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Plant pathogenic bacterial type III effectors subdue host responses   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Like animals, plants sense bacterial pathogens through surface-localized pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) and intracellular nucleotide-binding leucine-rich repeat proteins (NB-LRR) and trigger defense responses. Many plant-pathogenic bacteria secrete a large repertoire of effector proteins into host cells to modulate host responses, enabling successful infection and multiplication in plants. A number of these effector proteins target plant innate immunity signaling pathways, while others induce specific host genes to enhance plant susceptibility. Substantial progress has been made in the past two years concerning biochemical function of effectors and their host targets. These advances provide new insights into regulatory mechanisms of plant immunity and host-pathogen co-evolution.  相似文献   

The innate immune system is the first line of defense against invading pathogens. Innate immune cells recognize molecular patterns from the pathogen and mount a response to resolve the infection. The production of proinflammatory cytokines and reactive oxygen species, phagocytosis, and induced programmed cell death are processes initiated by innate immune cells in order to combat invading pathogens. However, pathogens have evolved various virulence mechanisms to subvert these responses. One strategy utilized by Gram-negative bacterial pathogens is the deployment of a complex machine termed the type III secretion system (T3SS). The T3SS is composed of a syringe-like needle structure and the effector proteins that are injected directly into a target host cell to disrupt a cellular response. The three human pathogenic Yersinia spp. (Y. pestis, Y. enterocolitica, and Y. pseudotuberculosis) are Gram-negative bacteria that share in common a 70 kb virulence plasmid which encodes the T3SS. Translocation of the Yersinia effector proteins (YopE, YopH, YopT, YopM, YpkA/YopO, and YopP/J) into the target host cell results in disruption of the actin cytoskeleton to inhibit phagocytosis, downregulation of proinflammatory cytokine/chemokine production, and induction of cellular apoptosis of the target cell. Over the past 25 years, studies on the Yersinia effector proteins have unveiled tremendous knowledge of how the effectors enhance Yersinia virulence. Recently, the long awaited crystal structure of YpkA has been solved providing further insights into the activation of the YpkA kinase domain. Multisite autophosphorylation by YpkA to activate its kinase domain was also shown and postulated to serve as a mechanism to bypass regulation by host phosphatases. In addition, novel Yersinia effector protein targets, such as caspase-1, and signaling pathways including activation of the inflammasome were identified. In this review, we summarize the recent discoveries made on Yersinia effector proteins and their contribution to Yersinia pathogenesis.  相似文献   

泛素化(ubiquitination)是真核细胞内广泛存在的蛋白质翻译后修饰方式,参与并调控DNA修复、细胞周期、免疫应答、信号通路等真核细胞内几乎所有的生命活动。同时,细胞通过去泛素化酶(deubiquitinases,DUBs)使泛素化修饰成为可逆过程,保证了泛素化系统及其相关生理过程的动态平衡。病原菌感染过程中,宿主细胞可通过泛素化修饰发挥抗细菌感染作用。然而,病原菌可编码并分泌效应因子,靶向宿主泛素(ubiquitin,Ub)系统并调控宿主泛素化修饰过程,干扰宿主细胞的免疫应答,从而促进细菌存活与毒力。本文概述了重要病原菌利用效应因子调控宿主细胞泛素化修饰的研究进展,有助于全面理解病原菌调控宿主泛素化修饰促进感染的机制。  相似文献   

Mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) cascades play a fundamental role in signaling of plant immunity and mediate elicitation of cell death. Xanthomonas spp. manipulate plant signaling by using a type III secretion system to deliver effector proteins into host cells. We examined the ability of 33 Xanthomonas effectors to inhibit cell death induced by overexpression of components of MAPK cascades in Nicotiana benthamiana plants. Five effectors inhibited cell death induced by overexpression of MAPKKKα and MEK2, but not of MAP3Kϵ. In addition, expression of AvrBs1 in yeast suppressed activation of the high osmolarity glycerol MAPK pathway, suggesting that the target of this effector is conserved in eukaryotic organisms. These results indicate that Xanthomonas employs several type III effectors to suppress immunity-associated cell death mediated by MAPK cascades.  相似文献   

