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The status of the nominal species of Dicrogaster is re-assessed by means of a comparative morphological study based on newly collected material from the western Mediterranean and a critical evaluation of the published data. D. perpusilla Looss, 1902 (type-species) and D. contracta Looss, 1902 are redescribed on the basis of new material from Liza spp. D. fragilis Fernández Bargiela, 1987 is considered a junior synonym of D. fastigata Thatcher & Sparks, 1958 and D. maryutensis Al-Bassel, 1990 is considered to be nomen nudum. A key to the recognised species of Dicrogaster is presented. A new species of Forticulcita Overstreet, 1982 is described from Mugil cephalus L. in the Spanish Mediterranean and differentiated from the type-species, F. glabra Overstreet, 1982, and the recently described F. mugilis Hassanine, 2007 by its significantly smaller body size and most of its metrical data. The new species, F. gibsoni n. sp., is characterised by a narrow ‘neck’ region anterior to the genital pore and a long striated ‘tail’ region in the hindbody which is devoid of organs, such that the bulk of the uterus is restricted to the anterior half of the hindbody and the testis is located more anteriorly. F. gibsoni differs from F. glabra in having a longer forebody, smaller sucker width ratio and larger eggs, and from F. mugilis in having a smaller sucker width ratio, a hermaphroditic sac much longer than the ventral sucker and smaller eggs. The three Mediterranean forms, D. perpusilla, D. contracta and F. gibsoni are further distinguished by multivariate analyses. Keys to the species of both genera are presented.
Isabel Blasco-CostaEmail:

Neotetraonchus Bravo-Hollis, 1968 is revised and reassigned to the Dactylogyridae Bychowsky, 1933 based on examinations of specimens representing four species from the gill lamellae of sea catfishes (Ariidae). The monotypic Neotetraonchidae Bravo-Hollis, 1968 is placed in synonymy with the Dactylogyridae. Neotetraonchus bychowskyi Bravo-Hollis, 1968 (type-species), is redescribed from the tete sea catfish Ariopsis seemanni (Günther) (type-host) in the eastern Pacific Ocean off Panama (new geographical record). Neotetraonchus vegrandis n. sp. is described from the blue sea catfish A. guatemalensis (Günther) off the Pacific Coast of Mexico. Neotetraonchus bravohollisae Paperna, 1977 is redescribed from the hardhead sea catfish A. felis (L.) in the Gulf of Mexico off the Yucatan Peninsula. Neotetraonchus felis (Hargis, 1955) Paperna, 1977 is redescribed from A. felis in the Gulf of Mexico off Mississippi and the Yucatan Peninsula (new geographical record). Morphological similarities between species of Neotetraonchus suggest the likely presence of geminate species pairs flanking the Isthmus of Panama.
Delane C. KritskyEmail:

The status of the nominal species of Haploporus Looss, 1902 and Lecithobotrys Looss, 1902 is re-assessed by means of a comparative morphological study based on newly collected specimens from the western Mediterranean, the re-examination of museum material and a critical evaluation of published data. H. benedeni (Stossich, 1887) (type-species) is described and H. lateralis Looss, 1902 is considered to be its junior synonym. Additional data are given for H. pseudoindicus Rekharani & Madhavi, 1985, H. spinosus Machida, 1996 and H. magnisaccus Machida, 1996. Species parasitising Valamugil spp. from the Indo-West Pacific region, H. indicus Rekharani & Madhavi, 1985, H. spinosus, H. magnisaccus, H. mugilis Liu & Yang, 2002 and H. muscolosaccus Machida, 2003, are considered incertae sedis with respect to their generic affiliation. H. pacificus (Manter, 1963) (syn. Neohaploporus pacificus Manter, 1963), H. pseudoindicus and H. musculosaccus are designated as species inquirendae and H. lossii Al-Bassel, 1990 is considered to be a nomen nudum. Lecithobotrys putrescens Looss, 1902 is described based on newly collected material from Liza spp. Pseudolecithobotrys n. g. is erected to accommodate Lecithobotrys stomachicola Machida, 1996, as P. stomachicola (Machida, 1996) n. comb., from the North Pacific. L. aegyptiacus Hassan, El-Aziz, Khidr & Abu Samak, 1990 is considered to be a synonym of Saccocoelium tensum Looss, 1902, and L. brisbanensis (Martin, 1974) (syn. Paralecithobotrys brisbanensis Martin, 1974), L. vitellosus Sharma & Gupta, 1970 and L. suezcanali Nisreen Ezz El-Dien, Abdel-Rahman, El-Gawady, Imam & Fahmy, 1990 are regarded as species inquirendae. New generic diagnoses are presented for both Haploporus and Lecithobotrys.
Isabel Blasco-CostaEmail:

