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Immunization of gilts in a commercial piggery against a fusion protein of the alpha subunit of bovine inhibin, produced by recombinant DNA methods, resulted in mean ovulation rate increases of 35% at the oestrus at which, under the piggery's management practices, they would have been mated. Sera from two immunized groups showed mean binding of 6.6% and 4.9% when assayed, at 1:800 final dilution, against iodinated bovine inhibin (Mr 31,000). Ovulation rates of immunized gilts were highly correlated with the ability of serum to bind iodinated native inhibin (r = 0.62; P less than 0.001), particularly when weight and age were included in the correlation (r = 0.72; P = 0.001), and inhibin binding accounted for 38% of the total variation in ovulation rate. Immunization caused no deleterious effects on growth rate or onset of oestrus. These results demonstrate the potential for use of such immunization to increase prolificacy in gilts and young sows.  相似文献   

Nulliparous Holstein cows were randomly distributed among 4 treatment groups to test the effects of treatments, including unilateral ovariectomy, anti-inhibin immunization and gonadotropin stimulation on ovarian follicle population and oocyte recovery. The Control treatment consisted of intact cows (I-Control). Unilaterally ovariectomized cows were included in the 3 remaining treatments consisting of ovariectomy alone (U-Control), cows immunized against a synthetic peptide of the alpha(c)-subunit of bovine inhibin (alpha(c)I; U-IH), and cows stimulated with FSH (Super-Ov; 75 units/female/week) and also immunized with alpha(c)I as in the previous treatment (U-IH/FSH). Oocytes were collected by transvaginal ultrasound-guided aspiration on a weekly basis from cows in each treatment for 5 consecutive weeks. Intact Control cows had a greater (P<0.05) number of follicles > or = 3 mm per female (4.7) than the U-Control and U-IH cows (2.6 and 2.9, respectively), and had a similar number of follicles as the U-IH/FSH treatment group (3.5). The numbers of follicles aspirated (2.7 to 3.6) and oocytes recovered/cow (1.6 to 2.6) were similar for cows in the I-Control, U-IH and U-IH/FSH treatment groups. Cows in the U-Control treatment group had a lower (P<0.05) number of aspirated follicles (2.0) and recovered oocytes (1.1) than the I-Control cows. Cows in the U-IH/FSH and U-IH treatments had follicles with larger (P<0.01) diameters (8.7 and 8.2 mm, respectively) than cows in the I-Control (6.6 mm) and U-Control (5.7 mm) treatments. In conclusion, unilateral ovariectomy did not result in compensatory increase of follicle number or size in the intact ovary; cows in the U-IH/FSH treatment group had a greater number of follicles aspirated than the U-Control cows. In addition, the anti-alpha(c)I immunization may have played a role in increasing the number and diameter of the follicles. None of the treatments evaluated in this study improved oocyte retrieval over that of the intact, nontreated cows.  相似文献   

Objective: To examine whether obesity and insulin resistance have an independent effect on the gonadotropin, estradiol, and inhibin B serum levels and follicle count in the early follicular phase of fertile women with a wide range of BMI and without signs of hyperandrogenism. Research Methods and Procedures: Twenty‐two overweight and obese (BMI ≥25.0 kg/m2) women and 10 normal‐weight (BMI <25.0 kg/m2) women, all having apparently normal fertility, were studied. Serum concentrations of follicle‐stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH), estradiol, inhibin B, and insulin, level of insulin resistance (estimated by homeostasis model assessment for insulin resistance), and follicle count were measured during the early follicular phase (Days 2 to 5 of the menstrual cycle). Results: Overweight women showed lower FSH (p < 0.001), LH (p < 0.001), and inhibin B (p < 0.05) levels compared with normal‐weight women, whereas estradiol concentrations and follicle count were not significantly different between the two groups. When normal‐weight and overweight women were examined as a group and multiple regression analyses were performed, estradiol showed a negative association with BMI (or waist circumference) (p < 0.05) and a positive correlation with LH (p < 0.05) and FSH (p < 0.05); inhibin B maintained a positive association only with estradiol (p < 0.05); and FSH and LH showed a negative correlation with BMI (or waist circumference) (p < 0.001 and p < 0.01, respectively). Discussion: Overweight and obese fertile women have lower FSH, LH, inhibin B, and estradiol levels in the early follicular phase, with a possible direct inhibitory effect of body mass on gonadotropin and estradiol production, independently of age, insulin (concentrations and sensitivity), and other hormones. By contrast, the number of ovary follicles does not seem to be influenced by insulin and body mass in these patients.  相似文献   