MAPK cascades in plant defense signaling.   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
The Arabidopsis genome encodes approximately 20 different mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs) that are likely to be involved in growth, development and responses to endogenous and environmental cues. Several plant MAPKs are activated by a variety of stress stimuli, including pathogen infection, wounding, temperature, drought, salinity, osmolarity, UV irradiation, ozone and reactive oxygen species. Recent gain-of-function studies show that two tobacco MAPKs induce the expression of defense genes and cause cell death. By contrast, loss-of-function studies of other MAPK pathways revealed negative regulation of disease resistance. This 'push-and-pull' regulation by different MAPK pathways might provide a more precise control of plant defense responses.  相似文献   

Upon epithelial cell contact, Shigella type III effectors activate complex signaling pathways that induce localized membrane ruffling, resulting in Shigella invasion. Bacterial induced membrane ruffles require a timely coordination of cytoskeletal processes, including actin polymerization, filament reorganization and depolymerization, orchestrated by Rho GTPases and tyrosine kinases. An emerging concept is that multiple Shigella effectors act in synergy to promote actin polymerization in membrane extensions at the site of bacterial entry. Recent advances point to the role of Abl/Arg and Src tyrosine kinases as key regulators of bacterial induced cytoskeletal dynamics.  相似文献   

Biochemistry and cell signaling taught by bacterial effectors   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Bacterial virulence often relies on secreted effectors that modulate eukaryotic signal transduction. Recent studies provide a collection of examples in which bacterial effectors carry out unprecedented posttranslational modifications of key signaling molecules or organize a new signaling network. OspF and YopJ families of effectors use novel modification activities to block kinase phosphoactivation. Targeting of the ubiquitin system by IpaH and Cif/CHBP families provides insights into host ubiquitin signaling. Manipulation of small GTPases by VopS/IbpA and SidM suggests previously underappreciated regulation of signaling. Several other effectors, including SifA and EspG, organize newly discovered signaling networks in membrane trafficking. Studies of these effectors can generate new knowledge in enzyme catalysis and provide new angles for furthering our understanding of biochemical regulation of important signaling pathways.  相似文献   

Type III secretion (T3S) systems are key features of many gram-negative bacteria that translocate T3S effector proteins directly into eukaryotic cells. There, T3S effectors exert many effects, such as cellular invasion or modulation of host immune responses. Studying spatiotemporal orchestrated secretion of various effectors has been difficult without disrupting their functions. Here we developed a new approach using Shigella flexneri T3S as a model to investigate bacterial translocation of individual effectors via multidimensional time-lapse microscopy. We demonstrate that direct fluorescent labeling of tetracysteine motif-tagged effectors IpaB and IpaC is possible in situ without loss of function. Studying the T3S kinetics of IpaB and IpaC ejection from individual bacteria, we found that the entire pools of IpaB and IpaC were released concurrently upon host cell contact, and that 50% of each effector was secreted in 240 s. This method allows an unprecedented analysis of the spatiotemporal events during T3S.  相似文献   

The enteric pathogen Salmonella employs type III secretion systems to transport a cocktail of effector proteins directly into its host cell. These effectors act in concert to control a variety of host cell processes to successfully invade intestinal cells and to establish an intracellular, replication-permissive niche. Recent studies reveal new insights into the molecular mechanisms that underlie effector protein injection, host cell invasion, and manipulation of vesicle trafficking induced by the interplay between multiple effectors and host systems. These findings corroborate the importance of spatio-temporal regulation of effector protein function for fine-tuned modulation of the host cell machinery.  相似文献   

