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Male age-rank and tenure-rank relationships were studied for seven years in unprovisioned Japanese macaque (Macaca fuscata fuscata) troop on Kinkazan Island, Japan. Males whose estimated ages were between 15 and 19 yr old monopolized the highest ranks, while older males whose estimated ages were ≥ 20 yr old tended to decline in rank, resulting in a humped age-rank curve. The ranks of males tended to rise as their tenure in the troop increased. The departure of higher-ranking males was the social mechanism for changes in rank, suggesting that the disappearance of higher-ranking males plays an important role in determining rank dominance.  相似文献   

Male intertroop transfer among Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata) often coincides with the mating season. However, no necessary connection exists between mating by newly arrived males and whether they join a troop—visitors often mate, and males that join troops may show little mating success. On the other hand, intertroop transfer often coincides with major events in the developmental and social life history of males, such as the attainment of sexual maturity and full adult body size or rise in dominance rank. Thus, intertroop transfer may reflect age-specific behavioral patterns in which males maintain a position in the age-rank structure of troops, where the rank acquired in a new troop is partially determined by age.  相似文献   

This paper compares male life history parameters of two populations of Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata Blyth, 1875), studied without provisioning: Yakushima (M. f. yakui), a subtropical forest habitat in southwestern Japan, and Kinkazan (M. f. fuscata), a temperate, deciduous forest habitat in northeastern Japan. The males of the two sites experienced similar life histories with respect to several traits. Age at natal dispersal was at about 5 years. Average troop residence was about three years. Most males joined troops at the bottom of the rank order, although a few males joined troops at the top rank. Dominance ranks of males tended to rise with the death or departure of higher ranking males. Visiting males accounted for about 41% of observed mating at both sites. However, the two sites differed in the sex ratio of troops, partly because a larger proportion of males apparently lived outside of troops in the Kinkazan site compared to Yakushima. In particular, non-natal young males were absent from the main study troop at Kinkazan. Large within-species variation may exist in the degree to which males associate with troops.  相似文献   

Intertroop relationships among Japanese monkeys, which have been paid only scant attention for the past 20 years, are examined from several points of view. Japanese monkey troops are generally distributed in such a way as to concentrate locally, that is, to form a local concentration of troops (LCT). About 20% of the nomadic ranges of the troops within LCT's overlap; but in their natural state, they seldom approach but rather to avoid one another. From observations of intertroop encounters at Takasakiyama, where three troops are provisionized and use the same feeding place, it has been found that there exists a dominant-subordinate relationship among troops, that monkeys of each troop have a clear consciousness of belonging to their troop, and that monkeys of different troops rate one another on the basis of their capability. The frequency of male transfer between troops within LCT's is by far higher than between LCT's. In Japanese monkey society, a troop only is a social unit and a social order higher than a troop is not seen; however, it is not impossible to consider an LCT a consanguineally connected group by reason of the transfer of males among the troops within it.  相似文献   

Intertroop relations among four troops of the chacma baboon population on the Suikerbosrand Nature Reserve, southern Transvaal, South Africa, were studied for 18 months using radiotelemetry. Encounters between troops occurred only rarely and were relatively nonantagonistic in character. Dominance among the four troops was difficult to identify by means of behavior although differences in range quality among the four were marked. The way in which intertroop relations affected the fitness of members of each of the troops was, therefore, unclear. Transfer of individuals from one troop to another was easily accomplished by both males and females and probably negated the effects of differential range quality on individual reproductive fitness.  相似文献   

