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Phenomena of the binding of poor-soluble placenta proteins (PSPP) with pregnant women sera IgG as well as placenta blood IgG were studied. PSPP were extracted from the placenta tissue, washed out from soluble proteins, by the use of 3M KCl solution containing 0.005 M PMSF. PSPP were separated by the use of two-dimensional isoelectrofocusing and SDS-PAG electrophoresis and more than 30 different polypeptides were visualized. Having used various ELISA procedures with pregnant women sera IgG, placenta blood IgG as well as its Fab and Fc-fragments we have shown that both the receptor-type and the antigen-antibody-like interaction of PSPP took place. Both the polypeptide compositions and the isoelectrofocusing points ranges of the antigen-antibody-like interacting IgG-binding PSPP were determined by the use of the peroxidase conjugated Fab-fragments of the placenta blood IgG.  相似文献   

Glucose-6-phosphate residues were revealed by fine structural analysis using glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase-gold conjugate. In human mature placenta specific staining was detected over the stroma of placental villi. Colloidal gold particles were found over the collagen fibrils and reticular lamina of basal membrane. Syncytiotrophoblast cells, fibroblasts, endothelial cells of fetal capillaries avoided labelling. Nucleated blood cells and thrombocytes inside the lumen of fetal capillaries demonstrated intense staining. The present investigation demonstrates histochemically the process of extracellular glycosylation. Glycated collagen fibrils formed channels inside the stroma of placental villi.  相似文献   

The calpain system is involved in a number of human pathologies ranging from the muscular dystrophies to Alzheimer's disease. It is important, therefore, to be able to obtain and to characterize both mu-calpain and m-calpain from human tissue. Although human mu-calpain can be conveniently obtained from either erythrocytes or platelets, no readily available source of human m-calpain has been described. Human placenta extracts contain both mu-calpain and m-calpain in nearly equal proportions and in significant quantities (3-4 mg mu-calpain and 4-5 mg m-calpain/1000 g placenta tissue). Placenta also contains calpastatin that elutes off ion-exchange columns over a wide range of KCl concentrations completely masking the mu-calpain activity eluting off these columns and even partly overlapping m-calpain elution. Placenta mu-calpain requires 50-70 microM Ca2+ and placenta m-calpain requires 450-460 microM Ca2+ for half-maximal proteolytic activity. Western analysis of washed placenta tissue shows that placenta contains both mu- and m-calpain, although some of the mu-calpain in whole placenta extracts likely originates from the erythrocytes that are abundant in the highly vascularized placenta. Placenta calpastatin could not be purified with conventional methods. The most prominent form of calpastatin in Western analyses of placenta obtained as soon as possible after birth was approximately 48-51 kDa; partly purified preparations of placenta calpastatin also contained 48-51 and 70 kDa polypeptides. Human placenta extracts likely contain two different calpastatin isoforms, a 48-51 kDa "placenta calpastatin" and a 70 kDa erythrocyte calpastatin.  相似文献   

Summary (3H)DIDS (4,4-diisothiocyano-2,2-ditritiostilbene-disulfonate) was used as a convalent label for membrane sites involved in anion permeability. The label binds to a small, superficially located population of sites, about 300,000 per cell, resulting in almost complete inhibition of anion exchange. The relationship of biding to inhibition is linear suggesting that binding renders each site nonfunctional. In the inhibitory range less than 1% of the label is associated with lipids but at higher concentrations of DIDS, the fraction may be as high as 4%. In ghosts, however, treatment with (3H)DIDS results in extensive labeling of lipids. In cells, a protein fraction that behavens on SDS acrylamide gels as thought its molecular weight is 95,000 daltons (95K) is predominatly labeled by (3H)DIDS. The only other labeled protein is the major sialoglycoprotein which contains less than, 5% of the total bound (3H)DIDS. Because of the linear relationship of binding to inhibition and the unique architecture of the site, it is suggested that the (3H)DIDS-binding site of the 95K protein is the substrate binding site of the anion transport system. The 95K protein is asymmetrically arranged in the membrane with the sites arranged on the outer face accessible to agent in the medium. In leaky ghost, only a few additional binding sites can be reached from the inside of the membrane in the 95K protein, in contrast to the extensive labeling of other membrane proteins in ghosts as compared to cells.Abbreviations DADS 4,4-Diamino-2,2-dihydrostilbene disulfonic acid - DIDS 4,4-Diisothiocyano-2,2-stilbene disulfonic acid - (3H)DADS 4,4-Diamino-2,2-ditritiostilbene disulfonic acid - (3H)DIDS 4,4-Diisothiocyano-2,2-ditritiostilbene disulfonic acid  相似文献   

