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Previous studies have identified the guanine and adenine binding domains of the GTP and ADP binding sites of GDH. In this study the peptide sequences within or near to the terminal phosphate-binding domains of the GTP and ADP binding sites of bovine liver glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) were identified using photoaffinity labeling with the benzophenone nucleotide derivatives, [gamma-32P]GTPgammaBP and [gamma-32P]ATPgammaBP. Without activating light, GTPgammaBP exhibited inhibiting effects on the GDH reaction similar to GTP; ATPgammaBP, as expected, produced activating effects similar to those of ADP. Photoinsertion into GDH by both probes exhibited saturation effects in agreement with the respective kinetic effects. Specificity of labeling was supported by specific and effective reduction of photoinsertion of [gamma-32P]GTPgammaBP and [gamma-32P]ATPgammaBP into GDH by GTP and ADP, respectively. Using a combination of immobilized Fe3+-chelate affinity chromatography and reversed-phase HPLC, photolabeled peptides located within or near the phosphate-binding domains of the GTP and ADP sites were isolated. Sequence analysis showed that GTPgammaBP primarily modified a peptide near the middle of the GDH sequence, Asn135-Lys143 and Glu290-Lys295. However, ATPgammaBP modified a single peptide corresponding to the sequence Met411-Arg419 near the C-terminal domain. Using these results and the data from the previously identified base-binding domain peptides the orientation of GTP and ADP within their respective binding sites in the catalytic cleft of GDH is proposed and explained on the basis of a proposed three-dimensional schematic model structure derived from the bacterial enzyme.  相似文献   

Given concerns surrounding coral bleaching and ocean acidification, there is renewed interest in characterizing the physiological differences across the multiple host–algal symbiont combinations commonly found on coral reefs. Elevated temperature and CO2 were used to compare physiological responses within the scleractinian corals Montipora hirsuta (Symbiodinium C15) and Pocillopora damicornis (Symbiodinium D1), as well as the corallimorph (a non-calcifying anthozoan closely related to scleractinians) Discosoma nummiforme (Symbiodinium C3). Several physiological proxies were affected more by temperature than CO2, including photochemistry, algal number and cellular chlorophyll a. Marked differences in symbiont number, chlorophyll and volume contributed to distinctive patterns of chlorophyll absorption among these animals. In contrast, carbon fixation either did not change or increased under elevated temperature. Also, the rate of photosynthetically fixed carbon translocated to each host did not change, and the percent of carbon translocated to the host increased in the corallimorph. Comparing all data revealed a significant negative correlation between photosynthetic rate and symbiont density that corroborates previous hypotheses about carbon limitation in these symbioses. The ratio of symbiont-normalized photosynthetic rate relative to the rate of symbiont-normalized carbon translocation (P:T) was compared in these organisms as well as the anemone, Exaiptasia pallida hosting Symbiodinium minutum, and revealed a P:T close to unity (D. nummiforme) to a range of 2.0–4.5, with the lowest carbon translocation in the sea anemone. Major differences in the thermal responses across these organisms provide further evidence of a range of acclimation potential and physiological plasticity that highlights the need for continued study of these symbioses across a larger group of host taxa.  相似文献   

The past decade has been marked by the emergence of selective affinity media and sensitive mass spectrometry instrumentation that facilitated large-scale phosphoproteome analyses and expanded the repertoire of protein phosphorylation. Despite these remarkable advances, the precise location of the phosphorylation site still represents a sizable challenge in view of the labile nature of the phosphoester bond and the presence of neighboring phosphorylatable residues within the same peptide. This difficulty is exacerbated by the combinatorial distribution of phosphorylated residues giving rise to different phosphopeptide isomers. These peptides have similar physicochemical properties, and their separation by LC is often problematic. Few studies have described the frequency and distribution of phosphoisomers in large-scale phosphoproteomics experiments, and no convenient informatics tools currently exist to facilitate their detection. To address this analytical challenge, we developed two algorithms to detect separated and co-eluting phosphopeptide isomers and target their subsequent identification using an inclusion list in LC-MS/MS experiments. Using these algorithms, we determined that the proportion of isomers present in phosphoproteomics studies from mouse, rat, and fly cell extracts represents 3-6% of all identified phosphopeptides. While conventional analysis can identify chromatographically separated phosphopeptides, targeted LC-MS/MS analyses using inclusion lists provided complementary identification and expanded the number of phosphopeptide isomers by at least 52%. Interestingly, these analyses revealed that the occurrence of phosphopeptides isomers can also correlate with the presence of extended phosphorylatable amino acids that can act as a "phosphorylation switch" to bind complementary domains such as those present in SR proteins and ribonucleoprotein complexes.  相似文献   

