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We isolated a cDNA clone from Arabidopsis thaliana encoding the TCA cycle enzyme, citrate synthase. The plant enzyme displays 48% and 44% amino acid residue similarity with the pig, and yeast polypeptides, respectively. Many proteins, including citrate synthase, which are destined to reside in organelles such as mitochondria and chloroplasts, are the products of the nucleocytoplasmic protein synthesizing machinery and are imported post-translationally to the site of function. We present preliminary investigations toward the establishment of an in vitro plant mitochondrial import system allowing for future studies to dissect this process in plants where the cell must differentiate between mitochondria and chloroplast and direct their polypeptides appropriately.  相似文献   

Adenylosuccinate lyase was cloned by functional complementation of an Escherichia coli purB mutant using an avian liver cDNA expression library. The derived amino acid sequence is homologous to the bacterial purB-encoded adenylosuccinate lyase which catalyzes the same two steps in purine biosynthesis as the enzyme from animals. Avian adenylosuccinate lyase also shows regions of extensive sequence similarity to the urea cycle enzyme, argininosuccinate lyase. This homology suggests a similar mechanism for catalysis. Homology of adenylosuccinate and argininosuccinate lyases is intriguing because chickens do not utilize the urea cycle in nitrogen excretion. This is the first report of the cloning of a eukaryotic cDNA encoding adenylosuccinate lyase, and it affords a route to isolate the corresponding human gene which has been suggested to be defective in autistic children.  相似文献   

Sulfur plays an important role in plants, being used for the biosynthesis of amino acids, sulfolipids and secondary metabolites. After uptake sulfate is activated and subsequently reduced to sulfide or serves as donor for sulfurylation reactions. The first step in the activation of sulfate in all cases studied so far is catalyzed by the enzyme ATP-sulfurylase (E.C. which catalyzes the formation of adenosine-5′-phosphosulfate (APS). Two cDNA clones from potato encoding ATP-sulfurylases were identified following transformation of a Saccharomyces cerevisiae mutant deficient in ATP-sulfurylase activity with a cDNA library from potato source leaf poly(A)+ RNA cloned in a yeast expression vector. Several transformants were able to grow on a medium with sulfate as the only sulfur source, this ability being strictly linked to the presence of two classes of cDNAs. The clones StMet3-1 and StMet3-2 were further analyzed. DNA analysis revealed an open reading frame encoding a protein with a molecular mass of 48 kDa in the case of StMet3-1 and 52 kDa for StMet3-2. The deduced polypeptides are 88% identical at the amino acid level. The clone StMet3-2 has a 48 amino acid N-terminal extension which shows common features of a chloroplast transit peptide. Sequence comparison of the ATP-sulfurylase Met3 from Saccharomyces cerevisiae with the cDNA StMet3-1 (StMet3-2) reveals 31% (30%) identity at the amino acid level. Protein extracts from the yeast mutant transformed with the clone StMet3-1 displayed ATP-sulfurylase activity. RNA blot analysis demonstrated the expression of both genes in potato leaves, root and stem, but not in tubers. To the best of the authors' knowledge this is the first cloning and identification of genes involved in the reductive sulfate assimilation pathway from higher plants.  相似文献   

Chaperonins are ubiquitous proteins that facilitate protein folding in an adenosine triphosphate-dependent manner. Here we report the isolation of a sea urchin cDNA (Plhsp60) coding for mitochondrial chaperonin (Cpn60), whose basal expression is further enhanced by heat shock. The described cDNA corresponds to a full-length mRNA encoding a protein of 582 amino acids, the first 32 of which constitute a putative mitochondrial targeting leader sequence. Comparative analysis has demonstrated that this protein is highly conserved in evolution.  相似文献   

A cDNA clone encoding Arabidopsis thaliana galactokinase was fortuitously isolated during the course of a screen for plant homologues of a Saccharomyces cerevisiae peroxisome assembly gene, PAS9. Clones were sought which restored the ability of pas9 cells to grow on oleate as a sole carbon source, as oleate metabolism requires peroxisomal -oxidation and therefore functional peroxisomes. Subsequent experiments showed that high level expression of the galactokinase cDNA did not complement the peroxisomal assembly defect, but instead permitted the cells to grow on agar plates in the absence of an external carbon source. Agar plates were shown to contain a small amount of galactose released from the agar as a result of autoclaving. The galactokinase clone was shown to be functional, as it could complement a S. cerevisiae galactokinase mutant. Galactokinase is a single copy gene in Arabidopsis, which has been designated AGK1, and is expressed in all the major organs of the plant.  相似文献   

