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Abstract Habitat usage characteristics of two species of native murid rodents, Pseudomys gracilicaudatus and Rattus lutreolus were investigated on an area of coastal heathland at Myall Lakes National Park. A grid of 151 trap stations comprising 17 traplines was positioned across a mosaic of habitats. At each trap station 19 structural vegetation and physical variables known to affect the microdistribution of small mammals were measured. Multivariate statistical procedures identified those microhabitat variables that contribute to individual species' habitat use and habitat partitioning, and reduce potential competition for space. Cluster analysis classified trap stations into one of six habitat types that were mapped on the study area, identifying a heterogeneous assemblage of interlocking habitats. The pattern is a consequence of topographic variation on the site and, to a lesser extent, its fire history. Trapping results show P. gracilicaudatus and R. lutreolus exhibit similar macrohabitat selection, preferring topographically low habitats, with both species predominantly occupying short dense heath with dense sedge cover. The high overlap in macrohabitat use is greatly reduced when considered trap station by trap station, so that discriminant function and multiple regression analyses demonstrate marked microhabitat selection. Elevation was a highly significant variable, accounting for 41% and 27% of the variance in the habitat used by P. gracilicaudatus and R. lutreolus, respectively. This variable represents a soil moisture gradient that determines changes in the floristic and structural components of the biotic environment. Two other structural vegetation variables and vegetation height contributed 30% of the variance in P. gracilicaudatus distribution. Sedge cover was found to be significant and explained 13% of the variance in R. lutreolus distribution. Within-habitat separation was explained best with a linear combination of variables in a discriminant function, rather than by any single variable. Differential microhabitat selection, interference competition and diet separation appear to be the major factors facilitating coexistence of these two species.  相似文献   

Abstract Vegetation is a dynamic habitat component and successional changes in vegetation structure can lead to concomitant changes in the communities of animals living in a particular area. Heathland rodents are a classic example, with vegetation at different ages post fire being dominated by different species. While broad associations are often demonstrated between the distribution and abundance of species and vegetation structure, the causal relationships are poorly understood. Studies of temporal and sex‐ or age‐specific patterns can provide strong insights into the processes underling patterns of habitat selection. In an attempt to better understand the mechanistic links between rodent successional patterns and vegetation structure in heathlands, we conducted a detailed study of microhabitat use by the swamp rat, Rattus lutreolus, in a native heathland in south‐eastern Australia. Rattus lutreolus typically occurs in late‐succession heath and is frequently associated with high vegetation density. Our assessment of vegetation at trapping stations, and also along trails used by the animals (using the spool‐and‐line tracking technique), revealed strong selection by the rats for dense vegetation by both day and night. The spool‐and‐line tracking approach revealed distinct intraspecific and temporal patterns. During the day, females foraged in vegetation of much higher density than did juveniles, with males behaving intermediately. During the night, however, all animals selected dense vegetation irrespective of sex or age, although the mean density of vegetation selected during the night was lower than it was during the day. These patterns were independent of daily maximum and minimum air temperature and were therefore unlikely to be related to microclimate. We propose instead that high vegetation density acts as a source of protection from predators, allowing R. lutreolus to forage safely both by day and by night.  相似文献   

The abundance of two native rodent species, Rattus lutreolus and Pseudomys gracilicaudatus, has been shown to correlate with vegetation density in coastal wet heath. Fox's habitat accommodation model relates relative abundances of such small mammal species to heathland vegetation regeneration following disturbance. Implicit in the model is recognition that it is successional changes in vegetation, not time per se, that drives the responses of small mammal species along a regeneration axis. Using a brush‐cutter we deliberately removed approximately 85% of vegetation around trapping stations and recorded significant reductions in the abundance of both P. gracilicaudatus (an earlier‐stage colonizing species) and R. lutreolus (a late seral‐stage species). A significant decrease in the abundance of only the latter had been demonstrated previously when 60–70% of the vegetation had been removed. Following the brush‐cutting both species re‐entered the mammalian secondary succession at different times, first P. gracilicaudatus followed by R. lutreolus after the vegetation cover thresholds of each species had been reached. The impact of this habitat manipulation experiment was to produce a retrogression of the small mammal succession, experimentally demonstrating causality between changes in vegetation density and subsequent small mammal habitat use.  相似文献   

