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Females can affect male probabilities of paternity success through behavioural, morphological and/or physiological processes occurring during or after copulation. These processes under female-control include the acceptance or rejection of mating attempts by subsequent males. Leucauge mariana is an orb weaving spider that shows male mate guarding of penultimate females, male–male competition on female webs and copulatory plugs, suggesting a polyandric mating system. The aim of the present study was to ascertain whether male behaviour during courtship and copulation in L. mariana relate with female re-mating decisions. Forty-three virgin females were exposed to up to three males until they mated. In 24 cases, the copulatory plug was absent after mating and females were exposed the next day to up to three other males. Eighteen females accepted a second mating. Relatively larger females were more receptive to second matings and were more likely to copulate if the second male was smaller. Longer duration of female tapping and abdominal bobbing during courtship, and first copulations with less short insertions and more flubs, were associated with increased female acceptance to second matings. The results indicate cryptic female choice on male courtship and copulatory performance and suggest female-control over the determination of male mating success in this spider species.  相似文献   

In a wide variety of animal species, females produce vocalizations specific to mating contexts. It has been proposed that these copulation calls function to incite males to compete for access to the calling female. Two separate advantages of inciting male-male competition in this way have been put forward. The first suggests that as a result of calling, females are only mated by the highest ranking male in the vicinity (indirect mate choice hypothesis). The second proposes that copulation calling results in a female being mated by many males, thus promoting competition at the level of sperm (sperm competition hypothesis). In this paper, I give results from the first experimental study to test these hypotheses. Playback was used to examine the function of copulation calls of female Barbary macaques (Macaca sylvanus) in Gibraltar. Although rank did not affect lone males'' likelihood of approaching copulation calls, when playbacks were given to pairs of males only the higher ranking individual approached. Moreover, females were mated significantly sooner after playback of their copulation call than after playback of a control stimulus. These results suggest that the copulation calls of female Barbary macaques play a key role in affecting patterns of male reproductive behaviour, not only providing an indirect mechanism of female choice, but also promoting sperm competition by reducing the interval between copulations. Potential fitness benefits of inciting male-male competition at these two levels are discussed.  相似文献   

Scramble competition polygyny is expected when females and/or resources are widely dispersed and not easily monopolized by males, or when there is an abundance of mates during an extremely restricted reproductive period. Additional factors such as first male sperm precedence or low female re-mating rate might further explain the propensity of males to engage in scramble competition. The sexually cannibalistic praying mantid Pseudomantis albofimbriata exhibits a polygynous mating system, where females exist in low-density populations and male competition manifests as the race to find females rather than as direct physical fighting. Here, we aim to determine whether there is a paternity advantage for the first-male to mate and/or a low frequency of female re-mating. First, we determined sperm precedence patterns in P. albofimbriata using the sterile male technique. Second, we tested the likelihood of female re-mating in P. albofimbriata by comparing the close-range approach behaviour and frequency of successful mating attempts for males when paired with virgin as opposed to recently mated females, and by comparing the frequency of long-distance male attraction between virgin and mated females. We found no paternity advantage for the first male to mate, rather a second male advantage. Although mated females were not rejected by males when approached from close-range, they were chemically unattractive to males searching from a distance. Since initial mate attraction in many praying mantids, including P. albofimbriata, is mediated via long-distance chemical communication, we believe the latter result is more ecologically relevant and therefore more important. These results suggest that the relatively low frequency of female re-mating observed in P. albofimbriata may be an additional factor driving scramble competition in this system.  相似文献   

Females of many species mate with multiple males (polyandry), resulting in male–male competition extending to post‐copulation (sperm competition). Males adapt to such post‐copulatory sexual selection by altering features of their ejaculate that increase its competitiveness and/or by decreasing the risk of sperm competition through female manipulation or interference with rival male behaviour. At ejaculation, males of many species deposit copulatory plugs, which are commonly interpreted as a male adaptation to post‐copulatory competition and are thought to reduce or delay female remating. Here, we used a vertebrate model species, the house mouse, to study the consequences of copulatory plugs for post‐copulatory competition. We experimentally manipulated plugs after a female's first mating and investigated the consequences for rival male behaviour and paternity outcome. We found that even intact copulatory plugs were ineffective at preventing female remating, but that plugs influenced the rival male copulatory behaviour. Rivals facing intact copulatory plugs performed more but shorter copulations and ejaculated later than when the plug had been fully or partially removed. This suggests that the copulatory plug represents a considerable physical barrier to rival males. The paternity share of first males increased with a longer delay between the first and second males' ejaculations, indicative of fitness consequences of copulatory plugs. However, when males provided little copulatory stimulation, the incidence of pregnancy failure increased, representing a potential benefit of intense and repeated copulation besides plug removal. We discuss the potential mechanisms of how plugs influence sperm competition outcome and consequences for male copulatory behaviour.  相似文献   



