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Previous studies have shown that the glycoprotein oligosaccharides synthesized by adult Schistosoma mansoni, the organism responsible for human schistosomiasis, are unusual in that they contain terminal beta-GalNAc residues and lack sialic acid. These observations and other studies indicating that schistosome glycoproteins and glycolipids are antigenic in infected animals led us to investigate the structures of the glycosphingolipids synthesized by these organisms and to determine whether they are structurally related to those synthesized by their vertebrate hosts. For our studies, adult schistosomes were metabolically radiolabeled with either [3H]galactose or [3H]glucosamine, and the newly synthesized glycosphingolipids were isolated and characterized. The major glycosphingolipids synthesized by adult schistosomes were found to be galactosylceramide and glucosylceramide. The adult worms synthesized no lactosylceramide (Gal beta 1-4Glc-ceramide), a common constituent of vertebrate cells; however, another disaccharide-containing glycosphingolipid cleavable by ceramide glycanase was found. The results of compositional and methylation analyses and exoglycosidase treatments demonstrated that this ceramide-disaccharide has the structure GalNAc beta 1-4Glc-ceramide. We also found that extracts of adult schistosomes are unable to transfer Gal from UDP-Gal to glucosylceramide, whereas extracts of Chinese hamster ovary cells, as a control, are able to do so, confirming that schistosomes are unable to synthesize lactosylceramide. Low levels of higher molecular weight glycosphingolipids were also found to be synthesized by adult schistosomes, and although their levels were too small to allow definitive characterization, compositional analyses indicated that they also contained GalNAc. We have tentatively designated the new disaccharide structure GalNAc beta 1, 4Glc- the "schistocore", which may represent a new type of glycosphingolipid core series.  相似文献   

Infection of vertebrates with the parasitic blood fluke Schistosoma mansoni induces a variety of host immune responses, which are directed against both protein and carbohydrate antigens. In this report, we describe our studies on the structures of antigenic oligosaccharides derived from glycoproteins synthesized by S. mansoni. Immobilized antibodies derived from the sera of infected hamsters and mice bind to a family of high molecular weight Asn-linked oligosaccharides in glycoproteins from the adult parasite. Structural analysis of the major antigenic oligosaccharides revealed that they have high amounts of fucose-linked alpha 1,3 to N-acetylglucosamine residues within the linear repeating disaccharide (3Gal beta 1-4GlcNAc beta 1)n, a poly-N-acetyllactosamine sequence containing the Lewis X antigenic blood group. The remarkable ability of S. mansoni to synthesize these vertebrate-type oligosaccharides may have implications in both the mechanisms of host-parasite interactions and on the development of vaccines to prevent this disease in humans.  相似文献   

The schistosome tegument provides a major interface with the host blood stream in which it resides. Our recent proteomic studies have identified a range of proteins present in the complex tegument structure, and two models of protective immunity have implicated surface proteins as mediating antigens. We have used the QconCAT technique to evaluate the relative and absolute amounts of tegument proteins identified previously. A concatamer comprising R- or K-terminated peptides was generated with [(13)C(6)] lysine/arginine amino acids. Two tegument surface preparations were each spiked with the purified SmQconCAT as a standard, trypsin digested, and subjected to MALDI ToF-MS. The absolute amounts of protein in the biological samples were determined by comparing the areas under the pairs of peaks, separated by 6m/z units, representing the light and heavy peptides derived from the biological sample and SmQconCAT, respectively. We report that aquaporin is the most abundant transmembrane protein, followed by two phosphohydrolases. Tetraspanin Tsp-2 and Annexin-2 are also abundant but transporters are scarce. Sm200 surface protein comprised the bulk of the GPI-anchored fraction and likely resides in the secreted membranocalyx. Two host IgGs were identified but in amounts much lower than their targets. The findings are interpreted in relation to the models of protective immunity.  相似文献   

Blood flukes in the genus Schistosoma are important human parasites in tropical regions. Genetic heterogeneity of the parasite contributes to the observed phenotypic variation in this host–parasite interaction and may play a role in disease epidemiology. In this paper, we describe the characterization of five polymorphic microsatellite loci from the human blood fluke Schistosoma mansoni, which can now be applied in assessments of schistosome genetic diversity. The five loci revealed extensive polymorphism, as 5–8 alleles per locus were detected among five isolates (from both human patients and snail intermediate hosts) from two Brazilian villages.  相似文献   