Abstract A competitive interaction between two species of sympatric native rodents was demonstrated experimentally in Myall Lakes National Park (NSW, Australia). The previously documented replacement of Pseudomys gracilicaudatus by Rattus lutreolus in areas of wet heath in this region implied that competition may be the mechanism facilitating this succession. We present experimental evidence to support this suggestion. Removal of the larger R. lutreolus caused a significant increase in abundance of P. gracilicaudatus on five experimental sites in comparison to five unmanipulated control sites. The sites used in this experiment were chosen from three ages of wet heath regenerating after fire. These three ages represent key stages in the replacement of P. gracilicaudatus by R. lutreolus and the occurrence of competition in each of these ages indicates that competition plays an important role in this succession. In the initial stages of the experiment when R. lutreolus were removed they were replaced by new R. lutreolus individuals. This has been interpreted as evidence of strong intraspecific competition. After removal of R. lutreolus, P. gracilicaudatus expanded its habitat range into microhabitats that had formerly been occupied by R. lutreolus and reduced its range in microhabitats previously occupied by P. gracilicaudatus. This leads us to believe that P. gracilicaudatus was occupying inferior microhabitat before the removal of R. lutreolus, which had excluded it from more preferable microhabitat.  相似文献   

Modification of habitat structure due to invasive plants can alter the risk landscape for wildlife by, for example, changing the quality or availability of refuge habitat. Whether perceived risk corresponds with actual fitness outcomes, however, remains an important open question. We simultaneously measured how habitat changes due to a common invasive grass (cheatgrass, Bromus tectorum) affected the perceived risk, habitat selection, and apparent survival of a small mammal, enabling us to assess how well perceived risk influenced important behaviors and reflected actual risk. We measured perceived risk by nocturnal rodents using a giving‐up density foraging experiment with paired shrub (safe) and open (risky) foraging trays in cheatgrass and native habitats. We also evaluated microhabitat selection across a cheatgrass gradient as an additional assay of perceived risk and behavioral responses for deer mice (Peromyscus maniculatus) at two spatial scales of habitat availability. Finally, we used mark‐recapture analysis to quantify deer mouse apparent survival across a cheatgrass gradient while accounting for detection probability and other habitat features. In the foraging experiment, shrubs were more important as protective cover in cheatgrass‐dominated habitats, suggesting that cheatgrass increased perceived predation risk. Additionally, deer mice avoided cheatgrass and selected shrubs, and marginally avoided native grass, at two spatial scales. Deer mouse apparent survival varied with a cheatgrass–shrub interaction, corresponding with our foraging experiment results, and providing a rare example of a native plant mediating the effects of an invasive plant on wildlife. By synthesizing the results of three individual lines of evidence (foraging behavior, habitat selection, and apparent survival), we provide a rare example of linkage between behavioral responses of animals indicative of perceived predation risk and actual fitness outcomes. Moreover, our results suggest that exotic grass invasions can influence wildlife populations by altering risk landscapes and survival.  相似文献   

