tris at pH 8.0 and 25 degrees, both the monovalent cations restored the tertiary structure of the protein. Apparent binding constants of Na+ and K+ to the apoprotein were estimated from the equilibria of the Na+- and K+-induced conformational changes. Based on kinetic data of the conformational changes induced by the monovalent cations, binding mechanism of the ions to the apo-protein was examined. Bound alkali-metal ions stabilize the native-like state and an activated state in the unfolding-refolding reaction of the apoprotein.  相似文献   

Addition of urea to solutions of Escherichia coli thioredoxin results in a cooperative unfolding of the protein centered at 6.7 M urea at 25 degrees C and 5.1 M urea at 2 degrees C and neutral pH as judged by changes in tryptophan fluorescence emission, far-ultraviolet circular dichroism, and exclusion chromatography. Kinetic profiles of changes in tryptophan fluorescence emission intensity were analyzed following either manual or stopped-flow mixing to initiate unfolding or refolding. Unfolding of the native protein occurs in a single kinetic phase whose time constant is markedly dependent on urea concentration. Refolding of the urea-denatured protein occurs in a multiplicity of kinetic phases whose time constants and fractional amplitudes are also dependent upon urea concentration. Urea gradient gel electrophoretic and exclusion chromatographic measurements suggest the transient accumulation of at least one and likely two compact nativelike intermediate conformations during refolding. Simulations of both electrophoretic and chromatographic results suggest that the intermediate conformations are generated by the concerted action of the middle and fast refolding phases.  相似文献   

Levantino M  Cupane A  Zimányi L 《Biochemistry》2003,42(15):4499-4505
Using a sol-gel encapsulation technique, we have prepared samples of CO saturated human adult hemoglobin locked in the R or T quaternary conformation. We report time-resolved spectra of these samples in the Soret region following flash photolysis, in the time interval ranging from 250 ns to 200 ms and in the temperature interval of 100-170 K. A suitable analysis of the measured difference spectra enables us to obtain the spectral contribution of deoxyHb and HbCO molecules as a function of time and/or of the fraction N(t) of deoxyHb molecules. In our experimental time window geminate CO rebinding to hemoglobin in the T quaternary conformation is about 2 orders of magnitude slower than to hemoglobin in the R conformation: this suggests that the barrier distribution for the CO rebinding, g(H), depends strongly on the protein quaternary structure. In our temperature interval, spectral shifts due to kinetic hole burning (KHB) are present: for HbCO the KHB effect is large in the R conformation and small in the T conformation. For deoxyHb the opposite is true. We attribute the observed behavior to the effect of interconversion between the relevant substates. This effect is stronger for HbCO molecules in the T conformation and for deoxyHb molecules in the R conformation; it confirms the quaternary structure dependence of the hemoglobin energy landscape and suggests enhanced dynamics of ligation intermediate species such as T-state HbCO or R-state deoxyHb.  相似文献   

The effect of a static magnetic field on human erythrocytes at different hemoglobin states (normal, oxidized and reduced hemoglobin) was investigated. Three different blood samples, normal, iron deficiency anemic and beta thalassemia minor, were studied. Measurements of the magnetization curves of the erythrocytes for all blood samples in all states showed diamagnetic behavior; however, oxidation was found to enhance this behavior. These measurements have also shown that the normal and iron deficiency samples in the reduced states exhibit a less diamagnetic response in comparison with the normal state. This result indicates that the reduction process gave rise to a paramagnetic component of the magnetization. Analysis of the measured paramagnetic behavior, using a Brillouin function, gave an effective magnetic moment of 8 muB per reduced hemoglobin molecule for both normal and anemic samples. This result shows that both anemic and normal blood have similar magnetic behavior and the only difference is the number of hemoglobin molecules per erythrocyte. For the beta thalassemia minor blood sample, magnetic measurements showed that both the normal and reduced states have almost the same diamagnetic behavior. However, this diamagnetic response is less than that for the normal state of the iron deficiency anemic sample. This result may indicate a low oxygen intake for the blood in the normal state for the beta thalassemia minor blood. All magnetic measurements were made using a vibrating sample magnetometer using field steps of 0.001 T from 1 T to -1 T.  相似文献   

