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奇蹄类和偶蹄类是现代的主要有蹄动物,它们的起源一直是古哺乳动物学界关心的课题。近年来的发现表明,在早始新世奇蹄类出现之前,亚洲已有牙齿形态与奇蹄类相近的有蹄类存在。偶蹄类的情况可能也是如此,这里记述的古新世新村里赣蹄兽就是一个明证。新村里赣蹄兽(Ganungulatum xincunliense gen.et sp.nov.)化石产于江西大余青龙镇新村里附近的晚古新世池江组滥泥坑段,化石地点编号为72035(76)。在同一地点还发现南方古对锥兽Archaeoryctes notialis Zheng,1979和滥泥坑赣脊兽Ganolophus lanikenensis Zhang,1979。赣蹄兽材料为一对不完整的下颌骨,右下颌骨保存i2-3,c和p4-m3,左下颌骨存有p3-m3(IVPP V 14154)。其特征是下齿式为3?·1·4·3;i3与颊齿列平行,i2稍有些斜;犬齿小;p3有初始的跟座,p4三角座明显,跟座小;下臼齿为丘形齿,牙齿由m1向m3增大,三角座前后收缩,下前尖位于舌侧,并靠近下后尖,下后尖较下原尖靠后,m3有一增大的跟座,跟盆向舌侧开放。新村里赣蹄兽下颊齿低冠,呈丘形齿,下臼齿三角座前后收缩和m3下次小尖增大等特征,说明了赣蹄兽与亚洲古新世地层中常见的真兽类,例如(?)兽类、裂齿类、中兽类和全齿类不同,而与Prothero et al.(1988)提出的有蹄类(Ungulata)牙齿相似,表现出与某些有蹄类密切相关。与已知的晚白垩世和古新世有蹄类比较,赣蹄兽与"踝节类"("condylarths")中的豕齿类(hyopsodontids)和眛兽类(mioclaenids)比较相近。但从其下犬齿小,p4相对较大,臼齿化程度高,以及下臼齿下前尖在舌面位置和与下后尖接近等特征来看,赣蹄兽更接近mioclaenids。修仁古亚兽(Palasiodon siurensis)是亚洲仅有的mioclaenid,产于广东南雄盆地下古新统上湖组,但在牙齿形态上容易与这里记述的赣蹄兽区别,古亚兽下颊齿短宽,m3很退化。与其他已知的mioclaenids比较,赣蹄兽在大小上和牙齿形态上与北美Torrejonian的Litaletes disjunctus最接近,两者都有小的匙状的下犬齿,相对臼齿化的p4,下臼齿下前尖向舌侧位移,前、后齿带无或很弱,m3增大。但赣蹄兽明显不同于,J.disjunctus,前者p3更小,更简单,p4下前尖更小,跟座不成盆状,下臼齿下前尖较大,更加舌位,并与下后尖靠近,下后尖在下原尖的后侧,m3下内尖不明显。由此可见,赣蹄兽下颊齿和已知的"踝节类"是可以区别的,但更重要的区别点是在下颌骨的前面部分。在与arctocyonids、hyopsodontids和phenacodontids等"踝节类"对比时,我们发现赣蹄兽和"踝节类"之间的重大差异在于下门齿的排列上。这些"踝节类"的三个下门齿密集地排列在下颌骨的前端,呈圆弧状,与颊齿列斜交,而赣蹄兽的i3与颊齿列平行,i2稍斜。赣蹄兽下门齿的排列形式与早期偶蹄类Diacodexis pakistanensis相似,在亚洲始新世的Gobiohyus robuxtus和Lophiomeryx angarae也有类似的情况。赣蹄兽与Diacodexis、Gobiohyus和Wutuhyus等早期的偶蹄类的相似之处还在于下颌骨形态,较细长,较浅,下颌骨深度向前变浅,下臼齿向后增大,下前尖在舌面位置,下后尖在下原尖的后面,m1-2下次小尖在后缘上,m3下次小尖增大,并形成第三叶。但在p3-4形态上,赣蹄兽与这些早期偶蹄类不同,赣蹄兽明显比早期偶蹄类复杂,即臼齿化程度较高。赣蹄兽保留了像某些"踝节类"(如Litaletes)的p3-4,而它的下门齿排列却与早期偶蹄类相似。赣蹄兽下臼齿形态与早期偶蹄类具有相似性,因而不能归入"踝节目"已知科,很有可能代表与偶蹄类相关的一支古有蹄类。赣蹄兽的发现也为偶蹄类起源打开了新思路。  相似文献   

