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闽东约马蜂的生物学习性观察   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陈勇  童迅 《昆虫知识》2007,44(1):121-124
约马蜂PolistesjokanamaeRadoszkowski是一种习见的社会性天敌昆虫。研究表明约马蜂在闽东地区于4月中旬觅址筑巢,历经40d建成31~40个巢房的小巢。约马蜂1年发生2代,第1代蜂于5月下旬开始羽化,7月初蜂巢拥有职蜂可达30只,每只职蜂日均外勤达14次,群体进入快速增长期;第2代蜂8~9月间出现,雄蜂所占比例超过1/3,群体进入鼎盛期。第2代雌蜂与雄蜂交尾后于11月陆续离巢越冬。幼体发育历期28~37d,与外界气温密切相关,随温度升高而缩短。文中还提出计算幼体发育历期的方法。  相似文献   

亚非马蜂的生活习性   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
<正> 亚非马蜂 Polistes kebraeus Fabricius是我国常见的一种马蜂,在河南省一年发生2—3代,以受精雌蜂抱团越冬,春末夏初,散团活动,?个筑巢产卵。 建巢 春末夏初马蜂取花蜜、树胶,朽木、纸屑、麦秸等已纤维化的腐殖质,为主要建巢材  相似文献   

落巨福  刘强 《昆虫知识》2010,47(1):172-176
沙漠石蜂Megachile(Chalicodoma) desertorum Morawitz为多种植物的传粉昆虫,在西鄂尔多斯地区是多种濒危植物和荒漠建群植物的重要传粉者。在该地区研究沙漠石蜂的筑巢场所、筑巢材料和蜂巢结构。共调查统计5148个蜂巢的筑巢场所和朝向;选择4个土壤表层成分不同的筑巢地,分别测定其筑巢沙土的机械组成、pH值和土壤紧实度;定点连续观察整个筑巢过程。结果表明:沙漠石蜂95.80%的巢建于岩石表面;土墙、灌木枝条、水泥柱及钢窗框上的巢室数均较少。83.1%的巢室建在东向一面;南向14.2%,西向2.4%,北向仅0.3%;筑巢材料为沙土和唾液制成的泥浆,所用沙土的pH值在8.18~9.34之间、紧实度在1.28~1.84g/cm3之间,其中粒径为0.06~0.15mm的沙土比例最高;1个蜂巢一般由4~10个巢室组成。说明该蜂喜欢将巢室建在朝向东方的岩石表面;筑巢材料主要由唾液和以碱性的粒径为0.06~0.15mm左右的沙土构成。也说明是对干旱炎热的荒漠环境的适应。  相似文献   

【背景】马蜂(Vespa mandarinia Smith)可以防治多种田间害虫,还具有药用价值,其肠道菌群结构和功能还有待研究。【目的】获得马蜂肠道可培养细菌并筛选出具有产消化酶功能的菌株,为理解肠道菌对宿主的影响机理及功能菌株的利用提供科学依据和研究材料。【方法】采用传统细菌分离培养法获得马蜂肠道菌,结合形态学以及16S rRNA基因序列分析进行鉴定;利用水解圈法分别筛选产蛋白酶、脂肪酶、淀粉酶和纤维素酶菌株;通过测量水解圈D与菌落直径d的比值,比较不同细菌的产酶能力。【结果】在马蜂肠道中共分离出6属10种细菌,其中芽孢杆菌属5种,肠球菌属、葡萄球菌属、明串珠菌属、乳球菌属和不动杆菌属各1种。从获得的61个菌株中筛选出6个具有产消化酶功能的菌株。其中,苏云金芽孢杆菌V44具有产蛋白酶、淀粉酶、脂肪酶和纤维素酶4种消化酶的能力;粪肠球菌V6具有产淀粉酶、蛋白酶和脂肪酶3种消化酶的能力;蜡样芽孢杆菌V43具有产蛋白酶、淀粉酶和纤维素酶3种消化酶的能力;粪肠球菌V20、蜡样芽孢杆菌V19和维德曼氏芽孢杆菌V22均具有产蛋白酶的能力。【结论】马蜂肠道细菌资源较丰富,部分有产消化酶的功能,可帮助马蜂消化食物,对宿主健康有一定影响。本研究筛选的6个菌株都能产蛋白酶,其中菌株V43和V44分别具有最强产淀粉酶和脂肪酶的能力,是可进一步开发利用的肠道功能菌株资源。  相似文献   

