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Glycogen synthase kinase/SHAGGY‐like kinases (SKs) are a highly conserved family of signaling proteins that participate in many developmental, cell‐differentiation, and metabolic signaling pathways in plants and animals. Here, we investigate the involvement of SKs in legume nodulation, a process requiring the integration of multiple signaling pathways. We describe a group of SKs in the model legume Lotus japonicus (LSKs), two of which respond to inoculation with the symbiotic nitrogen‐fixing bacterium Mesorhizobium loti. RNAi knock‐down plants and an insertion mutant for one of these genes, LSK1, display increased nodulation. Ηairy‐root lines overexpressing LSK1 form only marginally fewer mature nodules compared with controls. The expression levels of genes involved in the autoregulation of nodulation (AON) mechanism are affected in LSK1 knock‐down plants at low nitrate levels, both at early and late stages of nodulation. At higher levels of nitrate, these same plants show the opposite expression pattern of AON‐related genes and lose the hypernodulation phenotype. Our findings reveal an additional role for the versatile SK gene family in integrating the signaling pathways governing legume nodulation, and pave the way for further study of their functions in legumes.  相似文献   

To explore the physiological significance of N‐glycan maturation in the plant Golgi apparatus, gnt1, a mutant with loss of N‐acetylglucosaminyltransferase I (GnTI) function, was isolated in Oryza sativa. gnt1 exhibited complete inhibition of N‐glycan maturation and accumulated high‐mannose N‐glycans. Phenotypic analyses revealed that gnt1 shows defective post‐seedling development and incomplete cell wall biosynthesis, leading to symptoms such as failure in tiller formation, brittle leaves, reduced cell wall thickness, and decreased cellulose content. The developmental defects of gnt1 ultimately resulted in early lethality without transition to the reproductive stage. However, callus induced from gnt1 seeds could be maintained for periods, although it exhibited a low proliferation rate, small size, and hypersensitivity to salt stress. Shoot regeneration and dark‐induced leaf senescence assays indicated that the loss of GnTI function results in reduced sensitivity to cytokinin in rice. Reduced expression of A‐type O. sativa response regulators that are rapidly induced by cytokinins in gnt1 confirmed that cytokinin signaling is impaired in the mutant. These results strongly support the proposed involvement of N‐glycan maturation in transport as well as in the function of membrane proteins that are synthesized via the endomembrane system.  相似文献   

Legume–rhizobium symbiosis contributes large quantities of fixed nitrogen to both agricultural and natural ecosystems. This global impact and the selective interaction between rhizobia and legumes culminating in development of functional root nodules have prompted detailed studies of the underlying mechanisms. We performed a screen for aberrant nodulation phenotypes using the Lotus japonicus LORE1 insertion mutant collection. Here, we describe the identification of amsh1 mutants that only develop small nodule primordia and display stunted shoot growth, and show that the aberrant nodulation phenotype caused by LORE1 insertions in the Amsh1 gene may be separated from the shoot phenotype. In amsh1 mutants, rhizobia initially became entrapped in infection threads with thickened cells walls. Some rhizobia were released into plant cells much later than observed for the wild‐type; however, no typical symbiosome structures were formed. Furthermore, cytokinin treatment only very weakly induced nodule organogenesis in amsh1 mutants, suggesting that AMSH1 function is required downstream of cytokinin signaling. Biochemical analysis showed that AMSH1 is an active deubiquitinating enzyme, and that AMSH1 specifically cleaves K63‐linked ubiquitin chains. Post‐translational ubiquitination and deubiquitination processes involving the AMSH1 deubiquitinating enzyme are thus involved in both infection and organogenesis in Lotus japonicus.  相似文献   

Arbuscular mycorrhiza (AM) fungi form nutrient‐acquiring symbioses with the majority of higher plants. Nutrient exchange occurs via arbuscules, highly branched hyphal structures that are formed within root cortical cells. With a view to identifying host genes involved in AM development, we isolated Lotus japonicus AM‐defective mutants via a microscopic screen of an ethyl methanesulfonate‐mutagenized population. A standardized mapping procedure was developed that facilitated positioning of the defective loci on the genetic map of L. japonicus, and, in five cases, allowed identification of mutants of known symbiotic genes. Two additional mutants representing independent loci did not form mature arbuscules during symbiosis with two divergent AM fungal species, but exhibited signs of premature arbuscule arrest or senescence. Marker gene expression patterns indicated that the two mutants are affected in distinct steps of arbuscule development. Both mutants formed wild‐type‐like root nodules upon inoculation with Mesorhizobium loti, indicating that the mutated loci are essential during AM but not during root nodule symbiosis.  相似文献   

