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Ac/Ds标签系统与水稻功能基因组学   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
自2002年水稻基因组测序完成后,水稻功能基因组学研究正在成为水稻研究的重要内容.构建突变体库是研究功能基因组学的一条重要而有效的途径.利用外源的Ac/Ds (Activator/Dissociation)标签系统是构建插入突变体库较为理想的方法,经过多年发展完善,其在水稻中已有广泛的应用,但仍面临着一些需要解决的实际问题.文章对Ac/Ds标签系统的转座行为及其构建突变体库的问题和优点进行了综述,总结了近年来Ac/Ds标签系统在水稻中的研究进展,分析了利用Ac/Ds标签系统进行功能基因组学研究所面临的挑战.  相似文献   

在构建由农杆菌介导的玉米Ds转座因子插入的水稻转化群体中,得到了一个茎秆等组织发生脆性突变的株系。理化指标定量测定表明,脆性株系的载荷强度和纤维素含量都比正常植株低很多,可溶性糖含量略有减少。对这个突变株的分子检测结果表明Ds因子在脆性株系中为单位点插入。检测了自前3代(T1,T2,T3)植株中T-DNA(Ds)插入与脆性表型的共分离关系。初步结果表明这个突变是T-DNA(Ds)的插入造成的,这个突变基因可能与水稻纤维素合成有关。  相似文献   

Reverse Genetic Approaches for Functional Genomics of Rice   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
T-DNA and transposable elements e.g., Ds and Tos17, are used to generate a large number of insertional mutant lines in rice. Some carry the GUS or GFP reporter for gene trap or enhancer trap. These reporter systems are valuable for identifying tissue- or organ-preferential genes. Activation tagging lines have also been generated for screening mutants and isolating mutagenized genes. To utilize these resources more efficiently, tagged lines have been produced for reverse genetic approaches. DNA pools of the T-DNA tagged lines and Tos17 lines have been prepared for PCR screening of insertional mutants in a given gene. Tag end sequences (TES) of the inserts have also been produced. TES databases are beneficial for analyzing the function of a large number of rice genes.  相似文献   

植物功能基因组研究方法及进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
随着植物功能基因组研究的深入,T-DNA标签、转座子标签、反义RNA技术、基因敲除、基因陷阱和TILLING技术等多种研究方法获得了建立,并随着植物功能基因组学的不断发展而进一步完善.综述了各类研究方法的原理,并对这些方法的优缺点进行了比较与分析.  相似文献   

Wheat dwarf virus (WDV) is a monocot-infecting geminivirus that replicates in infected tissue as double-stranded DIMA. We evaluated whether the WDV vector system bearingDs could be used as an effective insertional mutagen in rice. Molecular data showed thatDs was excised from WDV vectors once the WDV-carryingDs (WDV::Ds) and the genomicAc vector were co-introduced into rice calli. Mature TO and T1 transgenic plants were analyzed for the distribution and inheritance ofDs inserts. Southern analysis indicated that theDs elements excised from WDV vectors were stably inserted into genomes. The number of transposedDs ranged from zero to three copies, among independent transformants. Meanwhile, untransposedDs (WDV::Ds) were present in multiple-copies in genomes. Southern analysis of the selfed progeny of T0 plants demonstrated that most WDV::Ds were co-segregated among siblings. This indicated that these elements were integrated into the same single loci. However, a fewDs were found to segregate independently from the majority ofDs. In this report, we discuss the efficiency of WDV vectors in generating multicopyDs in rice genomes.  相似文献   

T-DNA and transposon tagging in aspen   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Abstract: We have investigated the somatic activity of the maize Activator (Ac) element in haploid and diploid aspen with the objective of developing an efficient transposon-based system for gene isolation in the model tree species Populus. It was shown that Ac is reinserted, frequently into or near coding regions in aspen, and therefore can be used for gene tagging studies. A number of phenotypic variants were also found following transformation of constructs harbouring the rolC gene. Comparative analyses of T-DNA flanking regions of variants and wild type lines indicate that T-DNA insertion has occurred in or near coding regions. However, the frequency of T-DNA insertion into genes is about one half of the frequency of Ac insertion hitting coding sequences. The results obtained give a proof-of-concept for transposon tagging in a tree system. Given the long generation cycles in tree species, gene tagging strategies are practical only to obtain dominant gain-of-function mutants that do not require selfing or test crossing. In order to obtain recessive loss-of-function mutants, we have regenerated haploid lines from immature pollen. These lines were successfully transformed with a construct containing the rolC transgene from Agrobacterium rhizogenes and Ac element from maize. The results indicate that Ac is also active in haploid aspen and hence can be used in general for gene tagging in trees.  相似文献   

