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为了筛选对茶叶害虫有控制作用的蚂蚁种类,采用样地调查法研究了重庆地区茶园蚁科昆虫进行区系。发现蚁科昆虫4亚科,19属,39种,其中记录中国特有种7个,重庆新记录种37个。区系分析表明:重庆地区茶园蚂蚁区系在属级水平上以东洋界和古北界成分为主体,与马来西亚界和非洲界关系最紧密,与马拉加西界关系最远;在种级水平上以东洋界成分为主体,与古北界关系最紧密,与非洲界和马拉加西界关系最远;在中国动物地理区划中以华中区成分为主体,与其它地理区之间随着距离增加,关系逐步疏远。  相似文献   

中国斑蚜科物种多样性及地理分布格局   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1  
从分类群的多样性、寄主植物多样性和地理分布多样性3个方面系统研究了中国斑蚜科蚜虫的物种多样性。分类群的多样性从亚科、属和种3个不同阶元进行了描述。寄主植物的多样性体现在:不同蚜虫类群寄主植物的丰富度,其中角斑蚜亚科的寄主最为丰富,包括14个科的植物;同类寄主植物上取食蚜虫的多样性,其中桦木科植物上有15个属的蚜虫取食。在地理分布上,斑蚜科在中国主要分布在古北界的4个区和东洋界的3个区,以古北界的成分占优势;而且华北区种类最为丰富,其次为东北区、华中区、华南区和蒙新区。属的分布类型可分为12种,分别为中国特有分布型、东亚特有分布型、古北界特有分布型、东洋界特有分布型、全北界分布型、全北界和澳洲界共有分布型、古北界和东洋界共有分布型、全北界和东洋界共有分布型、全北界和非洲界共有分布型、古北界、东洋界和非洲界共有分布型、东洋界和澳洲界共有分布型及东洋界、非洲界和澳洲界共有分布型,其中以东亚特有分布型为最丰富,有10个属;其次为全北界分布型,有7个属,同时中国的特有成分也相当高,涉及6个属。纵观整个中国斑蚜科属级阶元的分布类型,中国的斑蚜科以全北界成分为主,其次为东洋界成分。斑蚜科在中国的地理分布,由东向西,种类越来越贫乏,特别是青藏高原,种类很少;从南北向来看,以华北区为中心,向两边扩散,东北区、华南区和华中区种类都有所减少。  相似文献   

中国蠓科昆虫(双翅目)区系分布概况   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
虞以新 《生物学通报》2003,38(12):17-18
至今已查知全国共有蠓类4亚科39属1011种。叙述了我国各省区已知蠓类及其区系分布概况,鄂豫交界地带是东洋界和古北界蠓类种群的交汇带。吸血蠓类中,细蠓多见于西北荒漠地区,蠛蠓是南方湿润地区的优势种群。库蠓种类繁杂,南北方各有不同优势种群,北方蠓类群落构成的种群较简单,而优势种突出。南方蠓类群落构成的种群复杂,优势种不很突出。  相似文献   

内蒙古中部地区繁殖鸟类多样性调查   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
2011年5~6月,采用样线法和固定半径样点法对内蒙古中部地区荒漠草原、典型草原及湿地3种生境中的鸟类进行了调查,共记录到繁殖鸟63种,隶属于11目25科,其中留鸟12种,夏候鸟51种。在动物地理区系成分上,古北界鸟类54种(占85.71%);东洋界鸟类9种(占14.29%)。调查结果表明,3种生境的鸟类群落结构在多样性指数上以湿地为最高,其次为荒漠草原,典型草原最低;均匀度指数最高的为荒漠草原,其次为湿地,典型草原最低。  相似文献   

本文概述了缟蝇科昆虫的生活史、食性、访花习性、栖居环境等生物学特性,并对缟蝇科属、种的地理分布进行了分析。缟蝇科在世界动物地理区的分布统计结果表明,同脉缟蝇亚科为亚世界性分布,其属级阶元在东洋界丰富度最高,其次为澳洲界;其种级阶元在东洋界最为丰富,其次为澳洲界。缟蝇亚科为世界性分布,其属级阶元在新热带界丰富度最高,并且高度特化,其次是东洋界和澳洲界;其种级阶元在新热带界最为丰富,其次为古北界和澳洲界。缟蝇科在中国动物地理区和亚区的分布统计结果显示,其属、种级阶元在华南区最为丰富;同脉缟蝇亚科的种级阶元以海南岛亚区最为丰富,其次为台湾亚区;缟蝇亚科的种级阶元在台湾亚区最为丰富,西部山地高原亚区次之。  相似文献   