Inhibins and activins are firmly implicated in the control of pituitary FSH secretion and ovarian follicular development in mammals. As in mammals, inhibin A and activin A are expressed in the preovulatory follicles of birds, and a defined ovulation cycle for inhibin A has recently been demonstrated in the laying hen. To investigate further the role of inhibin-related proteins in developing pullets, circulating concentrations of inhibin A, inhibin B, total immunoreactive inhibin alpha-subunit (ir-alpha), activin A, LH, FSH, and progesterone were measured from the juvenile state through to sexual maturity in 22 birds. In the 11 birds assigned to control groups, plasma inhibin A levels were low from 7 to 13 wk of age rising about threefold to a peak at Week 19 after which levels fell slightly to a plateau level characteristic of adult hens. Plasma inhibin A levels were negatively correlated with FSH (r = -0. 33; P: < 0.001) and positively correlated with progesterone (r = 0. 67; P: < 0.001) and ir-alpha (r = 0.53; P: < 0.001). Plasma ir-alpha levels were much higher than inhibin A levels although the relative differences varied with age. Plasma levels of inhibin B and activin A were below assay detection limits at all times. The remaining group of 11 birds was actively immunized (IMM) against a synthetic chicken inhibin alpha-subunit peptide (amino acids 1-26). The IMM generated circulating antibodies that bound native bovine inhibin A but altered neither plasma FSH nor progesterone levels relative to control birds at any stage of development nor the timing of first oviposition in week 19. Apart from a transient decline 1 wk after primary IMM, plasma LH concentrations did not differ from controls. Comparison of the numbers and size-class distribution of ovarian follicles at 29 wk showed an approximate twofold increase in the number of 8- to 9.9-mm-diameter follicles (control; 1.82 +/- 0.44 vs. IMM; 3.91 +/- 0.89; P: < 0.05), a size class that corresponds to follicles that have just joined the preovulatory hierarchy. The numbers of growing follicles in other size-classes and the sizes of hierarchical F(1)-F(7) follicles were not altered by IMM. However, the number of postovulatory follicles increased (control 3.73 +/- 0. 20 vs. IMM 5.55 +/- 0.28; P: < 0.01), and significantly more (P: < 0. 02) immunized hens laid two eggs within a 24-h period on at least one occasion (control 1 of 11 vs. IMM 9 of 11). The IMM increased (P: < 0.05) activin A content of F(1) and F(2) theca layers and decreased (P: < 0.05) activin A content in F(3) and F(4) granulosa layers, raising the possibility of a local intraovarian role of activin in mediating the response to IMM. These findings support a role for inhibin A in regulating the entry of follicles into the preovulatory hierarchy in the chicken, although further studies are required to establish the mechanism by which inhibin IMM increases the rate of follicle selection and ovulation without raising plasma FSH.  相似文献   

