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Yeast Rsp5 ubiquitin ligase is involved in several cellular processes, including endocytosis. Actin patches are sites of endocytosis, a process involving actin assembly and disassembly. Here we show Rsp5 localization in cortical patches and demonstrate its involvement in actin cytoskeleton organization and dynamics. We found that the Rsp5-F1-GFP2 N-terminal fragment and full length GFP-Rsp5 were recruited to peripheral patches that temporarily co-localized with Abp1-mCherry, a marker of actin patches. Actin cytoskeleton organization was defective in a strain lacking RSP5 or overexpressing RSP5, and this phenotype was accompanied by morphological abnormalities. Overexpression of RSP5 caused hypersensitivity of cells to Latrunculin A, an actin-depolymerizing drug and was toxic to cells lacking Las17, an activator of actin nucleation. Moreover, Rsp5 was required for efficient actin polymerization in a whole cell extract based in vitro system. Rsp5 interacted with Las17 and Las17-binding proteins, Lsb1 and Lsb2, in a GST-Rsp5-WW2/3 pull down assay. Rsp5 ubiquitinated Lsb1-HA and Lsb2-HA without directing them for degradation. Overexpression of RSP5 increased the cellular level of HA-Las17 in wild type and in lsb1Δ lsb2Δ strains in which the basal level of Las17 was already elevated. This increase was prevented in a strain devoid of Las17-binding protein Sla1 which is also a target of Rsp5 ubiquitination. Thus, Rsp5 together with Lsb1, Lsb2 and Sla1 regulate the level of Las17, an important activator of actin polymerization.  相似文献   

Failure to eliminate abnormal proteins in the cell is associated with numerous aggregation diseases. Misfolded proteins are normally detected by protein quality control and either refolded or eliminated. The ubiquitin-proteasome system is a major pathway that degrades these unwanted proteins. Ubiquitin ligases are central to these degradation pathways as they recognize aberrant proteins and covalently attach a polyubiquitin chain to target them to the proteasome. We discovered that the Hul5 ubiquitin ligase is a major player in a novel protein quality control pathway that targets cytosolic misfolded proteins. Hul5 is required for the maintenance of cell fitness and the increased ubiquitination of low solubility proteins after heat-shock in yeast cells. We identified several low-solubility substrates of Hul5, including the prion-like protein Pin3. It is now apparent that in the cytoplasm, misfolded proteins can be targeted by multiple degradation pathways. In this review, we discuss how the Hul5 protein quality control pathway may specifically target low solubility cytosolic proteins in the cell.  相似文献   

Overproduction of the ER membrane protein Rcr1 makes Saccharomyces cerevisiae resistant to Congo red by reducing the chitin content through a unknown mechanism. By both co-immunoprecipitation and yeast two-hybrid experiments, specific interaction between Rcr1 and the ubiquitin ligase Rsp5 was found. This binding was largely mediated by a singular VPEY sequence in Rcr1 in addition to PPSY, the consensus ligand motif of the WW domains. Mutant analysis indicated that Rsp5 and other Rcr1-interacting proteins discovered in the current screen were not engaged in Congo red resistance.  相似文献   

Cells must regulate the abundance and activity of numerous nutrient transporters in different organelle membranes to achieve nutrient homeostasis. As the recycling center and major storage organelle, lysosomes are essential for maintaining nutrient homeostasis. However, very little is known about mechanisms that govern the regulation of its membrane proteins. In this study, we demonstrated that changes of Zn2+ levels trigger the downregulation of vacuolar Zn2+ transporters. Low Zn2+ levels cause the degradation of the influx transporter Cot1, whereas high Zn2+ levels trigger the degradation of the efflux channel Zrt3. The degradation process depends on the vacuole membrane recycling and degradation pathway. Unexpectedly, we identified a RING domain–containing E3 ligase Tul1 and its interacting proteins in the Dsc complex that are important for the ubiquitination of Cot1 and partial ubiquitination of Zrt3. Our study demonstrated that the Dsc complex can function at the vacuole to regulate the composition and lifetime of vacuolar membrane proteins.  相似文献   

