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3个X-STR基因座荧光标记复合扩增   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
为研究DXS6803、DXS981和DXS68093个基因座多态性及其在法医学中的应用,建立X染色体基因座(DXS6803、DXS981和DXS6809)的荧光复合扩增体系。用荧光标记引物PCR技术复合扩增3个基因座,并用ABI PRISM 3100毛细管电泳及其软件进行基因分型。结果在中国汉族340名无关男性个体及195名无关女性个体中,DXS6803、DXS981和DXS6809三个基因座分别发现了13、12、11个等位基因,男性个体共检出183种单倍型,单倍型多样性为0.9926。结果表明这3个基因座有较高的多态性信息,在个体识别和亲权鉴定(特别是在缺失双亲的特殊检案)中有重要的应用价值。  相似文献   

4个Y-STR基因座银染复合扩增   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
刘秋玲  孙宏钰 《遗传》2003,25(3):279-282
建立一个复合扩增体系,同时扩增DYS391、GATA-A4、GATA-A10和GATA-H4 4个Y染色体特异性的STR基因座,并用聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳和银染显色技术进行基因分型。采用该复合扩增系统调查广东汉族311名无关男性个体的单倍型频率,这4个基因座分别检出5、7、6和5个等位基因,其基因多样性分别为0.4623、0.6972、0.7173、0.6015。共检出98种单倍型,单倍型基因多样性为0.9755。该复合扩增体系在建立Y染色体STR数据库,研究群体遗传和进行法医学鉴定有重要意义。 Abstract:A multiplex PCR system has been developed to amplify 4 Y-chromosome specific short tandem repeats(STR),DYS391,GATA-A4,GATA-A10 and GATA-H4,simultaneously.PCR products were separated by polyacrylamide gels electrophoresis followed by silver stain.When 311 unrelated males from the Han population in Guangdong were detected by the multiplex system,DYS391,GATA-A4,GATA-A10 and GATA-H4 showed 5,7,6 and 5 alleles respectively.Total 98 haplotypes could be identified.Gene diversity value for the 4 STR was 0.4623,0.6972,0.7173 and 0.6015 respectively.The gene diversity value for the haplotypes of the 4 Y-STR reached 0.9755.The four Y-STR multiplex system will be very powerful for establishing Y-STR database,exploring human origin,paternity testing and personal identification.  相似文献   

X染色体STR基因座的法医学研究进展   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
任云星  梁景青 《遗传》2006,28(10):1316-1320
对X染色体的结构特征、遗传特征等相关基础知识及其短串联重复序列(STR)基因座在法医学领域的研究历史、现状, 复合扩增的研究动态和应用等方面进行了综述。同时收集了国内外X染色体STR 基因座在法医DNA工作者实践中的研究和应用资料, 分析了X染色体STR基因座在法医学应用中的利弊, 以促进X染色体STR基因座在法医学实践中的应用。  相似文献   

陈腾  辛娜  朱俊艳  余兵  金天博  李生斌 《遗传》2007,29(2):180-184
为研究云南纳西族人群10个位于X染色体的短串联重复序列基因座及单倍型的遗传多态性, 采用PCR扩增, 变性聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳结合银染显色分型技术, 对98名云南纳西族无关男性个体X染色体的10个STR基因座进行基因分型。结果显示, 98名无关男性个体中, DXS7423、DXS7424、DXS6799、DXS7133、DXS6804、DXS8378、HPRTB、DXS7130、DXS7132 和DXS6789分别检出4、7、6、3、6、5、5、7、6和8个等位基因, 等位基因频率分布在0.0102(DXS7132、DXS6789)~0.7347(DXS7133)之间。由DXS8378与DXS7130基因座组成的单倍型共检出20种, 由DXS6789、DXS6799和DXS7424基因座组成的单倍型共检出56种, 单倍型多样性分别为0.8553和0.9649, 说明所选的10个X-STR位点有较高的多态性信息, 在基因组多样性研究、法医学个体识别、亲权鉴定中具有重要应用价值。  相似文献   

