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Pulsatilla vulgaris Mill. (Ranunculaceae) is a rare and rapidly declining grassland community species that was once widespread at a time when Central Germany was covered by steppe vegetation. Through the course of this study, the patterns of random-amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) variation among 11 populations of varying size were analysed to assess any possible local differentiation, in relation to spatial isolation, resulting from random genetic drift brought on by reduced population size and lack of migration between geographically isolated populations. Following results attained from methods including: multivariate analysis based on asymmetric Soerensen similarity, φST-statistics, and analysis of molecular variance, we were able to conclude that there is a high within-population variability (84.4%) and a weak, but significant, differentiation among populations (φST=0.17). A matrix correlation between genetic and geographical distances revealed that geographical differentiation was reflected in the RAPD profile (Mantel test: r=0.47,p=0.002). Further significant correlations were noted between population size and both percentage of polymorphic loci (p=0.02) and genetic diversity (p=0.03). An additional analysis of seed production showed that mean seed set, seed number, and mean seed mass per population could be attributed to differences in population size, whereas only seed mass was related to genetic variation.  相似文献   

杨彪  张全建  龚旭  段晨松  张远彬 《生态学报》2020,40(4):1184-1194
雅砻江冬麻豆(Salweenia bouffordiana)是近年发现的冬麻豆属新种,是中国西南特有的珍稀濒危植物。本文以四川省新龙县境内的雅砻江冬麻豆种群为研究对象,采用常规的种群生态学调查方法,旨在通过建立种群静态生命表和绘制种群存活曲线来描述其种群结构特征,并利用种群数量动态预测和时间序列以量化种群未来发展趋势。结果表明:(1)雅砻江冬麻豆种群龄级结构属于衰退型,动态指数显示该种群波动大、稳定性差、抗干扰能力低,对外界干扰具有较高的敏感性;(2)静态生命表显示雅砻江冬麻豆种群整体呈现出极不稳定的状态,种群存活曲线趋向于Deevey-Ⅲ型,早期死亡率极高;(3)生存曲线表明种群具有前期薄弱,中期、后期衰退显著的特点;(4)时间序列分析显示该种群严重缺乏低龄个体,自然更新难以维持,未来仍然会继续衰退。建议尽快确定雅砻江冬麻豆种群的生物学地位,采取就地保护措施对雅砻江冬麻豆种群进行保护,以保证种群的更新和延续。  相似文献   

细果秤锤树(Sinojackia microcarpa)是中国特有极小种群植物之一,属国家Ⅱ级重点保护植物。为揭示该种群的生存潜力与濒危机制,为种群保护提供依据,采用样地调查法在浙江省建德市细果秤锤树自然集中分布区进行野外调查,以空间代替时间研究了细果秤锤树种群的结构特征,绘制了种群静态生命表及种群存活曲线,并应用种群动态和时间序列量化预测种群未来发展态势。结果表明:(1)细果秤锤树的径级、高度和冠幅结构均表明该种群龄级结构总体呈衰退型,种群幼年树淘汰率较高,中年树到老年树过渡阶段适应力增强,生长情况较前期稳定。(2)生活曲线属Deevey-Ⅲ型,早期死亡率高,生存分析揭示细果秤锤树种群具有前期锐减的动态特征。(3)时间序列分析预测在未来2、4、6、8个龄级后,细果秤锤树的年龄结构存在幼年个体数下降,中、老年树占优势的衰退风险。(4)种群动态指数表明该种群结构总体波动大,抗外界干扰能力较弱,环境对个体的选择作用较强。为促进种群自然更新,应加强就地保护措施,降低人为干扰对个体生存环境的威胁,提高幼苗至幼树转化率,实现种群恢复。  相似文献   