In a number of species males damage females during copulation, but the reasons for this remain unclear. It may be that males are trying to manipulate female mating behaviour or their life histories. Alternatively, damage may be a side-effect of male-male competition. In the black scavenger or dung fly Sepsis cynipsea (Diptera: Sepsidae) mating reduces female survival, apparently because males wound females during copulation. However, this damage does not seem to relate to attempted manipulation of female reproduction by males. Here we tested the hypothesis that harming females during mating is an incidental by-product of characters favoured during pre-copulatory male-male competition. We assessed whether males and their sons vary genetically in their ability to obtain matings and harm females, and whether more successful males were also more damaging. We did this by ranking males' mating success in paired competitions across several females whose longevity under starvation was subsequently measured.  相似文献   

Behaviour during copulation can alter the fate of sperm of the mating males. This behaviour may exert selective pressure, resulting in the evolution of diverse reproductive behaviour, morphology, and physiology. This study examined the role of female copulatory behaviour on sperm fate in the sweet potato weevil, Cylas formicarius (Fabricius) (Coleoptera: Brentidae). In this species, males mount the female during copulation. The female frequently walks during copulation, carrying the male on her back. Here, we describe and quantify the copulatory behaviour of mating pairs and examine the sperm fate. Insemination success, as determined by the presence of sperm in the spermatheca, was lower when females walked for longer periods during copulation. This result emphasizes the value of studying variation in female copulatory behaviour in order to understand the factors that influence sperm fate. We discuss the implications of these results on sexual selection and utility in programs applying sterile insect techniques.  相似文献   


As is reported, in species with first-male sperm precedence, male age and previous sexual experience play crucial roles in male mating behavior. In the hawthorn spider mite, Amphitetranychus viennensis Zacher, previous studies showed that only females that copulated for the first time could achieve fertilization. Based on this, the effects of male age and mating history on male mate choice and male mate competition were investigated. It was confirmed that males could distinguish virgins from fertilized females but they were unable to discriminate between virgins and unfertilized females. Interestingly, the copulation duration of males mated with fertilized females was much shorter than that of males mated with virgins or unfertilized females. Additionally, for male mating choice, males of all ages and more experienced males preferred 5-day-old virgin females, whereas only less experienced males preferred 1-day-old virgin females. In male-male competition, 3-day-old males were more competitive and obtained more copulations compared with others. Copula duration was closely related to male age. Though no significant differences were observed in mating competition between virgin and mated males, copula duration of males in first copulation was the longest and gradually shortened in subsequent copulations. In all, this investigation demonstrated that male age and sexual experience affected male mate choice and male-male competition, leading to further insight into the influences of male age and sexual experience on the reproductive fitness of both sexes.


Chastity belts in gartersnakes: the functional significance of mating plugs   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Male red-sided gartersnakes (Tfiamnophis sirtalis parietalis) deposit a thick gelatinous plug that occludes the female cloaca after copulation. Previous workers have interpreted the plug as a sexually-selected adaptation to (1) physically prevent re-mating by the female, and/or (2) provide pheromonal cues to discourage courtship by rival males or to decrease receptivity by females. Our data support the former hypothesis, but not the latter. Plugs serve as effective physical barriers to additional copulation for <72 h, but this is long enough for most females to become unreceptive, and/or disperse from the mating aggregation. Experimental removal of plugs immediately after copulation results in some re-mating by females, but plug removal several hours later does not rekindle sexual receptivity. Contrary to previous work, our experiments show that fluids associated with copulation (rather than the plug per se) are responsible for the rapid decline of male interest in mated females. Thus, the plug's primary function is to physically prevent matings rather than as a source of pheromonal cues to manipulate the behaviour of females or rival males. Plug mass is determined not only by a male's body size, but by his prior mating history (plug mass decreases with repeated mating) and by the size of his partner (males allocate larger plugs to larger females). Gartersnakes are unusual not only in their production of mating plugs, but also in their brief duration of copulation compared to other snakes. Mating plugs may have evolved in gartersnakes to reduce mating times, because of the extremely high 'opportunity cost' of prolonged mating to a male gartersnake in a mating aggregation.  相似文献   