广东南雄晚古新世蹠行类化石   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
这里记述了广东南雄盆地晚古新世浓山组的四种蹠行类,其中有两新种。在亚洲古新统中,蹠行类分布相当广泛,一直延存到晚始新世。亚洲蹠行类从臼齿形态上看,可分为Bemalambda型和Archaeolambda型,前者包括阶齿兽科,还有翼齿兽科;后者有古脊齿兽科、牧兽科和全脊齿兽科。这两个类群可能在古新世早一中期已分化,或许可代表两个超科。我国古哺乳类工作者一般认为冠齿兽的起源与伪脊齿兽类有关,而伪脊齿兽类的牙齿形态与踝节类有某些共同之处,因此,在系统上与可能源出于Deltatheridium状动物的Pantolambda状动物不同。而裂齿类和蹠行类之间分化早,形态差异明显,另为目也许较好。所以,这里使用蹠行目(Taligrada)做于Pantolambda状动物的目名。这里将弗辽洛夫等订的Archaeolambdatrofimovi归入周明镇等创建的Convallisodon。  相似文献   

缅甸始新世邦唐组一新的石炭兽类偶蹄类动物(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
描述了缅甸中始新统上部邦唐组发现的一种新的丘齿形石炭兽Myaingtherium kenyapotamoidesgen.et sp.nov.。标本为破碎的上下颌骨。Myaingtherium是一种基干石炭兽类,其大小和基本形态可以与邦唐一种小的石炭兽Anthracokeryx tenuis相对比。然而,Myaingtheri-um因具有更丘型化的齿列而与Anthracotherium和Anthracohyus在牙齿形态上更相似。在丘型齿石炭兽类中,Myaingtherium以臼齿前小尖非常退化为特点。Myaingtherium的一些牙齿特征,如具有退化的臼齿前小尖的丘型齿列和下臼齿上具有一个中间附尖,与Kenyapotaminae(最原始的化石河马)以及非洲中新世类似河马的石炭兽Kulutherium的牙齿特征相似,暗示Myaingtherium在谱系上可能与Kenyapotaminae有关。尽管需要更多的证据来检验Myaingthe-rium的谱系关系,但这个发现强化了邦唐石炭兽类在检验和理解河马-石炭兽支系的谱系关系和早期演化方面的重要性。  相似文献   

第  1 期贵州兴义中三叠世Nothosaurus一新种李锦玲 ,奥利维尔·瑞柏尔 ( 1 )……………………………………安徽潜山古新世裂齿目一新属兼论中国古新世裂齿类王元青 ,金 迅 ( 1 3)……………………………山东早始新世五图组的一种古有蹄类Olbitheriummillenariusumgen .etsp .nov.(哺乳动物纲 ,“伪齿兽集目”)童永生 ,王景文 ,孟 津 ( 2 7)…………………………………………………………………山西垣曲中始新世中期仓鼠化石黄学诗 ( 39)………………………………………………………………临夏盆地的新生代地层及其哺乳动物化石证据邓…  相似文献   