The genome of Schistosoma mansoni, a human blood fluke, contains a family of short repetitive DNA elements which we have named the SM family. In this paper we report the sequences of two SM family members which are derived from tandem arrangements and four family members which are dispersed copies. The two tandemly repeated copies are 331 and 335 bp, while the four dispersed copies range in size from 107 to 322 bp. Three dispersed copies are flanked by direct repeats and have AT-rich 3 ends. The tandem copies and one of the dispersed copies have regions of homology to RNA polymerase III promoters and arginine tRNA genes. In addition the repeated element is rearranged in two of the dispersed copies when compared with the other dispersed and two tandem copies. Localization studies show that SM elements are distributed in the sex and autosomal chromosomes. These observations suggest that members of this family may have been dispersed throughout the genome via RNA intermediates.  相似文献   

Schistosomiasis caused by a parasitic blood fluke of the genus Schistosoma afflicts over 200 million people worldwide. Schistosoma mansoni cathepsin B1 (SmCB1) is a gut-associated peptidase that digests host blood proteins as a source of nutrients. It is under investigation as a drug target. To further this goal, we report three crystal structures of SmCB1 complexed with peptidomimetic inhibitors as follows: the epoxide CA074 at 1.3 Å resolution and the vinyl sulfones K11017 and K11777 at 1.8 and 2.5 Å resolutions, respectively. Interactions of the inhibitors with the subsites of the active-site cleft were evaluated by quantum chemical calculations. These data and inhibition profiling with a panel of vinyl sulfone derivatives identify key binding interactions and provide insight into the specificity of SmCB1 inhibition. Furthermore, hydrolysis profiling of SmCB1 using synthetic peptides and the natural substrate hemoglobin revealed that carboxydipeptidase activity predominates over endopeptidolysis, thereby demonstrating the contribution of the occluding loop that restricts access to the active-site cleft. Critically, the severity of phenotypes induced in the parasite by vinyl sulfone inhibitors correlated with enzyme inhibition, providing support that SmCB1 is a valuable drug target. The present structure and inhibitor interaction data provide a footing for the rational design of anti-schistosomal inhibitors.  相似文献   

Summary The presence and distribution of neuropeptides belonging to the pancreatic polypeptide family have been demonstrated by an indirect immunofluorescence technique in the nervous systems of adult male and female Schistosoma mansoni. Seven antisera of differing regional specificity to pancreatic polypeptide (PP), peptide YY (PYY) and neuropeptide Y (NPY) were employed on both whole-mount and cryostat-sectioned material. Positive immunoreactivity (IR) was obtained with all antisera except an N-terminally-directed antiserum to NPY. In the CNS, immunoreactivity was restricted to cell bodies and nerve fibres in the anterior ganglia, central commissure and dorsal and ventral nerve cords of both sexes, whereas, in the PNS, positive-IR was present in the plexuses innervating the subtegumental musculature and the oral and ventral suckers. Intense immunoreactivity was observed in a plexus of nerve fibres and cell bodies in the lining of the gynaecophoric canal and in fine nerve fibres innervating the dorsal tubercles of the male. In contrast, in the female, strong immunoreactivity was evident in nerve plexuses innervating the lining of the ovovitelline duct and in the wall of the ootype, but most notably in a cluster of cells in the region of Mehlis' gland. Results suggest that molecules with C-terminal homology to the PP-family are present in S. mansoni. These peptides would appear to be important regulatory molecules in the parasite's nervous system and may play a role in the control of egg production.  相似文献   

Hemozoin (Hz) is a heme crystal produced upon hemoglobin digestion as the main mechanism of heme disposal in several hematophagous organisms. Here, we show that, in the helminth Schistosoma mansoni, Hz formation occurs in extracellular lipid droplets (LDs). Transmission electron microscopy of adult worms revealed the presence of numerous electron-lucent round structures similar to LDs in gut lumen, where multicrystalline Hz assemblies were found associated to their surfaces. Female regurgitates promoted Hz formation in vitro in reactions partially inhibited by boiling. Fractionation of regurgitates showed that Hz crystallization activity was essentially concentrated on lower density fractions, which have small amounts of pre-formed Hz crystals, suggesting that hydrophilic-hydrophobic interfaces, and not Hz itself, play a key catalytic role in Hz formation in S. mansoni. Thus, these data demonstrate that LDs present in the gut lumen of S. mansoni support Hz formation possibly by allowing association of heme to the lipid-water interface of these structures.  相似文献   