濒危植物羽叶丁香种群结构与动态特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
姜在民  和子森  宿昊  赵涵  蔡靖 《生态学报》2018,38(7):2471-2480
羽叶丁香(Syringa pinnatifolia Hemsl.)是中国特有的珍稀濒危物种,首次对中卫香山和贺兰山甘沟保护区两地的天然种群进行调查,通过建立种群静态生命表,绘制种群存活曲线描绘其种群结构特征,利用种群数量动态预测和时间序列分析定量研究其未来的发展趋势。结果显示,中卫香山种群属于增长型,贺兰山甘沟种群属于衰退型,二者对外界干扰均比较敏感。两地羽叶丁香种群均不同程度地缺乏幼苗,种群发展主要靠中老龄个体维持,存活曲线都趋向于Deevey-Ⅱ型,死亡率曲线和危险率曲线均显示随着年龄的增长,各龄级呈波状上升趋势,且中卫香山种群波动更明显,生存分析也显示中卫香山种群更早进入衰退期,结合生境气候条件,贺兰山甘沟地区更适宜羽叶丁香的生存。动态指数和时间序列分析显示羽叶丁香种群具有前期缺乏,中期稳定,后期衰退的动态特征,幼龄个体的缺乏是导致其濒危的重要原因之一。因此,建议在目前封山育林保护基础上,加强羽叶丁香高效繁育技术研究,并适当进行人工抚育,以保证其种群的正常更新。  相似文献   

尕海-则岔地区紫果云杉种群结构与动态特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵阳  齐瑞  焦健  陈学龙  曹家豪  冯宜明  杨萌萌 《生态学报》2018,38(20):7447-7457
紫果云杉(Picea purpurea)为我国特有树种,为了解其种群生存现状及动态特征,以尕海-则岔自然保护区则岔沟的紫果云杉天然纯林为研究对象,通过样地调查和数据统计,绘制了种群结构图,编制了静态生命表,分析了存活曲线,运用生存分析理论与数量化分析法研究种群结构与动态,并运用时间序列模型对种群数量动态进行预测,以揭示本区域紫果云杉的种群结构与动态特征。结果表明,紫果云杉种群龄级结构、高度结构和冠幅结构总体均呈倒"J"型。种群自然更新能力强,幼苗、幼树储量丰富,前期有较高的死亡率,种群存活曲符合Deevey-Ⅲ型。生存分析也说明紫果云杉种群具有前期锐减,中、后期稳定的特点。竞争和自疏作用造成的幼苗、幼树存活率偏低是影响紫果云杉种群自然更新和结构的关键因素。种群动态指数Vpi0,表明种群属于增长型,V'pi趋近于0,表明该种群趋近于稳定型。时间序列预测分析表明,在未来2、4、6、8个龄级后,紫果云杉个体数均有所增加,种群呈一定的增长趋势。说明该保护区的成立使本区域紫果云杉种群得到了相对完整的保存,该种群适应当前的生存环境,能实现自然更新且仍有一定的增长潜力。紫果云杉种群更新主要受制于建成限制,幼苗、幼树存活率过低,可采取适当的人为干扰措施来促进种群更新与增长,而保护幼苗生存环境并提高幼苗质量和存活率才是种群更新和发展的关键。  相似文献   

黄土塬区不同品种玉米间作群体生长特征的动态变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王小林  张岁岐  王淑庆  王志梁 《生态学报》2012,32(23):7383-7390
不同玉米品种间作,品种间的竞争对群体结构和产量可能有促进作用.为了明确不同密度下品种间作对不同生育期群体生长特征的影响,以及在不同生育期的变化规律,选用郑单958和沈单16两个不同株型的玉米品种在中、高两种密度条件下进行隔行间作田间试验.研究结果表明:不同密度间作群体叶面积指数(Leaf Area Index,LAI)显著增加,同密度不同品种间作LAI在生育后期显著增加,有利于形成合理的冠层结构以获得更多的光照;中等密度下品种间作单株叶面积较单作显著增加,而高密度间作显著降低了单株叶面积;中等密度下,品种间作地上部干物质积累量显著增加,郑单958尤为突出,但高密度间作时的增加幅度较小,这与高密度下株高、茎粗相对减小有关.品种株高、茎粗随间作密度的增加而有所增加,对间作竞争的响应与品种特性密切相关;在不同生育期,郑单958和沈单16号表现不同的生长规律,前者在整个营养生长过程中对间作竞争的响应明显、持续和稳定,而进入生殖期后,间作的生长优势逐渐消失;后者在营养生长期干物质积累量大,但持续时间较短,表现出较弱的竞争性.品种间作可有效改善群体冠层结构,增加群体物质生产力,更好的为增产鉴定基础.  相似文献   