In planta Agrobacterium-mediated transformation combined with a soil-based herbicide selection for transgenic plants was used to recover large numbers of transgenic Arabidopsis plants for functional genomic studies. A tissue-culture-free system for generating transgenic plants was achieved by infiltrating Arabidopsis plants with Agrobacterium tumefaciens harboring a binary T-DNA vector containing the phosphinothricin acetyltransferase gene from Streptomyces hygroscopicus, and by selecting transgenic Arabidopsis growing in soil by foliar application of the herbicide Finale (phosphinothricin). Analysis of herbicide-resistant plants indicated that all were transgenic and that the T-DNA transformation process occurred late during flower development, resulting in a preponderance of independently derived T-DNA insertions. T-DNA insertions were usually integrated in a concatenated, rearranged form, and using linkage analysis, we estimated that T1 plants carried between one and five T-DNA loci. Using pooling strategies, both DNA and seed pools were generated from about 38,000 Arabidopsis plants representing over 115,000 independent T-DNA insertions. We show the utility of these transgenic lines for identifying insertion mutations using gene sequence and PCR-based screening. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

In order to make the tomato genome more accessible for molecular analysis and gene cloning, we have produced 405 individual tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) lines containing a characterized copy of pJasm13, a multifunctional T-DNA/modifiedDs transposon element construct. Both the T-DNA and the Ds element in pJasm13 harbor a set of selectable marker genes to monitor excision and reintegration of Ds and additionally, target sequences for rare cutting restriction enzymes (I-PpoI, SfiI, NotI) and for site-specific recombinases (Cre, FLP, R). Blast analysis of flanking genomic sequences of 174 T-DNA inserts revealed homology to transcribed genes in 69 (40%), of which about half are known or putatively identified as genes and ESTs. The map position of 140 individual inserts was determined on the molecular genetic map of tomato. These inserts are distributed over the 12 chromosomes of tomato, allowing targeted and non-targeted transposon tagging, marking of closely linked genes of interest and induction of chromosomal rearrangements including translocations or creation of saturation-deletions or inversions within defined regions linked to the T-DNA insertion site. The different features of pJasm13 were successfully tested in tomato and Arabidopsis thaliana, thus providing a new tool for molecular/genetic dissection studies, including molecular and physical mapping, mutation analysis and cloning strategies in tomato and potentially, in other plants as well.Equal contributors to this workEqual contributors to this workEqual contributors to this workEqual contributors to this workEqual contributors to this workEqual contributors to this workEqual contributors to this workEqual contributors to this workEqual contributors to this workEqual contributors to this workEqual contributors to this workEqual contributors to this work  相似文献   

用NestedPCR 方法从含Ds 因子的转基因烟草DNA 中克隆了Ds 因子在烟草染色体插入位点的9 个旁邻DNA 片段,以这些片段作探针,和野生型烟草的DNA 进行Southern 杂交,以检测这些片段在烟草基因组中的拷贝数,结果表明它们都属于烟草染色体上的低拷贝DNA。另外,对这些DNA 片段进行核苷酸序列测定,并将它们的顺序与Genbank 数据库中已有的核苷酸序列相比较,其中长度为128 核苷酸的片段1 和荷兰芹的4CL2 基因的一个区段有57 .8 % 同源性,而另一长度为169 核苷酸的片段3 和百合中的反转座子的一个区段有60 .9 % 的同源性。这都表明Ds 因子在异源植物烟草中插入染色体单拷贝基因的机率很高,这对转座子标签法克隆基因是非常有利的。  相似文献   

利用本实验室构建的转Ac(AcTPase)及Ds(Dissociation)的水稻(Oryza sativa L.)转化群体,配置了Ac×Ds的杂交组合354个.检测了转基因植株的T-DNA插入位点右侧旁邻序列,研究了Ac/Ds转座系统在水稻转化群体中的转座活性.结果表明,有些转化植株T-DNA插入位点相同或相距很近,插入位点互不相同的占65.4%.检测到T-DNA可插入到编码蛋白的基因中.在Ac×Ds的F2代中,Ds因子的转座频率为22.7%.对Ac×Ds杂交子代中Ds因子旁侧序列的分析,进一步表明了Ds因子在水稻基因组中的转座活性,除了从原插入位点解离并转座到新的位点之外,还有复制--转座和不完全切离等现象.获得的旁侧序列中,有些序列与GenBank中的数据没有同源性,目前有2个DNA片段在GenBank登录.探讨了构建转座子水稻突变体库进行水稻功能基因组学研究的策略.  相似文献   