Schistosomes are believed to evade complement-mediated damage by expression of complement inhibitory proteins. Our previous results [Deng, J., Gold, D., LoVerde, P.T., Fishelson, Z., 2003. Inhibition of the complement membrane attack complex by Schistosoma mansoni paramyosin. Infect. Immun. 71, 6402-6410.] have demonstrated that paramyosin (Pmy) of the blood fluke S. mansoni binds to the human complement proteins C8 and C9, inhibits complement activation at the terminal stage and protects the parasite from complement-mediated damage. In order to locate the Pmy binding site to C8 and C9, various fragments of Pmy cDNA were PCR-cloned into a pET28a bacterial expression vector. Recombinant His-tagged Pmy fragments were expressed in BL21 Escherichia coli and purified over a nickel-nitrilotriacetic acid column. Binding assays by Western blotting with monoclonal anti-His antibody demonstrated that PmyCC (Pmy amino acids (744)Asp-(866)Met) was the only Pmy fragment that bound to human C8 and C9. Functional analyses demonstrated that PmyCC inhibited hemolysis of rabbit erythrocytes and of antibody-sensitized sheep erythrocytes by human complement. Importantly, PmyCC inhibited in vitro killing of trypsin-sensitized schistosomula of S. mansoni by human complement. In the presence of PmyCC, Zn(2+)-induced C9 polymerization was inhibited. Most of the immunodominant B-cell antigenic epitopes of Pmy are present in the PmyCC region, as antibodies collected from mice immunized with recombinant Pmy bound primarily to PmyCC. Taken together, this study has mapped the complement regulatory domain in Pmy, capable of binding to C8 and C9 and preventing polyC9 formation, to its C-terminal region.  相似文献   

Adult Schistosoma mansoni blood flukes express two discrete cysteine proteinases, SmCL1 and SmCL2, both of which are related to the cathepsin L-like enzymes of the C1 family of peptidases. Our previous phylogenetic analysis indicated that SmCL1 is more closely related to cruzipain from the parasitic protozoa Trypanosoma cruzi than to human cathepsin L, whereas the converse situation applies with SmCL2. To characterize their catalytic subsites and substrate specificities, we have now developed three-dimensional (3D) homology models of SmCL1 and SmCL2 using the structure of cruzipain and cathepsin L. Eisenberg analysis of the 3D models revealed self-compatibility scores of 90.1 and 96.1 out of a possible score of 97.6 for SmCL1 and SmCL2, respectively, verifying the accuracy and utility of the models. Substrate preferences of recombinant SmCL1 and SmCL2 at positions P3, P2, and P1 conformed to the substrate specificity predicted by the models. In particular, SmCL1 and SmCL2 both exhibited high affinity (k(cat)/K(m)) for substrates with hydrophobic residues at P2 including Z-Leu-Arg-NHMec (773.4 and 548.5 mM(-1) s(-1), respectively), Boc-Val-Leu-Lys-NHMec (116.8 and 306.5 mM(-1) s(-1)), and Z-Phe-Arg-NHMec (38.9 and 113.4 mM(-1) s(-1)). SmCL1 exhibited only a low affinity for the cathepsin B diagnostic substrate Z-Arg-Arg-NHMec while SmCL2 failed to cleave this substrate. The substrate specificities of SmCL1 and SmCL2 were clearly differentiated with H-Leu-Val-Tyr-NHMec and Suc-Leu-Tyr-NHMec since SmCL1 cleaved both efficiently (k(cat)/K(m) values of 51.9 and 41.1 mM(-1) s(-1), respectively), whereas SmCL2 cleaved neither. The 3D models revealed that this difference in specificity was due to restrictions imposed on the S3 subsite of SmCL2 as a result of insertion of two amino acids vicinal to residue 60.  相似文献   