香茅醛是一种重要的单离香料。据分析在马蜂柑和红河橙叶精油中含有大量香茅醛.分别达到77.98~78.23%和33.28~35.89%,是香茅醛的两种新的资源植物。此外,由于这两种植物叶精油中还含育其它大量含氧化合物,总计达到93.81~91.12%和67.42~67.92%而萜烃成分较少,只有1.38~4.66%和28.19~30.07%,因而精油香味独特,是两种有发展前途的香料植物。  相似文献   

长木蜂的筑巢和采粉贮粮行为   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】通过研究长木蜂Xylocopa tranquebarorum筑巢和贮粮行为, 为进一步查明独栖性蜂类行为特点、开发新的蜂类资源提供依据。【方法】采用目测和拍照等方法对长木蜂的整个筑巢过程进行了连续观察, 用游标卡尺对巢口大小进行测量, 采用室内解剖巢室对长木蜂贮蜂粮的大小和数量进行观测。【结果】长木蜂主要在竹子上筑巢, 偶尔也发现在芦苇上筑巢。最喜欢选择竹节直径1.2~2.5 cm的孝顺竹Bambusa multiplex和刚竹属 Phyllostachys的竹种上筑巢。其筑巢过程为:雌蜂寻找合适的筑巢地点, 咬巢口, 清理巢室, 采集花粉蜜制作蜂粮, 在蜂粮上产卵, 制作巢室隔板。筑巢地点主要位于离旧巢1 m以内的位置。雌蜂啃咬巢口平均用时(292±29)min, 制作一块蜂粮需采集粉蜜22~40次, 采集粉蜜平均用时(17.31±0.52)min/次, 携粉蜜回巢滞留时间平均为(16.45±1.08)min/次;巢中卸落粉蜜平均用时为(15.29±1.03)min/次, 一生贮蜂粮平均6块左右;蜂粮近长方形, 长12~18 mm, 宽6~10 mm, 平均重量(0.7140±0.0269)g。【结论】长木蜂雌蜂不同个体之间筑巢行为相似, 而采集粉蜜的次数和贮蜂粮所用时间均有显著差异。  相似文献   

海切叶蜂的筑巢和访花行为   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
蒙艳华  徐环李 《昆虫学报》2007,50(12):1247-1254
【目的】研究毛乌素沙地重要野生传粉昆虫海切叶蜂Megachile maritima的筑巢和访花行为对保护其栖息环境具有重要意义。【方法】采用目测及拍照等方法对海切叶蜂的整个筑巢过程进行了连续观测;以2 m×2 m 样方的方式观测海切叶蜂的访花频率、单花停留时间及日活动规律等访花行为,其中日活动规律每天连续观测,共观测7天。【结果】海切叶蜂在沙土中筑巢,每巢只有一个巢室,其筑巢过程为:寻找合适的筑巢地点,挖巢,构建巢室,采集蜂粮,产卵,封住巢室,筑完一个巢。它连续筑完一个巢大约需要9 h。海切叶蜂构建一个巢室需要切取26~29片叶子,为每巢室采集蜂粮11~12次,每巢室内产卵1粒;在塔落岩黄芪和细叶益母草上的平均访花频率分别为(13.23±6.49)朵/min和(16.72±4.84)朵/min,平均单花停留时间分别为(3.08±2.48)s和(2.49±1.31)s。晴天,海切叶蜂在12:00~14:00期间活动较活跃。【结论】海切叶蜂不同个体之间的筑巢行为相似。该蜂在塔落岩黄芪和细叶益母草上的访花过程、访花频率及单花停留时间具有显著的差异。  相似文献   

本文以新疆石河子西公园的马蜂Vespa velutina为研究对象,结合基于26S rDNA的高通量测序技术和稀释平板分离的方法,研究马蜂内生酵母物种组成及其多样性.结果 显示,马蜂体内包含Cutaneotrichosporon、Torulaspora、Pichia等10个属内生酵母;含有Cutaneotrichosporon cutaneum、Torulaspora delbrueckii、Sporidiobolales sp.等10种内生酵母.Shannon指数、Simpson指数、ACE指数和Chao1指数分别为0.619215、0.681265、84.38456和76.利用稀释平板分离方法分离获得一株内生酵母,结合菌落和细胞形态观察、生理生化检测以及26S rDNA分子鉴定等方法,该酵母菌株为美极梅奇酵母Metschnikowia pulcherrima.本研究可为后续的内生酵母菌功能研究及酵母菌资源开发与利用奠定基础.  相似文献   

