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Chaotic mixer improves microarray hybridization   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Hybridization is an important aspect of microarray experimental design which influences array signal levels and the repeatability of data within an array and across different arrays. Current methods typically require 24h and use target inefficiently. In these studies, we compare hybridization signals obtained in conventional static hybridization, which depends on diffusional target delivery, with signals obtained in a dynamic hybridization chamber, which employs a fluid mixer based on chaotic advection theory to deliver targets across a conventional glass slide array. Microarrays were printed with a pattern of 102 identical probe spots containing a 65-mer oligonucleotide capture probe. Hybridization of a 725-bp fluorescently labeled target was used to measure average target hybridization levels, local signal-to-noise ratios, and array hybridization uniformity. Dynamic hybridization for 1h with 1 or 10ng of target DNA increased hybridization signal intensities approximately threefold over a 24-h static hybridization. Similarly, a 10- or 60-min dynamic hybridization of 10ng of target DNA increased hybridization signal intensities fourfold over a 24h static hybridization. In time course studies, static hybridization reached a maximum within 8 to 12h using either 1 or 10ng of target. In time course studies using the dynamic hybridization chamber, hybridization using 1ng of target increased to a maximum at 4h and that using 10ng of target did not vary over the time points tested. In comparison to static hybridization, dynamic hybridization reduced the signal-to-noise ratios threefold and reduced spot-to-spot variation twofold. Therefore, we conclude that dynamic hybridization based on a chaotic mixer design improves both the speed of hybridization and the maximum level of hybridization while increasing signal-to-noise ratios and reducing spot-to-spot variation.  相似文献   

Synthetic DNA probes attached to microarrays usually range in length from 25 to 70 nucleotides. There is a compromise between short probes with lower sensitivity, which can be accurately synthesized in higher yields, and long probes with greater sensitivity but lower synthesis yields. Described here are microarrays printed with spots containing a mixture of two short probes, each designed to hybridize at noncontiguous sites in the same targeted sequence. We have shown that, for a printed microarray, mixed probe spots containing a pair of 30mers show significantly greater hybridization than spots containing a single 30mer and can approach the amount of hybridization to spots containing a 60mer or a 70mer. These spots with mixed oligonucleotide probes display cooperative hybridization signals greater than those that can be achieved by either probe alone. Both the higher synthesis yields of short probes and the greater sensitivity of long oligonucleotides can be utilized. This strategy provides new design options for microarray hybridization assays to detect RNA abundance, RNA splice variants, or sequence polymorphisms.  相似文献   

Tissue MicroArrays (TMAs) are a versatile tool for high‐throughput protein screening, allowing qualitative analysis of a large number of samples on a single slide. We have developed a customizable TMA system that uniquely utilizes cryopreserved human cardiac samples from both heart failure and donor patients to produce formalin‐fixed paraffin‐embedded sections. Confirmatory upstream or downstream molecular studies can then be performed on the same (biobanked) cryopreserved tissue. In a pilot study, we applied our TMAs to screen for the expression of four‐and‐a‐half LIM‐domain 2 (FHL2), a member of the four‐and‐a‐half LIM family. This protein has been implicated in the pathogenesis of heart failure in a variety of animal models. While FHL2 is abundant in the heart, not much is known about its expression in human heart failure. For this purpose, we generated an affinity‐purified rabbit polyclonal anti‐human FHL2 antibody. Our TMAs allowed high‐throughput profiling of FHL2 protein using qualitative and semiquantitative immunohistochemistry that proved complementary to Western blot analysis. We demonstrated a significant relative reduction in FHL2 protein expression across different forms of human heart failure.  相似文献   

We applied high-density microarrays to the enrichment of specific sequences from the human genome for high-throughput sequencing. After capture of 6,726 approximately 500-base 'exon' segments, and of 'locus-specific' regions ranging in size from 200 kb to 5 Mb, followed by sequencing on a 454 Life Sciences FLX sequencer, most sequence reads represented selection targets. These direct selection methods supersede multiplex PCR for the large-scale analysis of genomic regions.  相似文献   

The goal of this study is to assess the influence of mass transfer phenomena on DNA hybridization kinetics in a flow-through, porous microarray for fast molecular testing. We present a scaled mathematical model of coupled convection, diffusion and reaction in porous media, which was used to simulate hybridization kinetics and to analyze the influence of convective transport on the reaction rate. In addition to computer simulations, we also present experimental data of hybridization collected on our microarray system for different flow rates. The results reported in this paper provide for a better understanding of the interaction between reaction and mass transfer processes during flow-through hybridization and suggest criteria for system design and optimization.  相似文献   

An oligonucleotide microarray for influenza A hemagglutinine subtyping was presented. The number of probes for determination of each subtype hemagglutinine (H1-H13, H15, H16, pandemic flu H1N1)varied from 13 to 28. When testing of the microarray using 40 type A influenza virus isolates the hemagglutinin subtypes were unambiguously determined for 36 specimens.  相似文献   

Microarray data is most useful when it can be compared with other genetic detection technologies. In this report, we designed a microarray assay format that transforms raw data into a defined scientific unit (i.e., moles) by measuring the amount of array feature present and the cDNA sequence hybridized. This study profiles a mouse reference universal RNA sample on a microarray consisting of PCR products. In measuring array features, a labeled DNA sequence was designed that hybridizes to a conserved sequence that is present in every array feature. To measure the amount of cDNA sample hybridized, the RNA sample was processed to ensure consistent dye to DNA ratio for every labeled target cDNA molecule, using labeled branched dendrimers rather than by incorporation. A dye printing assay was then performed in order to correlate molecules of cyanine dye to signal intensity. We demonstrate that by using this microarray assay design, raw data can be transformed into defined scientific units, which will facilitate interpretation of other experiments, such as data deposited at the Gene Expression Omnibus and ArrayExpress.  相似文献   

