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During the summer and fall of 1984, elevated total coliform counts were observed in the distribution system of a public water supply serving 350,000 people in south central Connecticut. As part of an investigation of possible health risks associated with the presence of bacteria in the water supply, bacterial isolates from the distribution system were compared with bacterial isolates of the same species obtained from a large regional teaching hospital and from a national compendium of clinical isolates. Characteristics analyzed included phenotypic metabolic activity, antimicrobial susceptibilities to clinically utilized antibiotics, temperature tolerance at 44.5 degrees C, and beta-glucuronidase activity in single-test form and on a selective medium. Environmental isolates lacked known plasmid-mediated characteristics, with the exception of one Escherichia coli isolate which showed some antibiotic resistance. Klebsiella pneumoniae, Klebsiella oxytoca, Enterobacter cloacae, and Enterobacter agglomerans from all sources were temperature tolerant and yielded positive fecal coliform tests. Only E. coli showed beta-glucuronidase activity (both in a single biochemical test and on a selective medium). No single characteristic analyzed was sufficient to establish an organism as either environmental or clinical in origin.  相似文献   

Heterotrophic plate counts (HPC) and total coliforms (TC) are two major microbial indicators that are used to monitor the potability of water. Although the presence of heterotrophs has been hypothesized to predict the presence of TC, there have been few documented reports. Intensive sampling of raw, treated effluent and distribution water from a public water supply serving 400,000 people provided an opportunity to study the relationship between these two indicator groups of bacteria. A total of 26,158 samples were analyzed, including 12,970 from 1986 and 13,188 from 1985. There were 13,429 samples from the distribution system, 5,524 from treatment effluents, and 7,205 from raw water. The associations between HPC and TC were made on both a hits-and-misses and numerical comparison (CFU per milliliter) basis. The periodicity of the two indicators was also analyzed to determine whether the presence of one group could predict the presence of the other. Atypical bacteria were also related to the presence of these two indicator bacteria. Venn diagrams and nonparametric statistics revealed the following correlation coefficients for HPC and TC for 1985 and 1986 combined: raw water r = 0.45, treated effluent r = 0.06, and distribution system r = 0.10. Atypical bacteria showed a similar relationship with HPC. There was no predictive periodicity for HPC and TC within +/- 10 days of isolation of each other. Therefore, in a 2-year survey of a public water supply, the presence of HPC had a low correlation coefficient with TC, as determined by hits-and-misses and numerical comparisons. The enumeration of one group was found to be independent of the other.  相似文献   

Heterotrophic plate counts (HPC) and total coliforms (TC) are two major microbial indicators that are used to monitor the potability of water. Although the presence of heterotrophs has been hypothesized to predict the presence of TC, there have been few documented reports. Intensive sampling of raw, treated effluent and distribution water from a public water supply serving 400,000 people provided an opportunity to study the relationship between these two indicator groups of bacteria. A total of 26,158 samples were analyzed, including 12,970 from 1986 and 13,188 from 1985. There were 13,429 samples from the distribution system, 5,524 from treatment effluents, and 7,205 from raw water. The associations between HPC and TC were made on both a hits-and-misses and numerical comparison (CFU per milliliter) basis. The periodicity of the two indicators was also analyzed to determine whether the presence of one group could predict the presence of the other. Atypical bacteria were also related to the presence of these two indicator bacteria. Venn diagrams and nonparametric statistics revealed the following correlation coefficients for HPC and TC for 1985 and 1986 combined: raw water r = 0.45, treated effluent r = 0.06, and distribution system r = 0.10. Atypical bacteria showed a similar relationship with HPC. There was no predictive periodicity for HPC and TC within +/- 10 days of isolation of each other. Therefore, in a 2-year survey of a public water supply, the presence of HPC had a low correlation coefficient with TC, as determined by hits-and-misses and numerical comparisons. The enumeration of one group was found to be independent of the other.  相似文献   

Coliform bacteria from raw and treated sewage in a mechanical-biological treatment plant were examined for resistance to four to six antibiotics, and randomly selected isolates were identified. The results indicate that certain coliform species are eliminated at lower rates than others by the treatment.Klebsiella sp. became more frequent, whereas the proportion ofEscherichia coli diminished. A comparison of raw and treated sewage clearly reveals that the resistance patterns are transient characteristics, and resistance percentages may either decrease or increase following passage through the treatment plant. Mating of multiresistant isolates withE. coli K12 donor confirmed that some of the resistance traits are borne on conjugative plasmids. Multiple antibiotic resistance (MAR) indexing revealed that resistance levels ofE. coli decreased during waste water treatment, but increased in total coliforms.  相似文献   