Data from 24 wild populations of hanuman langurs (Presbytis entellus)in south Asia are used to test hypotheses seeking to explain variation in troop structure and the incidence of infanticide. The occurrence of infanticide is associated with a one-male troop structure and not with a high density. The density, predation, and economic-advantage hypotheses, as explanations for the occurrence of one-male and multimale troops, are not supported by the review. However, the monopolization hypothesis is not contradicted; the number of adult males per troop is significantly correlated with troop size and with the number of adult females per troop. Therefore it is suggested that a one-male troop structure will arise if a male is able to monopolize a group of females, a multimale troop if he cannot. One-male troops may predispose to infanticide because of high variance in male mating success and high intermale competition between groups rather than within troops. If female dispersion determines troop structure, it is speculated that females could manipulate males to form a multimale society if the advantages in terms of infant survival and intertroop conflict exceeded the costs in terms of not producing infanticidal “sexy sons.”  相似文献   

Little is known about the fate of adult male residents after they are ousted from bisexual one-male troops of Hanuman langurs (Presbytis entellus) in the course of adult male replacements. In a long term study at Jodhpur, Rajasthan, it was possible to reconstruct partial life histories of several ousted residents. One resident was killed during the male change. Ousted residents did not regain residency despite their continued invasions into bisexual troops. It is assumed that the males' chances to take over and to defend a troop are restricted to an age of 9–14 years, when the males are in prime physical condition. One male became solitary for some months while trying to regain residency of his old troop, before joining some “alien” males. As a rule, males are likely to rejoin their own male bands if they are ousted after short periods of residency. If the residency exceeds 3 months then the ongoing structural change in the former band may prevent their reintegration. However, in such cases, ousted residents which belonged to the same band may reunite and mingle with another male band which lacks prime males. Weaned sons may follow their fathers after ousting. In the case of numerous weaned offspring, fathers and sons may together form at least temporary new male bands.  相似文献   

Reports exist of transmission of culture in nonhuman primates. We examine this in a troop of savanna baboons studied since 1978. During the mid-1980s, half of the males died from tuberculosis; because of circumstances of the outbreak, it was more aggressive males who died, leaving a cohort of atypically unaggressive survivors. A decade later, these behavioral patterns persisted. Males leave their natal troops at adolescence; by the mid-1990s, no males remained who had resided in the troop a decade before. Thus, critically, the troop's unique culture was being adopted by new males joining the troop. We describe (a) features of this culture in the behavior of males, including high rates of grooming and affiliation with females and a “relaxed” dominance hierarchy; (b) physiological measures suggesting less stress among low-ranking males; (c) models explaining transmission of this culture; and (d) data testing these models, centered around treatment of transfer males by resident females.  相似文献   

A population of langurs (Presbytis entellus)at the Rajaji Wildlife Sanctuary in northern India was investigated for 1820 hr throughout a 10-month period in 1978. Data were collected from four bisexual troops and the adult males that ranged outside of bisexual troops. Most (60%) of the observation hours occurred with a main study troop from which social and ecological data were collected. The langur population at Rajaji shows pronounced birth and mating seasons. The population density is high (ca. 80/km 2), with about 75% of the adult males living outside of bisexual troops, which typically are large and multimale. Males outside of bisexual troops occur in small all-male bands or as isolates. Relations between bisexual troops and all-male bands are characterized by relatively low levels of aggression, and members of all-male bands are able to associate with bisexual troops for prolonged periods during the mating season. As a result of these associations, nontroop males are about as successful as troop males in achieving reproductive access to troop females. These associations between bisexual troops and all-male bands occurred with a minimal amount of agonistic behavior and without mortality or injury to troop females or immatures.  相似文献   

I studied the process of adult male replacement and social change in two one- male troops (B20 and B21) of hanuman langurs (Presbytis entellus)at Jodhpur, India. Male-male competition lasted for about 6 months before the successful takeover of one troop (B20). During that period, five adult males from three neighboring bands (AMB7, AMB9, and AMB10) and a resident male of a neighboring troop (B21) were involved in taking over the troop. The latter male also copulated with six females during his interim residency, which suggests that he may have opportunistically maximized his mating chances with females of a neighboring group. During an intertroop interaction, a 14-month-old female infant of the other troop (B21) was fatally attacked by an adult female of the first troop and the infant eventually died. The attacker may have taken advantage of the disorganization created by male-male competition, perhaps to eliminate a future food competitor. In addition, the first troop gained an additional feeding area from the other troop’s range; it included a sleeping site and a waterhole, indicating that territorial fights during social instability may have led to the expansion of the winner’s resource area.  相似文献   