More than 10 000 transposon-tagged lines were constructed by using the Activator (Ac)/Dissociation (Ds) system in order to collect insertional mutants as a useful resource for functional genomics of Arabidopsis. The flanking sequences of the Ds element in the 11 800 independent lines were determined by high-throughput analysis using a semi-automated method. The sequence data allowed us to map the unique insertion site on the Arabidopsis genome in each line. The Ds element of 7566 lines is inserted in or close to coding regions, potentially affecting the function of 5031 of 25 000 Arabidopsis genes. Half of the lines have Ds insertions on chromosome 1 (Chr. 1), in which donor lines have a donor site. In the other half, the Ds insertions are distributed throughout the other four chromosomes. The intrachromosomal distribution of Ds insertions varies with the donor lines. We found that there are hot spots for Ds transposition near the ends of every chromosome, and we found some statistical preference for Ds insertion targets at the nucleotide level. On the basis of systematic analysis of the Ds insertion sites in the 11 800 lines, we propose the use of Ds-tagged lines with a single insertion in annotated genes for systematic analysis of phenotypes (phenome analysis) in functional genomics. We have opened a searchable database of the insertion-site sequences and mutated genes (http://rarge.gsc.riken.go.jp/) and are depositing these lines in the RIKEN BioResource Center as available resources (http://www.brc.riken.go.jp/Eng/).  相似文献   

利用本实验室构建的转Ac(Ac TPase)及Ds(Dissociation)的水稻(Oryza sativa L.)转化群体,配置了Ae×Ds的杂交组合354个。检测了转基因植株的T-DNA插入位点右侧旁邻序列,研究了Ac/Ds转座系统在水稻转化群体中的转座活性。结果表明,有些转化植株T-DNA插入位点相同或相距很近,插入位点互不相同的占65.4%。检测到T-DNA可插入到编码蛋白的基因中。在Ac×Ds的F2代中,Ds因子的转座频率为22.7%。对Ac×Ds杂交子代中Ds因子旁侧序列的分析,进一步表明了Ds因子在水稻基因组中的转座活性,除了从原插入位点解离并转座到新的位点之外,还有复制——转座和小完全切离等现象。获得的旁侧序列中,有些序列与GenBank中的数据没有同源性,目前有2个DNA片段在GenBank登录。探讨了构建转座子水稻突变体库进行水稻功能基因组学研究的策略。  相似文献   

转座子作为插入突变原或分子标签被广泛应用于基因的分离和克隆,已成为发现新基因和基因功能分析的有效工具。该文综述了植物转座子及其在基因分离中的研究进展,并讨论其在番茄功能基因遗传资源、功能基因组分离等研究中的应用。  相似文献   

Plant genomic resources harbouring gain-of-function mutations remain rare, even though this type of mutation is believed to be one of the most useful for elucidating the function of unknown genes that have redundant partners in the genome. An activation-tagging T-DNA was introduced into the genome of Arabidopsis creating 55,431 independent transformed lines. Of these T1 lines, 1,262 showed phenotypes different from those of wild-type plants. We called these lines 'AT1Ps' (activation T1 putants). The phenotypes observed include abnormalities in morphology, growth rate, plant colour, flowering time and fertility. Similar phenotypes re-appeared either in dominant or semi-dominant fashion in 17% of 177 AT2P plants tested. Plasmid rescue or an adaptor-PCR method was used to identify 1172 independent genomic loci of T-DNA integration sites in the AT1P plants. Mapping of the integration sites revealed that the chromosomal distribution of these sites is similar to that observed in conventional T-DNA knock-out lines, except that the intragenic type of integration is slightly lower (27%) in the AT1P plants compared to that observed in other random knock-out populations (30-35%). Ten AT2P lines that showed dominant phenotypes were chosen to monitor expression levels of genes adjacent to the T-DNA integration sites by RT-PCR. Activation was observed in 7 out of 17 of the adjacent genes detected. Genes located up to 8.2 kb away from the enhancer sequence were activated. One of the seven activated genes was located close to the left-border sequence of the T-DNA, having an estimated distance of 5.7 kb from the enhancer. Surprisingly, one gene, the first ATG of which is located 12 kb away from the enhancer, showed reduced mRNA accumulation in the tagged line. Application of the database generated to Arabidopsis functional genomics research is discussed. The sequence database of the 1172 loci from the AT1P plants is available (http://pfgweb.gsc.riken.go.jp/index.html).  相似文献   