A new membrane filter medium was developed for the improved recovery of injured coliforms from drinking water. The new medium, termed m-T7, consists of 5.0 g of Difco Proteose Peptone no. 3, 20 g of lactose, 3.0 g of yeast extract, 0.4 ml of Tergitol 7 (25% solution), 5.0 g of polyoxyethylene ether W-1, 0.1 g of bromthymol blue, 0.1 g of bromcresol purple, and 15 g of agar per liter of distilled water. Additional selectivity may be obtained by aseptically adding 0.1 microgram of penicillin G per ml to the medium after autoclaving. In laboratory studies, m-T7 agar recovered 86 to 99% more laboratory-injured coliforms than did m-Endo agar. m-T7 agar also recovered an average of 43% more verified coliforms from 67 surface and drinking water samples than did the standard m-Endo membrane filter technique. From drinking water, m-T7 agar recovered nearly three times more coliforms than did m-Endo agar. Less than 0.5% of the colonies on m-T7 agar gave false-negative reactions, whereas greater than 70% of the typical yellow colonies from m-T7 agar produced gas in lauryl tryptose broth. Most of the verified coliforms isolated on m-T7 agar belonged to one of the four common coliform genera: Escherichia, 17.6%; Klebsiella, 21.7%; Citrobacter, 17.3%; Enterobacter, 32.2%. The results demonstrate that m-T7 agar is superior to m-Endo agar, especially for the isolation of injured coliforms from drinking water.  相似文献   

AIMS: Enumeration of coliform bacteria and Escherichia coli is the most widely used method in the estimation of hygienic quality of drinking water. The yield of target bacteria and the species composition of different populations of coliform bacteria may depend on the method.Three methods were compared. METHODS AND RESULTS: Three membrane filtration methods were used for the enumeration of coliform bacteria in shallow well waters. The yield of confirmed coliform bacteria was highest on Differential Coliform agar, followed by LES Endo agar. Differential Coliform agar had the highest proportion of typical colonies, of which 74% were confirmed as belonging to the Enterobacteriaceae. Of the typical colonies on Lactose Tergitol 7 TTC agar, 75% were confirmed as Enterobacteriaceae, whereas 92% of typical colonies on LES Endo agar belonged to the Enterobacteriaceae. LES Endo agar yielded many Serratia strains, Lactose Tergitol 7 TTC agar yielded numerous strains of Rahnella aquatilis and Enterobacter, whereas Differential Coliform agar yielded the widest range of species. CONCLUSION: The yield of coliform bacteria varied between methods. Each method compared had a characteristic species distribution of target bacteria and a typical level of interference of non-target bacteria. Identification with routine physiological tests to distinct species was hampered by the slight differences between species. High yield and sufficient selectivity are difficult to achieve simultaneously, especially if the target group is diverse. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The results showed that several aspects of method performance should be considered, and that the target group must be distinctly defined to enable method comparisons.  相似文献   

Five broth media and two solid media were compared for their ability to quantitatively recover total coliform bacteria from chemically treated water. M-Endo LES and mT7 media were used in the membrane filter technique. Lauryl tryptose broth, lactose broth, presence-absence broth, lactose broth with twice the amount of lactose, and lauryl tryptose broth with twice the amount of sodium lauryl sulfate were used in the fermentation tube procedure. The differences in recovery were not significant for the five broth media and M-Endo LES agar. The M-Endo LES and mT7 media were not significantly different; however, the five broth media did yield significantly higher counts than mT7.  相似文献   

Five broth media and two solid media were compared for their ability to quantitatively recover total coliform bacteria from chemically treated water. M-Endo LES and mT7 media were used in the membrane filter technique. Lauryl tryptose broth, lactose broth, presence-absence broth, lactose broth with twice the amount of lactose, and lauryl tryptose broth with twice the amount of sodium lauryl sulfate were used in the fermentation tube procedure. The differences in recovery were not significant for the five broth media and M-Endo LES agar. The M-Endo LES and mT7 media were not significantly different; however, the five broth media did yield significantly higher counts than mT7.  相似文献   