广东汉族22个Y-STR基因座遗传多态性及遗传关系分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
石美森  百茹峰  于晓军  唐剑频 《遗传》2008,30(9):1136-1142
调查了广东汉族群体22个 Y-STR基因座的遗传多态性分布情况, 探讨其群体遗传学及法医学应用价值。通过自行建立的两组Y-STR荧光标记复合扩增体系(MultiplexⅠ: DYS505, DYS533, DYS576, DYS588, DYS634, DYS643; MultiplexⅡ: DYS461, DYS481, DYS504, DYS508, DYS607)和应用进口Powerplex Y System (DYS19, DYS389Ⅰ/Ⅱ, DYS390, DYS391, DYS392, DYS393, DYS385, DYS437, DYS438, DYS439), 对广东汉族216 名无关男性个体进行22 个STR基因座的复合分型, 用ABI310基因分析仪对扩增产物进行检测, 统计22 个Y-STR基因座的群体遗传学参数, 并结合已公开发表的其他12 个群体“扩展单倍型”的数据资料, 分析广东汉族群体遗传距离和聚类关系。3 组复合扩增系统均可成功进行分型, 基因多样性GD值在0.3299(DYS634)~ 0.9425(DYS385); 22 个Y-STR基因座共同构成的单倍型214 种, 单倍型多样性为0.9999。广东汉族和潮汕汉族的遗传距离最近(-0.0030), 与东北汉族的遗传距离最远(0.0195)。22 个Y-STR基因座联合检测具有丰富的遗传多态性, 对建立Y染色体STR数据库, 研究群体遗传学和进行法医学应用有重要意义。  相似文献   

从484个北方汉族家系人员中提取获得模板DNA,并用TYPERX19扩增试剂盒检测分析,在5 652次等位基因传递中,有6个基因座(DXS6810,DXS8378,DXS6797,DXS7423,DXS7424,DXS8377)共发生了8次突变,DXS6810和DXS8377的突变率为0. 006 4,DXS8378,DXS6797,DXS7423和DXS7424的突变率为0. 003 2,其他12个基因座未观察到突变,18个X-STR的平均突变率为0. 001 4,所有的突变都是一步突变,各基因座之间的突变率没有显著性差异(P 0. 05),在所有突变中,增加突变和减少突变没有显著差异,X-STR基因座突变率和等位基因长度有关,等位基因重复次数越多越容易突变,大部分的突变来源于父亲。  相似文献   

程宝文  陈国弟  张华建 《遗传》2002,24(1):15-18
为提高法医生物检材利用率和检案效率,研制银染法能检测的4个基因座和6个基因座STR复合扩增试剂。对一例轮奸案检材DNA,运用同步复合PCR技术对CSF1PO、TPOX、THO1和vWA(A组)4个STR基因座;D18S51、D7S820、D13S317、D5S818、D3S1358 5个STR基因座和Amelogenin(B组)性别基因座分别进行4个基因座和6个基因座的PCR复合扩增,两组扩增产物同时经测序聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳和银染检测,扩增片段互不干扰。两组试剂用于一例个体识别案获得了2.43×10-19的个体识别率。证实了银染法检测STR 4个基因座和6个基因座复合扩增产物的可行性。 Abstract:Amplification of short tandem repeat(STR) loci has become a useful tool for human identification applicationsTo improve throughput and efficiency for the forensic materials and gain foure and six STR locis multiplex methods with silver staining,CSF1PO、TPOX、THO1 and vWA(referred to as multiplex A), D18S51、D7S820、D13S317、D5S818、D3S1358 and Amelogenin(referred to as multiplex B) have been evaluated for use in a rape case.The products of multiplex amplication were separated in a denaturing polyacrylamide gel and analyzed with silver staining.Two multiplex amplications used in this case could provide a power of discrimination of approximately 2.43×10-19.Silver staining was showen to be a validation methods for analysing the products of four and six multiplex amplications.  相似文献   