Six normally cycling mares were immunized 5 times at 3-week intervals with a synthetic porcine inhibin alpha-subunit fragment which had been conjugated to bovine serum albumin and emulsified in Freund's incomplete adjuvant. Immunized mares ovulated a significantly larger (P < 0.01) number of follicles per estrous cycle (2.8 +/- 1.1; range 1 to 8 ovulations) than 14 nonimmunized control mares (1.1 +/- 0.1; range 1 to 2 ovulations). Day-7 embryo recovery rates tended to be higher (P < 0.1) in immunized mares (1.6 +/- 0.5 embryos per flush) than in control mares (0.7 +/- 0.2 embryos per flush). No differences in interovulatory intervals were found between the 2 groups. These results indicate that immunization against inhibin may be useful in inducing development and ovulation of multiple follicles for embryo transfer in the mare.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: To determine whether the pathogenesis of human adrenocortical tumours is associated with variations of inhibin expression, we assayed the mRNA of the alpha-subunit of inhibin in 5 normal adrenals and 48 adrenocortical tumours, including 10 paediatric tumours. RESULTS: mRNA of alpha-subunit of inhibin was detected in all adrenocortical tissues. It was similarly abundant in the three pathological groups of adult tumours (benign, suspect and malignant) and in normal adrenal tissues, irrespective of the hormonal pattern. However, in paediatric tumours, the levels of the mRNA for the alpha-subunit of inhibin were significantly higher than those in adult tumours (p < 0.01). CONCLUSION: Inhibin is more abundant in the foetal than in the adult adrenal cortex and therefore these data suggest that the paediatric tumours may have a foetal pattern.  相似文献   

Active immunization against inhibin has been shown to advance puberty and increase ovulation rate in ewe lambs; but in ram lambs, effects on puberty and sperm production are equivocal. The objective of the present study was to determine whether active immunization against an inhibin alpha-subunit peptide advances the onset of puberty in ram lambs. St. Croix hair sheep ram lambs were assigned to inhibin-immunized (n = 7) and control (n = 8) treatment groups. Lambs in the inhibin-immunized group were immunized against a synthetic peptide-carrier protein conjugate, alpha-(1-25)-human alpha-globulin (halpha-G), and control lambs were immunized against halpha-G. Lambs were immunized at 3, 7, 13, 19, 25, 31, and 37 weeks of age. On the day of immunization a blood sample was collected and lambs were weighed. Another blood sample was collected 1 week following each immunization. At 20 weeks of age additional blood samples were collected at 20 min intervals for 8h. Beginning at 20 weeks of age and at weekly intervals thereafter, scrotal circumference (SC) was measured and semen was collected using electroejaculation. A subsequent ejaculate was collected 1 week following onset of puberty, which was defined as the week of age when an ejaculate first contained > or =50 x 10(6) sperm cells. In control lambs, plasma alpha-(1-25)-antibody (Ab) was nondetectable. In inhibin-immunized lambs, alpha-(1-25)-Ab titer increased from 7 to 25 weeks of age and then plateaued at a level that varied (P<0.001) among animals. Body weight and SC of control and inhibin-immunized lambs were similar at the onset of puberty. At pubertal onset inhibin-immunized lambs were older than control lambs (31.9+/-0.5 vs. 29.5+/-0.7 weeks of age, P<0.05). Plasma FSH concentrations were similar in control and inhibin-immunized lambs from 3 to 38 weeks of age. Plasma LH levels were lower (P<0.01) in inhibin-immunized than control lambs. During the 8-h blood sampling period at 20 weeks of age, LH and testosterone concentrations were lower (P<0.05) in inhibin-immunized than control ram lambs, and the LH pulse frequency was similar in the two groups of animals. The decreased LH secretion is consistent with the immunoneutralization of a putative inhibin alpha-subunit-related peptide that stimulates LH secretion in ram lambs. Present findings show that active immunization against an inhibin alpha-peptide delays rather than advances puberty in ram lambs.  相似文献   