Tyrosine (Tyr) phosphorylation plays an essential role in signaling in animal systems. However, a few studies have also reported Tyr phosphorylation in plants, but the relative contribution of tyrosine phosphorylation to plant signal transduction has remained an open question. We present an approach to selectively measure and quantify Tyr phosphorylation in plant cells, which can also be applied to whole plants. We combined a (15)N stable isotope metabolic labeling strategy with an immuno-affinity purification using phospho-tyrosine (pY) specific antibodies. This single enrichment strategy was sufficient to reproducibly identify and quantify pY containing peptides from total plant cell extract in a single LC-MS/MS run. We succeeded in identifying 149 unique pY peptides originating from 135 proteins, including a large set of different protein kinases and several receptor-like kinases. We used flagellin perception by Arabidopsis cells, a model system for pathogen triggered immune (PTI) signaling, to test our approach. We reproducibly quantified 23 pY peptides in 2 inversely labeled biological replicates identifying 11 differentially phosphorylated proteins. These include a set of 3 well-characterized flagellin responsive MAP kinases and 4 novel MAP kinases. With this targeted approach, we elucidate a new level of complexity in flagellin-induced MAP kinase activation.  相似文献   

The development of microfluidic platforms for performing chemistry and biology has in large part been driven by a range of potential benefits that accompany system miniaturisation. Advantages include the ability to efficiently process nano- to femoto- liter volumes of sample, facile integration of functional components, an intrinsic predisposition towards large-scale multiplexing, enhanced analytical throughput, improved control and reduced instrumental footprints.1In recent years much interest has focussed on the development of droplet-based (or segmented flow) microfluidic systems and their potential as platforms in high-throughput experimentation.2-4 Here water-in-oil emulsions are made to spontaneously form in microfluidic channels as a result of capillary instabilities between the two immiscible phases. Importantly, microdroplets of precisely defined volumes and compositions can be generated at frequencies of several kHz. Furthermore, by encapsulating reagents of interest within isolated compartments separated by a continuous immiscible phase, both sample cross-talk and dispersion (diffusion- and Taylor-based) can be eliminated, which leads to minimal cross-contamination and the ability to time analytical processes with great accuracy. Additionally, since there is no contact between the contents of the droplets and the channel walls (which are wetted by the continuous phase) absorption and loss of reagents on the channel walls is prevented.Once droplets of this kind have been generated and processed, it is necessary to extract the required analytical information. In this respect the detection method of choice should be rapid, provide high-sensitivity and low limits of detection, be applicable to a range of molecular species, be non-destructive and be able to be integrated with microfluidic devices in a facile manner. To address this need we have developed a suite of experimental tools and protocols that enable the extraction of large amounts of photophysical information from small-volume environments, and are applicable to the analysis of a wide range of physical, chemical and biological parameters. Herein two examples of these methods are presented and applied to the detection of single cells and the mapping of mixing processes inside picoliter-volume droplets. We report the entire experimental process including microfluidic chip fabrication, the optical setup and the process of droplet generation and detection.  相似文献   

The field of proteomics has undergone rapid advancements over the last decade and protein microarrays have emerged as a promising technological platform for the challenging task of studying complex proteomes. This gel-free approach has found an increasing number of applications due to its ability to rapidly and efficiently study thousands of proteins simultaneously. Different protein microarrays, including capture arrays, reverse-phase arrays, tissue microarrays, lectin microarrays and cell-free expression microarrays, have emerged, which have demonstrated numerous applications for proteomics studies including biomarker discovery, protein interaction studies, enzyme-substrate profiling, immunological profiling and vaccine development, among many others. The need to detect extremely low-abundance proteins in complex mixtures has provided motivation for the development of sensitive, real-time and multiplexed detection platforms. Conventional label-based approaches like fluorescence, chemiluminescence and use of radioactive isotopes have witnessed substantial advancements, with techniques like quantum dots, gold nanoparticles, dye-doped nanoparticles and several bead-based methods now being employed for protein microarray studies. In order to overcome the limitations posed by label-based technologies, several label-free approaches like surface plasmon resonance, carbon nanotubes and nanowires, and microcantilevers, among others, have also advanced in recent years, and these methods detect the query molecule itself. The scope of this article is to outline the protein microarray techniques that are currently being used for analytical and function-based proteomics and to provide a detailed analysis of the key technological advances and applications of various detection systems that are commonly used with microarrays.  相似文献   