黄艳梅  祁英杰  朱运良  童大跃  伍新尧 《遗传》2007,29(10):1214-1214―1222
建立了FAM(蓝色荧光)标记的DYS456、DYS464a/b/c/d和DYS527a/b和JOE(绿色荧光)标记的DYS531、DYS709、DYS448和DYS522 7个Y染色体STR基因座(相当于11个位点)复合扩增分型体系。利用ABI3100遗传分析仪调查中国广东汉族151例和河南106例汉族无关男性个体的遗传多态性分布, 并探讨在法医学中的应用价值。结果显示, 此方法能作出正确分型的最低基因组DNA量为0.02 ng; 在女性成份为男性成份150倍的混合DNA样本(总DNA量为160 ng)中能正确检出全部7个Y-STR基因座的基因型。 广东和河南2个汉族男性群体中, 观察到的单体型分别有150、105种, 其中仅观察到1次的单体型分别有149、104种, 单体型多样性(HD)分别为0.999912、0.999820; 这组Y-STR单体型在两个群体中的分布差异有统计学显著意义(秩和检验: P<0.001)。此7个Y-STR基因座多态性分析适用于法医学实践和人类进化的研究。  相似文献   

邓志辉  吴国光  张旋 《遗传》2004,26(4):446-450
为研究中国南方汉族人群DYS393等6个Y-STR基因座的遗传多态性并用于法医学鉴定,通过采用PCR复合扩增和基因测序仪荧光检测方法,检查204个无关男性个体,调查南方汉族的6个Y-STR基因座的单倍型频率,并对93对真父子和38对非父子的亲子鉴定样本进行检测。结果DYS393基因座检出5个等位基因,DYS19基因座检出6个等位基因,DYS389Ⅱ基因座检出8个等位基因,DYS390基因座检出6个等位基因,DYS391基因座检出4个等位基因,DYS385 基因座检出44个等位基因,共检出176种单倍型。93对真父子中,观察到2例分别有1个基因座突变。检测38对非父子,有1个或2个Y-STR基因座排除的案例各有1例(2.6%);有3 个和3个以上的Y-STR基因座可以排除父子关系的案例为35例(92.1%);6个Y-STR基因座不能排除父子关系的为1例。结果表明6个Y-STR基因座具有丰富的遗传多态性,可用于法医学个体识别和亲子鉴定。Abstract: To study the genetic polymorphisms of six Y-chromosome specific STR loci in the southern Chinese Han population and apply it in forensic science, six Y-STR loci were amplified by multiple PCR and the PCR products were detected by using ABI PrismTM 377 Sequencer. The haplotype frequencies at 6 Y-STR loci were determined in a total of 204 unrelated males from southern Han population of China. Ninety-three father/son pairs with demonstrated paternity and thirty-eight non-paternity father/son pairs were detected by using our Y-STR system. As a result, the number of alleles for DYS393、DYS19、DYS389Ⅱ、DYS390、DYS391and DYS385 were 5, 6, 8, 6, 4 and 44 , respectively. A total of 176 haplotypes at 6 Y-STR loci were found. Two father/son pairs with single Y-STR mutation were observed in the 93 father/son pairs with demonstrated paternity. Among the 38 non-paternity father/son pairs, one case with one Y-STR exclusion of paternity, one case with two Y-STR exclusions and 35 cases with 3 or more Y-STR exclusions were observed. Non-exclusion of paternity at 6 Y-STR loci was found only in one case. This result indicated that the six Y-STR loci were highly polymorphic and are suitable for personal identification and paternity testing.  相似文献   

Lu YP  Cheng J  Jiang SF  Zhang LW  Gao ZY  Han B  Yuan HJ  Li YL 《遗传》2010,32(11):1141-1146
利用收集的20例21三体、3例18三体DNA样本及40例正常人DNA样本,选择多对21、18号染色体短串联重复序列分子标记,建立多重荧光定量PCR检测技术用于21三体、18三体的快速产前诊断;利用建立的方法对165例产前诊断病例及4例消化道畸形新生儿进行检测,并与核型分析结果相比较。169例病例中共诊断21三体4例,18三体1例,所有病例均在1~3d得到结果,无漏诊和误诊,并利用建立的多重荧光定量PCR技术为5例核型分析失败的病例提供了明确的产前诊断。对于同期B超检查胎儿结构异常的22例胎儿,则采用传统的核型分析,检出1例(45,X),1例(47,XXY)。结果表明建立的多重荧光定量PCR技术可快速、准确地诊断21三体和18三体,减轻核型分析需时过长给孕妇带来的焦虑,可用于血清学筛查21三体、18三体高风险者及高龄孕妇,也适用于对其他遗传性疾病如遗传性耳聋进行产前诊断时并行检测以排除21三体和18三体。多重荧光定量PCR技术结合传统核型分析可更好的满足产前诊断的临床需求。  相似文献   