中国瘿绵蚜属的地理分布(同翅目:瘿绵蚜科)   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
以中国分布的25种瘿绵蚜属Pemphigus蚜虫为材料,研究了瘿绵蚜属在中国的分布特点。结果表明,该属蚜虫在古北界和东洋界均有分布,但古北界占绝对优势。在中国昆虫地理区划中,7个区均有分布,但以华北区和青藏区最为丰富,华中区和华南区最少。除华中区和华南区外,各区均有特有成分分布,县以华北区和青藏区最盛。由于没有明显的地理阻隔,华北区、东北区、蒙新区之间有种类交流现象存在,而它们与青藏区和西南区之间  相似文献   

藏东南工布自然保护区的蚂蚁种类及分布格局   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
采用搜索采集法记载藏东南工布自然保护区的蚂蚁2亚科8属17种,切叶蚁亚科Myrmicinae有5属10种,蚁亚科Formicinae有3属7种,其中包括6个西藏新纪录种,1个中国新纪录种, 5个待定种.工布自然保护区的蚂蚁物种属于古北界区系,但是又与典型的古北界区系不尽相同,具有南方高海拔山地的区系特点.在9个调查点中...  相似文献   

西双版纳热带雨林蚁科昆虫区系分析   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
徐正会 《动物学研究》1999,20(5):379-384
在西双版纳热带雨林已鉴定蚊科昆虫9亚科76属267种。西双版纳地区的蚂蚁区系以热带至亚热带分布的东洋界成分最为丰富。在属级水平上,与马来西亚界关系最为密切。与澳洲界关系较密切;与非洲界和马拉加西界的关系知中。与新北界,新热带界和古北界的关系最为疏远。可见西双版纳的蚂蚁区系具有典型的热带亚洲起源特征,同时与澳洲和非洲的热带区系有一定的渊源关系。  相似文献   

本文列出江西产跳蛛科蜘蛛30属63种的名录、地理分布以及区系特征。63种跳蛛属古北界的物种仅占6.2%,属东洋界以及东洋界、古北界共有物种分别占42.8%和51.0%。国内分布已基本查清的27种跳蛛区系分析表明:江西种类属华中区,与华南区、西南区共有种最多,其后依次为华北区、东北区、蒙新区,与青藏区共有种最少;江西跳蛛与邻省湖南共有种最多,其后依次为广东、福建、浙江、湖北、安徽,与江苏共有种最少。  相似文献   

湘黔桂三省区交界地带27县市的年平均气温17℃,降水量达1500mm,植被丰富,调查其茧蜂种类,计13亚科44属84种。分析该地区的茧蜂区系成份,发现属以世界分布属和以纯东洋界分布或东洋界与其它陆地动物区系共有分布为主,种则以古北界分布(14种)或古北界和古北界共有分布(47种)为多,特有种20种,东亚分布型8种。从该特殊小区的温度、植被、地型地貌等因子分析了此类区系成份的成因。  相似文献   

蚂蚁染色体制备方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨维权 《生物技术》1994,4(2):45-46
蚂蚁染色体的制备是以蚂蚁老熟幼虫脑神经节或成蚁生殖腺为材料,经短期体外培养,低渗处理,固定.Giemsa染色.空气干燥技术制片。  相似文献   

Previous studies have demonstrated that the obligate myrmecophytism between Macaranga ant-plants and Crematogaster plant-ants is highly species specific, although multiple Macaranga species can coexist in a microhabitat. However, the species specificity has been described based on the study of trees with established plant-ant colonies. We studied how the process of settling into the partner Macaranga seedlings by single foundress Crematogaster queens contributes to species specificity. By sampling seedlings of three sympatric Macaranga myrmecophytes species in the field, we tested two hypotheses. The first is that foundresses correctly select their specific partner plant species when they settle into seedlings. The second hypothesis is that the seasons in which seedlings available for settling by foundresses appear are segregated among the Macaranga species, and the seasons in which foundress queens settle are synchronized to the appearance of seedlings of specific partner species; thus species specificity is consequently generated. Our results support the former hypothesis but not the latter: we always observed foundresses settling species-specific host plants, and seedlings suitable for settling were always available in each Macaranga species. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

Evidence was obtained that Eastern lowland gorillas feed regularly on ants in the lowland forests of eastern Zaire. The six species of ants that may have been consumed by the gorillas were identified as Ponerinae, which possess a painful sting. Gorillas consumed the ants in both rainy and dry seasons, and fragments of ants were found in fecal samples from gorillas of all age-sex classes. Field signs indicated that the gorillas search intensively ants in primary and ancient secondary forests. Such searching may stimulate the gorillas to range through various types of vegetation and, thus, it may contribute to elongation of the distances that they travel daily.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Queens of two species of the ant genus Myrmica bonded to workers of the species M. rubra L. as the latter emerge from the pupal skin can use these workers nearly 6 months later to arrest gyne formation in sex-competent larvae of the same species. Queens of M. ruginodis Nylander var. microgyria (Brian & Brian, 1949) are as good at this as the natural M. rubra , but those of M. sabuleti Meinert (of a race close to M. scabrinodis) are not. Though the M. sabuleti queens induce normal aggression against sexualizing larvae, they are unable to prevent some or all of the workers feeding larvae as though they were queenless. However, queens from different colonies of M. rubra adopted by queenless populations of workers in spring, control their brood-rearing behaviour perfectly. M. rubra workers from different colonies bring gynes to maturity from female sexual larvae at different average sizes. When workers from two such sources are mixed in equal proportions, the size of gyne larva produced after a week's culture corresponds with that of one of the worker populations; it is not intermediate in size. Also, large workers can rear larger gyne-larvae than small workers of the same age. This is only true if the workers have been living with queens all the time from emergence as an imago to the moment the experiment was set. Size mixtures only achieve the same size larvae as a pure culture of small workers would. A possible reason for this is that small workers exclude the larger ones from the nursery areas of the nest.  相似文献   