古新世晚期裂齿类———丁氏豫裂兽 (新属、新种 ) (Yuesthonyxtingaegen .etsp .nov.)的发现表明了裂齿目在亚洲古新世已相当分化 ,在臼齿形态上有与北美始新世Esthonyx相近的小尖兽 (Meiostylogon)和中间兽 (Interogale) ,也有与北美Megalesthonyx接近的豫裂兽等。根据豫裂兽、Megalesthonyx、和亚洲的Adapidium的上臼齿都具有明显的中附尖等特征可与其他裂齿类相区别 ,新建了豫裂兽科 (YuesthoncidaeFam .nov.)。  相似文献   

中国二叠纪四足类的研究由来已久,在新疆和内蒙古大青山发现了大量二齿兽类(Dicynodontia)化石,而在华北地层区则以锯齿龙类(Pareiasauria)化石为主,还没有发现二齿兽类。近年来,在山西寿阳二叠系中发现了产自上石盒子组中的锯齿龙类和产自孙家沟组中的二齿兽类化石。根据髂骨的形态特征,相较于二叠石千峰龙(Shihtienfenia permica),新的锯齿龙类化石与多齿河南龙(Honania complicidentata)更相似。这表明济源动物群(河南龙组合带)可能在山西的上石盒子组中也有分布。根据头骨的特征,新二齿兽类化石属于隐齿兽目(Cryptodontia),可能是其中的某个支系在中国的第一个代表。  相似文献   

本文报道了产自江西省赣州市上白垩统赣县河口组的一件多瘤齿兽类标本, 这是江西省报道的首例中生代哺乳动物化石。此标本头骨后部横向扩展, 额骨较小, 后端尖并构成眼眶的内侧边缘, M1具三列齿尖, 系统发育分析支持其归入纹齿兽超科。与河南晚白垩世的中原豫俊兽形态较为相似, 但是两者间也存在一些明显的区别, 因此建立一个豫俊兽属新种——虔州豫俊兽(Yubaatar qianzhouensis sp. nov.), 鉴定特征为: m1齿尖式为7︰6; M2齿尖式为1︰3︰3; m1颊侧后部存在一道小脊; 虔州豫俊兽m2和m1的长度比例小于中原豫俊兽; 冠状突呈楔状, 末端尖。虔州豫俊兽的发现不仅扩展了晚白垩世多瘤齿兽类在东亚地区的地理分布和物种多样性, 并且也扩展了中生代哺乳动物的地理分布。  相似文献   

真三尖齿兽类是了解亚洲白垩纪哺乳动物群演化和转变的重要成员之一。到目前为止沙海组和阜新组(下白垩统上部)已经发现了两种戈壁尖齿兽科以及两种三尖齿兽科的真三尖齿兽类。描述了这些地层产出的真三尖齿兽类的其他材料,包括一新属新种——常氏阜新尖齿兽(Fuxinoconodon changi gen. et sp. nov.)和一枚左下臼齿(鉴定为?Gobiconodontidae gen. et sp. indet.)。这种新的真三尖齿兽类被归入戈壁尖齿兽科(Gobiconodontidae),其特征为:第一下门齿大、门齿和前臼齿的数目变少、臼齿b尖和c尖较大而独立,以及臼齿具有分别属于Gobiconodon第一代或第二代臼齿上独有特征的组合。新材料与同一地区相同层位已经报道的4种真三尖齿兽类表明,虽然科级和属级的多样性似乎已经减少,但亚洲早白垩世晚期仍存在比较多样的真三尖齿兽类。  相似文献   