A cDNA encoding for a 68 kDa GTP-binding protein was isolated from Arabidopsis thaliana (aG68). This clone is a member of a gene family that codes for a class of large GTP-binding proteins. This includes the mammalian dynamin, yeast Vps1p and the vertebrate Mx proteins. The predicted amino acid sequence was found to have high sequence conservation in the N-terminal GTP-binding domain sharing 54% identity to yeast Vps1p, 56% amino acid identity to rat dynamin and 38% identity to the murine Mx1 protein. The northern analysis shows expression in root, leaf, stem and flower tissues, but in mature leaves at lower levels. Southern analysis indicates that it may be a member of a small gene family or the gene may contain an intron.  相似文献   

A cDNA encoding farnesyl diphosphate synthase, an enzyme that synthesizes C15 isoprenoid diphosphate from isopentenyl diphosphate and dimethylallyl diphosphate, was cloned from an Arabidopsis thaliana cDNA library by complementation of a mutant of Saccharomyces cerevisiae deficient in this enzyme. The A. thaliana cDNA was also able to complement the lethal phenotype of the erg20 deletion yeast mutant. As deduced from the full-length 1.22 kb cDNA nucleotide sequence, the polypeptide contains 343 amino acids and has a relative molecular mass of 39689. The predicted amino acid sequence presents about 50% identity with the yeast, rat and human FPP synthases. Southern blot analyses indicate that A. thaliana probably contains a single gene for farnesyl diphosphate synthase.  相似文献   

The first and committed step in de novo sphingolipid synthesis is catalysed by serine palmitoyltransferase (EC, which condenses serine and palmitoyl-CoA to form 3-ketosphinganine in a pyridoxal-5'-phosphate-dependent reaction. We have isolated and characterized a cDNA clone from Arabidopsis thaliana that is homologous to yeast and mammalian LCB2. For a functional identification, the A. thaliana homologous cDNA was expressed in Escherichia coli, which resulted in significant production of new sphinganine in E. coli cells.  相似文献   

cDNA clones encoding imidazoleglycerolphosphate dehydratase (IGPD; EC from Arabidopsis thaliana were isolated by complementation of a bacterial auxotroph. The predicted primary translation product shared significant identity with the corresponding sequences from bacteria and fungi. As in yeast, the plant enzyme is monofunctional, lacking the histidinol phosphatase activity present in the Escherichia coli protein. IGPD mRNA was present in major organs at all developmental stages assayed. The Arabidopsis genome appears to contain two genes encoding this enzyme, based on DNA gel blot and polymerase chain reaction analysis.  相似文献   

Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are ubiquitous DNA-damaging agents, and the repair of oxidative DNA lesions is essential to prevent mutations and cell death. Escherichia coli endonuclease III is the prototype repair enzyme for removal of oxidized pyrimidines from DNA. A database homology search identified a genomic sequence in Arabidopsis thaliana encoding a predicted protein with sequence similarity to E. coli endonuclease III. We cloned, sequenced and expressed the corresponding cDNA, which encodes a 39.1 kDa protein containing several sequence motifs conserved in endonuclease III homologues, including an iron-sulfur cluster domain and critical residues at the active site. The protein, designated AtNTH1, was over-expressed in E. coli and purified to apparent homogeneity. AtNTH1 exhibits DNA-glycosylase activity on different types of DNA substrates with pyrimidine damage, being able to release both urea and thymine glycol from double-stranded polydeoxyribonucleotides. The enzyme also possesses an apurinic/apyrimidinic lyase activity on UV- and -irradiated DNA substrates. The AtNTH1 gene contains 10 introns and 11 exons and is widely expressed in different plant tissues. Our results suggest that AtNTH1 is a structural and functional homologue of endonuclease III and probably plays a major role in plant defence against oxidative DNA damage.  相似文献   

The primary structure of acetohydroxy acid isomeroreductase from Arabidopsis thaliana was deduced from two overlapping cDNA. The full-length cDNA sequence predicts an amino acid sequence for the protein precursor of 591 residues including a putative transit peptide of 67 amino acids. Comparison of the A. thaliana and spinach acetohydroxy acid isomeroreductases reveals that the sequences are conserved in the mature protein regions, but divergent in the transit peptides and around their putative processing site.  相似文献   

