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Forearm flap in one-stage reconstruction of the penis   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Seven cases of one-stage reconstructions of the penis with use of a free forearm flap have been successfully carried out with excellent cosmetic and functional results. Flap design and surgical techniques are described herein.  相似文献   

The lateral thoracodorsal flap in breast reconstruction   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A fasciocutaneous transposition flap, the lateral thoracodorsal flap, has been used in 114 cases of breast reconstruction. This flap is raised from the lateral and dorsal aspects of the thoracic wall at the level of the submammary crease, and the size may be varied from 12 to 22 cm in length and 6 to 12 cm in width. The lateral thoracodorsal flap is used with an implant and forms the lateral part of the reconstructed breast. A natural ptotic breast shape is achieved in a single-stage procedure. Complications such as partial necrosis and infection have occurred in 3.5 and 2.5 percent of cases, respectively. The procedure is simple and has at our unit largely replaced the use of the latissimus dorsi musculocutaneous flap in extensive postmastectomy defects. In less disfiguring defects, the lateral thoracodorsal flap has taken the place of direct implantation because the reconstructed breast obtains a more pleasing shape by augmentation of the lower lateral pole.  相似文献   

A case of functional support for distant flap reconstruction of the entire lower lip and mandibular symphysis following resection of an aggressive recurrent basal cell carcinoma of the lip is presented. Resection of the entire lower lip and mandibular symphysis includes loss of the orbicularis oris and attached muscles of the modiolus as well as the buccinator and masseter muscles. Without the support of these muscles, control of saliva as well as solid and liquid food is lost and articulation is hampered. In this case, fasciae latae strips attached to distally transected temporalis muscle tendons were tunneled bilaterally into the lower lip and chin area, which had been previously reconstructed with deltopectoral and pectoralis major musculocutaneous flaps.  相似文献   

The dorsal middle phalangeal finger flap is an extremely reliable flap that is indicated for fingertip injuries which require sensory reconstruction. This flap originates from the dorsum of the middle phalanx of the finger and is elevated with a vascular pedicle of the digital artery and the dorsal branch of the digital nerve. After transfer of the flap to the injured site, epineural neurorrhaphy is done between the digital nerve and the dorsal sensory branch of the flap. This flap can be thought of as an island flap of the innervated cross-finger flap that provides excellent sensory recovery and aesthetic improvement. We used this flap in a series of eight consecutive patients and were able to follow up seven patients for longer than 6 months (mean follow-up time 10.7 months). All patients achieved measurable two-point discrimination, with an average of 4.9 mm in the moving two-point discrimination. In this study, we report our consecutive series of the dorsal middle phalangeal finger flap and its versatile utility.  相似文献   

The rotation-advancement of a composite auricular flap for reconstruction of a large defect involving the triangular fossa as well as most of the crura of the anthelix is presented as an alternative method for reconstruction. The technique is simple, safe, and a one-stage operation.  相似文献   

Fibula free flap: a new method of mandible reconstruction   总被引:65,自引:0,他引:65  
The fibula was investigated as a donor site for free-flap mandible reconstruction. It has the advantages of consistent shape, ample length, distant location to allow a two-team approach, and low donor-site morbidity. It can be raised with a skin island for composite-tissue reconstruction. Twelve segmental mandibular defects (average 13.5 cm) were reconstructed following resection for tumor, most commonly epidermoid carcinoma. Five defects consisted of bone alone, and four others had only a small amount of associated intraoral soft-tissue loss. Eleven patients underwent primary reconstructions. At least two osteotomies were performed on each graft, and miniplates were used for fixation in 11 patients. Six patients received postoperative radiation, and two patients received postoperative chemotherapy. The flaps survived in all patients. All osteotomies healed primarily. The septocutaneous blood supply was generally not adequate to support a skin island for intraoral soft-tissue replacement. The aesthetic result of the reconstruction was excellent in most patients, particularly in "bone only" defects. There was no long-term donor-site morbidity.  相似文献   

Ten patients were reconstructed with the microvascular osteocutaneous groin flap for oromandibular defects with the objective of improving function. The flap was based on the superficial and deep circumflex iliac vessels for optimal positioning of the bone and contouring of the skin. Patients with major glossectomies and arch resections had intelligible speech and were able to eat a soft diet without aspirating. Cineradiographic studies to evaluate swallowing in selected patients showed that the shape of the intraoral flap and the location of the bone graft played an important role in swallowing and prevention of aspiration.  相似文献   

The lateral arm fascial free flap: its anatomy and use in reconstruction   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Free fascial transfer has been used for reconstruction of gliding surfaces of the upper and lower extremities or when thin, pliable coverage is required (hand, heel, nose, and ear). In our experience with the lateral arm fasciocutaneous flap, we have found that the fascia alone is an excellent source of tissue for free flap transfer. A thorough investigation of the microscopic, gross, and radiographic anatomy of the lateral arm fascia was undertaken by the study of 25 fresh cadavers. Vascular pathways were mapped, their locations were analyzed, and then they were correlated with the elevation, design, and transfer of the flap. The lateral arm has a large fascial component located anterior and posterior to the lateral intermuscular septum, which itself lies between the triceps and the brachialis and brachioradialis muscles. It is perfused by the posterior radial collateral artery (PRCA), one of the terminal branches of the profunda brachii. This vessel (PRCA) provides at least four fascial branches from 1 to 15 cm proximal to the lateral epicondyle, the largest of which is located an average of 9.7 cm superior to the lateral epicondyle. Fascia up to 12 x 9 cm may be used with good axial perfusion. The histologic cross sections demonstrate the complex anatomy of the fascia itself, as well as its relation to the nutrient vessels. We have applied the lateral arm fascial flap in five cases of upper extremity reconstruction. We have also found this flap valuable in preservation of underlying anatomic detail for total reconstruction of the ear and nose when local tissue and more conventional flaps were not available.  相似文献   