Summary A review of the electron-microscopical work on blood platelets is given. A number of electron-micrographs are presented showing normal as well as disintegrating blood platelets and their participation in the formation of the blood clot.This work was aided by a grant from the Foundation Therese och Johan Anderssons Minne, Stockholm, Sweden.  相似文献   

Endotoxin-neutralizing antimicrobial proteins of the human placenta   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Microbial colonization and infection of placental tissues often lead to adverse pregnancy outcomes such as preterm birth, a leading cause of neonatal morbidity and mortality. The fetal membranes of the placenta, a physical and active barrier to microbial invasion, encapsulate the fetus and secure its intrauterine environment. To examine the innate defense system of the human placenta, antimicrobial peptides were isolated from the fetal membranes of human placenta and characterized biochemically. Two salt-resistant antimicrobial host proteins were purified to homogeneity using heparin-affinity and reversed-phase HPLC. Characterization of these proteins revealed that they are identical to histones H2A and H2B. Histones H2A and H2B showed dose-dependent inhibition of the endotoxin activity of LPS and inhibited this activity by binding to and therefore blocking both the core and lipid A moieties of LPS. Consistent with a role for histones in the establishment of placental innate defense, histones H2A and H2B were highly expressed in the cytoplasm of syncytiotrophoblasts and amnion cells, where the histone proteins were localized mainly to the epithelial surface. Furthermore, culturing of amnion-derived WISH cells led to the constitutive release of histone H2B, and histones H2A and H2B contribute to bactericidal activity of amniotic fluid. Our studies suggest that histones H2A and H2B may endow the epithelium of the placenta with an antimicrobial and endotoxin-neutralizing barrier against microorganisms that invade this immune-privileged site.  相似文献   

The state of the acid-base balance and of the blood coagulation system was studied in starvation of young (5-6-month-old) and old (24-26-month-old) male rats during starvation. The periods of the maximal changes coincided in both systems; in the young animals the onset of the acidotic crisis and hypercoagulation development occurred earliear and were more pronounced. Old animals proved to be more resistant to the conditions of starvation and died later than the young ones.  相似文献   

Pulmonary surfactant is a complex mixture of phospholipids and four surfactant-associated proteins (SP-A, SP-B, SP-C and SP-D). The biological functions of SP-A and SP-D are primarily twofold, namely surfactant homeostasis and host defense. The hydrophobic surfactant proteins, SP-B and SP-C, are required for achieving the optimal surface tension reducing properties of surfactant by promoting the rapid adsorption of surfactant phospholipids along the alveolar surface. Despite the promising findings, only little is known about the extrapulmonary distribution of these proteins. Therefore, in this study, the presence of SP-A, SP-B, SP-C and SP-D in early human placenta has been investigated. First-trimester placental tissues (22–56 days) were obtained from women undergoing curettage during normal pregnancies. In parallel tissue sections, vimentin, cytokeratin-7 and CD-68 immunostainings were used for the identification of mesenchymal cells, trophoblast cells and Hofbauer cells, respectively. According to immunohistochemistry (IHC) results, SP-A, SP-B, SP-C and SP-D immunoreactivities with different staining intensities were observed in trophoblastic layers of chorionic villous tree, trophoblastic cell columns, stromal cells, Hofbauer cells, angiogenic cell cords and vascular endothelium. Fetal hematopoietic cells showed a variable staining pattern for all four surfactant proteins ranging from none to strong intensity. Western blotting of tissue extracts confirmed our IHC results. The presence of surfactant glycoproteins in early human placenta may yield a very important feature of surfactants during first trimester and enables further studies of the role of surfactants in various pregnancy complications.  相似文献   