Human interleukin‐22 (IL‐22) is a member of the IL‐10 cytokine family that has recently been shown to have major therapeutic potential. IL‐22 is an unusual cytokine as it does not act directly on immune cells. Instead, IL‐22 controls the differentiation, proliferation and antimicrobial protein expression of epithelial cells, thereby maintaining epithelial barrier function. In this study, we transiently expressed human IL‐22 in Nicotiana benthamiana plants and investigated the role of N‐glycosylation on protein folding and biological activity. Expression levels of IL‐22 were up to 5.4 μg/mg TSP, and N‐glycan analysis revealed the presence of the atypical Lewis A structure. Surprisingly, upon engineering of human‐like N‐glycans on IL‐22 by co‐expressing mouse FUT8 in ΔXT/FT plants a strong reduction in Lewis A was observed. Also, core α1,6‐fucoylation did not improve the biological activity of IL‐22. The combination of site‐directed mutagenesis of Asn54 and in vivo deglycosylation with PNGase F also revealed that N‐glycosylation at this position is not required for proper protein folding. However, we do show that the presence of a N‐glycan on Asn54 contributes to the atypical N‐glycan composition of plant‐produced IL‐22 and influences the N‐glycan composition of N‐glycans on other positions. Altogether, our data demonstrate that plants offer an excellent tool to investigate the role of N‐glycosylation on folding and activity of recombinant glycoproteins, such as IL‐22.  相似文献   

The NOOT‐BOP‐COCH‐LIKE (NBCL) genes are orthologs of Arabidopsis thaliana BLADE‐ON‐PETIOLE1/2. The NBCLs are developmental regulators essential for plant shaping, mainly through the regulation of organ boundaries, the promotion of lateral organ differentiation and the acquisition of organ identity. In addition to their roles in leaf, stipule and flower development, NBCLs are required for maintaining the identity of indeterminate nitrogen‐fixing nodules with persistent meristems in legumes. In legumes forming determinate nodules, without persistent meristem, the roles of NBCL genes are not known. We thus investigated the role of Lotus japonicus NOOT‐BOP‐COCH‐LIKE1 (LjNBCL1) in determinate nodule identity and studied its functions in aerial organ development using LORE1 insertional mutants and RNA interference‐mediated silencing approaches. In Lotus, LjNBCL1 is involved in leaf patterning and participates in the regulation of axillary outgrowth. Wild‐type Lotus leaves are composed of five leaflets and possess a pair of nectaries at the leaf axil. Legumes such as pea and Medicago have a pair of stipules, rather than nectaries, at the base of their leaves. In Ljnbcl1, nectary development is abolished, demonstrating that nectaries and stipules share a common evolutionary origin. In addition, ectopic roots arising from nodule vascular meristems and reorganization of the nodule vascular bundle vessels were observed on Ljnbcl1 nodules. This demonstrates that NBCL functions are conserved in both indeterminate and determinate nodules through the maintenance of nodule vascular bundle identity. In contrast to its role in floral patterning described in other plants, LjNBCL1 appears essential for the development of both secondary inflorescence meristem and floral meristem.  相似文献   

Molybdenum (Mo) is an essential nutrient for plants, and is required for nitrogenase activity of legumes. However, the pathways of Mo uptake from soils and then delivery to the nodules have not been characterized in legumes. In this study, we characterized a high‐affinity Mo transporter (LjMOT1) from Lotus japonicus. Mo concentrations in an ethyl methanesulfonate–mutagenized line (ljmot1) decreased by 70–95% compared with wild‐type (WT). By comparing the DNA sequences of four AtMOT1 homologs between mutant and WT lines, one point mutation was found in LjMOT1, which altered Trp292 to a stop codon; no mutation was found in the other homologous genes. The phenotype of Mo concentrations in F2 progeny from ljmot1 and WT crosses were associated with genotypes of LjMOT1. Introduction of endogenous LjMOT1 to ljmot1 restored Mo accumulation to approximately 60–70% of the WT. Yeast expressing LjMOT1 exhibited high Mo uptake activity, and the Km was 182 nm . LjMOT1 was expressed mainly in roots, and its expression was not affected by Mo supply or rhizobium inoculation. Although Mo accumulation in the nodules of ljmot1 was significantly lower than that of WT, it was still high enough for normal nodulation and nitrogenase activity, even for cotyledons‐removed ljmot1 plants grown under low Mo conditions, in this case the plant growth was significantly inhibited by Mo deficiency. Our results suggest that LjMOT1 is an essential Mo transporter in L. japonicus for Mo uptake from the soil and growth, but is not for Mo delivery to the nodules.  相似文献   

