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Insulin enhancesNa+-K+ pump activity in various noncardiactissues. We examined whether insulin exposure in vitro regulates Na+-K+ pump function in rabbit ventricularmyocytes. Pump current (Ip) was measured using thewhole-cell patch-clamp technique at test potentials(Vms) from 100 to +60 mV. When theNa+ concentration in the patch pipette([Na]pip) was 10 mM, insulin caused aVm-dependent increase in Ip.The increase was ~70% when Vm was at nearphysiological diastolic potentials. This effect persisted afterelimination of extracellular voltage-dependent steps and whenK+ and K+-congeners were excluded from thepatch pipettes. When [Na]pip was 80 mM, causingnear-maximal pump stimulation, insulin had no effect, suggesting thatit did not cause an increase in membrane pump density. Effects oftyrphostin A25, wortmannin, okadaic acid, or bisindolylmaleimide I inpipette solutions suggested that the insulin-induced increase inIp involved activation of tyrosine kinase,phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase, and protein phosphatase 1, whereasprotein phosphatase 2A and protein kinase C were not involved.


Ischemic-like conditions (a glucose-free, pH 6.6 Tyrode solution bubbled with 100% N(2)) enhance L-type Ca current (I(Ca,L)) in single pacemaker cells (PCs) isolated from the rabbit sinoatrial node (SAN). In contrast, studies of ventricular myocytes have shown that acidic extracellular pH, as employed in our "ischemic" Tyrode, reduces I(Ca,L). Therefore, our goal was to explain why I(Ca,L) is increased by "ischemia" in SAN PCs. The major findings were the following: 1) blockade of Ca-induced Ca release with ryanodine, exposure of PCs to BAPTA-AM, or replacement of extracellular Ca(2+) with Ba(2+) failed to prevent the ischemia-induced enhancement of I(Ca,L); 2) inhibition of protein kinase A with H-89, or calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II with KN-93, reduced I(Ca,L) but did not prevent its augmentation by ischemia; 3) ischemic Tyrode or pH 6.6 Tyrode shifted the steady-state inactivation curve in the positive direction, thereby reducing inactivation; 4) ischemic Tyrode increased the maximum conductance but did not affect the activation curve; 5) in rabbit atrial myocytes isolated and studied with exactly the same techniques used for SAN PCs, ischemic Tyrode reduced the maximum conductance and shifted the activation curve in the positive direction; pH 6.6 Tyrode also shifted the steady-state inactivation curve in the positive direction. We conclude that the acidic pH of ischemic Tyrode enhances I(Ca,L) in SAN PCs, because it increases the maximum conductance and reduces inactivation. Furthermore, the opposite results obtained with rabbit atrial myocytes cannot be explained by differences in cell isolation or patch-clamp techniques.  相似文献   

Our previous results have demonstrated that tyrosine kinase inhibition reduces i(f) in rabbit SA node myocytes, suggesting that tyrosine kinases regulate i(f). One receptor tyrosine kinase the EGF receptor kinase is known to increase heart rate. To determine if this action is mediated through changes in i(f), we examined the effect of epidermal growth factor (EGF) on i(f) with the permeabilized patch-clamp technique. 0.1 microM EGF increased i(f) amplitude in response to single-step hyperpolarizations in the diastolic range of potentials. This increase was 20+/-3%, n=11 at -75 mV. This effect is caused by activating a tyrosine kinase because 50 microM genistein, a tyrosine kinase inhibitor, eliminated this EGF action. A two-step pulse protocol showed that maximal i(f) conductance was increased by EGF. We further examined this conductance change by constructing the activation curve. The maximal i(f) conductance was increased by 23% with no change in midpoint, V(1/2), control=-74+/-2 mV, V(1/2) EGF=-74+/-1 mV. Thus EGF acts via a tyrosine kinase to increase maximal i(f) conductance with no change in the voltage dependence of activation. These results suggest that EGF effects on i(f) contribute to the positive chronotropic effect of EGF on SA node.  相似文献   