辽宁早白垩世义县组一新的三尖齿兽类   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
描述了戈壁锥齿兽科 (Gobiconodontidae)一个新的属种———陆家屯弥曼齿兽 (Meeman nodonlujiatunensisgen .etsp .nov.)。标本产于辽宁西部朝阳市上园镇陆家屯下白垩统义县组一段的凝灰质砂岩层中 ,为一具完整齿列的左下颌骨。新属与戈壁锥齿兽 (Gobiconodon)共有以下区别于其他三尖齿兽类的特征 :2颗下门齿 ,i1增大 ,后部门齿、犬齿和前部前臼齿尖锥形 ,前臼齿具有高的中央尖和小的附尖 ,i~p1向前平伏。因此 ,新属被归入戈壁锥齿兽科。弥曼齿兽与戈壁锥齿兽及其相近属的区别在于 :下门齿和下犬齿更加平伏 ,i1在比例上更大 ,而i2则更小 ;最后一枚下前臼齿与第一枚下臼齿之间没有齿隙 ;前臼齿退化 ;下臼齿长度大于高度 ,主尖向后倾斜 ,与b尖和c尖相比 ,a尖较低 ,m1显著小于m2~ 4。新属下臼齿没有齿带 ,与爬兽 (Repenomamus)相似 ,而与戈壁锥齿兽不同。基于与爬兽齿列的对比 ,讨论了戈壁锥齿兽类的齿式 ,认为其应具有两颗门齿 ,而不是以前认为的 1颗门齿 ,从而将戈壁锥齿兽类下齿列齿式修订为 :2·1·2~ 3·5。  相似文献   

记述了在山东早始新世地层中发现的一种仿齿兽类──亚洲脊兽(新属、新种)(Lophocionasiaticusgen.etsp.nov.),肯定了伪齿兽类在亚洲的存在。新种在牙齿形态上与北美的Ectocion接近,但脊齿化程度较高,表现在上自齿上有初始的后脊,从次尖向不同方向伸出三条清晰的棱脊。这些特征使新属容易与其他已知伪齿兽类相区别。  相似文献   

The Phylogeny and Classification of Tapiromorph Perissodactyls (Mammalia)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Despite an excellent fossil record, the phylogeny of Perissodactyla is not well understood, in terms of both the relationships within Perissodactyla and the position of the Perissodactyla among the orders of mammals. This paper provides a phylogenetic analysis of one major perissodactyl lineage, the Tapiromorpha. This analysis combines a more comprehensive sampling of characters and taxa with rigorous tree-searching methods to create a new hypothesis of tapiromorph relationships. The phylogeny of tapiromorph perissodactyls is analyzed using 45 characters of the skull, postcranial skeleton, and dentition scored for 29 taxa, including three nontapiromorph outgroups. Phylogenetic taxonomic definitions are constructed for suprageneric taxa. According to the results of this analysis, the Chalicotherioidea cannot be unequivocally assigned to the Tapiromorpha, nor can Homogalax or Cardiolophus. Isectolophus , Tapiroidea, and Rhinocerotoidea are unequivocal members of the Tapiromorpha. Heptodon is included in a monophyletic Tapiroidea. Amynodontid rhinocerotoids come out as the sister group to rhinocerotids, and indricotheres do not fall within the Hyracodontidae. The results of this study provide further arguments that tapiromorphs (and putative tapiromorphs) may be important for understanding the ancestral morphology of Perissodactyla.  相似文献   

A fungus belonging to the Rhytismatales found on twigs of Rhododendron lutescens in Yunnan, southwestern China, is described as a new species in a new genus. It is characterized by Coccomyces-like ascomata but differs in having elliptical ascospores with filiform, hyaline appendages. The ascospores of this new taxon are somewhat similar to those of species of Parvacoccum, but the latter has symmetrical, fusiform ascospores with funnel-shaped appendages. The new genus also is distinct from Hypoderma, Hypodermella, Myriophacidium, Ploioderma, Neococcomyces and Therrya.  相似文献   

云南中甸新发现的早更新世哺乳动物   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
描述了最近发现于横断山脉中段的一批哺乳类化石 ,具体地点位于云南迪庆州中甸县城 (香格里拉 )以南约 6km处的公路旁。这批材料包括灵长类 (Procynocephaluscf.P .wimani)、啮齿类 (Hystrixsp .)、食肉类、奇蹄类 (Equusyunnanensis)及偶蹄类 ,其中以鹿类 (Cer vavitusultimus、Eucladocerossp .、Cervus (Rusa)yunnanensis等 )和牛羊类最为丰富 ,揭示了当时一种混合的森林 -草原环境。从动物群总体面貌来看 ,这批哺乳类可与元谋人动物群相比 ,时代为更新世早期。但其中有些种类与北方早更新世类群相似 ,如真枝角鹿及羚羊等 ,表明该动物群也与北方动物群之间存在着某种生物地理上的联系。  相似文献   