Lotus japonicus, like several other legumes, biosynthesizes the cyanogenic α–hydroxynitrile glucosides lotaustralin and linamarin. Upon tissue disruption these compounds are hydrolysed by a specific β–glucosidase, resulting in the release of hydrogen cyanide. Lotus japonicus also produces the non‐cyanogenic γ‐ and β–hydroxynitrile glucosides rhodiocyanoside A and D using a biosynthetic pathway that branches off from lotaustralin biosynthesis. We previously established that BGD2 is the only β–glucosidase responsible for cyanogenesis in leaves. Here we show that the paralogous BGD4 has the dominant physiological role in rhodiocyanoside degradation. Structural modelling, site‐directed mutagenesis and activity assays establish that a glycine residue (G211) in the aglycone binding site of BGD2 is essential for its ability to hydrolyse the endogenous cyanogenic glucosides. The corresponding valine (V211) in BGD4 narrows the active site pocket, resulting in the exclusion of non‐flat substrates such as lotaustralin and linamarin, but not of the more planar rhodiocyanosides. Rhodiocyanosides and the BGD4 gene only occur in L. japonicus and a few closely related species associated with the Lotus corniculatus clade within the Lotus genus. This suggests the evolutionary scenario that substrate specialization for rhodiocyanosides evolved from a promiscuous activity of a progenitor cyanogenic β–glucosidase, resembling BGD2, and required no more than a single amino acid substitution.  相似文献   

N‐glycosylation is critical for recombinant glycoprotein production as it influences the heterogeneity of products and affects their biological function. In most eukaryotes, the oligosaccharyltransferase is the central‐protein complex facilitating the N‐glycosylation of proteins in the lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Not all potential N‐glycosylation sites are recognized in vivo and the site occupancy can vary in different expression systems, resulting in underglycosylation of recombinant glycoproteins. To overcome this limitation in plants, we expressed LmSTT3D, a single‐subunit oligosaccharyltransferase from the protozoan Leishmania major transiently in Nicotiana benthamiana, a well‐established production platform for recombinant proteins. A fluorescent protein‐tagged LmSTT3D variant was predominately found in the ER and co‐located with plant oligosaccharyltransferase subunits. Co‐expression of LmSTT3D with immunoglobulins and other recombinant human glycoproteins resulted in a substantially increased N‐glycosylation site occupancy on all N‐glycosylation sites except those that were already more than 90% occupied. Our results show that the heterologous expression of LmSTT3D is a versatile tool to increase N‐glycosylation efficiency in plants.  相似文献   

N‐linked glycosylation is an essential protein modification that helps protein folding, trafficking and translocation in eukaryotic systems. The initial process for N‐linked glycosylation shares a common pathway with assembly of a dolichol‐linked core oligosaccharide. Here we characterize a new Arabidopsis thaliana mutant lew3 (leaf wilting 3), which has a defect in an α‐1,2‐mannosyltransferase, a homolog of ALG11 in yeast, that transfers mannose to the dolichol‐linked core oligosaccharide in the last two steps on the cytosolic face of the ER in N‐glycan precursor synthesis. LEW3 is localized to the ER membrane and expressed throughout the plant. Mutation of LEW3 caused low‐level accumulation of Man3GlcNAc2 and Man4GlcNAc2 glycans, structures that are seldom detected in wild‐type plants. In addition, the lew3 mutant has low levels of normal high‐mannose‐type glycans, but increased levels of complex‐type glycans. The lew3 mutant showed abnormal developmental phenotypes, reduced fertility, impaired cellulose synthesis, abnormal primary cell walls, and xylem collapse due to disturbance of the secondary cell walls. lew3 mutants were more sensitive to osmotic stress and abscisic acid (ABA) treatment. Protein N‐glycosylation was reduced and the unfolded protein response was more activated by osmotic stress and ABA treatment in the lew3 mutant than in the wild‐type. These results demonstrate that protein N‐glycosylation plays crucial roles in plant development and the response to abiotic stresses.  相似文献   