In promiscuous species in which females mate with more than one male during oestrus, males may increase their sperm expenditure or change their copulatory behaviour in response to the risk of sperm competition. I used an experimental approach to investigate the pattern of copulatory behaviour of the bank voleMyodes glareolus Schreber, 1780 depending on whether the female mated with one or two males. The work showed that the copulatory period of the bank vole lasted about 80 minutes and consisted of 4–5 ejaculatory series, with multiple intromissions preceding ejaculation. There were no significant changes in number of intromissions across the first four ejaculatory series, but I did find a relationship between number of intromissions and first ejaculation latency; also, ejaculation latencies grew shorter as the ejaculatory series proceeded. Litter size did not differ significantly between females that mated with one male and those mating with two, nor did the reproductive success of males that mated with the same female. Mating with an oestrus female appears to be advantageous for bank vole males even if they mate as the second one, and the risk of sperm competition did not trigger changes in male copulatory behaviour. The similar durations of the copulatory period and patterns of change of ejaculation latencies during copulations with one and two males point to the role of the female in temporal copulatory behaviour of the bank vole.  相似文献   

Post‐copulatory associations between males and females have been found in a variety of insects and are often described as mate guarding. Males of the West Indian sweetpotato weevil Euscepes postfasciatus (Fairmaire) mount the female's back after copulation. Two hypotheses have been advanced to explain this behavior: mate guarding to prevent future copulations by rivals (hypothesis 1), and mate guarding to gain additional copulations (hypothesis 2). We conducted three experiments to test predictions from these hypotheses. Our results disproved hypothesis 1 because the duration of the post‐copulatory association was very brief in comparison with the length of the refractory phase all females showed after copulation. When we prevented females from resisting copulations during the post‐copulatory mounted phase males copulated again, while under normal conditions, a second copulation was never observed. This result may indicate the presence of a sexual conflict over mating. However, we propose an alternative interpretation of the result, namely that after mating, males test whether the copulation has successfully reduced female receptivity by attempting to remate. If females resist the mating, males leave.  相似文献   

European earwigs are sexually dimorphic in forceps shape and length. Male forceps are thought to be weapons in male contests for access to females, but recent findings suggest that females choose males on the basis of their forceps length. I investigated sexual selection on forceps length and body size and the occurrence of male-male competition. When I controlled for forceps length experimentally and statistically, relatively heavy males had greater copulation success than relatively light males. When I controlled for body size, males with relatively longer forceps had no tendency for greater copulation success than males with shorter forceps. Relatively heavy males more often took over copulations from smaller males than vice versa. Male contests were important for the outcome of mate competition, as males commonly interrupted and took over copulations. My results therefore suggest that intrasexual selection is significant in competition for copulations in male earwigs, and acts on body size. This contrasts with previous findings, which have shown intersexual selection on forceps length to be important. However, both modes of sexual selection may be acting through a two-stage process, where male-male competition first determines which males have access to females, and then through female choice among available males. Morphological measurements supported the conclusion that forceps length and body size are male secondary sexual characters, as these characters had large variance and skewed distributions in males, but were normally distributed in females. Copyright 2000 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

Some aspects of sperm competition were studied in the white spoonbill (Platalea leucorodia) breeding in Doñana National Park (SW Spain). Shorter pair copulation intervals occurred during the prelaying period, when females were subjected to a relatively high frequency of extra-pair copulations. Pair copulation intervals with an intermediate extra-pair copulation by the male mate were longer than those without extra-pair copulation. This result indicates that males need a time of recovery between copulations before they can perform another. Extra-pair copulations by the females did not affect the length of intervals between pair copulations. There were no differences between the lengths of the intervals between an extra-pair copulation by the female and the following pair copulation for cases in which the male mate detected an intruder male attempting copulation with his mate and those in which the intruder remained undetected. However, the correlations obtained between copulatory intervals for detected and undetected cases suggest a copulatory response by their mates, although affected by the required recovery time between copulations by the males. Finally, since extra-pair copulations mainly occurred while male mates were collecting nest material, they engaged in this activity shortly after pair copulations, probably to avoid a last-male advantage under the sperm competition pressure.  相似文献   

From the population of 89 adult sexually inexperienced Wistar male rats 20 animals that initiated copulatory behavior with females exhibiting low intensity of precopulatory behavior (presenting females) were preselected. Prior to castration all 20 males had the same sexual experience: three ejaculatory series in four weekly sessions with females exhibiting high intensity of precopulatory behavior (darting females). Following castration, the decline of copulatory behavior was much slower for the nine males tested with darting females as compared to the 11 males tested with presenting females. Male precopulatory behaviors (anogenital sniffing, touching flanks, etc) outlasted the loss of copulatory behavior and seem to be less dependent on both external and internal determinants. It is concluded that intensive external sexual stimuli can function to compensate, and therefore mask, the subnormal operation of androgen-dependent mechanisms in initiating the copulatory behavior.  相似文献   

