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The Chinese sturgeon (Acipenser sinensis) is an endemic and critically endangered species in China. In this study, a total of 24 polymorphic microsatellite loci were isolated and characterized using Illumina sequencing for A. sinensis. The number of alleles (Na) per locus ranged from 2 to 6 (mean 4.04), mean expected heterozygosities (He), Shannon‐Wiener Diversity Indices (SW) and evenness (E) per locus ranged from 0.235 to 0.786 (mean 0.62), from 0.396 to 1.608 (mean 1.13), and from 0.060 to 0.213 (mean 0.13), respectively. Exact tests revealed that nine loci showed significant (P < 0.01) deviation from Hardy‐Weinberg equilibrium (HWE). Cross amplification was tested in congeneric species A. schrenskii, A. baerii, A. dabryanus and Huso dauricus. The new microsatellite markers described herein will be useful for further studies on genetic variation, parentage analysis, and conservation management.  相似文献   

For effective conservation, it is important to explore the environmental cues initiating the spawning activities of a fish species. Based on monitoring data gathered between 1998 and 2011, the relationships between spawning activities of the Chinese sturgeon, Acipenser sinensis, and several environmental cues were analyzed using the rare events logistic regression ‘Relogit’ method, which indicated that water temperature, 1‐day ?‐discharge, and atmospheric pressure were among the key spawning cues for Asinensis (P < 0.05). It is suggested that Chinese sturgeon might have an optimal environment window of 17–20°C water temperature, high day‐to‐day discharge increase, and low atmospheric pressure for spawning. In support of Chinese sturgeon reproduction, suggested modifications to the operational procedures for the Three Gorges Reservoir (TGR) to trigger spawning are: lowering the downstream water temperature to below 20°C before mid‐October and expanding the period with water temperatures of between 17 and 20°C; to create a day‐to‐day intermittent increase in the discharge to an optimal spawning water temperature; and to regulate flow at nights with a low atmospheric pressure.  相似文献   

From 2006 to 2009, 27 ultrasonic-tagged wild adult Chinese sturgeon Acipenser sinensis [eight males, 19 females; total length (L(T)) range = 245-368 cm] were captured on the spawning ground just downstream of Gezhouba Dam (GZD) in the Yangtze River. Twenty-six individuals were tracked for 7 to 707 days (mean number of relocations = 859; range = 3-4549). Acipenser sinensis movements were divided into four categories: (1) spawning migration, two tagged A. sinensis (one female and one male) returned to the Yangtze River and migrated from the Yangtze Estuary (river kilometer, rkm, 0) to the spawning ground (1678 rkm) between June and October. Their mean upstream ground speed was 1.41 km h(-1) (range = 0.26-2.35 km h(-1) ). The speed of the male was faster than the female; (2) pre-spawning holding, four of five females tagged in November 2008 stayed within 1678.00-1674.15 rkm for c. 1 year before the spawning period; (3) spawning movements, all A. sinensis swam mostly from the tailrace of the GZD (1678 rkm) to the Miaozui (1674.15 rkm) reach and some moved downstream c. 18.21 rkm (range = 3.93-24.64 rkm), but then, returned upstream to the GZD. Most tagged A. sinensis were on the spawning ground on the day when the spawning occurred; (4) post-spawning migration males (n = 6) and females (n = 2) departed the spawning area on a different time schedule, females leaving before males. The mean seaward ground speed of six A. sinensis was 4.87 km h(-1) (range = 0.68-7.60 km h(-1) ). There were no significant differences (P > 0.05) in ground speeds among reaches or between sexes within reaches between telemetry receivers. These broad spatiotemporal scale results will help establish an effective protection strategy for the species in the Yangtze River.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the presence of Chinese sturgeon Acipenser sinensis on its only remaining spawning ground (below the Gezhauba Dam), and monitored the behaviour under different environmental conditions from 24 December 2015 to 23 January 2016. A fixed ARIS (Adaptive Resolution Imaging Sonar) system was used and a total of 72 Chinese sturgeon were detected during nine observations. Detections initially recorded a few A. sinensis in the early days of late‐December 2015, with an increase in recordings, leading to a peak in early‐January 2016 and declining thereafter. Water temperature slowly decreased during the study period from 18.1 to 15.7°C. During the middle of this temperature decline the sturgeon observations peaked, suggesting that Chinese sturgeon could have an optimal temperature range. The sturgeon Detections Per Unit Effort (DPUE) was higher in the night hours, peaking before dawn, suggesting a circadian behaviour rhythm. Sturgeon spawning was not observed during the investigation period. A delay in the decrease in water temperature caused by the Three Gorges Reservoir and the few numbers of reproductively mature individuals are suspected to have contributed to the failure in natural breeding.  相似文献   