Isolated, spontaneously beating rabbit sinoatrial node cells were subjected to longitudinal stretch, using carbon fibers attached to both ends of the cell. Their electrical behavior was studied simultaneously in current-clamp or voltage-clamp mode using the perforated patch configuration. Moderate stretch ( approximately 7%) caused an increase in spontaneous beating rate (by approximately 5%) and a reduction in maximum diastolic and systolic potentials (by approximately 2.5%), as seen in multicellular preparations. Mathematical modeling of the stretch intervention showed the experimental results to be compatible with stretch activation of cation nonselective ion channels, similar to those found in other cardiac cell populations. Voltage-clamp experiments validated the presence of a stretch-induced current component with a reversal potential near -11 mV. These data confirm, for the first time, that the positive chronotropic response of the heart to stretch is, at least in part, encoded on the level of individual sinoatrial node pacemaker cells; all reported data are in agreement with a major contribution of stretch-activated cation nonselective channels to this response.  相似文献   

Summary Na and Cl fluxes and short-circuit current (I sc) in rabbit ileum have been studied as a function of ionic concentrations in HCO3-free solutions. Both net Na flux (J net Na ) andI sc show similar saturation functions of [Na] at fixed [Cl]. They show no significant difference between zero and 112mm Na but at 140mm NaI sc is significantly greater than theJ net Na . Net Cl transport, secretion, is observed only at 140mm Na and is approximately equivalent to the difference between theI sc andJ net Na . The transcellular mucosa-to-serosa Na fluxes measured at 140 and 70mm Na do not differ significantly from the correspondingI sc. The net Cl flux varies with [Cl] at fixed [Na] whileI sc is virtually not affected by [Cl]. These results suggest that the absorptive Na transport process is electrogenic and responsible for theI sc and that the secretory fluxes of Na and Cl are coupled, require high [Na], vary with [Cl], and do not contribute toI sc. K-free solution abolishes theI sc after a prolonged lag. Finally, the effect of a low resistance shunt pathway on active Na absorption is examined with a four-compartment model.Deceased (October 16, 1974).  相似文献   

Early events in NaCl-induced root ion and water transport were investigated in maize (Zea mays L) roots using a range of microelectrode and imaging techniques. Addition of 100 mm NaCl to the bath resulted in an exponential drop in root xylem pressure, rapid depolarization of trans-root potential and a transient drop in xylem K(+) activity (A(K+) ) within ~1 min after stress onset. At this time, no detectable amounts of Na(+) were released into the xylem vessels. The observed drop in A(K+) was unexpected, given the fact that application of the physiologically relevant concentrations of Na(+) to isolated stele has caused rapid plasma membrane depolarization and a subsequent K(+) efflux from the stelar tissues. This controversy was explained by the difference in kinetics of NaCl-induced depolarization between cortical and stelar cells. As root cortical cells are first to be depolarized and lose K(+) to the environment, this is associated with some K(+) shift from the stelar symplast to the cortex, resulting in K(+) being transiently removed from the xylem. Once Na(+) is loaded into the xylem (between 1 and 5 min of root exposure to NaCl), stelar cells become more depolarized, and a gradual recovery in A(K+) occurs.  相似文献   

We have studied the regulation of the Na(+)-dependent and Na(+)-independent polyamine transport pathways in the renal LLC-PK1 cell line. Most of the experiments were performed in the presence of 5 mM DL-2-difluoromethylornithine (DFMO) in order to inhibit the cellular synthesis of polyamines. The activity of both transporters as measured by putrescine uptake was increased by growth-promoting stimuli and decreased by exogenous polyamines. The time course of the increase in uptake activity induced by fetal calf serum could be fitted by a single exponential, and the process was three times faster for the Na(+)-dependent than for the Na(+)-independent transporter. Maximum activity was reached after more than 24 h. This increase could be inhibited by actinomycin D and by cycloheximide. Other growth-promoting stimuli, such as subconfluent cell density, as well as growth factors also induced an increase in the transport activity. Particularly, there was a marked stimulation of the Na(+)-dependent pathway by epidermal growth factor in combination with insulin. On the other hand, the transport activity decayed very rapidly upon addition of exogenous polyamines (t1/2 less than 60 min). The diamine putrescine was much less effective in this respect than the polyamines spermidine and spermine. The non-metabolizable substrate methylglyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone) did not induce a decay of the transport activity, but it protected the Na(+)-dependent pathway against the polyamine-induced decay. Inhibition of the protein synthesis by cycloheximide did not induce a rapid decrease of the transport activity; neither did it affect the polyamine-induced decay. These observations suggest that this polyamine-induced decay is not owing to an inhibitory effect on the rate of synthesis of the transporters, but rather to a degradation or an inactivation of the transporters. The polyamine-induced decay slowed down at lower cell density. This effect was particularly pronounced for the Na(+)-dependent transporter. Since the uptake of polyamines was increased at low cell density, the decreased rate of decay in this condition pleads against a simple mechanism of transinhibition by the substrate. In conclusion, both transport pathways were similarly affected by the regulatory parameters, but the Na(+)-dependent transporter was more rapidly and more effectively regulated. The numerous interacting regulatory steps furthermore suggest a physiological role for these transporters, such as an involvement in urinary polyamine disposal.  相似文献   