Abstract The relationship between corpus allatum (CA) regulation of copulatory behaviour and the CA's influence on the development of the accessory reproductive glands was studied in the male grasshopper, Melanoplus sanguinipes (Fabr.). Allatectomy slowed the development of copulatory behaviour; ≤80% of control males 7 days and older mated with females, but allatectomized males did not show comparable levels of copulation until day 19. In a 3 h observation period, the time taken for 50% of males to initiate copulation was c. 60 min for allatectomized males and only c. 10 min for controls. At the age when 50% of males copulated, the accessory glands of allatectomized males were less developed than those of controls; the accessory gland weight was 65%, soluble protein was 72% and reserves of long hyaline protein I were 40% those of controls. Treatment with Juvenile Hormone III on day 2 stimulated accumulation of long hyaline protein I in 9-day-old allatectomized males to the level found in untreated 19-day-old allactec-tomized males, but did not elicit heightened copulation. No positive feedback from the accessory glands appeared necessary to elicit copulation since vasectomy, ablation of the accessory glands or isolation of the terminal abdominal ganglion by ventral nerve cord transection did not inhibit copulatory behaviour in 7-day-old males. Because allatectomy inhibited copulatory behaviour in 7-day-old males in which the accessory glands were removed but not in 19-day-old males without accessory glands, the increased tendency of older allatectomized males to mate with females was not due to release of inhibition caused by continued growth of the accessory reproductive glands.  相似文献   

Sexual selection is a major force driving the evolution of diverse reproductive traits. This evolutionary process is based on individual reproductive advantages that arise either through intrasexual competition or through intersexual choice and conflict. While classical studies of sexual selection focused mainly on differences in male mating success, more recent work has focused on the differences in paternity share that may arise through sperm competition or cryptic female choice whenever females mate with multiple males. Thus, an integrative view of sexual selection needs to encompass processes that occur not only before copulation (pre-mating), but also during copulation (peri-mating), as well as after copulation (post-mating), all of which can generate differences in reproductive success. By encompassing mechanisms of sexual selection across all of these sequential reproductive stages this review takes an integrative approach to sexual selection in Tribolium flour beetles (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae), a particularly well-studied and economically important model organism. Tribolium flour beetles colonize patchily distributed grain stores, and juvenile and adult stages share the same food resources. Adults are highly promiscuous and female reproduction is distributed across an adult lifespan lasting approximately 1 year. While Tribolium males produce an aggregation pheromone that attracts both sexes, there appears to be little pre-mating discrimination among potential mates by either sex. However, recent work has revealed several peri-mating and post-mating mechanisms that determine how offspring paternity is apportioned among a female's mates. During mating, Tribolium females reject spermatophore transfer and limit sperm numbers transferred by males with low phenotypic quality. Although there is some conflicting evidence, male copulatory leg-rubbing appears to be associated with overcoming female resistance to insemination and does not influence a male's subsequent paternity share. Evidence suggests that Tribolium beetles have several possible post-mating mechanisms that they may use to bias paternity. Male sperm precedence has been extensively studied in Tribolium spp. and the related Tenebrio molitor, and several factors influencing male paternity share among a female's progeny have been identified. These include oviposition time, inter-mating interval, male strain/genotype, the mating regimen of a male's mother, male starvation, and tapeworm infection. Females exert muscular control over sperm storage, although there is no evidence to date that females use this to differentiate among mates. Females could also influence offspring paternity by re-mating with additional males, and T. castaneum females more readily accept spermatophores when they are re-mating with more attractive males. Additional work is needed to examine the possible roles played by both male and female accessory gland products in determining male paternity share. Sexual selection during pre-mating episodes may be reinforced or counteracted by peri- and post-copulatory selection, and antagonistic coevolution between the sexes may be played out across reproductive stages. In Tribolium, males' olfactory attractiveness is positively correlated with both insemination success and paternity share, suggesting consistent selection across different reproductive stages. Similar studies across sequential reproductive stages are needed in other taxa to provide a more integrative view of sexual selection.  相似文献   

Mate guarding–a behaviour prevalent in odonates–is a post copulatory association during which males prevent females from re-mating. Some species use two forms of guarding: contact mate guarding, which is energetically costly but highly effective and non-contact mate guarding, which is less costly but less effective. This study aimed to determine if male Sympetrum internum (Odonata:Libellulidae) adjust the duration of contact mate guarding according to environmental, temporal and physiological factors. There was a significant interaction between male density and season on duration of contact mate guarding. Early in the season males increased the duration of contact guarding as the density of rivals increased. Later in the season males guarded mates longer irrespective of male density. Wind and temperature did not detectabiy alter the duration of contact mate guarding, suggesting that the trade-off between current and future reproductive success was more important than were physiological costs.  相似文献   

