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DNA-damaging agents such as ultraviolet (UV) light are known to cause stimulation of virus replication in SV40-transformed hamster and human cells. The dose-response curves of UV-induced SV40 replication in transformed hamster cells resemble that obtained for UV-enhanced reactivation (ER) and UV-enhanced mutagenesis (EM) of SV40 or herpes viruses in mammalian cells. We have investigated whether UV-enhanced production of SV40 from transformed hamster (THK) and human (NB-E) cells belongs to the same category of conditional responses as ER and EM. To answer this question we have made use of the phenomenon that fusion of the SV40-transformed cells with monkey cells that are permissive to SV40 results in a considerable increase in the production of SV40 virus. When THK or NB-E cells were fused with UV-irradiated CV-1 cells at various times after irradiation, induction of SV40 was further increased and reached a maximum value of 2--3-fold when fusion was delayed for 24-48 h after irradiation. The kinetics of enhanced SV40 induction resembled that of ER and EM, suggesting that the UV-stimulated part of the induction represents one of the pleiotropic responses that are transiently induced in mammalian cells by DNA-damaging agents. Evidence is presented, showing that this transient effect can be induced only in cells that are permissive to SV40 replication. This suggests that the enhanced induction observed after fusion with irradiated monkey cells may be attributed to a transient increase in the activity of "permissiveness' factors. No enhanced induction was found when the THK or NB-E cells were fused with irradiated rodent cells, that are not or only slightly permissive to SV40 replication.  相似文献   

Many mammalian cells exhibit damage-inducible phenomena that resemble the bacterial SOS functions. However, whereas RecA plays a prominent role in the prokaryotic SOS response, in mammalian cells so far no enhanced recombination as a result of treatment with DNA-damaging agents of the cells, rather than of infecting viruses, has been found. In order to study recombination as a UV-inducible cellular phenomenon we infected UV-irradiated normal and repair-deficient human fibroblasts with a mixed population of adenovirus 5 (Ad5) mutants that carried a deletion in the E1A or the E2A gene. Wild-type recombinant progeny viruses were readily obtained, but no enhanced recombination was observed at any UV dose given to the cells, nor at any time point between -6 h and +4 days between irradiation and infection. Control experiments, in which we infected unirradiated cells with UV-irradiated Ad5 deletion mutants (a test for recombination targeted at UV-damaged DNA) showed a strong increase in wild-type recombinant viruses when both deletion mutants had been irradiated compared to the additive effect of irradiation of either one of the mutants alone. Therefore, this study shows that UV irradiation results in an enhanced recombination activity in cells that is specifically targeted to damaged DNA, but it does not cause a general (untargeted) recombinational response (enhanced recombination) in the cell.  相似文献   

Differentiation of human epidermal cells transformed by SV40   总被引:17,自引:3,他引:17       下载免费PDF全文
Human epidermal cells were transformed with DNA from wild-type SV40 virus or with DNA from a temperature-sensitive A mutant (tsA209). The SV40-transformed cells differed from nontransformed cells in their morphologic appearance, growth properties, and expression of certain characteristics associated with differentiation. The transformed cells were more variable in size and shape than their nontransformed counterparts and were less stratified and less keratinized. While the growth properties of the cells were similar under optimal growth conditions, the transformed cells could be propagated under stringent growth conditions that did not support the growth of nontransformed human epidermal cells. The transformants still required a 3T3 feeder layer for growth, remained anchorage dependent as assayed in soft agar, and were not tumorigenic in athymic nude mice. The expression of certain differentiated functions of the human epidermal cell, the presence of keratins and cross-linked envelopes, was decreased in the transformed cells, and these functions could be restored at the nonpermissive temperature in the tsA209 transformed cells.  相似文献   