Contrary to assumptions of habitat selection theory, field studies frequently detect ‘ecological traps’, where animals prefer habitats conferring lower fitness than available alternatives. Evidence for traps includes cases where birds prefer breeding habitats associated with relatively high nest predation rates despite the importance of nest survival to avian fitness. Because birds select breeding habitat at multiple spatial scales, the processes underlying traps for birds are likely scale‐dependent. We studied a potential ecological trap for a population of yellow warblers Dendroica petechia while paying specific attention to spatial scale. We quantified nest microhabitat preference by comparing nest‐ versus random‐site microhabitat structure and related preferred microhabitat features with nest survival. Over a nine‐year study period and three study sites, we found a consistently negative relationship between preferred microhabitat patches and nest survival rates. Data from experimental nests described a similar relationship, corroborating the apparent positive relationship between preferred microhabitat and nest predation. As do other songbirds, yellow warblers select breeding habitat in at least two steps at two spatial scales; (1) they select territories at a coarser spatial scale and (2) nest microhabitats at a finer scale from within individual territories. By comparing nest versus random sites within territories, we showed that maladaptive nest microhabitat preferences arose during within‐territory nest site selection (step 2). Furthermore, nest predation rates varied at a fine enough scale to provide individual yellow warblers with lower‐predation alternatives to preferred microhabitats. Given these results, tradeoffs between nest survival and other fitness components are unlikely since fitness components other than nest survival are probably more relevant to territory‐scale habitat selection. Instead, exchanges of individuals among populations facing different predation regimes, the recent proliferation of the parasitic brown‐headed cowbird Molothrus ater, and/or anthropogenic changes to riparian vegetation structure are more likely explanations.  相似文献   

Understanding species‐specific habitat selection is essential to identify how natural systems are assembled and maintained, and how emerging natural and anthropogenic disturbances will affect ecosystem function. In the Neotropics, Peter's tent‐roosting bat (Uroderma bilobatum), known to roost in forests, has become abundant in human‐modified areas. To understand how habitat characteristics in both intact forest and human‐modified areas influence the presence and density of U. bilobatum, we characterized habitat use at two scales (macrohabitat and microhabitat) and used logistic and poisson regressions to determine which habitat characteristics best predicted the presence and density of U. bilobatum within each scale. Moreover, we performed a redundancy analysis to determine which habitat scale explained more variation. As these bats are obligate tent roosters, we used tent as a surrogate for bat presence and density. We found that both macrohabitat and microhabitat scales explained variation in presence and density. Characteristics of the microhabitat scale, however, had higher predictive power, revealing that U. bilobatum preferentially inhabits areas with high density of coconut palms. Coconut palms were introduced recently in the Neotropics and are found only in human‐modified areas. Therefore, we hypothesize that U. bilobatum is expanding its range into these areas following the expanded distribution of this exotic plant species.  相似文献   

The selection of habitat by macroinvertebrates living in running waters may be influenced by the physical characteristics of the substratum, as well as by the presence of other species. In this study, an artificial river with three different substrata (pebbles, detritus, and leaves) was utilized to analyze the microhabitat preference of two Plecoptera prey species (Amphinemura sulcicollis and Brachyptera risi), both in absence and in presence of a Plecoptera predator species (Perla marginata). In the absence of predators, both prey species showed a clear preference for the leaf microhabitat. When the predators were present, only Brachyptera risi showed a change of microhabitat selection, with a decrease of leaves and an increase of pebbles and detritus utilization. Amphinemura sulcicollis did not change their substratum utilization. This study demonstrates that the presence of a predator may affect microhabitat selection through a switch from the preferred to the less preferred substrata, although not all species change their habitat utilization in response to predator presence. (© 2010 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Understanding how animals utilize their habitat provides insights about their ecological needs and is of importance for both theoretical and applied ecology. As changing seasons impact prey habitat selection and vegetation itself, it is important to understand how seasonality impacts microhabitat choice in optimal foragers and their prey. We followed habituated bat‐eared foxes (Otocyon megalotis) in the Kalahari, South Africa, to study their seasonal habitat selection patterns and relate them to the habitat preferences of their main prey, termites (Hodotermes mossambicus). We used Resource Selection Functions (RSFs) to study bat‐eared foxes’ 3rd‐ and 4th‐order habitat selection by comparing used locations to random ones within their home ranges. Third‐order habitat selection for habitat type and composition was weak and varied little between seasons. We found that patterns of fox habitat selection did not mirror habitat selection of Hodotermes (quantified using RSFs), even when feeding on them (4th‐order). Taken together, these results might indicate that bat‐eared foxes’ food resources are homogenously distributed across habitats and that prey other than Hodotermes play an important role in bat‐eared foxes’ space use.  相似文献   