As in many bacterial species, the first enzymatic reaction of the aspartate-family pathway in plants is mediated by several isozymes of aspartate kinase (AK) that are subject to feedback inhibition by the end-product amino acids lysine or threonine. So far, only cDNAs and genes encoding threonine-sensitive AKs have been cloned from plants. These were all shown to encode polypeptides containing two linked activities, namely AK and homoserine dehydrogenase (HSD), similar to the Escherichia coli thrA gene encoding a threonine-sensitive bifunctional AK/HSD isozyme. In the present report, we describe the cloning of a new Arabidopsis thaliana cDNA that is relatively highly homologous to the E. coli lysC gene encoding the lysine-sensitive AK isozyme. Moreover, similar to the bacterial lysine-sensitive AK, the polypeptide encoded by the present cDNA is monofunctional and does not contain an HSD domain. These observations imply that our cloned cDNA encodes a lysine-sensitive AK. Southern blot hybridization detected a single gene highly homologous to the present cDNA, plus an additional much less homologous gene. This was confirmed by the independent cloning of an additional Arabidopsis cDNA encoding a lysine-sensitive AK (see accompanying paper). Northern blot analysis suggested that the gene encoding this monofunctional AK cDNA is abundantly expressed in most if not all tissues of Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

Mitochondria contain a nuclear-encoded heat shock protein, HSP60, which functions as a chaperonin in the post-translational assembly of multimeric proteins encoded by both nuclear and mitochondrial genes. We have isolated and sequenced full-length complementary DNAs coding for this mitochondrial chaperonin in Arabidopsis thaliana and Zea mays. Southern-blot analysis indicates the presence of a single hsp60 gene in the genome of A. thaliana. There is a high degree of homology at the predicted amino acid levels (43 to 60%) between plant HSP60s and their homologues in prokaryotes and other eukaryotes which indicates that these proteins must have similar evolutionarily conserved functions in all organisms. Northern- and western-blot analyses indicate that the expression of the hsp60 gene is developmentally regulated during seed germination. It is also heat-inducible. Developmental regulation of the (-subunit) of F1-ATPase, an enzyme complex that is involved in the cyanide-sensitive mitochondrial electron transport system, indicates that imbibed embryos undergo rapid mitochondrial biogenesis through the early stages of germination. Based on the functional role of HSP60 in macromolecular assembly, these data collectively suggest that the presence of higher levels of HSP60 is necessary during active mitochondrial biogenesis, when the need for this protein is greatest in assisting the rapid assembly of the oligomeric protein structures.  相似文献   

T Leustek  M Murillo    M Cervantes 《Plant physiology》1994,105(3):897-902
ATP sulfurylase, the first enzyme in the sulfate assimilation pathway of plants, catalyzes the formation of adenosine phosphosulfate from ATP and sulfate. Here we report the cloning of a cDNA encoding ATP sulfurylase (APS1) from Arabidopsis thaliana. APS1 was isolated by its ability to alleviate the methionine requirement of an ATP sulfurylase mutant strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (yeast). Expression of APS1 correlated with the presence of ATP sulfurylase enzyme activity in cell extracts. APS1 is a 1748-bp cDNA with an open reading frame predicted to encode a 463-amino acid, 51,372-D protein. The predicted amino acid sequence of APS1 is similar to ATP sulfurylase of S. cerevisiae, with which it is 25% identical. Two lines of evidence indicate that APS1 encodes a chloroplast form of ATP sulfurylase. Its predicted amino-terminal sequence resembles a chloroplast transit peptide; and the APS1 polypeptide, synthesized in vitro, is capable of entering isolated intact chloroplasts. Several genomic DNA fragments that hybridize with the APS1 probe were identified. The APS1 cDNA hybridizes to three species of mRNA in leaves (1.85, 1.60, and 1.20 kb) and to a single species of mRNA in roots (1.85 kb).  相似文献   

The yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae ste6 mutant is defective in transport of a-mating factor, resulting in an inability of ste6 a cells to mate with α cells. The gene encodes an ATP-binding cassette, ABC transporter. We used functional complementation of a yeast ste6 mutant with an Arabidopsis thaliana expression library in an attempt to clone an Arabidopsis homolog. Sequence analysis of the isolated Arabidopsis complementing cDNA however showed no homology to the STE6 gene. High sequence similarity was detected to members of the mitogen-activated serine/threonine protein (MAP) kinase family involved in signal transduction: STE20, STE11, BCK1, Byr2 and p65PAK. The Arabidopsis clone failed to complement a fus3/kss1 mutant of S. cerevisiae, but did complement a defect in ste11, ste20, as well as ste6. The isolated clone encodes a protein that is truncated at its amino-terminal, and might function in a similar way as a dominant STE11 truncation allele. These results suggest that the Arabidopsis cDNA encodes a putative serine/threonine kinase that can function in the mating response pathway upstream of FUS3/KSS1 in S. cerevisiae, at the level of STE11 gene. Interestingly, this clone is able to restore the ability of the ste6 yeast mutant to export a-factor.  相似文献   

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