Precursor forms of vacuolar proteins with transmembrane domains, such as the carboxypeptidase S Cps1p and the polyphosphatase Phm5p, are selectively sorted in endosomal compartments to vesicles that invaginate, budding into the lumen of the late endosomes, resulting in the formation of multivesicular bodies (MVBs). These proteins are then delivered to the vacuolar lumen following fusion of the MVBs with the vacuole. The sorting of Cps1p and Phm5p to these structures is mediated by ubiquitylation, and in doa4 mutant cells, which have reduced level of free ubiquitin, these proteins are missorted to the vacuolar membrane. A RING-finger ubiquitin ligase Tul1p has been shown to participate in the ubiquitylation of Cps1p and Phm5p. We show here that the HECT-ubiquitin ligase Rsp5p is also required for the ubiquitylation of these proteins, and therefore for their sorting to MVBs. Rsp5p is an essential ubiquitin ligase containing an N-terminal C2 domain followed by three WW domains, and a C-terminal catalytic HECT domain. In cells with low levels of Rsp5p (npi1 mutant cells), vacuolar hydrolases do not reach the vacuolar lumen and are instead missorted to the vacuolar membrane. The C2 domain and both the second and third WW domains of Rsp5p are important determinants for sorting to MVBs. Ubiquitylation of Cps1p was strongly reduced in the npi1 mutant strain and ubiquitylation was completely abolished in the npi1 tul1Delta double mutant. These data demonstrate that Rsp5p plays a novel and key role in intracellular trafficking, and extend the currently very short list of substrates ubiquitylated in vivo by several different ubiquitin ligases acting cooperatively.  相似文献   

Milkereit R  Rotin D 《PloS one》2011,6(11):e27478


The Lysosome associated protein transmembrane (LAPTM) family is comprised of three members: LAPTM5, LAPTM4a and LAPTM4b, with the latter previously shown to be overexpressed in numerous cancers. While we had demonstrated earlier the requirement of the E3 ubiquitin ligase Nedd4 for LAPTM5 sorting to lysosomes, the regulation of sorting of LAPTM4 proteins is less clear.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Here we show that LAPTM4a and LAPTM4b are localized to the lysosome, but unique to LAPTM4b, a fraction of it is present at the plasma membrane and its overexpression induces the formation of actin-based membrane protrusions. We demonstrate that LAPTM4s, like LAPTM5, are able to co-immunoprecipitate with the E3 ubiquitin ligase Nedd4, an interaction that is dependent on LAPTM4 PY motifs and plays a role in membrane sorting. Accordingly, in Nedd4 knockout mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs), LAPTM4a and LAPTM4b show reduced lysosomal localization. Moreover, lack of PY motifs leads to enhanced missorting of LAPTM4b to the plasma membrane instead of the lysosome.


These results suggest that while some requisites of LAPTM5 lysosomal sorting are conserved among LAPTM4 proteins, LAPTM4a and LAPTM4b have also developed distinct sorting requirements.  相似文献   

Membrane proteins destined for the vacuolar or lysosomal lumen are typically ubiquitinated, the ubiquitin serving as a targeting signal for the multivesicular body pathway. The RING-domain ubiquitin ligase Tul1 is an integral membrane protein that modifies the yeast vacuolar enzyme carboxypeptidase S (Cps1), the polyphosphatase Ppn1/Phm5 and other proteins containing exposed hydrophilic residues within their transmembrane domains (TMDs). Here we show that Bsd2 provides an alternative ubiquitination mechanism for Cps1, Phm5 and other proteins. Bsd2 is a three-TMD protein with a PPXY motif that binds the HECT domain ubiquitin ligase Rsp5. It can thus act as a specific adaptor linking Rsp5 to its substrates. Like Tul1, the Bsd2 system recognises polar TMDs. Bsd2 also controls the vacuolar targeting of a manganese transporter and a mutant plasma membrane ATPase, and together with the ER retrieval receptor Rer1, it protects cells from stress. We suggest that Bsd2 has a wide role in the quality control of membrane proteins. Bsd2 is the yeast homologue of human NEDD4 binding protein N4WBP5, which may therefore have similar functions.  相似文献   