王泳腾  黄治昊  王俊  张童  崔国发 《生态学报》2021,41(7):2826-2834
黄檗(Phellodendron amurense)为我国珍稀濒危物种,具有较高的药用价值。以燕山地区野生黄檗种群为研究对象,采用典型抽样对8个保护区内的黄檗进行全面调查,通过编制静态生命表并绘制存活曲线,分析种群年龄结构和种群变化规律,并通过种群动态量化和时间序列预测分析种群未来数量变化。结果表明:(1)黄檗种群结构总体上呈倒"J"型,但存在外部干扰时,种群结构数量变化动态指数为1.017%,表明该种群趋于稳定型;(2)静态生命表及相关曲线分析显示,黄檗种群存活数量整体上随着径级增大,个体数量逐渐下降;黄檗种群的生存期望在不同径级间存在波动,而第Ⅶ径级的生存期望最高,种群存活曲线符合Deevey-Ⅱ型,黄檗种群具有前期减少、中期稳定、后期衰退的特点;(3)时间序列预测分析表明,在未来2、4、6、8个径级之后,黄檗中老龄个体数量将逐渐增加。黄檗种群濒危的主要因素是幼苗数量少,且呈现散生分布状态,建议加强幼苗抚育工作,提高幼苗的存活率,保护和改善生境,从而促进黄檗种群的自然更新和恢复。  相似文献   

李娟  邹琳  吕亚媚  肖明昆  杜凡 《广西植物》2019,39(9):1271-1280
元江素馨(Jasminum yuanjiangense)为云南省元江河谷狭限分布的特有植物,该研究采用典型选样法在元江素馨较为集中分布地布置4个样方,包含干热灌丛、稀树灌木草丛2个植被类型,调查分析种群年龄结构及存活曲线,量化种群结构类型,比较各局域元江素馨种群的差异性,并运用时间序列预测种群数量动态,以揭示元江素馨种群结构及动态特征。结果表明:(1)元江素馨种群属于增长型,Vpi'=0.004 1,表明该种群趋近于稳定型;种群结构在发展过程中存在一定的波动性,种群生长前期个体数多于生长后期;存活曲线趋于Deevey-Ⅲ型和Deevey-Ⅰ型;幼苗充足,死亡率高,幼龄阶段到中龄阶段个体生长发育受阻。(2)时间序列预测分析表明,元江素馨种群具备一定的恢复能力,未来2、4个龄级时间后种群个体数均呈现小幅度的增加趋势。(3)各局域元江素馨种群结构存在差异,但依据其年龄结构大致可划分为两类,即样地1、样地2和样地4种群为增长型,存活曲线表现出Deevey-Ⅲ型;样地3的种群为稳定型,存活曲线呈现出Deevey-Ⅰ型,稳定型种群生境较增长型种群生境更适宜于元江素馨的生长。  相似文献   

桢楠是我国珍稀渐危树种,国家二级保护植物,野生多散生于海拔1500 m以下的亚热带常绿阔叶林中。而喀斯特生境岩石裸露、土壤浅薄贫瘠、岩溶干旱频发,理论上并不适合喜湿耐荫且喜酸性土壤的桢楠生长及幼苗更新。因此重庆市大足区和永川区喀斯特生境中的天然桢楠种群可能存在一定的更新困难。为明确这两个桢楠种群的生存现状及动态特征,采用野外调查法,从径级结构、静态生命表、存活曲线、结构动态及分布格局等方面分析桢楠种群结构及其数量动态规律,以期预测种群未来发展趋势,为喀斯特地区桢楠种群的保护、群落更新及植被恢复提供理论基础。结果表明:(1)大足区桢楠种群的年龄结构趋于稳定型,而永川区桢楠种群的年龄结构为增长型。两地区幼苗充足但死亡率高。(2)静态生命表及相关曲线分析显示,两个桢楠种群存活数量总体上随径级增大而减少;两个桢楠种群的生存期望值在不同径级间存在波动,大足区桢楠种群在第Ⅱ径级而永川区则是第Ⅳ径级期望值最高。(3)两个种群的存活曲线均为Deevey-Ⅲ型,即幼树死亡率较高,并且种群的增长速度较为缓慢。(4)大足区种群为随机分布,永川区种群为集群分布;种群各生长发育阶段均为集群分布,但聚集强度随着龄...  相似文献   