Saccocoelium Looss, 1902 is revised and a key to its recognised species is presented. S. obesum Looss, 1902 (type-species) and S. tensum Looss, 1902 are redescribed based on material from Liza spp. (Pisces: Mugilidae) in Spanish Mediterranean and, in the case of the former, Bulgarian Black Sea waters. Two new species, S. cephali n. sp. and S. currani n. sp., are described from Mugil cephalus L. in Spanish Mediterranean waters. S. gohari Ramadan, Saoud, Ashour & Mansour, 1989b is recognised and commented upon. Lecithobotrys helmymohamedi Ramadan, Saoud, Ashour & Mansour, 1989a, S. portsaidensis El-Shahawi, El-Gindy, Imam & Al-Bassel, 1992, S. saoudi El-Shahawi, El-Gindy, Imam & Al-Bassel, 1992, Neosaccocoelium aegyptiacus El-Shahawi, El-Gindy, Imam & Al-Bassel, 1992 are considered to be synonyms of S. tensum and Neosaccocoelium El-Shahawi, El-Gindy, Imam & Al-Bassel, 1992 a synonym of Saccocoelium. S. obesum, S. tensum and the two new species are compared morphometrically and distinguished by univariate and multivariate analyses. Lecithobotrys mugilis Rekharani & Madhavi, 1985 is transferred to Unisaccus Martin, 1973 as U. mugilis (Rekharani & Madhavi, 1985) n. comb., and Lecithobotrys sprenti Martin, 1973 [=  Saccocoelium sprenti (Martin, 1973) Overstreet & Curran, 2005] is transferred to Unisaccus as U. sprenti (Martin, 1973) n. comb. S. megasacculum Liu, Wang, Peng, Yu & Yang, 2004 is transferred to Elliptobursa Wu, Lu & Zhu, 1996 as E. megasacculum (Liu, Wang, Peng, Yu & Yang, 2004) n. comb. S. tripathi Dutta, 1995 (syn. Saccocoelium tripathi Datta & Manna, 1998) is considered to be a species inquirenda.
Isabel Blasco-CostaEmail:

Sub-Antarctic Marion Island has had a permanent research station for 50 years and the islands Wandering Albatrosses have been intensively studied for 20 years. The reactions of breeding birds to approaches by a human on foot were recorded. Three response variables were calculated: intensity of vocal reaction (IVR), intensity of non-vocal reaction (INR) and overall response index (ORI). At 5 m from the nest, twice as many birds stood and/or vocalised as at 15 m. Nearest neighbour distance, age and gender did not explain individual variability of responses. Study colony birds had higher IVR scores than non-study colony birds; birds at colonies closest to the station had the highest ORI scores. A better breeding record was associated with lower IVR and ORI scores, but a causative relationship remains to be demonstrated. A minimum viewing distance of 25 m is recommended for breeding Wandering Albatrosses.
Marienne S. de VilliersEmail: Fax: +27-21-6503434
John CooperEmail:
Peter G. RyanEmail:

The Small Red Damselfly (Ceriagrion tenellum) (De Villiers) (Odonata: Coenagrionidae: Ceriagrion) is classed as vulnerable (Shirt, British Red Data Book, Nature Conservancy Council, Peterborough, UK, 1987) throughout the UK, and is included in certain Local Biodiversity Action Plans (LBAPs) in the south. A large proportion of any Biodiversity Action Plan is concerned with the requirement of conservation and management programmes. In order to guide them, information about the habitat preferences of the species concerned is vital. Detailed habitat information was collected to include a variety of physical parameters particularly vegetation, both in-channel and bankside. The species was found to be primarily associated with in-channel emergent broad-leaved plants, bankside grasses and rushes, and shallow, narrow channels with dark organic substrate. The consequences of these findings are discussed in relation to the conservation and management of C. tenellum.
Alison M. StrangeEmail:

The lumpy distribution of species along a continuous one-dimensional niche axis recently found by Scheffer and van Nes (Scheffer and van Ness 2006) is explained mathematically. We show that it emerges simply from the eigenvalue and eigenvectors of the community matrix. Both the transient patterns—lumps and gaps between them—as well as the asymptotic equilibrium are explained. If the species are evenly distributed along the niche axis, the emergence of these patterns can be demonstrated analytically. The more general case, of randomly distributed species, shows only slight deviations and is illustrated by numerical simulation. This is a robust result whenever the finiteness of the niche is taken into account: it can be extended to different analytic dependence of the interaction coefficients with the distance on the niche axis (i.e., different kernel interactions), different boundary conditions, etc. We also found that there is a critical value both for the width of the species distribution σ and the number of species n below which the clusterization disappears.
Egbert H. van NesEmail:

The new enchytraeid species Lumbricillus healyae sp. n. is described from freshwater streams, with well-oxygenated and poorly mineralised waters, situated in Byers Peninsula (Livingston Island, South Shetland Islands, Antarctica). Lumbricillus healyae sp. n. is morphologically close to L. antarcticus and L. incisus, and it is mainly distinguished by the structure of the spermatheca with a short, distinct ectal duct, the oval penial bulb (greatest diameter in the transverse body axis) associated with strong dorso-ventral muscular fibres, and a protrusible pseudopenis. A second undetermined Lumbricillus species is described from a small stream. Study specimens are not fully mature; however, the highly irregular form and size of the testis-sac lobes and the absence of a penial bulb encapsulated under a muscular layer are remarkable. It is probably related to a small group of Lumbricillus species reported from the Antarctic maritime region (L. colpites, L. griseus and L. aestum), characterised by the structure of the male duct, which ends in a simple pore surrounded by glands.
Eugenio RicoEmail:

The objective of the present investigation was to determine if cyclic variations in human performance recorded during a 30 min continuous performance task would parallel cyclic variations in right-hemisphere beta-wave activity. A fast fourier transformation was performed on the quantitative electroencephalogram (qEEG) and the performance record of each participant (N = 62), producing an individual periodogram for each outcome measure. An average periodogram was then produced for both qEEG and performance by combining (averaging) the amplitudes associated with each periodicity in the 62 original periodograms. Periodicities ranging from 1.00 to 2.00 min and from 4.70 to 5.70 min with amplitudes greater than would be expected due to chance were retained (Smith et al. 2003). The results of the present investigation validate the existence of cyclic variations in human performance that have been identified previously (Smith et al. 2003) and extend those findings by implicating right-hemisphere mediated arousal in the process (Arruda et al. 1996, 1999, 2007). Significant cyclic variations in left-hemisphere beta-wave activity were not observed. Taken together, the findings of the present investigation support a model of sustained attention that predicts cyclic changes in human performance that are the result of cyclic changes in right-hemisphere arousal.
James E. ArrudaEmail:

An interferometer that measures the refractive index changes due to bacterial metabolism is described. The apparatus permits simultaneous and real time measurement of bacterial growth in several samples of slowly growing mycobacteria. The error sources are discussed and the sensitivity of the apparatus is tested. For the species Mycobacterium bovis BCG and M. smegmatis, a relation between refractive index change and bacterial concentration is determined experimentally and the time constant of bacterial growth is measured.
B. LescheEmail:

A key point in the analysis of dynamical models of biological systems is to handle systems of relatively high dimensions. In the present paper we propose a method to hierarchically organize a certain type of piecewise affine (PWA) differential systems. This specific class of systems has been extensively studied for the past few years, as it provides a good framework to model gene regulatory networks. The method, shown on several examples, allows a qualitative analysis of the asymptotic behavior of a PWA system, decomposing it into several smaller subsystems. This technique, based on the well-known strongly connected components decomposition, is not new. However, its adaptation to the non-smooth PWA differential equations turns out to be quite relevant because of the strong discrete structure underlying these equations. Its biological relevance is shown on a 7-dimensional PWA system modeling the gene network responsible for the carbon starvation response in Escherichia coli.
Laurent Tournier (Corresponding author)Email:
Jean-Luc GouzéEmail:

The explanatory filter is a proposed method to detect design in nature with the aim of refuting Darwinian evolution. The explanatory filter borrows its logical structure from the theory of statistical hypothesis testing but we argue that, when viewed within this context, the filter runs into serious trouble in any interesting biological application. Although the explanatory filter has been extensively criticized from many angles, we present the first rigorous criticism based on the theory of mathematical statistics.
Peter OlofssonEmail:

There is a continuing controversy over Native American fishing and hunting rights. We show that Native American (Menominee) and European American fish experts have a common knowledge base and share values and attitudes associated with fishing practices (though organized around different ethical principles). Nonetheless, perceived group differences are dramatic (especially European American perceptions of Native Americans). Cultural differences in models of nature and associated inference processes appear to mediate these stereotypes and may hold the key to reducing intergroup conflict over resources.
Douglas MedinEmail:

Godfrey-Smith (2001) has distinguished three types of adaptationism. This article builds on his analysis, and revises it in places, by distinguishing seven varieties of adaptationism. This taxonomy allows us to clarify what is at stake in debates over adaptationism, and it also helps to cement the importance of Gould and Lewontin’s ‘Spandrels’ essay. Some adaptationists have suggested that their essay does not offer any coherent alternative to the adaptationist programme: it consists only in an exhortation to test adaptationist hypotheses more thoroughly than was usual in the 1970s. Here it is argued that the ‘Spandrels’ paper points towards a genuinely non-adaptationist methodology implicit in much evolutionary developmental biology. This conclusion helps to expose the links between older debates over adaptationism and more recent questions about the property of evolvability.
Tim LewensEmail: Email:

Recent developments in evolutionary game theory argue the superiority of punishment over reciprocity as accounts of large-scale human cooperation. I introduce a distinction between a behavioral and a psychological perspective on reciprocity and punishment to question this view. I examine a narrow and a wide version of a psychological mechanism for reciprocity and conclude that a narrow version is clearly distinguishable from punishment, but inadequate for humans; whereas a wide version is applicable to humans but indistinguishable from punishment. The mechanism for reciprocity in humans emerges as a meta-norm that governs both retaliation and punishment. I make predictions open to empirical investigation to confirm or disconfirm this view.
Alejandro RosasEmail:

Arthropod microhabitat selection involves a hierarchical assessment of abiotic and biotic factors. In choice experiments, we tested firebrat, Thermobia domestica, microhabitat preferences. Firebrats preferred elevated (35°C) over ambient (20°C) temperature, black over white shelter, and small (1 cm) over large (15.5 cm) entrance holes. Food availability did not alter shelter selection by firebrats. Medium juveniles, large juveniles and adults, in homo- and heterogeneous populations, preferred high (4.5 and 6.0 mm) over low (1.5 and 3.0 mm) shelter heights. Small juveniles, however, selected shelters with conspecifics, not by size. Females held at 35°C, but not 20 or 25°C, laid large numbers of eggs. Thus, abiotic characteristics of a shelter, coupled with the presence of conspecifics, affect microhabitat selection by firebrats. These findings may improve entrapment and management systems of firebrats.
Michelle N. TremblayEmail:

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