双斑切叶蜂的筑巢习性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
蒙艳华  徐环李 《昆虫学报》2008,51(11):1170-1176
【目的】明确双斑切叶蜂Megachile leachella在沙地上的筑巢环境及筑巢特点,旨在当地利用人工巢管诱引其筑巢。【方法】采用目测和拍照等方法对双斑切叶蜂的整个筑巢过程进行了连续观察; 采用挖掘、测量方法对双斑切叶蜂巢内结构进行了观测;在室内对蜂茧在土中和指形管中的羽化情况进行了初步观测。【结果】双斑切叶蜂一般在废弃的泥墙或者沙地上蚂蚁等废弃的巢穴中筑巢,有时候它也在沙地上挖掘新巢筑巢。双斑切叶蜂用叶片构建巢室,一巢多室,各巢室首尾相接排列在巢中,筑完巢后用叶片将巢口封住。双斑切叶蜂构建一个巢室需要切取11~14片叶子,为每巢室采集蜂粮6~9次,每巢室内产卵1粒;在内蒙古毛乌素沙地,该蜂一年2代,第1代在6月中下旬羽化,第2代大约在7月下旬至8月上旬羽化,主要寄生性天敌有尖腹蜂Coelioxy sp.、青蜂Chrysis sp.。双斑切叶蜂能在指形管中羽化。【结论】双斑切叶蜂不同个体之间的筑巢行为相似,雌蜂可以用人工巢管进行诱集和驯化。  相似文献   

食蚊鱼昼夜摄食节律观察   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以分时段采样法研究入侵物种食蚊鱼的夏季昼夜摄食节律。食蚊鱼夏季种群内有雌鱼、雄鱼和幼鱼三个不同的摄食类群,这三个类群的摄食节律差异明显。雌鱼摄食节律成双峰型,第一高峰在10:00,而最高峰在22:00,此时肠道食物团平均重量11.70±11.60mg,饱满指数为190.22±155.61。幼鱼也成双峰型,分别在6:00和18:00有两个摄食高峰,以清晨6:00为最高,肠道食物团平均重1.08±1.09mg,饱满指数为128.44±105.49。雄鱼则成单峰型,摄食高峰出现午后14:00左右,肠道食物团平均重0.71±0.96mg,饱满指数为71.80±107.65。食蚊鱼不同摄食类群间的摄食高峰交错出现,是其协调种内关系,降低种内竞争的一种有效行为机制。  相似文献   

Guilds of Aculeate solitary wasps and bees that nest in preexisting cavities in wood are important components of terrestrial ecosystems because they engage in several ecological interactions (e.g. predation and pollination) with other species of plants and animals. Spatial and temporal variations in richness and abundance of solitary wasps and bees can be related to changes in environmental structure and in the diversity of other groups of organisms. The nesting period of these Aculeata is their most critical life cycle stage. Females of solitary wasp and bee species invest relatively more time constructing and provisioning their nests than do females of social species. Differently from species that nest in the soil or construct exposed nests, the main factors affecting the reproductive success of solitary species nesting in preexisting wood holes are still unknown. Our objective is to provide an overview of the role of proximate causes of nesting failure or success among solitary wasps and bees (Aculeata), for designing effective conservation and management strategies for these Hymenoptera.  相似文献   

《L' Année biologique》1999,38(3-4):213-229
Due to the brood that it contains, the nest of social wasps constitutes a major source of protein for eventual predators. In the tropics, ants are generally considered as the most efficacious among them. In the face of such predation, wasps have developed over the course of evolution a great number of strategies. In addition to guarding and defensive behaviours displayed by workers, social wasps have nests whose structure is a response to the predation pressure exerted by ants. Thus, the presence of a petiole attaching the nest to a natural support itself sometimes selected because of its limited accessibility constitutes a frequent example of architectural defence. The effectiveness of the petiole is often improved through the repeated application of repellent substances on its surface. In the same way, wasps that found their new societies through swarming construct nests protected by an envelope. In the American tropics, army ants which hunt on the ground and can rapidly take over a tree, regularly pillage wasp nests. Because no defensive strategy is efficacious against such predators, the choice of nest site becomes decisive. Paradoxically, it is by nesting in close proximity to an arboreal ant nest that certain wasp species have been able to find a way of responding to the threat exerted by other ants. These ants, which tolerate the presence of the wasp nest, are capable of efficaciously protecting the tree or the branch sheltering the nest.  相似文献   