This work reports for the first time the identification of the major compounds of Pinguicula lusitanica, an endangered carnivorous plant species, using minimal amounts of plant material. A methanol extract was prepared from in vitro cultured plantlets and analyzed by HPLC–SPE–NMR/HPLC–MS. Three iridoid and five caffeoyl phenylethanoid glycosides were identified. These groups of natural compounds were previously reported in the Lentibulariaceae family and have been used as chemotaxonomic markers in related families.  相似文献   

The genetic diversity and population structure of 20 Tunisian Lavandula stoechas L. and Lavandula multifida L. populations, from different bioclimates, were analysed by starch gel electrophoresis using seven isozymes. The genetic diversity within populations varied according to species. Variation in L. multifida was higher than that observed for L. stoechas, and exclusive alleles were detected for taxa.

A high differentiation among populations, for each species, estimated by Wright's F-statistics was revealed. The genetic structure of populations from the same bioclimate was substantial. Nei's, R. [1978. Estimation of average heterozygosity and genetic distance from a small number of individuals. Genetics 89, 583–590] genetic distance among pairs of populations was low. The UPGMA cluster analysis of genetic distance values revealed that populations for each species were not strictly clustered together according to bioclimate or geographic proximity.

For each species, the low genetic divergence among populations and their substantial structure indicate their recent fragmentation due to anthropic pressures. The dendrogram generated from pairwise genetic distance among all populations showed two distinct clusters each corresponding to one species. The high genetic divergence between the two species, based on isozymes, corroborates their taxonomic status, as previously reported using morphological traits. The strategy for the management and conservation of populations should be made for each taxa according to its level of diversity and bioclimate.  相似文献   

Several reports have referred to the possible perennial character of holoparasitic Cuscuta species, but the frequency and ecological importance of perennation have not been studied yet. We determined that Cuscuta epithymum is capable of overwintering vegetatively, especially on its most common perennial host Calluna vulgaris. To examine the impact of successional stages on the capability of C. epithymum to perennate vegetatively, ten C. epithymum populations in Calluna-dominated sites in a successional gradient were studied. Although the number of overwintering haustoria varied between different populations, on average 85% of each C. epithymum population was the result of resprouting haustoria. Thus, the pseudoannual growth habit is an important, but overlooked life-strategy for long-term survival of this species. Furthermore, the stage of heath succession significantly determined the overwintering probabilities of C. epithymum and therefore strongly influenced its annual growth. Most sprouted haustoria were found in 1- or 2-year-old vegetation followed by a gradual decline at older successional stages. The parasite was more likely to overwinter on unlignified (and nutritious) than on lignified parts of C. vulgaris. The number of sprouted haustoria positively affects C. epithymum population size and thus flower abundance. Hence, vegetative perennation and subsequent increased flowering success are two aspects that may increase the chance for these populations to cope with environmental influences and survive in the long run.  相似文献   

Flower morphology, nectary structure, nectar traits and rates of honeybee foraging on pepper plants were studied. The nectary appears as swellings on the basal part of the ovary. The nectariferous cells are smaller and denser than the neighbouring parenchyma. Stomata are present in the nectary epidermis, but do not appear on the other parts of the ovary epidermis. Seven pepper breeding lines were grown near a bee yard in Rehovot. Five to six fold differences in nectar volume were found between the extreme genotypes. Nectar volumes were higher during noon and afternoon hours, as compared with morning hours. High correlation coefficients between nectar volume and sugar concentration were found. These were significant for the four high nectar yielding genotypes, ranging between r = 0.65 to r = 0.94. Male-fertile flowers produced more nectar and higher sugar concentration than sterile ones. Skewed distribution was observed in nectar volume of F2 populations, but relatively low heritability values were calculated. Pepper nectar contains fructose and glucose only. The former occupies 52–82 % of the total sugar content. Pepper genotypes varied in frequency of honeybee visits and significant correlation between sugar quantity and number of honeybee visits per flower was evident. Fertile pepper flowers are not very attractive to honeybees and male-sterile flowers are even less so. The considerable variation in nectar characteristics can be exploited to increase attractiveness to honeybees, thus facilitating bee pollination in commercial production of F1hybrid seeds and improve fruit quality.  相似文献   