The ankyrin repeat and SOCS box (ASB) family is composed of 18 proteins from ASB1 to ASB18 and belongs to the suppressor of cytokine signaling (SOCS) box protein superfamily. ASB2 was recently shown to interact with a certain Cul-Rbx module to form an E3 ubiquitin (Ub) ligase complex, but the functional composition of the ASB-containing E3 Ub ligase complexes remains to be characterized. Here, we show that ASB proteins interact with Cul5-Rbx2 but neither Cul2 nor Rbx1 in cells. Mutational analysis revealed that the highly conserved amino acid sequences of the BC box and Cul5 box in the SOCS box of ASB proteins were essential for the interaction with Cul5-Rbx2. Although ASB proteins show slight divergences from the consensus sequences of the BC box and Cul5 box, all five tested ASB proteins bound to Cul5-Rbx2. Furthermore, all three tested ASB complexes containing Cul5-Rbx2 were found to have E3 Ub ligase activity. These findings suggest that the ASB family proteins interact with Cul5-Rbx2 to form E3 Ub ligases and play significant roles via a ubiquitination-mediated pathway.  相似文献   

Fang NN  Ng AH  Measday V  Mayor T 《Nature cell biology》2011,13(11):1344-1352
Cellular toxicity introduced by protein misfolding threatens cell fitness and viability. Failure to eliminate these polypeptides is associated with numerous aggregation diseases. Several protein quality control mechanisms degrade non-native proteins by the ubiquitin-proteasome system. Here, we use quantitative mass spectrometry to demonstrate that heat-shock triggers a large increase in the level of ubiquitylation associated with misfolding of cytosolic proteins. We discover that the Hul5 HECT ubiquitin ligase participates in this heat-shock stress response. Hul5 is required to maintain cell fitness after heat-shock and to degrade short-lived misfolded proteins. In addition, localization of Hul5 in the cytoplasm is important for its quality control function. We identify potential Hul5 substrates in heat-shock and physiological conditions to reveal that Hul5 is required for ubiquitylation of low-solubility cytosolic proteins including the Pin3 prion-like protein. These findings indicate that Hul5 is involved in a cytosolic protein quality control pathway that targets misfolded proteins for degradation.  相似文献   

Enzyme activities that catalyzed the covalent attachment of ubiquitin to protein substrates (ubiquitin-protein ligase, UbL) were purified from the extracts of human red blood cells. These activities required the presence of ubiquitin-activating enzyme and ATP for activity. Four fractions (UbL A, B1, B2, and C) were resolved and showed different specificities toward added substrates [carboxymethylated bovine serum albumin (CM-BSA), G-actin, lysozyme, and alpha-lactalbumin]. The enzyme fractions gave different products with a given substrate. UbL A and UbL B1 were exclusively active with CM-BSA and alpha-lactalbumin, respectively. UbL B2 was most active toward CM-BSA with substantial activities to G-actin and alpha-lactalbumin and with no activity to lysozyme. UbL C showed significant activities with all four substrates, having a highest activity toward CM-BSA. There were many endogenous proteins present in the erythrocyte extract which were efficient substrates for ubiquitin conjugation. In particular, a pair of substrates were identified from erythrocyte extracts which were far more efficient substrates than the denatured proteins exogenously added.  相似文献   