Abstract Orb web spiders face a dilemma: forage in open habitats and risk predation or forage in closed habitats to minimize risk but at reduced foraging profitability. We tested whether Argiope keyserlingi opts for safer habitats at the expense of foraging success by (i) determining habitat selection indices in open and closed habitats; (ii) marking and releasing individual juvenile, subadult and adults over two 4‐week periods to determine if life‐history stage influences habitat selection; and (iii) determining the biotic and abiotic environmental parameters that relate to A. keyserlingi abundance. We found that A. keyserlingi selected closed habitats. Sedge and anthropogenic structures were selected and trees were avoided. Juveniles were never found in open habitats, most likely because of high postdispersal mortality. Subadults and adults may shift from closed to open habitats while juveniles never shifted habitat. Foliage density, plant height, potential prey abundance, and mantid and bird abundance were correlated with A. keyserlingi abundance, with only bird abundance explaining habitat selection. We measured web capture area, spiral distance (distance between spiral threads) and the number of decoration arms (0, 1, 2, 3 or 4) in the field and did laboratory experiments to test the influence of (i) space and vegetation; (ii) prey abundance; and (iii) web damage, on web architecture. Argiope keyserlingi webs exhibited geometric plasticity by having larger prey capture areas and spiral distances in open habitats. Decoration design did not differ between habitats however. Variation in space availability, air temperature, prey abundance and web damage explained the variations in web architecture. Potential prey size and diversity differed between habitats but prey abundance did not. As large prey may be important for spider survivorship, foraging success appears to be compromised by occupying closed habitats.  相似文献   

Abstract 1. The present study used the mountain specialist butterfly Parnassius apollo as a model system to investigate how climate change may alter habitat requirements for species at their warm range margins. 2. Larval habitat use was recorded in six P. apollo populations over a 700 m elevation gradient in the Sierra de Guadarrama (central Spain). Larvae used four potential host species (Sedum spp.) growing in open areas amongst shrubs. 3. Parnassius apollo host‐plant and habitat use changed as elevation increased: the primary host shifted from Sedum amplexicaule to Sedum brevifolium, and larvae selected more open microhabitats (increased bare ground and dead vegetation, reduced vegetation height and shrub cover), suggesting that hotter microhabitats are used in cooler environments. 4. Larval microhabitat selection was significantly related to ambient temperature. At temperatures lower than 27 °C, larvae occupied open microhabitats that were warmer than ambient temperature, versus more shaded microhabitats that were cooler than ambient conditions when temperature was higher than 27 °C. 5. Elevational changes in phenology influenced the temperatures experienced by larvae, and could affect local host‐plant favourability. 6. Habitat heterogeneity appears to play an important role in P. apollo larval thermoregulation, and may become increasingly important in buffering populations of this and other insect species against climatic variation.  相似文献   

1. A predator's ability to suppress its prey depends on the level of interference among predators. While interference typically decreases with increasing habitat complexity, it often increases with increasing size differences among individuals. However, little is known about how variation in intrinsic factors such as population size structure alters predator–prey interactions and how this intrinsic variation interacts with extrinsic variation. 2. By experimentally varying the level of vegetation cover and the size structure of the predatory damselfly Ischnura posita Hagen, we examined the individual and interactive effects of variation in habitat complexity and predator size structure on prey mortality. 3. Copepod prey survival linearly increased as the I. posita size ratio decreased and differed by up to 31% among different predator size structures. Size classes had an additive effect on prey survival, most likely because intraspecific aggression appeared size‐independent and size classes differed in microhabitat preference: large I. posita spent 14% more time foraging on the floor than small larvae and spent more time in the vegetation with increasing habitat complexity. Despite this difference in microhabitat use among size classes, habitat structure did not influence predation rates or interference among size classes. 4. In general, results suggest that seasonal and spatial variation in the size structure of populations could drive some of the discrepancies in predator‐mediated prey suppression observed in nature, and this variation could exceed the effects of variation in habitat structure.  相似文献   