D F Senear  G Betts  S A Bernhard 《Biochemistry》1985,24(24):6789-6798
The hydrolysis of beta-(2-furyl)acryloyl phosphate (FAP), catalyzed by the Na+/K+-ATPase, is faster than the catalyzed hydrolysis of ATP. This is due to catalyzed hydrolysis of the pseudosubstrate by K+-dependent states of the enzyme, thus bypassing the Na+-dependent enzyme states that are required and are rate limiting in ATP hydrolysis. Unlike ATP, FAP is a positive effector of the E2 state. A study of FAP hydrolysis permits a detailed analysis of later steps in the overall ion translocation-ATP hydrolysis pathway. During the steady state of FAP hydrolysis in the presence of K+, substantial phosphoryl-enzyme is formed, as is indicated by the covalent incorporation of 32P from [32P]FAP. A comparison of the phosphoryl-enzyme yield with the rate of overall hydrolysis reveals that at 25 degrees C the phosphoryl-enzyme formed is all kinetically competent. Both the yield of phosphoryl-enzyme and the rate of overall hydrolysis of FAP are [K+] dependent. The transition E1 in equilibrium E2 is also [K+] dependent, but the rate of transition is differently affected by [K+] than are the above-mentioned two processes. Two distinct roles for K+ are indicated, as an effector of the E1-E2 equilibrium and as a "catalyst" in the hydrolysis of the E2-P. In contrast to the results at 25 degrees C, a virtually stoichiometric yield of phosphoryl-enzyme occurs at 0 degree C in the presence of Na+ and the absence of K+. At lower concentrations of K+ and in the presence of Na+, the hydrolysis of FAP at 0 degree C proceeds substantially through the E1-E2 pathway characteristic of ATP hydrolysis. The selectivity of FAP for the E2-K+-dependent pathway is due to the thermal inactivation of E1 at 25 degrees C in the absence of ATP or ATP analogues, even at high concentrations of Na+. These results emphasize the existence of multiple functional "E1" and "E2" states in the overall ATPase-ion translocation pathway.  相似文献   

Parameters of carbo-, carboxy-, oxy-, deoxy-, and methemoglobin of the human and four species of sturgeons (sterlet, Russian sturgeon, starred sturgeon, great sturgeon) were analyzed spectrophotometrically. It has been shown that in the absorption spectra of all forms of hemoglobins there is only one Soret γ1 band due to the prosthetic group of the pigment; the wavelength of this band is undoubtedly associated with the hemoglobin conformation. This permits the use of the band as an indicator parameter to control an initial state of the fish hemoglobin solutions, the analysis of conformational states of the pigment macromolecules, and the study of hemoglobin derivatives (its complexes with ligands).  相似文献   

Parameters of carbo-, carboxy-, oxy-, deoxy-, and methemoglobin of the human and four species of sturgeons (sterlet, Russian sturgeon, starred sturgeon, great sturgeon) were analyzed spectrophotometrically. It has been shown that in the absorption spectra of all forms of hemoglobins there is only one Soret γ1 band due to the prosthetic group of the pigment; the wavelength of this band is undoubtedly associated with the hemoglobin conformation. This permits the use of the band as an indicator parameter to control an initial state of the fish hemoglobin solutions, the analysis of conformational states of the pigment macromolecules, and the study of hemoglobin derivatives (its complexes with ligands).  相似文献   

The specificity of regulatory protein binding to DNA is due to a complementarity between the sequence of reaction centres on the protein and the base pair sequence in the specific DNA site allowing the formation of a number of specific noncovalent bonds between the interacting entities. In the present communication the thermodynamic and kinetic aspects of these interactions are considered. The extent of binding specificity is shown to increase with an increase of the bond stability constants and with an increase in the number of ligand reaction centres. Kinetic analysis is carried out assuming that association process is very fast and that dissociation of nonspecific complexes is a rate-limiting step in the recognition of a specific binding site on DNA. The calculations show that a ligand can recognize its specific binding site on DNA within a reasonably limited time interval if the number of its reaction centres and the corresponding stability constants are strongly limited.  相似文献   

The wide ligand affinity range previously observed for carp hemoglobin is bounded at both extremes by regions of constant affinity. Within these regions, pH, organic phosphates, and the extent of ligand binding have no effect on the measured affinity and the cooperativity of ligand binding is greatly reduced or absent. The rates of CO recombination to fully and partially unliganded carp hemoglobin, under various organic phosphate and pH conditions, are shown to reflect this behavior. Constant kinetic rates are seen to directly correspond to the regions of constant affinity. Therefore, these are taken to be single protein conformations, one of high and one of low ligand affinity. In the simplest view, these conformations represent the R and T states of a two-state model, and most of the properties of carp hemoglobin are explained quite well within this framework. Increases in either hydrogen or phosphate ion concentrations favor the stabilization of the low affinity structure of even fully liganded carp hemoglobin. We have studied the structural transition from high to low affinity by monitoring the absorption spectra of carp hemoglobins at constant pH as a function of organic phosphate concentration. We find that different spectra are induced in both carp methemoglobin and cyanomethemoglobin by inositol hexaphosphate addition. Furthermore, the dependence of the magnitude of the spectral changes on pH and organic phosphate concentration is the close agreement with that predicted from studies of the ligand binding properties of the molecule.  相似文献   