The present paper presents results of the study in removal of iron, arsenic and total coliform from drinking water using single-pass constructed soil filter (CSF). Results indicated that arsenic levels ranged from 0.5 to less than 10 μg l?1 levels; iron from 5 to less than 0.3 mg l?1 and coliform from 10?5 to less than 5 CFU/100 ml. The results revealed very high removal efficiency, i.e., over 99% and water quality as per WHO standard.  相似文献   

An attempt was made to investigate the removal of fluoride, arsenic and coliform bacteria from drinking water using modified homemade filter media. Batch mode experimental study was conducted to test the efficiency of modified homemade filter for reduction of impurities under the operating condition of treatment time. The physico-chemical and biological analysis of water samples had been done before and after the treatment with filter media, using standard methods. Optimum operating treatment time was determined for maximum removal of these impurities by running the experiment for 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12h, respectively. The maximum reduction of fluoride, arsenic and coliform bacteria in percentage was 85.60%, 93.07% and 100% and their residual values were 0.72 mg/l, 0.009 mg/l and 0 coliform cells/100ml, respectively after a treatment time of 10h. These residual values were under the permissible limits prescribed by WHO. Hence this could be a cheap, easy and an efficient technique for removal of fluoride, arsenic and coliform bacteria from drinking water.  相似文献   

AIMS: To use BioBall cultures as a precise reference standard to evaluate methods for enumeration of Escherichia coli and other coliform bacteria in water samples. METHODS AND RESULTS: Eight methods were evaluated including membrane filtration, standard plate count (pour and spread plate methods), defined substrate technology methods (Colilert and Colisure), the most probable number method and the Petrifilm disposable plate method. Escherichia coli and Enterobacter aerogenes BioBall cultures containing 30 organisms each were used. All tests were performed using 10 replicates. The mean recovery of both bacteria varied with the different methods employed. CONCLUSIONS: The best and most consistent results were obtained with Petrifilm and the pour plate method. Other methods either yielded a low recovery or showed significantly high variability between replicates. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The BioBall is a very suitable quality control tool for evaluating the efficiency of methods for bacterial enumeration in water samples.  相似文献   

Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification and gene probe detection of regions of two genes, lacZ and lamB, were tested for their abilities to detect coliform bacteria. Amplification of a segment of the coding region of Escherichia coli lacZ by using a PCR primer annealing temperature of 50 degrees C detected E. coli and other coliform bacteria (including Shigella spp.) but not Salmonella spp. and noncoliform bacteria. Amplification of a region of E. coli lamB by using a primer annealing temperature of 50 degrees C selectively detected E. coli and Salmonella and Shigella spp. PCR amplification and radiolabeled gene probes detected as little as 1 to 10 fg of genomic E. coli DNA and as a few as 1 to 5 viable E. coli cells in 100 ml of water. PCR amplification of lacZ and lamB provides a basis for a method to detect indicators of fecal contamination of water, and amplification of lamB in particular permits detection of E. coli and enteric pathogens (Salmonella and Shigella spp.) with the necessary specificity and sensitivity for monitoring the bacteriological quality of water so as to ensure the safety of water supplies.  相似文献   

石油降解细菌的表型特性和系统发育分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
从3种不同土壤中分离和纯化得到10个石油降解细菌菌株,分离菌株均为好氧菌、革兰氏阴性菌、不形成芽孢的杆菌,10个菌株均能利用中等链长的烷烃、柴油和原油作为碳源,而不能以单环芳烃和多环芳烃为碳源。根据其生理生化性状和16SrDNA序列分析结果表明,分离菌株EVA5,EVA6,EVA7,EVA8和EVA9为假单胞菌(Pseudomonas spp.),EVA10、EVA11、EVA12、EVA13和EVA14为不动杆菌(Acinetobacter spp.),均属于Proteobac-teria的γ亚群。  相似文献   