Polistine and vespine wasps were captured in Malaise traps in two fire-modified shrubland habitats of varying canopy height and composition at Lake Ohia, Northland, New Zealand. Prey consumption rates were calculated for the Asian paper wasp (Polistes chinensis antennalis) occupying these two areas of shrubland and a home garden in Whangarei, Northland. The sites were systematically searched for nests and wasp prey determined by intercepting foragers returning to nests. The Asian paper wasp predominated in the Malaise trap samples from the low- growing habitat while the German wasp (Vespula germanica) was more common in the taller vegetation type. The Asian paper wasp was more abundant than the German wasp in the samples in February and early March. Only four Australian paper wasps (Polistes humilis) and no common wasps (Vespula vulgaris) were caught. Asian paper wasps collected an estimated 15 000 prey loads per ha per season from one of the shrubland areas, and 478 000 prey loads per ha per season from the second area. These convert to estimates of 31 and 957 g per ha per season of invertebrate biomass removed by paper wasps from each habitat, respectively. The estimate for the garden site was 79 g per ha per season. Wasp nest densities varied between 20 and 210 nests per hectare. The biomass estimates are similar to average figures calculated for vespine wasps in scrubland and pasture. Both Asian paper wasps and Australian paper wasps preyed mainly on lepidopteran larvae. The cabbage white butterfly (Pieris rapae) was the most commonly collected species. Noctuid species were also well represented. Both male and female Asian paper wasps collected nectar in late March and early April.  相似文献   

Hymenoptera show a great variation in reproductive potential and nesting behavior, from thousands of eggs in sawflies to just a dozen in nest-provisioning wasps. Reduction in reproductive potential in evolutionary derived Hymenoptera is often facilitated by advanced behavioral mechanisms and nesting strategies. Here we describe a surprising nesting behavior that was previously unknown in the entire animal kingdom: the use of a vestibular cell filled with dead ants in a new spider wasp (Hymenoptera: Pompilidae) species collected with trap nests in South-East China. We scientifically describe the ‘Bone-house Wasp’ as Deuteragenia ossarium sp. nov., named after graveyard bone-houses or ossuaries. We show that D. ossarium nests are less vulnerable to natural enemies than nests of other sympatric trap-nesting wasps, suggesting an effective nest protection strategy, most likely by utilizing chemical cues emanating from the dead ants.  相似文献   

The costs and benefits of different social options are best understood when individuals can be followed as they make different choices, something that can be difficult in social insects. In this detailed study, we follow overwintered females of the social wasp Polistes carolina through different nesting strategies in a stratified habitat where nest site quality varies with proximity to a foraging area, and genetic relatedness among females is known. Females may initiate nests, join nests temporarily or permanently, or abandon nests. Females can become helpers or egglayers, effectively workers or queens. What they actually do can be predicted by a combination of ecological and relatedness factors. Advantages through increased lifetime success of individuals and nests drives foundresses of the social wasp Polistes from solitary to social nest founding. We studied reproductive options of spring foundresses of P. carolina by monitoring individually-marked wasps and assessing reproductive success of each foundress by using DNA microsatellites. We examined what behavioral decisions foundresses make after relaxing a strong ecological constraint, shortage of nesting sites. We also look at the reproductive consequences of different behaviors. As in other Polistes, the most successful strategy for a foundress was to initiate a nest as early as possible and then accept others as subordinates. A common feature for many P. carolina foundresses was, however, that they reassessed their reproductive options by actively monitoring other nests at the field site and sometimes moving permanently to new nests should that offer better (inclusive) fitness prospects compared to their original nests. A clear motivation for moving to new nests was high genetic relatedness; by the end of the foundress period all females were on nests with full sisters.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. Sphex ichneumoneus are solitary, ground-nesting wasps with apparently broad nesting requirements.
2. Nest-site selecting behaviour involves four levels of decisions. First, the wasps are not active unless temperatures are high and they are less active during cloudy weather. Second, at the beginning of a nesting sequence they generally fly to the site from which they emerged, but occasionally they fly to other flat, vegetation-free areas. Third, after landing, they engage in a predigging search of the area, walking around, looking into and briefly digging in the nests of other wasps. In this way they apparently compare and choose to begin digging in the warmest areas available which are not too close to other nests. Fourth, if the soil is too soft and collapses or if it is too hard-packed, the wasp resumes the predigging search. The preference for digging within a range of compactness means that they generally choose sandy loam.
3. Theory would suggest that the wasps may spend an optimal amount of time in the predigging search behaviour and that frequency-dependent selection may be an important factor in the choice of nesting sites.
4. By choosing nesting sites according to these rules, the wasps are ensuring that their offspring develop in the warmest and best-drained soils available.  相似文献   