The Chinese sturgeon (Acipenser sinensis), a kind of maricolous anadromous migratory fish species, is endangered and protected in China. Historical spawning habitats were distributed in the lower reaches of Jinsha River and the upper reaches of Yangtze River. Since the establishment of the Gezhouba water conservancy pivot in 1981, the migratory route of Chinese sturgeon spawning was blocked. Therefore, the fish was forced to propagate in a new spawning ground which was mainly distributed in the 4-km-long mainstream from Gezhouba Dam to Miaozui in the middle Yangtze River. After water storage and power generation of the Three Gorges reservoir (TGR) in 2003, the propagation of Chinese sturgeon has been impacted gradually. According to field surveys, the fish used to spawn twice a year before TGR impoundment, but only once happened after that. Besides, the spawning scale is also declining with each passing year.In order to simulate and evaluate the effect of TGR impoundment on spawning habitats of Chinese sturgeon, with consideration of their reproductive characteristics, an eco-hydrodynamic model was established by coupling a two-dimensional hydrodynamic model and a fuzzy fish habitat module based on fuzzy logic inference. Flow fields at the studied site in an impoundment scenario and an assumed no impoundment scenario were simulated with the 2D hydrodynamic model. Afterwards, by linking hydrodynamic conditions to the expert knowledge base, the fuzzy habitat model used fuzzy logic inference to compute habitat suitability of the Chinese sturgeon. In addition, the approach was used to propose a suitable instream flow range during the propagation period for Chinese sturgeon. The results indicated that the suitable instream flow needed for Chinese sturgeon spawning in middle Yangtze River should be between 10,000 m3/s and 17,000 m3/s and it also showed that after TGR was put into pilot impoundment operation at the designed water level of 175 m, the habitat suitability has decreased significantly in October. Besides, the water temperature of spawning habitat increased to a higher level in propagation period due to the impoundment of the TGR. All these alterations have had imposed tremendous impacts on the propagation of Chinese sturgeon. Therefore, adjusting impoundment schedule of the TGR to recover the water flow over spawning habitat in October is a crucial way to improve the habitat suitability. Furthermore, the presented method also provides a theoretical basis for further research on the assessment of habitat suitability of aquatic species at a micro-habitat scale.  相似文献   

The effect of starvation and subsequent re‐feeding to satiation on compensatory growth performance, insulin and blood serum values were investigated in juvenile Persian sturgeon (Acipencer persicus) with an average weight 108.04 ± 0.28 g (mean ± SEM) and in the same rearing condition over an 8‐week period. Sturgeons were allocated to one of five feeding treatments: controls (C, continuous feeding), W1 (1 week starvation), W2 (2 weeks starvation), W3 (3 weeks starvation) and W4 (4 weeks starvation), followed by a single 4 weeks of re‐feeding to satiation. Changes in growth performance and blood serum indices were examined at the end of weeks 4 and 8. Body weight, specific growth rate (SGR), condition factor (CF) and weight gain were determined to have significantly decreased during starvation. Fish starved for 1 week reached the same weight as the control fish after re‐feeding for 4 weeks, indicating that complete compensatory growth occurred. Although the specific growth rate in W2, W3 and W4 fish was greater than that in the control fish after re‐feeding, W2, W3 and W4 fish did not reach the same body weight as control fish at the end of re‐feeding period, and showed partial compensation only. Blood plasma, glucose and insulin concentrations did not change significantly during starvation and re‐feeding (P > 0.05). This suggests that sturgeon are able to maintain glycaemia during starvation, probably due to their non‐carbohydrate dietary source. Plasma total lipid and triglyceride levels increased in starvation treatments, whereas the increases were significant only in W3 treatment (P < 0.05). After a 4‐week re‐feeding period, their levels decreased in comparison to the starvation periods. Increases in plasma total lipid and triglyceride levels appear to be due to their roles as preferred nutrients for mobilization in Persian sturgeon and the magnitude and duration of compensatory growth depended on the length of food deprivation.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to quantify the fish fauna in the Three Gorges Dam (TGD) and assess the tendency for change as well as for any spatial and temporal distribution. Two types of echo‐sounder equipment (HTI Model 241 and Simrad EY60) were used to detect the fish density and fish spatio‐temporal distribution. Eight surveys were conducted between 2006 and 2010, with the results showing that fish abundance in the Three Gorges Reservoir (TGR) increased yearly from 15.5 to 123 ind./1000 m3, a change apparently correlated with the corresponding increase in the reservoir water level. Horizontally, fish density increased from the lower reaches to the upper reaches. Fish preferred inhabiting the area around the Zhongxian section during winter and the Chongqing section in spring. Vertically, fish density was highest in the lower layer, followed by the middle layer. The difference in fish density in different water layers observed in spring was not as evident as in the winter. Fish target strength throughout the eight investigations showed a skewed distribution with respect to fish size. The overall increasing tendency of fish density and the spatio‐temporal distribution of fish species were closely related to the water level of the TGR during the impounding period. Other influencing factors included water flow rate, water depth, reservoir shape, habitat type, and protection policy.  相似文献   

This paper provides the length‐weight and length–length relationships for five fish species in the Zigui section of the lower Three Gorges Reservoir of the Yangtze River. Specimens were collected from December 2014 to January 2017, using various types of fishing gear and electroshock fishing techniques. Length‐weight relationships (LWRs) for one fish species and Length–length relationships (LLRs) for five fish species are unknown to FishBase. New maximum total lengths for four species were also recorded for FishBase. Moreover, standard‐length to total‐length equations for converting size measurements for these five species are presented.  相似文献   

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