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Several findings have revealed a likely role for DNA ligase IV, and interacting protein XRCC4, in the final steps of mammalian DNA double-strand break repair. Recent evidence suggests that the human DNA ligase IV protein plays a critical role in the maintenance of genomic stability. To identify protein-protein interactions that may shed further light on the molecular mechanisms of DSB repair and the biological roles of human DNA ligase IV, we have used the yeast two-hybrid system in conjunction with traditional biochemical methods. These efforts have resulted in the identification of a physical association between the DNA ligase IV polypeptide and the human condensin subunit known as hCAP-E. The hCAP-E polypeptide, a member of the Structural Maintenance of Chromosomes (SMC) super-family of proteins, coimmunoprecipitates from cell extracts with DNA ligase IV. Immunofluorescence studies reveal colocalization of DNA ligase IV and hCAP-E in the interphase nucleus, whereas mitotic cells display colocalization of both polypeptides on mitotic chromosomes. Strikingly, the XRCC4 protein is excluded from the area of mitotic chromosomes, suggesting the formation of specialized DNA ligase IV complexes subject to cell cycle regulation. We discuss our findings in light of known and hypothesized roles for ligase IV and the condensin complex.  相似文献   

Sun H  Leverson JD  Hunter T 《The EMBO journal》2007,26(18):4102-4112
The function of small ubiquitin-like modifier (SUMO)-binding proteins is key to understanding how SUMOylation regulates cellular processes. We identified two related Schizosaccharomyces pombe proteins, Rfp1 and Rfp2, each having an N-terminal SUMO-interacting motif (SIM) and a C-terminal RING-finger domain. Genetic analysis shows that Rfp1 and Rfp2 have redundant functions; together, they are essential for cell growth and genome stability. Mammalian RNF4, an active ubiquitin E3 ligase, is an orthologue of Rfp1/Rfp2. Rfp1 and Rfp2 lack E3 activity but recruit Slx8, an active RING-finger ubiquitin ligase, through a RING-RING interaction, to form a functional E3. RNF4 complements the growth and genomic stability defects of rfp1rfp2, slx8, and rfp1rfp2slx8 mutant cells. Both the Rfp-Slx8 complex and RNF4 specifically ubiquitylate artificial SUMO-containing substrates in vitro in a SUMO binding-dependent manner. SUMOylated proteins accumulate in rfp1rfp2 double-null cells, suggesting that Rfp/Slx8 proteins may promote ubiquitin-dependent degradation of SUMOylated targets. Hence, we describe a family of SIM-containing RING-finger proteins that potentially regulates eukaryotic genome stability through linking SUMO-interaction with ubiquitin conjugation.  相似文献   

Ubiquitin-protein ligases (E3s) are implicated in various human disorders and are attractive targets for therapeutic intervention. Although most cellular proteins are ubiquitinated, ubiquitination cannot be linked directly to a specific E3 for a large fraction of these proteins, and the substrates of most E3 enzymes are unknown. We have developed a luminescent assay to detect ubiquitination in vitro, which is more quantitative, effective, and sensitive than conventional ubiquitination assays. By taking advantage of the abundance of purified proteins made available by genomic efforts, we screened hundreds of purified yeast proteins for ubiquitination, and we identified previously reported and novel substrates of the yeast E3 ligase Rsp5. The relevance of these substrates was confirmed in vivo by showing that a number of them interact genetically with Rsp5, and some were ubiquitinated by Rsp5 in vivo. The combination of this sensitive assay and the availability of purified substrates will enable the identification of substrates for any purified E3 enzyme.  相似文献   

Ubiquitin ligases of the Nedd4 family regulate membrane protein trafficking by modifying both cargo proteins and the transport machinery with ubiquitin. Here, we investigate the role of the yeast Nedd4 homologue, Rsp5, in protein sorting into vesicles that bud into the multivesicular endosome (MVE) en route to the vacuole. A mutant lacking the Rsp5 C2 domain is unable to ubiquitinate or sort biosynthetic cargo into MVE vesicles, whereas endocytic cargo is ubiquitinated and sorted efficiently. The C2 domain binds specifically to phosphoinositides in vitro and is sufficient for localization to membranes in intact cells. Mutation of a lysine-rich patch on the surface of the C2 domain abolishes membrane interaction and disrupts sorting of biosynthetic cargo. Translational fusion of ubiquitin to a biosynthetic cargo protein alleviates the requirement for the C2 domain in its MVE sorting. These results demonstrate that the C2 domain specifies Rsp5-dependent ubiquitination of endosomal cargo and suggest that Rsp5 function is regulated by membrane phosphoinositides.  相似文献   