This study was carried out to evaluate the value of three X-STR loci (DXS6803, DXS981and DXS6809) in forensic application and thereby investigate their polymorphism. The primer for each locus was labeled with fluorochrome 6-FAM. A fluorescent multiplex PCR for simultaneously amplifying three X-STR loci was set up. The PCR products that were obtained were analyzed using capillary electrophoresis and ABI PRISM 3100 Genetic Analyzer, with GENESCAN Analysis Software. When 340 male and 195 female individuals of Han population in China were tested, 13, 12, and 11 alleles were observed for DXS6803, DXS981 and DXS6809, respectively. One hundred and eighty three haplotypes were detected in the male individuals. The haplotype diversity reached 0.9926. The results show that the three loci of the multiplex system provide significant information on polymorphism for forensic identification and paternity testing, particularly for complicated paternity deficient cases.  相似文献   

In order to complement ecological information with genetic data we isolated and characterized 14 polymorphic microsatellite markers from raccoons (Procyon lotor). Three multiplexed panels comprising the loci were developed and 29 individuals from a contiguous habitat patch in northern Indiana, USA were genotyped. The number of alleles per locus ranged from four to 18, and overall heterozygosities ranged from 0.31 to 1.00. One locus was identified as possibly being X‐linked, since males appeared to be hemizygous. Data generated using these markers will be used to further our understanding of small‐scale raccoon population dynamics in a highly fragmented landscape.  相似文献   

Two multiplex PCR amplifications were performed to analyse six microsatellite loci of Schlegel's black rockfish, Sebastes schlegeli, an important commercial fish in the northern part of Japan and an important species for the stock enhancement program in this area. We analysed 67 wild samples from Yamada Bay, Iwate Prefecture, Japan. The observed genotype frequencies agreed with the Hardy–Weinberg expectations at all loci, and the observed heterozygosities ranged from 0.072 to 0.897.  相似文献   

为了调查30个 InDel 位点在中国北京汉族人群中的群体遗传学数据, 并评估其法医学应用价值, 文章采集210名北京汉族无关健康个体外周血样, 提取样本DNA, 采用Investigator ® DIPplex 体系对HLD77等30个InDel 位点进行复合扩增, ABI3130 XL 遗传分析仪进行基因分型, 计算常用法医学参数, 分析群体遗传差异。经 Bonferroni 校正, 30个InDel 位点不存在连锁不平衡现象, 基因型分布符合Hardy-Weinberg 平衡; 各位点DP值为0.2690~0.6330, 累积个体识别力(TDP)为0.999999999985; 三联体累积非父排除率(CPEtrio)为0.98771049, 二联体累积非父排除率(CPEduo)为0.94579456。32例 STR 基因座发生突变的家系样本调查证实上述 InDel 位点未发现突变。结果表明, Investigator® DIPplex 试剂盒中包含的30个InDel 位点在北京汉族群体中具有较好的遗传多态性, 在 STR 存在突变及微量DNA检材等特殊检案中可作为有效的补充检测体系。  相似文献   

实时荧光定量PCR的应用和进展   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
实时荧光定量PCR技术通过检测PCR产物中荧光讯号强度来达到定量的目的,该技术不仅实现了PCR从定性到定量的飞跃,而且与常规PCR相比,它具有特异性更强、有效解决PCR污染问题、自动化程度高等特点,目前已在动植物基因工程,微生物和医学领域中得到广泛应用。本文对实时荧光定量PCR技术的原理、优缺点及近年来新兴起的荧光探针的原理、优缺点进行了评述,重点及创新点是对实时荧光定量PCR技术在动植物基因工程,微生物和医学领域的应用进行了比较全面的综述,并对实时荧光定量PCR技术的普及应用及在基因诊断领域的前景做了进一步的展望。  相似文献   