Potato is an autotetraploid crop plant that is not very amenable to the deployment of transposon tagging for gene cloning and gene identification. After diploidisation it is possible to get potato genotypes that grow well, but they are self-incompatible. This prevents the production of selfed progeny that are normally used in gene tagging approaches to select for parental lines with the target gene to be tagged in a homozygous stage. We describe here an alternative selection method for directed transposon tagging for a gene of interest in a heterozygous background. Diploid potato plants with a Ds transposon linked to the desired gene of interest (the Phytophthora infestans R1 resistance locus) in a heterozygous stage were used for the development of this directed transposon tagging strategy. After crossing to a diploid Ac transposon-containing genotype, 22 ’interesting’ seedlings (R1Ds/r–; Ac/–) were selected that showed active Ds transposition as displayed by DNA blot hybridisation, empty donor site PCR and sequencing. Protoplast isolation and the use of the hygromycin gene as a cell-specific selection marker of Ds excision enabled the direct selection of Ds excision sectors in these highly chimaeric seedlings. This somatic selection of Ds transpositions and the regeneration through protoplasts resulted in the development of a large population of almost 2000 hygromycin-resistant plants. Southern blot analysis confirmed the insertion of Ds at independent positions in the genome. Every selected plant displayed independent Ds excisions and re-insertions due to the expression of the Ac transposase throughout development. This population, which is developed from seedlings with the desired R1 gene in a heterozygous stage, is directly useful for searching for transposon-tagged R1 mutants. In general, this approach for selecting for somatic transpositions is particularly suitable for the molecular isolation of genes in a heterozygous crop like potato. Received: 29 November 1999 / Accepted: 30 December 1999  相似文献   

植物转座子及其在功能基因组学中的应用   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:11  
廖鸣娟  董爱华  王正栋  朱睦元 《遗传》2000,22(5):345-348
转座子作为插入突变原或分子标签被广泛应用于基因的分离和克隆,且因其 独特的性质已成为发现新基因和基因功能分析的有效工具。本文综述了植物转座子及其作为基因分离和克隆工具的研究进展,并讨论其在植物基因功能研究方面的应用。 Abstract:Transposons have been widely used for gene isolation and gene cloning as insertional mutagens or molecular tagging.Furthermore,due to special characteristics of transposons,transposons techniques will be a powerful tool for new gene discovery and gene functional analysis.This paper reviewed the developments of plant transposons in gene isolating and cloning,as well as its use in studying gene function in plant.  相似文献   

Distribution of 1000 sequenced T-DNA tags in the Arabidopsis genome   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Induction of knockout mutations by T-DNA insertion mutagenesis is widely used in studies of plant gene functions. To assess the efficiency of this genetic approach, we have sequenced PCR amplified junctions of 1000 T-DNA insertions and analysed their distribution in the Arabidopsis genome. Map positions of 973 tags could be determined unequivocally, indicating that the majority of T-DNA insertions landed in chromosomal domains of high gene density. Only 4.7% of insertions were found in interspersed, centromeric, telomeric and rDNA repeats, whereas 0.6% of sequenced tags identified chromosomally integrated segments of organellar DNAs. 35.4% of T-DNAs were localized in intervals flanked by ATG and stop codons of predicted genes, showing a distribution of 62.2% in exons and 37.8% in introns. The frequency of T-DNA tags in coding and intergenic regions showed a good correlation with the predicted size distribution of these sequences in the genome. However, the frequency of T-DNA insertions in 3'- and 5'-regulatory regions of genes, corresponding to 300 bp intervals 3' downstream of stop and 5' upstream of ATG codons, was 1.7-2.3-fold higher than in any similar interval elsewhere in the genome. The additive frequency of insertions in 5'-regulatory regions and coding domains provided an estimate for the mutation rate, suggesting that 47.8% of mapped T-DNA tags induced knockout mutations in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

We have developed a novel system for insertional mutagenesis in rice (Oryza sativa) based on the maize (Zea mays) enhancer/suppressor mutator (En/Spm) element. In this system, a single T-DNA construct with Spm-transposase and the non-autonomous defective suppressor mutator (dSpm) element is used in conjunction with green fluorescent protein (GFP) and Discosoma sp. Red Fluorescence Protein (DsRed) fluorescent markers to select unlinked stable transpositions of dSpm. Using this system, we could demonstrate high frequencies of unlinked germinal transposition of dSpm in rice. Analysis of dSpm flanking sequences from 353 stable insertion lines revealed that the dSpm insertions appear to be widely distributed on rice chromosomes with a preference for genic regions (70%). The dSpm insertions appear to differ from Activator-Dissociation (Ac-Ds) elements in genomic distribution and exhibit a greater fraction of unlinked transpositions when compared with Ds elements. The results obtained in this study demonstrate that the maize En/Spm element can be used as an effective tool for functional genomics in rice and can complement efforts using other insertional mutagens. Further, the efficacy of the non-invasive fluorescence-based selection system is promising for its application to other crops.  相似文献   

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