Intrasexual selection can occur through direct aggressive interactions between males for access to females. We tested the relationship between social dominance and male reproductive success among meadow voles, Microtus pennsylvanicus. Dominance ranks of wild‐caught males were determined using neutral arena trials, with the winner of two of three trials considered dominant. These males were then released into field enclosures and allowed to visit females housed in nestboxes for 8 wk, and males’ home range sizes were determined using weekly grid trapping. Male reproductive success was determined using molecular paternity analysis (six microsatellite primers) for all pups born during the field experiment. Males with higher dominance ranks had larger home ranges. However, male dominance rank was not predictive of the number of total visits to females’ nestboxes or the number of visits to each male's most frequently visited nestbox. Males that made more visits to nestboxes sired more litters. Males that had higher dominance ranks sired fewer litters. These results suggest that there is a reproductive disadvantage to having higher dominance rank among male meadow voles.  相似文献   

Aggressive dominance orders of all adults in a confined troop of Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata) were determined each mating and birth season during a 4-year interval. Males outranked more females in the mating than in the birth season, and some males shifted back and forth from ranks lower than female ranks in the birth season to ranks higher than female ranks in the mating season. Mating behaviour (number of female partners in mount and ejaculation series and ejaculation frequency) did not differ among males with ranks higher than, as high as, or lower than those of most females, nor did individual males mate more in years, when they were high-ranking than in years when they were not. There was a correlation, however, between ejaculation frequency and the number of females defeated by males. A pattern of increasing male rank with age was found.  相似文献   

We investigated male social relationships in 2 groups of black howlers (Alouatta pigra) in Palenque National Park, Mexico, over a 14-mo study characterized by frequent changes in male group membership. Both single males and pairs of males entered our focal groups. Single males tended to join groups, whereas pairs of males entering groups together successfully evicted resident males. The 19 male dyads across the 11 periods defined by changes in group membership were rarely in close proximity or interacting with one another. Nevertheless, 1 male formed significantly closer associations with resident females in 6 periods and achieved higher mating success during 4 of the periods when ≥1 female was sexually active. In the other 5 periods, no particular male maintained significantly closer associations with resident females, which may be a result of the rapid sequence of changes in male membership and corresponding social instability. Resident males participated frequently and consistently in mutual howling, but the resident male with the strongest female associations and highest mating success initiated howling bouts more frequently in all but 1 of the 6 socially stable periods. Though still preliminary, our findings suggest that variation in social relationships among male black howlers may be more related to their ability to establish strong relationships with females than to their relationships with one another.  相似文献   

Male dispersal patterns were analyzed across a nine-year period in a population of ring-tailed lemurs (Lemur catta) on St. Catherines Island (SCI), USA, to evaluate two ultimate explanations for male dispersal: inbreeding avoidance and intrasexual mating competition. As part of this analysis, we also compared patterns of dispersal at this site with data from wild populations. Overall, we found that patterns of male intertroop movement on SCI are similar to the wild with respect to the frequency and seasonality of male transfer. In Madagascar, males move between groups every 3.1-3.5 years [Sussman, International Journal of Primatol 13:395-413, 1992; Koyama et al., Primates 43:291-314, 2002] as compared with every 3.2 years on SCI. The majority of transfers on SCI occurred during the birth season, as occurs at one site in Madagascar, Berenty [Budnitz & Dainis, Lemur biology. New York: Plenum Press, p 219-235, 1975; Jones, Folia Primatologica 40:145-160, 1983]. One difference is that males perform natal transfers 1-2 years earlier on SCI than in the wild, which may be related to food provisioning on SCI. Males never transferred back into their natal troops, which is remarkable given the small number of groups on SCI. Although this pattern of movement can indicate inbreeding avoidance by males, the fact that male troop tenure was in many cases long enough to overlap with the sexual maturation of potential daughters did not support the inbreeding avoidance hypothesis for male secondary dispersal. Instead, the intrasexual competition hypothesis was strongly supported, because males were significantly more likely to transfer into groups having fewer adult males and a more favorable sex ratio than their pretransfer groups. Males therefore appear to be bypassing groups in which they would experience a greater degree of intrasexual mating competition during the breeding season.  相似文献   