Six Arcanobacterium haemolyticum strains isolated from six patients of two hospitals in Denmark were identified phenotypically, also including matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) analysis, and by genotypic methods. The latter were performed by sequencing 16S rDNA and glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase encoding gene gap and by amplification of an A. haemolyticum specific region of 16S–23S rDNA intergenic spacer region and 23S rDNA. The six A. haemolyticum strains were further investigated for the presence of seven potential virulence genes encoding arcanolysin, phospholipase D, hemolysin A, CAMP factor family protein, collagen binding protein, neuraminidase A and neuraminidase H which appeared to be present in two (seven virulence genes), two (six virulence genes) and two strains (four virulence genes), respectively. The phenotypic and genotypic properties described in the present study might help to reliably identify and further characterize A. haemolyticum isolated from human patients, a species which seems to be of increasing importance.  相似文献   

We describe the recovery of the rare species Aeromonas culicicola, so far known only in mosquitoes in India, from a drinking water supply in Spain. Typing, using enterobacterial repetitive intergenic consensus-PCR, revealed that the 27 new isolates belonged to 3 very closely related strains. These strains were genetically identified by 16S rRNA gene sequencing. Spanish strains differed from the mosquito strains in three nucleotide positions. The AHCYTOEN gene was present in these water strains, which may have a public health significance.  相似文献   

Mohamed  S. H.  Smouni  A.  Neyra  M.  Kharchaf  D.  Filali-Maltouf  A. 《Plant and Soil》2000,224(2):171-183
Thirty isolates of root-nodulating bacteria obtained from Acacia cyanophylla, A. karroo, A. cyclops, A. tortilis (subsp.raddiana), Faidherbia albida and Acacia sp., grown in different regions of Libya, were studied by performing numerical analysis of 104 characteristics. Three fast- and one slow-growing reference strains from herbaceous and woody legumes were included. Five distinct clusters were formed. The fast-growing reference strains were separated from the isolates whereas the slow-growing was included in cluster 4. With the exception of one cluster, the majority of clusters were formed regardless of the host plant or site of origin. Based on plant tests, generation times, acid production and carbon utilization the isolates were diverse (fast and slow-growing isolates). Like slow-growing isolates, most of the fast-growing isolates appeared to be non-specific, nodulated many species from the same genus notably F. albida, known to nodulate only with slow-growing strains. Most clusters grew at temperatures 35 °C and 37 °C; some grew at temperatures above 40 °C. The majority of isolates grew at acid and alkaline pH and only one isolate grew below pH 4. Most isolates were able to utilize many amino acids as nitrogen sources and to reduce nitrate. Urea was hydrolysed by all clusters. Monosaccharides and polyols were used by slow and fast-growing isolates as the only carbon sources whereas assimilation of disaccharides varied: Some isolates, like slow-growing isolates, failed to utilize these carbon sources. Most isolates were unable to utilize polysaccharides. Regarding tolerance to NaCl on agar medium, the majority of isolates were unable to grow at a concentration of 2% NaCl, but some were highly resistant and there was one isolate which grew at 8% NaCl. Most isolates were resistant to heavy metals and to antibiotics.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to investigate possible differences in plasticity between a potentially fast-growing and a potentially slow-growing grass species. To this end, Holcus lanatus (L.) and Deschampsia flexuosa (L.) Trin., associated with fertile and infertile habitats, respectively, were grown in sand at eight nitrate concentrations. When plants obtained a fresh weight of approximately 5 g, biomass allocation, specific leaf area, the rate of net photosynthesis, the organic nitrogen concentration of various plant parts and the root weight at different soil depths were determined. There were linear relationships between the morphological and physiological features studied and the In-transformed nitrate concentration supplied, except for the specific leaf area and root nitrogen concentration of H. lanatus, which did not respond to the nitrate concentration. The root biomass of H. lanatus was invariably distributed over the soil layers than that of D. flexuosa. However, D. flexuosa allocated more root biomass to lower soil depths with decreasing nitrate concentration, in contrast to H. lanatus, which did not respond. The relative response to nitrate supply, i.e. the value of a character at a certain nitrate level relative to the value of that character at the highest nitrate supply, was used as a measure for plasticity. For a number of parameters (leaf area ratio, root weight ratio, root nitrogen concentration, vertical root biomass distribution and rate of net photosynthesis per unit leaf weight) the potentially slow-growing D. flexuosa exhibited a higher phenotypic plasticity than the potentially fast-growing H. lanatus. These findings are in disagreement with current literature. Possible explanations for this discrepancy are discussed in terms of differences in experimental approach as well as fundamental differences in specific traits between fast- and slow-growing grasses.  相似文献   

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