Transformation by the oncogenic virus SV40 has been shown to alter the expression of cellular genes at the level of RNA abundance. Many of these genes have yet to be identified. We have determined, by Northern blot analysis, the abundance levels of several growth-regulated genes in SV40-transformed cell lines to determine if their expression is altered and correlates with the ability of SV40 transformed cells to grow in low serum containing media. The mRNA abundance levels of the G1-specific genes 2A9/calcyclin, 2F1/translocase, and 4F1/vimentin were determined in the parental hamster fibroblast cell line, tk-ts13, and in two SV40 transformants, HR5 and HR8 cells, grown in medium containing 10% calf serum (normal medium) and in HR5 and HR8 cells adapted to passage in medium containing low serum. A spontaneous transformant of the parental line capable of growth in low serum in the absence of SV40 transformation (tk-ts13/1%), was also included in these studies. The low serum adapted SV40-transformed cells and the spontaneous tk-ts13 transformed cells grew more vigorously than their nonadapted counterparts in medium containing low serum. The low serum adapted cells also grew to higher saturation densities in low serum and to densities comparable to those in high serum, whereas the nonadapted cells grew to low saturation densities in low serum, but not as low as the untransformed parental.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Nuclear matrices were isolated by the high-salt, non-ionic detergent method from SV40-transformed hamster fibroblasts (TSV5 cell line), and from hamster tumours derived from these cells. DNA isolated from matrices and total nuclei was hybridized with nick-translated SV40 DNA. The enrichment of matrix DNA with SV40 DNA sequences was observed in all five experiments with matrix DNA of TSV5 cells but only in five out of nine matrix DNA isolated from tumour cells.  相似文献   

Human skin fibroblasts derived from patients with nephropathic cystinosis were transformed with SV40 virions, cloned and permitted to enter the degenerative stage of growth termed "crisis," characteristic of SV40 transformed human cells. Nephropathic cystinosis is an autosomal recessively inherited metabolic disorder resulting in the intracellular accumulation of the amino acid cystine. A transformed cystinotic cell line which was recovered from the crisis stage was indistinguishable from its transformed precrisis parental cell strain in growth rate in media containing either 1% or 10% serum, cloning efficiency on plastic, in semisolid media, or upon confluent monolayers of normal skin fibroblasts, expression of SV40 T antigen, or production of virus. However, the modal DNA content of the recovered postcrisis transformed cystinotic cell line was different from that of the cloned parental precrisis transformed cell strain, suggesting that the postcrisis line was derived from a small subpopulation of the precrisis strain. The DNA content of the established cystinotic cell line continued to be unstable during subsequent subculturing and gave rise to subclones with both more and less DNA per cell. This line now has an apparently infinite growth potential and still has the hallmark of the cystinotic parental line, the storage of abnormally large amounts of intracellular nonprotein cystine.  相似文献   

Repair replication in response to ultraviolet irradiation has been studied in normal human diploid fibroblast cultures, W138, and an SV40 transformant, VA13. Quantitative comparisons have been made using the combined isotopic and density labeling method for assaying repair replication. We find no significant difference in the amount of repair replication performed its dose response, or the time course between growing and confluent W138 cells, early passage and senescent cells, or normal W138 cells and the transformed VA13 cells. When [3H]dThd was employed as the isotopic label in the presence of a 30-200 fold excess of unlabelled BrdUrd, apparent differences in repair replication were seen between W138 cells shortly after subcultivation and cells which had been allowed to reach confluence. These differences were the same over a wide dose range and regardless of the passage number of the cells, but could be influenced by using different serum lots. The differences were not seen, however, when [3H]BrdUrd provided the isotopic label; thus they reflect either impurities in the [3H]dThd or a slight discrimination by some cellular process.  相似文献   