The study troop of chacma baboons (Papio cynocephalus ursinus) at Mkuzi Game Reserve, Zululand, South-Africa, comprised of about 76 members that split into two new troops. The events leading to this troop fission will be described and its possible causes will be discussed. Troop fission among baboons is generally attributed to the withdrawal of low-ranking females from the main group, as a result of the cost of food competition and its effect on their reproductive success. At Mkuzi, no evidence for food competition among females was recorded in terms of rank-related time spent feeding or other time—budget components, feeding-bout length, diet composition or context of female aggression. Moreover, no evidence for rank-related differential reproductive success was found in terms of inter-birth intervals or infant survival. Female mortality was, however, related to dominance rank, with circumstantial evidence suggesting that cause of mortality was predation by leopards. Rate of female disappearances, aggression levels among females, and the percentage of time they spent in proximity to other adult troop members increased after fission. Relatively short inter-birth intervals and extremely low infant mortality rate at Mkuzi resulted in a small number of receptive females at any one time, and therefore in high costs of male sexual competition as expressed in the high levels of male aggression and woundings, both reduced after fission. It is suggested that this troop fission may have been initiated by the resident males, triggered by the high cost of sexual competition, and forced on the females, who were, consequently, subjected to higher risk of predation. The troop fission was preceded by a long process of increasing tendency for sub-trooping. It was initiated by the four resident males who kept a large distance apart from each other, herded oestrous female associates away from others and were followed by other females. The females generally tended to stay close to associates, males and females. These parties were followed by the peripheral and immigrant males who had no female associates, and eventually two distinct daughter troops were formed.  相似文献   

Allogrooming contributes to the development and maintenance of social relationships, including those that involve alliances, in many primate species. Variation in relatedness, dominance rank, and other factors can produce variation in the value of others as grooming partners. Several models have been developed to account for variation in the distribution of grooming in relation to dominance ranks. These start from the premise that individuals are attracted to high-ranking partners, but time limits, direct competition, and prior grooming engagement between high-ranking individuals can constrain access to them. Sambrook et al. (1995) formalized some of these models and showed the importance of taking group size variation into account when assessing them. Chimpanzees form multimale communities in which males are the philopatric sex. Males commonly associate and groom with each other; they also form dominance hierarchies and form alliances that influence dominance ranks and mating success. Both male rank and the rank distance between partners are significantly correlated with the distribution of grooming between males in an extremely large chimpanzee community at Ngogo, Kibale National Park, Uganda, that has more males than any other known community. High-ranking males had more grooming partners than mid- or low-ranking males. Grooming predominantly went up the dominance hierarchy, but was also concentrated among males that were close in rank. Rank and rank distance apparently both affected grooming independently of reciprocity in grooming and independently of the frequency with which males associated in temporary parties. However, the data do not clearly indicate how constraints on access to partners might have operated. Published data from a smaller chimpanzee community at Mahale show no rank or rank distance effect on male grooming. These results and earlier, conflicting findings on the association between dominance rank and grooming in male chimpanzees indicate that variation in group size, i.e., the number of males per community, probably influences the strength of any such effects, as happens for grooming between females in several cercopithecine species. Data on coalitions at Ngogo support the argument that high-ranking males are valuable social partners, and similarity in strategies of alliance formation may influence the distribution of grooming.  相似文献   