Serum inhibin levels were measured by heterologous RIA during pregnancy, lactation, and the post-weaning estrous cycle in the rat and correlated with changes in serum FSH and LH and prolactin. Blood was serially collected by cardiac puncture under light ether anesthesia from adult Sprague-Dawley rats on alternate days throughout the experimental period. For the first 8 days of pregnancy, immunoreactive inhibin levels remained high, then gradually decreased to reach a nadir at Day 16, and subsequently rose steeply until parturition. The pattern of serum immunoreactive inhibin levels during early pregnancy does not support a corpus luteum source and the dramatic rise from Day 16 to Day 22 correlates with the recommencement of follicular development in the ovary. Inhibin levels decreased rapidly on the day after birth and were suppressed until Day 8 of lactation, slowly increasing thereafter to reach a plateau from Day 14 until weaning (Day 22.5 of lactation). These changes in inhibin levels positively correlated with LH and FSH and negatively with prolactin, and are consistent with an ovarian source for inhibin associated with the recommencement of follicular development resulting from the diminution of the suckling stimulus. Immediately after weaning, serum immunoreactive inhibin levels showed a 4-day cyclic pattern corresponding to the estrous cycle identified by vaginal smear. Inhibin levels peaked on the day of proestrus, reached a nadir on the day of estrus, and rose slowly during metestrus and diestrus to a new peak at proestrus. Serum FSH levels showed an inverse correlation to inhibin levels consistent with a feedback relationship with inhibin.  相似文献   

F O Calvo  R J Ryan 《Biochemistry》1985,24(8):1953-1959
Indirect evidence has indicated that the carbohydrate moieties of the glycoprotein hormones are involved in the activation of the receptor-adenylyl cyclase system of reproductive tissues. In the present study, we have isolated the glycopeptides (GP) from human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), the alpha-subunit of hCG, fetuin, and bovine gamma-globulin (b gamma G). These along with a number of synthetic oligosaccharides were tested for their ability to inhibit adenylyl cyclase (AC). There was less than 0.001% cross-reactivity of the GP from hCG, hCG alpha, fetuin, and b gamma G when tested in a double-antibody hCG radioimmunoassay or rat corpora lutea radioreceptor assay. The GP of fetuin, b gamma G, and the synthetic oligosaccharides did not inhibit AC activity of 2000 g corpora lutea membranes when coincubated with 100 ng of hCG/mL (ED50). However, when the GP of hCG and hCG alpha were included with intact hCG, there was a dose-related inhibition. Inhibition of cyclase activity was enhanced when the hCG GP were desialylated. This occurred without a change in the lag time of hCG activation which was calculated to be 1-1.5 min. Changing the concentration of ATP and Mg2+ did not affect the inhibitory effects of the hCG alpha GP on hCG-stimulated AC activity. Inhibition by hCG GP followed uncompetitive kinetics. The inhibition by the GP of hCG seems to be restricted to the LH/hCG-stimulatable AC system because the same dosage of hCG GP which inhibited the rat luteal AC system did not have any effect on the rat hepatocyte AC system when coincubated with glucagon or on NaF-stimulated activity in luteal membranes.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Inhibin, a gonadal peptide, selectively suppresses FSH release from the pituitary. The cDNAs coding for ovarian inhibin have been isolated and characterized. However, little is known about testicular inhibin. In this study we have isolated inhibin alpha-subunit cDNA from human testicular cDNA libraries and determined inhibin alpha-subunit mRNA levels in testes. The longest cDNA isolated from human testis was 1380 nucleotides long and contained a nucleotide sequence identical to that of human placental inhibin alpha-subunit and isolated human inhibin alpha-subunit gene, but different from human ovarian inhibin alpha-subunit in two amino acids in the signal peptide. A single 1.5-kilobase species of inhibin alpha-subunit mRNA was identified in the testes of several species. This mRNA was the same size as those in human ovary and placenta. The regulation of inhibin alpha-subunit mRNA in rat testis was next examined. The concentration of testicular inhibin alpha-subunit mRNA peaked between 20-25 days of age and gradually declined thereafter. Hypophysectomy decreased testicular inhibin alpha-subunit mRNA levels. Supplementation of hypophysectomized animals with FSH restored inhibin alpha-subunit mRNA levels to those in intact controls. By contrast, treatment with testosterone had no effect. Similarly, in Sertoli cell-enriched cultures, FSH, but not testosterone, increased inhibin alpha-subunit mRNA levels. We conclude that 1) human testicular inhibin alpha-subunit mRNA is similar to that of human ovary and placenta; and 2) inhibin alpha-subunit mRNA in Sertoli cells is regulated by FSH, but not testosterone, both in vivo and in vitro.  相似文献   