Phosphorylation of thylakoid membrane proteins in the chloroplast of wild-type and mutant strains of Chlamydomonas reinhardi has been studied in vivo and in vitro. Intact cells or purified membranes were labeled with [32P]orthophosphate or [gamma-32P]ATP, respectively, and the presence of phosphorylated polypeptides was detected by autoradiography after membrane fractionation by SDS PAGE. The 32P was esterified to serine and threonine residues. At least six polypeptides were phosphorylated in vitro and in vivo, and corresponded to components of the photosystem II complex contributing to the formation of the light-harvesting-chlorophyll (LHC) a,b-protein complex, the DCMU binding site (32-35 kdaltons), and the reaction center (26 kdaltons). In agreement with previous reports (Alfonzo, et al., 1979, Plant Physiol., 65:730-734; and Bennett, 1979, FEBS (Fed. Eur. Biochem. Soc.) Lett., 103:342-344), the membrane-bound protein kinase was markedly stimulated by light in vitro via a mechanism requiring photosystem II activity. Phosphorylation of thylakoid membrane polypeptides in vivo was, however, completely independent of illumination. Similar amounts of phosphate were incorporated into the photosynthetic membranes of cells incubated in the dark, in white light with or without 3-(3,4- dichlorophenyl-1,1-dimethyl urea (DCMU), or in red or far-red light. Different turnovers of the phosphate were observed in the light and dark, and a phosphoprotein phosphatase involved in this turnover process was also associated with the membrane. Comparison of the amount of esterified phosphate per protein in vivo and the maximum incorporation in isolated membranes revealed that only a small fraction of the available sites could be phosphorylated in vitro. In contrast to the DCMU binding site, the LHC and 26-kdalton polypeptide were not phosphorylated in vivo when the reaction center II polypeptides of 44- 54 kdaltons were missing. The finding that all the phosphoproteins appear to be components of the photosystem II complex and are only partially dephosphorylated in vivo suggests strongly that protein phosphorylation might play an important role in the maintenance of the organizational integrity of this complex. The observation that the LHC is not phosphorylated in the absence of the reaction center lends support to this idea.  相似文献   

Proper placement of the division apparatus in Escherichia coli requires pole-to-pole oscillation of the MinC division inhibitor. MinC dynamics involves a membrane association-dissociation cycle that is driven by the activities of the MinD ATPase and the MinE topological specificity factor, which themselves undergo coupled oscillatory localization cycles. To understand the biochemical mechanisms underlying Min protein dynamics, we studied the interactions of purified Min proteins with phospholipid vesicles and the role of ATP in these interactions. We show that (i) the ATP-bound form of MinD (MinD.ATP) readily associates with phospholipid vesicles in the presence of Mg(2+), whereas the ADP-bound form (MinD.ADP) does not; (ii) MinD.ATP binds membrane in a self-enhancing fashion; (iii) both MinC and MinE can be recruited to MinD.ATP-decorated vesicles; (iv) MinE stimulates dissociation of MinD.ATP from the membrane in a process requiring hydrolysis of the nucleotide; and (v) MinE stimulates dissociation of MinC from MinD.ATP-membrane complexes, even when ATP hydrolysis is blocked. The results support and extend recent work by Z. Hu et al. (Z. Hu, E. P. Gogol, and J. Lutkenhaus, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 99:6761-6766, 2002) and support models of protein oscillation wherein MinE induces Min protein dynamics by stimulating the conversion of the membrane-bound form of MinD (MinD.ATP) to the cytoplasmic form (MinD.ADP). The results also indicate that MinE-stimulated dissociation of MinC from the MinC-MinD.ATP-membrane complex can, and may, occur prior to hydrolysis of the nucleotide.  相似文献   

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