A validated PCR-based Salmonella method targeting a 94-bp sequence of the ttr gene was used as a model to compare six different combinations of reporter and quencher dyes of a TaqMan probe, on three different instruments, to improve the detection limit in a real-time PCR assay with the aim of a same-day analysis. The use of locked nucleic acids (LNA) and Scorpion probes were also tested. The combination FAM-BHQ1 or Cy5-BHQ3, both dark quenchers, gave the best results (Cycle threshold (Ct) of 25.42+/-0.65 and 24.47+/-0.18 at 10(3) DNA copies). When comparing different probe technologies, the LNA probe (FAM-BHQ1) was the most sensitive with the strongest fluorescence signal (dR last 48066), resulting in 0.6 to 1.1 lower Ct values than a DNA TaqMan probe, and 1.9 to 4.0 lower Ct than the Scorpion system (FAM-BHQ1). The RotorGene real-time PCR instrument gave 0.4-1.0 lower Ct values (more sensitive) than the Mx3005p, and 1.5-3.0 lower than the ABI 7700. Using the LNA in a RotorGene instrument, we detected the following Salmonella DNA copies in 1-ml pre-enriched samples: fishmeal (100 copies), chicken rinse (100 copies) and pig feces (10 copies). The detection probability of the final assay on inoculated fecal samples was 100% at 2x10(4) copies per ml. In conclusion, the LNA probe with annealing temperature of 65 degrees C could be useful for more sensitive detection limits.  相似文献   

Motivated by the design of an integrated CMOS-based detection platform, a simulation model for CCD and CMOS imager-based luminescence detection systems is developed. The model comprises four parts. The first portion models the process of photon flux generation from luminescence probes using ATP-based and luciferase label-based assay kinetics. An optics simulator is then used to compute the incident photon flux on the imaging plane for a given photon flux and system geometry. Subsequently, the output image is computed using a detailed imaging sensor model that accounts for photodetector spectral response, dark current, conversion gain, and various noise sources. Finally, signal processing algorithms are applied to the image to enhance detection reliability and hence increase the overall system throughput. To validate the model, simulation results are compared to experimental results obtained from a CCD-based system that was built to emulate the integrated CMOS-based platform.  相似文献   

Invasive candidiasis remains one of the most serious community and healthcare-acquired infections worldwide. Conventional Candida detection methods based on blood and plate culture are time-consuming and require at least 2–4 days to identify various Candida species. Despite considerable advances for candidiasis detection, the development of simple, compact and portable point-of-care diagnostics for rapid and precise testing that automatically performs cell lysis, nucleic acid extraction, purification and detection still remains a challenge. Here, we systematically review most prominent conventional and nonconventional techniques for the detection of various Candida species, including Candida staining, blood culture, serological testing and nucleic acid-based analysis. We also discuss the most advanced lab on a chip devices for candida detection.  相似文献   

Algorithm design for low power platforms is constrained by memory and computational limitations, and real-world applications demand robust performance. This paper presents two algorithms that were designed with the view that simplicity can translate to robustness. The first algorithm processes electrocardiogram (ECG) signals to detect QRS complexes reliably in the presence of significant noise. The second algorithm is a low-cost approach to detecting seizure onset from electrocorticogram (ECoG) data. The ECG algorithm was implemented on a TI MSP430-based platform and the ECoG algorithm was implemented on a Cortex-M3 based ultra-low power device.  相似文献   

Molecular methods are increasingly used to detect and identify parasites in their hosts. However, existing methods are generally not appropriate for studying complex host-parasite interactions because they require prior knowledge of species composition. DNA barcoding is a molecular method that allows identifying species using DNA sequences as an identification key. We used DNA amplification with primers common to aphid parasitoids and sequencing of the amplified fragment to detect and identify parasitoids in their hosts, without prior knowledge on the species potentially present. To implement this approach, we developed a method based on 16S rRNA mitochondrial gene and LWRh nuclear gene. First, we designed two primer pairs specific to Aphidiinae (Hymenoptera), the main group of aphid parasitoids. Second, we tested whether the amplified regions could correctly identify Aphidiinae species and found that 61 species were accurately identified of 75 tested. We then determined the ability of each primer pair to detect immature parasitoids inside their aphid host. Detection was earlier for 16S than for LWRh, with parasitoids detected, respectively, 24 and 48 h after egg injection. Finally, we applied this method to assess parasitism rate in field populations of several aphid species. The interest of this tool for analysing aphid-parasitoid food webs is discussed.  相似文献   