Malocclusion may result after free fibula flap reconstruction of the mandible, because of inadequate positioning of the temporomandibular joint, inaccurate contouring of the reconstruction plate, or subsequent fracture of a miniplate. Factors that alter the vascularity of the transplanted fibula may also result in a delayed presentation of malocclusion. Seven cases are presented, in which primary surgical treatment consisted of segmental mandibulectomy and reconstruction with a free fibula osteoseptocutaneous flap. Fixation was achieved with a reconstruction plate in five cases and a miniplate in two cases. Malocclusion was corrected with an osteotomy performed at the junction of the fibula and the native mandible. The new osteotomy sites were fixed with miniplates and maintained with intermaxillary fixation. Complete bony union was achieved at the osteotomy sites. The correction of malocclusion was successful in all cases, and all patients have resumed a normal diet. This report demonstrates that osteotomy and realignment of the mandible are effective for the secondary correction of malocclusion after mandibular reconstruction with the free fibula osteoseptocutaneous flap.  相似文献   

Maintaining the continuity of the tumor-free mandible is a priority objective in managing the patient with head and neck cancer. After review of seven patients with cutaneous or intraoral bone exposure from osteoradionecrosis of the mandible, we recommend treatment consisting of debridement of soft necrotic bone, retention of dry sclerotic bone, and coverage with well-vascularized flap tissue. Utilizing this therapeutic plan, we have preserved mandibular architecture and obtained primary healing of the wounds.  相似文献   

The lateral supramalleolar flap   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
An anatomic study (40 fresh dissected specimens) and clinical experience (14 patients) have shown the reliability of a skin flap designed on the lower third of the lateral aspect of the leg. It is supplied by a cutaneous branch from the perforating branch of the peroneal artery. This perforating branch continues distally deep to the fascia along the anterior ankle and into the foot. This can be used as a reversed pedicle, giving the flap an arc of rotation that allows coverage of the dorsal, lateral, and plantar aspects of the foot, the posterior heel, and the lower medial portion of the leg.  相似文献   

Presented here are two clinical cases of extensive defects of the scalp secondary to surgical resection of invasive basal cell carcinoma on the parietal region, successfully treated by means of very large, bipedicled fronto-occipital flaps, based anteriorly on the supratrochlear-supraorbital vessels and posteriorly on the occipital and posterior auricular vessels. Considering both the location and the large size of the scalp defects, different surgical techniques are discussed and the potential use of bipedicled scalp flaps is considered, designed either sagittally or coronally as fronto-occipital or temporo-temporal flaps. The bipedicled fronto-occipital scalp flap is believed to represent a simple, secure, and useful reconstructive procedure for cutaneous coverage of extensive defects located on the lateral scalp.  相似文献   

The lateral transverse thigh free flap is a horizontal variant of the more commonly known vertical tensor fasciae latae myocutaneous free flap. Fresh cadaver injections of the lateral circumflex femoral artery indicated simultaneous perfusion of the upper lateral thigh tissues and the standard tensor fasciae latae territory extending down the lateral thigh. These experimental data strongly indicated that the clinical application would be successful. The flap is composed mostly of fat from the prominence of the upper lateral thigh ("saddlebags") based on a small plug of underlying tensor fasciae latae muscle. The amount of skin that can be included with this flap is limited in a vertical dimension to about 6 to 8 cm but is determined by the ability to close the defect. We have performed 17 flaps in 11 patients with up to 18 months of follow-up. Ten were delayed and 7 were immediate reconstructions. The chest and hip dissections are performed simultaneously by two microsurgeons. There has been one flap loss due to arterial disruption on day 3. An early problem was seroma formation in the donor site, which has been improved in the later patients by closing the dead space with sutures. The lateral transverse thigh free flap has the following advantages over other methods of autogenous-tissue breast reconstruction: (1) longer, more peripherally placed vessels, (2) easier flap dissection and no need to turn the patient during the procedure, (3) decreased postoperative morbidity and more rapid recovery, (4) reduction of an area of excess fat in those patients in whom the hips are more prominent than the abdomen, (5) greater intrinsic internal projection of the flap, and (6) excellent vascularity. The disadvantages of the flap are (1) microsurgery is required, (2) the amount of skin available is not as great as that with the gluteal or transverse rectus abdominis musculocutaneous (TRAM) flap, (3) the scar on the upper lateral thigh is probably more visible than on the buttock or the abdomen, and (4) a balancing procedure on the opposite hip is usually necessary in unilateral cases. Our current indications for the lateral transverse thigh free flap are (1) the transverse rectus abdominis musculocutaneous flap is unavailable, (2) for a particular breast size, the thigh fat proportions are greater than the abdominal proportions, or (3) the patient prefers this option to the transverse rectus abdominis musculocutaneous or gluteus flap. Results and complications with the lateral transverse thigh free flap will be presented along with pertinent comparisons with the other choices for autogenous-tissue breast reconstruction.  相似文献   

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