山东省生态空间占用的初步研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
根据生态空间占用理论与方法,判定了山东省目前的生态空间占用和生态容量,进行了生态空间核算并计算了生态赤字.研究表明,山东省2001年的人均生态空间占用为1.37720hm2.人均生态容量为0.58755hm2,生态赤字达0.78965hm2,表明该省对生态生产性土地的需求已严重超出其供给能力,其经济发展过程中的生态状况不容乐观.山东人均生态占用虽明显高于本省人均生态容量,但仍低于全球人均生态容量,属于“地方不可持续-全球可持续”的地区.文末指出重化工业在工业结构中的突出地位及以煤炭为主的能源消费结构是导致该省生态占用偏高的主要原因,另外,人口众多使本省人均生态容量偏小,从而导致生态赤字偏大.为使山东社会经济持续健康发展,优化工业结构和能源消费结构,控制人口数量,建立资源节约型的社会生产和消费体系势在必行.  相似文献   

The expansion of artificial constructs with the rapid economic development in China has led to ecological and environmental emergencies. The extent of the decline in natural resources and environmental conditions has recently been recognized. Identifying “ecological protection redlines”, i.e. ecological limits, to guarantee ecological baselines for natural resources and ecosystem service functions would therefore help to coordinate economic development and to protect ecological resources in the coming years. We used remotely sensed and climatic data to delimit the ecological protection redlines for Zibo, a typical and important city in Shandong province, as an example to illustrate the principles and methodology of ecological protection redlines. The area of the ecological protection redlines for Zibo encompassed 1132.26 km2, accounting for 18.98% of the total area of Zibo, were mainly distributed in the southern regions of the municipality, and consisted of extremely important areas of ecosystem service functions, including water conservation, both soil and water conservation, windbreaks and sand fixation, and the conservation of biodiversity. This area is extremely sensitive, and development is forbidden. Strict measures of management and control should be implemented to protect the long-term effectiveness of ecological protection redlines.  相似文献   

We surveyed the behavioral properties of unusual large workers in the parthenogenetic queenless ant, Pristomyrmex pungens. The majority of colonies mostly consist of monomorphic workers, which have two ovarioles (small workers). Large workers with four ovarioles are occasionally found in some colonies. We compared the behavior of small and large workers. Large workers performed brood care less frequently than small workers and almost never foraged. We set out three hypotheses of the adaptive significance of large workers: they are (1) reproductive castes, that is, functionally defined queens, (2) major workers, such as soldiers, and (3) of a socially parasitic lineage. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

In social insects, the superposition of simple individual behavioral rules leads to the emergence of complex collective patterns and helps solve difficult problems inherent to surviving in hostile habitats. Modelling ant colony foraging reveals strategies arising from the insects’ self-organization and helps develop of new computational strategies in order to solve complex problems. This paper presents advances in modelling ants’ behavior when foraging in a confined and dynamic environment, based on experiments with the Argentine ant Linepithema humile in a relatively complex artificial network. We propose a model which overcomes the problem of stagnation observed in earlier models by taking into account additional biological aspects, by using non-linear functions for the deposit, perception and evaporation of pheromone, and by introducing new mechanisms to represent randomness and the exploratory behavior of the ants.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Workers whilst still less than a month from emergence rear early stage larvae better in a 16h day than in one of 14h. The callows must perceive the diel rhythm directly because there are no foragers to give them a clue, and the larvae are kept in the dark and cannot respond directly. This, and the study of egg-laying by young workers that preceded it, indicates that the extra hours daylight enable the workers to avoid the reproductive diapause that normally prepares them for hibernation. They retain active ovaries, ingest and share food with larvae either as trophic eggs or as a regurgitate from the crop.
In late summer, callows can rear sexual larvae in spring condition. Queens have a small negative effect on this, expressed as a smaller, though still gyne, pupa produced a little earlier. This weak response to queens develops into a strong negative one at a constant temperature of either 10 or 20°C. The workers then behave as they normally do in spring, and feed a watery regurgitate (dietary control) or, if this fails to arrest sexual development, physically harass the larvae by biting them in the ventral thorax (manipulative control). Large workers then result instead of gynes.  相似文献   

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