An important element of protein folding theory has been the identification of equilibrium parameters that might uniquely distinguish rapidly folding polypeptide sequences from those that fold slowly. One such parameter, termed sigma, is a dimensionless, equilibrium measure of the coincidence of chain compaction and folding that is predicted to be an important determinant of relative folding kinetics. To test this prediction and improve our understanding of the putative relationship between nonspecific compaction of the unfolded state and protein folding kinetics, we have used small-angle X-ray scattering and circular dichroism spectroscopy to measure the sigma of five well-characterized proteins. Consistent with theoretical predictions, we find that near-perfect coincidence of the unfolded state contraction and folding (sigma approximately 0) is associated with the rapid kinetics of these naturally occurring proteins. We do not, however, observe any significant correlation between sigma and either the relative folding rates of these proteins or the presence or absence of well-populated kinetic intermediates. Thus, while sigma approximately 0 may be a necessary condition to ensure rapid folding, differences in sigma do not account for the wide range of rates and mechanisms with which naturally occurring proteins fold.  相似文献   

Previous proton nuclear magnetic resonance (nmr) studies have indicated that inositol hexaphosphate (IHP) can stabilize hemoglobin (Hb) Kansas in a deoxy-like quaternary structure even when fully liganded with carbon monoxide (CO) (S. Ogawa, A. Mayer, and R. G. Shulman, 1972, Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun., 49, 1485–1491). In the present report we have investigated both CO binding at equilibrium and the CO binding and release kinetics to determine if Hb Kansas + IHP is devoid of cooperativity, as would be suggested by the nmr studies just quoted. The equilibrium measurements show that Hb Kansas + IHP has a very low affinity for CO (P12 = 1.2 mm Hg and Keq = 5.4 × 105M?1) and almost no cooperativity (n = 1.1) at pH 7, 25 °C. The CO “on” and “off” kinetics also show no evidence for cooperativity. In addition, the equilibrium constant estimated from the kinetic rate constants (Keq = 5.2 × 105M?1 with kon = 1.03 × 105M?1 · S? and koff = 0.198 S?1) is in excellent agreement with the equilibrium constant determined directly. Thus, both kinetic and equilibrium measurements allow us to conclude that CO binding to Hb Kansas + IHP occurs without significant cooperativity.  相似文献   

Equilibrium and metastable states in lecithin films.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
We have considered whether lecithin surface films below the gel-liquid crystal transition temperature, Tc, are in unique physical states. In general, below Tc, equilibrium films do not exist when surface pressures, pi, exceed about 0.1 dyn/cm. Since surface pressure-surface area isotherms of lecithin films below Tc always encompass pi's much greater than 0.1 dyn/cm, the film states are metastable. We show that the film properties under these conditions depend strongly on the history of the film, particularly the method of film formation. Lecithin surface films below Tc are thus in arbitrary metastable states, so that pi-area isotherms are difficult to interpret. The physical significance of such isotherms remains to be determined. The utility of pure lecithin surface layers below Tc as models for biological systems is also challenged by our results.  相似文献   

The structures and stabilities of recombinant chicken muscle troponin I (TnI) and T (TnT) were investigated by a combination of bis-ANS binding and equilibrium unfolding studies. Unlike most folded proteins, isolated TnI and TnT bind the hydrophobic fluorescent probe bis-ANS, indicating the existence of solvent-exposed hydrophobic domains in their structures. Bis-ANS binding to binary or ternary mixtures of TnI, TnT and troponin C (TnC) in solution is significantly lower than binding to the isolated subunits, which can be explained by burial of previously exposed hydrophobic domains upon association of the subunits to form the native troponin complex. Equilibrium unfolding studies of TnT and TnI by guanidine hydrochloride and urea monitored by changes in far-UV CD and bis-ANS fluorescence revealed noncooperative folding transitions for both proteins and the existence of partially folded intermediate states. Taken together, these results indicate that isolated TnI and TnT are partially unstructured proteins, and suggest that conformational plasticity of the isolated subunits may play an important role in macromolecular recognition for the assembly of the troponin complex.  相似文献   

Opossum hemoglobin assumes a T quaternary structure upon NO ligation in the absence of organic phophates at pH 6.7. In addition, stripped opossum hemoglobin exhibits a low oxygen affinity when compared to human hemoglobin and a pH-dependent heme-heme interaction with an n value of 2.14 at pH 7.0 and 2.46 at pH 7.35. These observations indicate that opossum hemoglobin may have a destabilized oxy structure when compared to hemoglobin A due to differences in primary structure. Thus, the strong trans ligand effect of nitric oxide is able to disrupt the proximal histidine-iron bond in the alpha-hemes triggering a conformational transition to the T state. Absence of a distal histidine in the alpha-subunits and, therefore an impaired donor acceptor interaction with the sixth ligand, could contribute to the lack of stability of the R quaternary structure in opossum nitrosylhemoglobin. The reduced oxygen affinity of opossum hemoglobin may be compensated for by other physiological factors such as a reduced phosphate effect.  相似文献   

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