This article forms the second report on the Arashiyama troop of Japanese monkeys and concerns a troop division which took place in June, 1966, and various problems of rank and consanguinity which accelerated the division. (1) The hypothesis advanced in the first report has been verified; (2) at the time of troop division, several consanguineal groups formed one unit; (3) among 16 consanguineal groups, those from 1st to 7th in rank joined the A troop, while those from 8th to 16th joined the B troop; (4) dominance relation between the two division troops was B troop>A troop, reflecting the former ranking between the leader males of the two troops; (5) shifting of monkeys from one troop to the other after division occurred frequently, but males began to make their own movements when they attained 4 or 5 years of age and rarely moved together with their mothers or other consanguineous-relatives; (6) monkeys which were continuously in the same troop after division almost always obtained higher ranks than did monkeys who frequently shifted from one troop to the other; (7) after division, some males joined neither of the two division troops but formed a group, a so-called all-male group or male party, and moved about independently.  相似文献   

We report the integration of single male crowned guenons (Cercopithecus pogonias) into troops of black colobus (Colobus satanas). We observed one male Cercopithecus pogonias in three troops of Colobus satanas on 30% of observation days (n = 231). Activities of single males guenons did not differ significantly from those of the colobus with which they associated. Moreover, both species performed simultaneously the same activities more often than expected by chance. Interspecific grooming occurred on several occasions. Furthermore, single male guenons spent as much in time social activities when part of a colobus troop, as they typically do when part of a conspecific group. Unlike solitary male crowned guenons, which are silent, a male that is integrated into a troop of colobus is vocal and emits social alarm calls to which colobus monkeys respond. During the single file movements of colobus troops, single male crowned guenons were integrated in the core of the troop and used the same branches at the same height with the colobus. Thus, the life of a single male crowned guenon with black colobus was social. We suggest that the main benefits that he gained is the possibility to live in a social context. Social interactions could be the key element to explain why single males Cercopithecus pogonias join troops of monkeys so different from their natal groups.  相似文献   

Both male and female juveniles disperse in Costa Rican mantled howling monkeys (Alouatta palliata). 79% of the males and 96% of the females leave their natal groups. Males may spend up to 4 years and females up to 1 year as solitaries. Extra-group individuals are faced with only three possibilities, i.e., form a new group by joining another extra-group individual, join an established social group, or remain solitary. Most surviving extra-group individuals join an established social group which contains no kin. Females join with the help of a resident male and once in a group proceed to rise to the alpha position through dyadic interactions. The immigrant female either becomes the alpha female or leaves and tries again in another group. Males challenge the alpha male and either defeat him or remain solitary. Competition with relatives for limited high quality food may be the reason for both sexes leaving their natal groups in howlers. By leaving, the successful immigrants increase their mothers inclusive fitness while suppressing the fitness of nonrelatives instead of remaining natal and competing with relatives for limited food.  相似文献   

We observed two free-ranging troops of ring-tailed lemurs at the Berenty Reserve, Madagascar. Kinship affinities in these troops are known only for mothers and their offspring 4 years of age. We attempted to quantify social relationships. Almost all agonistic interactions were dyadic, and triadic agonistic interactions, such as alliances, were very rare. Dominance hierarchies in both sexes in the two troops were not linear. As in cercopithecine monkeys, mothers were dominant over their adult daughters. However, the daughters were not ranked immediately below their mothers. Close proximity and social grooming occurred more frequently between closely related females, such as mother–daughter and sister–sister dyads, than between unrelated females. Frequent-proximity relations also occurred between adult males that had emigrated from another troop and entered the present troop together, even though they did not rank closely to one another. Subordinates were likely to groom and to greet dominants more frequently than vice versa. During group encounters, particular females were involved in agonistic interactions with animals of other troops, regardless of dominance rank. Adult males, regardless of their dominance rank, but not adult females, constantly tried to drive solitary males away.  相似文献   

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