An array of schistosome endoproteases involved in the digestion of host hemoglobin to absorbable peptides has been described, but the exoprotease responsible for catabolising these peptides to amino acids has yet to be identified. By searching the public databases we found that Schistosoma mansoni and Schistosoma japonicum express a gene encoding a member of the M17 family of leucine aminopeptidases (LAPs). A functional recombinant S. mansoni LAP produced in insect cells shared biochemical properties, including pH optimum for activity, substrate specificity and reliance on metal cations for activity, with the major aminopeptidase activity in soluble extracts of adult worms. The pH range in which the enzyme functions and the lack of a signal peptide indicate that the enzyme functions intracellularly. Immunolocalisation studies showed that the S. mansoni LAP is synthesised in the gastrodermal cells surrounding the gut lumen. Accordingly, we propose that peptides generated in the lumen of the schistosome gut are absorbed into the gastrodermal cells and are cleaved by LAP to free amino acids before being distributed to the internal tissues of the parasite. Since LAP was also localised to the surface tegument it may play an additional role in surface membrane re-modelling.  相似文献   

Yoshino TP  Dinguirard N  Kunert J  Hokke CH 《Gene》2008,411(1-2):46-58
In the present study, a tandem-repeat type galectin was characterized from an embryonic cell line (Bge) and circulating hemocytes of the snail Biomphalaria glabrata, intermediate host of the human blood fluke Schistosoma mansoni. The predicted B. glabrata galectin (BgGal) protein of 32 kDa possessed 2 carbohydrate recognition domains, each displaying 6 of 8 conserved amino acids involved in galactoside-binding activity. A recombinant BgGal (rBgGal) demonstrated hemagglutinating activity against rabbit erythrocytes, which was specifically inhibited by galactose-containing sugars (lacNAc/lac>galNAc/gal). Although native galectin was immunolocalized in the cytoplasm of Bge cells and the plasma membrane of a subset of snail hemocytes (60%), it was not detected in cell-free plasma by Western blot analysis. The findings that rBgGal selectively recognizes the schistosome-related sugar, lacNAc, and strongly binds to hemocytes and the tegument of S. mansoni sporocysts in a sugar-inhibitable fashion suggest that hemocyte-bound galectin may be serving as a pattern recognition receptor for this, or other pathogens possessing appropriate sugar ligands. Based on molecular and functional features, BgGal represents an authentic galectin, the first to be fully characterized in the medically-important molluscan Class Gastropoda.  相似文献   

The parasitic flatworm ion channel, TRPMPZQ, is a non-selective cation channel that mediates Ca2+ entry and membrane depolarization when activated by the anthelmintic drug, praziquantel (PZQ). TRPMPZQ is conserved in all platyhelminth genomes scrutinized to date, with the sensitivity of TRPMPZQ in any particular flatworm correlating with the overall sensitivity of the worm to PZQ. Conservation of this channel suggests it plays a role in flatworm physiology, but the nature of the endogenous cues that activate this channel are currently unknown. Here, we demonstrate that TRPMPZQ is activated in a ligand-independent manner by membrane stretch, with the electrophysiological signature of channel opening events being identical whether evoked by negative pressure, or by PZQ. TRPMPZQ is therefore a multimodal ion channel gated by both physical and chemical cues. The mechanosensitivity of TRPMPZQ is one route for endogenous activation of this ion channel that holds relevance for schistosome physiology given the persistent pressures and mechanical cues experienced throughout the parasite life cycle.  相似文献   

Schistosomes have a comparatively large genome, estimated for Schistosoma mansoni to be about 270 megabase pairs (haploid genome). Recent findings have shown that mobile genetic elements constitute significant proportions of the genomes of S. mansoni and S. japonicum. Much less information is available on the genome of the third major human schistosome, S. haematobium. In order to investigate the possible evolutionary origins of the S. mansoni long terminal repeat retrotransposons Boudicca and Sinbad, several genomes were searched by Southern blot for the presence of these retrotransposons. These included three species of schistosomes, S. mansoni, S. japonicum, and S. haematobium, and three related platyhelminth genomes, the liver flukes Fasciola hepatica and Fascioloides magna and the planarian, Dugesia dorotocephala. In addition, Homo sapiens and three snail host genomes, Biomphalaria glabrata, Oncomelania hupensis, and Bulinus truncatus, were examined for possible indications of a horizontal origin for these retrotransposons. Southern hybridization analysis indicated that both Boudicca and Sinbad were present in the genome of S. haematobium. Furthermore, low stringency Southern hybridization analyses suggested that a Boudicca-like retrotransposon was present in the genome of B. truncatus, the snail host of S. haematobium.  相似文献   

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