兽类头骨测量标准Ⅱ:奇蹄目、偶蹄目、食肉目   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
介绍了奇蹄目(Perissodactyla)、偶蹄目(Artiodactyla)和食肉目(Carnivor)各类群特有的量度及测量方法。  相似文献   

Some previous analysis of mitochondrial proteins strongly support the Carnivora/Perissodactyla grouping excluding Cetartiodactyla (Artiodactyla + Cetacea) as an outgroup, but the support of the hypothesis remains equivocal from the analysis of several nuclear-encoded proteins. In order to evaluate the strength of the support by mitochondrial proteins, phylogenetic relationship among Carnivora, Perissodactyla, and Cetartiodactyla was estimated with the ML method by using the updated data set of the 12 mitochondrial proteins with several alternative models. The analyses demonstrate that the phylogenetic inference depends on the model used in the ML analysis; i.e., whether the site-heterogeneity is taken into account and whether the rate parameters are estimated for each individual proteins or for the concatenated sequences. Although the analysis of concatenated sequences strongly supports the Carnivora/Perissodactyla grouping, the total evaluation of the separate analyses of individual proteins, which approximates the data better than the concatenated analysis, gives only ambiguous results, and therefore it is concluded that more data are needed to resolve this trichotomy.  相似文献   

Zhou X  Xu S  Xu J  Chen B  Zhou K  Yang G 《Systematic biology》2012,61(1):150-164
Although great progress has been made in resolving the relationships of placental mammals, the position of several clades in Laurasiatheria remain controversial. In this study, we performed a phylogenetic analysis of 97 orthologs (46,152 bp) for 15 taxa, representing all laurasiatherian orders. Additionally, phylogenetic trees of laurasiatherian mammals with draft genome sequences were reconstructed based on 1608 exons (2,175,102 bp). Our reconstructions resolve the interordinal relationships within Laurasiatheria and corroborate the clades Scrotifera, Fereuungulata, and Cetartiodactyla. Furthermore, we tested alternative topologies within Laurasiatheria, and among alternatives for the phylogenetic position of Perissodactyla, a sister-group relationship with Cetartiodactyla receives the highest support. Thus, Pegasoferae (Perissodactyla + Carnivora + Pholidota + Chiroptera) does not appear to be a natural group. Divergence time estimates from these genes were compared with published estimates for splits within Laurasiatheria. Our estimates were similar to those of several studies and suggest that the divergences among these orders occurred within just a few million years.  相似文献   

出土于内蒙古赤峰初头朗小南山地点的哺乳动物化石新材料有直隶犬(Canis chihliensis),泥河湾披毛犀(Coelodonta nihowanensis),中国长鼻三趾马(Hipparion (Proboscidipparion) sinense),三门马(Equus sanmeniensis),李氏野猪(Sus lydekkeri),湖麂相似种(Muntiacus cf.M.lacustris),山西轴鹿(Axis shansius),布氏真枝角鹿(Eucladoceros boulei),翁氏转角羚羊(Spirocerus cf.S.wongi)及古中华野牛(Bison palaeosinensis).加上此前在初头朗东梁、东村北沟和东村南沟3个地点出土的标本,初头朗一带出土的哺乳动物化石种类增加到30个.初头朗4个地点的哺乳动物化石产自同一层位,属于同一个动物群.根据动物群的二元相似性系数,初头朗动物群在组成上最接近狭义泥河湾动物群.综合Brainerd-Robinson排序结果、动物群古老系数和动物群中绝灭种类的百分比,初头朗动物群的时代介于狭义泥河湾动物群和柳城巨猿洞动物群之间;而根据与相关动物群年龄值的对比,初头朗动物群的年龄值约在1.4-1.6 Ma之间.初头朗动物群中的食肉目种类有1 1个,但大多为小型种类.奇蹄目和偶蹄目种类的总和占动物群总数的一半,大多为体型较大的种类.该动物群中的嫩食者和林柄者指示当时存在一定范围的森林和林地;而动物群中的粗食者及开阔地栖息者指示当时存在面积较大的草原和草甸.初头朗动物群的大部分种类是喜温动物,喜冷种类只有鼠兔和披毛犀,因此当时的气候与现今大致相同.在地理位置上初头朗动物群是我国最靠北和最靠东的早更新世动物群,因此可以推荐为东北地区的早更新世哺乳动物群典型地点.  相似文献   