SV40 virus-specific RNA synthesis in transformed human cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The oligosaccharide moiety of cell-surface mannose-labelled glycopeptides from a normal (WI38) and an SV40 transformed cell (WI18 Va) have been investigated using specific glycosidases. Partially purified mannose-containing glycopeptides were separated into acidic and neutral species by high voltage paper electrophoresis. Endo-β-N-acetylglucosaminidase D, in the presence of three exoglycosidases, released from the acidic glycopeptides of non-growing cells a product completely absent in growing cells. However, the acidic species from growing WI18 Va and WI38 were found to be similar in the products released by enzyme digestion. The neutral species from growing normal cells contained a proportion of the glycopeptides resistant to endoglycosidase D while those from the non-growing cells were almost free of these resistant species. The SV40 transformed cells were further enriched, when compared to normal cells (WI38), in these neutral resistant species. We suggest that the oligomannosyl core of the majority of the susceptible species contains three mannose residues while that of the resistant species contains between six and eught.  相似文献   

Pulse chase experiments have shown that four reactions of phospholipid metabolism depend on cell population density in normal cells. Three of these reactions are influenced by population density also in tumor cells. Only the breakdown of phosphatidylinositol is not affected.  相似文献   

The oligosaccharide moiety of cell-surface mannose-labelled glycopeptides from a normal (WI38) and an SV40 transformed cell (W118Va) have been investigated using specific glycosidases. Partially purified mannose-containing glycopeptides were separated into acidic and neutral species by high voltage paper electrophoresis. Endo-beta-N-acetylgucosaminidase D, in the presence of three exoglycosidases, released from the acidic glycopeptides of non-growing cells a product completely absent in growing cells. However, the acidic species from growing WI18 Va and WI38 were found to be similar in the products released by enzyme digestion. The neutral species from growing normal cells contained a proportion of the glycopeptides resistant to endoglycosidase D while those from the non-growing cells were almost free of these resistant species. The SV40 transformed cells were further enriched, when compared to normal cells (WI38), in these neutral resistant species. We suggest that the oligomannosyl core of the majority of the susceptible species contains three mannose residues while that of the resistant species contains between six and eight.  相似文献   

A Gentil  A Margot  A Sarasin 《Biochimie》1982,64(8-9):693-696
Monkey kidney cells, either untreated or pretreated with UV-light at 254 nm or mitomycin C, were transfected 24 hours later with the intact or UV-irradiated DNA from the thermosensitive tsB201 simian virus 40 mutant unable to grow at 41 degrees C. The survival of the viral progeny obtained from the UV-irradiated DNA is increased in pretreated cells compared to the survival of the viral progeny obtained in untreated cells. Irradiation of the viral DNA enhances the reversion frequency of the viral progeny towards a wild type phenotype able to grow at 41 degrees C. Pretreatment of the cells with UV or mitomycin C does not increase the reversion frequency.  相似文献   

Prostaglandin (PG) synthetase activity and selective hormone responsiveness were examined in normal and SV40 transformed WI-38 fibroblasts (VA13-2RA). The transformed VA13-2RA cells have significantly reduced rates of PGE1, PGE2, PGF1alpha and PGF2alpha synthesis as compared to the normal WI-38 fibroblast. The transformed cell in contrast to the normal cell hyperresponds to stimulation by L-epinephrine (10 muM) and PGE1 (8.5 muM) but is unresponsive to bradykinin (BK) as measured by the accumulation of intracellular cyclic AMP. Indomethacin treatment does not significantly alter the PGE1 and L-epinephrine (EPI) responsiveness of the normal WI-38 fibroblast, however it abolishes the BK response in these cells. These results provide further evidence for the dependency of cell activation by bradykinin on the PG synthetase system. No experimental data was found to support the role of PGs as negative regulators of PGE1 and EPI responsiveness in the WI-38 fibroblast. Using the VA13-2RA cells, limited attempts to recover PG synthetase activity comparable to that found in normal WI-38 cells were unsuccessful. The VA13-2RA cell and its normal counterpart represent models for investigating the role of PGs in cell function and the mechanism of BK activation and its effect on cell metabolism.  相似文献   

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