The use of animal and plant derived raw materials in mammalian cell culture processes may provide a possible route of entry for adventitious contaminants such as mycoplasma. Mycoplasma contaminations of cell culture represent a serious challenge to the production of biotechnology derived therapeutics. The slow growing nature of mycoplasma can disguise their infection of cultures since cells may continue to proliferate, though at reduced levels and with lesser output of engineered protein. Rapid identification of mycoplasma contaminated cell cultures and materials enables a faster response time to prevent the spread of the contamination. We describe here the comparison of different mycoplasma detection methods: two nucleic acid-based technologies, the standard mycoplasma culture procedure, and a hybrid culture-quantitative PCR assay. In this study, a cell line infected with two species of mycoplasma was used to compare the different detection methods. Our data demonstrates that the two nucleic acid-based techniques are robust methods for detection of mycoplasma and have similar detection capability. In contrast, no mycoplasma was detected in the standard culture assay or in a hybrid culture-quantitative PCR assay. This shows a potential limitation of the culture assay that relies on the ability of mycoplasma to grow in broth media.  相似文献   

The study of endotoxins is complicated by their heterogenous nature, their multiple effects and the complex methodologies required for their identification. In this brief review, Vic Pentreath summarizes how the substances have been implicated in the pathogenesis of several diseases caused by parasitic protozoa, and how the parasites (eg. Plasmodium falciparum and Trypanosoma cruzi) may themselves contain endotoxin-like materials. Recent studies have shown that, during T. b. brucei infection in mice, serum endotoxin levels become markedly elevated and that endotoxin-like substances are also present in the purified parasite extracts.  相似文献   

We have recently demonstrated that the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV) receptor angiotensin converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) also mediates cellular entry of the newly discovered human coronavirus (hCoV) NL63. Here, we show that expression of DC-SIGN augments NL63 spike (S)-protein-driven infection of susceptible cells, while only expression of ACE2 but not DC-SIGN is sufficient for entry into nonpermissive cells, indicating that ACE2 fulfills the criteria of a bona fide hCoV-NL63 receptor. As for SARS-CoV, murine ACE2 is used less efficiently by NL63-S for entry than human ACE2. In contrast, several amino acid exchanges in human ACE2 which diminish SARS-S-driven entry do not interfere with NL63-S-mediated infection, suggesting that SARS-S and NL63-S might engage human ACE2 differentially. Moreover, we observed that NL63-S-driven entry was less dependent on a low-pH environment and activity of endosomal proteases compared to infection mediated by SARS-S, further suggesting differences in hCoV-NL63 and SARS-CoV cellular entry. NL63-S does not exhibit significant homology to SARS-S but is highly related to the S-protein of hCoV-229E, which enters target cells by engaging CD13. Employing mutagenic analyses, we found that the N-terminal unique domain in NL63-S, which is absent in 229E-S, does not confer binding to ACE2. In contrast, the highly homologous C-terminal parts of the NL63-S1 and 229E-S1 subunits in conjunction with distinct amino acids in the central regions of these proteins confer recognition of ACE2 and CD13, respectively. Therefore, despite the high homology of these sequences, they likely form sufficiently distinct surfaces, thus determining receptor specificity.  相似文献   

A high-performance liquid chromatographic method with diode array detection (HPLC-DAD) has been developed for the simultaneous separation and quantification of imipramine, amitriptyline, maprotiline, fluoxetine, clomipramine and their respective metabolites using a 500-μl plasma sample and clovoxamine as the internal standard. The substances were eluted on a Symmetry C18 5-μm column (250×4.6 mm, I.D.). Full UV spectra from 200 to 450 nm were recorded on-line during the entire analysis and were automatically compared to spectra stored in a library. The quantification was performed at 226, 254, and 400 nm. Peak height ratios were linear over a concentration range of 10–3000 ng/ml: the correlation coefficient (r) was better than 0.998 for all substances at each wavelength. Acceptable coefficients of variation are demonstrated for both within-run and day-to-day assays. The method is simple, highly specific and currently being used for drug monitoring and toxicological studies in children and adult patients.  相似文献   

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