Seasonal cycles in testicular activity in rams were monitored in groups of wild (mouflon), feral (Soay) and domesticated breeds of sheep (Shetland, Blackface, Herdwick, Norfolk, Wiltshire, Portland and Merino) living outdoors near Edinburgh (56 degrees N). The changes in the blood plasma concentrations of FSH, inhibin and testosterone, and the diameter of the testis were measured every half calendar month from 1 to 3 years of age. There were significant differences between breeds in the magnitude and timing of the seasonal reproductive cycle. In the mouflon rams, the seasonal changes were very pronounced with a 6-15-fold increase in the plasma concentrations of FSH, inhibin and testosterone from summer to autumn, and a late peak in testicular diameter in October. In the Soay rams and most of the domesticated breeds, the seasonal increase in the reproductive hormones occurred 1-2 months earlier with the peak in testicular size in September or October. In the two southern breeds (Portland and Merino), the early onset of testicular activity was more extreme with the seasonal maximum in August. In cross-bred rams, produced by mating Soay ewes (highly seasonal breed) with Portland or Merino rams (less seasonal breeds), there was a seasonal reproductive cycle that was intermediate compared to that of the parents. A comparison between all 11 breeds showed a significant correlation between the timing of the seasonal cycle in plasma FSH concentration and testicular diameter (time of peak FSH vs testis, r = 0.95). The overall results in the rams are consistent with a primary role of FSH in dictating the seasonal cycle in testicular size and the secretion of inhibin. The earlier seasonal onset in the testicular cycle in the southern breeds of domesticated sheep, and the differences from the wild type, are taken to represent the effects of genetic selection for a longer mating season.  相似文献   

After a single i.v. injection of purified human recombinant inhibin A (hr-inhibin) or bovine follicular fluid (bFF) to 3-day castrated 35-day-old male rats, serum FSH concentrations fell (P less than 0.05) between 4 and 8 h, returning to control concentrations by 16-24 h. Administration of graded doses of hr-inhibin (0.625-10 micrograms/100 g body wt) and bFF (31.3-250 microliters/100 g body wt) resulted in a parallel dose-related suppression of serum FSH with a maximum suppression 50% of controls. Similar experiments in 2-day ovariectomized 85-day-old female rats also showed a dose-related suppression with a maximum suppression approximately 30% of controls. Serum LH concentrations remained unchanged in all studies with male or female rats. The biological activity of hr-inhibin in vivo was determined for male and female rats in terms of a standard bFF preparation defined by an in-vitro bioassay based on the suppression of FSH content in rat pituitary cells in culture. In males hr-inhibin exhibited a biopotency of 407 (159:1050; fiducial limits) U/micrograms protein and in females the biopotency was 358 (226:565) U/micrograms protein. These potencies are lower than that measured in the in-vitro bioassay (1120 (1040:1210) U/micrograms protein) and differences between in-vivo and in-vitro systems were attributed to the use of bFF rather than a purified human inhibin preparation as standard. These results indicate that hr-inhibin behaves similarly in vivo to bFF. Furthermore, based on the large working range and relatively good precision, the female rat system provides a good basis for an inhibin in-vivo bioassay method.  相似文献   

In female mammals, inhibin is secreted by the granulosa cells and selectively inhibits secretion of FSH. Although circulating immunoreactive (ir)-inhibin levels decrease after ovulation as a result of the disappearance of its main source, they abruptly increase at the time of ovulation in mares. To investigate the mechanisms responsible for this increase, 50 ml of equine follicular fluid (eFF) was administered into the abdominal cavity of mares during the luteal phase (eFF, n = 4). One hour after treatment, plasma levels of ir-inhibin and inhibin pro-alphaC (but not estradiol-17beta) were significantly higher in eFF-treated mares than in control mares (n = 4). The hormone profiles in eFF-treated mares were similar to those in mares with the spontaneous or hCG induced ovulations. The present study demonstrates that the release of follicular fluid into the abdominal cavity when the follicle ruptures is responsible for the ovulatory inhibin surge in the mare. These findings also suggest that circulating inhibin pro-alphaC may be useful for determining the time of ovulation in the mare.  相似文献   