Plant-bacterial pathogen interactions mediated by type III effectors   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Effectors secreted by the bacterial type III system play a central role in the interaction between Gram-negative bacterial pathogens and their host plants. Recent advances in the effector studies have helped cementing several key concepts concerning bacterial pathogenesis, plant immunity, and plant-pathogen co-evolution. Type III effectors use a variety of biochemical mechanisms to target specific host proteins or DNA for pathogenesis. The identifications of their host targets led to the identification of novel components of plant innate immune system. Key modules of plant immune signaling pathways such as immune receptor complexes and MAPK cascades have emerged as a major battle ground for host-pathogen adaptation. These modules are attacked by multiple type III effectors, and some components of these modules have evolved to actively sense the effectors and trigger immunity.  相似文献   

Many bacterial pathogens employ a type III secretion system to deliver type III secreted effectors (T3SEs) into host cells, where they interact directly with host substrates to modulate defense pathways and promote disease. This interaction creates intense selective pressures on these secreted effectors, necessitating rapid evolution to overcome host surveillance systems and defenses. Using computational and evolutionary approaches, we have identified numerous mosaic and truncated T3SEs among animal and plant pathogens. We propose that these secreted virulence genes have evolved through a shuffling process we have called "terminal reassortment." In terminal reassortment, existing T3SE termini are mobilized within the genome, creating random genetic fusions that result in chimeric genes. Up to 32% of T3SE families in species with relatively large and well-characterized T3SE repertoires show evidence of terminal reassortment, as compared to only 7% of non-T3SE families. Terminal reassortment may permit the near instantaneous evolution of new T3SEs and appears responsible for major modifications to effector activity and function. Because this process plays a more significant role in the evolution of T3SEs than non-effectors, it provides insight into the evolutionary origins of T3SEs and may also help explain the rapid emergence of new infectious agents.  相似文献   

The enzymatic activities and/or targets of four type III effector proteins from plant pathogens have been reported in a flurry of new papers. In this issue, XopD is shown to remove SUMO groups from host cell proteins, while in previous issues of Molecular Microbiology, HopPtoD2 was shown to function as a tyrosine phosphatase and AvrRpt2 as probably a cysteine protease that targets the host RIN4 protein. Finally, AvrPphB is revealed in a recent Science paper to function as a cysteine protease that targets the host PBS1 kinase. This work is providing some of the first insights into how plant pathogens subvert host cell signalling machinery to cause disease.  相似文献   

The Arabidopsis NB-LRR immune receptor RPM1 recognizes the Pseudomonas syringae type III effectors AvrB or AvrRpm1 to mount an immune response. Although neither effector is itself a kinase, AvrRpm1 and AvrB are known to target Arabidopsis RIN4, a negative regulator of basal plant defense, for phosphorylation. We show that RIN4 phosphorylation activates RPM1. RIN4(142-176) is necessary and, with appropriate localization sequences, sufficient to support effector-triggered RPM1 activation, with the threonine residue at position 166 being critical. Phosphomimic substitutions at T166 cause effector-independent RPM1 activation. RIN4 T166 is phosphorylated in vivo in the presence of AvrB or AvrRpm1. RIN4 mutants that lose interaction with AvrB cannot be coimmunoprecipitated with RPM1. This defines a common interaction platform required for RPM1 activation by phosphorylated RIN4 in response to pathogenic effectors. Conservation of an analogous threonine across all RIN4-like proteins suggests a key function for this residue beyond the regulation of RPM1.  相似文献   

The type III effectors of Xanthomonas   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A review of type III effectors (T3 effectors) from strains of Xanthomonas reveals a growing list of candidate and known effectors based on functional assays and sequence and structural similarity searches of genomic data. We propose that the effectors and suspected effectors should be distributed into 39 so-called Xop groups reflecting sequence similarity. Some groups have structural motifs for putative enzymatic functions, and recent studies have provided considerable insight into the interaction with host factors in their function as mediators of virulence and elicitors of resistance for a few specific T3 effectors. Many groups are related to T3 effectors of plant and animal pathogenic bacteria, and several groups appear to have been exploited primarily by Xanthomonas species based on available data. At the same time, a relatively large number of candidate effectors remain to be examined in more detail with regard to their function within host cells.  相似文献   

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