Among commonly applied molecular markers, simple sequence repeats (SSRs, or microsatellites) possess advantages such as a high level of polymorphism and codominant pattern of inheritance at individual loci. To facilitate systematic and rapid genetic mapping in soybean, we designed a genotyping panel comprised 304 SSR markers selected for allelic diversity and chromosomal location so as to provide wide coverage. Most primer pairs for the markers in the panel were redesigned to yield amplicons of 80–600 bp in multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and fluorescence-based sequencer analysis, and they were labelled with one of four different fluorescent dyes. Multiplex PCR with sets of six to eight primer pairs per reaction generated allelic data for 283 of the 304 SSR loci in three different mapping populations, with the loci mapping to the same positions as previously determined. Four SSRs on each chromosome were analysed for allelic diversity in 87 diverse soybean germplasms with four-plex PCR. These 80 loci showed an average allele number and polymorphic information content value of 14.8 and 0.78, respectively. The high level of polymorphism, ease of analysis, and high accuracy of the SSR genotyping panel should render it widely applicable to soybean genetics and breeding.  相似文献   

In this study, a proposal is presented for the allele nomenclature of 16 polymorphic short tandem repeat (STR) loci ( BM1824 , BM2113 , ETH10 , ETH225 , INRA023 , SPS115 , TGLA122 , TGLA126 , TGLA227 , ETH3 , TGLA53 , BM1818 , CSRM60 , CSSM66 , HAUT27 and ILSTS006 ) for bovine genotyping ( Bos taurus ). The nomenclature is based on sequence data of the polymorphic region(s) of the STR loci as recommended by the DNA commission of the International Society of Forensic Genetics for human DNA typing. To cover commonly and rarely occurring alleles, a selection of animals homozygous for the alleles at these STR loci were analysed and subjected to sequence studies. The alleles of the STR loci consisted either of simple or compound dinucleotide repeat patterns. Only a limited number of alleles with the same fragment size showed different repeat structures. The allele designation described here was based on the number of repeats including all variable regions within the amplified fragment. The set of 16 STR markers should be propagated for the use in all bovine applications including forensic analysis.  相似文献   

A combination of bacteriocin, bacteriophage, and plasmid typing techniques was used to differentiate strains of Clostridium difficile. A typing set of 20 bacteriocin-producing strains was established after 400 isolates of C. difficile were screened for the ability to produce bacteriocin. These strains were used to type a collection of 114 isolates of C. difficile. Forty-six (40%) of the 114 isolates were typeable, and 31 typing patterns were distinguishable. Plasmid typing of the same 114 isolates of C. difficile showed that 67 (59%) of the isolates carried up to four plasmids ranging from 7 to 60 kb in size, although most strains contained only one or two plasmids. Twenty different plasmid typing patterns were observed among the isolates. A combination of bacteriocin and plasmid typing provided 77% typeability. Fifteen (13%) of the 114 strains were typeable with five bacteriophages isolated in our laboratory, but the increase in typeability of strains over that obtainable by plasmid and bacteriocin typing was only 1.8%. Isolates that were nontypeable by bacteriocins, plasmids, or phages could be divided into two groups on the basis of positive or negative cytotoxin production. This further division of strains would increase the typeability potential by 7%; i.e., the ability to differentiate strains would rise from 77 to 84%, or perhaps 86%, if phage typing were included. We conclude that more than one of the techniques reported in this paper must be used to achieve an acceptable level of typeability of this species.  相似文献   

Primers have been developed for nine polymorphic tetranucleotide microsatellite loci isolated from the swift fox (Vulpes velox). These can be amplified in three multiplex reactions and all loci can be scored easily and without ambiguity. The number of alleles per locus ranged from three to 14 and the overall heterozygosities ranged from 0.54 to 1.00. All loci were in Hardy‐Weinberg equilibrium, but two loci were in linkage disequilibrium. These loci will be used to monitor endangered swift fox populations on the Canadian prairies.  相似文献   

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