Males of many animal species engage in courtship behaviours during and after copulation that appear to be solely aimed at stimulating the female. It has been suggested that these behaviours have evolved by cryptic female choice, whereby females are thought to impose biases on male postmating paternity success. Males of the red flour beetle Tribolium castaneum rub the lateral edges of the females' elytra with their tarsi during copulation. We manipulated female perception of this behaviour by tarsal ablation in males, thus preventing males from reaching the edge of the female elytra with their manipulated legs, and by subsequently performing a series of double-mating experiments where the copulatory behaviour was quantified. We found a positive relationship between the intensity of the copulatory courtship behaviour and relative fertilization success among unmanipulated males. This pattern, however, was absent in manipulated males, where female perception of male behaviour differed from that actually performed. Thus, female perception of male copulatory courtship behaviour, rather than male behaviour per se, apparently governs the fate of sperm competing over fertilizations within the female, showing that copulatory courtship is under selection by cryptic female choice.  相似文献   

The direct and indirect consequences of female copulatory behaviour for copulation success have seldom been quantified. In feral fowl, most copulations were forced by males and copulation success was determined by two factors. First, female differential resistance and solicitation directly affected copulation success and were displayed non-randomly with respect to male social status. Second, another female copulatory behaviour, the distress call, had an indirect effect on both copulation success and the quality of copulation partners. Distress calls triggered male attention to a copulation, which increased the probability of higher-ranking males than the copulating male disrupting the copulation and inseminating the calling female. Females preferentially uttered distress calls when mounted by low-ranking males. Both copulation resistance and distress calling influenced copulation success, but only distress calling increased the probability of copulation disruption by other males. Consistent with the effect of direct selection, differential distress calling indirectly biased copulation success in favour of dominant males. Female fowl may thus ameliorate the effect of male sexual coercion by manipulating male behaviour.  相似文献   

Summary In sexually dimorphic animals, large male body size is often associated with direct interference competition among males for access to females or resources used in reproduction. In constrast, small male body size may be associated with indirect scramble competition among males for temporal or spatial access to females. Minute, “parasitic” males of the acrothoracican barnacleTrypetesa lampas (Hancock) appear to compete with one another for permanent attachment sites on the external body of the female. Several spatial patterns suggest indirect male-male competition: 1) males were consistently aggregated on the anterior surface of the female ovarian disc; 2) the average distance from attached males to the site of insemination correlated positively with local male density; 3) average male body size on a female decreased as a function of male density; 4) the distribution of males on the left and right hand sides of the female ovarian disc was more even than expected, suggesting that males avoided crowded settlement sites. The number of males attached to a female increased with female body size and matched a null model in which males colonized female “targets” of differing areas. These results suggest that competition between males primarily affected settlement sites and male body sizes within, rather than among, females. Male parasitism may have evolved through both sexual selection for efficient access to females (Ghiselin 1974) and natural selection for reduced burrow density in a space-limited habitat (Turner and Yakovlev 1983).  相似文献   

In many animal species, mating behaviour is highly ritualised, which may allow us to relate some of its consequences, e.g. male paternity and female receptivity, to the progression of phases in the mating sequence; at the same time, ritualisation raises the question of to what extent the partners, especially the males, are able to influence the outcome of mating for their own benefit. We studied the linyphiid spider Linyphia triangularis in which mating follows a strict sequence during which the male inducts two droplets of sperm and transfers them to the female. We performed sperm competition experiments (sterile-male technique) including four treatments, in which the copulation of the first male was interrupted at prescribed phases of the mating sequence, while the second male was allowed a complete mating. Second males spent a shorter time than first males on the behaviours prior to sperm transfer, but the amount of sperm (2 droplets) and the time spent in sperm transfer were independent of the females’ mating status. The proportion of females accepting the second male depended on the mating duration of the first male, i.e. whether the first male had transferred one or two sperm droplets. After a complete first mating, most females accepted no further males. A last-male sperm precedence was apparent if only half of the first sperm droplet had been transferred by the first male, but this switched to a first male precedence if one full sperm droplet had been transferred. Thus, even in the face of sperm competition, it is sufficient for the first male to transfer one sperm droplet. The second sperm droplet and the extended copulatory courtship associated with its transfer may serve to induce a lack of receptivity in the female, but the males seem unable to enhance their reproductive success through variable copulatory tactics.  相似文献   

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