Using human chromosome painting probes, we looked for homologies between human and mountain zebra (Equus zebra hartmannae, Equidae, Perissodactyla) karyotypes. Except for two very short segments, all euchromatic regions were found to have a human homologous chromosome segment. Conserved syntenies previously described in various mammalian orders were detected. Each synteny corresponded to a chromosomal region homologous to two parts of human chromosomes: HSA3 and HSA21, HSA7 and HSA16, HSA12 and HSA22, and HSA16 and HSA19. Chromosomal segments homologous to a part of HSA11 and HSA19p are found syntenic in zebra, horse and donkey, suggesting that this group of synteny has been inherited from an Equidae or Perissodactyla common ancestor. A synteny of segments homologous to parts of HSA4 and HSA8 was observed in zebra and horse. It also exists in the rabbit (Lagomorpha) and several Carnivora species. A second group of taxa which does not have this region of synteny is composed of primates, Chiroptera and Insectivora, and possibly also Cetacea and Scandantia. Thus, the presence or absence of this region of synteny may separate two groups of eutherian mammals.  相似文献   

Reports of Cryptosporidium in various hosts and cross-transmission experiments are reviewed. Cryptosporidium has been found in mammals (Primates, Artiodactyla, Perissodactyla , Carnivora, Lagomorpha, and Rodentia), birds, reptiles, and fish. The only cross-transmission attempts that have been made have been from mammals to other mammals and to a few birds. Names have been given to 19 "species," but it is concluded that only four of these should be considered valid at present. These are: C. muris Tyzzer, 1907 in mammals, C. meleagridis Slavin , 1955 in birds, C. crotali Triffit , 1925 in reptiles, and C. nasorum Hoover , Hoerr , Carlton , Hinsman & Ferguson, 1981 in fish.  相似文献   

The sequence (16,829 nt) of the complete mitochondrial genome of the greater Indian rhinoceros, Rhinoceros unicornis, was determined. Like other perissodactyls studied (horse and donkey) the rhinoceros demonstrates length variation (heteroplasmy) associated with different numbers of repetitive motifs in the control region. The 16,829-nt variety of the molecule includes 36 identical control region motifs. The evolution of individual peptide-coding genes was examined by comparison with a distantly related perissodactyl, the horse, and the relationships among the orders Carnivora, Perissodactyla, and Artiodactyla (+ Cetacea) were examined on the basis of concatenated sequences of 12 mitochondrial peptide-coding genes. The phylogenetic analyses grouped Carnivora, Perissodactyla, and Artiodactyla (+ Cetacea) into a superordinal clade and within this clade a sister group relationship was recognized between Carnivora and Perissodactyla to the exclusion of Artiodactyla (+ Cetacea) . On the basis of the molecular difference between the rhinoceros and the horse and by applying as a reference to Artiodactyl/Cetacean divergence set at 60 million years ago (MYA), the evolutionary divergence between the families Rhinocerotidae and Equidae was dated to approximately 50 MYA.   相似文献   

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