The nitrogen‐fixing symbiosis of legumes and Rhizobium bacteria is established by complex interactions between the two symbiotic partners. Legume Fix mutants form apparently normal nodules with endosymbiotic rhizobia but fail to induce rhizobial nitrogen fixation. These mutants are useful for identifying the legume genes involved in the interactions essential for symbiotic nitrogen fixation. We describe here a Fix mutant of Lotus japonicus, apn1, which showed a very specific symbiotic phenotype. It formed ineffective nodules when inoculated with the Mesorhizobium loti strain TONO. In these nodules, infected cells disintegrated and successively became necrotic, indicating premature senescence typical of Fix mutants. However, it formed effective nodules when inoculated with the M. loti strain MAFF303099. Among nine different M. loti strains tested, four formed ineffective nodules and five formed effective nodules on apn1 roots. The identified causal gene, ASPARTIC PEPTIDASE NODULE‐INDUCED 1 (LjAPN1), encodes a nepenthesin‐type aspartic peptidase. The well characterized Arabidopsis aspartic peptidase CDR1 could complement the strain‐specific Fix phenotype of apn1. LjAPN1 is a typical late nodulin; its gene expression was exclusively induced during nodule development. LjAPN1 was most abundantly expressed in the infected cells in the nodules. Our findings indicate that LjAPN1 is required for the development and persistence of functional (nitrogen‐fixing) symbiosis in a rhizobial strain‐dependent manner, and thus determines compatibility between M. loti and L. japonicus at the level of nitrogen fixation.  相似文献   

A symbiotic mutant of Lotus japonicus, called sunergos1‐1 (suner1‐1), originated from a har1‐1 suppressor screen. suner1‐1 supports epidermal infection by Mesorhizobium loti and initiates cell divisions for organogenesis of nodule primordia. However, these processes appear to be temporarily stalled early during symbiotic interaction, leading to a low nodule number phenotype. This defect is ephemeral and near wild‐type nodule numbers are reached by suner1‐1 at a later point after infection. Using an approach that combined map‐based cloning and next‐generation sequencing we have identified the causative mutation and show that the suner1‐1 phenotype is determined by a weak recessive allele, with the corresponding wild‐type SUNER1 locus encoding a predicted subunit A of a DNA topoisomerase VI. Our data suggest that at least one function of SUNER1 during symbiosis is to participate in endoreduplication, which is an essential step during normal differentiation of functional, nitrogen‐fixing nodules.  相似文献   

Glycoproteins produced by non‐engineered insects or insect cell lines characteristically bear truncated, paucimannose N‐glycans in place of the complex N‐glycans produced by mammalian cells. A key reason for this difference is the presence of a highly specific N‐glycan processing β‐N‐acetylglucosaminidase in insect, but not in mammalian systems. Thus, reducing or abolishing this enzyme could enhance the ability of glycoengineered insects or insect cell lines to produce complex N‐glycans. Of the three insect species routinely used for recombinant glycoprotein production, the processing β‐N‐acetylglucosaminidase gene has been isolated only from Spodoptera frugiperda. Thus, the purpose of this study was to isolate and characterize the genes encoding this important processing enzyme from the other two species, Bombyx mori and Trichoplusia ni. Bioinformatic analyses of putative processing β‐N‐acetylglucosaminidase genes isolated from these two species indicated that each encoded a product that was, indeed, more similar to processing β‐N‐acetylglucosaminidases than degradative or chitinolytic β‐N‐acetylglucosaminidases. In addition, over‐expression of each of these genes induced an enzyme activity with the substrate specificity characteristic of processing, but not degradative or chitinolytic enzymes. Together, these results demonstrated that the processing β‐N‐acetylglucosaminidase genes had been successfully isolated from Trichoplusia ni and Bombyx mori. The identification of these genes has the potential to facilitate further glycoengineering of baculovirus‐insect cell expression systems for the production of glycosylated proteins. © 2009 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 2010  相似文献   

3‐Fucosyllactose (3‐FL), one of the major oligosaccharides in human breast milk, is produced in engineered Escherichia coli. In order to search for a good α‐1,3‐fucosyltransferase, three bacterial α‐1,3‐fucosyltransferases are expressed in engineered E. coli deficient in β‐galactosidase activity and expressing the essential enzymes for the production of guanosine 5′‐diphosphate‐l ‐fucose, the donor of fucose for 3‐FL biosynthesis. Among the three enzymes tested, the fucT gene from Helicobacter pylori National Collection of Type Cultures 11637 gives the best 3‐FL production in a simple batch fermentation process using glycerol as a carbon source and lactose as an acceptor. In order to use glucose as a carbon source, the chromosomal ptsG gene, considered the main regulator of the glucose repression mechanism, is disrupted. The resulting E. coli strain of ?LP‐YA+FT shows a much lower performance of 3‐FL production (4.50 g L?1) than the ?L‐YA+FT strain grown in a glycerol medium (10.7 g L?1), suggesting that glycerol is a better carbon source than glucose. Finally, the engineered E. coli ?LW‐YA+FT expressing the essential genes for 3‐FL production and blocking the colanic acid biosynthetic pathway (?wcaJ) exhibits the highest concentration (11.5 g L?1), yield (0.39 mol mol?1), and productivity (0.22 g L?1 h) of 3‐FL in glycerol‐limited fed‐batch fermentation.  相似文献   

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