Research into the driving forces behind spatial arrangement of wasp nests has considered abiotic environmental factors, but seldom investigated attraction or repulsion towards conspecifics or heterospecifics. Solitary female digger wasps (Hymenoptera) often nest in dense aggregations, making these insects good models to study this topic. Here, we analysed the nesting patterns in an area shared by three species of the genus Bembix, in a novel study to discover whether female wasps are attracted to or repulsed by conspecific nests, heterospecific nests or their own previously established nests when choosing nest‐digging locations. Early in the season, each species showed a clumping pattern of nests, but later in the season, a random distribution of nests was more common, suggesting an early conspecific attraction. Such behaviour was confirmed by the fact that females started building their nests more frequently where other females of their species were simultaneously digging. The distances between subsequent nests dug by individual females were shorter than those obtained by random simulations. However, this pattern seemed to depend on the tendency to dig close to conspecifics rather than remain in the vicinity of previous nests, suggesting that females' experience matters to future decisions only on a large scale. Nesting patches within nest aggregations largely overlapped between species, but the nests of each species were generally not closer to heterospecific nests than expected by chance, suggesting that females are neither repulsed by, nor attracted to, congenerics within nest aggregations. A role of the spatial distribution of natural enemies on the observed nesting patterns seemed unlikely. Bembix digger wasp nest aggregations seem thus to be primarily the result of female–female attraction during nest‐settlement decisions, in accordance with the ‘copying’ mechanisms suggested for nesting vertebrates.  相似文献   

Nest predation is an important factor in the colony mortality of paper wasps. Although a variety of animals are known to prey on paper wasp nests, colony failure of unknown cause often occurs in the field, and the existence of still-unknown predators is possible. Here, I report predation on nests of paper wasps, Polistes chinensis antennalis, by introduced terrestrial slugs, Lehmannia valentiana. The slugs were found on the wasps’ nests despite the presence of the owners on the nests and ate eggs, larvae, and presumably cell walls of the nests. This is the first report of predation on paper wasp nests by slugs.  相似文献   

Red-throated Caracaras Ibycter americanus (Falconidae) are specialist predators of social wasps in the Neotropics. It had been proposed that these caracaras possess chemical repellents that allow them to take the brood of wasp nests without being attacked by worker wasps. To determine how caracaras exploit nests of social wasps and whether chemical repellents facilitate predation, we: (1) video recorded the birds attacking wasp nests; (2) analyzed surface extracts of the birds'' faces, feet, and feathers for potential chemical repellents; and (3) inflicted mechanical damage on wasp nests to determine the defensive behavior of wasps in response to varying levels of disturbance. During caracara predation events, two species of large-bodied wasps mounted stinging attacks on caracaras, whereas three smaller-bodied wasp species did not. The “hit-and-run” predation tactic of caracaras when they attacked nests of large and aggressive wasps reduced the risk of getting stung. Our data reveal that the predation strategy of caracaras is based on mechanical disturbance of, and damage to, target wasp nests. Caracara attacks and severe experimental disturbance of nests invariably caused wasps to abscond (abandon their nests). Two compounds in caracara foot extracts [sulcatone and iridodial] elicited electrophysiological responses from wasp antennae, and were also present in defensive secretions of sympatric arboreal-nesting Azteca ants. These compounds appear not to be wasp repellents but to be acquired coincidentally by caracaras when they perch on trees inhabited with Azteca ants. We conclude that caracara predation success does not depend on wasp repellents but relies on the absconding response that is typical of swarm-founding polistine wasps. Our study highlights the potential importance of vertebrate predators in the ecology and evolution of social wasps.  相似文献   

Nest boxes provide sheltered nesting sites for both passerines and paper wasps. Although neither wasps nor birds appear to evict the other once one is fully established, it is unclear which is the dominant competitor at the onset of the breeding season. Using wire mesh, we excluded birds but not golden paper wasps Polistesfuscatus from alternating boxes along a transect through edge habitat in North Carolina from 2006 – 2008. If wasps dominate Carolina chickadees Poecile carolinensis and eastern bluebirds Sialia sialis during the early spring (all have similar nest initiation dates), we would expect wasps to settle in both box types at equal frequencies. However, if birds dominate wasps, we would expect wasp nests to be concentrated in “bird‐proof” boxes. We found wasps in bird‐proof boxes significantly more often than in bird‐accessible boxes, indicating that secondary‐cavity nesting birds are able to exclude wasps from available nest sites. Additionally, we found that during the period of nest initiation, birds usurp wasps more often than vice versa.  相似文献   

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