Knowledge of tree growth/climate response relationships is important to dendroecological studies and dendroclimatic reconstructions, particularly in the Southeastern Coastal Plain where few such studies have been attempted. To this end, we developed tree-ring chronologies of total ring width, earlywood width, and latewood width from longleaf pine (Pinus palustris Mill.) at three sites in the Southeastern Coastal Plain to examine the climate–growth relationships for this tree species. The length of these chronologies is unprecedented for southern pine chronologies in the Southeast. We compared the tree-ring chronologies to monthly temperature, precipitation, Palmer drought severity index (PDSI), and Palmer hydrological drought index (PHDI) data from the pertinent climate divisions. We found that PDSI and PHDI have the highest correlation with longleaf pine growth, and the strongest relationships between longleaf pine growth and these variables occur between July and November. Precipitation in the spring and summer was also positively related to growth at all sites. The relationship between temperature and growth was the weakest among all climate variables, but warm summer temperatures had a consistent, negative relationship with longleaf pine growth. The climate signal in the latewood was generally more robust than for total ring width and earlywood width.  相似文献   

为探究神农架大九湖泥炭藓湿地的关键物种大泥炭藓(Sphagnum palustre L.)种群的分布特征及其制约因素,于2020年8月沿垂直湖岸带方向设置样带和样方进行植被和环境因子的调查和采样,于室内进行各理化指标和生理指标的测定与分析。研究结果显示:(1)大泥炭藓三生长指标(头状枝数量、盖度、生物量)对垂直湖岸带距离的响应具有一致性,均随垂直湖岸带距离的增加呈现先增加后减小的趋势,在距湖岸40m左右时,大泥炭藓种群生产力最高;(2)多元线性回归分析结果显示,在20个环境因子(土壤含水量、容重、孔隙度、固相比、液相比、气相比、pH、TN、TP、TOC、AHN、AP、TOC/TN、TOC/TP、TN/TP;地下水埋深;水样pH、TN、TP、TN/TP)中,地下水埋深是影响大泥炭藓种群生长和分布的最重要环境因子,其次是土壤TOC/TP;在8个生理指标(组织TC、TN、TP、TC/TN、TC/TP、TN/TP、总叶绿素、类胡萝卜素)中,组织TC与大泥炭藓生长显著相关;(3)地下水埋深通过影响大泥炭藓头状枝的光合和呼吸作用,土壤TOC通过影响大泥炭藓吸收同化到自身组织中的TC含量,来影响其种...  相似文献   