The influence of intracellular sodium concentration ( [Na+]i) on the number of Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase pumps was examined in cortical collecting tubules (CCD) of kidneys from rabbits in different aldosterone conditions. Specific [3H]ouabain binding was measured in isolated CCD with various [Na+]i. Experiments were performed on adrenalectomized rabbits receiving only a substitutive dose of dexamethasone and on adrenalectomized rabbits replete with aldosterone. In aldosterone-replete rabbits, the number of binding sites increased linearly with [Na+]i, from 16 fmol/nl tubular volume at 15 mM Na+i to 39 fmol/nl tubular volume at 140 mM Na+i. Neither actinomycin D (5 microM) nor cycloheximide (10 microM) prevented this [Na+]i-dependent increase. In adrenalectomized rabbits, the number of ouabain-binding sites was reduced and did not increase with [Na+]i. These results are in favor of the presence of a "latent" pool of pumps in CCD, rapidly recruited under [Na+]i influence. Aldosterone appears to be required for the constitution and/or activation of this pool.  相似文献   

Rabbit urethral smooth muscle cells were studied at 37 degrees C by using the amphotericin B perforated-patch configuration of the patch-clamp technique, using Cs(+)-rich pipette solutions. Two components of current, with electrophysiological and pharmacological properties typical of T- and L-type Ca(2+) currents, were recorded. Fitting steady-state inactivation curves for the L current with a Boltzmann equation yielded a V(1/2) of -41 +/- 3 mV. In contrast, the T current inactivated with a V(1/2) of -76 +/- 2 mV. The L currents were reduced by nifedipine (IC(50) = 225 +/- 84 nM), Ni(2+) (IC(50) = 324 +/- 74 microM), and mibefradil (IC(50) = 2.6 +/- 1.1 microM) but were enhanced when external Ca(2+) was substituted with Ba(2+). The T current was little affected by nifedipine at concentrations <300 nM but was increased in amplitude when external Ca(2+) was substituted with Ba(2+). Both Ni(2+) and mibefradil reduced the T current with an IC(50) = 7 +/- 1 microM and approximately 40 nM, respectively. Spontaneous electrical activity recorded with intracellular electrodes from strips of rabbit urethra consisted of complexes comprising a series of spikes superimposed on a slow spontaneous depolarization (SD). Inhibition of T current reduced the frequency of these SDs but had no effect on either the number of spikes per complex or the amplitude of the spikes. In contrast, application of nifedipine failed to significantly alter the frequency of the SD but reduced the number and amplitude of the spikes in each complex.  相似文献   

Cs对兔窦房结细胞起搏离子流If和IK及自律活动的影响   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
Li CZ  Liu YM  Yang ZF  Lu HL 《生理学报》1998,50(4):409-415
运用微电极记录窦房结细胞动作电位及穿孔膜片箝技术记录酶解游离的窦房结细胞电流,研究兔心窦房结的起搏原理。实验结果显示,Cs对自律性动作电位的频率及4期自动除极速率仅有轻度抑制作用。在同一细胞、同一时间、同一测试电位范围内,Cs能基本阻断If及它的电导变化而对Ik电流无明显抑制作用。上述结果表明在兔心窦房结细胞的起博活动初期,If不是起搏的主要因素。  相似文献   

The Na(+)-pumping NADH:quinone oxidoreductase (Na(+)-NQR) is a fundamental enzyme of the oxidative phosphorylation metabolism and ionic homeostasis in several pathogenic and marine bacteria. To understand the mechanism that couples electron transfer with sodium translocation in Na(+)-NQR, the ion dependence of the redox potential of the individual cofactors was studied using a spectroelectrochemical approach. The redox potential of one of the FMN cofactors increased 90 mV in the presence of Na(+) or Li(+), compared to the redox potentials measured in the presence of other cations that are not transported by the enzyme, such as K(+), Rb(+), and NH(4)(+). This shift in redox potential of one FMN confirms the crucial role of the FMN anionic radicals in the Na(+) pumping mechanism and demonstrates that the control of the electron transfer rate has both kinetic (via conformational changes) and thermodynamic components.  相似文献   

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