A fetal origin of the isalnds was supposed after light microscopical observations, investigated especially on young placentas. Electron microscopical examination confirm this supposition. The following facts prove, that the islands are products of the trophoblast: 1. The development of Langhans-cells to the differentiated cytotrophoblast, passing the state of the transitional cell type - I have called the differentiated cytotrophoblast "trophocyte". 2. The linkage of the trophocyte to the syncytiotrophoblast of the islands by desmosomes. 3. Definite morphological differences between the trophocytes and the decidual cells. 4. The absence of connective tissue and vessels in the islands.  相似文献   

Prothrombin is converted from an inactive precursor to a biologically active protein by vitamin K-dependent carboxylation of ten glutamic acid residues in the precursor.  相似文献   

Mitochondria and crude nuclei containing fractions from human placenta have been shown to contain proteins which bind [alpha(32)P]-GTP. Prior to this study the number of GTP-binding proteins in placental nuclei and their nucleotide specificity was not known. Also unknown was the identity of any of the GTP-binding proteins in mitochondria of human placenta. Nuclei and mitochondria were purified from human placental extracts by sedimentation. Proteins were separated by electrophoresis and transferred to nitrocellulose membranes. Overlay blot with [alpha(32)P]-GTP identified two nuclei proteins with approximate molecular weights of 24 and 27 kDa. Binding of [alpha(32)P]-GTP to the 27 and 24 kDa proteins was significantly displaced by guanine nucleotides but not by adenine, thymine or cytosine nucleotides or deoxy (d) GTP. Western blot with a specific antibody to Ran identified a band at 27 kDa in nuclei and in mitochondrial fractions. These data indicate that both nuclei and mitochondria contain 24 and 27 kDa GTP-binding proteins. The GTP-binding proteins in nuclei display binding specificity for guanine nucleotides and the hydroxylated carbon 2 on the ribose ring of GTP appears essential for binding. It will be important in future studies to determine the functions of these small GTP-binding proteins in the development and physiology of the placenta.  相似文献   

S-protein, the main inhibitor of the assembly of the membrane attack complex of complement, was isolated from human plasma by a simple purification procedure, which includes barium citrate adsorption, ammonium sulphate precipitation, chromatography on DEAE-Sephacel and Blue Sepharose and gel filtration on Sephacryl S-200. The homogeneous protein (sedimentation coefficient 4.6 S) was obtained in approx. 5% yield relative to its concentration in plasma, which was found to be 0.3-0.5 mg/ml. The final product did not cross-react with antisera against complement proteins or other proteinase inhibitors of human plasma. On polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulphate, S-protein migrated as a single-chain band with an apparent Mr of 74000 under non-reducing conditions and as a doublet of Mr 78000 and 65000 upon reduction. In plasma or serum S-protein also existed in two forms of corresponding Mr values, as was evidenced by an immunoblot enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay technique. S-protein was found to be an acidic glycoprotein with 10% (W/W) carbohydrate content and several isoelectric points in the range pH 4.75-5.25, and it contained one free thiol group per molecule of protein. The functional properties of S-protein in the complement system were demonstrated by its ability to inhibit complement-dependent cell lysis in a concentration-dependent manner (Ki 0.6 microM) and by its incorporation into the nascent SC5b-7 complex. A new function for S-protein could be revealed in the blood coagulation system. The slow progressive inhibition of thrombin by antithrombin III was not affected by S-protein, whereas the purified protein interfered with the fast inactivation of thrombin clotting as well as amidolytic activity by antithrombin III-heparin complex. The acceleration of this inhibition reaction by heparin was counteracted by S-protein, indicating the ability of S-protein to neutralize heparin activity.  相似文献   

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