Crowding of lepidopterous larvae can influence adult morphology and physiology. With P. gamma and P. brassicae increasing emergence weight was not accompanied by proportionately as great increases in wing area. Larval crowding decreases both weight and wing area and accentuates thedisproportion in the relation between wing area and weight. In the two species fore- and hind-wings are differently affected and the sexes were also affected differently. A warmer season also decreases fore- and hind-wing areas but distinct differences exist in the relative extent of the decreases. To obtain adequate data, both fore- and hind-wings must be measured.
Résumé Le groupement chez les larves de lépidoptères provoque la réduction du poids et des dimensions des ailes chez les adultes, et il est possible qu'elle contribue à provoquer la migration par son effet sur la morphologie et la fonction. Le rapport entre le poids total et la surface des ailes est souvent appelé wing loading et on sait que ce rapport croît avec l'accroissement de poids des différentes espèces animales qui volent.L'effet du groupement larvaire sur le poids du corps et le wing loading chez Plusia gamma L. et Pieris brassicae L. a été étudié en comparant les adultes nouvellement éclos d'élevage de larves solitaires et de larves groupées. Le groupement réduit le poids et la surface des ailes d'une façon non proportionnelle, mais toutefois décroissante, wing loading. Pour chaque espèce et chaque sexe, le wing loading décroît pour un poids à l'éclosion décroissant, et ceci explique partiellement l'effet du groupement sur le wing loading.Chez P. gamma l'aile antériure était plus grande que l'aile postérieure. Toutefois l'aile antérieure était la plus réduite en dimensions par le groupement, l'effet étant le plus marqué chez la femelle. La température affectait aussi le poids et la surface des ailes. Dans les élevages d'individus isolés, des températures plus élevées réduisaient principalement le poids des mâles, et la surface de leurs ailes postérieures, tandis que les surfaces des ailes antérieures et postérieures des femelles étaient plus affectées, de sorte que le wing loading décroissait chez les mâles et augmentait chez les femelles.Chez P. brassicae l'aile postérieure est la plus grande et décroissait davantage avec le groupement. Le groupement ne paraissait pas affecter différemment les deux sexes, mais les résultats semblaient indiquer que l'effet pouvait être accentué chez les mâles et diminué chez les femelles quand les températures baissaient. Comme chez P. gamma des températures plus élevées diminuaient le poids et la surface des ailes chez P. brassicae mais du fait que la surface des ailes était la plus affectée, le wing loading augmentait chez les deux sexes. Le groupement, cependant, accentuait l'effet de la température sur le poids tandis qu'elle réduisait le wing loading. ainsi chez les deux espèces, les réductions du poids et de la surface des ailes dûes à l'élévation de la température ne sont pas identiques avec les réductions dûes au groupement.Les expériences ont montré également que, alors que les mesures directes de certaines dimensions pouvaient présenter une précision adéquate, les renseignements sur les ailes antérieures et postérieures devaient être groupés.

Unlike mulberry (Morus alba, M.a.), paper mulberry (Broussonetia papyrifera, B.p.) can acclimate to Karst soil and incline to alien invasion. The photosynthetic parameters, diurnal changes of carbonic anhydrase, and chlorophyll fluorescence induction, and water potential were measured on sunny days (SD) and cloudy days (CD). Photosynthetic midday depression occurred in B.p. but not in M.a. The irradiance-and CO2-saturated photosynthetic rates of B.p. were significantly higher than those of M.a. There was no significant difference in water use efficiency between the two species on a SD. The maximum fluorescence, maximum quantum yield, photochemical quenching, and relative electron transport rate in the leaves of B.p. were much higher than those in M.a. The activity of carbonic anhydrase (CA) of B.p., on either an SD or a CD, was much greater than that of M.a. Higher transpiration rate (E) and net photosynthetic rate (P N) of B.p. resulted in the lack of water in mesophyll cells. Although a higher CA activity of B.p. supplied both water and CO2 for the photosynthesis of mesophyll cells, water in mesophyll cells was the factor limiting photosynthesis, and the intercellular CO2 concentration of B.p. was high and stable.  相似文献   

Question: How does vegetation and management affect the population stage structure of Serratula tinctoria, a species indicative of highly endangered and species‐rich flood‐plain meadows? Are different management regimes suitable to support viable populations of S. tinctoria? Location: Flood‐plain of the northern Upper Rhine, Germany. Methods: We analysed the population structure of S. tinctoria at 24 meadow sites which differed in vegetation and management. In this comparative study the investigated meadows were either (1) late mown in September; (2) early mown in June or (3) mown in June and then grazed by sheep. Results: The structure of the surrounding vegetation had a clear effect on the population structure of S. tinctoria. The percentage of bare soil, as well as the cover of bryophytes, were positively related, whereas the Ellenberg N‐value of the established vegetation was negatively related to the density and proportion of seedlings. Generally, we found only slight differences between the population structure of S. tinctoria in early and late mown meadows. Both management regimes had high densities of seedlings. In contrast, the meadow pastures supported significantly lower densities of seedlings and generative adults but relatively high densities of juveniles and vegetative adults, indicating a greater importance of clonal propagation under grazing pressure. Conclusions: Our results clearly showed that viable populations of S. tinctoria may occur in all of the studied management regimes. Although S. tinctoria was considered to be highly sensitive to early mowing, our findings suggest a facilitation of the species at more nutrient‐rich sites by mowing in June, which is also a benefit for the integration of management in farming systems.  相似文献   

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