The release of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) and its alpha-subunit (hCG-alpha) from the normal human placenta and the effect of some stimulatory agents on their release were studied in vitro using a perfusion system. Each perfusate was assayed for hCG and hCG-alpha in its own homologous radioimmunoassay systems. Both hCG and hCG-alpha were released from the placenta at any stage of gestation in our perfusion system. Much more hCG than hCG-alpha was released from the placenta in early gestation. By comparison, however, hCG-alpha increased gradually with the gestational age. The amount of hCG-alpha released was almost equal to that of hCG in the placenta in the 17th gestational week. After the 22nd gestational week, hCG-alpha was released in larger quantities than hCG, and about 10 times more hCG-alpha than hCG was released from the term placenta. These results were also confirmed by gel filtration of perfusates on a Sephadex G-100 column. hCG-alpha, compared with hCG, was present in excess in gel filtrated perfusates in the last two trimesters. By adding 1 mM dibutyryl cyclic AMP to the perifusion medium, the release of both hCG and hCG-alpha was stimulated significantly. Synthetic luteinizing hormone releasing hormone (LH-RH) at concentrations of 10 ng/ml and 100 ng/ml had no effect, but at a high concentration (1 microgram/ml), LH-RH stimulated the release of them. Moreover, mouse epidermal growth factor (EGF) stimulated not only the release of hCG and hCG-alpha but also their production, because both hCG and hCG-alpha levels rose progressively with the time course in the presence of EGF. The present studies demonstrate that the perifusion system of chorionic tissues is a useful method for investigating the release of hCG and its subunits in vitro.  相似文献   

Inhibins and activins are implicated as endocrine regulators of follicle-stimulating hormone production and of testicular steroidogenesis and spermatogenesis in mammals. The potential involvement of these proteins in cockerels was investigated by measurement of circulating inhibin A, inhibin B, total inhibin alpha-subunit immunoreactivity (ir-alpha), activin A, LH, FSH, and testosterone from the juvenile state through to sexual maturity. Plasma inhibin A remained low between 6 to 12 wk of age and increased approximately threefold (P < 0.05) to a prepubertal peak between Weeks 14 to 18, followed by a gradual decline to the end of the study (Week 24). Although plasma FSH levels were not correlated to inhibin A before Week 16 (r = -0.17), they were negatively correlated from Week 18 (r = -0.49; P < 0.005). Inhibin B levels were below the assay detection limit until 16 wk of age but thereafter rose steadily in parallel with FSH (r = 0.27; P < 0.02) and testosterone (r = 0.35; P < 0.005). Thus, inhibins A and B showed divergent profiles during sexual maturation. Plasma ir-alpha levels were much higher than dimeric inhibin levels throughout, although the relative difference varied with age. Plasma activin A levels were below the assay detection at all times. Juvenile cockerels were actively immunized against a synthetic chicken inhibin alpha-subunit peptide conjugate to determine effects on plasma hormones and on testicular weight, morphology, and activin A content. Immunization generated circulating antibodies that bound (125)I-bovine 32-kDa inhibin but did not affect plasma FSH or testosterone levels at any stage of development. However, immunization reduced postpubertal plasma LH levels (P < 0.05) and promoted increased testicular weight (24%; P < 0.01) and total testicular activin A content (42%; P < 0.001) at 24 wk. Testis weight of immunized birds was positively correlated with inhibin antibody titer (r = 0.61; P < 0.05). Live weight gain was not affected by immunization. Morphometric analysis of testis sections showed that inhibin immunization had no effect on the fractional volume of the seminiferous tubule wall, seminiferous tubule lumen, or interstitial tissue area. Likewise, seminiferous tubule surface area and surface area:volume ratios were not different from controls. These findings support differential roles for inhibins A and B in regulating the pituitary-testicular axis during sexual maturation in the cockerel but highlight the need for more detailed studies to distinguish between potential endocrine and local intragonadal roles of inhibin-related peptides and to elucidate the mechanism by which immunization against inhibin alpha-subunit promotes testis enlargement without raising plasma FSH.  相似文献   