Habitat selection in an omnivorous marsupial, the long‐nosed bandicoot, Perameles nasuta Geoffroy, was investigated in an urban environment with both natural and highly modified habitats at North Head, New South Wales, Australia. Habitat use at both macro‐ and microhabitat scales was determined using live‐trapping, and P. nasuta was shown to be a habitat specialist at this site. At night, animals used open grass macrohabitats disproportionately more for foraging than other macrohabitats. Trap‐revealed macrohabitat use was supported by radiotracking three males. Lack of understorey and absence of leaf litter were the major microhabitat features affecting habitat choice, although soil type probably also had some effect. Open areas may provide a more abundant and/or accessible food supply for P. nasuta, although better manoeuvrability or increased visibility to detect predators may also be important. Diurnal nest sites, located using radiotracking, were primarily in dense scrub vegetation, often comprising introduced species of plants. The dependence of P. nasuta on: (i) dense undergrowth for diurnal nesting and temporary nocturnal sheltering; and (ii) open areas for foraging indicates the importance of conserving a mosaic of open and dense vegetation to ensure the continued persistence of this endangered population at North Head.  相似文献   

Nocturnal microhabitat selection in relation to size was examined for a New Zealand drift-feeding freshwater fish, the giant kokopu Galaxias argenteus in three coastal Otago streams. Evidence for ontogenetic shifts in microhabitat selection were observed, particularly with respect to water velocity and depth. Small (<80 mm) giant kokopu tended to occur in shallow backwaters adjacent to fast flowing water. In contrast, larger individuals (≥80 mm) were most commonly observed in deeper, slower flowing pools. These patterns of habitat selection are most likely associated with the trade-offs involved with the selection of optimal habitats for drift feeding combined with avoidance of intra-specific competition and the threat of predation from larger conspecifies.  相似文献   

The post‐fledging period is a critical life stage for young grassland birds. Habitat selection by recently fledged birds may differ from that of adults and may change as juveniles transition from the care and protection of parents to independence. To describe patterns of habitat selection during these important life stages, we studied habitat use by juvenile Grasshopper Sparrows (Ammodramus savannarum) in a Conservation Reserve Program grassland in Maryland. We used radio‐telemetry to track daily movement patterns of two age classes of Grasshopper Sparrows during the post‐fledging period. Sparrows were classified as either dependent (<32‐d‐old) or independent (≥32‐d‐old). We characterized the vegetation at 780 vegetation plots (390 plots where birds were located and 390 paired random plots). Microhabitats where dependent birds were found had significantly more bare ground, litter, and plant species richness than paired random plots. In addition, dependent birds were found in plots with less bare ground, more warm‐season grass cover, more total vegetation cover, and more forb cover than plots used by independent birds. Plots where independent birds were located also had significantly more bare ground than random plots. Dependent birds are less able to escape from predators because their flight feathers are not fully grown so they may benefit from remaining in areas of greater vegetation cover. However, juveniles transitioning from dependence to independence must forage on their own, possibly explaining their increased use of more open areas where foraging may be easier. To properly manage habitat for grassland birds, management strategies must consider the changing needs of birds during different stages of development. Our results highlight the importance of diverse grassland ecosystems for juvenile grassland birds during the transition to independence.  相似文献   