Cross-species hybridization (CSH), i.e., the hybridization of a (target) species RNA to a DNA microarray that represents another (reference) species, is often used to study species diversity. However, filtration of CSH data has to be applied to extract valid information. We present a novel approach to filtering the CSH data, which utilizes spot characteristics (SCs) of image-quantification data from scanned spotted cDNA microarrays. Five SCs that were affected by sequence similarity between probe and target sequences were identified (designated as BS-SCs). Filtration by all five BS-SC thresholds demonstrated improved clustering for two of the three examined experiments, suggesting that BS-SCs may serve for filtration of data obtained by CSH, to improve the validity of the results. This CSH data-filtration approach could become a promising tool for studying a variety of species, especially when no genomic information is available for the target species.  相似文献   

Factors influencing cDNA microarray hybridization on silylated glass slides   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
cDNA microarray technology is becoming the technique of choice for studying gene expression and gene expression patterns. Although experimental protocols are available, only limited methodological information on microarray manufacture, hybridization, and signal interpretation has been published. The aim of this paper is to provide more insight into the practical aspects of microarray construction and hybridization. The influence of the size, composition, and concentration of the spotted DNA fragments on the final hybridization signal and the effect of hybridization volume, sample concentration, and sample depletion have been tested and are discussed.  相似文献   

An oligonucleotide microarray for influenza A hemagglutinin subtyping was presented. The number of probes for the determination of each subtype of hemagglutinin (H1-H13, H15, H16, pandemic flu H1N1) varied from 13 to 28. When testing the microarray using 40 type-A influenza virus isolates, the hemagglutinin subtypes were unambiguously determined for 36 specimens.  相似文献   

Limiting amounts of RNA is a major issue in cDNA microarray, especially when one is dealing with fresh tissue samples. Here we describe a protocol based on template switch and T7 amplification that led to efficient and linear amplification of 1300x. Using a glass-array containing 368 genes printed in three or six replicas covering a wide range of expression levels and ratios, we determined quality and reproducibility of the data obtained from one nonamplified and two independently amplified RNAs (aRNA) derived from normal and tumor samples using replicas with dye exchange (dye-swap measurements). Overall, signal-to-noise ratio improved when we used aRNA (1.45-fold for channel 1 and 2.02-fold for channel 2), increasing by 6% the number of spots with meaningful data. Measurements arising from independent aRNA samples showed strong correlation among themselves (r(2)=0.962) and with those from the nonamplified sample (r(2)=0.975), indicating the reproducibility and fidelity of the amplification procedure. Measurement differences, i.e, spots with poor correlation between amplified and nonamplified measurements, did not show association with gene sequence, expression intensity, or expression ratio and can, therefore, be compensated with replication. In conclusion, aRNA can be used routinely in cDNA microarray analysis, leading to improved quality of data with high fidelity and reproducibility.  相似文献   

Quantitative information about the nucleic acids hybridization reaction on microarrays is fundamental to designing optimized assays for molecular diagnostics. This study presents the kinetic, equilibrium, and thermodynamic analyses of DNA hybridization in a microarray system designed for fast molecular testing of pathogenic bacteria. Our microarray setup uses a porous, nylon membrane for probe immobilization and flowthrough incubation. The Langmuir model was used to determine the reaction rate constants of hybridization with antisense targets specific to Staphylococcus epidermidis and Staphylococcus aureus strains. The kinetic analysis revealed a sequence-dependent reaction rate, with association rate constants on the order of 105 M−1 s−1 and dissociation rate constants of 10−4 s−1. We found that by increasing the probe surface density from 1011 to 1012 molecules/cm2, the hybridization rate and efficiency are suppressed while the melting temperature of the DNA duplex increases. The maximum fraction of hybridized capture probes at equilibrium did not exceed 50% for hybridization with antisense sequences and was below 6% for hybridization with long targets obtained from PCR. The van’t Hoff analysis of the temperature denaturation data showed that the DNA hybridization in our porous, flowthrough microarray is thermodynamically less favorable than the hybridization of the same sequences in solution.  相似文献   

A key issue in applications of short oligonucleotide-based microarrays is how to design specific probes with high sensitivity. Some details of the factors affecting microarray hybridization remain unclear, hampering a reliable quantification of target nucleic acids. We have evaluated the effect of the position of the fluorescent label [position of label (POL)] relative to the probe-target duplex on the signal output of oligonucleotide microarrays. End-labelled single-stranded DNA targets of different lengths were used for hybridization with perfect-match oligonucleotide probe sets targeting different positions of the same molecule. Hybridization results illustrated that probes targeting the labelled terminus of the target showed significantly higher signals than probes targeting other regions. This effect was independent of the target gene, the fluorophore and the slide surface chemistry. Comparison of microarray signal patterns of fluorescently end-labelled, fluorescently internally random-labelled and radioactively end-labelled target-DNAs with the same set of oligonucleotide probes identified POL as a critical factor affecting signal intensity rather than binding efficiency. Our observations define a novel determinant for large differences of signal intensities. Application of the POL effect may contribute to better probe design and data interpretation in microarray applications.  相似文献   

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