Primate and equine species are thought to be unique among mammals in synthesizing placental gonadotropin glycoprotein hormones. Human chorionic gonadotropin (CG) and equine pregnant mare's serum gonadotropin (PMSG) are produced in placenta by the specific activation of a glycoprotein hormone alpha-subunit gene and a corresponding beta-subunit gene. The evolutionary mechanisms for the apparently independent acquisition of tissue specificity were investigated by cloning the 5' flanking region of the equine alpha-subunit gene and comparing the DNA elements and trans-acting factors involved in placental expression. We find that though the equine gene is expressed and induced by cAMP, it does not contain the elements known to confer tissue-specific expression to the human gene, the cAMP response element (CRE) and the trophoblast-specific element (TSE), nor does it bind to the trans-acting factors CREB and TSEB. Instead, an additional factor (alpha-ACT) is found which binds to the equine and human, but not the murine, alpha-subunit genes in a region between the positions of the CRE and TSE and confers cAMP responsiveness.  相似文献   

C. Li  J.H. Xue  Z. Ma 《Theriogenology》2009,71(6):1011-1017
The objective was to investigate the feasibility of improving embryo yield in superovulated cows following insemination with sex-sorted semen by prior immunization against inhibin. Twenty-eight heifers were allocated into three groups: High (n = 10), Low (n = 10), and Control (n = 8). The High group received one primary (1 mg) and two booster (0.5 mg) vaccinations (28-d intervals) with a recombinant inhibin α-subunit in 1 mL of white oil adjuvant, whereas the Low group received half that dose, and the Control group received only adjuvant. After the last immunization, all heifers underwent a standard superovulation treatment (decreasing doses of pFSH for 4 d), followed by two AI with 2 × 106 sex-sorted semen after the onset of estrus. Inhibin-immunized heifers had higher (P < 0.01) plasma antibody titres, and an earlier onset of estrus (P < 0.05) than Control heifers. The total number of embryo/ova, transferable, and grade 1 embryos in the High group (15.4 ± 1.9, 5.7 ± 0.7, and 3.8 ± 1.0, respectively) was significantly greater than that of the Control group (9.1 ± 1.2, 3.1 ± 0.5, and 0.6 ± 0.2), but was intermediate (P > 0.05) in the Low group (13.0 ± 2.3, 4.4 ± 0.7, and 1.2 ± 0.3). There were no significant differences among groups in number of unfertilized ova and degenerated embryos. The High group also had higher (P > 0.05) plasma progesterone concentrations on the day of embryo collection. In conclusion, immunization against inhibin improved both embryo quantity and quality following superovulation and insemination with sex-sorted semen.  相似文献   

The study was conducted with the primary objective to establish the impact of simultaneously imposed multiple stressors (thermal, nutritional and walking) on various biological functions in Malpura rams. The study was conducted for a period of 45 days. Twenty adult Malpura rams (average BW 44.9 Kg) were used in the present study. The rams were divided into two groups, CON (n = 10; Control) and MS (n = 10; multiple stressors). Both body weight (p < 0.05) and body condition scoring (p < 0.01) were lower in MS compared with CON rams. All the scrotal measurements reduced significantly (p < 0.01) in MS rams. All the testicular measurements also reduced significantly (p < 0.01) in MS as compared to CON rams. The seminal attributes, individual motility (p < 0.05), rapid motility (p < 0.05) and curvilinear velocity (p < 0.05) were significantly reduced in CON rams. However, slowness (p < 0.05), linearity (p < 0.05) and straightness (p < 0.05) parameters significantly increased in MS as compared to CON rams. In addition, plasma testosterone concentration was lower (p < 0.05) in MS rams. The study established the impact of multiple stressors on growth and reproductive performance of Malpura rams. Further, the results revealed that the only semen quality was affected by multiple stressors, but the semen production remained intact between the groups, indicating the extreme adaptive capability of Malpura rams to hot semi-arid tropical environment.  相似文献   

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