曹铭昌  刘高焕  徐海根 《生态学报》2011,31(21):6344-6352
生境在鸟类生活史中发挥着重要的作用,关系到鸟类的生存和繁衍。由于鸟类对环境变化的响应发生在等级序列空间尺度上,基于多尺度的研究更能深入刻画鸟类-环境之间关系。以丹顶鹤(Grus japonensis)为研究对象,以其迁徙和越冬的重要地区-黄河三角洲自然保护区为研究区域,应用等级方差分解法和等级划分法,分析丹顶鹤与微生境、斑块、景观尺度因子之间的关系,探求丹顶鹤生境选择的主要影响因素和尺度。等级方差分解结果表明,在第1等级水平,景观尺度因子与微生境、斑块尺度因子之间的联合效应大于独立效应,景观尺度因子的独立效应大于微生境和斑块尺度因子;在第2等级水平,景观尺度上的景观组成因子重要性大于景观结构因子,微生境尺度上的植被和水分因子为重要影响因素。等级划分结果表明,景观尺度上,翅碱蓬滩涂、水体面积大小是主要影响因素;微生境尺度上,植被盖度和水深为主要限制因子;在斑块尺度上,斑块类型对丹顶鹤生境选择最为重要。研究认为,在黄河三角洲自然保护区,景观尺度是影响丹顶鹤生境选择的主要尺度,景观尺度因子通过与微生境和斑块尺度因子的独立和联合作用制约着丹顶鹤在保护区的生境选择和空间分布格局。建议加强对翅碱蓬滩涂、芦苇沼泽、水体等湿地生境的保护和管理,规范和控制保护区内人类活动强度。  相似文献   

We used isodars to analyse habitat‐dependent population regulation by long‐nosed bandicoots Perameles nasuta during an irruption and subsequent population crash in three habitats (heath, woodland and forest) at Booderee National Park, south‐eastern Australia. Specifically, we aimed to see whether patterns of habitat‐dependent population regulation matched a priori estimates of quantitative and qualitative differences between habitats. We also tested if habitat preference changed between the increasing and decreasing phase of the irruption as predicted by the reciprocating dispersal theory. Quantitative differences in habitat quality were indexed by the relative abundance of the main food of long‐nosed bandicoots (terrestrial invertebrates), while qualitative differences were indexed by the availability of refuge from predation (vegetation understorey density). One index of fitness, body weight, was highest in forest, and lowest in heath, suggesting an ideal despotic model of habitat selection. Over the entire course of the irruption, there was density‐dependent habitat selection with forest and woodland both quantitatively superior to heath. This reflected the overall abundance of invertebrates with highest abundance in woodland and forest and less in heath. Isodar analysis also revealed that although forest was quantitatively better than heath and equivalent to woodland it was qualitatively poorer than either habitat. Heath had a higher density of understorey than woodland and woodland having a higher density of understorey than forest giving crossover population regulation. When the increasing and declining phase of the irruption were analysed separately, no habitat was quantitatively superior to any other during either phase. The lack of switching in preference between habitats from the increasing to the declining phase of the irruption and the virtual absence of any dispersal by adults, does not support the reciprocating dispersal hypothesis.  相似文献   

Although habitat selection has been studied in a variety of snake taxa, little is known about habitat selection in aquatic snake species. Additionally, due to their small size and secretive nature, juvenile snakes are seldom included in habitat selection studies. The Eastern cottonmouth Agkistrodon piscivorus is a semi-aquatic pit viper known to use ambush, sit-and-wait foraging strategies. Ambush hunters are likely to select habitats that increase opportunity for successful prey capture while minimizing predation risk and maintaining appropriate thermal and hydric conditions. We characterized the foraging strategy and microhabitat use of cottonmouths at Ellenton Bay, an isolated Carolina bay freshwater wetland on the Savannah River Site in SC, USA. We measured habitat characteristics of 55 ambush sites used by 51 individual cottonmouths located during nighttime visual surveys, as well as 225 randomly selected sites within our search area. Cottonmouths exhibited an ontogenetic shift in foraging strategy with juveniles using predominately ambush foraging around the edge of the wetland while adults were most often encountered actively moving within the wetland. Principal components analysis revealed that juveniles selected foraging microhabitats that were different from random and consisted of mud substrate with sparse vegetation, whereas adults occupied a greater variety of microhabitats that did not differ from random. Concomitantly, free-ranging cottonmouths exhibited ontogenetic shifts in diet: juveniles consumed mostly salamanders, while adults ate a greater variety of prey including other snakes and birds. Our results highlight the importance of understanding how ontogenetic changes in coloration, diet and predation risk influence foraging strategy and microhabitat selection in snakes.  相似文献   

Predation risk can affect habitat selection by water column stream fish and crayfish, but little is known regarding effects of predation risk on habitat selection by benthic fish or assemblages of fish and crayfish. I used comparative studies and manipulative field experiments to determine whether, (1) habitat selection by stream fish and crayfish is affected by predation risk, and (2) benthic fish, water column fish, and crayfish differ in their habitat selection and response to predation risk. Snorkeling was used to observe fish and crayfish in, (1) unmanipulated stream pools with and without large smallmouth bass predators (Micropterus dolomieui >200 mm total length, TL) and (2) manipulated stream pools before and after addition of a single large smallmouth bass, to determine if prey size and presence of large fish predators affected habitat selection. Observations of microhabitat use were compared with microhabitat availability to determine microhabitat selection. Small fish (60–100 mm TL, except darters that were 30–100 mm TL) and crayfish (40–100 mm rostrum to telson length; TL) had significantly reduced densities in pools with large bass, whereas densities of large fish and crayfish (> 100 mm TL) did not differ significantly between pools with and without large bass. Small orangethroat darters (Etheostoma spectabile), northern crayfish (Orconectes virilis), and creek chubs (Semotilus atromaculatus) showed significantly greater densities in pools without large bass. The presence of large smallmouth bass did not significantly affect depths selected by fish and crayfish, except minnows, which were found significantly more often at medium depths when bass were present. Small minnows and large and small crayfish showed the greatest response to additions of bass to stream pools by moving away from bass locations and into shallow water. Small darters and sunfish showed an intermediate response, whereas large minnows showed no significant response to bass additions. Response to predation risk was dependent on prey size and species, with preferred prey, crayfish and small minnows, showing the greatest response. Small benthic fish, such as darters, are intermediate between small water column fish and crayfish and large water column fish in their risk of predation from large smallmouth bass.  相似文献   

The boreal forest is one of the North America’s most important breeding areas for ducks, but information about the nesting ecology of ducks in the region is limited. We collected microhabitat data related to vegetation structure and composition at 157 duck nests and paired random locations in Alberta’s boreal forest region from 2016 to 2018. We identified fine‐scale vegetation features selected by ducks for all nests, between nesting guilds, and among five species using conditional logistic regression. Ducks in the boreal forest selected nest sites with greater overhead and graminoid cover, but less forb cover than random sites. Characteristics of the nest sites of upland‐ and overwater‐nesting guilds differed, with species nesting in upland habitat selecting nests that provided greater shrub cover and less lateral concealment and species nesting over water selecting nests with less shrub cover. We examined the characteristics of nest sites of American Wigeon (Mareca americana), Blue‐winged Teal (Spatula discors), Green‐winged Teal (Anas crecca), Mallards (Anas platyrhynchos), and Ring‐necked Ducks (Aythya collaris), and found differences among species that may facilitate species coexistence at a regional scale. Our results suggest that females of species nesting in upland habitat selected nest sites that optimized concealment from aerial predators while also allowing detection of and escape from terrestrial predators. Consequently, alteration in the composition and heterogeneity of vegetation and predator communities caused by climate change and industrial development in the boreal forest of Canada may affect the nest‐site selection strategies of boreal ducks.  相似文献   

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